Nina Khayatul Virdyna

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Nina Khayatul Virdyna

Jurusan Tarbiyah, Prodi TBI
[email protected]


English is getting more crucial to be mastered since its important part in the
world nowadays. It is not only as a means of communication but also a
means transferring knowledge, news, and technology around the world.
There are four basic skills in English such as listening, speaking, reading, and
writing, every students must have problem in learning and mastering those
skill. But writing is the main issue to be discussed in this article. In writing,
some of the writer‟s students feel difficult to determine the topic when they
want to write, they are hardly to complete a writing paper because they run
out of idea. In this case the students need to absorb some information to
understand a word, including how to combine a word with the other words.
Therefore the teacher should have a strategy to get the students
understanding and overcome their problems.Teaching is about just how to
encourage the learners to achieve their goals and other times it requires that
we actually facilitate resources and foster experiences so students can learn,
continue learning and love the process. It is an art of the teacher to know
how to make the students able to create knowledge of their own.
Brainstorming is one of the teaching techniques in writing that can encourage
the students to think about the topic as many as possible. This technique is
help the students to enrich their vocabularies then create an idea become a
writing composition. By using this strategy the students will be able to
improve their writing skill. Brainwriting is an alternative method to
brainstorming that tries to encourage a more uniform participation within a
group. Like brainstorming, it is designed to generate lots and lots of ideas in a
short amount of time.

Kata Kunci: Teaching Writing, Brainwriting

Introduction have to ”speak” all by themselves.

When someone speaks face to face
Writing is a means of
with a listener, the speaker can
communication that the writer
communicate in many and different
consciously learn and part of what
ways. The speaker can raise or lower
makes it hard to learn is that written
the pitch or volume of the speaker
words usually have to express the
voice to emphasized a point; the
writer meaning in the writer absence,

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

speaker can grin, frown, wink, or readings on which written assignments
shrug; the speaker can use their hands are based. They may also simply have
to shape out a meaning when the trouble with grammar, syntax, spelling,
speaker quite have the words to do it. and vocabulary.
The speaker can ever make their Even students who possess
silence mean something. But in writing the necessary language skills may be
the writer have to communicate unfamiliar with the kinds of writing
without facial expressions, gestures, or assignments they are asked to do in
body language in English of any kind. classes. Students are asked to write
The writer has to speak with words papers emphasizing personal
and punctuation alone. expression: to state and defend a
Writing is a productive skill personal opinion or engage in creative
that involves producing language problem-solving for which there is no
rather than receiving it. Very simply correct answer.
writing involves communicating a It is a challenge for a teacher
message (something to say) by making to overcome those problems of the
signs on page. To write is to put students since the teacher is a class
down the graphic symbols that facilitator in writing class. There are
represent a language one understand, many concept and strategy have been
so that others can read these graphic done to facilitate the students ability in
symbols if they know the language and writing. One of the strategy is using
the graphic representation.1.Otherwise, the brainstorming strategy. When a
in making writing, reading also have group wants to generate ideas for a
the important role as reading generates new product or to solve a problem
writing in their basic ways2. brainstorm is need it. Spell out the
Unfortunately some students are basic ground rules for brainstorming
feeling difficult in conducting a well (no criticism, wild ideas are welcome,
writing paper. Students may not have focus on quantity, combine ideas to
the necessary English language skills make better ideas) and then have
to cope with writing assignments. people yell out ideas one at a time.
They may have difficulty Brainstorming is often the method of
understanding or keeping up with the choice for ideation, but it is fraught
with problems that range from
Lado Robert. 1964. Language Teaching participants‟ fear of evaluation to the
(A scientific Approach). USA: by serial nature of the process — only
McGraw-Hill, Inc.p. 143
Heffernan, James A.W and Lincoln. one idea at a time. Brainwriting is an
1982. Writing A College Handbook. USA: easy alternative or a complement to
W.W. Norton & Company, inc. P.171
OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016
face-to-face brainstorming, and alternative of brainstorming strategy
it often yields more ideas in less time wich is hopefully more effective.
than traditional group brainstorming3.
Brainwriting is one of the THE NATURE OF WRITING
alternative of brainstorming that can Writing is a method of
be offered in the class. Introducing representing language in visual or
brainwriting as a worthy, and tactile form. Writing systems use sets
sometimes preferred, alternative to of symbols to represent the sounds of
brainstorming. The term speech, and may also have symbols for
“brainwriting” often brings forth such things as punctuation and
smiles and quiet laughter because it is numerals5.Writing" is the process of
a strange word.Brainwriting is simple. using symbols (letters of the alphabet,
Rather than ask participants to yell out punctuation and spaces) to
ideas (a serial process), you ask them communicate thoughts and ideas in a
to write down their ideas about a readable form6. As the most visible
particular question or problem on items of a language, scripts and
sheets of paper for a few minutes; orthographies are 'emotionally loaded',
then, you have each participant pass indicating as they do group loyalties
their ideas on to someone else, who and identities. Rather than being mere
reads the ideas and adds new ideas. instruments of a practical nature, they
After a few minutes, you ask the are symbolic systems of great social
participants to pass their papers to significance which may, moreover,
others, and the process repeats. After have profound effect on the social
10 to 15 minutes, you collect the structure of a speech community7.
sheets and post them for immediate 1. The Elements of Writing
discussion4. In order to be able in making
Based on the explanation a good writing, there are some
above the author try to offer a new elements of writing which is useful
alternative of strategy to facilitate the and it is very important to be
students ability in writing. Instead of attending with us to make a good
doing brainstorming the Author
introduce “brainwriting” as an
3 6
2/using-brainwriting-for-rapid-idea- tm
Coulmas, Florian, The Writing Systems of the
idem World (Oxford, Blackwell, 1991)

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

writing. There are main elements of to feel and understand what
a piece of writing such as8: they are experiencing.
1) Ideas which maybe in the 2) A tool for understanding.
form of opinion, experience, When a person is about to
feeling, knowledge. write any discourse, he thinks,
2) Expression. It may be in the elaborates and rethinks the
form of narration (a form of ideas before he write it so that
writing which retells events he gets better understanding
in the framework of time on the material content he
sequence giving an wants to write.
impression that a story start 3) A tool to help developing
from the beginning to the personal satisfaction, pride,
ends) exposition and and a feeling of self-worth.
argumentation The feelings of satisfaction,
3) Organization pride and self worth is a
4) Means or vehicle of natural consequence of
expression such as successful work either in
vocabulary, grammar and writing or in any kind of field.
style. In the final end these feeling
2. The Functions of Writing encourage the writer to be
There are some functions of more creative to produce a
writing such as9: much better writing.
1) A tool for self expression i.e. 4) A tool for increasing
when a person is so impressed awareness and perception of
with a certain thing or event, one‟s environment. In order to
he tries to express it in various be able to produce multitude
ways. Some people yelp of written work, a person
another jump and shout and develop physical and mental
others express the feeling, readiness or sensitivity to
ideas and emotion they feels in observe, internalize and
short paragraphs or essays so portray any state, events or
that other persons will be able happening in his surrounding
to yield better writing.
5) A tool for creative involvement, not passive
ents-of -writing.html acceptance, by writing a
9 person is actively involved in

ons-of -writing.html

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

expressing and in creative with someone or some persons in any
process with the subject he is kind of writing form, in any kind of
writing. their own language. So it can make a
6) A tool for developing an good relationship between each other.
understanding of and ability to And it is a job of a teacher to make
use language to express the student able to express their idea
thoughts, ideas, feeling and in the form of writing.
emotion to other people.
3. The Teaching of Writing 4. The Characteristics of Good
Ur state that the objectives of Writing
teaching writing is to get learners to In order to be able to make a
acquire the abilities and skills they good writing composition, a person
need to produce a range of different needs some basic characteristics of
kinds of written texts similar to those written language.
an educated person would be expected There are nine characteristics
to be able to produce in their own of written language viewed from the
language10. Teaching how to write perspective of a reader such as:
effectively is one of the most a) Permanence: written discourse
important life-long skills educators is fixed and stable so the
impart to their students. When reading can be done at
teaching writing, educators must be whatever time, speed and level
sure to select resources and support of thoroughness the individual
materials that not only aid them in reader wishes.
teaching how to write, but that will b) Explicitness: the written text
also be the most effective in helping is explicit it has to make clear
their students learn to write11. Every the context and all references.
teaching method, strategy, and c) Density: the content is
technique are a matter of teacher presented much more densely
creativity to conduct the class. So in writing
teaching writing is how the teacher d) Detachment: the writing of a
facilitates, motivate and encourage the text is detached in time and
students to express their ideas in space from its reading, the
writing form. Writing have the main writer normally works alone,
purpose to communicate or interact and may not be acquainted
with his or her readers
Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course In Language e) Organization: a written text is
Teaching. Cambridge University Press. P. 162
11 usually organized and carefully

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

formulated, since its composer Scott (1990: 69) Writing is an
has time and opportunity to interesting activity, it can give students
edit it before making it some advantages although basically
available for reading there are difficulties in writing but it is
f) Slowness of production, speed still a useful, essential, integral and
of reception: wring is much enjoyable part of the foreign language
slower than speaking. On the lesson because:
other hand, we can usually 1) It adds another physical
read a piece of text and dimension to the learning
understand it much faster that process. Hands are added to
we can take in the same text if eyes and ears.
we listen while someone reads 2) It lets students express their
it aloud to us personalities even guided
g) Standard language: writing activities can include choices
normally uses a generally for the students, like the
acceptable standard variety of copying the story about
the language, whereas speech something.
may sometimes be in a 3) Writing activities help to
regional or other limited- consolidate learning in the
context dialect other skill areas, balanced
h) A learnt skill: most people activities train the language
acquire the spoken language and help aid memory practice
(at least of their own mother in speaking freely helps when
tongue) intuitively, whereas doing free writing activities.
the written form is in most Reading helps students to see
cases deliberately taught and the „rules‟ of writing, and
learned helps build up their language
i) Sheer amount and importance: choices.
spoken texts are far longer, 4) Particularly as students
normally (in the same sense progress in the language,
that they contain more words), writing activities allow for
than a representation of the conscious development of
same information in writing12. language when we speak, we
do not always need to use a
5. The Advantages of Writing large vocabulary because our
meaning is often conveyed
Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course In Language with the help of the situation.
Teaching. Cambridge University Press. P. 162

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

Lots of structures in the to ask questions about the topic, such
language appear more as “Who?” “What?” “When?”
frequently in writing, and “Where?” “Why?” and “how?”
perhaps most important of all, 7. The Objectives of Brainstorming
when we write we have the There are some main objectives
time to go back and think of brainstorming as follow15:
about what we have written. a) To dig up the learners ideas
5) Writing is valuable in itself. for the problem proposed by
There is special feeling about the teacher.
seeing your work in print and b) To provide the learners with
enormous satisfaction in the predetermined problem
having written something c) Stimulate as many ideas as the
which you want to say, never learners to comment on the
underestimate the value of truth of their answer.
making students‟ work public- d) Let them do what they can
with their consent, of and gives any evaluation.
course13. e) Give the learners chance to
6. Definition of Brainstorming comment, respond and to give
Brainstorming is a teaching further problem and try to
technique by which a teacher utters a conclude.
particular problem for the learners to f) It can be encouraged and
respond or to comment on without stimulated so they are willing
worrying of making mistakes so that it to express their ideas and are
becomes fruitful learning process. This deeply absorbed in the class
technique is quite useful to generate as activity.
many as ideas as ones can from a g) It involved the teaching
group of persons14. learning process actively.
Another definition of
brainstorming is a way to discover 8. The nature of Brainwriting
ideas about the topic and it will help Brainwriting is primarily used
the students to focus more clearly on a in groups. The special feature of the
particular idea which best support the brain writing against the brainstorming
topic. A variation of brainstorming is is that each participant can collect and
ideas alone. The boundaries between
Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course In Language brainstorming and Brainwriting is
Teaching. Cambridge University Press. blurred. Brainstorming similar to

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

Brainwriting by contributions are There are some bernefit of
recognized in writing. Brainwriting is a brainwriting there are17:
particular form brainstorming through 1. Ideas are not likely to be lost in
the medium of graphics. In particular, the discussion because they are
it is classified under the intuitive and written down.
progressive methodologies as it 2. It is not necessary to keep a log.
involves driving inspiration from other Therefore, a secretary deleted.
members in a cyclical way. The 3. The anonymity of the participants
grounding of such technique is the can usually be maintained.
belief that the success of an idea Participants are therefore not
generation process is determined by personally vulnerable.
the degree of contribution and 4. There is equality in the group.
integration to each others suggestions, 5. Introverts participants have the
and specifically it is meant to same chance to bring their ideas
overcome the possible creativity as extroverted.
barriers brought up by issues such as 6. The position of the participants
interpersonal conflicts, different does not affect the discussion of
cultural backgrounds and reasons of ideas, provided anonymity
intellectual properties. prevails.
9. The Phase of Brainwriting 7. In the discussion of ideas, for
There are two phases of example, the department head
Brainwriting to be conducted16 will then have their place of
1. The first phase is the reverence by the critics.
development of ideas and the 8. very straightforward method
creation of associations. In and therefore is easy and quick
this phase, a review of foreign to learn. In addition to this, no
as their own ideas is particular training for the
prohibited as this lead to supervisor is required
internal censorship by the 10. Some procedure to do
participants and would make brainwriting
it difficult to find new ideas. There are some steps to do
2. The second phase, the results brainwriting. These are some
are then subjected to detailed procedures to follows :
criticism and pulled out the
best ideas.
10. The Banefits of Brainwriting 17
16 5_Brainwriting
OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016
1. The optimum application of the the rows identify the name of
technique would require 6 who has contributed to that
participants, as too many would particular suggestion. At this
make the session unmanageable, point, the session is ready to
however sessions may be carried start and participants are given
out also in teams of 4, 5 or 7 and 5 minutes to complete the first
the number of ideas generated row and write down the first
would respectively be 48, 75 and ideas working in silence. These
147 may be expressed in any
2. It is fundamental to assure graphical form: written, drawn,
that all participants share a through a symbol or however
deep background knowledge the author prefers.
on the topic of the 4. The supervisor signals the end
brainwriting session since even of time, and the sheet is passed
a single not well informed on to the right participant as
individual can significantly shown in the picture below.
affect the quality of the Now the process is repeated
output. In addition to this, it is and each participant is free to
recommend that through a get inspired from the idea he
preliminary discussion, the reads on the sheet written by
group focuses on identifying his neighbour and contribute
the problem to be solved or to them by integrating or
the aim to be pursued. This completing them, or decide to
can either occur through as ignore them and start a new
independent initiative of the one from scratch.
group or guided by the 5. The process goes on until the
supervisor. worksheet is completely filled
3. Once the topic of the session in but if the supervisor deems
is narrowed down to a it necessary, the time for each
problem statement, this is round may be extended to a
announced and written on top maximum of 10 minutes.
of the Idea Form. This is a 6. The conclusion of the
worksheet that has to be brainstorming session is a
handed out to each participant preliminary screening of the
and consists of a grid where ideas that have been gathered
the heading of the columns are where exact duplicates are
Idea 1, Idea 2 and Idea 3 and deleted, and a team evaluation

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

perhaps using the Nominal REFERENCES
Technique or Prioritisation Freeman, Donald and Richards, Jack
Matrices to select 1 to 3 ideas C. 1996. Teacher Learning In
the group can focus on. Language Teaching, Cambridge
Language Teaching Library.
Cambridge University Press.
11. These are some class
management on using Heffernan, James A.W and Lincoln.
Brainwriting 1982. Writing A College Handbook.
USA: W.W. Norton &
Company, inc.

Hogue, Ann. 1996. First Steps In

Academic Writing. New York:
Addison-wesley publishing
company, Inc.
05_elements-of -writing.html
05_functions-of -writing.html

Lado Robert. 1964. Language Teaching

(A scientific Approach). USA: by
McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Oxford. 2003. Oxford Learner’s Pocket

Dictionary. New York: university
Press third edition.

Spratt, Mary, Pulverness, Alan and

Melanie Williams. 2005. Teaching
Knowledge Test. Cambridge
University Press.

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016

Teaching, (on line),
ing writing Skill

Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course In Language

Teaching. Cambridge University

Wendy A. Scott, Lisbeth.1990. Teaching

English to Children (longman keys to
language learning). New York: by
longman Inc.

OKARA Journal of Languages and Literature, Vol. 1, Tahun 1, Mei 2016


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