4650 and 4850 Section 15 PDF

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Litho in U.S.A.

t--! separation I

DisQonnect From Right-Hand Remove QUAD-RANGE Transmission 15-35-03
Side of ClutchHousing .. 15-30-04 Remove Transmission Pump
Retrove lnpui Planetary .. .. 15-30-05 Drive Shaft 15-35-03
Suflport and Remove Clutch Housing . . . . 15-30-07 Disconnect at Left-Hand
lnstfrll Power Shift Clutch Housing . 15-30-09 Side of Tractor 15-35-04
Disconnect at Right-Hand
GROUP 31 . QUAD.RANGE CLUTCH HOUSING Side of Tractor 15-35-05
Remove Transmission . .. 15-35-06
SpQcifications ... .... 15-31-01 Install Transmission 15-35-07
Rerfove QUAD-RANGE Clutch Housing .. 15-31-01
Instfrll QUAD-RANGE Clutch Housing .... 15-31-04 GROUP 40 . FINAL DRIVE
GROUP 35 - TRANSMISSION Special Tools 15-40-01
Other Materials 15-40-01
SpQcial Tools 15-35-01 Specifications . . . 15-40-01
SpQcifications . .. 15-35-01 Raise SOUND-GARD Body . 15-40-02
Rerhove and Install Power Remove Final Drive 15-40-04
Shift Transmission . 15-35-02 lnstall Final Drive . 15-40-05

u15;015C0N BX4 I2O7A2

Litho ir1 U.S.A. 15-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Group 05
NOTE: Order tools from your SERVTCE-GARD Catatog unless othewise indicated.

Number Name Use

D-05007sT Splitting Stand Remove front axle.

D-05149ST Attachments Adapt splitting stand to tractor.
JT27702 Heavy Duty Front Tractor Support front end, engine, and
Splitting Stand clutch housing.

U15;015005 AX4

Item Measurement Part Dlmension

Front Axle-to-Front Support Clearance 0.03 to 0.38 mm

(0.001 to 0.015 in.)
Cap Screw Torque

Front Supportto-Front Axle 298 N.m (220 ft-lbs)

Tie Rod Endto-Steering Arm 135 N'm (100 ft-lbs)
Front Wheelto-Hub (No MFWD) 135 N'm (100 ft-lbs)

Front Wheel-to-Hub (MFWD) 550 N.m (406 ftlbs)

Drive Shaft-to-Front Axle Yoke 68 N.m (50 ft-lbs)

ul5;015005 BX4

Litho in U.S.A. 15-05-01 TM-1258

Front Axle


AC5;RW69741 urs;015005 CXA 220682


1. Rr ove right-hand battery box cover, and disconnect

batte ground cable.

2. Rt ove front weights from weight support bracket.

AC5;RW5519 U15;01500s DX4 060582

3. Rr r fender mounting cap screws (A) and remove

both fenders.

AC5;RW6794 U15j015005 EX4 2206A2

Litho U.S.A. 15-05-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Front Axle

CAUTION: Release pressure before loosening

hydraulic lines. Pressure can be relieved by
loosening brake bleed screw and pumping brake
until pedal goes all the way down.

6. On MFWD tractor, disconnect steering assist cylinder

hoses (A).

7. Disconnect tie rods (B) at steering arm.

Litho in u.s.A. E
ru8;r50503 3r1083
Front Axle

15-05-04 TM-1258 (Dec-83)

1U8;150504 311083
2. Remove front axle rear mounting bolt (A).

li, .',',.,,',*,r,l,,r:tt:.1.1 :::t,,1

AC5;RW6797 U15;01500s LX4

Carefully move front axle rearward off of axle pivot pins.

4. Remove front axle from under tractor.

AC5;RW6798 ti15i015005 MX4

Litho in U.S.A. 15-05-05 TM-1258 (Se p -82)

Front axle


front axle in reverse order of removal noting the
special instructions.

I front axle shims (A) on front axle pivot bolt.

2.7 front support-to-front axle bolts to 298 N.m (220

pry bar to force front axle away from front support.

4.U feeler gauge to measure clearance (B) between front

pivot washer and front support.

ANT: Front support-to-front axle clearance

should be adjusted to provide for the
minimum amount of clearance obtain-

or remove shims on front axle bolt to obtain minimum

between 0.03 and 0.38 mm (0.001 and 0.015 in.).

': Shims are available in nominalthickness 0.38

of mm
(0.015 in.).

6.7 tie rod end.to-steering arm nuts to 135 N.m (100

tractors with NO MFWD, torque front wheel-to-hub

to 135 N.m (100 ft-lbs).

8.O tractors with MFWD, torque front wheel-to-hub nuts

to 55 N.m (406 ft-lbs).

9.O tractors with MFWD, torque drive shaftj-to-front axle

yoke screws to 68 N'm (50 ft-lbs).

GAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re-
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks, Do not use your

lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be

surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.

all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

AC5;RW6799,X9811 U15;015005 NX4 2206A2

15-05-06 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Grou 10

NOTE: Order tools from your SERVICE-GARD Catatog unless otheruvise indicated.

D-05007sr stand
splitting Remove front end and axre.

D-05149ST Attachments Adapt splitting stand to tractor.

JDG317 Frame cap screw socket Remove frame-to-engine

cap screws.

J-127706 Universal Support Stand Support clutch housing.

U15;01s010 AlX4

Cap Screw Torque

Side Frameto-Engine
12 point 578 N.m (426 rb-ft)
6 point 650 N.m (480 rb-ft)
Hydraulic Pump Supportto-Engine . ... . 1 15 N.m (85 rb-ft)
Lower Frame-to-Side Frame (No MFWD) ..... 140 N.m (103 rb-ft)

Lower Frame-to-Tractor Front Support (MFWD) 475 N.m (350 rb-ft)

Lower Frame.to-Side Frame (MFWD) 140 N.m (103 rb-ft)

Drive Shaft-to-Front Axle Yoke (MFWD) 68 N.m (50 rb-ft)

Front Weight Supportto-Tractor Front Support 407 N.m (300 lb-ft)

U15;015010 A2X4 t0784

Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-01 TM-1258 (A{rg-84)

1U8;15r901 100784

AC7;RW69731 Lil5j015010 A3X4 2tO2A3

AC7;RW5519 U15j015010 BX4 010482

Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-02 TM-1258 (May-83)

Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-03 TM-1258
Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-04 TM-1258 (Sep-82)
Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-05 TM-1258

air conditioning compressor electrical con-

Litho iri U.S.A. 15-10-06 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

1. Disconnect fuel gauge sensor (A) and horn lead (B).

Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-07




1. Dlsconnect MFWD drive shaft at front axle (A)

remQve dirve shaft.

Litho ih U.S.A. 15-10-08 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


Litho in U.S.A. 1 5-10-09


7.D lnnect main pump pressure line (A) from pressure

cont valve housing.

AC7;RW6I81 Ur5;0r5010 AAX4 180382



1.R )move front weights and front weight support bracket.

2.M lunt D-05007ST Splitting Stand with D-05149ST At-

tachr rents to tractor front support using the
two lower
moul ting bolts (A) for the front weight bracket.

3.M >unt the rear attaching bracket to the rear axle pivot
with he rear pivot bolt (B).

AC7;RW6132 RW6183 U15;0150r0 ABX4 180382

Litho U,S.A. 1 5-1 0-10 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-1 1 TM-1258 (


6. Uge JDG317 Frame Cap Screw Socket to remove 16

(eighf each side) side frame-to-engine special cap screws.

NOT|: Use pry-bar to loosen main pump support from

dowel pins on engine.

7. C{refully roll front end assembly away from engine,

chec[<ing hydraulic lines to avoid binding during separation.

AC7;RW6185 U15,015010 AEX4 180r82



IMPORTANT: Do not paint engine mounting pad_to
side-frame areas. painting will reduce
torque retention of special side frame-to-
engine cap screws.

Install front end assembly in reverse order of removar noting

the following special instructions.

1. Align main hydraulic pump support and pump drive waffle

plate with engine as front end is rolled into position.

2. Torque side frame-to-engine cap screws (A) to 57g N.m

(426 lb-ft) tor 12 point and 650 N.m (4gO tb_ft) for 6 point.

3. Torque hydraulic pump supportto-engine cap screws to

115 N'm (85 lb-ft).

4. On tractors without MFWD, torque lower frameto_side

frame special cap screws to 140 N.m (1OO lb_ft).

5. On tractors with MFWD, torque lower frame_to-side frame

special cap screws to 15 N.m (11 lb-ft). Torque lower
frame-to-tractor front support cap screws to 478 N.m (3S0
lb-ft). Torque lower frameto-side frame special cap screws
to 140 N'm (103 tbJt).

6. On tractors with MFWD, torque drive shaftto-front axle

yoke cap screws to 68 N.m (b0 lb-ft).

7._ Torque front weight support-to-tractor front support

407 N'm (300 lb-ft).

CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re.
lieve pressure before disConnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your

lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be

surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.

8. Check all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

AC7;RW6968,X981r UI5;O150rO AFX4

Litho in U.S.A. 15-10-13 TM-1258
I U8;
Litho U.S.A. 1 5-10-l 4 TM-1258 (Sep-82)
Grou 15

NOTE: Order tools from your SERVICE-GARD Catatog unless othewise

Number Name Use

JDE-81-1 Engine Rotation Tool Rotate Engine '

JDG.16A Special Torque Wrench Extension :

Remove clutch housing cap
JDG-268 Filter Relief ValVe Removal Tool Remove clutch oil manifold
JT27706 Universal Support Stand Support clutch housing.
J:rc27702 Heavy Duty Front Tractor Splitting Stand Support front end and engine.

u15;01501s A1X4

Litho,:in U;S:A. 15-15-0;l TM-1258 (

Front-End and Engine



right-hand battery box cover, and disconnect

AC7;RW5519 U15i015010 8X4 01q82

15-15-02 TM-1258 (May-83)

Front-End and Engine


Litho in u.s.A.
15-15-03 TM-1258 (Mdv-8s)
Front-End and Engine

3. Dis light bar harness from tractor wiring


AC7;RW552' U15,015010 FX4 180382

4. Re left and right-hand front hood latches.

AC7:RW5524 U15;015010 GX4 180382

5. Re retaining nut from hood adjusting bolts.

AC7iRW5526 U15;015010 HX4 180382

Litho i U.S.A. 15-15-04 TM-1258 (Sep-82

Front-End and Engine

6. Remove fuel cap (A), radiator cap (B), muffler

pipe (G) and air intake stack (D).

7. Remove hood.

AC7iRW5525 Ut5;Ot5OtO IX4

CAUTION: Care should be taken when servicing

any refrigerant air conditioning system or han-
dling refrigerant lines to avoid personal injury.

2. Disconnect air conditioning lines at couplers (A) under

left-front corner of SOUND-GARD body.

3. Remove riser panel (B) and pull lines forward to air

conditioning compressor.

t-itho in U.S.A.
Front-End and Engine

4.Qisconnect air conditioning electrical connectors (A) and

movp wiring reanrvard to SOUND GARD body.

., l:: t:::

.\.r o*

AC7iRW6186 U15i0t50rs BX4 180382

7. pisconnect wiring harness ground wires (A), air restriction

indibator (B) and engine temperature sensors (C).

acTjRw6taS;Rw6t89 U15j015015 DX4 r00332

15-15-06 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Front-End and Engine

4. Disconnect ether starting aid electrical connector (A).

Litho in U.S.A.
Front-End and Engine

engine oil pressure sensor (A).

isconnect throttle control linkage (B).

Front-End and Engine

10. Disconnect fuet shut-off cabte (A) on 4650 or shut-off

cable (B) on4850. ffi$ W
I ,r''




Front-End and Engine

CAUTION: Do not apply excessive lifting force

to support tractor: binding could occur during

2. Attach JT277O2 Heavy Duty Front Tractor Splitting Stand

Remove front weights if equipped.

A-Non-MFWD Tractors

B-MFWD Tractors

ac7jRw6196,RW6391 U15j0150t5 LlX4 lA03a2

15-15-10 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Front-End and Engine

3. Disconnect main pump charge line (A) from pressure

regulating valve housing.


2. Disconnect center link of hitch from center link attaching


Litho in U.S.A. 15-15-1 1

Front-End and Engine

3. Remove center link attaching bracket from transmission




1. Qrain hydraulic oil from clutch housing.

2. Uoosen right-hand front SOUND-GARD body mounting


3. Remove SOUND-GARD body mounting bracket cap

screws (A) and swing mounting bracket away from clutch
4. Disconnect C1 and C2 oil lines (B) from Power Shift
control valve.

AC7jRW6785 U15:015015 P2X4 0305a2

Litho in U.S.A. 15-15-12 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Front-End and Engine

2. Use JDG16A Special Torque Wrench Extension to

remove top two clutch housing-to_engine cap screws lo_
cated under control support (A).

Litho in U.S.A. 15-15-13 rM-1258 (seT-82)

3. Re move six oil pan-to-clutch housing cap screws and six
remai [ing clutch housing-to-engine cap screws.

IMPO RTANT: During separationo clutch shafts can be.

corne disengaged and fall out. Take pre-
cautions to insure that shafts stay with
clutch housing.

4. Ca refully roll front end and engine away from clutch

housi 19.

AC7jRW6218 U15j015015 SX4 290632


Instal front end and engine assembly in reverse order of

remo\ fal noting the following special instructions.

On P, bwer Shift Tractors:

IMPO RTANT: Sealing rings (A) must be interlocked and

clutch oil manifold (B) fullyseated against
traction clutch assembly (C) to prevent
damage to rings during clutch housing to
engine assembly.

1. ln itall ciutch oil manifold (B) in traction clutch assembly


NOT Check clutch oil manifold pistons (C) to be sure they

are fully seated in manifold.

AC7;RW6788,RW1017 1 U15;015015 TX4 311083

Litho U.S.A. 1 5-l 5-1 4 TM-1258 (Dec-83)

1U8;151514 311083
Front-End and Engine

2. Check high (A) and low (B) range shafts to make sure
they are properly installed in transmission by measuring from
clutch housing face to end of each shaft wittr sharts plshed
rearward. Low range shaft should be 29J to 92.25 mm (1.17
to 1.27 in.) from clutch housing face. High range shaft should
be 83.5 to 86.0 mm (3.29 to 3.39 in.) from ctutcn housing

AC7;R36438 ur5;0r5015 AAX4

Litho in U.S.A. 15-15-15 TM-1258

Front-End and Engine

ANT: Be sure, on Power Shift tractors, that

clutch oil manifold pin is engaged in PTO
drive gear support hole before rotating

JDE-81-1 Engine Rotation Toolto align clutch drive

splines with clutch assembly.

ANT: Do not use mechanical force to draw

engine and clutch housing together.
When properly aligned, the unit will slide

clutch housing-to-engine cap screws to 407 N.m

oil panto-clutch housing cap screws to 163 N'm

NT: Be careful not to drop clutch oil manifold

tubes in clutch housing. Tractor must be
seperated again if this occurs.

Power Shift tractors, use long blade screw driver as

tool to install clutch oil manifold tubes.

QUAD-RANGE Tractors, torque center link attaching

-to.transmission case cap screws to 407 N'm (300

11. MFWD Tractors, torque driveshaft-to-front axle yoke

cap to 68 N:m (50 lb-ft).

CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re-
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your

lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be

surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.

12. all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

AC7;RW7494,RW6981,X9811 U15;015015 ABX4 111183

15-15-16 TM-1258 (Dec-83)

1U8;151516 31r083

TM-1258 (Sep-82)
15-20-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)
3. Disconnectwiring harness ground wires (A), air restriction
indicator (B) and engine temperature sensors (C).

Litho in U.S.A. 15-20-03

4. Disconnect steering lines at SOUND-GARD body.

5. pisconnect engine oil pressure sensor (A).

6. Disconnect throtfle control linkage (B).

7. Disconnect fuel shut-off cable (A) on 4650 or shut_off

cable (B) on 4850.


'"K'\xs-.*N iN.


TM-1258 (Sep-82)
Litho in U.S.A. 15-20-05 TM-1258
Relnove clutch oil manifold line clamp (A).

Reinove C1 and C2 oil lines (B) from tractor.

NOTEJ, Use care in removing clutch oil manifotd tubes to

avoid dropping tubes into clutch housing.

6. UsQ JDG-268 Filter Relief Valve Removal Tool to remove

clutch oil manifold tubes from clutch housing.



1. DisQonnect air cleaner canister cap screw (A).

TM-1258 (Sep-82)
2. Attach JDG-19 Special Mounting Bracket (A) with s/e in.
x 1-Vz in. cap screw at hole provided at rear of cylinder head.

GAUTION: DO NOT apply excessive lifting force

to support engine: binding could occur during

3. Connect JDG-23 Lift Sling to JDG-19 Special Mounting

Brackets and support engine with overhead hoist.

Litho in U.S.A.
5. U$" JDG16A Special Torque Wrench Extension to
remoye top two clutch housing-to-engine cap screws lo-
cateQ under control support (A).

6. Rqmove six oil panto-clutch housing cap screws and six

remaining clutch housing-to-engine cap screws.

IMPQRTANT: During separation, clutch shafts can be-

come disengaged and fall out. Take pre-
cautions to insure that shafts stay with
clutch housing.

7. Cgrefully move engine away from clutch housing.

AC7;RW6228 Ur5;015020 WX4 r30382

Litho in U.S.A. 15-20-08 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

IMPORTANT: Do Not paint engine mounting pad-to-
side frame areas. Painting will reduce
torque retention of special side frame-to-
engine cap screws.

Install engine in reverse order of removal noting the following

special instructions.

On Power Shift Tractors:

IMPORTANT: Sealing rings (A) must be intertocked and

clutch oil manifold (B) fully seated against
traction clutch assembly (C) to prevent
damage to rings during clutch housing to

1. Install clutch oil manifold (B) in traction clutch assembly


NOTE: Check clutch oilmanifold pistons (C) to be sure they

are fully seated in manifold.

AC7;RW6788,RW1"017 1 U15;0rs020 AAIX4 311083

2. Check high (A) and low (B) range shafts to make sure
they are properly installed in transmission by measuring from
clutch housing face to end of each shaft with shafts pushed
rearward, Low range shaft should be 29.7 to 32.25 mm (1.17
1o 1.27 in.) from clutch housing face. High range shaft should
be 83.5 to 86.0 mm (3.29 to 3.39 in.) from ctutch housing

AC7;R36438 U15;015015 AAX4

Litho in U.S.A. 15-20-09 TM-1258 ( -84)


OnA Tractors:
IMPO TANT: Do Not "rock" engine forward and back.
ward during installation, clutch oil mani-
fold sealing ring damage can result.
3. Ins rll engine to clutch housing using steady rearward
pressl e and carefully checking for perfect alignment.

IMPO TANT: Be sure, on Power Shift tractors, that

clutch oil manifold pin is engaged in pTO
drive gear support hole before rotating

4. Us JDE-81-1 Engine Rotation Toolto align clutch drive

shaft llines with clutch assembly.

IMPO TANT: Do not use mechanical force to draw

engine and clutch housing together.
When properly aligned, the unit will slide
5. Tor ue clutch housing-to-engine cap screws to 407 N.m
(3oo I ft).

6. Tor ue oil pan-to-clutch housing cap screws to 163 N.m

(120 | ft).

AC7;RW7494 U15;01s020 AA2X4 111183

IMPOI IANT: Be careful not to drop clutch oil manifold

tubes in clutch housing. Tractor must be
seperated again if this occurs.
7. On )ower Shift tractors, use long blade screw
driver as
guide rcl to install clutch oil manifold tubes.

8. On IUAD-RANGE Tractors, torque center link attaching

brack< .to-transmission case cap screws to 407 N.m (300

A GAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re-
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your
lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be
surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.
9. Chr k all fluid levels and test tractor operation.
AC7;RW6981,X9811 U15;o15O2O AA3X4 111183

Litho in S.A. 15-20-10 TM-1258 (Dec-83)

1U8;152010 311083
NOTE: D-050015T Adapter ptate Set must be modified by
drilling lower mounting bolt hole out to sh in. Drill hole
in adapter as instrucied in Section gg, Fabrieated

1. Carefully move engine into D-01009AA Repair Stand and

use four (two each side) side frame-to-engine special cap
screws (A) to secure D-05001ST Adapter plate Set to

2. Torque special cap screws to 578 N.m (a26 lb-ft).

AC7;RW6229 U15;015020

CAUTION: Never remove the overhead lifting

lln equipment from the engine until the engine is
securely mounted to the stand and all mounting
hardware is torqued to specified values. Always
release the overhead lifting equipment slowly!

3. Carefully remove lift sling from engine.


ac?:Rw6230 u15;015020 ACX4 30382

Litho in U.S,A. 1 5-20-1 I TM-1258

15-20-12 TM-1258 (Dec-83)
ru8;152012 311083

NOTE: Order tools from your SERVTCE-GARD Catalog unless otherwise indicated.

Number Name Use

JDG-10-2 Support Stand Store SOUND-GARD body.

JDG-15 Lifting Bracket Remove SOUND-GARD body.

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25-01 TM-1258

NOff: Battery boxes need not be removed if only SOUND-
GARD body is to be serviced.

2. Dipconnect and remove batteries.

3. R$move right-hand battery box and left-hand battery-box

step pssembly (A). On Power Shift tractors remove clutch
valve wiring shield (B) with battery-box step assembly.

1. Remove left and right-hand rear side shields.

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25.O2 TM-1258 (May-83)


2. Remove left and right-hand side screens.

AC7jRw5522 U15j0150t0 180162

3. Disconnect hood light bar harness from tractor wiring


Release left and right-hand front hood latches.


AC7;RW5524 Ut5;015010

Remove retaining nut from hood adjusting bolts.

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25-03 rM-1258 (sfe-82)


15-25-04 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


4. Disconnect SOUND-GARD bodyto-front-end and engine

riring harnesses (A).

CAUTION: Release pressure before loosening

hydraulic lines. Pressure can be relieved by
loosening brake bleed screw and pumping brake
until pedal goes all the way down.

IMPORTANT: Whenever lines are disconnected or re-

moved, plug all openings to prevent con-
tamination of system.

5. Disconnect steering lines at fire wall.

6. Disconnect starter relay.

ac3;Rw6193;RW5232 U15j015025 DX4

7. Disconnect SOUND-GARD body lighting harness under

left-hand front corner of SOUND-GARD body.

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25-05


B. Disconnect clutch linkage (B) and PTO tinkage (A) on

OUFD-RANGE transmission. Disconnect clutch linkage (C)
anQ PTO linkage (D) on Power Shift transmission.

ac8tRw6235jRW62r6 U15j015025 FX4 220682

fuel shut-off cable (A) on 4650 or shut-off
(B) on 4850.

ac8;RW6195;RW6237 U15;015025 GX4 220532

15-25-06 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


2. Remove right-hand SOUND-GARD body riser panet (A).

4. Disconnect throtile control cable (A).


1. Disconnect Hi-Lo linkage (B).

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25-07


Qisconnect speed control linkage (A).

Qisconnect range control linkage and spring (B).

2. Disconnect speed control linkage (A) and directional

control linkage (B).

3. Disconnect park lock bracket (C) and park lock linkage


AC8;RW6244;RW6245 U15;015025 MX4 020442

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25-08 TM-1258 (May-83)


4. Disconnect Power Shift linkage bracket (A).


1. Disconnect differential lock line (B).

2. Disconnect right-hand brake line (A).

3. Disconnect steering, brake, and differential lock supply

line (C).


1. Disconnect heater hoses (A) and hose clamp (B) at rear

of SOUND-GARD body.

Litho in U.S.A.

distance of control lever support from SOUND-

body panel so support can be reinstalled in same

3. Dfsconnect hydraulic control lever inner support (A) from

rock$haft housing.


1. Remove floor mat, cap screws (A) and control support

AC8;RW6216 U15j015025 TX4 220642

Litho ih U.S.A. 15-25-10 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


2. Remove nylon tie strap (A) and disconnect dimmer switch


3. Disconnect differential lock and brake return line (C) from

top of clutch housing.

4. Disconnect the following items:

A-Steering Reiurn Line

B-Brake Line
C-SOUND-GARD Body Ground Wire
fSeat Valve Leak-Off Hose
E-Seat Valve Return Hose


IMPORTANT: Do Not appty tifting force to SOUND-
GARD body untit mounting bolts are

1. Mount JDG-15 Lifting Bracket to SOUND_GARD body

and support with overhead hoist.

2. Remove two (one each side) front SOUND_GARD body

mounting bolts,

Litho in U.S.A. 15-25.1 1


15-25-12 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


Litho in U.S.A. 15-25-13



Insta I SOUND-GARD body in reverse order of removal
notin I the following special instructions.

1. Pl, lce two special washers (A) on top of front SOUND-

GAR ) body mount with identification marks (B) facing up.

2. ln:itall one specialwasher (C) with identification mark (D)

facinr ! down.

3.Pl lce one special washer (C) on top of rear SOUND-

GAR p body mount with identification mark (D) facing down.

4. ln:Itall one special washer (A) on top of rebound mount

with dentification mark (B) facing up.

AC8;RW1016 9L U15;015025 AGX4 311083

5. Cr fully lower SOUND-GARD body into position.

6.7 1ue SOUND-GARD body mounting bolts to 203 N'm

(150 bs).

CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

A penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re-
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your

lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be

surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.

7.C ;k all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

AC8;X9811 U15;015025 AHX4 311083

Litho U.S.A. 15-25-14 TM-1258 (Dec-83)

1U8;152514 311083
PowEH sr{ffrcrufd-ffffii
NOTE: Order tools from your SERVTCE-GARD Catalog unless
othewise indicated.

JDG-19 gpecial MountingBracket Remove ctutch housing.

JDT-46 Special Torque Wrench Adapter Remove ctutch housing and
transmission cap screws.
JT277o1 Heavy Duty Rear Tractor Splitting Stand Support transmission
Fabricated Lube Tube Removal Tool Remove transmission lube tube

U15;015030 AtX4 2



PT106 Paint and Decal Remover

Remove gasket deposits.
T43511 Cleaner primer
Prepare surfaces for plastic gaske
T43514 Plastic Gasket
Seal joints.

U15;015040 BX4 22

Litho in U.S.A. 15-30-01 TM-1258

- Power_,9hift Clutch Housing

Litho inlU.S.A. 15-30-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Power Shift Cluteh Housing


1. Disconnect traction clutch valve housing sensors from $ w
wiring harness. *r:::ii

2. Move all wiring harnesses from clutch housing to trans_

mission case.

Litho in U.S.A.
rM-1258 tse]-ezl
Power Shift Clutch Housing

TM-1258 (May-83)
Power Shift Clutch Housing


1. Flemove Hi-Lo range clutch shafts.

7. Remove six clutch operating valve housing-to-charge :lii::ii\:\

pump cap screws (A). s'J

AC7;RW8942 U15j015030 c4X4 27o2av

Litho in U.S.A. 15-30-05 TM-1258 (Ma

8. Remove charge pump.

ri. :: *S
U15;015030 G5X4 030682

11. Remove input planetary carrier assembly (A).

15-30-06 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Power Shift Clutch Housing

12. Remove input ptanetary shaft with gear (A).

AC7;RW55s3 U15;015030 KX4

3. Connect JDG19 Special Mounting Brackets (A)

SOUND-GARD body mounting studs on both sides
of clutch housing.

Litho in U.S.A. 15-30-07

4. Pllce nylon lift strap (B) at rear of clutch housing.
5. Cpnnect support chain (A) to JDG19 Special Mountings
Brackets attached to clutch housing at SOUND-GARD body

Al CAUTION: Do Not apply excessive lifting force

4 to support clutch housing: binding could occur
during separation.
6. S(rpport clutch housing with chain, nylon lift strap and
overlhead hoist.

7.R pmove two clutch housingtotransmission case cap

scre' lvs (A) from inside clutch housing.

AC7;RW6558 U15;015030 PX4 260482

8.U ;e JDT-46 Special Torque Wrench Adapter to remove

one ransmission case-to-clutch housing cap screw (A) on
lowe side of transmission case.

9.R )move three nuts and washers (B) from clutch housing-
to-tri nsmission studs on lower side of transmission case.

AC7;RW6563 U15;015030 P1X4 2604A2

UilF UsA 1 5-30-08 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Power Shift Clutch Housing

Litho in U.S.A. 15-30-09 TM-12s8

Power Shift Clutch Housing

5. Use PT-106 John Deere Paint and Decal Remover to

loosen liquid gasket deposits from area around cast-in oil
slots iri planetary drum and clutch housing.

6. Scr?pe gasket deposits from planetary drum and clutch


7. Apqly T43511 Cleaner Primer to mating surfaces.

IMPOBTANT: Do Not coat entire flange area of plane-

tary drum with plastic gasket.

8. Apply T43514 Plastic Gasket material with roller to area

around cast-in oil slots (A) in planetary drum.

IMPORTANT: All fastenings making up this joint are to

be tightened to torque specification
within 15 minutes of joint closure.

9. Tor$ue planetary drum-to-clutch housing cap screws to

48 N.nt (35 ftlbs)

AC7;RW6562 U15;015030 fX4 2604A2

Litho in .S.A. 15-30-10 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Power Shift Clutch Housing

10. Torque PTO drive gear bearing supportto_planetary

drum cap screws to 27 N.m (20 ft-lbs).
1 1. Torque traction clutch valve housing-to-charge pump

cap screws to 27 N.m (20 ft-lbs).

IMPORTANT: Gharge pump retaining cap screws must
be retorqued after 10 minutes to maintain
proper torque.
12. Torque SOUND-GARD body mount studs to 163 N.m
(120 ft-lbs).
CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can
penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re-
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your
lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be
surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.
13. Check all fluid levels and test tractor operation.
AC7;X9811 U15;015030 UX4

Litho in 15-30-1'1 TM-1258

Grou$ 31

Quad-Range Clutch Housing

1. REmove SOUND-GARD body. (See SOUND-GARD Body

in this section).

2. Remove QUAD-RANGE transmission. (See Transmis-

sion in this section).

3. Difconnect main supply line (A) from clutch pressure

regulNting valve housing.

AQ7:RW6392 Ul5;015031 CX4 220482

4. Dir connect battery cable (A) from cooler return line and
MOV€ cables forward to engine,

5. Mr ve heater hoses (B) forward to engine.

AC7;RW6393 U15;015031 DX4 22O4a2

6. Dir iconnecthydraulic reservoir leak-off line (A) from

clutcl i housing and move line forward to engine.

7. Dir fconnect clutch oil temperature sensor (B).

8. Dir lconnect throttle control linkage (C).

9. Dir fconnect cooler return line clamp (D) from rear hood
supp( irt bracket. Loosen cooler return line hose clamp at
rear ( ff air filter canister and swing line away from clutch
housi 19.

10. D isconnect rear hood support bracket (E) from clutch

housi 19.

A-Reservoir Leak-Off Line

B-Clutch Oil Ternperature Sensor
C-Throttle Control Linkage
D-Cooler Return Line Clamp
E-Rear Hood Support Bracket
AC7;RW6394 U15:015031 EX4 22o4a2

Litho in U.S.A. 15-31-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Quad-Range Clutch Housing

11. Disconnect main hydraulic pump pressure line (A) from

pressure control valve.

15. Flemove six oil panto-clutch housing cap screws.

16. Remove eight clutch housing-to-engine cap screws.

17. Carefully remove clutch housing from engine.

Litho in U.S.A. 15-31.03 TM-1258 (

Quad-Range Clutch Housing


Instalf clutch housing in reverse order of removal noting the
follovriing special instructions.
1. TQrque clutch housingto-engine cap screws to 407 N.m
(300 ft-lbs).
2. Tlrque oil pan-to-clutch housing cap screws to 163 N'm
(120 ft-lbs).

A CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

l+ penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re.
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your

lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be

surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.

3. Cl'Jeck all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

AC1;X9811 U15;015031 IX4 290682

U.S.A. 15.31-04 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

NaTE: order tools from your SERVICE-GARD Catalog unless
othenaise indicated.
Number Name Use

JDT-46 Sp-ecial Torque Wrench Adapter Remove clutch housing and

.. transmission cap screws.
JT27701 Fleavy Duty Flear.Tractor Support transmission case.
Splitting Stand

JT27702 Heavy Duty Front Tractor Support front end, engine

Splitting Stand and clutch housing.

Litho in u.S.A.


Litho ir] U,S.A. 15-35-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

1. Remove SOUND-GARD body. (See SOUND_GARD Body
in this section.)

CAUTION: Do Not appty excessive lift force to

support tractor: binding could occur during

2. Attach JT27TO2 Heavy Duty Front Tractor Splitting Stand

(A) to side frames of tractor and support tractor.

3. Attach JT2Z701 Heavy Duty Rear Tractor Sptitting Stand

(B) to transrnission and support tractor.

AD1;RW6564 U15;O15o3s rX+ zloaez

2' Disconnect center rink of hitch from center link attaching


Ac7iRw6197 Ur5ior5o15 NX4 i6ofs2

Litho in U.S.A. 15-35-03



1. Di$connect electrical outlet socket (A) from left-hand

SCV {nd move harness fonnrard to clutch housing.

TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Litho in U.S.A. 15-35-05 TM-1258


TM-1258 (Sep-82)

f. Use JDT-46 Special Torque Wrench Adapter to remove

four clutch housingto-transmission cap screws.

3. Remove nine transmission-to-clutch housing cap screws.

4. Carefully roll front end and clutch housing away from


AD1;RW6573 tJ15;015035 OX4 20682

Install transmission in reverse order of removar noting the
following special instructions.
1. Torque transmission-to-clutch housing cap screws to 4OT
N.m (300 ft-tbs)
2. Torque clutch housing-to-transmission cap screws to 407
N'm (300 ft-lbs)
CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can
Itn penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re-
lieve pressure before disconnecting nydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applying pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eieci fluiOs
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard )
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your
lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be
surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor farniliar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.
3. Check all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

ADUX9811 UI5;015035 pX4 682

ru ril r,J,D.A.
15-35-07 TM-1258
Litho U.S.A. 15-35-08 TM-1258 (Sep-82)
Groul 40
NOTE: Order tools from your SERVTCE-GARD catalog, unless otherwise indicated.

Number Name Use

JDG-15 Lifting Bracket SOUND-GARD body removat

JT27707 Wheel and Axle Lift Wheel and final drive removal

u15;O15040 AX4



PT106 Paint and Decal Remover Flemove gasket deposits.

T43511 Cleaner Primer

Prepare surJaces for plastio gaske
T43514 Plastic Gasket
Seal joints.

Ut5;015040 BX4

Cap Screw

Axle Housing to Transmission Case

231 N.m (170 ft-tbs)
SOUND-GARD Body Mounting
203 N.m (150 ft-tbs)

U15;01s040 CX4 2 t6a2

Final Drive


A02;RW6976L U15;015040 DX4 2206A2


1.R nove right-hand battery box cover, and disconnect

batte r ground cable.

,qD2;RW5519 U15;01s040 EX4 27o4a2

2.M sure distance of control lever support from SOUND-

GAR body panel so support can be reinstalled in same
posit t.

3. Dl onnect hydraulic control lever inner support (A) from

rockr tft housing,

acSiRw6!78 Ut5;015025 QX4 220682

Litho U.S.A. 15-40-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

IMPORTANT: Do Not appty tifting force to SOUND-
GARD body until mounting bolts are

4. Mount JDG-1S Lifting Bracket to SOUND-GARD body

and support with overhead hoist.

5. Loosen two (one each side) front SOUND_GARD body

mounting bolts (A).

AD2;RW6383 U15;015040 cX4 2

6. Remove two (one each side) rear SOUND-GARD body

mounting cap screws (A).

Litho in U.S.A.
Final Drive

7. Carefully raise SOUND-GARD body high enough to

remQve body mount (A) from between SOUND-GARD body
and axle housing.

final drive cap screws (A).

AD2;RW6577 U15;015040 LX4 27A4A2

15-40-04 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Final Drive

Litho in U.S.A. '15-40-05

3.A pply TY6305 Cleaner Primer to axle housing.
4.4 pply Ta3514 Plastic Gasket material with roller to
tranr imission case,

IMP( )RTANT: All fastenings making up this joint are to

be tightened to torque specification
within 't5 minutes of joint closure. Assem-
bly may be done with an impact wrench
prior to final torque setting.

5. lr stall sun pinion shaft (A) in final drive planetaryand

mou 1t brake disk (B) on pinion shaft before assembling final
drive to transmission case.

AD2;RW6978 U151015040 RX4 22O2A3

Litho U.S.A. 15-40-06 TM-1258 (Nov-84)

Final Drive

6. Torque axle housing-to-transmission cap screws to 231

N'm (150 ft-lbs).

7. Torque rear SOUND-GARD body mount-to_axle housing

cap screws to 203 N.m (150 ft.tbs).

8. Torque SOUND-GARD body mounting bolts to 203 N.m

(1s0 ft-lbs).

CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can

penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Re.
lieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
or other lines. Tighten all connections before
applyling pressure. Keep hands and body away
from pin holes and nozzles which eject fluids
under high pressure. Use a piece of cardboard
or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your

lf any fluid is injected into the skin, it must be

surgically removed within a few hours by a
doctor familiar with this type injury or gangrene
may result.

9. Check all fluid levels and test tractor operation.

AD2;X9811 U15;01s040 SX4

Litho in U.S.A. 15-40-07 TM-1258

TM-1258 (May-83)

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