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Lab 2

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Small Internetworks

In this lesson, you will see how OPNET Modeler can
do organizational scaling to solve a typical “what if”
problem. You will learn how to use OPNET Modeler
features to build and analyze network models. This
lesson focuses on the use of the Project Editor, and
how it will be used with the Node and Process editors
in later lessons. In this lesson, you will
• Build a network quickly
• Collect statistics about network performance
• Analyze these statistics

In this lesson, you use the Project Editor to build a

topology of a small internetwork, choose statistics to
collect, run a simulation, and analyze the results.

In this lesson, you plan for the expansion of a small
company’s intranet. Currently, the company has a star
topology network on the first floor of its office building
and plans to add an additional star topology network
on another floor. You will build and test this “what-if”
scenario to ensure that the load added by the second
network will not cause the network to fail.
The Final Network

First floor

Planned expansion

Getting Started
When creating a new network model, you must first
create a new project and scenario. A project is a
group of related scenarios that each explore a different
aspect of the network. Projects can contain multiple

After you create a new project, you use the Startup

Wizard to set up a new scenario. The options in the
Wizard let you
• Define the initial topology of the network
• Define the scale and size of the network
• Select a background map for the network
• Associate an object palette with the scenario

The Startup Wizard automatically appears each time

you create a new project. The Startup Wizard lets you
define certain aspects of the network environment.

To use the Startup Wizard to set up a new scenario, do
the following:

1 If OPNET Modeler is not already running, start it.

2 Select File > New…

3 Select Project from the pull-down menu and click


4 Name the project and scenario, as follows:

4.1 Name the project <initials>_Sm_Int.

Include your initials in the project name to

distinguish it from other versions of this

4.2 Name the scenario first_floor.

4.3 Click OK.

➥ The Startup Wizard opens.

5 Enter the values shown in the following table in

the dialog boxes of the Startup Wizard.

Values to Enter in the Startup Wizard
Dialog Box Name Value
1. Initial Topology Select the default value:
Create empty scenario.
2. Choose Network Scale Select Office. Select the
Use metric units checkbox.
3. Specify Size Select the default size:
100 m x 100 m
4. Select Technologies Include the Sm_Int_Model_List
model family.
5. Review Check values, then click Finish.

➥ A workspace of the size you specified is

created. The object palette you specified opens
in a separate window.

Creating the Network

Network models are created in the Project Editor using

nodes and links from the object palette.

Node—A representation of a real-world network object

that can transmit and receive information.

Link—A communication medium that connects nodes

to one another. Links represent physical connectivity
(e.g., electrical or fiber optic cables).
A Link

These objects are found in the object palette, a dialog

box that contains graphical representations of node
and link models.

If it is still open, close the object palette.

You can use any of three methods to create a network
topology, or a combination of all three. One method is
to import the topology (discussed in a later lesson).
Another is to place individual nodes from the object
palette into the workspace. The third method is to use
Rapid Configuration.

Rapid Configuration creates a network in one action

after you select a network configuration, the types of
nodes within the network, and the types of links that
connect the nodes.

To create the first-floor network using Rapid


1 Select Topology > Rapid Configuration.

2 Select Star from the pull-down menu of available

configurations, then click Next…
Available Configurations Pull-Down Menu

Specify the node models and link models in the
network. Models follow this naming scheme:

Generic Devices:

Vendor Devices:

• <protocol> specifies the specific protocol(s)
supported by the model
• <function> is an abbreviation of the general
function of the model
• <mod> indicates the level of derivation of the

For example:


specifies the intermediate (int) derivation of a 2-port

Ethernet (ethernet2) bridge (bridge).

Vendor models have an additional prefix that specifies
the vendor and the vendor product number for that
particular network object.

For example, the 3Com switch used in this lesson is



This node is a stack of two 3Com SuperStack II 1100

and two Superstack II 3300 chassis
(3C_SSII_1100_3300) with four slots (4s), 52
auto-sensing Ethernet ports (ae52), 48 Ethernet ports
(e48), and 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports (ge3).

To specify the nodes and links to use to build the


1 Set the Center Node Model to

3C_SSII_1100_3300_4s_ae52_e48_ge3. This is
a 3Com switch.

2 Set the Periphery Node Model to

Sm_Int_wkstn, and change the Number of
periphery nodes to 30. This sets 30 Ethernet
workstations as the peripheral nodes.

3 Set the Link Model to 10BaseT.

Specify where the new network will be placed:

1 Set the X center and Y center to 25.

2 Set the Radius to 20.

Rapid Configuration Dialog Box

3 Click OK.
➥ The network is drawn in the Project Editor.

The First Floor Network

Now that the general network topology has been built,

you need to add a server. You will use the second
method of creating network objects: dragging them
from the object palette into the workspace.

1 If it is not already open, open the object palette by

clicking on the Object Palette tool button.

2 Find the Sm_Int_server object in the palette and

drag it into the workspace.

You will not find this exact server model on other
object palettes because we created it with the
correct configuration for this tutorial.
By default, you can create additional instances of
the same object by left-clicking after the initial
“drag-and-drop” from the palette.

3 Because you do not need additional copies of this

model, right-click to turn off node creation.

You also need to connect the server to the star

1 Find the 10BaseT link object in the palette and

double-click on it.

2 Move the mouse from the object palette to the

project workspace. Now click on the server object
to draw one endpoint of your link, then click on the
switch object in the center of the star to complete
the link.
➥ A link is drawn, connecting the two objects.

3 Right-click to turn off link creation.

Finally, you need to add configuration objects to

specify the application traffic that will exist on the
network. Configuring the application definition and
profile definition objects can be complicated, so you do
not have to do these tasks right now. For this tutorial,
we included, on the object palette:
• an application definition object with the default
configurations of the standard applications, and
• a profile definition object with a profile that models
light database access

You need only drag the objects into your network.
Doing so means that the traffic caused by workstations
accessing a database at a low rate will be modeled.

1 Find the Sm_Application_Config object in the

palette and drag it into the workspace

2 Right-click to turn off object creation.

3 Find the Sm_Profile_Config object in the palette,

drag it into the workspace, and right-click.

4 Close the object palette.

The network is now built and should look similar to the
following figure.
The Finished First Floor Network

You are now ready to collect statistics.

However, first let’s explore the Node and Process

The Node and Process Editors are integral to the

OPNET Modeler workflow. The Node Editor is used to
create node models that describe the internal flow of
data within a network object. The Process Editor is
used to create process models that describe the
behavioral logic of a module in a node model.

Every node in a network has an underlying node

model that specifies the internal flow of information in
the object. Node models are made up of one or more
modules connected by packet streams or statistic
wires. Node modules in turn contain process models.
A process model is represented by a state transition
diagram (STD) that describes the behavior of a node
module in terms of states and transitions.

Let’s explore the node model that controls the server in
the first floor network:

1 Double-click on node_31 (the Server object) in

the Project Editor.

➥ The Node Editor opens as a new window within

OPNET Modeler.

The following figure shows the node model within the

Ethernet Server network object. The node model is
made up of several different types of modules, which
are described in the M/M/1 tutorial. Packet streams
and statistic wires connect the modules.

Ethernet Server Node Model


packet streams

statistic wire

During a simulation, packets sent from a client

machine are received by the hub receiver object
(hub_rx_0_0) and processed up the protocol stack to
the application module. After processing, they are sent
down the stack to the transmitter (hub_tx_0_0), then
back to the client machine.

Packet Processing by the Node Model

After processing,
packets are sent by the
hub transmitter object

Packets are received by the hub

receiver object

Next, let’s look at the process model that defines the

behavior of the tpal module. To view the process

1 Double-click on the tpal module in the Node


➥ The Process Model Editor opens in a new


Example Process Model


2 Note the red and green states (these will be

discussed in greater detail in the Basic Processes
lesson) and the solid and dotted lines indicating
transitions between the states.
Each state in the process model contains an
enter executive and an exit executive. Enter
executives are executed when a process enters a
state. Exit executives are executed when the
process leaves the state. Operations performed in
the state are described in C or C++.

3 Open an enter exec by double-clicking on the top

half of the init state.

4 Open an exit exec by double-clicking on the

bottom half of the state.

Opening the Enter Exec or Exit Exec of a State
Click in the top
half of the
state to open
an enter exec

Click in the
bottom half to
open an exit

5 Close both exec windows.

States are connected via transitions. Transitions
can be either conditional (that is, they have a
logical test that must be true before the transition
occurs) or unconditional (no logical test).
The following figure shows a conditional transition
(the dotted line) from the wait state to the reg
state. The condition SERV_REG must be true
before the transition can occur. However, the

transition from reg to wait (solid line) is
unconditional, and occurs whenever the code in
the reg state has finished execution.
Conditional and Unconditional Transitions

Later lessons explore these editors in greater


6 Close the Node and Process editors. If prompted,

do not save changes.

Collecting Statistics

You can collect statistics from individual nodes in your

network (object statistics) or from the entire network
(global statistics).

Now that you have created the network, you should

decide which statistics you need to collect to answer
the questions presented earlier in this lesson:
• Will the server be able to handle the additional
load of the second network?
• Will the total delay across the network be
acceptable once the second network is installed?

To answer these questions, you need a snapshot of

current performance for comparison. To get this
baseline, you will collect one object statistic, Server
Load, and one global statistic, Ethernet Delay.

Server load is a key statistic that reflects the
performance of the entire network. To collect statistics
related to the server’s load, do the following steps:

1 Right-click on the server node (node_31) and

select Choose Individual DES Statistics from
the server Object pop-up menu.
➥ The Choose Results dialog box for node_31
The Choose Results dialog box hierarchically
organizes the statistics you may collect.

2 To collect the Ethernet load on the server:

3 Expand the treeview for Ethernet in the

Choose Results dialog box to see the Ethernet
statistic hierarchy.
Note—The list of statistics can vary from the ones
shown in this tutorial; they depend on the set of
software components you have installed.

Choose Results Dialog Box

4 Click the checkbox next to Load (bits/sec) to

enable collection for that statistic.

5 Click OK to close the dialog box.

Global statistics can be used to gather information
about the network as a whole. For example, you can
find out the delay for the entire network by collecting
the global Delay statistic:

1 Right-click in the workspace (but not on an object)

and select Choose Individual DES Statistics
from the workspace pop-up menu.
Global Statistic Chosen

2 Expand the Global Statistics hierarchy.

3 Expand the Ethernet hierarchy.

4 Click the checkbox next to Delay (sec) to enable

data collection.

5 Click OK to close the Choose Results dialog box.

6 It is good to get into the habit of saving your

project every so often. Choose File > Save, then
click Save (the project already has a name, so
you don’t need to rename it).

Now that you have specified the statistics to collect

and saved the project, you are almost ready to run
your simulation.

First, though, verify that your Network Simulation

Repositories preference is set appropriately.

1 Choose Edit > Preferences.

2 Type network sim in the Search for: field and

click the Find button.

3 If the Value field for the Network Simulation
Repositories preference is not stdmod, click on
the field.
➥ The Network Simulation Repositories dialog
box opens.

4 Click the Insert button, then type stdmod in the


5 Click OK twice to close the Network Simulation

Repositories and Preferences dialog boxes.

To run a simulation:

1 Select DES >

Configure/Run Discrete Event Simulation…
You can also open the Configure Discrete Event
Simulation dialog box by clicking on the
Configure/Run Discrete Event Simulation
(DES) tool button.

2 Click on the Detailed… button, if it is present.

Configure Discrete Event Simulation Dialog Box

3 Type 0.5 in the Duration: field to simulate

one-half hour of network activity.

4 Type 10000 (events) in the Update interval: field

to specify how often the simulation calculates
events/second data.
In this case, the simulation calculates and
displays events/second data at 10,000-event
intervals. The default setting for this is 500,000 for
larger network simulations.

5 Set the Simulation Kernel to Optimized.

You can use one of two types of kernels to run
your simulation. The development kernel collects
simulation data you can use to debug your
models, but the optimized kernel runs faster.

6 Click the Run button to begin the simulation.

While the simulation runs, a dialog box appears
showing the simulation’s progress.
Simulation Progress Dialog Box
Elapsed Time: Number of seconds the simulation has run

Simulated Time: Minutes of network time

The dialog box above shows that, in 1 second of

elapsed (actual) time, OPNET Modeler has
simulated 19 minutes and 25 seconds of network
time. The entire simulation should take less than
one minute to complete—the elapsed time varies
according to the speed of your computer.

7 When the simulation finishes, the contents of the

Messages tab appears. Click the Close button in
the Simulation Sequence dialog box.

8 If your simulation does not complete, if no results
were collected, or if the results vary significantly
from those shown, you will have to troubleshoot
your simulation. See "Troubleshooting Tutorials".

Viewing Results
After your simulation has executed, you will want to
see the information collected for each statistic. There
are several ways to view results; in this lesson you will
use the View Results option in the Workspace pop-up

You will learn different ways to view results in later


To view the server Ethernet load for the simulation:

1 Right-click on the server node (node_31) choose

View Results from the server’s Object pop-up
➥ The Results Browser opens.

2 Expand the Office network.node_31 > Ethernet


3 Click on the checkbox next to Load (bits/sec) to

indicate that you want to view that result.

4 Click the Show button in the Results Browser.

➥ The graph of the server load appears in the
Project Editor, as shown in the following figure.

The graph of the server load should resemble the
following graph. Your results may differ slightly due to
differences in node placement and link length, but the
general trends should be consistent.
Server Load Graph

bits/second. The
unit of measure
on this axis is
shown in the
statistic in the
Choose Results
dialog box

Simulation time, in

Note that at its peak, the load on the server is about

7,000 bits/second. You will need this baseline for
comparison after you add the second network.

When you finish viewing the server load graph, close
this dialog box and the Results Browser. (If the system
prompts you, choose to delete the graph panel.)

The View Results option from the Workspace pop-up

menu allows you to obtain global statistics and
individual object statistics from one treeview.

You also should look at the Global Ethernet Delay on

the network. To view this statistic:

1 Right-click in the workspace, then select

View Results from the pop-up menu.

2 Check the box next to Global Statistics >

Ethernet > Delay (sec).

3 Check the box next to Object Statistics >

Office Network.node_31 > Ethernet >
Load (bits/sec), and then click the Show button to
view the Ethernet delay for the whole network.

Viewing Ethernet Delay for the Whole Network

➥ The Ethernet delay graph appears in the

Project Editor. The graph should resemble the
following figure.

Ethernet Delay Graph


Simulation time, in minutes

Note that after the network reaches steady state the

maximum delay is around 0.4 milliseconds.

When you finish viewing the graph, close the graph

and the Results Browser.

Expanding the Network
You have created a baseline network and gathered
statistics about it. Now you are ready to expand the
network and verify that it still operates sufficiently well
with the additional load.

When performing a “what-if” comparison, it is

convenient to store the baseline network as one
scenario and create the experimental network as a
different scenario. You will duplicate the existing
scenario and make changes to it instead of building
the new topology from the beginning.

To duplicate a scenario:

1 Choose Scenarios > Duplicate Scenario…

2 Enter expansion as the name for the new


3 Click OK.
➥ The scenario, with all the nodes, links,
statistics, and the simulation configuration, is
duplicated and named expansion.

The second-floor segment will resemble the first-floor
segment, but will not have a server of its own. To build
the new segment:

1 Select Topology > Rapid Configuration.

2 Choose Star for the topology and click Next…

3 Complete the Rapid Configuration dialog box with

these values:
— Center Node Model:
— Periphery Node Model: Sm_Int_wkstn
— Number: 15
— Link model: 10BaseT
— X: 75, Y: 62.5, Radius: 20
Rapid Configuration Dialog Box

4 Click OK to create the network.

Join the two networks:

1 If it is not already open, click the tool button to

open the object palette.

2 Expand the Cisco 2514 folder.

3 Drag the Cisco 2514 router icon into the

workspace between the two networks. Right-click
to turn off node creation.

4 Expand the Link Models folder and double-click

on the 10BaseT link icon in the object palette.

5 Create 10BaseT links between the Cisco router
(node_50) and the 3Com switches at the center
of each star.

6 Right-click to turn off link creation.

7 Close the object palette.

8 Select File > Save.

The final network should look like this:
The Final Network

To run the expansion scenario:

1 Select DES >

Configure/Run Discrete Event Simulation…

2 Click the Detailed… button, if it appears, and
verify that the Duration is set to 0.5 hours and the
Update interval is set to 10000.

3 Click the Run button to begin the simulation.

Simulation Progress Dialog Box, Simulation Speed Tab Selected

➥ As before, a window displays simulation

start-up messages first, and then an animated
graph shows both the current and average
speed in events per second during the
simulation. When the simulation is completed,
you can view the event/second graph results
from the Simulation Speed tab.

4 When the simulation is done, close the Simulation
Progress dialog box. If you had problems, see
"Troubleshooting Tutorials".

Comparing Results
To answer the questions posed about the addition of a
second network to the existing LAN, you need to
compare the results from both of the simulations you

You will use the View Results menu item in the Object
and Workspace pop-up menus to combine statistics
from different scenarios in the same graph.

To view the server load from both scenarios at once:

1 Right-click on the server node (node_31) to

display the pop-up menu and choose
View Results.

2 Select Current Project from the pull down menu

for Results.

3 Check the box next to both the scenarios listed.

4 Select Overlaid Statistics from the pull down

menu for Presentation.

If your results differ radically from those shown in the

following figures, you will have to troubleshoot your
simulation. See "Troubleshooting Tutorials".
When comparing results, choosing a statistic in one
scenario produces a graph showing the value of that
statistic in all scenarios. To view the results:

1 Select the Office Network.node_31 >

Ethernet > Load (bits/sec) statistic and click the
Show button. Your results should resemble those
in the following figure (but may not be identical):
Ethernet Load Compared


Simulation time, in minutes

The following graph is the time average of the Ethernet
load between the baseline (first_floor) scenario and
the expansion scenario. You will learn how to create a
graph of the time average in the next lesson.
Time-Averaged Server Load Compared

Note that while the average load for the expansion

scenario is higher (as expected), the load as a whole
appears to be leveling off (that is, not monotonically
increasing), indicating a stable network.

The last step is to see how much the network’s delay is
affected by adding a second floor. To compare
Ethernet delay for the two scenarios:

1 Close the graph and the Results Browser for the


2 Right-click in the workspace to display the pop-up

menu and choose View Results.

3 Under Show Results, select Global Statistics ->

Ethernet -> Delay (sec).

4 Click the Show button to display the graph.

Your graph of Ethernet Delay should resemble the

Ethernet Delay Compared


Simulation time, in minutes

This graph shows that there is no significant

change in Ethernet delay on the network.
Although server load has increased, delay has

5 Close the graph and the Results Browser.

6 Select File > Close and save changes before


Now you are ready to go on to the M/M/1 Queue
tutorial. This lesson explores the use of node models
in the workflow. Return to the main tutorial menu and
choose M/M/1 Queue from the list of available
lessons. Or choose another tutorial of interest.

Note—Be sure to delete the stdmod setting for the

Network Simulation Repositories preference when you
are finished doing tutorials. To delete the setting,
select Edit > Preferences, search for Network
Simulation Repositories, click on the value, and
choose Delete.


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