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Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: III. Superfluid Quantum Gravity

Preprint · July 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26670.41280


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1 author:

Marco Fedi
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca


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Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: III. Superfluid
Quantum Gravity
Marco Fedi

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Marco Fedi. Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: III. Superfluid Quantum Gravity. 2016.

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Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid:

III. Superfluid Quantum Gravity.
Marco Fedi

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract Having described in previous articles dark ener- dark matter as a dark superfluid (DS) whose quantum hydro-
gy, dark matter and quantum vacuum as different aspects dynamics produces both what we call quantum vacuum (as
of a dark superfluid which permeates the universe and hav- hydrodynamic fluctuations in the DS) and the massive parti-
ing analyzed the fundamental massive particles as toroidal cles of the Standard Model, as torus-shaped superfluid quan-
vortices in this superfluid, we reflect here on the Bernoulli tum vortices, where the ratio of the toroidal angular velocity
pressure observed in quantum vortices, to propose it as the to the poloidal one may hydrodynamically describe the spin.
mechanism of quantum gravity. In this view, the dark su- Furthermore, in [2] we have analyzed the theoretical pos-
perfluid surrounding a particle would be attracted toward it: sibilities that a photon be a transverse phonon propagating
a pressure gradient along with a velocity field would man- through the DS, concluding that there are good hints to con-
ifest around the particle and would be currently interpreted sider light as “the sound of the dark superfluid”, as all prop-
as the gravitational field. We call this hypothesis Superfluid erties and behaviors of light can be observed within a quan-
Quantum Gravity. Here the hydrodynamics of the dark su- tum hydrodynamic approach. In this third paper, we return to
perfluid would replace the curved spacetime of general rela- fundamental particles as quantum vortices and we focus on
tivity, still respecting its observed predictions. Here the pic- the Bernoulli effect experimentally observed in superfluid
ture of gravity is that of an apparent force driven by spin. vortices [25, 26, 28], suggesting that it can be the core mech-
When this model is applied to a quadrupole dynamics, grav- anism of quantum gravity, which in turn is driven by spin [1]
itational waves arise as negative pressure waves through the as a particle’s internal, vorticous motion. In this model we
dark superfluid. Here the geometry of spacetime is indeed do not resort to gravitons, since the quantum aspect of grav-
replaced by the hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid. A test ity is found in the quantized nature of the dark superfluid
is eventually suggested to confirm the gravitational field as and in the attraction of its quanta into vortex-particles. Here
an inflow of DS. Einstein’s curved spacetime is replaced by the hydrodynam-
ics of the dark superfluid and time itself arises from the dy-
Keywords Quantum gravity · general relativity · dark namical aspect of this superfluid. All known phenomena at-
energy · gravitational waves · analog gravity tributed in general relativity to the Riemannian geometry of
PACS 04.60.-m · 95.36.+x · 47.37.+q · 04.62.+v · 04.30.w spacetime possess an equivalent explanation resorting to the
hydrodynamics of the DS, from Lense-Thirring precession
and gravitational lensing up to gravitational waves.

1 Superfluid quantum gravity (SQG): Bernoulli
In the first article on the hydrodynamics of the dark superflu-
pressure in the DS as the mechanism of quantum
id [1] we have provided reasons to interpret dark energy and
Ministero dell’Istruzione, Dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), We refer here to the description of massive fundamental par-
Rome, Italy ticles as torus-shaped quantum vortices in the DS [1], for
E-mail: [email protected] which an hydrodynamic analogy with the fundamental en-
2 Marco Fedi

tities introduced in Loop Quantum Gravity [9, 10], where

space is similarly granular and quantized, shall be reported
for some aspects. From that, we focus on the Bernoulli force
observed [25, 26, 29, 28] when vortices form in superfluids.
The formula reads [29]
Fb = K(r)n(r)dS (1)

where K(r) = ρv2 /2 expresses the density of kinetic energy

(which dominates on the vortex surface, while the density
of the superfluid drops to zero within the so-called healing Fig. 1 Metallic nano-particles adhere onto vortex-filaments in super-
length [1]) and n(r) is a unit vector normal to the cylindrical fluid 4 He making them visible, thanks to Bernoulli pressure [25,26].
surface S over which the integral is calculated. A schemati- The attraction of the surrounding quanta in the DS exerted by vortex-
cal description of this force as superposition of the vortices’ particles is by us indicated as the quantum mechanism of gravity.
velocity fields obeying a 1/r function, which pressure fields
are associated to, has been made in [29]. Due to Bernoulli
pressure we see in Fig. 1 that particles of various sizes ad-
here onto the vortices, making them visible as filaments. The
amazing analogy with the observed cosmic web of dark mat-
ter filaments showed in [1] is significant and tells us how the
DS hydrodynamics may express both the cosmos of galax-
ies and the microcosm of particle physics. Also interesting
is the appearance of attractive or repulsive (depending on
the chirality) Bernoulli pressure between quantum vortices
only in two-component superfluids [29], where we have a Fig. 2 Since macroscopic bodies consist of fundamental particles, they
small amount of a “doping substance” (e.g. metallic atoms) also produce a pressure gradient which becomes strong and evident
scattered in a superfluid, such as superfluid 4 He. The analo- around large celestial bodies and determines attraction. This is what we
gy with a two-component DS in which a smaller amount of call “gravitational field”. This hypothesis is nothing more than Gauss’s
law for gravity, however considering here a real flux of DS.
dark matter (∼ 25%) is immersed in a vast ocean of superflu-
id dark energy (∼ 70%) [1] is relevant. Thus, if macroscopic
bodies were made up of vortex-particles in a two-component created by the action of spin, once this quantum number
DS [1], they would show as well a pressure gradient around has been defined as the circulation of quanta in a superflu-
them and would exert (and be subject to) Bernoulli force. id vortex taking shape in the DS (see [1] Sect. 3). So the
This pressure gradient is called “gravitational field”. Fig. 2 core mechanism of quantum gravity would be actually spin,
represents the gravitational field as inflow of dark superfluid described as vorticity of quanta in the DS.
which consequently causes attraction between two or more
bodies floating in it [16], while in Fig. 3 the pressure gradi-
ent causing attraction is shown through a set of CFD sim- 2 From classical to quantum gravity without gravitons
ulations. Here we can verify that the consequent attractive
force mathematically equals Gauss’s law for gravity We know that a pressure gradient generates a force, for which
I the acceleration is expressed as
Fg = g · n(r)dS = −4πGM, (2)
a = −∇ , (3)
for which we consider a “real” incoming flow (in our case ρ
of DS), and is compatible with the Schwarzschild solution.
Similarity with (1) is also evident. A similar hypothesis of being P and ρ respectively pressure and density. In our case,
hydrodynamic gravity was proposed by Cahill [17] and Kirk- (3) has to correspond to the gravitational acceleration caused
wood [18] previously thought of the gravitational field as an by the attraction of dark superfluid quanta (DSQ) due to the
ether inflow, moving from the interpretation of the equiv- Bernoulli effect (Fig. 1, 2), then we write
alence principle (also see Sect. 7) and analyzing this issue Pd
in terms of particle and light motion in a gravitational field. g = −∇ , (4)
Also other efforts in the context of analog gravity, as those
by Visser, Barcel, Consoli, have to be mentioned [19–21]. where the subscript d refers to DS. By using (4) in Newton’s
Finally, it is important to notice that Bernoulli pressure is second law, we can write a formula for universal gravitation,
Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: III. Superfluid Quantum Gravity. 3

a scale and conversion factor and this is indeed the role as-
sumed by G. It is also interesting to note that the units in
(6) correspond to Gray (Gy), i.e. to the unit used for ener-
gy absorption (J/kg). In this case, absorption of DS (of dark
energy), as hypothesized for SQG.
The Newtonian gravitational constant now would read

r Pd r
G = −ϕh = = const. (7)
M ρd M

So, its value and utility remain but it would now reveal the
physical quantities and the relationships among them which
produce that constant output on a quantum hydrodynamic
basis. Furthermore, we see that the same hydrodynamic ex-
pression (6) is used for the equation of state of cosmology:
w = P/ρ, that we already considered as the equation of state
of the DS [1, 8]. We also notice that by considering the grav-
Fig. 3 CFD simulation putting in evidence the pressure gradien- itational field as an incoming flow of DS, light propagating
t around a macroscopic spherical body absorbing the fluid in which parallel to it should show a frequency shift analogous to the
it is immersed. The consequent 1/r2 attractive force mathematically e- gravitational redshift of general relativity. A differential test
quals Gauss’s law for gravity and is compatible with the Schwarzschild
is proposed in Sect. 9. It is also important to notice that the
solution. Refining the grid (on the right) leads to a perfect radial sim-
metry. negative pressure gradient around celestial bodies (the DS
inflow) would obviously cancel the tiny braking action pro-
duced by the apparent viscosity (no superfluid has real zero
based on the hydrodynamics of the DS viscosity) for bodies orbiting or traveling through the DS, in
Pd the case a strong enough absorption creates the condition
Fg = −m∇ . (5)
Since we assumed that the DS is quantized as well as its va ≥ v (8)
absorption into vortex-particles [1], (5) would be the formu-
la for quantum gravity. As we see, the superfluid approach
generates a formula for quantum gravitation in two simple where va is the velocity at which the DS is attracted into a
steps, without resorting to differential geometry, graviton- massive body (see Fig. 4, the velocity field coexisting with
s or strings. So far then, the Ockham razor seems to be in the pressure gradient shown in Fig. 3) and v the orbital or
favor of the quantum hydrodynamic hypothesis for gravity. translational velocity of the body throgh the DS. The by us
We proceed then with the analysis and below we will derive suggested mechanism for quantum gravity is therefore able
the quantum potential. to justify orbital stability of celestial bodies over indefinit-
From (5) it emerges that in SQG, the classical gravita- ly long times, as actually observed, despite their orbits oc-
tional potential ϕ corresponds to the ratio pressure to densi- cur in a superfluid medium with near-zero viscosity instead
ty expressed in (4), becoming a hydrodynamic gravitational of in a real-zero viscosity Newtonian vacuum (which as re-
potential ϕh : gards quantum physics does not exist). Smaller and faster
celestial bodies undergo however a greater interaction with
M m2 Pd m2
ϕ = −G ⇐⇒ ϕh = − , (6) the DS, as showed in (35) as regards the anomalous peri-
r s2 ρd s2
helion precession of Mercury, and several detected probes
where the gravitational constant G disappears. This is a anomalies could be also due to the interaction with the D-
good hint, since the role of the classical Newtonian constant S, undergoing in this case (small objects) the unfavourable
is simply that of adjusting calculations and units of mea- condition va < v and a greater action of apparent viscos-
sure in a non-quantum formula. Measuring gravity through ity. Following this approach we have speculated that also
mass and distance does not refer to the quantum mechanism the anomalous deceleration of the Pioneer probes 10 and 11
of gravity, in which other parameters have to be taken into [24] could depend on vacuum friction, obtaining the result
consideration, i.e. local pressure and density of the DS. If of a = −8.785 × 10−10 m · s−2 , without resorting to the still
we use mass and distance between bodies we have to use uncertain issue of thermal photons recoil.
4 Marco Fedi

where Q is the quantum potential. For the considered

quantum, kinetic and potential energies are not determined
by anything else than the gravitational acceleration as a hy-
drodynamic quantum phenomenon, thus (∇S)2 /2m +U = 0
and ∂∂tS = H = Qϕ .
It may be useful to detail Qϕ by distinguishing between
potential and kinetic aspects. We do that adopting Sbitnev’s
approach to quantum potential [3, 4], which we already re-
sorted to in [1]

h̄2 h̄2
(∇SQ )2 + ∇2 SQ

Q=− (13)
2m 2m
SQ = ln ρd (14)
Fig. 4 CFD simulations showing the velocity field (on the right)
causally associated with the pressure gradient around a vortex-particle is the quantum entropy of the DS due to its hydrodynamic
attracting the DS. From it we can have an absorbtion velocity va in any perturbation. Therefore, we have
point of the field.

h̄2 h̄2
H = Qϕ = − (∇SQ )2 + ∇2 SQ

3 Quantum potential (15)
2m 2m
To consider (5) as the formula of quantum gravity the fol- Since the gravitational potential (6) used in (11) is deter-
lowing identity has to be true mined by Bernoulli pressure at quantum level due to vortex-
Pd particles and verified the quantum potential (15), Eq. (9) can
FgQ = −m∇ = −∇Qϕ (9) be the formula of quantum gravity, whose action is exerted
on a body’s reference frame. Therefore gravity is presented
where Qϕ = −m (Pd /ρd ) is the quantum potential in units of here as an apparent force. Indeed, Einstein himself consid-
energy. Being m the mass of a quantum of DS and taking into ered gravity not as a real force but as an intrinsic property of
account the de Broglie relations, we observe the following spacetime.
simple identities The bridge to classical gravity is represented by the fact
Qϕ = −m ρPd = −p · u = −ih̄∇u ⇒ −ih̄ ∂t

=H = (10) that gravity as a hydrodynamic phenomenon in the DS im-
plies that vortices (e.g. fermions) or pulses (photons, see [2])
− 2m ∇2 +U existing in such a reference frame are consequently acceler-
where p = mu = h̄k ⇒ −ih̄∇ represents the momentum ated as objects on a conveyor belt. This is for instance the
and H is the hamiltonian operator of the Schrödinger equa- reason why light is deflected by gravitational fields, as dis-
tion (SE). Both energy operators, kinetic, −(h̄2 /2m)∇2 , and cussed below. We would not observe gravity, nor the exis-
potential, U, are expressions of the same total gravitational tence of particles [1], without the presence of the DS. Ac-
quantum energy of the system, where potential energy grad- cording to SQG, a black hole, for example, swollows up
ually converts into kinetic energy as the quantum approach- (superfluid) space along with the matter it contains, it does
es the point of attraction (a vortex-particle). Let us observe not directly attract matter. In this case it is therefore correct
the SE with its quantum potential. We define the probability to refer to gravity as an apparent force, without active force
density per unit volume carriers (no gravitons). In the case of a non-free body in a
gravitational field, the quantum potential has to correspond
ρ(r,t) = R(r,t)2 = |Ψ (r,t)|2 = Ψ ∗ (r,t)Ψ (r,t) (11)
to gravitational potential energy. In fact, from (6)
being R(r,t) the amplitude of the wavefunction Ψ (r,t) and
r the spatial coordinate. By rewriting the SE in polar for- GM Pd
U = −m = −m = Qϕ (16)
m with ψ = ReiS/h̄ and S/h̄ as the phase of the wavefunc- r ρd
tion, we obtain as known two coupled equations. That aris-
ing from the real part of the SE reads We can now change the subscript in Eq. (6), ϕh = ϕQ ,
" # to refer to the quantum nature of the hydrodynamic gravi-
∂S (∇S)2 tational potential. The differential form of Gauss’s law for
=− +U + Q = H (12)
∂t 2m gravity (i.e. Poisson’s equation) becomes
Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: III. Superfluid Quantum Gravity. 5

Without regard, for the time being, to a complete quan-

tum hydrodynamic reformulation of the Einstein field equa-
r 3ϕQ
∇2 ϕQ = 4πϕQ ρm = 2 (17) tion (EFE) with pressure accounting for the apparent cur-
M r
vatures of space, we begin by substituting what has been
where ρm = 34 πr M
3 is mass density.
derived in these papers of ours about the hydrodynamics of
It is now clear that this approach does not refer to curved the DS. From (7) and (18), [2], Einstein constant reads
spacetime but to the hydrodynamics of the DS, whose ef- 8πG r r
fects are the same as those described in Einstein’s relativ- κ= 4
⇒ κh = 8πϕQ (βd ρd )2 = 8π Pd βd2 ρd (20)
c M M
ity. There is no curved spacetime but a superfluid space,
where the subscript h means hydrodynamic. The cosmo-
whose hydrodynamics at Planck scale generates time itself
logical constant becomes
(quantum vortices as fundamental clocks in nature?) and we
are reminded of the de Broglie’s idea about a sort of clock r
Λh = ρd κh = 8π Pd (βd ρd )2 (21)
inside the fundamental particles [5–7] based on the Bohr- M
Sommerfeld relationship, C p · dx = nh. Putting n = 1 we where vacuum energy (commonly dark energy) density
see that the quantum of action is a complete turn of quan- is expressed as that of the DS, ρvac = ρd , and in this case M
ta in a vortex-particle. We believe that time itself may take and r respectively refer to the mass of baryon matter in the
shape from the simplest events on quantum hydrodynamic universe and to the radius of the visible universe. Thus, the
basis. Let us therefore consider Planck time. Since the clas- EFE, Gµν + Λ gµν = κTµν , would read
sical constant G has been revealed in its constituent quantum
hydrodynamic quantities (7) which give as output a constant r r
value and having rewritten the formula for the speed of light Gµν + 8π Pd (βd ρd )2 gµν = 8π Pd βd2 ρd Tµν (22)
[2] as
where resorting to the single-fluid (DS in our case) mod-
1 el of cosmological perturbation theory [8] and reducing to
c= p (18)
βd ρd the simpler case of a perfect fluid, the stress-energy tensor is
hydrodynamically defined as
where the permittivity and permeability of vacuum have been
uµ uν
translated into density and isentropic compressibility of the Tµν = (P + ρ) −Pgµν ⇒ (Pd + ρd ) uµ uν βd ρd −Pd gµν .
DS, we can rewrite Planck time only resorting to Planck c2
constant (the quantum of “circulation”) and the basic param-
eters of the DS, that is ρd and βd . The expression for Planck where u is the four-velocity. Here the EFE tells us that the
time becomes apparent spacetime curvature is caused by the action of pres-
q sure forces in the DS, whose role (as that of dark energy)
tPd ≡ 8 h̄2 βd5 ρd3 . (19) was already present in the cosmological constant and we see
that also the stress-energy tensor is fully compatible with a
It is evident that also the other Planck units can be rewritten quantum hydrodynamic interpretation which considers dark
using h̄, ρd , βd , all referring to the hydrodynamics of the DS. energy, being T 00 its density, ρ0 = ρd , T ii its pressure, Pd ,
T 0i = T i0 the momentum density and being shear stress and
momentum flux the remaining components. As far as the
4 Einstein field equations. From curved spacetime to the metric tensor, gµν , is concerned, though spacetime would
hydrodynamics of a superfluid space. not be distorted but simply expressed by the hydrodynamics
of the DS, it can maintain for the moment a computational
Since we here affirm that Einstein’s spacetime is an elegant
usefulness as if space were distorted. The same can be said
theoretical construct which quantitatively works in explain-
for the other tensors in the EFE, since, as we know, both
ing gravity thanks to differential geometry but from a qual-
Ricci tensor
itative point of view it would actually correspond to the hy-
drodynamics of the DS in a flat space, we should express Ri j = Rkik j = ∂l Γjil − ∂Γlil + Γlλl Γjiλ − Γjλl Γliλ (24)
the gravitational forces only through pressure gradients aris-
ing in the superfluid quantum space. As opposed to Ein- and Ricci scalar
stein’s model, this quantum hydrodynamic description of s- S = 2gab (Γa[b,c]
c d
+ Γa[b c
Γc]d ), (25)
pace, time and gravity does not fail at short scale, since it
starts from short scale, from the quantum nature of the phys- forming Einstein tensor, Gµν , are defined through Christof-
ical vacuum (as DS), confirmed in quantum field theory and fel symbols, which are themselves expressed through the
in recent tests [27]. metric tensor, Γcab = 12 (∂b gca + ∂a gcb − ∂c gab ). Said that a
6 Marco Fedi

spherical body absorbing the fluid in which it is immersed and simplifying

generates a pressure gradient and that this is analogous to
the Schwarzschild solution, a body which rotates while ab- −1
J M −2
p 2
sorbing DS would obviously correspond to Kerr metric and Ω= +r + βd ρd sin θ
M2 2 J 2 βd ρd
would express the Lense-Thirring precession. Also the grav- (32)
itational lensing would be explained by the fact that photon-
s (as phonons, see [2]) propagate in a DS where pressure For brevity here we limit ourselves to the analysis of these
forces act, so the deviation of light would be analogous to metrics. As regards the gravitational lensing, the angle of
that of sound under the action of wind. In short, every effec- deflection θ = 4GM/rc2 = 2rS /r has its quantum hydrody-
t attributed to curved spacetime in general relativity can be namic equivalent from (7) and (18) as
also explained resorting to the hydrodynamics of the DS.
θ = 4Pd βd . (33)
5 Line elements for the metrics and relativistic effects. evidencing the role of pressure in the DS in a simple for-
mula, where light, as a pressure wave through the DS [2] is
The solutions to the EFE can be expressed in quantum hy-
influenced by pressure gradients in the DS exerted by mas-
drodynamic terms. The line element for the Schwarzschild
sive bodies.
metric with signature (1, −1, −1, −1) reads
As regards the anomalous perihelion precession of Mercury,
−1 2 in the relativistic formula for perihelia precessions calculat-
c2 dτ 2 = 1 − rrS c2 dt 2 − 1 − rrS

dr − (26) ed in Schwarzschild metric [30]
r2 dθ 2 + sin2 θ dϕ 2

24π 3 a2
∆φ = (34)
where rS = 2GM/c2is the Schwarzschild radius, which c2 T 2 (1 − e2 )
after quantum hydrodynamic substitutions reads
we can highlight the kinetic interaction planet-DS (from [2]
RSQ = 2rPd βd (27) we consider Lorentz factor as the rheogram of the DS), using
Below, we similarly substitute the constants G and c with the square ratio of the average orbital velocity, vo = 2πa/T
their equivalent quantum hydrodynamic expressions obtain- (a is the semi-major axis and T the orbital period) to the
ing speed of light (i.e. β = v/c in special relativity)
 v 2 6π
∆φ = = 5.018 × 10−7 rad (35)
−1 1 1
(βd ρd ) dτ 2 = βd ρd− 2ϕQ dt 2 − 2
1−2Pd βd dr − (28) c 1 − e2
r2 dθ 2 + sin2 θ dϕ 2

where ∆ φ expresses the relativistic contribution to Mercury’s
Now we pass to the Kerr metric (in our approach a rotat- perihelion precession per revolution (e = 0.205 is orbital ec-
ing spherical body absorbing the DS) in the form centricity), corresponding to the known value of 43” per
century. In (35) we can better see the formula for the per-
  ihelion precession (34) as a function of orbital speed and
c2 dτ 2 = gtt − gφtφφ dt 2 + grr dr2 + gθ θ dθ 2 + (29) orbital eccentricity. By substituting c with (18) we make al-
 2 so visible the basic parameters of the DS (within the identity
g βd ρd = ε0 µ0 [2]) both in (35) and in the standard form (34)
gφ φ dφ + gφtφφ dt

equivalent to a co-rotating frame of reference with Killing 6π 24π 3 a2

βd ρd v2o = βd ρd . (36)
horizon which reads 1 − e2 T 2 (1 − e2 )
gtφ rS rαc
Ω =− = 2 2 (30) The reason why the interaction planet-DS is more evident
gφ φ ρ (r + α ) + rS rα 2 sin2 θ
for Mercury is given by its smaller mass and its higher or-
where the following length-scales are introduced for brevi- bital velocity, along with its orbital eccentricity, compared
ty: ρ 2 = r2 + α 2 cos2 θ and α = J/Mc, with M referring to a with the other bodies of the solar system. Orbital eccentric-
mass rotating with angular momentum J. The quantum hy- ity accounts for the speed variations during the revolution,
drodynamic equivalent form of the Killing horizon express- causing a varying interaction with the DS and, in our opin-
ing the Lense-Thirring precession is ion, the precession, also in a flat spacetime (that is in a super-
Ω= fluid quantum space). For precise calculations of Mercury’s

2r2 Pd βd J βd ρd anomalous perihelium precession in a flat superfluid space
J 2 +2r2 P β 2 ρ

J 2
M βd ρd r +βd ρd ( M
2 ) 2
d d d ( M ) sin θ we defer to a further study.
Hydrodynamics of the dark superfluid: III. Superfluid Quantum Gravity. 7

6 Gravitational waves as pressure waves through the 7 Fluid equivalent principle and new light shed on
DS. relativistic mass increase.

Observing gravity as absorption of DSQ into masses, grav- If a gravitational field is an incoming flow of DS as dis-
itational waves [14] arise as negative pressure waves gen- cussed above, we deduce that a body travelling with velocity
erated by periodic variations in the absorption magnitude v through the DS where the gravitational field tends to zero,
measured from a given point (e.g. LIGO mirrors [15]), due is in the analogous situation of a body which is stationary
in this case to a quadrupole dynamics. Gravitational waves in a gravitational field and the incoming flow of DS in that
would be negative pressure waves propagating through the specific point of the field has exactly the same velocity v. We
DS, which impart at a certain frequency (2ω, where ω is the can express this equivalence as a fluid equivalence principle
orbital frequency of the quadrupole) a negative gravitational (FEP)
acceleration to a test mass. Again, invoking spacetime de-
formation is not necessary to explain what experimentally vDSQ = va + v (39)
observed, which may obey quantum hydrodynamics.
where vDSQ is the velocity of the total resultant flow of DSQ
Let us consider a supposed spacetime deformation as a wave
acting on the body, determined by both translational motion
with polarization ×
through the DS (v), i.e. the apparent velocity of DSQ, and
by the flow of DSQ due to the gravitational field (va ). This
1 G2 4m1 m2
R means that in special relativity what is interpreted as mass
h× = − (cos θ ) sin 2ω t − . (37)
R c4 r c increase is actually a sort of “drag weight”, a braking force
acting in the opposite direction to motion. By also consider-
where R is the distance from the observer, t the elapsed time,
ing Lorentz factor as the rheogram of the DS [2], the clues
θ the angle between the perpendicular to the plane of the or-
to reinterpret the relativistic mass increase in this direction
bit and the line of sight of the observer and r the radius of
are strong. The FEP can be demonstrated by equating the
the quadrupole. The expression for a pressure wave in a fluid
formulas of time dilation of special and general relativity,
medium with orientation given by θ is P = Pmax (cos θ ) sin (ωt − kx).
that is comparing the action of translational speed to that of
Being k = ω/v p where v p is phase velocity, putting x =
R and considering a gravitational pressure wave in the D-
S (PGW ) propagating at the speed of light (both according to ∆t ∆t
general relativity and to our approach [2]), v p = λ /T = c, we ∆t 0 = q =q (40)
2 RS
1 − vc2 1 −
multiply the frequency by 2 to due to the quadrupole dynam-  r
ics and the equation reads PGW = Pqmax (cos θ ) sin 2ω t − Rc , 2 √ √
where Pqmax refers to the maximum gravitational negative hence vc2 = RrS =⇒ v2 = 2GM r thus v = 2rg = 2ϕ. Even-
pressure exerted by the quadrupole twice its orbital frequen- tually from (6) using now the subscript Q
cy, whose origin is in SQG (4), (5). Finally, to look at a s
complete quantum hydrodynamic formula describing gravi- Pd p
v = 2 = 2ϕQ (41)
tational waves in the DS, we substitute c with (18) ρd
PGW = Pqmax (cos θ ) sin 2ω t − R βd ρd . (38) where we see that the action of gravity is equated to that
of translational motion, via the second cosmic velocity. We
Thus, both in the case of light [2] and gravitational waves, realize that through the FEP it is possible to overcome the d-
we observe pressure waves through the DS which can im- ifference between the two formulas for time dilation used in
part acceleration (radiation pressure in the case of photons), special and general relativity, by attributing to gravity also
although, in the case of gravitational waves, with the dif- the effects of special relativity and also in absence of a grav-
ference of negative waves whose frequency depends on the itational field (as we have in this case an “apparent” gravita-
rotation of the binary system (quadrupole). As shown in (3) tional field due to acceleration through the DS). From here
and (4) the pressure variation corresponds to an acceleration, we reflect whether – as far as relativistic mass increase is
acting in this case on LIGO’s test masses, if we take into ac- concerned – the official theory make a dimensional mistake,
count the recent tests. Laughlin [22] reflects that: “there is swapping kgf with kg, i.e. interpreting a weight force point-
compelling evidence that light and gravity are linked and ing in the opposite direction to the supplied acceleration as
probably both collective in nature”. Indeed, from our point a mass increase (the brace in Eq. 42 indicates the hypothe-
of view, both arise in the DS, being collective hydrodynamic sized misconstruction). In SQG, this phenomenon is actual-
manifestations of its quanta (pressure waves). Quantum-like ly due to a “drag weight”, i.e to a gravitational force acting
gravity waves, but in a classical fluid, have been investigated in the opposite direction to motion. Indeed, if drag weight
by Nottale [23]. grew according to Lorentz factor (see [2], Lorentz factor as
8 Marco Fedi

the rheogram of the DS: a dilatant behavior of the DS in field (with the DS in our case). The amplitude of Zitterbe-
relativistic regime due to its granular, quantum nature) this wegung equals the Compton wavelength λc = h/m0 c, which
could be the cause of the so-called relativistic mass increase refers to mass-energy conversion. In our case the conversion
leaving mass actually unchanged of the exceeding mass into virtual photons. Finally, DSQ
“packaging”sheds light on the magnitude discrepancy be-
F F − Wdrag tween gravity and electromagnetism. An implication, which
a= ⇒ . (42)
m +WΦ m is different from the current model, would be the non-radiality
| {z }
of the electrostatic field of point particles and the unidirec-
The new equation expressing the total weight of a body in tional emission of virtual photons after a reorientation of the
SQG would then be: point charge (a vortex-particle in this approach [1]) when in-
teracting with another one, as it happens for magnets. This
Wtot = m(g + gϕ ) (43) issue is discussed in [16]. This should not be excluded, s-
ince we can know the geometry of the electrostatic field of a
where the accelerations g and gϕ (that due to drag weight)
single free charge only when we observe it interacting with
may point in different directions, according to the presence
another charge. As an experimental evidence of this within
of a gravitational field and of translational motion for veloc-
our hydrodynamic analogy, we know that when in superflu-
ities in relativistic regime.
ids vortex lines approach, they reorient themselves [25]. The
reorientation would occur through the interaction of the field
lines (as (pilot-)waves in the DS), both in electromagnetism
8 Gravity-electromagnetism unification via energy
and as regards the dynamics of vortices, with in the latter
balance in SQG.
Bernoulli pressure still playing a central role.
The attraction of DSQ into massive particles as quantum
vortices exerting Bernoulli pressure, would cause their mass
to progressively increase. This doesn’t occur. We consid-
er then an output for the absorbed quanta and we believe
they are packed, and emitted, into amounts known as virtu- 9 Verification
al photons, which generate the electrostatic field of charged
particles. This mechanism would connect gravity with elec- SQG may be difficult to verify since its predictions seem
tromagnetism. In the case of unbound neutral particles, as to completely coincide with those of general relativity, of
neutrons, the absence of energy output would push them which it would be the quantum hydrodynamic foundation.
to decay and we know that unbound neutrons’ mean life- Room for tests on secondary co-hypothetical aspects of the
time is ∼ 881 s. DS absorption would explain in this way theory may exist in particle physics (a. unbound neutrons in-
the β -decay as energy imbalance. On the contrary, bound crease their mass before decaying; b. point charges reorient
neutrons in the nucleus can transfer the exceeding DSQ to themselves in space, as magnets, when approached to each
protons and be stable: this transfer corresponds to the gluon other). However, the most important test would be that for
flow and would hydrodynamically explain the strong inter- demonstrating the gravitational field as inflow of DS, practi-
action [1, 16]. Another prediction of SQG is a greater mass cally a radial, incoming ether wind called gravitational field,
for isolated neutrons before they decay, if compared with the undetectable via a classic Michelson-Morley interferometric
mass of bound neutrons in a nucleus, as well as a faster de- test, being the ether wind the gravitational field, not influ-
cay of neutral pions (8.4 · 10−17 s) if compared with charged enced by the Earth’s orbital motion. This could be achieved
pions (2.6 · 10−8 s), as it actually occurs. The decay of a by measuring the frequency of a laser beam when it travel-
charged particle might be then due to imbalance between s parallel to the gravitational field without reflections (nor
absorbed and emitted vacuum energy (i.e. DSQ). We ob- during the detection of frequency, unless the final direction
serve decay in the case εabs (t) − εemit (t) > 0 or stability if of the beam is the same as at the origin): the result should
εabs (t) − εemit (t) = 0. match that predicted in general relativity for gravitational
Since the emission of virtual photons is quantized and we as- redshift but it should persist when the source and the fre-
sume that each of them is made up of several DSQ, charged quency detector are synchronized with the same clock, ex-
particles would briefly increase their mass before the emis- cluding in this way the contribution from Einstein redshift.
sion of the following virtual photon obeying a sawtooth func- In short, SQG asserts that the frequency of light is direct-
tion [16]. This trembling mass fluctuation would explain ly affected by gravity, not simply changed because of time
the hypothesized phenomenon of Zitterbewegung. Not by dilation affecting the instruments which measure it when lo-
chance, stochastic electrodynamics explains Zitterbewegung cated in different points of a gravitational field as theorized
as the interaction of a charged particle with the zero-point in general relativity.
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