Dominate Induatries

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Moringa Barley

Moringa Ginger Grass

Seeds / Tea
Powder Powder Powder

Moringa Wheat Turmeric

ringa Leaves Moringa Grass Fingers and
el Food / Oil Powder Powder

Moringa Alfalfa Ashwanadha shatavari

Pod Powder Powder Powder Roots
Dominate industries was formed by young business
ry of formation
lady Ms Palak Patel

e And Factory Ahmedabad , India.

ness type Exporter, Manufacturer, Trader, Supplier

1. USDA organic process certificate

2. USDA organic farm certificate
3. INDIAN ORGANIC farming certificate
nce 4. APEDA agriculture and food product export lic.
5. FSSAI Food and drug licence(FDA)
6. ISO 9001:2015
7. EU Organic
1.Highly quality Moringa products
2.Competitive & affordable prices
mary Competitive
3.Advanced production facility
4.Experienced team of professionals & bio-

ar of Establishment 2006

The company has own farming unit in 300 acres of

land and sophisticated manufacturing unit, which is
rastructure sprawling over a vast Area.
Farm Staff : 100 People
Factory Staff : 27 People

nthly Production
100 matric tone per month
Moringa Leaves / Powder

ncrease in stamina with rich flavonoids

mproved immune system of body
ontrol Diabetes and Blood pressure
ontrol hormone level
educe Parkinson’s disease
ncreasing fertility for men & Women
Tablets 60 to 80 Mesh
Give support to Respiratory System
ncrease breast feeding
6 Antioxidant nutrients
mprove Eyes Vision
educe Cancer
timulate hair growth
nhance skin health Capsule 30 to 16 Mesh
Moringa Seeds / Powder

sed for their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory

ses in arthritis, rheumatism, gout, cramp, sexually
ansmitted diseases and boils.
he seeds are roasted, pounded, mixed with
oconut oil and applied to the problem area.
oasted seeds encourage urination.
hey can also be used as a relaxant for epilepsy.
oringa seeds are effective against skin-infecting
hey contain the potent antibiotic and fungicide
he anti-inflammatory properties of Moringa reduce
fferent body pains.
is very effective for treating arthritis, rheumatism
nd joint pain.
can also control other severe diseases such as
pilepsy, migraine and other headaches
potent and effective galactagogic (an agent that
crease the flow of mother’s milk and quality)
Moringa Oil

nti-aging and wrinkle creams

en oil is used for hysteria, scurvy,
rostate problems and bladder
o treat stomach disorders.
Moisturizes the skin
upercharge your muscles & brain
y making myelin Moringa Oil
ital for nerve functioning &
ffective communicate
aving emollient properties with
oothing effects
emoves aging marks
se as massage Oil
igh Oleic acids and easily
enetrate into skin that maintain
kin texture.

Oil Capsule
Moringa Cattle Feed

00% natural No chemical used in it.

No side effects, Full of nutrients for
Approx. 30-40% increase in milk yields
Boosts the Immune System of Animal
mproves Health Animal Body Development
nd growing system. (With Moringa feed
onstituting 50% of feed, milk yields for
airy cows and daily weight gains for beef
attle increased 30%. ) (With Moringa
eed, daily weight gain of beef cattle was
,200 grams/day. Without Moringa feed,
aily weight gain of beef cattle was 900
mproves Fertility of Animal (Male and
Moringa Pod Powder

ods act as a de-wormer and treat liver

nd spleen problems and pains of the
ue to high protein and fibre content
hey can play a useful part in treating
alnutrition and diarrhoea.
est food for energy purpose.

Pod Powder
Alfalfa Powder

egumes due to their root depth are typically

ch in minerals and protein.
rovides a good range of amino acids.
ecognized for its ‘fat burning’ ability.
eneficial to itchy scalp, irritable eyes and
runny’ noses for hay-fever sufferers, chronic
atarrh and the ‘acid’ taste on the tongue of
lder folk.
ids protein-digestion.
educes cholesterol and blood sugar levels,
mproves liver functions
elieves pain and stiffness of arthritis/bursitis,
lleviates post-menopausal side effects (rich
ource of phytoestrogens)
atural detoxifier
ich in protein and vitamins
Barley Grass Powder

t is anti-bacterial, protecting against infection

is very similar in structure to hemoglobin, and
an help recovery from anemia
reduces blood sugar issues, so can help with
iabetes and weight loss
neutralizes toxins in the body, making it an
ffective element in detoxification programs
helps to purify the liver
ich in organic sodium (improves digestion by
roduces more hydrochloric acid)
Excessive low density lipoprotein (LDL)
holesterol (the ‘bad’ cholesterol)
lood sugar issues, including hypoglycemia and
Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is the luscious green grass that comes from the very
oung wheat plant. It is harvested early and considered a
Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and more vitamin A
han carrots.
contains more than 30 enzymes, which helps with
igestion.1 fl. oz. of wheatgrass is equal to 2+ pounds of the high-
uality vegetables.
Wheatgrass powder is 70% chlorophyll.. And Many More Benefits.
Dr.Birscher a research scientist ( USA ) called wheatgrass as a
ody cleanser, rebuild and neutralizer of toxins and also said that
wheatgrass increases the function of the heart, effects the
ascular system, the intestines, the uterus and the lungs
r.F.Howard Wescott (USA) reported that when wheatgrass juice is
aken internally in adequate quantity, it reduces or eliminate
ffensive body and breath odors such as odors in the body from
ood, beverages, tobacco, metabolic changes and from
erspiration due to physical exercise nervousness, menstrual cycle
tc. skin disorders

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