Arora 2016
Arora 2016
Arora 2016
YojnaArora Dr Dinesh Goyal
PhD scholar Professor
Gyan Vihar School of Engineering & Technology Gyan Vihar School of Engineering & Technology
Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Rajasthan, India Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Rajasthan, India
Big Data concerns massive, heterogeneous, autonomous b) Semi structured data: Semi-structured data is the
sources with distributed and decentralized control [7] information that does not reside in tables but they posses
some properties which make them convertible into structured
Data sets that are growing exponentially and that are too data. These are the data coming from web server logs, XML
large, too raw or too unstructured for analysis using relational documents etc. Comparatively less organised than structured
database technique [8] data, they also make only 5-10% of data available.
226 2016 2nd 1nternational Conference on Contemporary Computing and 1nformatics (ic3i)
2016 2nd 1nternational Conference on Contemporary Computing and 1nformatics (ic3i) 227
Agent provides mobility
Sung HwanKim, Nam UK To extract relevant Attribute selection Maintain & protect The relevance between attributes
Kim and Tai Myoung Chung information from Big method in Data important attributes of data sets is really important
[31] Data Mining
Zibin Zheng, Jiernrning Zhu To study Big data Service - generated Quality metric & The quality of service oriented
and Michael R Lyu [32] analytics Big Data and Big security considered systems is enhanced
Data as service
Avita Katal, Mohammad To explain importance Hadoop Good practices followed Defmitions, Tools, issues &
Wazid and R H Goudar [33] of Big Data in modem for Big Data challenges related to Big Data are
world discussed
Marcus R. Wigan and Roger To explain various Consumer Profile Various applications of Big Data
Clarke [34] applications of Big Database, Loyality are explained
Data Cards, Social Media, --------
Yuri Demchenko, Paolo To study about the Scientific Data Life Relationship of SDLM SDLM is implemented which
Grosso andCees de Laat [35] impact of Big data on cycle Management with modem e Science helps in data management
modem and future Model
Scientific Data
Dan Garlasu and Oana To implement Big Grid Computing: A Grid Centre High storage capability & High
Grigoriu [36] Data Analytics kind of distributed Computing element processing power is achieved y
computing Storage Element using Grid computing system
Worker Node
Stephen Kaisler, Frank To explain various Storage, Management Big Data analytics Various issues, challenges and
Arrrnour, J. Alberto( [37] issues in Big Data & Processing framework and design factors that may lead to future data
methodology analyse are identified
Big Analytics
Fast Data
228 2016 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (ic3i)
A. Value afBig Data
Then Now
III. ISSUES IDENTIFIED IN BIG DATA PROCESSING about various Big Data analytics techniques. The paper ends
by mentioning a few important issues which can be
Issue 1: Working on data sampling methods which can help considered as future aspects for further research.
in reducing the volume of data for analysis
Issue 3: Not all the problems are map reducible, so [2] Sam Padden, "From database to Big Data,", in IEEE Computer
identifying the big data problems which are map reducible Society, 2012
Issue 4: To improve statistical and machine learning [3]Dan Garlasu, "Data Implementation Based on Grid Computing",
algorithms to be more robust
[4] Avita Katal, Mohammad Wazid and R H Goudar, "Big Data:
Issues, Challenges, Tools and good Practices", in IEEE 2013
Issue 5: Various technical issues which arise while
processing Big Data are Fault tolerance, Heterogeneity, [5] Seref Sagiroglu and Duygu Sinang, "Big Data A
Quality and scalability Review",IEEE,2013
Issue 6 : When classified in a broad way, Security, Data [6] Yuri Demchenko, Paolo Grosso andCees de Laat, "Addressing
Management and Sharing of big data as explained in [7] are Big Data Issues in Scientific Data Infrastructure", in IEEE 2013
the three major issues.
[7] Parth Chandarana and M Vijayalakshrni, "Big Data Analytics
Issue 7: Issues related to change of Technology and lack of Framework", in International Conference on Circuits, System,
appropriate people with analytical skills also needs Communication and Information Technology Applications",IEEE,
[8] Rich Adduci, Dave Blue and Guy Chiarello, "Big Data: Big
Issue 8 Maintaining the Quality of data extracted for decision Opportunities to create Business value", in EMC2
making is important. Some of the issues related to data
quality are mentioned in [38]. Also, [7] explains various [9] M. Schroeck, R. Shockley, J. Smart, D. Romero-Morales, and P.
inconsistencies found in data and its repair techniques. Tufano, Analytics: the real-world use of big data: how innovative
enterprises extract value from uncertain data, Executive Report,
Issue 9: Difficulties associated with analysis of ever IBM Institute for Business Value and Said Business School at the
increasing uustructured data are still pertaining. University of Oxford, 2012.
Issue 10: Data protection and Access control explained in [10] Parth Chandarana and M Vijayalakshrni, "Big Data Analytics
[31] are the security issues Framework", in International Conference on Circuits, System,
Communication and Information Technology Applications" ,IEEE,
Issue 11: Cost is also a major concern in dealing with Big
data [ll]Janusz Weilki, "Implementation of Big Data Concept in
organizations- possibilities, impediments and challenges",
proceeding of 2013 Federated conference on computer science and
information systems, pp985-989, IEEE, 2013
[12] Dr Venkateswara Reddy & MS. Arnina Salim, "A comparative
study of various clustering techniques on Big Data Sets using
Big Data has become the greatest assets in the current Apache Mahout", in 3,d MEC International Conference on Big Data
scenario. Handling it is a difficult task. This paper explains Smart City, IEEE, 2016
the definition and characteristics of Big Data along with Big
Data stack. It also includes a detailed comparative study
2016 2nd 1nternational Conference on Contemporary Computing and 1nformatics (ic3i) 229
[13] Prof R A Fadnavis & Sannudhi Tabhane, "Big Data [30] Youseef MEssa, "Mobile Agent Based New Framework for
Processing using Hadoop", in IJCSIT, Vol I, 2015 improving Big Data Analysis", in International Conference on
Cloud Computing and Big Data, IEEE, 2013
[14] Fatos Xhafa, Victor Naranjo and Sanfi Caballe, "A software
Chain approach to Big Data Stream Processing and Analytics", in [31] Sung Hwan Kim, Nam UK Kim and Tai Myoung Chung,
International Conference on Complex Intelligent and Software "Attribute Relationship Evaluation Methodology for Big Data
Intensive systems, IEEE 2015 Security", in IEEE, 2013
[15] Poonam Vashisht and Vishal Gupta, " Big Data Analytics [32] Zibin Zheng, Jiennning Zhu and Michael R Lyu, "Service
Techniques: A survey", in IEEE 2015. generated big data and big data as a service : An Overview", in
IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 2013
[16] Kyounghyun Park, Minh Chau Nguyen and Heesun Won, [33] Avita Katal, Mohammad Wazid and R H Goudar, "Big Data:
"Web based Collaborative Big Data Analytics on Big Data as a Issues, Challenges, Tools and good Practices", in IEEE 2013
service platform", in ICACT, July 2015
[34] Marcus R. Wigan and Roger Clarke. "Big Data's big
[17] Sruthika and Dr. N. Tajunisha, "A study on evolution of Data unintended consequences", in IEEE Computer Society, 2013
Analytics to Big Data Analytics & its research scope", in 2nd
International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded [35] Yuri Demchenko, Paolo Grosso andCees de Laat, "Addressing
and communication system, IEEE, 2015 Big Data Issues in Scientific Data Infrastructure", in IEEE 2013
[18] Bichitra Mandai, Ramesh Kumar Sahoo and Srinivas Sethi, [36] Dan Garlasu, "Data Implementation Based on Grid
"Architecture of efficient word processing using Hadoop for Big Computing"
Data Applications", in International Conference on Man and
Machine Interfaccing",IEEE 2015 [37] Stephen Kaisler, Frank Arrmour, J. Alberto," Big Data: Issues
and Challenges Moving Forward",46 th Hawaii International
[19] Parth Chandarana and M Vijayalakslnni, "Big Data Analytics Conference on System Science, IEEE,20 12
Framework", in International Conference on Circuits, System,
Communication and Information Technology Applications",IEEE, [38] Barna Saba and Divesh Srivastava, "Data Quality : The other
2014 face of Big Data", in IEEE, 2014
[20] Dawei Jiang, Gang Chen, Beng Chin ooi and Sai Wu", "epiC:
An extensible and scalable system for processing Big Data",
Proceeding ofVLDB Endowment, Vol 7, No.
[23] Xindong Wu, Xingquan Zhu, Gong Qing Wu and Wei Ding,
"Data Mining with Big Data", in IEEE transactions in knowledge
and data engineering, Vol 26, Number I, January 2014
[24] Barna Saha and Divesh Srivastava, "Data Quality: The other
face of Big Data", in IEEE, 2014
[29] Katharina Ebner, Thilo Buhnen and Nils Urbach, "Think Big
with Big Data: IdentifYing Suitable Big Data Strategies in Corporate
Environment", 47th Hawaii International Conference on System
Science", IEEE, 2014
230 2016 2nd 1nternational Conference on Contemporary Computing and 1nformatics (ic3i)