Bio Fertilizer Production and Marketing
Bio Fertilizer Production and Marketing
Bio Fertilizer Production and Marketing
1 Introduction
Bio-fertilizers a r e selective live micro-organism l i k e bacteria, fungi and algae. They provide a cost
effective, eco-friendly &renewable source of nutrients. Bio-fertilizers improve the nutrient availability
to the crops in which biological process is involved. They play a vital role in improving soil fertility and
ensure maintaining long term sustainability
Bio-fertilizers become popular to counter the negative impact of indiscriminate use of chemical
fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides have played a important role in boosting the
agricultural production for past 50 years in India, since their introduction during green revolution.
Their immediate action and low cost resulted in the widespread acceptance and inclusion in
cultivation practices. However their long term application contributed in loss of soil fertility along
with addition of salts to the soil. This led to concern for reviving the soil health and use of alternate
sources of fertilizers. Thus came the concept of bio-fertilizer, which proved to be a good supplement
for chemical fertilizers.
Bio-fertilizer is the need of modern agriculture since demand for safe and residue free food is
increasing. In view of the shifting focus towards organic farming and reduction of chemical residues
in the environment, it is necessary to promote the production of bio-fertilizers in large scale by the
private sector to cater the current demand.
Bio-fertilizers help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen, converting soil phosphate and potash into soluble
forms to make them available to plants. Continuous use of bio-fertilizers makes the soil rich in
essential nutrients, which promotes good yield. The bio-fertilizer can be manufactured both in solid
as well as in liquid form.
Government of India has been implementing the scheme for the promotion of bio-fertilizers since
7th Five Year Plan. Under this scheme, one national centre-NCOF and six regional centres- RCOFs
have been established. The main function of these centres includes the promotion of bio-fertilizer
through training, demonstration and supply of 10 efficient culture for production of bio-fertilizers.
The scheme also aims for giving grant up to Rs. 40 lakh per unit of 150 tonnes per year to set up bio-
fertilizer producing units. Since inception bio-fertilizer production capacity of 10,525 tonnes has
been envisaged by setting up 83 bio-fertilizer production units. Out of these units, 9 units have been
sanctioned by the Department of Fertilizers under their scheme of providing financial assistance for
the purpose and 74 units have been financed by Department of Agriculture & Cooperation. Another
39 units have been set up by different organizations and private entrepreneurs with a production
capacity of 7,975 tonnes per year.
The total estimated current demand for bio-fertilizers in India is 18,500 tonnes per year, whereas
estimated production is about 10,000 tonnes per year in the country. Moreover Govt. Of India is
focussing on generating additional demand through proper extension and promotion by regularly
organizing Seminars on bio-fertilizers and micronutrients.
The site for setting up of unit should have good road connectivity and supply of electricity with
support for uninterrupted power supply.
Microorganism to be used in the said facility for production of the bio-fertilizer range is as follows:
i. Rhizobium
ii. Azotobacter
iii. Azospirillium
iv. Phosphate Solubilising bacteria (PSB)
v. Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB)
vi. Trichoderma for compost production.
4 Project Details
4.1 Installed Capacity
At the initial stage the installed production capacity of this project will be 250,000 litres per year
of liquid bio-fertilizers. This can be increased afterwards.
4.2 Land
It is required to set up laboratory and other facilities and office. Space may also be required for
installing tube well / dug well and parking of vehicles. Approximately 1 acre of land is required for
4etting up a 250,000 litre per year, production facility. Preferably, the entire site should be fenced
with barbed wire or compound wall with gates at suitable places. The boundary may be planted with
thick and tall growing species like Asoka, to filter air and reduce dust.
4.3 Layout and buildings
The civil works comprises of factory building for laboratory, Carrier preparation and enrichment,
sterilisation, Inoculation and quality control, Maturation of culture, Mixing and packing, storage/
staff etc. The total covered area of about 2000 sqm is required for the product manufacturing and
other utilities. Rest of the area of land will be enough for future expansion up to 500,000 litres to
1000,000 litre per Annum Building.
The design should be suitable for easy movement of material and people, with outer open space for
pot culture at the centreof the building. It should facilitate sufficient natural light ventilation.
The office should be nearer to entrance to reduce chances of contaminants. Golden duranta border
fencing around the building, lawn, and ornamentals in front of the building adds in built up
the building. Non – deciduous shrubs and free plantation help in climate control, if planted around
the building.
4.5 Plant and Machinery
Manufacture of Bio fertilizers needs a good number of laboratory equipments as well as other
production facilities such as Fermenters, culture medium tank, Fermenter assembly, autoclaves,
boiler, broth dispensers for sterilisation, demineralising plant, air compressor etc,. The section wise
equipment required, their specifications, quantity required and average costs are indicated in the
financial aspects. All the machineries are manufactured in the country. Some of the suppliers
undertake the installing the units on a turnkey basis.
4.5.1 Equipment:
The main equipment needed for manufacture and lab are listed below. They are available through
scientific and lab equipment suppliers. List of equipments mentioned below with quantity required.
Boiler (3 ton capacity)/steam generator 1 big or 2 small to generate steam for
Autoclaves -
One horizontal autoclave for carrier/ media sterilization, (50kg)
One vertical autoclavesfor smaller quantities and small containers, (100 Kg each)
Rotary shakers (2 tier- 48x48 platform) for 2 Culture growth
2 Auto temperature control Fermenters (one of 2000 litre and other of 500 litre
2 Laminar air flow - Size 6'X2'X2' for inoculation purposes
BOD incubator 1 for culture growth sterilization
Broth is blended
with Sterilized Broth is blended with
carrier Sterilized carrier
Shakers f or limited
get sealed by automatic sealing machines. The pet bottles used for filling of microbial inoculants
should be printed with following information.
a) Name of Inoculants
b) Direction for use
c) Name of crops
d) Date of Manufacture.
e) Date of expiry.
Normally a three phase electric supply is required for these plants. The normal requirements of a
250 TPA unit is about 220 KVA depending upon the position of power supply, stand by generator
may be needed.
A Bio fertilizer production unit requires water mainly for steam generation for broth preparation and
cleaning of equipment’s. For liquid formulations, water becomes the main ingredient. Installation of
bore well (if piped water supply is not available), and according to the quality of water
demineralization equipment’s are to be installed. The average per day requirement of water for 250
TPA capacities will be about 3500 to 4000 litres.
Air Compressor
Compressed air is required for various pneumatic operations as well as for controlled air supply to
Fermenters, sterilization / cleaning operations etc.
The vehicles are required for procurement of carrier material and distribution of Bio fertilizers as
well as for office use. Accordingly one LCV and a jeep have been included in the project. These
vehicles' can also be hired from reliable transportation companies.
4.8 Manpower
For a unit manufacturing 250 TPA Bio fertilizers the requirements of manpower is as under:
1 Chief Executive Officer (In fact entrepreneur himself should undertake this role)
2 Chief Biologists / Micro Biologist
3 Sales Officers
4 Accountant and clerical Assistant
5 Drivers (If vehicles are owned by the unit)
6 Floor Supervisors/ Factory Manager
7. Technical Staff (boiler operation, mechanical maintenance, packing machine operations,
electrical maintenance)
8 Labour requirements is estimated to be skilled labourers and 4Semi- skilled
5 Financials:
5.1 Cost of project:
The cost of the project is Rs. 296.07 lakhs. The cost is divided into the components of land and site
development around Rs. 15.51 lakhs, civil work Rs. 157.50 lakhs, plant and machinery cost will be Rs.
Land - - -
Site Development 15.01 0.50 15.51
Building 150.00 7.50 157.50
Plant & Machinery 86.28 4.32 90.60
Misc. Fixed Assets 10.26 0.51 10.77
Preoperative Expenses 16.69 - 16.69
Security Deposits 5.00 - 5.00
Total 283.24 12.83 296.07
5.2 Revenue:
The revenue generated in first year is Rs. 168.68 lakhs which goes on increasing till 6th year to Rs.
303.63 lakhs.
Colu Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Revenue Heads
mn1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
100% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Revenue( In Rs 168. 202. 236. 269. 303. 303. 303. 303. 303. 303.6
Lakhs) 68 42 16 89 63 63 63 63 63 3
168. 202. 236. 269. 303. 303. 303. 303. 303. 303.6
68 42 16 89 63 63 63 63 63 3
168. 202. 236. 269. 303. 303. 303. 303. 303. 303.6
Total 337.37
68 42 16 89 63 63 63 63 63 3
5.3 Cash flow statement:
The profitability of the project is:
Year Year
PARTICULARS Year 0 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7
1 2
89.95 - - - - - - -
NET PROFIT - 52.54 63.37 73.78 84.16 98.08 93.20 88.16
DEPRECIATION - 16.94 16.94 16.94 16.94 16.94 16.94 16.94
PRELIMINARY EXP.W/O - 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 - - -
INCREASE IN TERM LOAN 209.88 - - - - - - -
INCREASE IN WC - - - - - - - -
106.5 115.0 110.1 105.1
TOTAL 339.83 74.91 85.73 96.15
3 3 4 1
INCREASE IN FIXED ASSETS 274.37 - - - - - - -
PRELIMINARY EXPENSES 21.69 - - - - - - -
DECREASE IN TERM LOAN 17.49 34.98 34.98 34.98 34.98 34.98 17.49
- - - - - - - -
INTEREST PAYMENT (WC) - 30.83 27.37 22.70 18.04 13.37 8.54 3.70
TOTAL 296.06 48.32 62.35 57.68 53.02 48.35 43.52 21.20
132.2 185.7 252.3 319.0
OPENING BALANCE 43.77 70.36 93.74
1 2 9 2
SURPLUS/DEFICIT 43.77 26.59 23.38 38.47 53.51 66.68 66.63 83.91
132.2 185.7 252.3 319.0 402.9
CLOSING BALANCE 43.77 70.36 93.74
1 2 9 2 3
5.4 Sensitivity analysis:
The sensitivity of the project is:
Equity 30% 89.95 89.95
Subsidy 13% 40.00 40.00
Unsecured Loan 0% -
Term Loan 57% 169.88 169.88
Financial Institutions -
Total 299.83 299.83
6 Marketing Plan / Strategy:
Some of the marketing strategies as suggested below may work strongly in the marketing of
bio fertilizers:
6.3 Pricing
Being price sensitive input, the pricing needs to be kept at penetrative level, slightly lower than the
competitors. However, real advantage to the units will come from reduction in logistics costs being
near to the consuming areas.
The Marketing linkages with Technology providers like “Drip Irrigation” producers may be initiated
as Liquid bio-fertilizers have got tremendous potential as its application through this technology.
Similarly, tie-up with Export oriented crops like turmeric, ginger, spices, fruits and Vegetable growers
could be undertaken as the organic products are being preferred by this segment due to compulsion
of importing nation’s condition of permissible limits of chemical residues in the produce. Govt. of
Odisha is also buying bio fertilizer in bulk for various crops under various schemes and the local
products are given preference for the same. This market has to be tapped. There are Sugar
Industries who could also be a bulk buyer for Acetobacter and PSM / Potash mobiliser or Zinc &
Sulphur Solubilisers.
e) Soil characteristics like high nitrate, low organic matter, less available
phosphate, high soil acidity or alkalinity, high temperature as well as presence of high agro-
chemicals or low micro-nutrients contribute to failure of inoculants or adversely affect its
g) Supply of Sub-standard or spurious material by some of the manufacturers also adversely
affect the credibility of the Bio-fertilizers, being a new product.
h) Some firms are selling organic manures as Bio-fertilizers. Some organizations mention
shelf life as two years/one year despite norm of maximum 3- 6 months.
j) Lack of awareness of the farmers regarding benefits of bio-fertilizer.
k) There is no magic effect of bio-fertilizer & its impact is not visible in standing crop and
therefore farmer is not convinced with the benefits of bio-fertilizer use.