130 Am J Clin Nutr 2014;99:130–8. Printed in USA. Ó 2014 American Society for Nutrition
and 11% were wasted. The stunting rate rises as the age at which a scale (Dougguan Machinery Import and Export Co Ltd; pre-
the child is introduced to CF increases (12). cision to 0.1g) and recorded. To convert composite dishes into
The overall aim of the WinFood project was to develop nutri- their individual ingredients, individual recipes were obtained
tionally improved food products for infants and young children from the Cambodian National food-consumption survey, which
based on the use of locally available foods. The WinFood study was carried out 6 mo later in Cambodia (unpublished data
developed 2 different formulated CF products: WinFood (WF) and available from the Fishery Administration, Ministry of Agri-
WinFood-Lite (WF-L). WF contains rice, dried small fish, and culture, Forestry and Fisheries, accessed September 2012). For
edible spiders; WF-L contains rice and dried small fish and is each dish, the author (JKHS) selected 5 similar recipes, which
fortified with a mineral and vitamin premix. These products were had the same name and contained the same raw ingredients as the
compared with Corn-Soy-Blend Plus (CSB+) and Corn-Soy-Blend recalled recipe, although the species of fish in the fish dishes
Plus Plus (CSB++) in a single-blinded randomized trial with growth could differ. The average recipes were created by calculating the
rice serving size for 6- to 8-mo-olds and 72% of the median rice and 9- to 11-mo-olds, respectively, were entered in all models
serving size for 9- to 11-mo-olds, assuming that the CF product (3).
would replace all rice meals for the younger age group and 75% The dietary data were prepared in Excel 2010 (Microsoft
of the meals for the older age group. The value of 40 g/d DW was Corporation). The median portion sizes for consumers, and the
chosen based on recommendations on the daily portion size of percentage of children who consumed each food were calculated
DW-processed fortified CF for infants aged 6–11 mo (26). in MS Access 2010. The LP models were run by using the WHO
The mean breast-milk intakes for the study population were Optifood tool v.3.1.1. Anthropometric z scores were calculated
unknown. Therefore, published average breast milk intakes of based on WHO’s 2006 Child Growth Standards (27) with the use
403 kcal/d (576 g/d) and 379 kcal/d (541 g/d) for 6- to 8-mo-olds of Anthro v.3.1. A child was categorized as wasted, underweight,
Food-group goals (average servings/wk), food-group constraints (minimum and maximum servings/wk), and food-subgroup constraints (minimum and
maximum servings/wk) for the 6- to 8-mo and 9- to 11-mo age groups1
6–8 mo 9–11 mo
servings/wk servings/wk
Added fats 0 0.1 7 0 0.1 7
Added sugars 0 0.1 9 0 7 9
Bakery 0 0.1 2 0 0.1 1
Fruit 0 0.1 7 0 0.1 7
or stunted if his or her z score for weight-for-length, weight-for- infants and 29 food items were included in the models for the 9- to
age, or length-for-age were less than –2 SD. The population- 11-mo-old infants (Table 3). The excluded food items were
descriptive statistics were analyzed in Stata 12 for Windows condiments and rarely consumed food items, which were eaten
(StataCorp). only once and were not of high nutrient value. The most common
foods consumed across the 2 groups were rice (99%), sunflower
oil (55%), potato chips (49%), and pork (40%). For the 9- to
11-mo-old infants, different species of large fish without bones
Characteristics of respondents and various fermented fish products were also commonly con-
sumed (.35%).
The mean body weight and calculated average energy re-
Most infants consumed rice, vegetables, and ASF every day
quirements for the 6- to 8-mo-old (n = 35) and 9- to 11-mo-old
(Table 4). The 9- to 11-mo-old infants also consumed added fats,
(n = 43) infants were 7.5 kg and 578 kcal/d and 8.1 kg and 624
sugar, and savory snacks on a daily basis and twice as many
kcal/d, respectively. Overall, 10% of the infants were wasted,
different types of ASF as the 6- to 8-mo-old infants. Fruit and
17% were underweight, and 14% were stunted. Only 6% of the
sweetened snacks or desserts were rarely consumed by any of
mothers had never attended school, 60% had a primary school-
these infants (Table 4).
level education, and 34% had a junior or senior high school–level
education. The main primary source of income in the households
was farming, mainly rice crops (60%). All infants, except one Serving sizes
were partially breastfed.
In the 6- to 8-mo-old group, the serving sizes varied from 1 g/d
for white sugar to 47 g/d for plantain, but most foods (n = 17;
Food patterns 71%) had serving sizes ,15 g/d. In the 9- to 11-mo-old group,
Overall, 60 different food items were reported in the dietary the serving sizes varied from 1 g/d for white sugar to 74 g/d for
recalls collected from both age groups. From the list of 60 foods, plantain, and again, most of the foods (n = 24; 80%) had serving
24 food items were included in the LP models for 6- to 8-mo-old sizes ,15 g/d (Table 3).
Number of servings per week by food group in the best diet for the baseline diet and each diet with a CF product1
6–8 mo 9–11 mo
servings/wk servings/wk
Fruit 7 3 3 0 3 7 5 5 3 5
Added sugars 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vegetable 9 9 9 9 9 14 14 14 14 14
Savory snacks 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
Bakery and breakfast cereals 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Meat, fish, and eggs 21 21 21 20 21 21 16 11 12 15
The food pattern of the optimal modeled diet (except WF), niacin, calcium (except CSB+), and zinc by using
A total of 16 food items were selected in the nutritionally optimal the criteria of achievement of .65% RNI in the worst-case sce-
baseline diet for the 6- to 8-mo-old group, and 22 food items were nario (Table 6 and Table 7).
selected in this diet for the 9- to 11-mo-old infants. The number of
servings selected of ASF, vegetables, fruit, and bakery products DISCUSSION
exceeded the median number observed for these 2 populations We showed how LP can be used to investigate whether 4
(Table 4 and Table 5), whereas fewer than the median numbers of different CF products could contribute to filling nutrient gaps in
servings of rice were selected. The number of servings of savory the local diets of 6- to 11-mo-old Cambodian infants and thereby
snacks selected, in the nutritionally optimal diet, was above the help ensure dietary adequacy. The LP modeling indicated that the
median number observed for the 6- to 8-mo-old but below this products provided in realistic servings would improve the nu-
number observed for the 9- to 11-mo-old (Tables 4 and 5). When tritional quality of the diet but not ensure adequate intakes of all
the special complementary feeding products were included in the micronutrients. Iron, thiamin, and folate remained problem nu-
models, in the optimal diets the number of servings/wk of fruit for trients in all modeled diets. They also suggest that WF-L and CSB
both age groups and of ASF for the 9- to 11-mo-old group de- ++ are slightly superior to WF and CSB+ at ensuring dietary
clined; for both age groups, the special complementary feeding adequacy, because they ensured .65% of the daily requirement
products replaced rice in the diets. Between 7 and 9 servings/wk of for 8 of 11 micronutrient, whereas WF and CSB+ ensured di-
these formulated CF products were selected in each optimal etary adequacy for 7 of 11 micronutrients. These findings high-
modeled diet across both groups (Table 5). light the value of modeling specific CF products, when planning
a nutrition intervention, to determine whether they are likely to
meet nutritional requirements for multiple micronutrients in a
Nutrients target population’s diet.
Vitamins A, B-6, and C were the only nutrients that, in the The modeled optimal baseline diets clearly suggest that, for
nutritionally optimal baseline diet, met their daily nutrient re- any improved CF product, it would be a challenge to cover the
quirements (19) in both age groups. Without special comple- nutrient gaps. The nutrient contents of even the nutritionally best
mentary feeding products, all other micronutrients were problem diets, for these specific populations, were low for a range of
nutrients. The highest levels achieved (ie, best-case scenario nutrients. These results agree with those of a previous dietary
levels) for these micronutrients ranged from 14% (iron) to 93% survey done in villages on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, which
(vitamin B-12) of their RNIs (Table 6). The formulated com- showed that calcium, iron, and zinc were consistently below the
plementary feeding products increased the number of micro- RNI (28).
nutrients that achieved recommended levels in the optimal diets Remarkably, vitamin A was not identified as a problem nutrient
from 4 micronutrients at baseline to 6 (WF and CSB+) or for this particular population. The baseline diet in both age groups
7 (WF-L and CSB++) of the 11 micronutrients modeled, for the would ensure .81% of the required vitamin A intake in the
6- to 8-mo-old and to 7 (WF), 8 (CSB+ and CSB++), or 9 (WF- worst-case scenario, which increased to .98% when the diets
L) of the 11 micronutrients modeled for the 9- to 11-mo-olds. included WF-L, CSB++, or CSB+. One of the main food sources
Iron, thiamin, and folate remained below the RNI in all modeled of vitamin A in these modeled diets was breast milk, which was
diets, ie, remained “problem nutrients.” However, for other nu- included in every modeled diet in a specified amount. The re-
trients, the results suggest that daily consumption of the special sults for vitamin A will therefore depend on maternal vitamin A
CF products would ensure that the daily requirements were met status, because it will influence breast-milk vitamin A concen-
for vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, riboflavin trations (29). Furthermore, actual breast-milk concentrations
The optimal, best-case scenario, and worst-case scenario diets for each nutrient expressed as a percentage of their recommendations (Recommended Nutrient
Intakes) for the baseline diet and each diet with the formulated food products in 6- to 8-mo-old infants1
Vitamin Vitamin Vitamin
Protein2 Vitamin C3 Thiamin3 Riboflavin3 B-33 B-63 Folate3 B-123 Vitamin A3 Calcium3 Iron4 Zinc5
were not measured in this study. An overestimation of average recent national data for vitamin A status is lacking. The other
breast milk intakes would affect these estimates of dietary vi- important food source of vitamin A was morning glory. Morning
tamin A adequacy. For these reasons, the results for vitamin A glory is a commonly consumed green leafy vegetable in Cam-
should be interpreted with caution, particularly given some ev- bodia. Traditional CF made from food items rich in vitamin A is
idence of vitamin A deficiency in the country (30), although the reported to be moderately high in Cambodia (12), which would
The optimal, best-case scenario, and worst-case scenario diets for each nutrient expressed as a percentage of their recommendations (Recommended Nutrient
Intakes) for the baseline diet and each diet with the formulated food products in 9- to 11-mo-old infants1
Vitamin Vitamin Vitamin
Protein2 Vitamin-C3 Thiamin3 Riboflavin3 B-33 B-63 Folate3 B-123 Vitamin A3 Calcium3 Iron4 Zinc5