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Detailed Lesson Plan In) Grade 12 - Home Economics (Food and Beverage Services NC II)

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Aklan
Tamalagon Integrated School
Tamalagon, Tangalan, Aklan

Detailed Lesson Plan

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)
Grade 12 – Home Economics
(Food and Beverage Services NC II)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of
concepts, and principles in preparing the dining room/ restaurant area
for service.

B. Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates knowledge and skills

In food and beverage service related to table setting, table skirting,
and napkin folding in accordance with proper procedures and

C. Learning Competencies :
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Fold properly and laid cloth napkins on the table appropriately
according to napkins folding style. TVL_HEFBS-12AS-Ie-f-3
II. Content
A. Different Napkin Folding Styles

III. Learning Resources

A. Reference: www.napkinfolding.net
Arcos Cristela M., Yu Evangeline V., Flores Jelly M., Food and
Beverage Services, Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc.,
Pasig City Philippines 1600
B. Materials: Table napkin, Paper napkin, Laptop, Projector

III. Instructional Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Review on Previous Lesson

Before we start our lesson for today, let’s
have first a short review.

Class what was our past lesson all about? It’s all about table setting Ma’am.

Exactly! What is table setting? Table setting refers to the way to set a
table with tableware such as eating
utensils and for serving and eating.

Excellent! Anybody from the class who Formal, Casual, Buffet Table Setting.
can give me the different types of table
Very Good Class! I’m glad that you’ve still
remember our previous lesson.

B. Motivation
Class do you want to play a game? Yes ma’am.
Okay, I’m sure that each one of you is
familiar of our game for today.

Have you heard the game, “Four Pics, Yes ma’am.

One Word”?

Four Pics, One word is a word guessing

game. In this game, all you have to do is
to guess the specific word that fits the
theme of the four photos/pictures being
presented. The first student who can guess
the correct word/answer will be a winner.

C. Discussing New Concepts and

Practicing New Skills #1

Class from the game that we had earlier, I think it’s about table napkin folding
what do you think is our lesson for today? ma’am!

You got it right! Our lesson for today is

about table napkin folding.

Class, Are you familiar with this material? Yes Ma’am.

(The teacher will show table napkin)

What material is this? Napkin/ Serviette

Very Good! This is a napkin. We use table napkin in wiping lips/mouth

Where do we use napkin? after eating.

Good idea! What else? It is used to protect clothes while eating.

Excellent! This square piece of cloth which

is called napkin/serviette is placed on
one’s lap to protect his/her clothes from
spillage. It is also used for wiping one’s
mouth, hands and fingers after eating in
order to clear off smears accumulated
through eating.

The teacher will introduce /show different

napkin folding.

What are these? Table napkin folding

What is table napkin folding? It is a type of decorative folding done with

a napkin.

What else? It is a creative fold done with a napkin to

add décor in table setting.
Very good!! Napkin folding is the art of
folding table napkins for neatness and
beauty uses.
Class what do you think is the importance Napkin folding is important because it
of napkin folding? makes the table presentation beautiful.

Some more? Table napkin folding will enhance your

table presentation and create harmonious
That’s right! Let me show you some
pictures of table presentation with
beautiful napkin folds.
(The teacher will show some picture)

Now class, in order to add décor and

make your table presentation attractive
like those that you have seen from the
pictures, you must learn the different
napkin folds.
Are you ready? Yes Ma’am.

D. Discussing New Concepts and

Practicing New Skills #2

Now I will demonstrate to you the different

napkin folding styles. I will give each one
of you a paper napkin so that while I’m
demonstrating the steps here in front, you
can also perform there on your sits by
observing and following me.

Did you understand? Yes Ma’am.

(The teacher will give each student a
paper napkin)

Now let’s begin with the first napkin folding “Pyramid Napkin Fold”
style, “Pyramid Napkin Fold”. Procedures/Steps
Who can read the steps? 1. Fold the bottom corner of the napkin
(The teacher will demonstrate the steps of up to the top corner to form a
a certain type of napkin folding through triangle.
power point presentation and the student 2. Fold the bottom left and bottom right
will also perform by following and corners up to the top corner.
observing her.) 3. Turn the napkin over, keeping the
open end facing away from you.
4. Fold the bottom corner of the napkin
up to the top corner.
5. Tuck your thumbs underneath the
napkin and raise it upward.

Class can you follow the steps in pyramid Yes Ma’am.

napkin folding?

Okay, let’s have the next napkin folding ”Rose Bud Napkin Fold”
style the “Rose Bud Napkin Fold”. Who can Procedures/Steps:
read the steps? 1. Fold the bottom corner of the napkin
up to the top corner to form a
2. Fold the bottom left and bottom right
corners up to the top corner.
3. Flip the napkin over horizontally, from
left to right.
4. Fold the bottom 2/3 way up.
5. Turn napkin over and bring corners
together, tucking up one into the
6. Turn napkin around and stand on

Can you follow the steps of rose bud Yes Ma’am.

napkin fold class?

Okay, let’s move on to the next napkin “Goblet Fan Napkin Fold”
folding style, “Goblet Fan Napkin Fold”. Procedures/Steps:
Who can read the steps? 1. Fold the napkin into half by bringing
the left of the napkin to the right.
2. Starting from the bottom of the
napkin, pleat the napkin accordion
style with one inch folds (fold napkin
over and then fold it under and
repeat until it reach the top).
3. Fold the bottom third up.
4. Insert into goblet and spread the
pleat to form a fan.

Class you follow the steps of goblet napkin Yes Ma’am.


Now we will have the “Candle Napkin “ Candle Napkin Fold”

Fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedures/Steps:
1. Fold the bottom corner of the napkin
up to the top corner to form a
2. Fold the bottom of the napkin an inch
3. Flip the napkin over horizontally, from
left to right so that the fold you
created in the previous step is
4. Roll up the napkin tightly from left to
right. At the end, tuck the flap at the
bottom and stand the napkin up.
5. Fold the top layer of the napkin in an
inch down.

Can you follow the steps of candle napkin Yes Ma’am.

fold class?

Okay next we will have the “Bishop’s Hat “Bishop’s Hat Napkin Fold”
Napkin Fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedures/Steps:
1. Fold the napkin into half by bringing
the top of the napkin down to the
2. Fold the bottom left corner diagonally
up to meet the center of the top and
fold the top right corner diagonally
down to meet the center of the
3. Flip the napkin over and rotate the
napkin so that the side that was on
the left at the end of the previous
step is on the top.
4. Fold the top layer of the napkin up so
that the bottom edge lines up with
the top edge.
5. Fold the top layer of the napkin rest of
the way up.
6. Fold the left side of the napkin about
two-thirds of the way over toward the
7. Fold the top flap down.
8. Flip the napkin vertically.
9. Tuck up the flap on the right side into
the middle underneath the first layer
of the napkin.
10. Open the napkin by sticking your
hand in the bottom and stand it up.

Class can you follow the steps of bishop’s Yes Ma’am.

hat napkin fold?

Let’s proceed to “Standing Fan Napkin “Standing Fan Napkin Fold”

fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedure/Steps:
1. Fold the napkin into half by bringing
the top of the napkin down to the
2. Starting from the left end of the
napkin, pleat the napkin accordion
style with one inch folds (fold napkin
over and then fold it under and
repeat until there is a third of the
napkin of the length remaining.
3. Flip the napkin vertically.
4. Fold the napkin in half again by
folding the top of the napkin down to
the bottom.
5. Bring the bottom right corner up so
that the bottom right edge lines and
tuck it underneath.
6. Open up the napkin and stand it up.

Can you follow the steps of standing fan Yes Ma’am.

napkin fold class?

We will have the next fold, “Crown Napkin “Crown Napkin Fold”
Fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedures/Steps:
1. Fold the bottom corner of the napkin
up to the top corner to form a
2. Fold the bottom left and bottom right
corners up to the top corner.
3. Flip the napkin over horizontally, from
left to right.
4. Fold the bottom 2/3 way up and fold
it back onto self.
5. Turn napkin over and bring corners
together, tucking up one into the
6. Peel two top corners to make crown.
Open base of fold and stand upright.

Can you follow the steps of crown napkin Yes Ma’am.

fold class?
Let’s move on to “Birds of Paradise Napkin “Birds of Paradise Napkin Fold”
Fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedure/Steps:
1. Fold the napkin by bringing the
bottom up to the meet the top.
2. Fold the napkin in half again,
folding the left edge onto the right
3. Make a triangle by folding the
upper right corner to the lower left
4. Rotate the napkin then fold the left
and right edges of the triangle onto
its centerline.
5. Tuck the two bottom flaps under
the napkin.
6. Fold the napkin half along the
7. Hold the napkin at the end and pull
each individual napkin layer up
and out.

Can you follow the steps of birds of Yes ma’am.

paradise napkin fold class?

Let’s proceed to the next napkin fold “Sail “Sail Napkin Fold”
Napkin Fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedures/Steps:
1. Fold the napkin in half and orient the
open end towards you.
2. Fold the far-right corner diagonally to
the center of the side that is closest to you.
The edge of this flap should run down the
center of the napkin.
. 3. Repeat the last step with the other side,
folding the far-left corner diagonally to rest
right alongside the previous fold.
4. Fold the napkin in half by bringing the
center seam up from the work surface and
allowing the ends to fall backwards.

Can you follow the steps of sail napkin fold Yes Ma’am.

Let’s have the last fold, “Slide Napkin “Slide Napkin Fold”
Fold”. Who can read the steps? Procedures/Steps:
1. Fold the napkin in half and orient the
open end towards you.
2. Fold the napkin into quarters.
3. Orient the napkin so that the open end
is pointing away from you.
4. Fold the napkin in half by bringing the
far end up to the front. Press the fold down
5. Take the top-layer of napkin and fold it
back, making a crease about ½-1” before
the top.
6. Flip the napkin over, keeping the single-
layer tip pointing away from you.
7. Fold the napkin in half from the left to
the right and press the fold down well.
8. Open the napkin and stand.

Can you follow the steps of slide napkin Yes Ma’am.

folding class?

Okay very good! I hope that later on you

can perform the steps of different napkin
folds properly.

E. Developing Mastery
This time I will group you into 4 groups.
Each group will be given the steps of
different napkin folds printed in a bond of
paper. Now what you are going to do is to
make different napkin folds as much as
you can within 5 minutes. Every napkin fold
that you’ve done must be accurate.
Is everything clear? Yes ma’am.

You may start now. Students will perform the following table
napkin folding.
1. Pyramid Napkin Fold
2. Rose Bud Napkin Fold
3. Goblet Fan Napkin Fold
4. Candle Napkin Fold
5. Bishop’s Hat Napkin Fold
6. Standing Fan Napkin Fold
7. Crown Napkin Fold
8. Birds of Paradise napkin Fold
9. Sail Napkin Fold
10. Slide Napkin Fold

F. Making Generalizations and

Abstractions about The Lesson

1. What is a napkin folding? Napkin folding is the art of folding table

napkins for neatness and beauty uses.

2. What are the different napkin 1. 1 Pyramid Napkin Fold

folding styles that you’ve learned? 2. Rose Bud Napkin Fold
3. Goblet Fan Napkin Fold
4. Candle Napkin Fold
5. Bishop’s Hat Napkin Fold
6. Standing Fan Napkin Fold
7. Crown Napkin Fold
8. Birds of Paradise napkin Fold
9. Sail Napkin Fold
10. Slide Napkin Fold

3. What do you think is the Napkin folding is important because it

importance of napkin folding? enhances table presentation and makes
harmonious atmosphere.

IV. Evaluating Learning

Performance Test: Individual

Direction: Perform 10 napkin folding styles
in 5 minutes. Your performance will be
assessed by the following criteria.
Rubrics for assessing the students work.
Criteria Multiplier Performance Score
5 4 3
Legend: 67-100 pts. – VERY GOOD Construction
x5 All steps
Most of
the steps
Some of
the steps
33-66 pts. – GOOD followed in were were
the correct followed followed
1-32 pts. – POOR sequence. correctly. correctly.
Speed x5 Finished Finished Finished 25
ahead of just in beyond pts.
time. time. the time.
Accuracy x 10 Very Perfectly Not so 50
Perfectly fold. perfectly pts.
fold. fold.
Total 100

H. Additional Activities for

Make a research about 5 other types of
table napkin folding that haven’t discuss
yet in the class. You will present it to the
class next meeting. Bring your own table

IV. Remarks

V. Reflection

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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