Seerah Is The Answer Khutba1
Seerah Is The Answer Khutba1
Seerah Is The Answer Khutba1
The most difficult thing to do in life is to face harsh reality. The temptation to give it
a rose tinge is overwhelming. Most do. They despair and perish. Those who don't, are
able to work out a plan to either change that reality or to at least save themselves
from the ultimate calamity. That is our challenge.
or descend. He did what needed to be done. But that means action, investment,
change of lifestyle, making significant choices and hard decisions. None of which we
are willing to do. Yet we have the audacity to imagine that one day, suddenly, we will
become the most beloved, powerful, wealthy and influential people in the world.
I have decided that this is all that I can do and all that I will be questioned about.
Because when I meet my Rabb, I will not be asked, "What happened?" I will be asked,
"What did you do?"
I try to ensure that I can answer that question. I ask Allah ﷻfor His Mercy.
Allah ﷻsent His Last and Final Messenger Muhammad ﷺas a mercy to all creation
and to teach us how to create a life full of blessing for ourselves and all those around
us. Everyone everywhere is searching for answers for the question, “How can we halt
this race towards annihilation and create a society that is just, merciful, compassionate
and prosperous for everyone who lives in it?”
Allah ﷻsent Muhammad ﷺand told us that his life is the answer, the template to be
followed for anyone who wants a life that is full of goodness for all concerned. The
Seerah is the backbone of the Ummah. It is the Field-book, the Live Demo, of the
Qur’an. It is the ‘How’ for those who know the ‘Why’. But strangely we Muslims have
ignored the Seerah. The strangest thing in my opinion is not only that the Seerah is
not studied but it is not even a subject in our Madaaris. That an Islamic institution of
learning can call itself that, while not teaching about the life of Muhammadﷺ, thanks
to whom we have Islam itself, is something that I find impossible to understand. That
too when Allah ﷻclearly presented the life of His Messenger ﷺas the best example
for us to follow. Allah ﷻsaid:
And He said that the reward for following Rasoolullah ﷺis that Allah ﷻwill love you.
قُ ْل إين ُكنتُ ْم ُيُتبُّو َن اَّللَ فَاتهبيعُ يوِن ُُْيبيْب ُك ُم اَّللُ َويَ ْغ يف ْر لَ ُك ْم ذُنُوبَ ُك ْم
َواَّللُ َغ ُفور هريحيم
A’al Imraan 3: 31. Say (O Muhammad ﷺto mankind): "If you (really) love Allah
then follow me (emulate me), Allah will love you and forgive your sins. And Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
What better incentives do we need to not only teach the Seerah in our Madaaris and
Darul Ulooms but in every Muslim home and school across the world? How will we
answer Allah ﷻwhen we meet Him, if we continue to ignore the life of Rasoolullah?ﷺ
But when those who run institutions for the study of Islam, don’t consider it essential
to study the life of Muhammadﷺ, what hope is there for others to do so? The reality
is that it is in the Seerah, in its study followed by its application that lies its power. If
you are selling perfume, you don’t give a lecture about its aroma. You open the bottle
and let people smell the aroma. Then you don’t need to speak, to sell the perfume.
The perfume will sell itself. That is the situation with the Seerah of Rasoolullahﷺ. It
is for us to bring the Seerah into our lives, so that the world can see what it was like
to live with Muhammadﷺ.
That is what this series of lectures is about. I have tried to conceptualize and extract
eight lessons that we can learn from the life of Rasoolullah ﷺand apply in our lives
today to remake our society on a template of justice, harmony and compassion for all
those who live in it. It strikes me how little we know Rasoolullahﷺ. For example, if
he were to walk into our masjid, would we recognize him? Recognize as you would
recognize me, for example, i.e. seeing someone you know very well. Or would we look
at him and say, "That is an impressive looking man. Wonder who he is?" Bigger
question is, what would he say if we were to go up to him and introduce ourselves
and say, "Ya Rasoolullahﷺ, I am a Muslim and I am your Ummati."
The lectures are not for you to simply listen to and enjoy, though I hope you will do
that. At the end of each lecture is a page where you are encouraged to list what
exactly you intend to do, to inculcate the lesson from the Seerah of Rasoolullahﷺ
about which you just finished reading, into your life. Please write down the changes
you intend to make and make them. List the attitudes, habits and behaviors that you
will need to give up, change, bring in or consciously reinforce and continue, which will
enable you to bring your life in line with the example that Rasoolullah ﷺset for us.
The example of Rasoolullah ﷺhas been well preserved for us by the historians,
Muhadditheen and scholars of the Seerah. It is for us to bring it to life, out of the
pages of books, by aligning our lives to his blessed life. That way our life will become
an act of worship and be filled with the Rahma and Baraka of Allah’ﷻs Mercy.
What we need is ‘Thoughtful Practice’. We need to start doing things that we didn’t
do until now because we need them to align our lives with the life of Rasoolullahﷺ.
We need to stop those things we do today, which take us away from the blessed
example of Rasoolullahﷺ. We need to consciously continue to do those things which
are aligned with the life of Rasoolullahﷺ. The Action Plan page at the end of each
section will help you to do this. Please makes notes there and if you need to, use more
pages to elaborate your action plan. And then, most importantly, put it into practice.
In the end, it is only actions which count and for which we will be rewarded. I ask
Allah ﷻto help us all to live our lives by the Seerah and to fill our lives with its Baraka. I ask
Allah ﷻfor His help and acceptance of this initiative and enable us to relive the life that He
called, ‘A good example for those who look forward to the meeting with Allahﷻ.’