Synthesis of A Bone Like Composite Material Dderived From Natural Pearl Oyster Shells For Potential Tissue Bioengineering Applications
Synthesis of A Bone Like Composite Material Dderived From Natural Pearl Oyster Shells For Potential Tissue Bioengineering Applications
Synthesis of A Bone Like Composite Material Dderived From Natural Pearl Oyster Shells For Potential Tissue Bioengineering Applications
1, June 2017
Abstract—Hydroxyapatite is generally considered a viable been improved by combining it with other materials. For
substitute for bone in a number of medical and dental example, materials such as high density polyethylene and
procedures such as bone repair, bone augmentation and polypropylene have been successfully combined with
coating metal implants. Unfortunately, hydroxyapatites HAP to improve its load bearing capabilities [5], [6].
poor mechanical properties make it unsuitable for many Alternatively, other researchers have gone back to
load bearing applications. In this work various grades of
nature to look for a more effective ways of producing
finely crushed Pinctada maxima (pearl oyster shell) were
combined with a nanometre scale hydroxyapatite powder to biosynthetic materials and composites for potential tissue
form novel composite materials. A comparative study was engineering applications. Seashells are naturally
made between the various powder based composites occurring ceramic composites that are dense, hard, and
synthesized. The crystalline structure and morphology of remarkably robust. The shell structure has a number of
the various powder based composites were investigated highly desirable mechanical properties that enable it to
using X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron protect the soft body of the animal against environmental
microscopy. Also examined was a number of techniques for damage and predators. Shells are brittle or quasi-brittle
depositing hydroxyapatite directly onto oyster shell materials composed of mineral components (~95%) and
proteins (~5%). It is this compositional blend that gives a
shell its high degree of stiffness and hardness. However,
Index Terms—nano-hydroxyapatite, biocompatible,
ultrasonic irradiation, oyster shells
it is shell toughness and its ability to resist crack
propagation that has attracted considerable interest [7],
[8]. This interest stems from the observation that shell
I. INTRODUCTION fracture toughness can be two to three orders of
magnitude greater than the toughness of individual shell
The human skeletal system is essential for support and components [9], [10]. Another interesting feature is the
movement of the body. An important structural material much larger mechanical strain shells have at failure
forming the skeletal system is an organic-inorganic compared to manmade ceramics [8].
composite called bone. This natural composite is Nacre is the inner iridescent layer found in Pinctada
composed of proteins in the form of collagen fibrils and maxima (pearl oyster shell) and similar shells such as
macromolecules like proteoglycans that are all embedded abalone. Nacre is composed of a crystalline CaCO3
in a well arrayed inorganic crystalline hydroxyapatite mineral phase (aragonite) suspended in an organic matrix.
(HAP) matrix [1, 2]. It is this remarkable combination The aragonite is in the form of polygon shaped tablets
and distribution of constituent materials that gives bone ranging in size from 5 to15 µm in diameter and 0.5 to 1
its unique mechanical properties and its ability to µm in thickness that are stacked into a three dimensional
withstand various mechanical and structural loads brick wall-like structure. The wall-like structures can
encountered during daily physical activity. HAP is a consist of columns or sheets depending on the species and
mineral composed of calcium and phosphate ions and has typically forms 95% of the composite. Pearl oyster shells
the general formula of [Ca10 (OH)2 (PO4)6]. The close have a sheet-like structure. Recent atomic force
chemical similarity between synthetic HAP and HAP microscopy studies have shown the individual tablets are
naturally found in bone has led to an extensive research suspended in an organic matrix of proteins and
effort focused on using synthetic HAP as a viable bone polysaccharides. The organic matrix makes up the
replacement material in a number of clinical procedures remaining 5% of the composite [11], [12]. Besides the
[3], [4]. Unfortunately, due to HAPs low mechanical highly advantageous mechanical properties, the nacre is
strength its use has been restricted to low load bearing biologically compatible with bone tissues [13], [14].
applications. In a number of cases, its deficiencies have Because of the promising mechanical and
biocompatibility properties, nacre is a prime candidate for
Manuscript received August 26, 2016; revised March 15, 2017. potential tissue engineering applications. For example,
C. Surface Pre-Treatments and Coating Attachment coverage with large areas of underlining substrate clearly
The results of HAP deposition revealed some visible. However, further investigation is needed to fully
interesting surface features on the various substrates after investigate the effects of surface texturing, and in
thermal treatment. Initial inspection revealed lamellae particular the effects of surface texturing before
from the inner white layers of the substrate had bubbled chemically treating the substrates with bleach. Bleaching
and broken away during calcification in the furnace. substrates using the Type 3 (SH) method has proven to
Substrate Type 1 (control) showed signs of surface produce a superior HAP surface coating compared to
bubbling and still retained its pearlescent lustre. The other methods tested in this study. Future studies are
remaining 5 substrate types all exhibited a dull white planned to investigate the wear properties and load
coating that indicated HAP had adhered to the respective bearing capacity of the Type 3 (SH) substrates. In
surfaces. Substrate Type 2 (HCl) showed signs of minor addition, in vitro studies are also planned to investigate
delaminating and on the whole HAP had adhered to the the biocompatibility of the substrates towards a number
surface. Type 3 (SH) that had involved a bleaching of bone cell lines.
process showed the most significant change. The surface
had a distinctive white appearance with a significantly
thicker and denser HAP coating compared to the other
substrate types. Type 4 (B) that had involved a boiling
treatment showed significant lamellae delaminating and
also produced very brittle substrates. Overall, Type 4
produced poor quality substrates that were unsuitable for
any tissue engineering applications. Both Type 5 (A) and
Type 6 (S) revealed significant amounts of HAP had been
trapped within the rough surface features created by the
respective surface treatments. Surface scoring used in
Type 6 trapped the largest amounts of HAP within the
surface features and significantly contributed to coating
integrity. Generally, both surface texturing techniques
were found to be beneficial in promoting surface fixation
of the coatings. Figure 6. FESEM analysis of various substrate surfaces: (a) Substrate
Type 1 (Control) showing the deposition of HAP particles during the
Subsequent FESEM surface studies of the various calcination process; (b) Type 2 (HCl) showing minor delaminating of
substrate types revealed some interesting surface features. the thin HAP coating; (c) Type 2 (HCl) enlarged view of coating with
In the case of Type 1 (control) there was tracing of HAP underlying lamellae exposed, and (d) Type 3 (SH) substrate showing an
evenly distributed thick coating over the entire substrate surface with far
found, even though there was no HAP coating applied to fewer exposed lamellae regions.
the surface. The presence of distinct HAP particles over
the entire face of the control substrate was found to be the
result of ongoing calcification processes occurring within IV. CONCLUSION
the furnace environment as seen in Fig. 6 (a). Both water
and NH4 evaporating from surrounding substrates tended HAP is a calcium phosphate that is considered to be a
to be deposit on everything within the furnace. Only Type viable replacement for bone material in a number of low-
1 substrate showed this type of surface feature. Type 2 load bearing tissue engineering applications. While the
(HCl) substrate had a thick surface covering, nacre layer found inside the Pinctada maxima (pearl
unfortunately the coating was not uniformly distributed oyster) shell is hard, stiff, and extremely tough. The
over the entire surface. There were numerous regions present study has shown that a nanometre scale HAP
were the underlying lamellae structure could be seen as powder (mean particle size of 30 nm) can be combined
shown in Fig. 6 (b). Type 3 (SH) substrates were covered with sieved powders derived from Pinctada maxima
with a thick and dense white surface coating that was (CaCO3) to produce a composite powder. During
evenly distributed over the entire surface. Unlike Type 2, synthesis, the addition of sieved powders were found to
Type 3 substrates had a superior surface coverage with influence particle size and morphology of composite
far fewer exposed underlining lamellae regions. Overall, powders. The tough nacre was used as a substrate and a
FESEM analysis found HAP coating preferred to deposit number of surface pre-treatments were investigated
and attach to the bleached surfaces of Type 3 substrates before the substrates were coated with HAP. The results
than those of the acid treated surfaces of Type 2 as seen of the investigation revealed a substrate pre-treated with
in Fig. 6 (c) and 6 (d). In both cases, the mean HAP sodium hypochlorate (Type 3) before HAP deposition
particle size for both substrate types determined from produced the superior coating. The surface coating was
FESEM analysis was found to be 500 nm. The surface thick, dense and evenly distributed. However, further
coverage on substrate types 5 and 6 were not thick or studies are needed to investigate wear properties and load
uniformly distributed. Instead they tended to accumulate bearing capacities of the Type 3 substrate. Future in vitro
HAP within and around the roughened surface features. studies are planned to determine the biocompatibility of
On the whole, both substrate types had surfaces with poor the substrates towards a number of bone cell lines.