Review Article: Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Chinese Population: A Narrative Review
Review Article: Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Chinese Population: A Narrative Review
Review Article: Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Chinese Population: A Narrative Review
Review Article
Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Chinese
Population: A Narrative Review
Copyright © 2018 Philip M. Stephens et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Skin cancers are becoming a substantial public health problem in China. Fair skin and increased exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB)
rays from the sun are among the most substantial risk factors for skin cancer development, thus making the Chinese people
vulnerable to this group of diseases. The purpose of this article is to present a narrative review of the knowledge, attitudes, and
practices (KAP) related to skin cancers within the Chinese population. A systematic electronic search of MEDLINE (PubMed),
CINAHL, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar databases yielded nine articles that met the inclusion criteria. The review found
that although sunscreen application was a commonly used method of skin protection among the general Chinese population,
educational interventions enhancing current knowledge and attitudes about the effects of UVB rays on skin from undue sun
exposure were limited in many smaller communities of the country. Hence, there is an essential need to design effective, evidence-
based educational programs promoting sun protection behaviors in both congregated and sparsely populated areas of China.
1. Introduction from 16.0 to 31.8 per 10,000 new cases, contributing to 60% of
newly diagnosed skin cancers [5]. Squamous cell carcinoma
Skin cancers, the most commonly diagnosed of all cancers, (SCC) is the second most diagnosed type of skin cancer
are typically viewed as ailments affecting primarily Caucasian among the Chinese population [5]. Also reflected in the
populations in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, overall number of cutaneous malignancies is the increased
Slovenia, and Norway [1–3]. However, worldwide skin cancer mortality rate from melanoma between 1988 and 2007 in the
rates have increased over the last three decades [4]. Pop- cities of Shanghai and Beijing [6].
ulations which previously had low skin cancer rates may The majority of the Chinese population have fair skin
present the biggest challenge for public health officials due along with increased exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays
to the lack of established preventative measures. The rise in from the sun—creating a heightened risk for the development
the incidence of skin cancer is becoming a significant public of skin cancer diseases [7, 8]. Specifically, BCC is linked
health problem in China. Between the years of 1990 and 1999, with short-term burning incidents or long-term exposure
the rate of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in the nearly doubled of the head and neck; SCC is often related to extended
2 Dermatology Research and Practice
Table 1: Continued.
Data collection method,
First author, date, and
sample size (𝑛), gender, and Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs Skin cancer prevention practice
Total knowledge score of types of UV that can damage the skin = 29.7%,
Sunscreen = 58.8%, men = 28.2%, women = 77.7%
men = 12.6%, women = 40.3%
Protective clothing = 49.3%, men = 59.7%, women =
Total knowledge score that people should take precautions from the sun in
the morning or at nightfall = 73.0%, men = 58.4%, women = 82.1%
Hat = 42.2%, men = 39.5%, women = 43.9%
Total knowledge score that people should take precautions from the sun on
Parasol (sun umbrella) = 45.4%, men = 14.3%,
a cloudy day = 58.8%, men = 44.5%, women = 67.5%
women = 64.7%
Total knowledge score that UV-induced skin damage is accumulative =
Sunglasses = 45.3%, men = 42.9%, women = 46.8%
80.3%, men = 71.4%, women = 85.7%
Questionnaire, 𝑛 = 623 No protection = 9.0%, men = 16.4%, women = 4.4%
Meaning of SPF total knowledge score = 61.2%, men = 51.3%, women =
Cheng, 2010, and (volunteers), 61.8% female, Have ever used sunscreen before = 80.3%, men =
Beijing [11] mean age = 24.6 (SD = 6.7), 59.2%, women = 93.2%
Meaning of PA total knowledge score = 34.4%, men = 31.5%, women =
age range = 18–60 years Correct sunscreen use among those who have ever
used sunscreen before = 45.0%, men = 14.9%,
Know how to use sunscreen correctly 74.2%, men = 58.8%, women = 83.6%
women = 56.8%
Awareness score of what types of skin damage the sun causes: burn (total =
Mean SPF value of sunscreen used = 27.7 (SD = 9.2),
81.2%, men = 70.2%, women = 88.1%), skin cancer (total = 79.3%, men =
men = 30.7 (SD = 11.2), women = 26.7 (SD = 8.2)
73.1%, women = 83.1%), tan (total = 52.0%, men = 40.8%, women = 59.0%),
Mean Protection Grade (PA) value of sunscreen used
skin aging (total = 65.8%, men = 53.8%, women = 73.3%), blemishes (total
= 2.3 (SD = 0.6), men = 2.6 (SD = 0.7), women = 2.3
= 73.4%, men = 60.9%, women = 81.0%), do not know (total = 2.4%, men =
(SD = 0.6)
5.0%, women = 0.8%)
Sunscreen: 61.6%
Questionnaire, 𝑛 = 1501
Long-sleeved clothing and pants: 48%
(freshmen military cadets),
Fan, 2012, and Hefei 78.8% and 81.7% of the subjects did not know that the UV consists of three Umbrella and hat: 61.8%
1488 males, mean age =
[22] parts and the meaning of the PA and SPF, respectively. Sunglasses: 63.8%
20.35 (SD = 2.13), age range
32.7% had been taken protective measures, and only
= 15–29
50 cases did a professional skin examination.
Despite the difference in cognition degrees between the two groups, both
groups have high degrees of cognition on the damage of UV to skin
Walking in shadows: 63.6%
Questionnaire, 𝑛 = 217 (all Both groups have low basic UV knowledge
Avoiding going out at noon: 60.8%
females) 66.4% females 24.9% of the two groups have correct knowledge about types of UV
Sunscreen: 62.2%
He, 2012, and Beijing from Beijing and 33.6% 22.6% of the participants were aware that sun protection should be started
Wearing long-sleeved t-shirts: 18.4%
and Ningxia [23] from Ningxia, mean age = as early as in one’s infancy
Hats: 26.7%
32 years (SD = 9.7), age People get access to knowledge of sunburn and sun protection from the
Umbrellas: 53%
range = 17–59 years same sources: television 40.2%, magazines 27.6%
Sunglasses: 30.9%
27.6% knew the meaning of SPF
6.3% knew the mean of PA
Dermatology Research and Practice
Table 1: Continued.
Data collection method,
First author, date, and
sample size (𝑛), gender, and Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs Skin cancer prevention practice
Sun exposure behavior by gender
Knowledge about UV-induced risk by gender
Avoid outdoor actives in strong sunlight: male =
Premature aging: male = 59.7%, female = 73.3%
71.2%, female = 82%
Immune suppression: male = 47.8%, female = 58.5%
Avoid extensive exposure in sunny midday:
Skin cancer: male = 50.3%, female = 59.5%
Questionnaires, 𝑛 = 5964 male = 72.2%, female = 84.2%
Sun protection attitudes by gender
Yan, 2015, and (residents), 53.2% females, Average daily sun exposure time (min) by gender
Need sun protection in winter: male = 27.8%, female = 43.1%
Shanghai [12] mean age = 43.2 years and 7AM–5PM: male = 111.8 (SD = 105.7), female = 82.2
Need sun protection indoors or in the vehicle: male = 21.9%, female = 32.6%
age range = 20–60 years (SD = 64.7)
Tanning attitudes by gender
Dermatology Research and Practice
versus 8.7%)
Table 1: Continued.
Data collection method,
First author, date, and
sample size (𝑛), gender, and Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs Skin cancer prevention practice
Mean time spent in the sunshine per day:
<2 h: 49.8%, male = 47.7%, female = 52.1%
Reasons why parents supported their children in preventing sun exposure: 2–4 h: 43.9%, male = 44.6%, female =
50.9% protecting from suntan, 75.6% protecting from sunburn, 15.3% 43.1%
preventing skin photoaging, 4.9% unclear, 3.1% other >4 h: 6.3%, male = 7.7%, female = 4.8%
Reasons why parents did not support their children in preventing sun Weather in which protective measures were taken:
exposure: 23.2% UV is beneficial to the child’s skin, 11.7% UV is no harm to Sunny day: 93.6%
the child’s skin, 30.7% benefits of UV to the child’s skin are greater than its Cloudy day: 8.3%
Questionnaire, 𝑛 = 3083 harm, 52.5% the child’s skin does not need sun protection Rainy day: 8.4%
(parents/guardians and Parent’s opinions on using a different sunscreen for children than for Cloudy to sunny day: 17.5%
their children), 51.6% male parents: Occasions for sun protection:
children, children mean age 69.7% the child’s skin is different from the parent’s skin, 27.7% the child’s Travel: 57.8%
Wan, 2016, and
= 7.70 years (SD = 2.78), skin is easily allergic, 2.6% other Outdoor leisure activities: 56.4%
Guangzhou City [14]
children age range = 3–13 Parent’s opinions on the nonuse sunscreen for children: Swimming: 36.5%
years, mean rent/guardian 44.4% sunscreen is not suitable for children, 27.9% do not know how to Playing ball: 16.1%
age = 36.72 years (SD = choose the sunscreen for children, 28.2% use alternative sun protection Physical education: 9.8%
5.95), 70.5% female methods, 44.3% worried that the child’s skin is allergic to sunscreen, 9.2% Others: 3.2%
other Stayed under shade: 12.8%, male = 12.3%, female =
Sources of sun protection information for increasing parents/guardians 13.4%
knowledge: 52% television advertisements 37.6% newspapers, 37% Sunscreen: 38.2%, male = 30.2%, female = 46.6%
magazines, 31.1% friends, 28.2% books, 17.5% beauty parlors, 16.2% family Long-sleeved shirt: 27.6%, male = 23.8%, female =
members, 12.4% radio advertisements, 10.3% relatives, 10% dermatologist, 31.7%
12.5% others Hat: 61.9%, male = 60.7%, female = 63.2%
Umbrella: 53.2%, male = 40.8%, female = 66.4%
Sunglasses: 26.8%, male = 25%, female = 28.7%
Dermatology Research and Practice
Dermatology Research and Practice 7
table for studies utilizing experimental design. Prevention population’s perspective, particularly men, on skin cancer
practices of participants in each study are described in the prevention and to increase their involvement.
last column. Sun exposure during childhood has been correlated with
skin cancer development later in life [14]. The percentage of
4. Discussion children with a history of experiencing a sunburn increases
as age increases. Therefore, it is imperative for educational
The purpose of this article was to conduct a narrative review programs to be introduced at an early age before multi-
to summarize the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) ple sunburns have been manifested. Interestingly, a large
related to skin cancers within the Chinese population. The percentage (93.6%) of parents reported utilizing sunscreen
Chinese are generally fair-skinned thus making them vul- for skin protection on their children (including 38.2% who
nerable to cutaneous cancers. The other primary modifiable are less likely to utilize the same methods for themselves),
preventative risk factor for skin cancers is exposure to UVB citing sunburn prevention as the main reason [14]. Involving
radiation, especially from the sun. The best protective mea- parents in their children’s educational program presents a
sure, therefore, is limiting exposure to sunlight, particularly possible avenue for improving adult attitudes as well.
during the peak hours between 10 am and 2 pm. Other The appropriate application of sunscreens is another area
methods suggested to reduce skin cancer incidence include of concern. Frequently, inadequate amounts of sunscreens
covering the skin with protective clothing—sunglasses, long were found to be used in addition to inconsistent methods
sleeves, and hats—and the regular application of sunscreens of application, i.e., some areas of the body received more
with a sufficiently high sun protection factor (SPF) [8]. sunscreen, leaving other areas at risk. An application density
Sunscreen use was found to be a popular method of skin of 2 mg/cm2 has been found to be most appropriate to receive
protection due to its enhanced affordability in an improving the full SPF of the sunscreen [15]. Parents who did not use
Chinese economy [11]. However, these findings were not in sunscreens on their children were fearful either that the
agreement with the results from a survey conducted among products were unhealthy or that they would cause an allergic
11 communities in Shanghai, where only 21.3% utilized sun- reaction, but among those who did use this preventative
screen, while the majority of the other participants preferred measure, nearly half did not follow the recommended reap-
shade or hats as their primary means of skin protection [12]. plication rate of every 2-3 hours or used a product strength
While the prevalence of skin cancer is lower in China that was often less than 30 SPF [14].
relative to some of the Western countries [11], BCC and SCC Before introducing UVB awareness and skin protection
remain common cancers; therefore, skin protection remains programs to the Chinese population, modifications should
important for public health [12]. One possible explanation be made to assure cultural and ethical appropriateness. One
for the reduced incidence of skin cancer may be that the such concern is the risk of vitamin D deficiency, which
average complexion among the Chinese populace is not as Asian adults face due to their complexion [16]. In terms
fair as that found in Western countries. One study found that of disseminating knowledge and awareness to the public at
the majority of the Chinese population is skin type IV on large, television advertisements were selected by parents as
the Fitzpatrick scale, making them amenable to easy tanning an important medium for sun protection information (52%
and rare burning [12]. Darker-skinned populations have a agreement) [14]. This finding suggests that the Chinese pop-
lower incidence of skin cancer in general but are likely to ulation is receiving a substantial portion of its medical infor-
be diagnosed with more advanced stages of the disease, if it mation from nonmedical sources. Mass media campaigns,
does develop [12]. Another possible explanation may be that, therefore, should attempt to involve medical professionals in
in contrast to Western populations, many Chinese citizens their creation to improve the broad dissemination of effective
find paler complexions more desirable and are therefore more skin protective strategies.
likely to avoid unnecessary sunlight exposure and tanning Knowledge alone has not been found to be a strong
[13]. predictor of behavioral change [13]. The level of health
Studies have found educational programs to reduce rates literacy was a significant factor in the relationship between
of sunburn and skin aging in the general population [11]. knowledge and behavior. For example, in the context of
However, based on this review we found that such initiatives vitamin D absorption and sun exposure, individuals with
are rather few in China, with the effects of UVB being high health literacy were more likely to discern appropriate
largely ignored [12]. Furthermore, knowledge and attitudes amounts of sun exposure to maximize the amount of vitamin
pertaining to UVB radiation have been found to be somewhat D absorption; unfortunately, poor attitudes counteracted
deficient among many Chinese communities. Among men the benefits of health literacy [17]. This suggests that any
and women, one study found that only 55.2% knew that educational initiative should not only focus on increasing
UV radiation causes skin cancer [12]. Similar to Western knowledge and health literacy, but also on improving societal
populations, women scored higher on skin protective knowl- attitudes, which insure the initiation and continuation of
edge tests than men [11, 12]. Men were found to be less healthy behavioral changes related to skin protection and
likely to care for their skin regularly compared to women, sun exposure. Thus, evidence-based theoretical approaches
with many men expressing that sunscreen and umbrella need to be instituted to foster effectual behavior change [18].
usage are women’s activities. Men were also less willing to In present day context, fourth generation behavior changes
participate in educational programs about skin protection that utilize multiple theories are in vogue [19]. One such
[11]. Additional efforts should be made to improve the utilization is through the multi-theory model (MTM) of
8 Dermatology Research and Practice
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