Right Word Wrong Word
Right Word Wrong Word
Right Word Wrong Word
Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw
Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre, Myanmar
Four Noble Truths has always been the core of Buddhas’ Teaching. Because of not
understanding and not penetrating the four noble truths that all beings wander through
this long course of saṃsāra, exist in various forms of rebirths, experiencing and
repeating everlasting distresses through birth, aging and death. However, The Buddha
told: “Now these truths have been seen; The conduit to existence is severed; Cut off
is the root of suffering...” Then, the Buddha revealed the Four Noble Truths, the
Dhamma that is unrefuted, undefiled, irreproachable, and uncensured by wise ascetics
and brahmins. Practical realization of Four Noble Truths begins with developing
concentration (samatha). “With concentrated mind, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu understands
Dhammas as they really are.” Out of the forty samatha meditation subjects available for
developing concentration, the author discussed about Ānāpānassati Meditation
(Mindfulness of Breathing) methodologically by referring to the systematic tetrad of
Ānāpānassati Practice taught by the Buddha in 'Ānāpānassati Sutta' ('The Mindfulness of
Breathing Sutta') of the Majjhima Nikāya. The Practice includes both Samantha and
Vipassanā approaches, culminating in the realization of the Deathless, Nibbāna, which
bring great benefit for oneself and all other beings.
Here, we should like to explain very briefly about Paṭhamakoṭigāmasutta1 from
Koṭigāmavagga in Saṃyuttanikāya.
Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā vajjīsu viharati koṭigāme. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi –
''catunnaṃ, bhikkhave, ariyasaccānaṃ ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ dīghamaddhānaṃ
sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamañceva tumhākañca''.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Vajjians at Koṭigāma.
There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus, it is because of not
understanding and not penetrating the Four Noble Truths that you and I have
roamed and wandered through this long course of saṃsāra.
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Dukkhasamudayassa ariyasaccassa…pe… dukkhanirodhassa ariyasaccassa…pe…
dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya ariyasaccassa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ
dīghamaddhānaṃ sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamañceva tumhākañca. Tayidaṃ, bhikkhave,
dukkhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ anubuddhaṃ paṭividdhaṃ, dukkhasamudayaṃ ariyasaccaṃ
anubuddhaṃ paṭividdhaṃ, dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ anubuddhaṃ paṭividdhaṃ,
dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṃ anubuddhaṃ paṭividdhaṃ; ucchinnā
bhavataṇhā, khīṇā bhavanetti; natthidāni punabbhavo''ti.
What four? “It is, bhikkhus, because of not understanding and not penetrating
the noble truth of suffering that you and I have roamed and wandered through this
long course of saṃsāra. It is because of not understanding and not penetrating the
noble truth of the origin of suffering … the noble truth of the cessation of suffering
… the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering that you and I
have roamed and wandered through this long course of saṃsāra. “That noble truth
of suffering, bhikkhus, has been understood and penetrated. That noble truth of the
origin of suffering has been understood and penetrated. That noble truth of the
cessation of suffering has been understood and penetrated. That noble truth of the
way leading to the cessation of suffering has been understood and penetrated.
Craving for existence has been cut off; the conduit to existence has been destroyed;
now there is no more renewed existence.”
“Because of not seeing as they are The Four Noble Truths, We have wandered
through the long course In the various kinds of births. “Now these truths have been
seen; The conduit to existence is severed; Cut off is the root of suffering: Now there
is no more renewed existence.”
Khandhasutta3 (Aggregates)
Sāvatthinidānaṃ. ''Pañca, bhikkhave, khandhe desessāmi, pañcupādānakkhandhe ca. Taṃ
suṇātha. Katame ca, bhikkhave, pañcakkhandhā? Yaṃ kiñci, bhikkhave, rūpaṃ
atītānāgatapaccuppannaṃ ajjhattaṃ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikaṃ vā sukhumaṃ vā hīnaṃ vā
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paṇītaṃ vā yaṃ dūre santike vā, ayaṃ vuccati rūpakkhandho. Yā kāci vedanā…pe… yā kāci
saññā… ye keci saṅkhārā atītānāgatapaccuppannā ajjhattaṃ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikā vā
sukhumā vā…pe… ayaṃ vuccati saṅkhārakkhandho. Yaṃ kiñci viññāṇaṃ
atītānāgatapaccuppannaṃ ajjhattaṃ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikaṃ vā sukhumaṃ vā hīnaṃ vā
paṇītaṃ vā yaṃ dūre santike vā, ayaṃ vuccati viññāṇakkhandho. Ime vuccanti, bhikkhave,
''Katame ca, bhikkhave, pañcupādānakkhandhā? Yaṃ kiñci, bhikkhave, rūpaṃ
atītānāgatapaccuppannaṃ…pe… yaṃ dūre santike vā sāsavaṃ upādāniyaṃ, ayaṃ vuccati
rūpupādānakkhandho. Yā kāci vedanā…pe… yā dūre santike vā sāsavā upādāniyā, ayaṃ
vuccati vedanupādānakkhandho. Yā kāci saññā…pe… yā dūre santike vā sāsavā upādāniyā,
ayaṃ vuccati saññupādānakkhandho. Ye keci saṅkhārā…pe… sāsavā upādāniyā, ayaṃ vuccati
saṅkhārupādānakkhandho. Yaṃ kiñci viññāṇaṃ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṃ…pe… yaṃ dūre
santike vā sāsavaṃ upādāniyaṃ, ayaṃ vuccati viññāṇupādānakkhandho. Ime vuccanti,
bhikkhave, pañcupādānakkhandhā''ti.
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, I will teach you the five aggregates and the five
aggregates subject to clinging. Listen to that…. “And what, bhikkhus, are the five
aggregates? Whatever kind of materiality there is, whether past, future, or present,
internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near: this is called the
materiality aggregate. Whatever kind of feeling there is … this is called the feeling
aggregate. Whatever kind of perception there is … this is called the perception
aggregate. Whatever kind of volitional formations there are … these are called the
volitional formations aggregate. Whatever kind of consciousness there is, whether
past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far
or near: this is called the consciousness aggregate. These, bhikkhus, are called the
five aggregates. “And what, bhikkhus, are the five aggregates subject to clinging?
Whatever kind of materiality there is, whether past, future, or present … far or near,
that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the materiality aggregate subject
to clinging. Whatever kind of feeling there is … that is tainted, that can be clung to:
this is called the feeling aggregate subject to clinging. Whatever kind of perception
there is … that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the perception
aggregate subject to clinging. Whatever kind of volitional formations there are …
that are tainted, that can be clung to: these are called the volitional formations
aggregate subject to clinging. Whatever kind of consciousness there is, whether
past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far
or near, that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the consciousness
aggregate subject to clinging. These, bhikkhus, are called the five aggregates
subject to clinging.”
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“And what, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the origin of suffering? With
ignorance as condition, volitional activities [come to be]; with volitional activities as
condition, consciousness; with consciousness as condition, nāma-rūpa; with nāma-
rūpa as condition, the six sense bases; with the six sense bases as condition,
contact; with contact as condition, feeling; with feeling as condition, craving; with
craving as condition, clinging; with clinging as condition, existence; with existence as
condition, birth; with birth as condition, old age and death, sorrow, lamentation,
pain, dejection, and anguish come to be. Such is the origin of this whole mass of
suffering. This is called the noble truth of the origin of suffering.
According to this sutta, the forward order of the dependent origination is called
the noble truth of the origin of suffering.
According to this sutta, the reverse order of the dependent origination is called
the noble truth of the cessation of suffering.
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speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right
concentration. This is called the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of
suffering. “When it was said: ‘“These are the four noble truths”: this, bhikkhus, is
the Dhamma taught by me that is unrefuted, undefiled, irreproachable, and
uncensured by wise ascetics and brahmins,’ it is because of this that this was said.”
For realization of these four noble truths, one should develop concentration.
Samādhiṃ, bhikkhave, bhāvetha. Samāhito, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yathābhūtaṃ pajānāti. 4
Bhikkhus, develop concentration. With concentrated mind, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu
understands Dhammas as they really are.
There are forty samatha meditation subjects available for developing concentration.
Among these forty, we should like to discuss about Ānāpānassati Meditation (Mindfulness
of Breathing).
Mindfulness of Breathing
Here we should like to explain very briefly how one meditates using mindfulness of
breathing, in Pāḷi called ānāpānassati. Our explanation is based mainly on the
'Ānāpānassati Sutta' 5 ('The Mindfulness of Breathing Sutta') of the Majjhima Nikāya (The
Middle Length Discourses). There the Buddha explains why one should practice
mindfulness of breathing:
When, bhikkhus, mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated,
it is of great fruit and great benefit.
Then The Buddha explains how mindfulness of breathing is of great fruit and great
When mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated,
it fulfils the four foundations of mindfulness.
When the four foundations of mindfulness are developed and cultivated,
they fulfil the seven enlightenment factors.
When the seven enlightenment factors are developed and cultivated,
they fulfil True Knowledge and Liberation.
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or gone to the foot of a tree, or gone to a secluded place,
sits down, having crossed his legs, set his body straight,
having mindfulness established before him.
He breathes in mindfully; he breathes out mindfully.
Breathing Mindfully
The Buddha said also the bhikkhu has mindfulness established before him, and, he
breathes in mindfully, he breathes out mindfully. That refers to ānāpānassati,
mindfulness of breathing: being mindful of the breath. To be mindful of the breath is to
pay attention to the breath as it goes in and out at one's nostrils or at one's upper lip.
When breathing in, one knows one is breathing in; when breathing out, one knows one
is breathing out. That is how one breathes in mindfully, and breathes out mindfully.
Whenever one's mind wanders, one brings it calmly it back to the breath. One does
not get upset when one's mind wanders. And if one has trouble keeping one's mind on
the breath, one counts the breaths:
After this introductory explanation, The Buddha continues with four sets of four
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1. When he [the bhikkhu] breathes in long, he understands:
'I breathe in long.'
When he breathes out long, he understands:
'I breathe out long.'
2. When he breathes in short, he understands:
'I breathe in short.'
When he breathes out short, he understands:
'I breathe out short.'
3. 'I shall breathe in experiencing the whole [breath] body':
thus he trains.
'I shall breathe out experiencing the whole [breath] body':
thus he trains.
4. 'I shall breathe in tranquillizing the body-formation':
thus he trains.
'I shall breathe out tranquillizing the body-formation':
thus he trains.
Practising Samatha
The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out understanding that his breath is
long or short. As one's mindfulness of breathing develops, this comes naturally: one
comes naturally to understand that one's breath is sometimes long, sometimes short. It
is not important whether it is long or short; what is important is that one is calmly aware
that it is either long or short.
Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out experiencing the whole
body. By the whole body (sabbakāya), The Buddha means the whole body of breath.
This understanding also comes naturally. As one's mindfulness of breathing develops
further, one becomes naturally aware of the beginning, middle, and end of each in-
breath and each out-breath as it passes by the nostrils or at the upper lip. Here again, it
is not important whether one's breath is long or short; what is important is that one all
the time knows the whole body of each in and out breath; that one knows the whole
body of breath from beginning to middle to end.
Lastly, The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out tranquillizing the bodily
formation. By the bodily formation (kāyasaṅkhāra), The Buddha means the breath
passing in and out through the nose.
Tranquillizing the breath also comes naturally, because as one's mindfulness of
breathing develops, one's breath becomes more and more subtle, more and more
tranquil. So, all one does it try all the time mindfully to comprehend the subtle breath.
If one is able in that way to be aware of the subtle breath for a long time, say for
two or three hours, one's concentration will become even deeper than before.
Eventually, one may experience the nimitta (sign of concentration).
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Three Kinds of Nimitta
To different meditators the sign of concentration, the nimitta, may appear differently.
It is because of their different perception of the breath. To one the nimitta may appear
as a mist, to another it may appear as smoke, to another as cotton wool, or simply as
light, etc. In the beginning, however, the nimitta is usually grey; that is the parikamma-
nimitta (preparatory sign). Then, as one's concentration develops the nimitta and breath
unify together. At that time, the meditator should not pay attention to the nimitta but
should pay attention to the breath only. When concentration develops further the
concentrated mind automatically will stick to the nimitta. When the mind sticks to the
nimitta then one should pay attention to the nimitta. When concentration develops
further it becomes white, which is the uggaha-nimitta (learning sign). And as one's
concentration develops further, it becomes bright and transparent, which is the
paṭibhāga-nimitta (counterpart sign). The ānāpāna paṭibhāga-nimitta is the object of
absorption concentration based on in-and-out breath: it is the object of the ānāpāna
First one discerns the jhāna factors one by one, afterwards all five at once.
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The Five Masteries
Next one develops the five masteries of the first jhāna:
1)Mastery in entering the first jhāna when one wants to.
2)Mastery in remaining in the first jhāna for as long as one has determined.
3)Mastery in emerging from the first jhāna at the determined time.
4)Mastery in adverting one's attention to the factors of the first jhāna after one has
emerged from it.
5)Mastery in reviewing the factors of the first jhāna.
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• Furthermore, to have strong faith in ānāpānassati; to make constant effort to
concentrate on the ānāpāna paṭibhāga-nimitta; to be mindful of the paṭibhāga-
nimitta; to concentrate on the paṭibhāga-nimitta; and to comprehend the
paṭibhāga-nimitta, is to develop the five controlling faculties (pañca indriyāni). To
develop them in this way, is also to develop the five powers (pañca balāni).
• Furthermore, to be mindful of the ānāpāna paṭibhāga-nimitta; to investigate the
paṭibhāga-nimitta; to make constant effort to focus on the paṭibhāga-nimitta; to
be rapturous upon focussing on the paṭibhāga-nimitta; to tranquillize one's mind
upon the paṭibhāga-nimitta; to concentrate on the paṭibhāga-nimitta; and to look
upon the paṭibhāga-nimitta with equanimity, is to develop the seven
enlightenment factors (satta bojjhaṅgā).
• Lastly, to understand the ānāpāna paṭibhāga-nimitta is Right View; to apply one's
mind to the paṭibhāga-nimitta is Right Thought; to abstain from wrong speech,
wrong action, and wrong livelihood by having undertaken the precepts, is Right
Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood; to make effort to concentrate on the
paṭibhāga-nimitta is Right Effort; to be mindful of the paṭibhāga-nimitta is Right
Mindfulness; and to have jhāna is Right Concentration. To develop those eight
things is to cultivate the eight factors corresponding to the Noble Eightfold Path
(ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo): at this stage, the factors are only mundane.
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1) hardness 7) flowing 9) heat 11)
2) roughness 8) cohesion 10) cold
12) pushing
3) heaviness
4) softness
6) lightness
One discerns these twelve characteristics first in one part of one's body, and then in
another. With practice, one will be able to discern all twelve characteristics throughout
one's body quite quickly: about two to three rounds a minute. Then, to develop one's
concentration further, one takes an overview of the body to discern each characteristic in
the body as a whole. With practice, one will be able to discern all twelve characteristics
almost at once. And with yet further practice, one will then be able to discern the twelve
characteristics as just the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind. Then, as one's
mindfulness of and concentration on the four elements develops, one will perceive one's
body in different ways. It will first appear as a grey body, then as a white body, and then
as a transparent body like a block of ice. When one discerns the four elements in that
transparent body, it emits brilliant light, and then breaks into tiny particles that arise and
pass away at great speed: they are in Pāḷi called rūpa kalāpas (clusters of materiality).
But they are not ultimate materiality.
To discern ultimate materiality, one discerns the four elements in single rūpa
kalāpas, one element after the other. Afterwards, one discerns the various kinds of
derived materiality (upādā rūpa): for example, colour, odour, flavour, and nutritive
essence. Altogether one discerns and analyses twenty-eight types of materiality. They
are ultimate materiality, arising and passing away. Then one analyses the ultimate
materiality of the external world: that of other beings, and that of inanimate things.
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(1) consciousness (19) non-greed
One discerns these thirty-four mental formations systematically: one by one. First,
one emerges from the ānāpāna first jhāna, and discerns the mental formation
consciousness of each of the jhāna cognitive process's consciousness-moments. Then
again one enters the first jhāna, again emerges, and now one discern both the mental
formation consciousness as well as the mental formation contact. Then again one enters
the first jhāna, again emerges, and again discerns consciousness and contact, and now
also feeling. In that way, one adds one mental formation at a time, till one in the end is
able to discern all thirty-four mental formations of the first jhāna.
In the same way one discerns the thirty-two mental formations of the second jhāna;
and the thirty-one mental formations of the third and fourth jhānas. That is ultimate
mentality, arising and passing away.
The four ānāpāna jhānas are fine-material realm cognitive processes, and they are
only wholesome. But there are also other kinds of mentality. So, one discerns also the
various mental formations of sensual realm cognitive-processes: of the eye-, ear-, nose-,
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tongue-, body-, and mind-door, wholesome and unwholesome. Afterwards, one discerns
the ultimate mentality of the external world: that of other beings.
When this stage of the meditation is complete, one will have done four things:
1) One will have discerned one's own ultimate materiality (internally), and all other
materiality, externally.
2) One will have discerned ultimate mentality internally and externally.
3) One will have discerned ultimate materiality and ultimate mentality together
internally and externally.
4) One will have distinguished ultimate materiality and ultimate mentality internally and
externally to see that there is no self, no person, and no being, but only materiality
and mentality arising and passing away.
When one has completed these four things, one will have attained the Knowledge of
Defining Mentality-Materiality (Nāmarūpaparicchedañāṇa).
Having discerned these five main causes for one's present life, one then discerns the
relationship between the five past causes and the present results. Then, in the same
way, one discerns the relationship between causes and results in more past lives, and in
future lives. And systematically one discerns all twelve links of dependent origination:
ignorance, formations, consciousness, mentality-materiality, the six bases, contact,
feeling, craving, clinging, coming-into-existence, birth, and ageing&death. One discerns
their causal relationship in past lives, the present life, and in future lives.
When one has discerned the relationship between causes and results in this way,
one will have attained the The Knowledge of Apprehending the Condition
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Practising Vipassanā
With the two knowledges, we just mentioned (the Knowledge of Defining Mentality-
Materiality, and the Knowledge of Apprehending the Condition), one will have discerned
ultimate materiality, ultimate mentality, and their causes. They are altogether called
formations (saṅkhārā). Formations are ultimate reality, which, as explained before, is the
object of vipassanā. Based upon the two knowledges, and using the light of the fourth
ānāpāna jhāna, one now practises vipassanā.
Vipassanā is to know and see the true nature of all formations. How to practise
vipassanā? One discerns all the formations that one discerned before, but this time, one
contemplates them in three ways:
1) Knowing and seeing formations arise and pass away, one contemplates them as
impermanent (anicca).
2) Knowing and seeing how formations are oppressed by arising and passing away, one
contemplates them as suffering (dukkha).
3) Knowing and seeing that they possess nothing permanent, no eternal essence, one
contemplates them as non-self (anatta).
Contemplating ultimate materiality, ultimate mentality and their causes in this way,
again and again, one comes to understand that formations are nothing more than three
things: impermanence, suffering, and non-self. That is their intrinsic nature; their true
nature. And contemplating ultimate reality in this way, one attains higher and higher
insight knowledges (Vipassanā ñāṇa).
As one's vipassanā knowledge increases, one contemplates also the vipassanā
knowledges themselves as impermanent, suffering, and non-self. That is called reflective
insight (paṭivipassanā). A vipassanā knowledge appears in a mind-door cognitive
process. In each such mind-door cognitive process there is a mind-door adverting-
consciousness and seven impulsions. Usually, each of the seven impulsions comprises
thirty-four mental formations: the same as the thirty-four mental formations we
mentioned in connection with the ānāpāna first jhāna.
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• Furthermore, to practise vipassanā with either predominantly zeal, or predominantly
effort, or mind, or investigation, is to cultivate the four bases of spiritual power
(cattāro iddhipādā).
• Furthermore, to have strong faith in vipassanā (which is to have strong faith in the
usefulness of knowing and seeing that the true nature of formations is
impermanence, suffering and non-self); to make continuous effort to know and see
the true nature of formations; to be mindful of their true nature; to concentrate on
the true nature of formations; and to comprehend their true nature, is to cultivate
the five controlling faculties (pañca indriyāni). To cultivate them in this way is to also
to cultivate the five powers (pañca balāni).
• Furthermore, to be mindful of the true nature of formations (their nature of
impermanence, suffering, and non-self); to investigate their true nature; to make
constant effort to know and see the true nature of formations; to be rapturous at
knowing and seeing their true nature; to tranquillize one's mind upon the true nature
of formations; to concentrate upon their true nature; and to look upon their true
nature with equanimity, is to cultivate the seven enlightenment factors (satta
•Lastly, rightly to understand the true nature of formations (their nature of
impermanence, suffering, and non-self) is Right View; to apply one's mind to the true
nature of formations is Right Thought; to abstain from wrong speech, wrong action,
and wrong livelihood by having undertaken the precepts is Right Speech, Right Action,
and Right Livelihood; to make effort to know and see the true nature of formations is
Right Effort; to be mindful of their true nature is Right Mindfulness; and to concentrate
on the true nature of formations is Right Concentration. To cultivate those eight things
is to cultivate the eight factors corresponding to the Noble Eightfold Path (ariyo
aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo): at this stage, they are only mundane.
That is how to cultivate vipassanā using ānāpānassati (mindfulness of breathing) is
to develop all thirty-seven requisites of enlightenment.
That was the first set of explanations in the 'Ānāpānassati Sutta'.
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jhānas, emerges, and emphasizing rapture, one discerns their mental formations, and
contemplates them as impermanent, suffering and non-self. That vipassanā
knowledge will then also be associated with rapture. It is a law of nature that when
there is rapture in the object of vipassanā, there is also rapture in the vipassanā
knowledge. That is how one breathes in and out experiencing rapture.
2) Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out experiencing bliss (sukha).
Bliss is one of the jhāna factors of the first, second, and third jhāna. So, as before,
one discerns the mental formations of those three jhānas (now emphasizing bliss),
and contemplates them as impermanent, suffering, and non-self. Here, one's
vipassanā knowledge will be associated with bliss. That is how one breathes in and
out experiencing bliss.
3) Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out experiencing the mental
formation. By mental formation (cittasaṅkhāra), He means here perception (saññā)
and feeling (vedanā). Perception and feeling are associated with all four jhānas. So,
as before, one discerns the mental formations of the four jhānas (now emphasizing
perception and feeling), and contemplates them as impermanent, suffering and non-
self. That is how one breathes in and out experiencing the mental formation.
4) Lastly, The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out tranquillizing the mental
formation: tranquillizing perception and feeling. One does that automatically when
one enters the four ānāpāna jhānas in succession. Why is that? Because the higher
the jhāna, the more tranquil perception and feeling. So, here again, discerning the
increasingly tranquil mental formations of the four jhānas, and contemplating them
as impermanent, suffering, and non-self, one's vipassanā knowledge will also be
increasingly tranquil. That is how one breathes in and out tranquillizing the mental
We have now explained the second set of instructions given by The Buddha in the
'Ānāpānassati Sutta'.
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the mind, one then contemplates its mental formations as impermanent, suffering,
and non-self. That is how one breathes in and out experiencing the mind in
2) Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out gladdening the mind.
Gladdening the mind is the same as rapture, and as explained before, rapture is one
of the jhāna factors of the first and second jhānas: that is how one breathes in and
out gladdening the mind in samatha. Emerging from one of the two jhānas, and
emphasizing raptrue, one then contemplates its mental formations as impermanent,
suffering, and non-self. That is how one breathes in and out gladdening the mind in
3) Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out concentrating the mind. All
jhānas have the factor one-pointedness: it makes one's mind concentrate on the
paṭibhāga-nimitta. That is how one breathes in and out concentrating the mind in
samatha. Emerging from jhāna, and emphasizing one-pointedness, one then
contemplates its mental formations as impermanent, suffering, and non-self. Doing
so, one's mind concentrates on the three characteristics. That is how one breathes in
and out concentrating the mind.
4) Lastly, The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out liberating the mind. In the
first jhāna, one's mind is liberated from the five hindrances; in the second jhāna,
one's mind is liberated from initial- and sustained application; in the third jhāna, one's
mind is liberated from rapture; and in the fourth jhāna, one's mind is liberated from
bliss. That is how one breathes in and out liberating the mind in samatha. Emerging
from any of the four jhānas, one contemplates its mental formations as impermanent,
suffering, and non-self. In doing so, one's mind is liberated from the perverted
perceptions of permanence, pleasure, and self. That is how one breathes in and out
liberating the mind in vipassanā.
We have now explained the third set of instructions given by The Buddha in the
'Ānāpānassati Sutta'.
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away of ultimate materiality, ultimate mentality and their causes, and contemplates
them as impermanent. That is how one breathes in and out contemplating
2) Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out contemplating fading away.
There are two kinds of fading away: fading away as destruction and absolute fading
away. Fading away as destruction is the momentary destruction of formations.
Absolute fading away is Nibbāna. When one's vipassanā knowledge has become
sharp, one contemplates the momentary passing away of formations as
impermanent, suffering, and non-self. That is how one breathes in and out
contemplating the fading away of formations as destruction. When one attains a
Noble Path and Noble Fruition, one realizes the absolute fading away, Nibbāna. That
is how one breathes in and out contemplating the fading away of formations as
absolute fading away.
3) Then The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out contemplating cessation. As
with fading away, contemplating cessation means either that one breathes in and out
contemplating the momentary cessation of formations as impermanent, suffering and
non-self, or it means one breathes in and out contemplating the absolute cessation of
formations, Nibbāna.
4) Lastly, The Buddha said the bhikkhu breathes in and out contemplating
relinquishment. Relinquishment is also of two kinds: relinquishment as giving up and
relinquishment as if entering into Nibbāna. When, in developing vipassanā
meditation, one attains to the Knowledge of Dissolution (bhaṅgañāṇa), one's
perception of impermanence is very strong and suspends conceit; one's perception of
suffering suspends attachment; and one's perception of non-self suspends wrong
view. That is how one breathes in and out contemplating relinquishment as giving up
defilements. Doing so, however, one is at the same time contemplating
relinquishment as if entering into Nibbāna, because one's vipassanā knowledge
inclines the mind towards Nibbāna.
Then, when one's vipassanā knowledge matures, and one realizes Nibbāna, one's
Path Knowledge gives up defilements completely, and enters into the Nibbāna Fruition
Knowledge. That is how, again, one breathes in and out contemplating relinquishment.
We have now explained the fourth set of instructions given by The Buddha in the
'Ānāpānassati Sutta'.
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4) The Noble Eightfold Path that is the Path Knowledge is the Fourth Noble Truth: the
Noble Truth of the Path (maggasacca).
After the arising of the consciousness that takes the Path Knowledge, two or three
consciousnesses arise that take the Fruition Knowledge. Then has one realized the Four
Noble Truths, and the first stage of enlightenment, stream-entry (sotāpatti). And as one
continues to practise vipassanā based on ānāpānassati, one may attain the higher stages
of enlightenment. Eventually, one destroys all defilements and become an arahant, a
Worthy One, a Perfect One.
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and cultivate those eight things is to develop and cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path
(ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo): now the factors are supramundane, which means they are
That is how to develop and cultivate ānāpānassati (mindfulness of breathing) is to
develop all thirty-seven requisites of enlightenment.
In this talk, we explained how one develops ānāpānassati, up to the attainment of
arahantship. First one develops the thirty-seven requisites of enlightenment with
samatha meditation: they are mundane, having the paṭibhāga nimitta as object. The
samatha meditation gives one the light of wisdom, which enables one to cultivate the
thirty-seven requisites of enlightenment with vipassanā meditation: they are mundane,
having formations as object. The samatha and vipassanā requisites of enlightenment
then enable one to develop and cultivate the thirty-seven requisites of enlightenment
with the Path Knowledge: they are supramundane, having Nibbāna as object. That is
what The Buddha was referring to, when He in the beginning of the 'Ānāpānassati Sutta'
When, bhikkhus, mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated,
it is of great fruit and great benefit.
True Knowledge and Liberation is to realize Nibbāna, the Unformed Element. The
Buddha explains that it is the Deathless, and the Supreme Happiness.
May you all attain the Supreme Happiness, the highest in the Buddha's teaching: for
your own great benefit, and for the great benefit of all beings.
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