Staircase Pressurization SPV Building

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Stair Pressurization Calculations: Ref: ASHRAE Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering by Klote and Milke


SPV Building Length 36.6 m (120 ft)
SPV Building Width 36.0 m (118 feet) The lowest expected exterior temperature
SPV Building Floor Height 4.5 m (15 ft) (5 deg C) is used for a conservative design.
SPV Building Number of Floors 9
SPV Building Stairwell Length 9.9 m (32 ft) This table assumes all air surrounding the
SPV Building Stairwell Width 4.5 m (15 ft) stair is at exterior ambient temperature, as
Stair/Building Construction UBC "Loose" an additional conservative measure.
Stair/Exterior Construction UBC "Very Loose"
Outside Temperature (Lowest) 5⁰C REFERENCE
Stairwell Temperature 70⁰C


Flow area of Stair
Length of Stair/Building Interface LSB 32 ft.
Length of Stair/Exterior Interface LSO 15 ft.
Average Height between Floors h 15 ft.
Number of Floors N 9
Area of Stair/Exterior Wall per Floor ASO=LSB x h = 225 ft2
Area of Stair/Building Wall per Floor ASB=LSB x h = 480 ft2
Exterior Wall Leakage A/Aw A/AEW 0.001 "very loose" From UBC 905
Wall Tightness A/Aw A/AW 0.00035 "loose"
Door Leakage ALEAK 0.169 7' x 3' dimensions .08" top and side gaps
& .25" bottom gap
Flow Area from Stair to Building (A/AW x ASB)+ALEAK 0.337 floor by floor
Flow Area from Stair to Exterior A/AEW x ASO 0.225 floor by floor

Outside Temperature Tout 5 C, converted to R= 464.67

Stairwell Temperature Tbuild 70 C, converted to R= 529.67

Temperature Factor b Ks
[ 1
T out

T build ] 0.0020177005 in. H2O/ft Ks=7.64

D PSBt 0.05 + (b x N x h) 0.3223895697 in. H2O Used to calculate pressure change

D PSBb UBC Minimum Requirement 0.05 in. H2O between top and bottom of stair shaft
Density of Stairwell Air r 0.075 lb/ft3

[ ]
3 3
2 2
Flow from Stairwell N × A total ΔPSBt − ΔPSBb 5,535 CFM Kq=475
√ρ ΔPSBt − ΔPSBb

Adding the required 2,500 CFM

for the Safety Relief Vent yeilds = 8,035 CFM supply fan requirement

Fan Capacity Seleted = 9,000 CFM

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