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Satellite Navigation & The Global Positioning System: Figure 1: GPS Block II-F Satellite

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The Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS) has revolutionized navigation and position
location. It is now the primary means of navigation for most ships and aircraft and is widely
used in surveying and many other applications. The GPS system, originally called
NAVSTAR, was developed as a military navigation system for guiding missiles, ships. And
aircraft to their targets. GPS satellites transmit L -band signals that are modulated by several
codes. The C/A (coarse acquisition) code was made available to the public in the mid -1980s.
The secure high accuracy P code allows authorized users (mainly military) to achieve
positioning accuracy of 3m. This was the accuracy that the military users wanted for targeting
smart bombs and cruise missiles, but such accuracies are also useful for auto -landing aircraft
in fog and for docking ships in bad weather.

The GPS system has been successful because it provides a direct readout of the
present position of a GPS receiver with a typical accuracy of 30 m. There are other position
location systems, such as LORAN, (a contraction of long range navigation) that can also
provide direct readout of position, but not with the accuracy and reliability of GPS. The
success of GPS is an excellent example of what satellites do best: broadcasting.

An unlimited number of GPS receivers can operate simultaneously because all that a
GPS receiver has to do to locate itself is to receive signals from four GPS satellites. The GPS
space segment consists of 24 satellites in medium earth orbit (MEO) at a nominal altitude of
20,200 km with an orbital inclination of 55°. The satellites are clustered in groups of four,
called constellations, with each constellation separated by 60° in longitude. The orbital period
is approximately one-half a sidereal day (11 h 58 min) so the same satellites appear in the
same position in the sky twice each day. The satellites carry station -keeping fuel and are
maintained in the required orbits by occasional station- keeping maneuvers, just like GEO
satellites. The orbits of the 24 GPS satellites ensure that at anytime, anywhere in the world, a
GPS receiver can pick up signals from at least four satellites. Up to 10 satellites may be
visible at some times, and more than four satellites are visible nearly all of the time.
Replacement satellites are launched as needed, so there may be more than 24 operational
GPS satellites at any given time.

Figure 1: GPS block II-F satellite

Figure.1 shows a GPS satellite. The satellites weigh 1877 kg at launch and have a design
lifetime of 10 years. In 2000, there were 30 GPS satellites in orbit, some of which it were
spares. Because GPS is an integral part of the defence of the United States, spare GPS
satellites are kept in orbit and more spares are ready for immediate launch. The GPS system
is operated by the U.S. Air Force from the GPS master control station (MCS) at Falcon Air
Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The MCS and a series of subsidiary control
stations around the globe continuously monitor all GPS satellites as they come into view and
determine the orbit of each satellite. The MCS and other stations calculate ephemeris data for
each satellite, atomic clock error, and numerous other parameters needed for the navigation

The data are then transmitted to the satellite using a secure S -band link and used to update
onboard data. There are five GPS monitor stations located in Hawaii, Colorado Springs,
Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean, Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and Kwajalein in
the Pacific Ocean'. The monitor stations have precise cesium time standards and make
continuous measurements of range to all visible satellites. These measurements are
performed every 1.5 s, and used to provide updates for the navigation messages.

The position of a GPS receiver is found by trilateration, which is one of the simplest and
most accurate methods of locating an unknown position. In trilateration, the distance of the
unknown point from three known points is measured. The intersection of the arcs
corresponding to three distances defines the unknown point relative to the known points,
since three measurements can be used to solve three equations to give the latitude, longitude,
and elevation of the receiver. The distance between a transmitter and a receiver can be found
by measuring the time it takes for a pulse of RF energy to travel between the two. The
distance is calculated using the velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space, which is
assumed to be equal the velocity of light, c, with c = 299,792,458 m/s. Time can be measured
electronically more accurately than any other parameter by the use of atomic clocks, and this
is how the GPS position location system can achieve a measurement accuracy of 1 m in a
distance of 20,000 km. To achieve a position location accuracy of 1 m, timing measurements
must have an accuracy better than 3 ns. This is possible with modern digital circuitry and a
great deal of averaging.

Each satellite carries several high accuracy atomic clocks and radiates a sequence of
bits that starts at a precisely known time. A GPS receiver contains a clock that is
synchronized in turn to the clock on each satellite that it is receiving. The receiver measures
the time delay of the arrival of the bit sequence, which is proportional to the distance between
the satellite and the GPS receiver. When the distance of a GPS receiver from three satellites
has been measured, the remaining piece of information that is required is the position of each
satellite. This is calculated in the GPS receiver using the ephemeris for the satellite orbits that
are broadcast by each satellite in its navigation message. Since the time at which the
transmitted bit sequence started is known at the receiver, the position of the satellite at that
time can be calculated from its orbital data. Making the calculation for four satellites provides
the receiver with sufficient information to determine its position with very good accuracy.
Four satellites, rather than three, are needed because the clock in the receiver is not inherently
accurate enough. The fourth distance measurement provides information from which clock
errors in the receiver can be corrected and the receiver clock synchronized to GPS time with
an accuracy better than 100 ns.

GPS satellites transmit two signals at different frequencies, known as L1 and L2. The
L2 signal is modulated with a 10.23 Mbps pseudorandom (PN) bit sequence called the P code
that is used by military positioning systems. The P code is transmitted in an encrypted form
known as the Y code, which restricts the use of the P code to authorized users.

The L1 frequency carrier is modulated by a 1.023 Mbps PN sequence called the C/A
code that is available for public use, and also carries the P code as a quadrature modulation.
The higher bit rate of the P code provides better measurement accuracy than the 1.023 Mbps
C/A code. C/A stands for coarse acquisition and P stands for precise.

GPS systems using the secure Y code require the C/A code as an intermediate step in making
distance measurements with high accuracy. The accuracy of C/A code receivers was
deliberately degraded some of the time by a process called selective availability(SA). SA
causes variations in the C/A code satellite transmissions that result in less accurate calculation
of position. SA was discontinued in May 2000, but can be reinstituted if the President of the
United States declares a National Emergency. The GPS system provides two categories of
service. The precise positioning service (PPS) receivers track both P code and C/A code on
L1 and L2 frequencies. The PPS is used mainly by military users, since the P code is
encrypted into the Y code before transmission and requires decryption equipment in the
receiver. Standard positioning service (S PS) receivers track the C/A code on L1. This is the
service that is used by the general public. The P(Y) and C/A codes transmitted by each
satellite create direct sequence spread spectrum signals which occupy the same frequency
bands. Both the C/A codes and the P codes are publicly available, but the P code cannot be
recovered in a GPS receiver without a knowledge of the Y code decryption algorithm. In this
discussion we will concentrate on the C/A code and its use in position location.

The former USSR built and operated a global navigation system that is very similar to GPS,
known in the West as Glonass for global navigation satellite system. Almost everything about
Glonass is similar to GPS except the multiple access technique. Glonass uses FDMA, with a
different transmit frequency at each satellite. The equivalents of the P code and C/A code can
be transmitted by Glonass satellites in RF bandwidths of 20 kHz and 2 kHz, so 100 satellites
can be accommodated in a bandwidth of 2 MHz. An FDMA receiver with 100 channels is
simpler than a CDMA receiver. A frequency synthesizer that can be tuned to the unique
frequency of each satellite is required, rather than the digital correlators that recover the GPS
signals in a CDMA receiver.

The European Union is considering building a similar satellite navigation system called
Galileo, scheduled for operation by 2008, to provide precise navigation signals without
dependence on the United States.
Prior to the development of radio, navigation was by compass and landmarks on land, and by
the sun and stars at sea. Neither technique provides high accuracy, and shipwrecks mused by
inaccurate navigation and foggy weather were a common occurrence. On land, people often
got lost in wilderness areas (and still do). Pilots of light aircraft, relying solely on a map and
landmarks, would get lost and run out of fuel before they found some- where to land. With a
GPS receiver and a map, it is impossible to get lost. GPS receivers we very popular with
airplane pilots, owners of sea -going boats, and wilderness hikers. The development of
aircraft that could fly above the clouds, and particularly the building of large numbers of
bomber aircraft in the 1930s, made radio navigation essential Military thinking after WWI,
and during WWII, placed high reliance on the ability bomber aircraft to win a war by
destroying the weapon manufacturing capability of the my. During WWII, the allies sent
1000 bomber aircraft at a time to targets in Germany, causing immense destruction to many
cities. The philosophy of mass destruction continued after WWII with the development of
nuclear bombs, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and cruise missiles. However,
bomber aircraft, ICBMs, and cruise missiles must their targets, so accurate navigation is an
essential part of each of these weapon sys- This demand for accurate targeting of airborne
weapons led to the development of However, the majority of GPS users are now civilian, and
the worldwide market for equipment is projected to be worth $25 B by 2005.

Commercial aircraft fly on federal airways using VOR (VHF omni range) beacons. airways
are 8 miles wide to allow for the angular accuracy of VOR measurements, which is better
than 4°. GPS will eventually replace VOR navigation, allowing aircraft to directly from point
of origin to destination, but the system of VCR beacons in the ted States is likely to remain
for many years as a backup to GPS.

GPS can provide a single navigation system with better accuracy and reliability than earlier
radio navigation aids. It can provide navigation of aircraft directly between air-instead of
indirectly via airways, while providing absolute position readout of latitude and longitude.
Differential GPS can be used instead of ILS to provide the required straight line in the sky for
an instrument approach to a runway, and can be linked to an pilot to provide automatic
landing of aircraft in zero visibility conditions. Ships can safely navigate and dock in
treacherous waters in bad weather by using differential GPS. Eventually, GPS will replace all
other means of navigation, although some may be retained as backup systems in case of
failure of the GPS receiver(s) or jamming of the signals.

GPS was preceded by an earlier satellite navigation system called Transit, built for U.S. Navy
for ship navigation, which achieved much lower accuracy and became obsolete when GPS
was introduced. Transit satellites were in low earth orbits and the system used the Doppler
shift observed at the receiver when a beacon signal was transmitted by the satellite. Because
of the high velocity of LEO satellites—about 7.5 km/s— their signals are significantly shifted
up in frequency when the satellite appears over the horizon with a component of velocity
toward the receiver. The Doppler shift falls to zero as the satellite passes the observer, and
then becomes negative as the satellite flies away.
Observation of the Doppler shift with time, which may need to be as long as 10 min, and a
knowledge of the satellite orbit, allows calculation of the receiver's position.

There was never a sufficient number of Transit satellites to provide continuous

position data, and the long time required to obtain an accurate position fix was a
disadvantage. A similar system called SARSAT, for search and rescue satellite, is used to
find emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) on aircraft that have crashed. Most general
aviation aircraft carry an ELT, which turns on at a frequency of 121.5 MHz when subjected to
high G forces, as might be experienced if the aircraft crashes. Certain LEO satellites carry
121.5 -MHz receivers that relay the signals to earth stations at rescue coordination centers. If
an aircraft ELT turns on, a SARSAT satellite will eventually fly by and relay a Doppler
shifted signal to the rescue station. Analysis of the Doppler shift over the observation period
provides information about the location of the ELT, but with an accuracy of only 1 or 2 km.
Almost 97% of ELT locations turn out to be false alarms—the ELT was dropped or
accidentally turned on. It seems probable that GPS and cellular phones or satellite phones will
eventually replace the SARSAT system.
The basic requirement of a satellite navigation system like GPS is that there must be
four satellites transmitting suitably coded signals from known positions. Three satellites are
required to provide the three distance measurements, and the fourth to remove receiver clock
error. Figure 12.2 shows the general arrangement of position location with GPS. The three
satellites provide distance information when the GPS receiver makes three measurements of
range, Ri, from the receiver to three known points. Each distance Ri can be thought of as the
radius of a sphere with a GPS satellite at its center. The receiver lies at the intersection of
three such spheres, with a satellite at the center of each sphere. Locally, at the receiver, the
spheres will appear to be planes since the radii of the spheres are very large. A basic principle
of geometry is that the intersection of three planes completely defines a point. Thus three
satellites, through measurement of their distances to the receiver, define the receiver location
close to the earth's surface. There is another point in outer space where the three spheres
intersect, but it is easily eliminated in the calculation process.

FIGURE-2:General arrangement of position locations with GPS. The aircraft must receive
signals from four GPS satellites to be able to determine its position.
Although the principles by which GPS locates a receiver are very simple, requiring
only the accurate Measurement of three ranges to three satellites implementing the
measurement with the required accuracy is quite complex. We will look first at the way in
which range is measured in a GPS receiver and then consider how to make the
measurements. Range is calculated from the time delay incurred by the satellite signal in
traveling from the satellite to the GPS receiver, using the known velocity of EM waves in
free space. To measure the time delay, we must know the precise instant at which the signal
was transmitted, and we must have a clock in the receiver that is synchronized to the clock on
the satellite.

GPS satellites each carry four atomic clocks which are calibrated against time standards in
the GPS control stations around the world. The result is GPS time, a time standard that is
available in every GPS satellite. The accuracy of an atomic clock is typically 1 part in 1011.
However, it is too expensive to include an atomic clock in most GPS receivers, so a standard
crystal oscillator with an accuracy of 1 in 105 or 1 in 106 is used instead. The receiver clock
is allowed to have an offset relative to the GPS satellite clocks, so when a time delay
measurement is made, the measurement will have an error caused by the clock offset.

For example, suppose the receiver clock has an offset of 10ms relative to GPS time. All
distance measurements will then have an error of 3000 km. Clearly, we must have a way to
remove the time error from the receiver clock before we can make accurate position
measurements. C/A code receivers can synchronize their internal clocks to GPS time within
170 ns, corresponding to a distance measurement uncertainty of 50m.Repeated measurements
and integration improve the position location error to well below 50 m.

It is surprisingly easy to remove the clock error, and this removal is one of the
strengths of GPS. All that is needed is a time measurement from a fourth satellite. We need
three time measurements to define the location of the receiver in the three unknown
coordinates x, y, and z. When we add a fourth time measurement we can solve the basic
position location equations for a fourth unknown, the receiver clock offset error τ. Thus the
four unknowns in the calculation of the location of the receiver are x, y, z, and τ.

Position Location in GPS

First, we will define the coordinates of the GPS receiver and the GPS satellites in a
rectangular coordinate system with its origin at the center of the earth. This is called the earth
centered earth fixed (ECEF) coordinate system, and is part of the WGS-84 description of the
earth. WGS-84 is an internationally agreed description of the earth's shape and parameters,
derived from observations in many countries 4. GPS receivers use the WGS-84 parameters to
calculate the orbits of the GPS satellites with the accuracy required for precise measurement
of the range to the satellites. The Z-axis of the coordinate system is directed through the
earth's North Pole and the X-and Y-axes are in the equatorial plane. The X-axis passes
through the Greenwich meridian—the line of zero longitude on the earth's surface, and the Y-
axis passes through the 90° east meridian. The ECEF coordinate system rotates with the
earth. The receiver coordinates are (Ux, Uy, Uz),and the four satellites have coordinates
(Xi, Yi, Zi), where I = 1, 2, 3, 4. There may be more than four satellite signals available, but
we use only four signals in a position calculation. The measured distance to satellite is called
a psuedorange, PR„ because it uses the internal clock of the receiver to make a timing
measurement that includes errors caused by receiver clock offset. The geometry of a GPS
measurement is illustrated in Figure-3.

FIGURE-3: Position location by measurement of the distance to three satellites. The GPS
receiver is located at point X, where three spheres with radii R1, R2, and R3 intersect. The
centers of the spheres are the three GPS satellites S1, S2, and S3. If the distances R,, R2, and
R3 are measured, the location of the point X can be uniquely defined.

Psuedorange, denoted as PR,, is measured from the propagation time delay Ti between the
satellite (number i) and the GPS receiver, assuming that EM waves travel with velocity c.

PRi = Ti x C

The distance R between two points A and B in a rectangular coordinate system is given by

The equations which relate pseudorange to time delay are called ranging equations:

Where τ is receiver clock error (offset, or bias).

The position of the satellite at the instant it sent the timing signal (which is actually the start
of a long sequence of bits) is obtained from ephemeris data transmitted along with the timing
signals. Each satellite sends out a data stream that includes ephemeris data for itself and the
adjacent satellites. The receiver calculates the coordinates of the satellite relative to the center
of the earth, (XiYi,Zi), and then solves the four ranging equations for the four unknowns
using standard numerical techniques for the solution of nonlinear simultaneous equations.
(The equations are nonlinear because of the squared terms.)

The four unknowns are the location of the GPS receiver, (Ux,Uy,Uz), relative to the center of
the earth and the clock offset τ –called clock bias in GPS terminology. The receiver position
is then referenced to the surface of the earth, and can be displayed in latitude, longitude, and
elevation. Typical accuracy for a low-cost GPS receiver using the GPS C/A code is 30 m
defined as a 2DRMS error. The term DRMS means the distance root mean square error of the
measured position relative to the true position of the receiver. If the measurement errors are
Gaussian distributed, as is often the case. 68% of the measured position results will be within
a distance of 1DRMS from the true location and 95% of the results will be within 2DRMS of
the true location. Accuracy in GPS measurements is usually defined in terms of 2DRMS, in
the horizontal or vertical plane.

In practice, the error surface that encloses 68 or 95% of all measurements is not a circle but
an ellipse, and the error in any dimension is affected by several dilution of precision (DOP)
factors. DOP is discussed later in this chapter. The U.S. Department of Defense has the
ability to degrade the position measurement accuracy of C/A code receivers by applying
selective availability (SA). SA exists to allow the accuracy of C/A code receivers to be
degraded in the event of a national emergency (i.e., enemy action) affecting the United States
and was applied to the C/A signals most of the time until May2000. SA was switched off on
May 1, 2000, and will not be used again unless the security of the United States is threatened.
With SA off, the' accuracy of GPS position measurements with the C/A code increased
dramatically, particularly in the vertical dimension. Variation in elevation readout of a typical
C/A code receiver with SA on could be as large as 200 m. With SA off, the variation may be
as small as 10 m.

Selective availability and atmospheric propagation effects (tropospheric and ionospheric) all
cause errors in the timing measurements made by a GPS receiver, leading to position location
errors. The atmosphere and the ionosphere introduce timing errors because the propagation
velocity of the GPS signals deviates from the assumed free space value. The errors can be
largely removed if a number of GPS reference stations are built at precisely known locations.
The stations observe the GPS signals and compute the current error in position as calculated
from GPS data. This information can then be broadcast to all GPS users as a set of
corrections to be applied to GPS measurements. The system is called a wide area
augmentation system(WAAS).

A network of 24 WAAS stations built in North America for the U.S. Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) provides aircraft with improved position measurement accuracy.
Using WAAS, accuracies of a few meters can be obtained with C/A code receivers. In the
event of a national emergency, WAAS would be switched off to prevent enemies using GPS
for accurate targeting of weapons. WAAS also includes an integrity monitoring system to
ensure that the GPS signals used by aircraft do not contain errors which could cause false
readings. WAAS is required to send a warning of possible errors within 5.6 s if a problem is
detected with any GPS satellite signal.

Similarly, a single reference station at a known location—for example, an airport— can

determine the local measurement error in GPS and broadcast this information to GPS users so
that greater accuracy can be obtained with a C/A code receiver. This is one (simple) form of
differential GPS (DGPS). More complex forms of differential GPS use a reference station which
transmits the signals received from each GPS satellite so that phase comparisons can be made by
the receiver. With lengthy integration times and a sophisticated phase comparison receiver,
differential GPS accuracies of 1 cm can be obtained. With DGPS, the receiver computes its
position relative to the reference station rather than in latitude and longitude. Differential GPS is
used when a vehicle needs to be positioned accurately with respect to a fixed point, such as an
aircraft with respect to a runway or a ship with respect to a berth.

GPS Time

The clock bias value T which is found as part of the position location calculation process can
be added to the GPS receiver clock time to yield a time measurement that is synchronized to
the GPS time standard. The crystal oscillator used in the GPS receiver is highly stable over a
period of a few seconds, but will have a frequency which changes with temperature and with
time. Temperature changes cause the quartz crystal that is the frequency determining element
of a crystal oscillator to expand or contract, and this changes the oscillator frequency.

Crystals also age, which causes the frequency to change with time. The changes are very
small, but sufficient to cause errors in the clock time at the receiver when the clock is not
synchronized to a satellite. Calculating the clock bias by solving ranging equations allows the
receiver clock time to be updated every second or two so that the GPS receiver time readout
is identical to GPS time.

Every GPS receiver is automatically synchronized to every other GPS receiver any- where in
the world through GPS time. This makes every GPS receiver a super clock, which knows
time more accurately than any other time standard. Prior to the widespread use of GPS
receivers, standard time transmissions were broadcast by the U.S. National Institute of
Science and Technology (NIST, formerly the Bureau of Standards). The broadcasts were
made in the HF (shortwave) band, and could be received throughout the United States.
However, the HF signals propagate over long distance by reflection from the ionosphere,
which introduces an uncertain delay into the time of arrival of the signal. The time standard
provided by GPS is typically accurate to better than 170 ns, and has been used to synchronize
electric power generators across the United States, for scientific applications that require
synchronized clocks in different locations, and as a long-term frequency standard.

The time standard on board each GPS satellite consists of two cesium clocks plus two
rubidium clocks (atomic clocks). An atomic clock uses the fundamental resonance of the
cesium or rubidium molecule as a frequency reference to lock a crystal oscillator. In the GPS
satellites, the master oscillator is at 10.23 MHz; all code rates, the Li, and the L2 RF
frequencies are multiples or submultiples of 10.23 MHz. The atomic clocks are updated by
the controlling ground stations to keep them within 1 As of Universal Time Coordinated
(UTC), and the navigation message broadcast by each satellite contains information about its
current clock errors relative to GPS time. (UTC is a worldwide time standard. Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT) is equal to UTC.)


GPS satellites transmit using pseudorandom sequence (PN) codes. All satellites transmit a
C/A code at the same carrier frequency, 1575.42 MHz, called Li, using BPSK modulation.
The Li frequency is 154 times the master clock frequency of 10.23 MHz. The C/A code has a
clock rate of 1.023 MHz and the C/A code sequence has 1023 bits, so the PN sequence lasts
exactly 1.0 ms. The exact values of the frequencies are about 0.005 Hz lower than stated here
to allow for relativistic effects caused by the high velocity of the satellites in their orbits
(3.865 km/s). (GPS measurements are one of the few examples where relativistic effects must
be taken into account, because the clocks are mounted on platforms moving at very high
speeds.) The P code is transmitted using BPSK modulation at the L2 carrier frequency of
1227.6 MHz (120 X 10.23 MHz), and is also transmitted with BPSK modulation on the Li
carrier frequency, in phase quadrature with the C/A code BPSK modulation. Figure 12.4
shows the way in which the Li and L2 signals are generated on board a GPS satellite. The
C/A and P code transmissions from all GPS satellites are overlaid in the Li and L2 frequency
bands, making GPS a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS -SS) system.

FIGURE-Signal generation in a GPS satellite.

The receiver separates signals from individual GPS satellites using knowledge of the unique
C/A code that is allocated to each satellite. At most, 12 GPS satellites can be seen by a
receiver at any one time, so the coding gain in the spread spectrum receiver must be sufficient
to overcome the interference created By 11 unwanted signals while recovering the twelfth
wanted signal.
The C/A Code
The C/A codes transmitted by GPS satellites are all 1023 bit Gold codes. GPS C/A Gold
codes are formed from two 1023 bit in -sequences, called G1 and G2, by multi- plying
together the G1 and G2 sequences with different time offsets. An m -sequence is a maximum
length pseudorandom (PN) sequence, which is easy to generate with a shift register and
feedback taps. A shift register with n stages can generate a PN sequence 2 — 1 bits in length.
The bit pattern is set by the feedback taps and combining logic of the shift register. The PN
sequences G1 and G2 are both generated by 10 -bit shift registers and are therefore both 1023
bits long. The clock rate for the C/A code is 1.023 MHz, so each sequence lasts 1.0 ms.
Figure 12.5 shows a generator diagram for the C/A code.

The C/A code for a particular satellite is created with an algorithm that includes the
identification number of the GPS satellite, thus creating a unique code for each satellite_ The
satellite with ID number i has a C/A code sequence Ci (t)

Ci (t) = G1(t) x G2(t + 10iTc) (12.4)

where T c= clock period for the C/A code.

There are 64 Gold sequences available for satellites numbered 1 through 64. A total of
100 Gold sequences can be created using the algorithm in Eq. (12.4), but not all the
sequences have sufficiently low cross -correlation properties, and reference 4 states that 37
are actually used in the GPS system. Low cross -correlation of the sequences is a requirement
because the GPS receiver can pick up signals from as many as 12 satellites at the same time.

FIGURE- C/A code generator.

A correlator in the receiver looks for one of the sequences and must reject all other sequences
that are present. Two C/A code sequences with zero cross -correlation would achieve a
rejection ratio of 1023, but the 64 available C/A code sequences will not all have zero cross -
correlation. The selected group of 37 are the sequences with the lowest levels of cross -
correlation among the available set of 100 Gold code sequences. They also have low
autocorrelation time sidelobes, another requirement of direct sequence spread spectrum
The C/A code sequence length of 1.000 ms gives range ambiguity of 300 km, since
the code travels at a velocity of approximately 3 x 10 m/s and therefore has a length in space
of 3x10 m. The entire C/A code sequence repeats in space every 300 km, leading to
ambiguity of position only if the GPS receiver is in outer space, The ambiguity easily
resolved if the receiver knows roughly where it is; just knowing that the receiver is located
close to the earth's surface is usually sufficient. The user can enter the approximate location
of the GPS receiver when it is first switched on to help resolve any ambiguities quickly.
The above figure shows a simplified block diagram of a C/A code GPS receiver. The
antenna is typically a circularly polarized patch antenna with an LNA mounted on the printed
circuit board. A conventional superhet receiver is used to generate an IF signal in a
bandwidth of about 2 MHz, which is sampled using / and Q sampling techniques and
processed digitally. The digital portion of the receiver includes a C/A code generator, a
correlator, and a microprocessor that makes the timing measurements and calculates the
receiver's position. Most GPS receivers make use of a 12 -channel IC chip set that can be
purchased for about $25.00 (Year 2000 prices).

FIGURE -Simplified GPS receiver.


The GPS receiver must find the starting time of the unique C/A code for each of four
satellites. This is done by correlating the received signal with stored C/A codes, as in any
direct sequence spread spectrum system. (See Chapter 6 for details of this process.) Usually,
the receiver will automatically select the four strongest signals and correlate to those. If the
geometry of the strongest satellites is poor, that is, the satellites are close together and have
pseudoranges that are nearly equal, the receiver may also use several weaker signals. If the
receiver is making a cold start, with no information about the current position of GPS
satellites, or its own location, it must search all 37 possible C/A codes until it can correlate
with one. Once correlation is obtained, the data stream (called the navigation message) from
that satellite can be read by the receiver. The data stream contains information about the
adjacent satellites, so once one signal is correlated, the receiver no longer needs to search
through all the other 36 possible codes to find the next satellite; it can go directly to the
correct code. Searching all 36 C/A codes of 1023 bits for correlation can be a slow process.
In the worst case, 36 codes might have to be searched before a correlation could be obtained.
However, available satellites in 2000 all had numbers between 13 and 455, so, on average, 16
codes might have to be searched before correlation is successful.

A direct sequence spread spectrum receiver locks to a given code by matching the locally
generated code to the code received from the wanted satellite. Since the start time of the code
transmitted by the satellite is not known when the receiver commences the locking process,
an arbitrary start point must be selected. The locally generated code is compared to the
received code, bit by bit, through all 1023 bits of the sequence, until either lock is found, or
the receiver concludes that this is not the correct code for the satellite signal it is receiving.

If the starting time for the locally generated code was not selected correctly,
correlation will not be obtained immediately. (This will occur with a probability of 99.9%
when the timing of the locally generated sequence is selected at random.) The locally
generated code is then moved forward one bit in time, and correlation is attempted again. The
process is continued 1023 times until all possible starting times for the locally generated code
have been tried. If the satellite with that particular C/A code is not visible, no correlation will
occur and lock will not be achieved. It takes a minimum of 1 s to search all 1023 bit positions
of a 1023 bit C/A code, so in a typical case, it will take at least 15 s to acquire the first
satellite. Many receivers search for a given C/A code several times before moving to the next
code, so several minutes may elapse before the correct C/A code is found, given no other
information. Once one C/A code is found, the remaining satellites can then be acquired in a
few seconds because their IDs are known from the data transmitted in the navigation message
of each satellite.

Although it takes only 20 s on average to lock to the C/A code of one satellite, the
receiver must find the Doppler frequency offset for at least one satellite before correlation can
occur. The receiver bandwidth is matched to the bandwidth of the C/A code. The theoretical
noise bandwidth of the C/A code receiver is 1.023 MHz and the velocity of the satellites is
3.865 km/s. The angle between the spacecraft velocity vector and a receiver on earth is 76.10
when a GPS satellite is at the horizon, so the maximum velocity component toward a receiver
is 2), = 928 in/s, giving a maximum Doppler shift in the Li signal of vr /A = 4.872 kHz,
ignoring the effect of earth rotation. Allowing the satellite to reach an elevation angle of 5°
before it is used for a position measurement limits the Doppler shift that must be
accommodated by the receiver to - ±4 kHz_ From a cold start, the receiver must try eight
Doppler frequency shifts of up to - ±4 kHz in 13Hz steps when searching for the signal from
a satellite. This can increase the acquisition time of the first satellite to several minutes.
Figure below illustrates the search process. There are eight possible Doppler shifts for each
signal, and 1023 possible code positions, giving 8184 possible signal states that must be
Once any of the GPS satellites has been acquired, the navigation message provides sufficient
information about the adjacent satellites for the remaining visible satellites to be acquired
quickly. The receiver may need to search in Doppler shift because the position of the receiver
relative to the satellites is not known, but their C/A codes are. The GPS receiver retains the
information from the navigation message when switched off, and it also runs its internal
clock. When next switched on, the receiver will assume that its position is close to its last
known position when it was switched off, calculate which satellites should be visible, and
search for those first. This greatly speeds up the acquisition process. If the receiver has been
moved a large distance while turned off, a cold start may be needed.

FIGURE-Code synchronization and doppler tracking matrix

The correlation process described above assumes that each satellite is acquired
sequentially. Some lower cost GPS receivers use sequential acquisition of the satellites, and
also make timing measurements sequentially, one satellite at a time. More sophisticated
receivers have parallel correlators which can search for and acquire satellites in parallel.
Twelve parallel correlators guarantee that all visible GPS satellites will be acquired, and
start-up time is much shorter than with sequential acquisition. Accuracy is also better with
parallel processing of the signals.
Integrity monitoring of the GPS position measurement is possible by using a fifth
satellite to recalculate the receiver position. With five satellite signals there are five possible
ways to select four pseudoranges to use in the ranging equations, leading to five calculations
of position. If there is disagreement between the results, one bad measurement can be
eliminated. If more than one result disagrees with the others, the integrity of the
measurements is compromised. GPS receivers used for navigation of aircraft in instrument
meteorological conditions (IMC, in the clouds) and for instrument landings are required to
have integrity monitoring to guard against receiver or satellite failures and interference with
or jamming of GPS signals.
The P code for the ith satellite is generated in a similar way to the C/A code. The
algorithm is
Pi(t) = X1(t) + X2(t +iTc) (12.5)
where T c is the period of the X1 sequence, which contains 15,345,000 bits and repeats every
1.5 s. The X2 sequence is 37 bits longer. The P code repeats after 266.4 days, but is changed
every 7 days for security reasons. The long length of the P code sequence makes the distance
measurements unambiguous. P code sequences cannot be acquired easily because they do not
repeat, a deliberate feature to prevent unauthorized users from operating high accuracy GPS
receivers. The C7A code provides information to authorized users on the starting time of the
P code; this is contained in the navigation message as an encrypted handover word. If the
current feedback tap settings for the P code generators are known, and the handover word is
decrypted, the receiver can start the local X Code generators close to the correct point in the
P code sequence. This allows rapid acquisition of the P code, and is the origin of the name
coarse acquisition for the C/A code.
A key feature of the GPS C/A code is the navigation message. The navigation message
contains a large amount of information that is used by GPS receivers to optimize the
acquisition of satellite signals and calculate position. The navigation message is sent at 50 bps
by BPSK modulation of the C/A and P codes. Effectively, 20 C/A code sequences form one
navigation message bit. The phase of the 20 sequences is inverted between the 1 and 0 bits of
the message by modulo -2 addition of the navigation message data to the C/A and P code
sequences. The navigation signal is extracted by a 50 -bps BPSK demodulator that follows
the C/A or P code correlator. The narrow bandwidth of the navigation message ensures a high
S/N ratio at the demodulator input and correspondingly low probability of

bit errors in the navigation message. Satellites with elevation angles above 10 will typically
give a S/N ratio of greater than 17 dB at the output of the correlator. The complete navigation
message is 1500 bits, sent as a 30-s frame with 5 subframes. However, some information is
contained in a sequence of frames, and the complete data set requires 12.5 min for
transmission. The most important elements of the message are repeated in every frame. The
subframes contain the satellite's clock time data, orbital ephemeris for the satellite and its
neighbors, and various correction factors. Details of the subframes are given in Table 12.1.
The calculation of position in a GPS receiver requires very accurate knowledge of the
location of the satellite at the time that the measurements of pseudoranges are made. If the
pseudorange is measured to an accuracy of 2.4 m, we must know the satellite position to an
even greater accuracy, and that requires very accurate calculation of the GPS satellite orbits.
By comparison, the orbit of a communication satellite does not need to be known to the same
level of accuracy. As described in Chapter 2, the GPS system uses modified WGS-84 data to
define the earth's radius, Kepler's constant, and the earth's rotational rate. Data on the speed of
EM waves is taken from the International Astronomical Union. The WGS-84 data set also
includes a very detailed description of the earth's gravitational field, which is essential for
precise location of the satellites in their orbits. All of these parameters and corrections are
stored in every GPS receiver, and used in calculating position.


GPS receiver antennas have low gain because they must be omnidirectional. We will assume
a worst -case gain of G = 0 dB, corresponding to an isotropic antenna. In practice, G> 0 dB in
many directions, but may fall to 0 dB in some directions. The omnidirectional antenna picks
up radiated noise from the environment, making the antenna temperature close to 273 K.
LNA temperatures can be as low as 25 K, so a system noise temperature of 273 K will be
used as a typical value. Typical GPS antennas are circularly polarized patches or quadrafilar
helices that have carefully shaped patterns that cut off quickly below 10° elevation to
minimize noise pick up from the ground. The LNA is mounted directly below or behind the
antenna to avoid the increase in noise temperature caused by lossy antenna cables.
GPS satellites have an array of helical antennas that provide gain toward the earth,
and 10 W transmitters, leading to EIRP values in the range 19 to 27 dBW. The C/A code
transmitted by the satellite is a direct sequence spread spectrum signal, so the C/N ratio in the
C/A code's RF bandwidth will be less than 0 dB. This is typical of systems that use direct
sequence spread spectrum signals. The low C/N ratio of the spread spectrum signal is
converted to a usable S/N by correlation of the code sequences, which adds a despreading
(processing) gain to the C/N ratio. The theoretical processing gain of a direct sequence spread
spectrum signal is equal to the ratio of the chip rate to the bit rate in the spreading sequence,
but losses in the correlation process always make practical gains a little lower. For the C/A
code transmitted at 1.023 Mbps and a 1 -ms correlation time, the theoretical processing gain
is 1023, or 30.1 dB. The corresponding processing gain for the P code is 40.1 dB.

The GPS receiver can pick up signals from up to 10 satellites at the same time. The
RF energy from the satellite spread spectrum transmissions adds to the noise in the receiver
as an interference term, I. For simplicity, in the following analysis we will assume that there
are 10 GPS satellites visible, that there are 9 interfering satellites generating random signals
(noise) out of which the receiver must extract the 10th signal, and that all the received signals
are of equal strength. The signals from interfering satellites are treated as random noise
because the Gold codes that they transmit have very low cross –correlation with the code
from the wanted satellite. Noise has zero cross -correlation with the wanted signal, and the
Gold codes used by GPS satellites are chosen because they closely approximate noise.
Nine interfering GPS satellites represents a worst case; in practice the number of
visible satellites varies between four and ten, and the signal strengths also vary depending on
the elevation angle of the satellite and the antenna pattern at the receiver. The worst case is
actually when a weak signal from a satellite at a low elevation angle must be extracted from
stronger signals from satellites at higher elevation angles. GPS receivers automatically select
the strongest signals for processing so that the worst case can be avoided, but if the sky is
partially blocked by obstructions, a weak signal may have to be used.

The position location process requires an accurate measurement of the time of arrival of the
code sequence at the receiver. The output of the C/A code correlator is a 1 kts wide pulse that
repeats every millisecond. The accuracy with which a timing measurement can be made on a
single pulse is given by the approximate

Where St is the rms timing error, Bn, is the noise bandwidth of the RF channel, and S/N ratio
is the signal-to-noise power ratio (not in dB) for the pulse in the noise bandwidth Bn.

The S/N ratio after the correlator is

S/N = C/N + Gp — losses (12.8)
Where Gp is the correlator processing gain. For the C/A code Gp = 1023 = 30.1 dB and

S/N = —19.3 + 30.1 dB — losses

= 11.7 dB — losses
If we assume the specification value for S/N of 11.7 dB and losses of 1.7 dB, S/N = 10 dB, a
power ratio of 10. The theoretical noise bandwidth of the correlator is = 1 MHz (IF noise
bandwidth) so

A typical GPS receiver will update the display no more than twice a second, so the pulses
from the correlator can be averaged over a period of half a second, which will decrease the
rms error by V500 = 22.4 to an rms value of 14 ns, assuming randomly distributed errors.
The 14 ns rms timing error translates to an rms distance error of 4.2 m. However, four
distance measurements are needed to obtain a position measurement, so with no other errors
accounted for, the basic position measurement accuracy of the C/A code receiver is about 8.4
m (4.2 x Vi) measured as an rms value. A higher C/N ratio in the receiver will improve the
accuracy, but other errors, discussed later in Section 12.10, will lower the accuracy.
The accuracy achieved by commercial C/A code GPS receivers was better than
expected by the designers of the GPS system. Military strategists became concerned that C/A
code GPS receivers could be used to target weapons against the United States with
considerable accuracy. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) introduces selective
availability (SA), a scheme to deliberately degrade the accuracy of C/A code receivers by
varying some of the parameters of the GPS satellites. Selective availability was switched off
on May 1, 2000, and will be turned on only if the security of the United States is threatened.


A C/A code GPS receiver must be able to correlate signals from at least four satellites.
Calculate time delays, read the Navigation message, calculate the Orbits of the GPS satellites,
and calculate position from pseudoranges. The key to accurate position determination is accuracy
in the timing of the arrival of the Gold code sequences from each satellite in view. All GPS
receivers use a microprocessor to make the required calculations and to control the display of
data. There are many different ways that this can be done, depending on the application for which
the receiver is intended. The tasks of the microprocessor will not be considered here—it is
assumed that once accurate timing data is available and the navigation Message read that the
microprocessor can complete Its required tasks.

Most C/A code GPS receivers use an IC chip set that contains 12 parallel correlators.
This allows the receiver to process signals from up to 12 satellites at the same time. Which
helps keep all the signals synchronized? Some simpler receivers use a single correlator and
process four satellite signals sequentially, with consequent lower accuracy. The received GPS
signals are converted to a suitable IF frequency in the front end of the receiver, and then
processed to recover the C/A codes. In more recent GPS receivers, much or all of the signal
processing is done digitally using DSP techniques. The explanation of the signal processing
techniques used in GPS receivers that follows is based on block diagrams that can be
implemented in analog or digital form. The blocks presented in this discussion are those that
would be found in an analog receiver. Most GPS receivers implement them using digital
signal processing techniques (DSP). We will start the analysis by considering the signal
received from the satellite at the output of the IF stage of the receiver.
The IF signal in the GPS receiver will consist of the sum of a number (up to 12) of
signals from visible GPS satellites. The IF carrier signal has several BPSK modulations
applied to it by the satellite, and when received on earth has been Doppler shifted by satellite
and earth motion. The IF signal from N GPS satellites in view is
The key to successful measurements in a GPS C/A code receiver is to generate a
signal in the receiver that is identical to the signal received from satellite i, but without the
navigation data that is modulated onto the transmitted signal. When the correct signal is
generated in the receiver it has the correct C/A code for satellite i, the code has the correct
starting delay, and the correct Doppler shift has been applied. The locally generated signal is
multiplied by the received signal, which contains several other signals from visible GPS
satellites, and the output is integrated over the C/A code length of 1ms. The result is a
constant output for a period of 20 ms, corresponding to duration of a navigation data bit. The
precise matching of the locally generated signals to due received signals from four visible
GPS satellites ensures that the local receiver's dip docks and C/A code generators are exactly
in sync with the received signals. When this condition is achieved, the start time of each C/A
code sequence and the corresponding chip clock transition provide the high accuracy time
marker that makes GPS time delay measurement possible.
The receiver must measure φi(li) in Eq. (12.10) as a time delay in order to obtain the
pseudorange for each of the N satellites in view, and it most recover the C i(t) Modulation by
correlation. The Di(t) modulation contains the navigation message as a 50 bps BPSK
modulation of the Ci(t) signal. Both the C(t) And D(t) signals are modulated onto the carrier
of the satellite signal by binary phase shift keying and therefore have values ± -1.
Demodulation of BPSK signals requires a locally generated carrier which is locked to the
phase of the received carrier, and recovery of the data signal requires a bit clock that is locked
to the bit rate of the received signal.

The wanted signal is buried below the receiver noise and CDMA interference. We must
multiply the signal and noise by the wanted C/A code sequence to despread the signal and to
bring it above the noise. The nominal bandwidth of the signal is 1 kHz after the correlator,
since the 1023 bit sequence of the C/A code repeats every millisecond. However, the IF
carrier can be shifted in frequency by up to 4 kHz because at Doppler effects. The receiver
must therefore first search in Doppler frequency space—eight 1 kHz frequency offset steps—
until a signal is found. This is done as part of die signal acquisition process by incrementing
the frequency of the locally generated carrier in 1 kHz steps.
Part of a typical receiver structure for the GPS C/A code is shown in Figure 12.8. The
function of the non -coherent delay lock loop is to set the frequency of the voltage controlled
oscillator (VCO) in the receiver to match C/A code rate of the received signal, and to align
the received chip transitions correctly. GPS satellites generate all their signals from a master
clock, which means that there is phase coherence between the chips, the codes and the RF
frequencies of all GPS signals from a particular satellite. The delay lock loop shown in
Figure 12.8 takes advantage of the coherent nature of the GPS C/A signals, so that the VCO
becomes both a time reference for the C/A code signals and also the chip clock. The PN code
generator in Figure 12.8 must be set to the correct code, and its start time must also be set
correctly, for the loop to lock_ When the IF C/A code in the receiver is correctly generated
and has the correct frequency and timing, it will exactly match the received C/A code at the
input to the delay lock loop.
The delay lock loop has three paths: punctual, early (half chip ahead), late (half chip
behind). The delay lock loop steers the chip clock so that the punctual output can be used to
drive the C/A code generator. The C/A code chip rate is generated by the VCO. The
incremental process of trial and error which eventually finds the correct sequence and timing
was described above. The early -late channels in the delay lock loop generate output signals
winch steer the phase of the VCO so that the navigation message is recovered correctly.

FIGURE 12.8;Noncoherent code lock loop and navigation message recovery. VCO, voltage
controlled oscillator.

The locally generated carrier that is used to demodulate the C(t) signal must be
Doppler shifted to match the Doppler offset of the received signal, and modulated with the
correct C/A code sequence, starting at the correct time. The correct Doppler shift, code
sequence, and start time are all unknown when the receiver is first switched on. The signal is
buried below the noise, so it is not possible to determine the correct parameters by direct
analysis of the received signal. The receiver must therefore be designed to search all possible
Doppler shifts, code sequences, and code start times until an output is obtained from the
correlator indicating that a satellite signal has been found. Once one GPS satellite signal has
been found, information contained in the navigation message can be used to steer the receiver
to the parameters needed to acquire the other visible satellites. If the receiver is turned off and
then turned on again, the microprocessor memory has the last known satellite configuration
stored, and can derive expected signal parameters by allowing for the time for which the
receiver was off.
The output of the C/A code correlator with Doppler corrected IF frequency for the satellite
signal with code number M is
where R(τm — τ) is the autocorrelation function of the wanted code number M, and n(t) is
the output from cross -correlation with all other codes.
The time shift (tm — τ) to the correlation peak is the wanted measurement that provides the
pseudorange to the satellite. The output of the correlator is a despread signal at baseband,
which is modulated with the 50 bps navigation message. With the C/A code remo.ved,by the
correlation process, it is a straightforward process to demodulate the navigation message D.
Passing this signal through a narrow bandwidth bandpass filter improves the S/N ratio and
ensures that the message is recovered without errors. The IF carrier is recovered with a
special type of phased locked loop (PLL) called a Costas loop. A Costas loop compensates
for the arbitrary phase of the received signal.

The despread IF carrier is BPSK modulated by the navigation message Dm(t)

The IF carrier signal is limited to remove any amplitude variations, which sets A, = 1. Then

The navigation message D(t) is recovered by multiplying the IF signal y'(t) by sin[ωm(t) –
φ’m] And low pass filtering to obtain the 50 bps signal. The reference carrier for the BPSK
demodulator can be derived from the output of the Costas loop. The demodulated message
signal is z(t) where

Provided that the correlation peak of z(t) crosses the threshold and n'(t) doesn't, we can
recover the data message Dm(t) correctly. If everything works correctly in the receiver, the
S/N of the signal y' (t) is at least 17 dB, so there will be no bit errors. Even if a bit error
occurs in the navigation message, it is removed when the next message is received about 30 s

Figure 12.9 shows a Costas loop which is often used as the demodulator for low speed BPSK
signals such as the 50 bps GPS navigation message. The loop has an I channel and a Q
channel driven by a VCO. The VCO frequency is set by the sum of the outputs from the I and
Q channel detectors, which steers the VCO phase such that the I channel is in phase with the
signal. The I channel output is then (ideally) a zero ISI waveform which can be integrated and
sampled to recover the navigation message bits.


The major sources of error in a GPS receiver that calculates its position are:
Satellite clock and ephemeris errors
Selective availability (when switched on)
Ionospheric delay (advance)
Tropospheric delay
Receiver noise

The accuracy that can be achieved with a GPS C/A code receiver can be found by
using a range error budget. The figures in square brackets [ ] are for the case when selective
availability (SA) is turned off. Typical values of range error are given in Table 12.4. Al
values are in meters (m). Note that a value of 2.4 m error is assigned to receiver noi The value
calculated in Section 12.8 was 4.2 m, for a worst -case received signal strengtk_ The range
error introduced by the ionosphere and the troposphere can be partially removed by receiving
identical signals at two different carrier frequencies. This technique is used by high precision
P code receivers. The P code signal is transmitted on the Li carrier at 1575.42 MHz, in phase
quadrature with the C/A code signal. The P code is also transmitted on the L2 carrier at
1227.60 MHz. Algorithms are used in the P code receiver to calculate the net delay of the
signal caused by the ionosphere and the atmosphere, and to then remove the errors from the
calculated ranges. C/A code receivers use a standard atmosphere and ionosphere and assume
a constant delay at a given elevation angle. Variations in the density of the atmosphere with
atmospheric pressure changes, and in the free electron content of the ionosphere, lead to
departure from the standard values nod hence to errors in the pseudorange calculation. There
are plans to transmit the C A code a a third and a fourth L -band frequency from later GPS
satellites to provide improved accuracy with C/A code receivers.
The range error shown in Table 12.4 is for one satellite—earth path, for the pseudo-
range that is calculated from the timing measurements using the receiver clock_ However,
four pseudorange measurements are needed to make a position determination. Thus the
position location output of the GPS receiver combines four path errors, which are not
necessarily equal because of the geometry of the satellites in the sky and the different signal
strengths at the receiver input. Receiver position is calculated in (x, y, z) coordinates, and the
errors in x, y, and z depend on the elevation angle of satellites, the satellite geometry, and the
other parameters in the error budget. The calculated position will have different levels of
error in the x, y, and z directions. To account for these differences several dilution of
precision factors (DOP) are defined. A DOP factor multiplies the basic position measurement
error to give a larger error caused by the particular DOP effect.

Dilution of Precision: HDOP, VDOP, and GDOP

Horizontal dilution of precision is one of the most important DOP factors for most
GPS users. It provides an error metric for the x and y directions, in the horizontal plane. A
typical HDOP value is 1.5, and it is often the smallest of the DOPs. Horizontal measurement
error for a C/A code receiver is typically 14.3 m with SA off ( 1DR_MS) and 50 m with SA
on (1DRMS). GPS practice uses 2DRMS as the quantifier for accuracy in position
determination giving a 2DRMS accuracy of 28.6m with SA off_ The 2DRMS accuracy
figure means that 95% of all measurements yield a position within 28.6 m of the true location
of the GPS receiver, in this example.
There are many DOP factors in GPS. The more important ones are horizontal dilution of
precision, HDOP, vertical dilution of precision, VDOR and geometric dilution of precision,
GDOP. Other DOPs include position dilution of precision, PDOP, and time dilution of
precision, TDOP. In general, VDOP and GDOP are most likely to degrade the accuracy of
GPS position measurements. VDOP accounts for loss of accuracy in the vertical direction
caused by the angles at which the satellites being used for the position measurement are seen
in the sky. If the satellites are all close to the horizon, the angles between the satellites and the
receiver are all similar and VDOP can be large. In the worst possible case, if all the satellites
were at the horizon, it would be impossible to make an accurate measurement in the vertical
direction. A change in range to at least one satellite must occur when the receiver is moved,
otherwise the receiver cannot detect that change. If all the satellites are at the horizon, no
range change occurs for vertical movement of the receiver and consequently vertical accuracy
is very poor. Similarly, if all the satellites were clustered directly overhead, HDOP would be
large. VDOP is important in aircraft position measurements, where height above the ground
is a critical factor, especially when landing. C/A code receivers suffer from significant VDOP
and cannot provide sufficient vertical accuracy for automated landing of aircraft. C/A code
GPS receivers cannot guarantee sufficient vertical accuracy unless operated in a differential
GPS mode. The GPS satellites are configured in orbit to minimize the probability that a DOP
can become large, by arranging the orbits to provide clusters of four satellites with suitable
spacings in the sky. However, if the receiver's view of the sky is restricted, for example, by
buildings, the geometry for the position calculation may not be ideal and GDOP can become
large. This causes all the other DOP values to increase. Aircraft, and ships at sea always have
a clear view of the sky, but automobiles often do not. C/A code receivers may revert to two-
dimensional measurements (x and y) using three satellites when the sky is obstructed.

The accuracy of GPS measurements can be increased considerably by using
differential GPS (DGPS) techniques. There are several forms of DGPS, all of which are
intended to increase the accuracy of a basic GPS position measurement, and to remove the
effects of selective availability. A second, fixed, GPS receiver at a reference station is always
required in a differential GPS system. In the simplest forms of DGPS, a second GPS receiver
at a known position continuously calculates its position using the GPS C/A code. The
calculated (x,y, z) location is compared to the known location of the station and the
differences in x, y, and z are sent by a radio telemetry link to the first GPS receiver. The
accuracy of the C/A code position measurement can be increased from 100 m to about 10 m,
with SA in effect, but this technique works well only if the two stations are close together and
use the same four satellites for the position calculation.
In a more sophisticated form of differential GPS, the monitoring station at a known
location measures the error in pseudorange to each satellite that is visible at its location, and
telemeters the error values to users in that area. This allows other GPS users to select which
satellites they want to observe, and extends the area over which the DGPS system can
operate. The accuracy of a C/A code measurement can be increased to 5 m for receivers
within 10 km of the reference station and to 10 m for receivers within 500 km of the
reference station.
The most accurate forms of differential GPS use the relative phase of the many signals
in the GPS transmissions to increase the accuracy of the timing measurements. Suppose that
you could count the number of cycles of the 1575 MHz Li carrier wave between a satellite
and a GPS receiver, and that the GPS satellites are stationary for the length of time it takes to
make the count at two separate locations. The wavelength of the L1 carrier is 0.19043 m, so
movement of the receiver by 0.01 m directly away from the satellite would change the phase
angle of the received wave by 18.9°. If the total number of cycles between the satellite and
the receiver is known, and fractional cycles are measured with a phase resolution of 20°, the
true distance to the satellite can be found to 0.01 m accuracy. In principle, measurements
which compare the phase angle of the received Li carriers from several GPS satellites could
therefore be used to detect receiver movements at the centimeter level. This is called
differential phase or kinematic DGPS.

The obvious difficulty is that we cannot count the number of cycles of the Li carrier between
the satellite and the receiver. However, we can make phase measurements and time of arrival
comparisons for various GPS signals at two different locations and resolve motion between
the two locations. If one of the receivers is a fixed reference station, it is then possible to
locate the second GPS receiver very accurately with respect to that fixed location. This
technique is valuable in land surveying, for example, where a reference station can be set up
at a known location, such as the corner of a plot of land, and the position of the plot boundary
relative to that point can be measured. The same technique can be used to find the position of
an aircraft relative to an airport runway so that a precision approach path can be established.
The difficulty with DGPS phase comparison measurements is that the L1 carrier has cycles
which repeat every 0.19043 m, and one cycle is identical to the next. This creates range
ambiguity which must be resolved by reference to the wavelengths of other signals. The
10.23 MHz P code transmission of the Li carrier has a P code chip length 1 in space of
29.326 m, which is 154 cycles of the Li carrier. The ambiguity of the carrier waveform can be
resolved within the 29.326 m length of a P code chip by comparison of the time of arrival of a
particular cycle of the Li carrier with the time since the start of the P code chip. Similar
ambiguity resolution for the 29-m P code chips is possible using the length of the C/A code
chip and the C/A code sequence. The length of a C/A code chip at 1.023 MHz is 293.255 m,
and the length of a C/A code sequence is 293.255 km.
When ambiguity resolution is applied using all of these waveforms, very small
movements of the receiver can be detected and ambiguity out to 293 km can be removed.
Aircraft flight paths have been tracked to an accuracy of 2 cm over distances of tens of
kilometres using phase comparison DGPS techniques.
This explanation of kinematic differential GPS is oversimplified, because the satellites
are moving and measurements over a considerable Time are required to resolve ambiguity to
the centimeter level. The P code can be used for real-time differential measurements without
knowledge of P code itself, because only a comparison of the time of arrival of the code bits
is required. Selective availability is not applied to the P code, so differential measurements
made with the P code cannot be affected by SA. In the Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) developed by the FAA for aircraft Flying in North America, 24 WAAS receive
stations continuously monitor their position as calculated from the C/A codes of all visible
satellites in the GPS system. The stations also use the P code transmissions to make accurate
differential measurements of the pseudorange to each visible satellite. The actual position of
the WAAS stations is known very accurately from prior survey data, so each WAAS station
can calculate the error in the pseudorange to each visible satellite. The 24 WAAS stations
send their data to a central station with an uplink to a GEO satellite. The central station
validates the data, combines all the information, and sends a sequence of pseudorange
correction data to all GPS users via the satellite. The central station also determines whether
any of the data is in error, and sends a warning signal called an integrity message to instruct
aircraft not to use the GPS system, or a particular satellite, because the data are not reliable.
This is an essential part of the FAA strategy for using GPS as the primary means of aircraft
navigation. If the aircraft is relying on GPS information alone to determine its position, that
information must have a very high reliability.

The WAAS GEO satellite transmits signals which are in a similar format to the L1
signals transmitted by a GPS satellite. A conventional GPS receiver with suitable software
can extract the pseudorange error values from the WAAS satellite transmission and obtain
markedly improved accuracy in its position determination. Thus no hardware changes are
needed to convert a GPS receiver to use WAAS data. The GEO satellite can also be used to
augment GPS satellites for position measurements, since it radiates the same signal format.
The calculation of pseudorange error from the P code sequence, rather than (x,y,z) position
data error from the C/A code, significantly increases the accuracy of the WAAS DGPS

Eventually, it seems probable that local area augmentation systems (LAAS) Using
differential GPS will be established at many airports to replace or augment existing ILS
precision approach systems. Advanced LAAS DGPS systems have been demonstrated to
achieve better than 1-m accuracy in three dimensions, with update rates sufficiently fait to
control a passenger aircraft. This is sufficient to allow DGPS position data to be coupled to
the aircraft autopilot so that blind landings can be made automatically in zero visibility
conditions. Several demonstrations of autoland using DGPS were made in the late 1990s
using Boeing 737 and 757 aircraft.

Aircraft used by overnight delivery companies will likely be fitted with GPS big landing
systems first, since cargo aircraft are subject to fewer restrictions than passenger aircraft and
overnight delivery is subject to delays when airports are closed by low viability weather.
Typically, a good autoland system fitted to a large aircraft can achieve more consistent
landings than a skilled pilot, so autoland may eventually become as comma for landings as
autopilot use is for en route operation. Weather may eventually be less of a factor in causing
delays to passenger aircraft arrivals and departures.

1. Satellite communications-Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian and Jeremy Allnutt, WSE,
Wiley Publications, 2 Edition,2003.
2. Satellite communications Engineering-Wilbur L.Pritchard, Robert A Nelson and
Henri G.Suyderhoud, 2 Edition, Pearson Publications, 2003.
1. Satellite communications - Design Principles-M.Richharia, BS Publications, 2
Edition, 2003.

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