Nda 65 Question 681

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Directions (Q. Nos. 1- 10) In each of the 10. Vanquish : Vanquished by India
questions given below a word is given with a diplomatically and rebuked by US
sentence in which it has been used in some publically, Pakistan was in no mood to
context. You are required to mark the option relent.
which is the most similar in the meaning to this (A) Threaten (B) Terrify
word. (C) Defeat (D) Deceive
1. Vicissitude : The cost of this project Directions (Q. Nos. 11-19) In this section 03
subjects to the vicissitudes of the finance short passages are given. After the passages, you
market. will find several questions based on the passage.
(A) Changing patterns First read the passage and then answer the
(B) Interest rates questions based on it. Give your answer on the
(C) Investments basis of information given in the passage and
(D) Vested interests the opinion of the author.
2. Idiosyncrasy : His idiosyncratic ideas can Passage 1
harm the spirit of the bilateral talks. Meats generally consist of 20 per cent protein,
(A) Personal Mannerism 20 per cent fat, 60 per cent water; the amount of
(B) Belligerent fat present in particular portion of meat varies
(C) Unique greatly, not only with the kind of meat-pork, beef,
(D) Ahead of the times lamb, etc but also with its quality; the energy
3. Rejoinder : The judge ordered to present value varies in direct proportion with the fat
the original copy of the rejoinder sent by content. Meat is valued for its protein, which is
Prime Minister’s office to the Telecom of high biological value, Meat also is an excellent
Ministry in the court. source of B vitamins, including thiamine, one of
(A) A warning letter the most important vitamins. Pork is the best
(B) A letter of explanation source of thiamine, liver is the next and skeleton
(C) A letter as a reply of an earlier letter
muscle, from any meat source, is the third. Liver
(D) A letter describing the terms and the
is an excellent source of riboflavin, another B
vitamin that combines with protein in the body
4. Maverick : A maverick saint blessed him.
to from important oxidative enzymes. All meats
(A) Great (B) Wandering
supply niacin, which helps to build and maintain
(C) Godly (D) Dead
healthy skin, nervous system and digestive
5. Melliferous : A milliferous song helps to
reduce stress.
11. Biological value of meat is
(A) Sweet (B) Melodious
(A) in proportion to it’s fat content
(C) Romantic (D) High pitch
6. Sedition : Put the charge of sedition on your (B) in proportion to it’s protein content
opponents and get relieved for a lifetime. (C) in proportion to it’s energy content
(A) Abduction (D) in proportion to it’s water content
(B) Rebellion against the state 12. Liver is a source of
(C) Terrorism (A) riboflavin only
(D) Criminal conspiracy (B) niacin
7. Ken : Have faith on his kenned mind and (C) thiamine and riboflavin
jump on the project. (D) all of these
(A) Conditioned (B) Knowledgeable 13. If a man has good nervous system,
(C) Experienced (D) Tactful digestive system and gleaming skin then it
8. Gregarious : Can gregarious manners of can be inferred from the passage that
him approve of his political aspirations ? (A) he is taking a high diet rich in niacin
(A) Social (B) Philanthropist (B) he is taking a high meat content diet
(C) Affable (D) Influential (C) he is taking a balanced diet
9. Clique : His changing behaviour is a (D) he is a healthy man
reflection of his clique. Passage 2
(A) Learning (B) A group of friends Many are rightly sceptical about the new
(C) Genes (D) Thoughts economy’s ability to spread to masses. They can
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only see the ‘digital divide’. It is true that people 19. Which of the following decision of the
will benefit only if they have education. It is also committee will benefit the poor the most ?
true that four out of ten children in India are (A) The action against doctors
illiterate. It is worse for girls and in the backward (B) The action against medical
Northern states, where teachers are often absent, representatives
schools lack the basic facilities, children are not (C) To put a limit on the marketing cost
motivated and they drop out, But the trend is (D) To put a limit on the cost of gifts
changing and literacy has risen from 51 to 62%. Direction (Q. Nos. 20-29) You have been given
This is a huge improvement. If it continues, a sentence in which there is some error. You are
universal literacy rates will increase despite the required to find out that part of the sentence
politicians. and mark it as your answer on the answer sheet.
14. Digital divide can be described as Error may be related to grammar, construction
(A) the schemes benefit some but not all usage or anything else.
(B) the masses are divided into different 20. Many a student (A)/ have passed (B)/ the
groups IIT examination (C)/ No error (D)
(C) the schemes benefit all but not equally 21. Americans are accustomed to (A)/ drinking
(D) the rich have benefit but not the poor coffee/ (B) with their meals (C)/ No error
15. What can be the possible reason for (D).
children leaving the schools in Northern 22. I wonder (A)/ why are you tinkering with
states ? the wire (B) / you might get a shock (C)/
(A) teachers are not available hence they No error (D).
leave 23. Let’s spend a few minutes (A)/ in park (B)/
(B) children do not find basic facilities in can we (C)/No error (D)
school hence they leave 24. It was me who was (A)/ responsible for (B)/
(C) children are not education oriented making all the arrangements for successful
(D) lack of motivation due to various factors completion of his studies (C)/ No error (D)
compels them to leave 25. Two lakhs of people (A)/ attended the
16. The last sentence presents politicians as meeting (B)/ held in Parade grounds. (C)/
(A) supporters of education No error (D)
(B) supporters of education only in 26. Lay your books aside and (A)/ lay down to
Northern states rest (B)/for a while (C)/ No error (D).
(C) supporters of illiteracy 27. We went (A)/ with Guptas to a (B)/ movie
(D) supporters of digital divide called ‘Deewar’. (C) / No error (D).
Passage 3 28. Don’t think (A)/ you can deceive me (B)/
Legalised bribery is sometimes represented as like you did my brother (C)/ No error (D)
employer’s marketing. Drug marketing 29. After the teacher had told the boys (A)/ how
companies are employing these techniques. to pronounce the word (B)/ all of them in
Medical representatives will sit with doctors in one voice repeated the word again (C)/ No
hospitals and tell them the benefits of their drugs error (D)
simultaneously handing over to them free gifts; Directions (Q. Nos. 30-40) Each of following
cricket matches tickets, computers and even items consists of a sentence followed by a word
renovation of their clinics. (Marketing budgets or a group of words. You are required to answer
increase and as a result, the cost of the drug.) In the antonym of the word as per the context.
return, doctors will prescribe these expensive 30. Bucolic : His bucolic look covers his good
drugs to patients. This is ethical or not, is a conduct.
question to be answered by the government (A) Sophisticated (B) Old fashioned
committee. Some relief for the poor patients can (C) Modern (D) Country-side
be expected from the meeting of the committee 31. Proclivity : Ms Mayawati's proclivity for
members today. Dalits is well known.
17. What can be the reason for the high prices
(A) Disinclination (B) Dependence
of medicines ?
(C) Support (D) Faith
(A) High manufacturing cost
32. Recession : The world economy is passing
(B) High marketing cost
through a phase of recession.
(C) High fees of doctors
(A) High growth (B) Low growth
(D) High fees of medical representatives
(C) Negative growth (D) No growth
18. Relationship of the doctors and medical
33. Peevish : No one approves of his peevish
representatives presented in the passage
can be described as
(A) Fighting (B) Doubtful
(A) co-ordination (B) parasitic
(C) Imaginative (D) Affectation
(C) collusion (D) ethical
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34. Gory : History is full of gory details of the 44. P : historical site in
war. Q : north Bengal
(A) Grand (B) Minute R : Malda
(C) Violent (D) Friendly S : is another famous
35. Frugal : It is better to be frugal than to beg (A) QPSR (B) RPQS
later. (C) RSPQ (D) PRSQ
(A) Hard working 45. P : Festivals in Paschim Bangal are unique
(B) Saving money in
(C) Careful spending Q : being Durga Puja
(D) Store money R : the most spectacular
36. Furore : The mob's furore was terrifying S : colour and gaiety
(A) Anger (B) Protest (A) PQRS (B) PRSQ
(C) Numbers (D) Paean (C) QRPS (D) PSRQ
37. Chronological : Record all events
46. P : the meeting reflected
Q : against the actions of
(A) In details (B) In sequence
R : a growing anger
(C) Disorderly (D) In black and white
S : self-styled khap panchyats
38. Tranquil : Forest officers injected a
tranquilizer and the elephant rolled down (A) PQRS (B) PRSQ
with a huge roar. (C) PRQS (D) PSRQ
(A) To make quiet 47. P : a spate of suicide attacks
(B) To give medicine Q : in other parts of Afghanistan
(C) To hit with a bamboo R : in last week of February
(D) To tie in knot S : there has been
39. Pinnacle : Sachin Tendulkar has reached (A) RSQP (B) SPQR
the pinnacle of his career. (C) SPRQ (D) PQRS
(A) Top (B) Bottom 48. P : that Saudi Arabia could play a valuable
(C) Middle (D) None of these role as
40. Poach : Poaching is not allowed in this area. Q : an interlocutor in
(A) To stay (B) To drive R : strengthening India-Pakistan ties
(C) To hunt (D) To picnic S : the observation of Minister in Riyadh
Directions (Q. Nos. 41-51) In the following items, (A) PSQR (B) SRPQ
some parts of the sentence have been jumbled (C) SPQR (D) QRSP
up. You are required to rearrange these parts 49. P : sadly
which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the Q : the twin cities
correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence R : also shared
and mark in your answer sheet. S : a common tragedy
41. P : the report also pointed out (A) PQRS (B) SRPQ
Q : that under National Rural Employment (C) SPQR (D) QRSP
Guarantee Act 50. P : with a liberal outlook
R : Pregnant women and aged people Q : both cities
S : were not covered R : were cosmopolitan
S : centres of culture and learning
42. P : smaller cities
Q : are
R : now following
S : the suit
43. P : This is indicative of
Q : being unjustly shifted to developing
R : the erosion of equity principle with
S : of transition to low-carbon economy

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51. It is difficult for the fresh water animals to 51. ehBs ty ds thoksa ds fy, leqnz ds [kkjs ty esa yacs le;
survive for long in sea water due to: rd thfor jguk eqf'dy gksrk gSA D;ksa \
(A) Changes in the thermal tolerance
(B) Changes in the nitrogen levels of the (A) Å"ek lgu'khyrk esa ifjorZu ds dkj.kA
environment (B) i;kZoj.k ds ukbVªkstu Lrj esa ifjorZu ds dkj.kA
(C) Variations in the light intensity (C) izdk'k dh rhozrk esa cnyko ds dkj.kA
(D) Osmotic problems
52. Which of the following Fundamental Rights (D) ijklj.kh; laca/h leL;kvksa ds dkj.kA
is/are not self executory in nature? 52. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls ekSfyd vf/dkj Lor% dk;kZfUor
1. Article 14 2. Article 17 izÑfr ds ugha gS \
3. Article 19 4. Article 24
Select the correct answer using the codes 1. vuqPNsn 14& 2 - vuqPNsn 17&
given below 3 - vuqPNsn 19& 4 - vuqPNsn 24&
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 4 only uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 2, 3 and 4 only
53. A food chain is the sequence of who eats (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj4
whom in a biological community to obtain (C) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj4 (D) dsoy 2] 3 vkSj4
nutrition. Which among the following food 53. fdlh tSfodh; leqnk; dh [kk| J`[kayk esa ,d tho nwljs
chains involve only the sub soil organisms?
(A) Parasitic food chain tho ls iks"k.k izkIr djrk gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh
(B) Consumer food chain [kk| J`[kayk dsoy e`nk dh mi&lrg esa ik;h tkrh gS \
(C) Detritus food chain (A) ijthoh [kk| J`a[kyk(B) miHkksDrk [kk| J`a[kyk
(D) redactor food chain
(C) vijn [kk| J`a[kyk(D) ijHk{kh [kk| Ja`[kyk
54. With reference to Curiosity Rover, consider
the following statements: 54. D;wfjvksflVh jksoj ds lanHkZ esa fuEu dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
1. It is a part of NASA's Mars Science 1- ;g uklk ds eklZ lkbal yScjksVjh fe'ku (,e,l,y)
Laboratory mission (MSL). dk ,d Hkkx gSA
2. Curiosity design will serve as the basis
for a planned Mars 2020 rover mission. 2- D;wfjvksflVh ds vfHkdYi ls eaxy jksoj fe'ku 2020
3. Curiosity was landed on Mount Sharp dks ,d vk/kj feysxkA
region of Mars. 3- eaxy ds ekWÅaV 'kkiZ {ks=k esa D;wfjvksflVh mrjkA
Which of the statements given above are
correct? mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gSa \
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only (D) None of the above (C) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
55. Which of the following ecological pyramids
is/are upright in case of a Pond 55. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls ikfjfLFkfrdh; fijkfeM ^rkykc
Ecosystem? ds ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=k* ds lacaèk esa mèokZèkj gS@gSa\
1. Pyramid of Number 1. la[;k dk fijkfeM
2. Pyramid of Biomass
3. Pyramid of Energy 2. ck;ksekl dk fijkfeM
Select the correct answer using the code 3. ÅtkZ dk fijkfeM
given below. uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
56. With reference to Green House Gases (C) dsoy 3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
(GHGs), consider the following statements: 56. xzhu gkml xSlksa
(GHGs) ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa
1. Green House gases are also called
radiatively active gases as they absorb ij fopkj dhft,A
infrared radiation. 1. xzhu gkml xSlksa dks fofdj.kh;
(radiatively) :i ls
2. Under the process of greenhouse flux, lfØ; xSlsa Hkh dgk tkrk gS D;ksafd ;s xSlsa vojDr
earth radiates back energy to the fofdj.k dk vo'kks"k.k djrh gSA
3. Atmosphere lifetime of Methane is 3. ehFksu dk ok;qeaMyh; thoudky DyksjksÝyksjksdkcZu dh
much more than Chlorofluorocarbons. rqyuk esa dkiQh vfèkd gksrk gSA
Which of the above mentioned statements mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh ugha gS@gSa\
is/are not correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj3
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 only (C) dsoy 3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3

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57. Which Indian cricketer has been conferred with 57. fdl Hkkjrh; fØdsV dks ;wukbVsM fdaxMe esa iQsyksf'ki
the Fellowship Award in United Kingdom vWokMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gS\
(A) Sachin Tendulkar (A) lfpu rsanqydj (B) jfo 'kkL=kh
(B) Ravi Shastri (C) ,e ,l èkksuh (D) lquhy xkoLdj
(C) M S Dhoni 58. ^la[;k dk fijkfeM* dk laca/ fdldh la[;k ls gksrk gS\
(D) Sunil Gavakar
58. 'Pyramid of numbers' deals with the number of 1 - fdlh {ks=k dh iztkfr;ksa lsA
1. Species in an area 2 - fdlh leqnk; ds lnL;ksa lsA
2. Individuals in a community 3 - fdlh iks"k.k Lrj ds lnL;ksa lsA
3. Individuals in a trophic level
Select the correct answer using the codes
fuEufyf[kr dwVksa dh lgk;rk ls lgh mÙkj pqfu, %
given below : (A) dsoy 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj3
(A) 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (C) dsoy 3 (D) dsoy 1 vkSj3
(C) 3 only (D) 1 and 3 only
59. Consider the following statements :
59. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
1. Coniferous are also known as evergreen 1- 'khrks".k 'kadq/kjh ouksa dks lnkcgkj o`{kksa ds :i esa Hkh
tree. tkuk tkrk gSA
2. Total number of species in coniferous 2- 'khrks".k 'kadq/kjh ouksa esa iztkfr;ksa dh dqy la[;k vfèkd
forests is huge because of the extreme gksus dk dkj.k tyok;q fLFkfr dk pje ij gksuk gSA
climatic condition of the area.
Which of the statements given above is/ mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku xyr gS@gSa \
are incorrect? (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 60. lqiks"k.k (;wVªksfiQds'ku) dh leL;k de djus ds fy,
60. Which of the following steps can be taken
to reduce the problem of eutrophication? fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dne mBk;k@mBk, tk
1. Creating wetlands around a water body. ldrk@ldrs gS@gSa\
2. Reducing air pollution. 1. ty fudk; ds pkjksa vksj vknzZHkwfe;ksa dk fuekZ.kA
3. Using lakes for aquaculture.
2. ok;q iznw"k.k de djukA
Select the correct answer using the code
given below. 3. tyÑf"k(Aquaculture) ds fy, >hyksa dk mi;ksx
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 only djukA
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
61. Who has been conferred with the Tholkappi
ar Award for the year 2015-16? (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 2
(A) A Dakshinamurthy (C) dsoy 1 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
(B) S Rajalaksmi 61. o"kZ2015-16 dk FkkWDdsfi;j vkoMZ ls fdls lEekfur
(C) S N Kandaswamy
(D) R Kalaikkovan
fd;k x;k gS?
62. Which of the following expenditures are (A) , nf{k.kew£r (B) ,l jkty{eh
charged from the Consolidate Fund of (C) ,l ,u dankLokeh (D) vkj dkySDdksou
India? 62. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls O;;] Hkkjr dh lafpr fuf/ ls
1. Salaries of judges of Supreme Court.
2. Salary and allowances of the Prime
fy;s tkrs gSa\
Minister. 1- mPpre U;k;ky; ds U;k;k/h'kksa dk osruA
3. Debt charges for which the government 2- iz/kuea=kh dk osru ,oa HkÙksA
of India is liable. 3- ½.k izHkkj] ftlds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj mÙkjnk;h gSA
4. Pensions of the chairman of UPSC.
Select the correct answer using the codes
4- la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx ds vè;{k dh isa'kuA
given below (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (C) dsoy 1] 3 vkSj 4 (D) 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 63. Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds ekudksa ds vuqlkj fuEufyf[kr esa ls
63. As per RBI norms which of the following dkSu lk@ls {ks=k&izkFkfed ojh;rk okyk gS@okys gSa \
is/are a priority sector ?
1. Education 1- f'k{kk
2. Housing 2- vkokl
3. Export Credit 3- fu;kZr&lk[k
Select the correct answer using the codes uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj dk pquko
A dhft,
given below
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 2 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 5
64. What is the difference between saturated 64. lar`Ir rFkk vlar`Ir olh; vEy esa D;k varj gS\
and unsaturated Fatty Acids ?
1- lar`Ir olh; vEy esa olh; vEy Ja`[kyk ds ,dy
1. Saturated fatty acids have no doubles
bonds between the individual carbon dkcZu ijek.kqvksa ds chp nksgjs ca/ ugha gksrs gSaA
atoms of the fatty acid chain. 2- lar`Ir olh; vEy dejs ds rkieku ij Bksl voLFkk esa
2. Saturated fatty acids are solid at room jgrs gaS tcfd vlar`Ir olh; vEy dejs ds rkieku
temperature, while unsaturated fatty
ij nzo voLFkk esa j[krs gSaA
acids are liquids at room temperature.
3. Unlike the unsaturated fatty acids, 3- vlar`Ir olh; vEy ds foijhr lar`Ir olh; vEy ty
saturated fatty acids are soluble in esa ?kqyu'khy gksrs gSaA
water. uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj dk pquko
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only (D) 2 only (C) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 3 (D) dsoy 2
65. Consider the following statements with
reference to Aurora:
65. vkSjksjk ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuks ij fopkj dhft, %
1. The aurora that is visible in the northern 1- mÙkjh xksyk/Z esa fn[kus okyk vkSjksjk] vkSjksjk cksj
hemisphere is called Aurora Borealis. dgykrk gSA
2. The aurora that is visible in the
2- nf{k.kh xksyk/Z esa fn[kus okyk vkSjksjk] vkSjksjk vkLV
southern hemisphere is called the
Aurora Australia. dgykrk gSA
3. The auroras tend to be strongest when 3- vc lkSj&fcanq pØ vius mPpre Lrj ij gksrk gS rks
the solar activity in the sun spot cycle vkSjksjk dk izHkko vf/dre gksrk gSA
is at its highest.
Which of the statements given above are
mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gSa \
correct ? (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (C) 1] 2 vkSj3 (D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) None of the above
66. Which of the following is/are indicator
66. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh lwpd(indicator
iztkfr;ka species) gSa\
species? 1. VÔwchiQsDl VÔwchiQsDl 2. xkSjS;k
1. Tubifex tubifex 2. Sparrow 4. ekWl 4. u| Ånfcyko
3. Mosses 4. River otter
Select the correct answer using the code
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
given below. (A) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj3
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1 and 4 only (B) dsoy 1 vkSj4
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(C) dsoy 2 vkSj3
67. The Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
which state? (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
(A) Maharashtra (B) Jharkhand 67. nyek vH;kj.; fdl jkT; esa fLFkr ? gSa
(C) Assam (D) Uttar Pradesh
(A) egkjk"Vª (B) >kj[k.M
68. Consider the following statements
regarding Borobudur temple : (C) vle (D) mÙkj izns'k
1. It is the largest Buddhist temple 68. cksjkscqnwj eafnj ds lEca/ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
situated in Indonesia.
dhft, %
2. This is a monument listed in the
UNESCO World heritage site. 1. ;g b.Mksusf'k;k esa fLFkr lcls cM+k ckS¼ eafnj gSA
3. It is associated with Mahayana sect of 2. bls ;wusLdks esa fo'o fojklr LFky dk ntkZ izkIr gSA
3. bldk laca/ ckS¼ /eZ dh egk;ku 'kk[kk ls gSA
Which of the statements given above are
incorrect ? mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku vlR; gSa \
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) All of these
(C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) mi;qZDr lHkh

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 6

69. Consider the following statements: 69. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
1. The Antecedent river are those rivers 1- iwoZorhZ ufn;k¡] os ufn;k¡ gksrh gSa ftudk mn~Hko fgeky;
which existed after the upheaval of the
Himalayas and follow the general ds mRFkku ds ckn gqvk gS vkSj bu ufn;ksa dk cgko
direction of slope. lkekU; <ky ds vuq:i gksrk gSA
2. Consequent rivers are those rivers 2- vuqorhZ ufn;k¡] os ufn;k¡ gksrh gSa ftudk mn~Hko fgeky;
which is existed before the upheaval of ds mRFkku ds igys gqvk gS vkSj ;s nf{k.k dh rjiQ
the Himalayas and cut their courses cgrh gqbZ igkM+ksa esa xktZ vkSj [kM+ cukrh gSA
south wards making gorges in the
mountains. mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku vlR; gS@gSaa \
Which of the statements given above is/ (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
are not correct ? (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only 70. fudsr ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 1. ;g ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=k esa iztkfr }kjk fuHkkbZ tkus okyh
70. With reference to ‘niche’, consider the
following statements : dk;kZRed Hkwfedk gSA
1. It is the functional role played by a 2. fdUgha Hkh nks iztkfr;ksa dk leku fudsr ugha gks ldrk gSA
species in an ecosystem. mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS\
2. No two species have identical niches. (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
Which of the statements given above is/
(C) 1 vkSj2 nksuksa (D) u rks1, u gh 2
are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only 71. p;ukRed mRizsjd vip;u(Selective catalytic
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 reduction) izkS|ksfxdh] tks HkkjrVI LVst&
mRltZu ekud
71. With reference to selective Catalytic viukus ds fy, vko';d mRltZu fu;af=kr izkS|ksfxdh gS]
Reduction technology, an emission control blds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
technology required for adopting Bharat
1. ;g okguksa ls gksusSO okysmRltZu dk Lrj de
Stage VI emission standards, consider the 2

following statements : djrk gSA

1. It reduces the levels of SO2 in vehicular 2. blesa mRizsjdyh iz.kk
ds Hkhrj vip;udkjh ,tsaV ds
emissions. :i esa ruq(aqueous) veksfu;k dk mi;k
sx gksrk gSA
2. It uses aqueous ammonia as a reducing mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS\
agent within a catalyst system.
Which of the statements given above is/ (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
are correct. (C) 1 vkSj2 nksuksa (D) u rks1, u gh 2
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only 72. foÙk o"kZ2018 dh ,f'k;k vkSj iz'kkar ds fy, vkbZ ,e
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 ,iQ dh uohure fjiksVZ {ks=kh; vk£Fkd vkmVyqd ds vuqlkj
72. What is the Indian's GDP growth forecast Hkkjr dk th Mh ih o`f¼ vuqikr fdruk gS\
for FY 18, according to IMF's latest report
(A) 7.6% (B) 7.2%
Regional Economic Outlook (REO) for Asia
and Pacific? (C) 7.4% (D) 7.7%
(A) 7.6% (B) 7.2% 73. Hkkjr ds jk"Vªh; iQy] vke ds laca/ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa
(C) 7.4% (D) 7.7% esa ls dkSu lk dFku xyr gS \
73. Which of the following statements regarding (A) Hkkjr esa vke mxkus dh 'kq:vkr lksygoha 'krkCnh esa
Mango, the national fruit of India, is
iqrZxkfy;ksa }kjk dh xbZA
(A) Its cultivation was introduced in India (B) ;g m".kdfVca/h; ns'kksa esa izk;% cM+s iSekus ij mxk;s
by Portuguese in sixteenth century. tkus okys iQyksa esa ls ,d gSA
(B) It is one of the most widely grown fruits (C) Hkkjr esa ;g ioZrh; {ks=kksa dks NksM+dj lHkh yksxks
of the tropical countries. mxk;k tkrk gSA
(C) It is cultivated almost in all parts in
India, with the exception of hilly areas. (D) blesa foVkfeu ,] lh vkSj Mh izpqj ek=kk esa ik;k tkrk gSA
(D) It is a rich source of Vitamins A, C and D. 74. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls eafnj vius laLFkkid jktoa'kksa ds
74. Which of the following temples are correctly lkFk lgh lqesfyr gS \
matched with their founder dynasty ? (eafnj) (jktoa'k)
(Temple) (Dynasty) 1- lkr jFk % lkrokgu
1. Seven Ratha : Satvahana
2. Khajuraho : Rashtrakuta 2- [kqtjkgks % jk"VªdwV
3. Dilwara : Chalukya 3- fnyokM+k % pkyqD;
4. Brihadeshware : Chola 4- c`ns'oj % pksy
Select the correct answer using the codes fuEufyf[kr dwVksa dh lgk;rk ls lgh mÙkj pqfu, %
given below :
(A) dsoy 1 vkSj 4 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 4
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 2 and 4 only
(C) 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 3 and 4 only (C) dsoy 3 vkSj 4 (D) dsoy 1] 3 vkSj 4

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 7

75. Which of the following statements regarding 75. ^vYi ek=kk esa flapkbZ* ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkS
Deficit Irrigation (DI) are correct ?
1. Deficit irrigation is focused on water
ls dFku lgh gSa \
productivity. 1- vYi ek=kk esa flapkbZ ty dh mRikndrk ij dsafnzr gksrh gSA
2. Deficit irrigation is beneficial as it 2- vYi ek=kk esa flapkbZ ykHkizn gksrh gS D;ksafd ;g
lessens nutrient loss by leaching. fu{kkyu ds ekè;e ls iks"kdksa ds {k; dks de djrh
3. In this process. irrigation is applied
more efficiently, the risk for soil
salinization is less as compared to full 3- bl izfØ;k esa flapkbZ izHkkoh rjhds ls dh tkrh gS
irrigation. blfy, iw.kZ flapkbZ dh rqyuk esa blesa e`nk yo.khdj.k
Select the correct answer using the codes de gksrk gSA
given below :
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu, %
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
76. Consider the following statements (C) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
regarding economic policies, for the 76. Hkkjr ds fodkl ds fy, 'kq:vkrh Hkkjrh; ujeiaFkh jk"Vªokfn;ks
development of India, presented by early
moderate Indian nationalists:
}kjk izLrqr vk£Fkd uhfr;ksa ds laca/ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa
1. Economic development was seen as the ij fopkj dhft, %
rapid development of modern industry. 1- vk£Fkd fodkl dks vk/qfud m|ksx ds nzqr fodkl ds
2. Modern industry was seen as a major :i esa ns[kk x;kA
force to unite the diverse people of India 2- vk/qfud m|ksx dks Hkkjr ds fofo/ yksxksa dks ,dy
into a single national entity.
3. India, for industrialization, had to be jk"Vª ds :i esa la;qDr djus okyh izeq[k 'kfDr ds :i
based on both Indian and foreign esa ns[kk x;kA
capital. 3- vkS|ksxhdj.k ds fy, Hkkjr dks Hkkjrh; rFkk fons'kh
Which of the statements given above are nksuksa izdkj dh iw¡th ij fuHkZj gksuk FkkA
correct ?
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
77. Arrange the following energy sources in the (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
descending order of contribution to India's 77. fuEufyf[kr ÅtkZ L=kksrksa dks Hkkjr dh ÅtkZ ckLdsV es
energy basket :
1. Coal ;ksxnku ds vuqlkj vojksgh Øe esa O;ofLFkr dhft, %
2. Hydro-electric power 1. dks;yk
3. Renewable energy sources 2. tyfo|qr
4. Natural gas 3. uohdj.kh; ÅtkZ L=kksr
5. Nuclear
Select the correct answer using the code 4. izkÑfrd xSl
given below : 5. ijek.kq ÅtkZ
(A) 1-3-2-5-4 (B) 2-1-3-4-5 uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(C) 1-2-3-4-5 (D) 1-2-4-5-3
(A) 1-3-2-5-4 (B) 2-1-3-4-5
78. Which of the following sources contribute
to the formation of acid rains? (C) 1-2-3-4-5 (D) 1-2-4-5-3
1. Volcanic eruptions. 78. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&ls L=kksr vEy o"kkZ esa ;ksxnku nsrs g
2. Thermal Power Plants 1. Tokykeq[kh; foLiQksV
2. rki fo|qr la;a=k
3. Burning of coal 3. dks;ys dk ngu 4. vkWVkseksckby mRltZu
4. Automobile exhaust
Select the correct answer using the code uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
given below. (A) dsoy 3 vkSj4 (B) dsoy 1, 3 vkSj4
(A) 3 and 4 only (B) 1, 3 and 5 only (C) dsoy 2 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 79. i;kZoj.k ou vkSj tyok;q ifjorZu ea=kky; us ¶iznw"k.k
79. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change (MoEFCC) has developed lwpdkad¸ ds vkèkkj ij vkS|ksfxd {ks=kksa ds oxhZdj.k dk
the criteria of categorization of industrial ekunaM fodflr fd;k gSA iznw"k.k lwpdkad fuEu esa ls fdu
sectors based on the ‘‘Pollution Index’’ pjksa dk iQyu gS %
Pollution Index is a function of : 1. mRltZu
1. Emissions
2. Effluents 2. cfg% L=kko(effluents)
3. Hazardous wastes generated 3. mRiUu [krjukd vif'k"V
4. Consumption of resources 4. lalkèkuksa dh [kir
Select the correct answer using the code uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
given below.
(A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj3
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 3 and 4 only (D) 3 and 4 only (C) dsoy 3 vkSj4 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 8
80. Which Hollywood actor has won the first- 80. fdl gkWyhoqM vfHkusrk@vfHkus=kh us fiQYe esa loZJs"B ,
ever gender-neutral MTV award for Best
Actor in a movie? ds fy, igyk fyax fu"i{kMTV iqjLdkj thrk ?gS
(A) Lil Rel Howery (A) fyy jsy gkmjh (B) Msfu;y dkyw;k
(B) Daniel Kaluuya (C) feyh ckWch czkmu (D) ,ek okWVlu
(C) Millie Bobby Brown
(D) Emma Watson 81. iQqVywt m|ksx gS %
81. Footloose industry is: (A) dPps eky dh miyC/rk okys {ks=kksa ds fudV LFkkfir
(A) The industry located near raw material m|ksxA
(B) The industry located near market
(C) The industry located along major (B) cktkj ds fudV LFkkfir m|ksxA
transportation lines (C) izeq[k ifjogu ekxksZa ds fdukjs fLFkr m|ksxA
(D) The industry which can be located any (D) og m|ksx tks dgha Hkh LFkkfir fd;k tk ldsaA
82. Which of the following trees are found in
82. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl izdkj ds o`{k VSxk ouksa esa ik, tkrs
Taiga forest ? gSa\
1. Spruce 2. Teak 1- Lizwl 2- LkkxkSu
3. Mahogany 4. Pines
Select the correct answer using the codes
3- egksxuh 4- nsonkj
given below : uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1 and 4 only (D) 2 and 4 only
(C) dsoy 1 vkSj 4 (D) dsoy 2 vkSj 4
83. Consider the following statements :
1. Estuary is an aecotone between the 83. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
marine habitats and fresh water. 1. unh dk eqgkuk] leqnzh thou ,oa ehBs ty ds eè; ,d
2. Coastal bays, and tidal marshes etc are
examples of estuaries.
bdksVksu {ks=k gSA
Which of the statements given above is/ 2. rVorhZ [kkM+h ,oa Tokjh; nyny bR;kfn uneq[k ds
are correct ? mnkgj.k gSaA
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gaS\
84. What are the functions of the commodity (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
markets ? (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
1. They facilitate the price discovery
84. deksfMVh ekdsZV ds D;k dk;Z gSa \
2. They provide platform for price risk 1- os ewY; fu/kZj.k izfØ;k dks ljy cukrs gSaA
management in commodities. 2- os deksfMVh ds ewY;ksa ls lacaf/r tksf[ke ds izca/u dks
3. They act as single unified markets for
various commodities.
lqxe cukrs gSaA
Select the correct answer using the codes 3- os fofHkUu deksfMVh ds fy, ,d ,dhÑr cktkj dh
given below : rjg dk;Z djrs gSaA
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
85. Which of the following wing statements (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
correctly explains the cause of the 'Blood (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
Rain' phenomenon of sporadic instances of
red coloured rain over parts of Kerala in
85. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk dFku] o"kZ 2013 esa dsjy jkT;
2013? ds dqN Hkkxksa esa ^jDr o"kkZ* dh fNV&iqV ifj?kVuk
(A) The Huffington Post has reported that this mi;qDr dkj.k dh lgh O;k[;k djrk gS \
was caused by extra terrestrial life
(A) ^n gfiQaVu iksLV* ds vuqlkj bldk dkj.k vik£Fko
(B) Red colour in the rain was caused by izk.kh (,fy;al) FksA
the presence of spores of a European (B) bl jDr o"kkZ ds yky jax dk dkj.k blesa mifLFkr
species of green microalgae
;wjksih; iztkfr ds ,d gjs lw{e 'kSoky ds chtk.kq FksA
(C) This was a mechanism employed by
natural cloud seeding having rich (C) bldk dkj.k es?k chtu dh izfØ;k ds nkSjku yksgs ds
sources of iron oxides which in turn vkWDlkbM dh izpqjrk Fkh] ftlds dkj.k jDr izHkko
produced red effect.
mRiUu gqvkA
(D) This was an exceptional and
extravagant dispersal of spores of red (D) ;y yky lkxj esa feyus okys yky 'kSokyksa ds chtk.kqvksa
algae from the Red sea ds forj.k dh ,d vf}rh; vkSj vlk/kj.k ifj?kVuk FkhA
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 9
86. Consider the following pairs : 86. fuEufyf[kr ;qXeksa ij fopkj dhft, %
Interspecific Example
var£of'k"V varjfØ;k mnkgj.k
1. Commensalism : Interaction 1. lgHkksftrk % vathj ds isM+ vkSj rrS;k
between fig tree (Commensalism) ds chp var% fØ;k
and wasp
2. Amensalism : Interaction 2. vesalfyTe % xk;cxqYyk vkSj pjkbZ djus
cattle egret and (Amensalism) okys eosf'k;ksa ds chp var%
grazing cattle fØ;k
3. Mutualism : Interaction
3. lgthfork % 'ksj vkSj fgj.k ds chp var%
between lion and
deer (Mutualism) fØ;k
4. Parasitism : Interaction of lice 4. ijthfork % tw¡ vkSj ekuo dh var%
and human
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
(Parasitism) fØ;k
matched? mi;qZDr ;qXeksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh lqesfyr gS@gSa\
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only (A) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj3 (B) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj4
(C) 2 and 4 only (D) 4 only
(C) dsoy 2 vkSj4 (D) dsoy 4
87. Consider the following statements :
1. In an aquatic ecosystem, a larger 87. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
fraction of energy flows through grazing 1. tyh; ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=k esa] ÅtkZ dk cM+k va'k vijnu
food chain than through detritus food
(detritus) [kk| Üka`[kyk dh rqyuk ds ekè; ls
2. In a terrestrial ecosystems, a larger izokfgr gksrk gSA
fraction of energy flows through the 2. LFkyh; ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=kk esa] ÅtkZ dk cM+k va'k pkj.k
detritus food chain than through grazing
food chain.
[kk| Üka`[kyk dh rqyuk esa vijnu [kk| Üka`[kyk ds
Which of the statements given above is/ ekè;e ls izokfgr gksrk gSA
are correct? mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
(A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
88. Which of the following is the National (C) 1 vkSj2 nksuksa (D) u rks1, u gh 2
Implementation entity of the Adaptation 88. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu tyok;q ifjorZu ij la;qDr jk"Vª ds
Fund set up under the Kyoto Protocol of
the United Nations Framework Convention
izQseodZ dUosa'ku
(UNFCCC) ds DoksVks izksVksdkWy ds
on Climate Change (UNFCCC)? varxZr LFkkfir vuqdwy iQaM dh jk"Vªh; dk;kZUo;u bdkbZ
(A) National Bank for Agriculture and gS
Rural Development (NABARD)
(B) National Biodiversity Authority (A) jk"Vªh; Ñf"k vkSj xzkeh.k fodkl cSad
(C) NITI Aayog (B) jk"Vªh; tSo fofoèkrk izkfèkdj.k
(D) Indian Renewable Energy Development (C) uhfr vk;ksx
Agency (IREDA)
89. Who has been appointed the new India' (D) Hkkjrh; v{k; ÅtkZ fodkl ,tsalh
Ambassador to the Kingdom of the 89. uhnjySaM jkT; ds fy, Hkkjr dk u;k jktnwr fu;qDr fd;k
Netherlands? x;k gS?
(A) J S Mukul
(A) ts ,l eqdqy (B) iwtk diwj
(B) Pooja Kapur
(C) Venu Rajamony (C) osuq jkteksuh (D) furh'k >k
(D) Nitish Jha 90. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls tyok;q ifjorZu ij jk"Vªh;
90. Which of the is/are not part of national
action plan on climate change (NAPCC)?
dk;Z ;kstuk (NAPCC) dk va'k ugha gS@gSa
1. National Bamboo Mission 1. jk"Vªh; ckal fe'ku
2. National Horticulture Mission 2. jk"Vªh; ckxokuh fe'ku
3. National water Mission
3. jk"Vªh; ty fe'ku
4. National Wetland Conservation
Programme. 4. jk"Vªh; vknzHkwfe laj{k.k dk;ZØe
Select the correct answer using the code uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
given below.
(A) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj 3 (B) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj4
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only
(C) 3 and 4 only (D) 4 only (C) dsoy 3 vkSj 4 (D) dsoy 4

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 10

91. In species to species interaction which the 91. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu varizZtkrh; var% fØ;k dk ½.kkRed
following are negative interactions in which laca/ gS ftlesa ,d ;k nksuksa iztkfr;ksa dks gkfu gksrh gS \
one or both species are harmed?
1. Competition 2. Commensalism 1- izfrLi/kZ 2- lgHkksftrk
3. Antibiosis 4. Exploitation 3- izfrtSfodrk 4- 'kks"k.k
Select the correct answer using the codes uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
given below :
(A) dsoy 3 vkSj 4 (B) dsoy 2] 3 vkSj 4
(A) 3 and 4 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1 and 4 only (D) 1, 3 and 4 (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 4 (D) dsoy 1] 3 vkSj 4
92. Consider the following statements 92. dSfcusV fe'ku ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
regarding recommendations of Cabinet dhft, %
Mission Plan.
1. Provinces should be free to form
1- blesa izkarh; fo/kf;dksa vkSj dk;Zikfydkvksa dks dk;Zdkjh
executive and Legislature, and each vkSj fo/kueaMyh; Lora=krk iznku dh x;h vkSj
group can determine the provincial foèkkueaMyh; Lrra=krk iznku dh x;h vkSj izR;sd lewg
subject to be taken in common. dks {ks=kh; ;k izkarh; fo"k;ksa ds fu/kZj.k dh 'kfDr iznku
2. The provinces would enjoy full
autonomy, for all subjects other than
dh x;hA
the Union subjects and all residuary 2- la?k dks izkIr izkarh; fo"k; rFkk vof'k"V 'kfDr;ksa] dks
powers would be vested in the NksM+ dj] izkarksa dks lHkh 'kfDr;ksa dks iz;ksx djus dk
provinces. vf/dkj iznku fd;kA
Which of the statements given above is/
are correct ?
mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa \
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
93. Which one of the following is the best 93. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk tSo mipkj (ck;ksjhesfM,'ku)
description of term ‘bioremediation’?
(A) It is the enrichment of the nutrient
dk lcls vPNk o.kZu? gS
quality of the soil using biological agents. (A) ;g tSfod ,tsaVh dk iz;ksx dj feV~Vh ds iks"kd rRoksa
(B) It is the increase of organ-metallic dh xq.koÙkk dk laoèkZu gSA
compound in the organism through (B) ;g ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=k esa ÅtkZ izokg ds ekè;e ls thoksa
energy flow in an ecosystem.
(C) It is the use of microorganisms to esa tSo&èkkfRod ;kSfxdks dh o`f¼ gSA
degrade the environmental contaminants (C) ;g i;kZoj.kh; lanw"k.k rRoksa dk de fo"kkDr :iksa esa
into less toxic form. vo{k; djus ds fy, lw{ethoksa dk mi;ksx gSA
(D) It is the adoption of genetic variable (D) ;g vfèkd mit nsus okyh fdLeksa ds iztuu ds fy,
plants for breeding of high yielding
vrieties. vkuqoaf'kd ifjorZuh; ikSèkksa dk vaxhdj.k gSA
94. Which of the following adaptations are 94. gSyksiQkbfVd (yo.ke`nksf‰n) ikSèkksa esa fuEufyf[kr esa
observed in halophytic plants? dkSu ls vuqdwy n`f"Vxkspj ? gksrs gSa
1. Prop and still roots. 1. voyEc vkSj voLraHk(prop ewy and still roots)
2. Pneumatophores.
3. Sunken stomata 2. U;wesVksiQks”kZ
4. Vivipary 3. tyexz jaèkz (Sunken stomata)
Select the correct answer using the code 4. tjk;qtrk (Vivipary)
given below. uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only
(C) 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj4
95. Which of the following is the official mascot (C) dsoy 3 vkSj4 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
of the 22nd edition of Asian Athletics 95. fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k2017
o"kZds ,f'k;kbZ pSafi;uf'ki
Championships-2017? ds 22osa laLdj.k dk vfèkdkfjd 'kaqHkdj
? gSa
(A) Bawean Deer (B) Misha
(C) Olly Turtle (D) Flying Squirre (A) ckosu fgj.k (B) fe'kk
96. Which of the following groups of India did (C) vksyh dNqvk (D) Ýykbax LDok;j
not participated in 1905 Swadeshi 96. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk@ls lewgksa us o"kZ 1905 ds Lons'kh
Movement? vkanksyu esa Hkkx ugha fy;k Fkk\
1. Peasant class 2. Women
3. Middle Class 4. Moderates 1. Jfed oxZ us 2. efgykvksa us
Select the correct answer using the codes 3. eè;e oxZ us 4. lqèkkjokfn;ksa us
given below: fuEufyf[kr dwVksa dh lgk;rk ls lgh mÙkj pqfu,%
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 1 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj4 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
(C) 3 only (D) None of these
(C) dsoy 3 (D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 11
97. Which of the following sectors are included 97. fuEufyf[kr essa ls fdu {ks=kksa vFkZO;oLFkk ds izkFkfed {ks
in the primary sector of the economy? lfEefyr fd;k tkrk gSa\
1. Education 2. Fuels
3. Minerals 4. Textile industry
1- f'k{kk 2- bZèku
5. Tourism 3- [kftu 4- oL=k m|ksx
Select the correct answer using the code 5- i;ZVu
given below: uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj dk pquko dhft,A
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 3 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1, 3 and 5 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) dsoy 1] 3 vkSj 5 (D) dsoy 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
98. Arrange the following GHGs in the
increasing order of their Global Warning 98. fuEufyf[kr xzhu gkml xSlksa dks mudh Xykscy ok£ex {kerk
Potential (GWP) : (GWP) ds c<+rs Øe esa O;ofLFkr dhft, %
1. Methane (CH4) 1. ehFksu (CH4)
2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 2. dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM (CO2)
3. Nitrous Hexafluoride (SF6)
3. ukbVªl gsDlkÝyksjkbM
4. Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)
5. Perfluoro Carbons (PFCs) 4. lYiQj gsDlkÝyksjkbM(SF6)
6. Hydro Fluoro Carbons (HFCs) 5. ijÝyksjksdkcZu
Select the correct answer using the code 6. gkbMªks Ýyksjks dkcZu
given below. uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 2-1-3-6-5-4 (B) 2-3-1-5-6-4 (A) 2-1-3-6-5-4 (B) 2-3-1-5-6-4
(C) 1-2-3-4-5-6 (D) 1-2-3-5-6-4 (C) 1-2-3-4-5-6 (D) 1-2-3-5-6-4
99. Which of the following animals are found
in India?
99. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls oU; tho Hkkjr esa ik, tkrs gSa\
1. White tiger 2. Hangul 1- lisQn ck?k 2- gaxqy
3. Blue sheep 4. Musk deer 3- uhyh HksM+ 4- dLrwjh e`x
Select the correct answer using the codes uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj dk pquko dhft,A
given below: (A) dsoy 2 vkSj 4 (B) dsoy 2] 3 vkSj 4
(A) 2 and 4 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 4 (D) 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
100. India's first bio refinery plant has set up in 100. Hkkjr dk igyk tSo fjiQkbujh IykaV fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl
which of the following states? jkT; esa fLFkr fd;k x;k
? gSa
(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Assam (A) vkUèkz izns'k (B) vle
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Maharashtra (C) rfeyukMq (D) egkjk"Vª
101. Consider the following statement regarding
101. eqxy ealcnkjh O;oLFkk ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij
Mughal Mansabdari system.
1. The Mansabdari system in Mughal ij fopkj dhft,%
period was introduced by Humayun. 1- eqxy 'kklu ds nkSjku ealcnkjh O;oLFkk gqek;w¡ }kjk
2. Punch hazari Mansabdars got their ykxw dh x;h FkhA
salaries in cash and above it, in the form 2- iapgtkjh eaklcnkjksa dks mudk osru uxn feyrk Fkk
of land grants.
Which of the statements given above is/
vkSj blls mQij ds ekalcnkjksa dks Hkwfe vuqnku ds
are correct ? ekè;e ls osru Hkqxrku gksrk FkkA
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
102. With reference to the phenomenon of Tides, (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
consider the following statements:
102. Tokj HkkVk ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
1. Spring tides occur when the moon,
earth and sun are at a right angular 1 - o`gr Tokj rc vkrs gSa tc lw;Z] i`Foh vkSj pUnzek
position. ledks.k ij gksaA
2. Neap tides occur when the moon, earth 2 - y?kq Tokj rc vkrs gSa tc lw;Z] i`Foh vkSj pUnzek ljy
and sun are in a straight line. js[kk esa gksaA
3. Neap tides are low tides.
3 - y?kq Tokj dks fuEu Tokj dgrs gSaA
Which of the statements given above are
correct? mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gSa \
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) None of the above (C) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (D) mi;ZqDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 12
103. With reference to the term ‘Pesticide 103. ^isfLVlkbM VsªMfey* ds lUnHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa
Treadmill’, consider the following
statements : fopkj dhft, :
1. It means increasing the doses of 1. bldk vFkZ gS iwoZ&fu;af=kr dhVksa dks iqu% iuius ls
pesticides to prevent the resurgence of
jksdus ds fy, dhVuk'kdksa dh ek=kk esa o`f¼ djukA
the earlier controlled pest.
2. It yields counter productive results as 2. pw¡fd ckj&ckj bldk fNM+dko Ñ"kd leqnk; dh ½.k
repeated spraying increase the rFkk nqcZy LokLF; ds izfr lqHks|rk esa o`f¼ djrk gS]
vulnerabilities of the farming
communities to debt and poor health. blfy, blds izfrdwy ifj.kke gksrs gSaA
3. It involves targeted spraying on pests 3. blesa dhVksa ij yf{kr fNM+dko fd;k tkrk gS] rkfd
so that no other insects which are gkfujfgr rFkk iQlyksa ds fy, ykHkizn dhV u ekjs
harmless or beneficial to the crops get
killed. tk,aA
Which of the statement(s) given above is/ mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 3
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (C) dsoy 1 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
104. With reference to Green Rating for
Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA),
104. lesfdr izkÑfrd vkokl ewY;kadu ds fy, gfjr jsfVax ds
consider the following statements? lUnHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
1. The rating have been developed jointly 1. ;s jsfVaxTERI rFkk i;kZoj.k vkSj ou ea=kky; ds }kjk
by TERI and Ministry of Environment
and Forest. la;qDr :i ls fodflr dh x;h gSA
2. GRI HA rating is mandatory for 2. GRIHA jsfVax fdlh Hkh uohu vkS|ksfxd Hkou dh
establishment of any new industrial
LFkkiuk ds fy, vfuok;Z gSA
Which of the statements given above is/ mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
are correct? (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (C) 1 vkSj2 nksuksa (D) u rks1 u gh 2
105. Who has won the 2017 French Presidential 105. 2017 dk izQsap jk"Vªifr pquko fdlus ? thrk gSa
(A) Emmanual Macron (A) bEesU;q,y eSØkWu (B) efju ys isu
(B) Marine Le Pen (C) izQsudksbl gksySaM (D) thu&Y;wd esyupkWu
(C) Prancois Hollande
(D) Jean-Luc Melenchon
106. foÙkh; vkikrdky ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
106. Consider the following statements dhft,%
regarding financial emergency. 1- foÙkh; vkikr dh mn~?kks"k.kk dk i=k laln ds izR;sd
1. Proclamation of financial emergency
declaration report shall be laid before lnu ds le{k j[kk tk,xkA
each House of parliament. 2- foÙkh; vkikr~dky dh mn~?kks"k.kk] N% ekl dh lekfIr
2. Proclamation shall cease to operate at
ij] izorZu esa ugha jgsxh ;fn bl vofèk ds lekIr gksus
the expiration of six months, unless
before the expiration of that period it ls iwoZ gh laln ds nksuksa lnuksa ds ladYi }kjk mldk
has been approved by resolution of vuqeksnu ugha dj fn;k tkrk gSA
both houses of parliament.
Which of the statements given above is/ mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu@lk ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
are correct? (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
(C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
107. Which of the following is/are main factor 107. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk@ls vk£Fkd izxfr dk@ds izeq[k
(S) of economic growth? dkjd gS@gSa\
1. An increase in aggregate demand
2. An increase in aggregate supply 1- dqy ek¡x esa o`f¼
(productive capacity) 2- dqy vkiw£r essa o`f¼ (mRiknd {kerk)
Select the answer using the codes given
below: uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 13
108. Consider the following sectors of India 108. Hkkjr ds fuEu {ks=kksa ij fopkj dhft, %
1. Agriculture
1. Ñf"k
2. Industrial processes and product use
3. Energy 2. vkS|ksfxd izfØ;kvksa rFkk mRiknksa dk mi;ksx
4. Waste 3. ÅtkZ
Arrange the above in the increasing order 4. vif'k"V
their contribution to GHG emissions. fuEufyf[kr dks xzhu gkml xSl mRltZu esa muds ;ksxnku ds
(A) 4-1-2-3 (B) 4-2-1-3
(C) 1-4-3-2 (D) 4-2-3-1 c<+rs Øe esa O;ofLFkr dhft,A
109. Consider the following statements (A) 4-1-2-3 (B) 4-2-1-3
regarding Directive Principles of State (C) 1-4-3-2 (D) 4-2-3-1
Policy in India. 109. Hkkjr esa jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rRoksa ds lacaèk esa
1. Article 31–C; inserted by the 25th fuEufyf[kr dFkukas ij fopkj dhft,%
Amendment Act of 1971 seeks to
upgrade the Directive Principles. 1- 25osa la'kksèku vfèkfu;e] 1971 }kjk tksM+k x;k vuqPNsn
2. Article 48-A, which ensures Protection 31x dqN funs'kd rRoksa dks izHkkoh cukrk gSA
and improvement of environment and 2- vuqPNsn 48d] tks fd i;kZoj.k dk laj{k.k rFkk laoèkZu
safeguarding of forests and wild life, was vkSj ou rFkk oU; thoksa dh j{kk lqfuf'pr djrk gS]
added by the 86th Amendment Act,
2002. 86oka la'kksèku vfèkfu;e] 2002 }kjk tksM+k x;k FkkA
Which of the statements given above is/ mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
are correct? (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
110. Which country has been elected as the new
110. ;w ,u vkokl dh 'kklu ifj"kn~ ds u, jk"Vªifr ds :i esa
President of Governing Council of UN- fdl ns'k dks pquk x;k gSa\
Habitat? (A) phu (B) Hkkjr
(A) Chain (B) India (C) :l (D) Jh yadk
(C) Russia (D) Sri Lanka
111. Which country is hosting the 26th session
111. dkSu&ls ns'k us2017 o"kZdh la;qDr jk"Vª&vkokl dh
of the Governing Council (GC) of UN- 'kklu ifj"kn~ 26
ds osa l=k dh estckuh dh ? gS
Habitat-2017? (A) Hkkjr (B) dsU;k
(A) India (B) Kenya (C) bZDokMksj (D) m:Xo
(C) Ecuador (D) Uruguay
112. Airborne Warning And Control Systems
112. ,;j ckuZ okfuZx ,.M daVªksy flLVEl (vokDl) gS%
(AWACS) are: (A) foeku ij yxk thih,e
(A) GPS fitted on the aircraft (B) vkbZvkj,u,l,l ds varxZr iz{ksfir mixzg
(B) Satellites launched under IRNSS (C) ok;q;ku ij yxs jMkj
(C) Radars mounted on the aircraft
(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
(D) None of the above
113. Which of the following statements best 113. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk tSfod
(biotic potential)
describes biotic potential? {kerk dks loksZÙke :i ls izLrqr djrk gS\
(A) It refers to the potential biomass of a (A) ;g izfr bdkbZ {ks=k esa 'kq"d Hkkj ds :i esa ifjfer
population measured as dry weight per
unit area.
fdlh tula[;k ds laHkkfor ck;ksekl ds lacaèk esa
(B) It refers to the possible functional roles crkrk gSA
a species can play in an ecosystem. (B) ;g fdlh ikfjfLFkfrd ra=k esa fdlh iztkfr }kjk fuHkkbZ
(C) It refers to the maximum reproductive tkus okyh laHkkfor ck;ksekl ds lacaèk esa crkrk gSA
capacity of an organism under optimum
(C) ;g b"Vre i;kZoj.kh; n'kkvksa esa fdlh tho dh vfèkdre
environmental conditions.
(D) It refers to the minimum population of tuu {kerk dks lan£Hkr djrk gSA
a species required to sustain a food (D) ;g fdlh [kk| latky dks cuk, j[kus ds fy, vko';d
web. fdlh iztkfr dh U;wure la[;k ds lacaèk esa crkrk gSA
114. Colour of blood of human beings is red in
colour due to the oxygen which imparts red
114. euq"; dk jDr yky jax dk gksrk gSA D;ksafd vkWDlhtu ghe
colour to home. Colour of de-oxygenated v.kq dks yky jax iznku djrh gSA vkWDlhtu jfgr jDr dk
blood is: jax%
(A) Blue (B) Black (A) uhyk gksrk gS (B) dkyk gksrk gSS
(C) Red (D) Dark shade of red
(C) yky gksrk gS (D) xgjk yky gksrk gS
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 14
115. Mirage is an optical phenomenon in which a 115. e`xekjhfpdk ,d izdk'k lacaèkh ifj?kVuk gS ftlesa jsfxLrku
small patch of water at a distance is seen on
a hot day in the desert. It is caused due to:
esa FkksM+h nwj ij ikuh dk ,d NksVk lk lzksr fn[kkbZ iM+rk g
(A) Reflection of light ,slk gksus dk dkj.k gS%
(B) Refraction of light (A) izdk'k dk ijkorZu gksukA
(C) Dispersion of light (B) izdk'k dk viorZu gksukA
(D) Total internal reflection of light
(C) izdk'k dk izdh.kZu gksukA
116. Calculate the farce needed to speed up a
car with a rate of 5ms–², if the mass of the (D) izdk'k dk iw.kZ vkarfjd ijkoZru gksukA
car is 1000g? 116. 5ms² dh nj ls xfr ds fy, fdrus cy dh vko';drk
(A) 5000N (B) 200 N/S²
(C) 1000m/s² (D) None of theses
iM+sxh] vxj dkj dk nzO;eku
1000g gks ?rks
117. Consider the following statements about (A) 5000N (B) 200 N/S²
the Dharwar Rock System: (C) 1000 m/s² (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
1. The Dharwar System is the most 117. èkkjokM+ 'kSy ra=k ds ckjs esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
ancient metamorphosed igneous rock- dhft,
system of India.
2. This rock system is very well developed 1- ;g Hkkjr dk lokZfèkd izkphu :ikUrfjr vkXus; 'kSy ra=k gSA
along the eastern coast of Andhra 2- ;g 'kSy ra=k vkaèkz izns'k ds iwohZ leqnzh rV ij lqfodflr
Pradesh. gSA
Which of the statements given above is/ mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
are correct ?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (C) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa(D) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
118. With reference to photochemical smong 118. izdk'k&jklk;fud èkwe&dksgjs ds lUnHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuk
consider the following statements.
1. Photochemical smog occurs in a cool,
ij fopkj dhft, %
humid climate. 1. izdk'k&jklk;fud èkwe&dksgjk 'khry] vknzZ tyok;q esa
2. Presence of high levels of nitric oxide mRiUu gksrk gSA
is essential for formation of 2. izdk'k&jklk;fud èkwe&dksgjk jklk;fud :i ls
photochemical smog.
3. Photochemical smog is chemically an vkWDlhdj.k okyh izÑfr dk gksrk gSA
oxidizing mixture. mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
Which of the statements given above is/ (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
are correct? (C) dsoy 2 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1,2 and 3 119. rsyaxkuk jkT; ds uke ij ,d izk.kh dk ukedj.k] rsyaxkuk
119. Telangana has named a living being on it ØSc LikbMj fd;k x;k gS] ;g gS&
as 'Telangana crab spider', which is a (A) dsdM+k
(A) Crap
(B) edM+h
(B) Spider
(C) A connecting link between crab and (C) dsdM+k vkSj edM+h ds chp dh dM+h
spider (D) edM+h tSlk izrhr gksus okyk ,d dsdM+k
(D) A crab which resembles to a spider 120. 2017 dk cgqjk"Vªh; lSU; vH;kl ¶bZxj ykW;u¸ fuEufyf[kr
120. The 2017 multinational military exercise
‘‘Eager Lion’’ has started in which of the esa ls fdl ns'k esa 'kq: fd;k x;k
? gSa
following countries? (A) bVyh (B) dqoSr
(A) Italy (B) Kuwait (C) tkWMZu (D) drj
(C) Jordan (D) Qatar 121. lYiQj MkbvkWDlkbM iznw"k.k ds lUnHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dF
121. With reference to Sulphur dioxide
pollution, consider the following ij fopkj dhft, %
statements. 1. xkfM+;ksa ls fudyus okyk èkqvk¡ lYiQj MkbvkWDlkbM
1. Automobile exhaust is an important iznw"k.k dk ,d cM+k L=kksr gSA
source of Sulphur dioxide pollution.
2. lYiQj MkbvkWDlkbM dk mPp ?kuRo iQyksa dh dfy;ksa
2. High concentration of Sulphur dioxide
leads of stiffiness of flower buds. esa dM+siu dkj.k fl¼ gksrk gSA
3. Lichens are used as an indicator of 3. ykbdsu dk mi;ksx lYiQj MkbvkWDlkbM iznw"k.k ds
Sulphur dioxide pollution. lwpd ds :i esa fd;k tkrk gSA
Which of the statements given above is/
are correct? mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS\
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (C) dsoy 2 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 15

122. Morphine (opium) can be categorised 122. ekiQhZu (vizQhe) oxhZd`r dh tk ldrh gS %
under: (A) ,YdsykW;M ds varxZrA (B) LVsjkW;M ds varxZrA
(A) Alkaloids (B) Steroids
(C) VjisukW;M ds varxZrA (D) ÝysoksukW;M ds varxZrA
(C) Terpenoids (D) Flavonoids
123. Imports of which of the following items from 123. ;wjksih; la?k us Hkkjr ls fuEufyf[kr fdlds@fduds vk;kr
India were banned by the EU? dks izfrcafèkr dj fn;k Fkk\
1. Mango 1. vke
2. Taro 2. vjch
3. Bitter gourd 3. djsyk
Select the answer using the codes given
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 2 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj2
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
124. Which of the following air pollutants is/are 124. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls ok;q iznw"kd rRo jk"Vªh; ok;q
included in the National Air Quality Index? xq.koÙkk lwpdkad esa lfEefyr fØ;k@fd;s tkrk@tkrs gS@gSa
1. Sulphur dioxide 1. lYiQj MkbvkWDlkbM
2. Ozone
2. vks”kksu
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Lead 3. dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM
5. Ammonia 4. lhlk (Lead)
Select the correct answer using the code 5. veksfu;k
given below. uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only
(A) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj3
(B) 1, 2, 4 and 5 only
(B) dsoy 1, 2, 4 vkSj5
(C) 2, 3 and 5 only
(D) 1, 3 and 4 only (C) dsoy 2, 3 vkSj5
125. Which among the following are categorized (D) dsoy 1, 3 vkSj4
under autotrophs? 125. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdls Loiksf"k;ksa ds varxZr oxhZÑr fd;k
1. Phototrophs x;k gS%
2. Chemotrophs
1. izdk'kiks"kh
3. Parasites
4. Saprophytes. 2. dseksVªksÝl (jlk;uiks"kh)
Select the correct answer using the code 3. ijthoh
given below. 4. e`rthoh
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 2 only uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj2
126. What is the theme of 2017 World Red Cross
(C) dsoy 2, 3 vkSj4 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
Red Crescent Day (WRCRCD)?
(A) Less known Red Cross Stories 126. o"kZ
2017 ds oYMZ jsM ØkWl fØlsaV fnol dk fo"k; D;k gSa\
(B) Everywhere for everyone (A) de fofnr jsM ØkWl LVksjh
(C) Together for Humanity (B) gj txg gj fdlh ds fy,
(D) Get Together for the purpose of (C) ekuork ds fy, ,d lkFk
(D) ekuork ds mís'; ds fy, ,d lkFk feyuk
127. To accelerate on object to rate of 2m/s²,
10N force is required. Find the mass of
127. fdlh oLrq dks 2m/s², fd njs ls vkxs c<+us ds fy,
object? 10N dh vko';drk iM+rh gS] rks ml oLrq dk nzO;eku
(A) 20kg (B) 5kg D;k gksxk\
(C) 10kg (D) None of theses (A) 20 fdxzk (B) 5 fdxzk
128. Which of the following departments was (C) 10 fdxzk (D) bues ls dksbZ ugha
created by Alauddin Khilji?
128. fuEufyf[kr foHkkxksa esa fdldk l`tu vykmQíhu f[kyth
(A) Diwan–i–Bandagani
(B) Diwan–i–Mustakhraj }kjk fd;k x;k Fkk\
(C) Diwan–i–Ariz (A) nhoku&,&cankxuh (B) nhoku&,&eqLr[kjkt
(D) Diwan–i–khairat (C) nhoku&,&vfjt (D) nhoku&,&[kSjkr

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 16

129. Consider the following statements related 129. jsfM;ksèkfeZrk ds lacaèk esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
to radioactivity. dhft,A
1. Elements having atomic number
greater than 83 exhibit radioactivity. 1- ,sls rRo] ftudh ijek.kq la[;k 83 ls vfèkd gksrh gS
2. Gamma rays are composed of Photons jsfM;ksèkfeZrk iznf'kZr djrs gSaA
of high energy 2- xkek fdj.ksa mPp mQtksa okys iQksVkWu ls fufeZr gksrh
3. Radium is the most powerful 3- jsfM;e lokZfèkd 'kfDr'kkyh jsfM;ksèkehZ rRo gSA
radioactive element.
Which of the statements given above is/
ci;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gSa\
are correct ? (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 130. Hkkjr esa eq[; ty iznw"kd ÝyksjkbM dk vR;fèkd ek=kk esa
130. Excess intake of Fluoride, a major water
varxZzg.k fdldk dkj.k curk gS\
pollutants in India, may lead to :
1. Permanent Joint deformities. 1. LFkk;h tksM+ fo:irk
2. Neurological Problems 2. raf=kdkra=k lacaèkh leL;kvksa
3. Cracked Teeth 3. pVds gq, nk¡r
4. Loss of vision 4. n`f"V yksi
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below. uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) 1 dsoy 2 vkSj3
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (C) dsoy 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
131. Which of the following is/are necessary 131. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls rkts ty esa 'kSoky izLiQqVu ds
conditions for freshwater algal blooms?
1. Sunlight
fy, vko';d 'krZ gS@gSa?
2. High Turbidity 1. lkSjizdk'k
3. Slow moving water 2. mPp xanykiu (Turbidity)
4. Nutrient enrichment 3. eanxfr ls izokfgr ty
Select the correct answer using code given
4. iks"kd rRoksa dh lEiUurk
(A) 1, 2 and 4 only uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkjApqfu,
(B) 1, 3 and 4 only (A) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj4 (B) dsoy 1, 3 vkSj4
(C) 2 and 3 only (C) dsoy 2 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 132. nqfu;k dk lcls cM+k ,WDl js ystj ¶;wjksih; ,Dl ,iQ bZ
132. The world's biggest-ever X-ray laser
‘‘European XFEL’’ has generated its first X- ,y¸ us fdl ns'k ls viuk igyk ,Dl js ystj ykbV mRiUu
ray laser light from when country? fd;k gS ?
(A) France (B) Germany (A) izQkal (B) teZuh
(C) Italy (D) Belgium (C) bVyh (D) csfyt;e
133. After applying a force of 1000N an object of
mass 2000kg will achieve what acceleration?
133. fdlh oLrq ij 1000N cy yxkus ds ckn oLrq dk
(A) 0.5 m/s–2 (B) 1 m/s–² nzO;eku 2000 kg izkIr gksrk gS] oLrq dk osx ?D;k gksxk
(C) 2 m/s–2 (D) None of these (A) 0.5 m/s–2 (B) 1 m/s–²
134. Which of the following are Ozone Depleting (C) 2 m/s–2 (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Substance (ODS)? 134. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&ls vkstksu dk vo{k; djus okys
1. Halons
inkFkZ (vks- Mh- ,l) gS\
2. Carbon Tetrachloride
3. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) 1. gSyksu
4. Hydrofluorocarbons (CFCs) 2. dkcZu VsMªkDyksjkbM
5. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 3. gkbMªksDyksjksÝyksjksdkcZu (,p- ,iQ- lh-)
Select the correct answer using the code 4. gkbMªksÝyksjksdkcZu (,p- ,iQ- lh-)
given below.
(A) 1 and 3 only 5. DyksjksÝyksjksdkcZu (lh- ,iQ- lh-)
(B) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(C) 2 and 4 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj3 (B) dsoy 1, 2, 3 vkSj5
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (C) dsoy 2 vkSj4 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4 vkSj5
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 17
135. With reference to isolation, which of the 135. lw;kZri ;k vkriu ds lUnHkZ esa] izdk'k dh fuEufyf[kr
following characteristics of light directly fo'ks"krkvksa esa ls dkSu&lh ikSèkksa dh o`f¼ dks izR;{k :i l
impact plant growth?
1. Light intensity izHkkfor djsxh\
2. Wavelength 1. izdk'k dh rhozrk
3. Duration 2. rjaxnSè;Z
Select the correct answer using the code 3. vofèk
given below.
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 2 only uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj2
136. Consider the following statements about (C) dsoy 3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
Dasrajan yudha: 136. nljkK ;q¼ ds fo"k; esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
1. The battle took place near the Satluj
river in Punjab.
dhft, %
2. Puru tribes like the Bharatas, allied 1. ;g ;q¼ iatkc esa lryqt unh ds fdukjs yM+k x;k FkkA
with other tribes of the North West India 2. ;q¼ esa mÙkj&if'pe Hkkjr dh vU; tutkfr;ksa ds lkFk
were defeated by the Tratsu (Puru) king iq: tutkfr;ksa] tSls Hkkjr dks =kRlq (iq:) jktk lqnkl
Dudas in his battle.
Which of the statements given above is/
us ijkLr fd;k FkkA
are not correct ? mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu lk@ls dFku xyr gS@gSaa \
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (C) 1 vkSj2 nksuksa (D) u rks1 vkSj u gh2
137. Judicial review power of the Supreme
137. Hkkjr dk mPpre U;k;ky;] U;kf;d iqufoZyksdu dh 'kfDr dk
Court is used for which of the following
purposes? iz;ksx] fuEufyf[kr
esa lsfdl mís'; ds fy, djrk gS\
1. To uphold the principle of the 1. lafoèkku dh loksZPprk ds fl¼kar dks cuk;s j[kus ds
supremacy of the Constitution. fy,A
2. To maintain federal equilibrium. 2. la?kh; larqyu dks cuk;s j[kus ds fy,A
3. To protect the fundamental rights of the citizens.
Select the correct answer using codes given 3- ukxkfjdksa ds eSfyd vfèkdkjksa ds laj{k.k ds fy,A
below : uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj 3
138. Consider the following pairs:
(Committees) (Functions) 138. fuEufyf[kr ;qXeksa ij fopkj dhft,%
1. Select Committee Scrutinizes (lfefr;k¡) (dk;Z)
a bill clause 1- p;u lfefr fdlh foèks;d ds ifjPNsnksa
and suggests dh tkap djuk rFkk ifjorZu
2. Committee on Entertains
ds fy, lq>ko nsukA
Petitions representations 2- ;kfpd lfefr O;fDrxr vH;kosnuksa dh
from individuals lquokbZ djukA
3. Estimates Allocates time 3- izkDdyu lfefr fofHkUu eqíksa ij ifjppkZ ds fy,
Committee for discussion
le;kofèk dk fuèkkZj.k djukA
on various issues
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu lk@ls ;qXe lgh lqesfyr gS@gSa\
matched? (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (C) dsoy 2 vkSj3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj3
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
139. ySVsjkbV e`nk esa gª;wel dh izeq[k deh dh@ds eq[; dkj.k
139. What is/are the chief cause of lack of hums
in laterite soils? D;k gS@gSa\
1. High temperature. 1- mPp rkiekuA
2. Ample precipitation. 2- izpqj o"kkZA
3. High rate of microbial activity. 3- lw{etSfod xfrfofèk;ksa dh mPp njA
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below : uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (A) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(C) 2 only (D) 3 only (C) dsoy 2 (D) dsoy 3
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 18
140. Which of the following pairs is/are correctly 140. fuEufyf[kr ;qXeksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh lqesfyr gS@gSa\
matched? izksVksdkWy lEesyu dk ,tsaMk
Protocols Convention Agenda
1. dkVkZtsuk %tSfod fofoèkrk ds ykHkksa dh lk>snkjh
1. Cartagena : Sharing benefits of
Protocol biological diversity 2. ukxks;k % thfor la'kksfèkr tho
2. Nagoya : Living modified 3. fo,uk lEesyu %vks”kksu {k;dkjh inkFkZ
Protocol organisms uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
3. Vienna : Ozone depleting (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 3
Convention substances
(C) 1, 2 vkSj3 (D) dksbZ ugha
Select the correct answer using the code
given below. 141. lkoZHkkSfed lsok nkf;Ro fufèk Service
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 3 only Obligation Fund) ds lacaèk esa fuEufyf[kr ij fopkj
(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) None dhft, %
141. Consider the following regarding Universal 1. bls Hkkjrh; VsfyxzkiQ (la'kksèku)2003vfèkfu;e]
Service Obligation Fund (USOF) :
1. It has been accorded statutory status
varxZr oSèkkfud fLFkfr iznku dh x;h gSA
under Indian Telegraph (Amendment) 2. blds }kjk Hkkjr usV ifj;kstuk dks foÙk iksf"kr fd;k tk,xkA
Act, 2003. mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
2. Bharat Net Project will be funded by it. (A) cSMfeaVu (B) eqDdsckth
Which of the statements given above is/ (C) Vsaful (D) dqf'r
are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
142. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk [kk|&inkFkZ phuh jsErjka lay{k.k
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 (flaMªkse) ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gS\
142. Which of the following ingredient in food is (A) lhlk (B) eksukslksfM;e XywVkesV
responsible for Chinese Restaurant (C) gkbMªkstu isjksDlkbM
(D) dk£cysekbu
Syndrome? 143. izR;sd thoeaMy fjtoZ esa dqN vkèkkjHkwr dk;ksZa dks iw
(A) Lead djus dk y{; gksrk gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu mlesa
(B) Monosodium Glutamate
(C) Hydrogen Peroxide lfEefyr gSaa\
(D) Carbylamine 1- iztkfr ,oa vuqokaf'kd voyksduA
143. Each biosphere reserve is intended to fulfil 2- ekuo dk iks"k.k vkSj vkfFkZd fodklA
some basic functions. Which of the following 3- ykftfLVd izdk;ZA
are included among them? uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
1. Species and genetic observation
2. Foster human and economic development (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj3
3. Logistic function (C) dsoy 1 vkSj3 (D) 1] 2 vkSj3
Select the correct answer using the codes 144. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu leqnzh(Seaweed)
'kSoky ds
given below laHkkfor mi;ksx gSa\
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1 and 3 both (D) 1, 2 and 3 1- iztkfr ,oa vuqokaf'kd voyksduA
144. Which of the following are the potential uses 2- ekuo dk iks"k.k vkSj vkfFkZd fodklA
of seaweeds? 3- ykftfLVd izdk;ZA
1. Animal Feed 2. Biomass Fuel uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
3. Cosmetics 4. Wastewater Treatment (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj3
Select the correct answer using the code
given below : (C) dsoy 1 vkSj3 (D) 1] 2, 3 vkSj3
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1 and 3 only 145. fuEufyf[kr ;qXeksa ij fopkj dhft, %
(C) 2 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 tyh; tho y{k.k
145. Consider the following pairs : 1. U;qLVksal
(Neustons) : ok;q&ty varjkiQyd ij
Aquatic Characteristics jgrk gSA
1. Neustons : Live air-water interface 2. isjhiQkbVksal % eqDr :i ls rSjus okys tho
2. Periphytons : Free swimming (Periphytons)
organisms 3. usDVksal
(Nektons) % lapkyu dh lhfer 'kfDr;ksa
3. Nektons : Free floating
organisms with limited ls ;qDr eqDr :i ls rSjus
powers of okys tho
locomotion 4. csUFkksl
(Benthos) : tyh;&fudk; ds ry esa
4. Benthos : Live at the bottom of
the water bodies jgrs gSaA
Which of the pairs given above are correctly mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&ls ;qXe lgh lqesfyr gSa\
matched? (A) dsoy 1, 2 vkSj3 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj4
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1 and 4 only (C) dsoy 2, 3 vkSj4 (D) 1, 2, 3 vkSj4
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 19

146. With reference to Stockholm convention on 146. LFkk;h dkcZfud iznw"kdksa ls lacafèkr LVkWdgkse dUosa'
Presistent Organic Pollutants, consider the lUnHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
following statements :
1. ;g dUosa'ku ^MVhZ M”ksu* dgs tkus okys dsoy ckjg
1. The convention is applicable only the
twelve persisten organic pollutants LFkk;h dkcZfud iznw"kdksa ij gh ykxw fd;k tk ldrk
referred to as ‘Dirty Dozen’. gSA
2. It is under the framework of 2. ;g tyok;q ifjorZu ij varjljdkjh iSuy ds <ksaps ds
intergovernmental Panel on Climate varxZr gSA
3. ;g vius gLrk{kjdrkZvksa ij dkuwuh :i esa ckè;dkjh
Which of the statements given above is/
are correct? gSA
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 (A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 2 vkSj3
147. Captain Chand Roop, who passed away (C) dsoy 3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
recently, was associated with which sports?
(A) Badminton (B) Boxing
147. dIrku pan :i] ftudk gky gh esa fuèku gqvk gS os fdl
(C) Tenni (D) Wrestling [ksy ls lacafèkr
? gSa
148. Which of the following may be classified as (A) cSMfeaVu (B) eqDdsckth
third generation biofuels? (C) Vsaful (D) dqf'r
1. Jatropha-based biofuels 148. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdls r`rh; ih<+h ds tSo&bZèku ds :i esa
2. Algae-based biofuels
3. Corn-based biofuels
oxhZÑr fd;k tk ldrk ?gS
Select the correct answer using the code 1. tVjksiQk vkèkkfjr tSo&bZèku
given below. 2. 'kSoky vkèkkfjr tSo&bZèku
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only 3. vukt&vkèkkfjr tSo&bZèku
(C) 2 only (D) 2 and 3 only uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,
149. Consider the following statements
(A) dsoy 1 vkSj2 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj3
regarding Ethanol Blending :
1. It reduce the import burden on account (C) dsoy 2 (D) dsoy 2 vkSj3
of crude petroleum. 149. bFksukWy lfEeJ.k ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
2. Government has mandated 5% blending dhft, %
of ethanol with petrol on an all-India
1. ;g dPps isVªksfy;e ds vk;kr ds cks> dks de djrk
3. National Policy on Bio-fuels proposes gSA
that the blending level be increased to 2. ljdkj us vf[ky&Hkkjrh; Lrj ij isVªksy 5% esa
20% by 2017. bFksukWy fefJr djuk vfuok;Z dj fn;k gSA
Which of the statements given above is/ 3. tSo&bZèku ls lacafèkr jk"Vªh; uhfr esa izLrko fd;k x;k
are correct?
gS fd bl lfEeJ.k ds Lrj dks2017 rd 20% dj
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 2 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 fn;k tk,A
150. With reference to hydrological cycle, mi;qZDr esa ls fdls@fdUgsa bdksVksu le>k tkrk gS@gSa\
consider the following statements : (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 1 vkSj2
1. Globally, majority of evaporation occurs (C) dsoy 2 vkSj3 (D) 1, 2 vkSj3
from the oceans.
150. tyh; pØ ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj
2. In tropical forests upto 75% of annual
rainfall is returned to the atmosphere dhft, %
by plants. 1. iwjs fo'o esa] ok"ihdj.k eq[;r% egklkxjksa ls gksrk gSA
Select the correct answer using the code 2. m".kdfVcaèkh; ouksa esa ok£"kd 75%o"kZ.k
dk ds
given below ekè;e ls okrkoj.k dks ykSVk fn;k tkrk gSA
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,A
(C) 2 only (D) Neither 1 nor 2
(A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 2
(C) 1 vkSj2 nksuksa (D) u rks1, u gh 2

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 20

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