Robert John Beeson
Robert John Beeson
Robert John Beeson
S t Sy m e o n t h e N e w T h e o l o g i a n
o n B in d in g a n d Lo o sin g
In this paper, I will examine the reasons for St Symeon the New
Theologians belief that lay m onks had the authority not only to
hear confessions, but to pronounce absolution. I will briefly explore
Symeons views on ordination as the context for his argument,
and the sacramental status o f confession in his day. This will entail
reference to an opposition that has historically been seen to stand
between what Liviu Barbu has term ed the “ascetico-charismatic”
and “institutional” forms o f spiritual leadership in the Eastern
C hurch.1 I will argue that, through the lens o f twenty-first century
historical theology, St Symeon the New Theologians advocacy o f
the authority o f some lay monks to hear confessions and pronounce
absolution was misguided, but that the inchoate sacramental
status o f confession in the eleventh century made the practice less
clearly wrong. I will conclude w ith what I believe to be the chief
problem for St Symeons argument, and any who would appeal to
an indwelling o f the Holy Spirit and its evidence in a purity o f life
as the source o f sacramental authority.
St Symeon the New Theologian (hereafter St Symeon) presented
his argum ent for the power o f lay monks to “bind and loose” in
what has become known as Epistle 1, an open letter “to someone
who had asked Symeon whether it was legitimate to confess ones
sins to m onks who had not been ordained priests.”2 The power
to bind and loose, according to St Symeon, was given by G od the
1 Liviu Barbu, “‘Charisma vs. ‘Institution’? The Ascetics and the Church,” Studia Pa-
tristica 44-49; Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Patristics Conference (Leuven,
2 H. J. M. Turner, ed., T he Epistles of St Symeon the New Theologian (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2009), 14.
7 Liviu Barbu, “‘Charisma vs. ‘Institution’? The Ascetics and the Church,” 4.
8 Symeon the New Theologian, The Discourses, tr. C. J. deCatanzaro (Mahwah, NJ:
Paulist Press, 1980), 302. Also quoted by Archbishop Basil Krivocheine in St Symeon
the New Theologian: In the Light o f Christ (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1986), 129.
9 Basil Krivocheine, St Symeon the New Theologian: In the Light o f Christ (Crestwood,
NY: SVS Press, 1986), 128.
10 Ibid., 125.
11 H. J. M. Turner, Ihe Epistles of St Symeon the New Theologian, Epistle 1. 405-10,
quoted by Golitzin, in a slightly different translation, in St Symeon the New Theolo-
gian, On the Mystical Life. vol. 3, written, tr. & ed. Alexander Golitzin (Crestwood,
NY: SVS Press j 1997), 42.
12 Krivocheine, St Symeon the New Theologian: In the Light of Christ, 131.
St Symeon the New Theologian on Binding and Loosing 93
13 See Turner’s concluding note to Epistle 1, The Epistles of St Symeon the New Theolo-
gian, 65f.
14 Hilarión Alfeyev, St Symeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition (Oxford;
Oxford University Press, 2000), 17.
15 Ibid.
16 St Symeon the New Tfjeologian, On the Mystical Life, Vol. 3, written, tr. & ed.
Alexander Golitzin (Crestwood, NY: SYS Press, 1997), 46.
17 Ibid., 45.
18 Tomas Spidlik, The Spirituality o f the Christian East (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian
Publications, 2005), 64.
19 St Symeon the New TPjeologian, On the Mystical Life, Vol. 3, written, tr. & ed.
Alexander Golitzin, 49.
St Symeon the New Theologian on Binding and Loosing 95
20 Ibid., 48.
21 George A. Maloney, S.J., The Mystic of Fire and Light (Denville, NJ: Dimension
Books, 1975), 35.
22 Ibid., 15.
23 St Symeon the New Theologian, On the Mystical Life, Vol. 3, written, tr. & ed.
Alexander Golitzin, 35, and n. 103.
24 Ibid., n. 103.
25 Ibid., 43.
26 See Alfeyev, St Symeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition, 199, n.58 for
source of Ware’s assertion.
27 Ibid., 200.
St Symeon the New Theologian on Binding and Loosing 97
exhibited all three “gifts” while wreaking havoc on the C hurch and
her members. W hile the seal o f ordination is no panacea against
such blasphemers o f the Holy Spirit who occasionally find their way
into holy orders, the grounding o f tradition and discipline provide
a certain measure o f protection w ithout proscribing the vital role o f
the spiritual father. It is for this reason that I believe that St Symeon’s
advocacy o f lay monks assuming the authority to bind and loose
was not well-advised.
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