Nda 65 Question 681
Nda 65 Question 681
Nda 65 Question 681
Directions (Q. Nos. 1- 10) In each of the 10. Vanquish : Vanquished by India
questions given below a word is given with a diplomatically and rebuked by US
sentence in which it has been used in some publically, Pakistan was in no mood to
context. You are required to mark the option relent.
which is the most similar in the meaning to this (A) Threaten (B) Terrify
word. (C) Defeat (D) Deceive
1. Vicissitude : The cost of this project Directions (Q. Nos. 11-19) In this section 03
subjects to the vicissitudes of the finance short passages are given. After the passages, you
market. will find several questions based on the passage.
(A) Changing patterns First read the passage and then answer the
(B) Interest rates questions based on it. Give your answer on the
(C) Investments basis of information given in the passage and
(D) Vested interests the opinion of the author.
2. Idiosyncrasy : His idiosyncratic ideas can Passage 1
harm the spirit of the bilateral talks. Meats generally consist of 20 per cent protein,
(A) Personal Mannerism 20 per cent fat, 60 per cent water; the amount of
(B) Belligerent fat present in particular portion of meat varies
(C) Unique greatly, not only with the kind of meat-pork, beef,
(D) Ahead of the times lamb, etc but also with its quality; the energy
3. Rejoinder : The judge ordered to present value varies in direct proportion with the fat
the original copy of the rejoinder sent by content. Meat is valued for its protein, which is
Prime Minister’s office to the Telecom of high biological value, Meat also is an excellent
Ministry in the court. source of B vitamins, including thiamine, one of
(A) A warning letter the most important vitamins. Pork is the best
(B) A letter of explanation source of thiamine, liver is the next and skeleton
(C) A letter as a reply of an earlier letter
muscle, from any meat source, is the third. Liver
(D) A letter describing the terms and the
is an excellent source of riboflavin, another B
vitamin that combines with protein in the body
4. Maverick : A maverick saint blessed him.
to from important oxidative enzymes. All meats
(A) Great (B) Wandering
supply niacin, which helps to build and maintain
(C) Godly (D) Dead
healthy skin, nervous system and digestive
5. Melliferous : A milliferous song helps to
reduce stress.
11. Biological value of meat is
(A) Sweet (B) Melodious
(A) in proportion to it’s fat content
(C) Romantic (D) High pitch
6. Sedition : Put the charge of sedition on your (B) in proportion to it’s protein content
opponents and get relieved for a lifetime. (C) in proportion to it’s energy content
(A) Abduction (D) in proportion to it’s water content
(B) Rebellion against the state 12. Liver is a source of
(C) Terrorism (A) riboflavin only
(D) Criminal conspiracy (B) niacin
7. Ken : Have faith on his kenned mind and (C) thiamine and riboflavin
jump on the project. (D) all of these
(A) Conditioned (B) Knowledgeable 13. If a man has good nervous system,
(C) Experienced (D) Tactful digestive system and gleaming skin then it
8. Gregarious : Can gregarious manners of can be inferred from the passage that
him approve of his political aspirations ? (A) he is taking a high diet rich in niacin
(A) Social (B) Philanthropist (B) he is taking a high meat content diet
(C) Affable (D) Influential (C) he is taking a balanced diet
9. Clique : His changing behaviour is a (D) he is a healthy man
reflection of his clique. Passage 2
(A) Learning (B) A group of friends Many are rightly sceptical about the new
(C) Genes (D) Thoughts economy’s ability to spread to masses. They can
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 1
only see the ‘digital divide’. It is true that people 19. Which of the following decision of the
will benefit only if they have education. It is also committee will benefit the poor the most ?
true that four out of ten children in India are (A) The action against doctors
illiterate. It is worse for girls and in the backward (B) The action against medical
Northern states, where teachers are often absent, representatives
schools lack the basic facilities, children are not (C) To put a limit on the marketing cost
motivated and they drop out, But the trend is (D) To put a limit on the cost of gifts
changing and literacy has risen from 51 to 62%. Direction (Q. Nos. 20-29) You have been given
This is a huge improvement. If it continues, a sentence in which there is some error. You are
universal literacy rates will increase despite the required to find out that part of the sentence
politicians. and mark it as your answer on the answer sheet.
14. Digital divide can be described as Error may be related to grammar, construction
(A) the schemes benefit some but not all usage or anything else.
(B) the masses are divided into different 20. Many a student (A)/ have passed (B)/ the
groups IIT examination (C)/ No error (D)
(C) the schemes benefit all but not equally 21. Americans are accustomed to (A)/ drinking
(D) the rich have benefit but not the poor coffee/ (B) with their meals (C)/ No error
15. What can be the possible reason for (D).
children leaving the schools in Northern 22. I wonder (A)/ why are you tinkering with
states ? the wire (B) / you might get a shock (C)/
(A) teachers are not available hence they No error (D).
leave 23. Let’s spend a few minutes (A)/ in park (B)/
(B) children do not find basic facilities in can we (C)/No error (D)
school hence they leave 24. It was me who was (A)/ responsible for (B)/
(C) children are not education oriented making all the arrangements for successful
(D) lack of motivation due to various factors completion of his studies (C)/ No error (D)
compels them to leave 25. Two lakhs of people (A)/ attended the
16. The last sentence presents politicians as meeting (B)/ held in Parade grounds. (C)/
(A) supporters of education No error (D)
(B) supporters of education only in 26. Lay your books aside and (A)/ lay down to
Northern states rest (B)/for a while (C)/ No error (D).
(C) supporters of illiteracy 27. We went (A)/ with Guptas to a (B)/ movie
(D) supporters of digital divide called ‘Deewar’. (C) / No error (D).
Passage 3 28. Don’t think (A)/ you can deceive me (B)/
Legalised bribery is sometimes represented as like you did my brother (C)/ No error (D)
employer’s marketing. Drug marketing 29. After the teacher had told the boys (A)/ how
companies are employing these techniques. to pronounce the word (B)/ all of them in
Medical representatives will sit with doctors in one voice repeated the word again (C)/ No
hospitals and tell them the benefits of their drugs error (D)
simultaneously handing over to them free gifts; Directions (Q. Nos. 30-40) Each of following
cricket matches tickets, computers and even items consists of a sentence followed by a word
renovation of their clinics. (Marketing budgets or a group of words. You are required to answer
increase and as a result, the cost of the drug.) In the antonym of the word as per the context.
return, doctors will prescribe these expensive 30. Bucolic : His bucolic look covers his good
drugs to patients. This is ethical or not, is a conduct.
question to be answered by the government (A) Sophisticated (B) Old fashioned
committee. Some relief for the poor patients can (C) Modern (D) Country-side
be expected from the meeting of the committee 31. Proclivity : Ms Mayawati's proclivity for
members today. Dalits is well known.
17. What can be the reason for the high prices
(A) Disinclination (B) Dependence
of medicines ?
(C) Support (D) Faith
(A) High manufacturing cost
32. Recession : The world economy is passing
(B) High marketing cost
through a phase of recession.
(C) High fees of doctors
(A) High growth (B) Low growth
(D) High fees of medical representatives
(C) Negative growth (D) No growth
18. Relationship of the doctors and medical
33. Peevish : No one approves of his peevish
representatives presented in the passage
can be described as
(A) Fighting (B) Doubtful
(A) co-ordination (B) parasitic
(C) Imaginative (D) Affectation
(C) collusion (D) ethical
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 2
34. Gory : History is full of gory details of the 44. P : historical site in
war. Q : north Bengal
(A) Grand (B) Minute R : Malda
(C) Violent (D) Friendly S : is another famous
35. Frugal : It is better to be frugal than to beg (A) QPSR (B) RPQS
later. (C) RSPQ (D) PRSQ
(A) Hard working 45. P : Festivals in Paschim Bangal are unique
(B) Saving money in
(C) Careful spending Q : being Durga Puja
(D) Store money R : the most spectacular
36. Furore : The mob's furore was terrifying S : colour and gaiety
(A) Anger (B) Protest (A) PQRS (B) PRSQ
(C) Numbers (D) Paean (C) QRPS (D) PSRQ
37. Chronological : Record all events
46. P : the meeting reflected
Q : against the actions of
(A) In details (B) In sequence
R : a growing anger
(C) Disorderly (D) In black and white
S : self-styled khap panchyats
38. Tranquil : Forest officers injected a
tranquilizer and the elephant rolled down (A) PQRS (B) PRSQ
with a huge roar. (C) PRQS (D) PSRQ
(A) To make quiet 47. P : a spate of suicide attacks
(B) To give medicine Q : in other parts of Afghanistan
(C) To hit with a bamboo R : in last week of February
(D) To tie in knot S : there has been
39. Pinnacle : Sachin Tendulkar has reached (A) RSQP (B) SPQR
the pinnacle of his career. (C) SPRQ (D) PQRS
(A) Top (B) Bottom 48. P : that Saudi Arabia could play a valuable
(C) Middle (D) None of these role as
40. Poach : Poaching is not allowed in this area. Q : an interlocutor in
(A) To stay (B) To drive R : strengthening India-Pakistan ties
(C) To hunt (D) To picnic S : the observation of Minister in Riyadh
Directions (Q. Nos. 41-51) In the following items, (A) PSQR (B) SRPQ
some parts of the sentence have been jumbled (C) SPQR (D) QRSP
up. You are required to rearrange these parts 49. P : sadly
which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the Q : the twin cities
correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence R : also shared
and mark in your answer sheet. S : a common tragedy
41. P : the report also pointed out (A) PQRS (B) SRPQ
Q : that under National Rural Employment (C) SPQR (D) QRSP
Guarantee Act 50. P : with a liberal outlook
R : Pregnant women and aged people Q : both cities
S : were not covered R : were cosmopolitan
S : centres of culture and learning
42. P : smaller cities
Q : are
R : now following
S : the suit
43. P : This is indicative of
Q : being unjustly shifted to developing
R : the erosion of equity principle with
S : of transition to low-carbon economy