Exam 3-3b

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Colegio Bilingüe Elisa DiazGranados


NAME:________________________________________________ DATE:___________________

Life in a Farm CAN

Tom and Jane lived on a farm for thirty years. They 8. Bull ___________ the plow.
learned that all the farm animals were important. a. can bathe
First, the sheep gave them wool to make beautiful b. can pull
sweaters. Then, the cows gave them milk so they c. can help
could drink it and make delicious cheese. The
chickens gave them eggs so they could eat them at CONTRACTIONS
breakfast and bake cakes. The ox pulled the plow so 9. Does not
they could plant the crops. Even the earthworms a. doesno’t
helped on the farm by preparing the earth to plant b. doesn’t
the seeds. c. doesnt
So everyday, Tom and Jane would carry a bucket of
food to feed the animals. They would place the food 10. I am
for each animal in their special dish. They first feed a. I’m
the sheep, cows, and the ox because they lived in the b. Ia’m
meadow. Then, they would feed the chickens that c. wont
lived in the barn. They did not feed the earthworms
since they eat the dirt. Tom and Jane wanted to make PREFIX and Sufixx
sure that all their animals were happy and not 11. _______angle
hungry. They were lucky to live among them. a. re
b. tri
1. How long did Tom and Jane live on a farm? c. ful
a. three years
b. thirteen years 12. Beauti ________
c. thirty years a. re
b. tri
2. How did they take the food to the animals? c. ful
a. in a bucket
b. in a bag 13. It is the place for your name at the end of the
c. in a wagon letter.
a. closing
3. Where did they put the animal’s food? b. signature
a. on the floor c. salutation
b. on a pan
c. in a special dish 14. synomyn for: begin
a. end
4. Who did they feed first? b. start
a. the chickens c. finish
b. the sheep, cows and the ox
c. the earthworms 15. antomyn for: short
a. start
5. Who did they not feed? b. finish
a. the chickens c. long
b. the earthworms
c. the buffalo LISTENING

FUTURE TENSE 16.________________________________

6. I _________ my homework
a. will do 17.________________________________
b. will rain
c. will stay 18.________________________________

7. The earthworms _________tunnels in the soil. 19.________________________________

a. will be
b. will make 20.________________________________
c. will listen

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