Types of Vegetables Gardening
Types of Vegetables Gardening
Types of Vegetables Gardening
Vegetable farming can be classified into various types depending on the acreage
cultivated, method of cultivation and purpose of vegetable production. Based upon these
facts vegetable cultivation is divided into the following types of gardens.
Kitchen Garden
Kitchen garden or home garden is defined as growing of vegetable crops in the residential
houses or in their vicinity to meet vegetable requirements of the family throughout the year.
To produce insect and disease free vegetables, commercial growers often resort to
indiscriminate use of pesticides that might lead to serious health hazards. Under such
Circumstances raising one’s own kitchen garden to produce healthy and residue free
Vegetables have got an added advantage. The most fundamental determinant of success of a
Kitchen garden is its location. As the family members perform most of the garden operations
in their spare time, the location should preferably be in the backyard of the house. Secondly it
Should be near the water source. The kitchen garden should never be located in a shady place
rather it should receive sun light for most part of the day. However in cities, there is hardly
any choice as regards size, shape and location is concerned. Under such situations, whatever
Space is available has to be utilized. If the garden is located outside the house a live fence all
around be raised to protect the garden.
The following principles should be considered while designing a kitchen garden;
() Land should preferably be selected in the backyard of the house. Rectangular shape is
Preferred to the square one.
(ii) The lay out should allow access to all parts of the garden.
(iii) Quick growing fruit trees e.g. papaya, kagzi lime etc. should be located on north side
of the garden so that they do not shade other crops.
(iv) Climbers e.g. cucumber, pea etc. can be trained on the fence.
(v) Several sowings or succession of sowings of one particular crop e.g. fenugreek,
radish, okra, cauliflower, etc., at short intervals should be done to ensure a steady
supply of vegetables for a longer period
(vi) Ridges which separate the beds should be utilized for growing root vegetables e.g.
radish, turnip etc.
(vii) Inter-space of slow growing crops e.g. cauliflower, cabbage, eggplant etc. should be
used for quick growing crops like turnip, radish, leaf beet etc.
Selection of crops for kitchen garden depends on two factors i.e. size of the garden and
choice of the family. Only those vegetables are grown which are suited to the region and
produce satisfactory yield. The cultivars should be selected according to the suitability for the
region and season. Preference is given to those crops where freshness is important from the
edibility and food value point of view. Such crops include tomato,, beans, pea, salad
crops, leafy vegetables etc.
Tentative monthly programme for kitchen gardening in north Indian plains
January: sow/ plant muskmelon, watermelon, coriander, lettuce, spring potato, European
radish and late cauliflower (if not planted earlier).
February: sow/plant okra, luffa, cucumber, snapmelon, amaranth, bottle gourd,
Pumpkin, summer squash, bitter gourd, European radish, leaf beet, pointed gourd, eggplant,
And tomato.
March: repeat showing of okra, amaranth and leaf beet. Sow cowpea, cluster bean,
roundmelon and other above-mentioned crops if not sown already. Plant elephant foot yam,
peppermint and artichoke.
April: continue with the crops sown in March.
May: Sow rainy season okra, luffa, radish, cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd and
June: Continue with the crops sown in May and also sow early cauliflower, cowpea,
cluster bean, Dolichos bean, round melon, sweetpotato and radish.
July: Sow early cauliflower, cluster bean, bottle gourd, okra, tomato, Dolichos bean,
and eggplant. Also sow radish, leaf beet and cauliflower of second group.
August: Plant, cauliflower, leaf beet, turnip (Asiatic type), and carrot. Also sow
cabbage, fenugreek, knol-khol, Chinese cabbage, onion bulb sets (kharif onion), beetroot and
September: sow early pea, coriander, onion bulb sets (kharif onion), radish, carrot,
turnip, celery, beetroot, Dolichos bean, cauliflower (late group), cabbage, knol-khol, lettuce,
leaf beet, potato and pea.
October: Sow/ plant parsley, lettuce, parsnip, potato, turnip, beetroot, radish, garlic, pea,
French bean, onion and knol-khol.
November: sow the crops mentioned for October. Also sow pea, tomato and spinach.
December: Sow tomato, spinach, late cauliflower and pea, if not planted already.