Epilux 78
Epilux 78
Epilux 78
High Build Epoxy Anti-Corrosive Primer
PRODUCT A two component, high build epoxy anti-corrosive primer pigmented with zinc phosphate.
DESIGN A high build epoxy anti-corrosive coating suitable for use as a blast primer for structural
steelwork in mild to aggressive environments.
Excellent anti-corrosive performance.
Achieves up to 75 microns dry film thickness in a single coat application.
Good wetting properties and outstanding adhesion to blasted steel.
Good chemical and abrasion resistance.
CURING TIME Substrate Touch Dry Hard Dry Overcoating Interval Pot Life
Temperature Minimum Maximum
15 °C 3 hours 8 hours 8 hours Indefinite* 10 hours
25 °C 2 hour 5 hours 5 hours Indefinite* 6 hours
35 °C 1 hour 3 hours 3 hours Indefinite* 4 hours
FIRST AID Eyes : In the event of accidental splashes, flush eyes with warm water immediately
and seek medical advice.
Skin : Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or approved industrial cleaner.
Do Not Use solvents or thinners.
Inhalation : Remove to fresh air, loosen collar and keep patient rested.
Ingestion : In case of accidental ingestion, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Obtain
immediate medical attention.
For further safety information, please refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
DISCLAIMER The information provided on this data sheet is not intended to be complete and is provided as general advice
only. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the product is suitable for the purpose for which he
wishes to use it. As we have no control over the treatment of the product, the standard of surface
preparation of the substrate, or other factors affecting the use of this product, we are not responsible for its
performance nor would we accept any liability whatsoever or howsoever arising from the use of this product
unless specifically agreed to in writing by us. The information contained in this data sheet may be modified
by us from time to time, and without notice, in the light of our experience and continuous product