Parts of Business Letter

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Ternate, Mathew V.


Parts of a Business Letter

 The Heading - The heading contains the return address with the date on the last
line. Sometimes it is necessary to include a line before the date with a phone
number, fax number, or e-mail address. Often there is a line skipped between the
address and the date. It is not necessary to type a return address if you are using
stationery with the return address already imprinted, but you should always use a
date. Make sure the heading is on the left margin.

 Recipient’s Address - This is the address you are sending your letter to. Be
sure to make it as complete as possible so it gets to its destination. Always
include title names (such as Dr.) if you know them. This is, like the other address,
on the left margin. If a standard 8 ½” x 11” paper is folded in thirds to fit in a
standard 9” business envelope, the inside address should appear through the
window in the envelope (if there is one). Be sure to skip a line after the heading
and before the recipient’s address, then skip another line after the inside address
before the greeting.

 The Salutation - The salutation (or greeting) in a business letter is always

formal. It often begins with “Dear {Person’s name}.” Once again, be sure to
include the person’s title if you know it (such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr). If you’re
unsure about the person’s title then just use their first name. For example, you
would use only the person’s first name if the person you are writing to is “Jordan”
and you’re not sure if he or she is male or female.The salutation always ends
with a colon.

 The Body - The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block
letter formats, single space and left justify each paragraph. Be sure to leave a
blank line between each paragraph, however, no matter the format. Be sure to
also skip a line between the salutation and the body, as well as the body and the

 The Complimentary Close - The complimentary close is a short and polite

remark that ends your letter. The close begins at the same justification as your
date and one line after the last body paragraph. Capitalize the first word of your
closing (Thank you) and leave four lines for a signature between the close and
the sender’s name. A comma should follow the closing.
Ternate, Mathew V.

 The Signature Line - Skip at least four lines after the close for your signature,
and then type out the name to be signed. This often includes a middle initial,
although it is not required. Women may put their title before had to show how
they wish to be addressed (Ms., Mrs., Miss).The signature should be in blue or
black ink.
Ternate, Mathew V.

Optional Elements for Business Letters

 Attention line - If your letter is addressed to a company, you may include an

attention line to indicate the intended recipient of your letter (e.g., CEO, chief
financial officer, marketing director). The attention line goes two lines below the
recipient's address:
Attention: Director of Customer Service

 Subject or reference line - A subject or reference line may be useful to alert the
recipient to the purpose of your letter. Include it two lines below the attention line
or recipient's address. Use Subject: or Re: to begin this line, or write the subject
in capital letters:
Re: Policy number AM4758Z6

 Typist's initials - If someone else types the letter for you, include your initials in
capital letters and the typist's initials in lowercase letters three lines below your
signature. Separate the sets of initials with a colon (:) or slash (/):

 Enclosures - If you have enclosed additional documents along with your letter,
indicate so by typing Enclosure or Enclosures either three lines below your
signature or one line below the typist's initials. You may also list which
documents are enclosed, if you have included several; if you do so, use the
abbreviation Encl. If there is more than one enclosure, state how many in
parentheses () :
Enclosures (3)
Encl: photos (2) of damage to car, repair estimates (3)

 Courtesy copies - Use this line if you are sending copies of the letter to others in
addition to the addressed recipient. Include it three lines below the last element
of the letter. Write each person's name on a separate line, and list each person in
alphabetical order:
cc: Jane Doe
John Smith
Ternate, Mathew V.

Letter formats: Block, Modified Block, and Semi-block

 Block format - Block format features

all elements of the letter aligned to the
left margin of the page. It has a neat
and simple appearance. Paragraphs
are separated by a double line space.

 Modified block format - Modified

block differs from block style in that
the date, sign off, and signature lines
begin at the centre point of the page
line. The beginning of each paragraph
is indented five spaces, along with the
subject line, if used. Depending on the
length of the letter, paragraphs may
be separated by a single or double
line space.

 Semi-block format - Semi-block is

similar to block but has a more
informal appearance. All elements are
left-aligned, except for the beginning
of each paragraph, which is indented
five spaces. Paragraphs are
separated by a double line space.

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