This document describes a process for preparing acetylacetone by acidifying a mixture containing the sodium salt of acetylacetone in successive stages. Organic acids like acetic acid are used for acidification. Most of the acetylacetone is liberated and separated after each acidification stage at pH levels between 6.5-7.0 and 5.7-6.0. This process allows recovering acetylacetone that is substantially free of acid contamination in a simple and economical manner.
This document describes a process for preparing acetylacetone by acidifying a mixture containing the sodium salt of acetylacetone in successive stages. Organic acids like acetic acid are used for acidification. Most of the acetylacetone is liberated and separated after each acidification stage at pH levels between 6.5-7.0 and 5.7-6.0. This process allows recovering acetylacetone that is substantially free of acid contamination in a simple and economical manner.
This document describes a process for preparing acetylacetone by acidifying a mixture containing the sodium salt of acetylacetone in successive stages. Organic acids like acetic acid are used for acidification. Most of the acetylacetone is liberated and separated after each acidification stage at pH levels between 6.5-7.0 and 5.7-6.0. This process allows recovering acetylacetone that is substantially free of acid contamination in a simple and economical manner.
This document describes a process for preparing acetylacetone by acidifying a mixture containing the sodium salt of acetylacetone in successive stages. Organic acids like acetic acid are used for acidification. Most of the acetylacetone is liberated and separated after each acidification stage at pH levels between 6.5-7.0 and 5.7-6.0. This process allows recovering acetylacetone that is substantially free of acid contamination in a simple and economical manner.
2 The organic acid used to acidify the Salt of acetylace tone must of course be strong enough to liberate the 2,834,811 acetylacetone. Obviously for economic reasons it is PREPARATION OF ACETYLACETONE desirable to use the least expensive of these, and acetic acid and formic acid are excellent for the purpose. Car Karl K. Georgieff, Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, Canada, bonic acid may also be used, and this acid would have assignor to Shawinigan Chemicals Limited, Montreal, the particular advantage that it would not carry the Quebec, Canada, a corporation of Canada acidification too far in any neutralization stage, since No Drawing. Application November 27, 1956 10 carbonic acid will not provide a low pH. Further, differ Serial No. 624,492 ent acids may be used for different stages of acidification; 5 Claims. (Cl. 260-593) for example an initial acidification may be made with carbonic acid and subsequent acidification with a stronger organic acid, for example acetic acid. Mineral (non This invention relates to an improvement in the process 5 volatile) acids are not desirable for purposes of this for the preparation of acetylacetone by condensation of invention, as they seem to decompose the materials or lower alkyl esters of acetic acid with acetone and in products in an undesired way and provide a lower yield particular to a method for working up alkali metal salts of acetylacetone than can be obtained with the foregoing of acetylacetone to recover acetylacetone therefrom. organic acids. It is well known that, by condensation of the type 20 According to a preferred form of the invention, sodium generally referred to as "Claisen condensations," it is salt of acetylacetone in crude reaction mixture, usually possible to prepare alkali metal salts of acetylacetone. a slurry prepared by the condensation reaction between In Such methods it has been usual to react acetate esters, acetone and lower alkyl acetate ester in the presence of for example methyl acetate or ethyl acetate, with acetone a catalyst comprising metallic sodium or other basic in the presence of basic acylation reagent catalysts. 25 acylation reagent catalyst, is first cooled and mixed with These catalysts are well known and are strongly basic sufficient water to dissolve the sodium salts. Several materials containing alkali, for example, in the free state minutes of uninterrupted and vigorous agitation are re or in compound form. Examples of suitable catalysts quired to effect this solution. The upper organic layer are sodium alkoxide, sodium hydride suspensions, finely which separates contains unreacted alkyl acetate, and dispersed suspensions of metallic sodium and sodium 30 any diluent used, for example toluene, Xylene, isohexane amide (cf. "Organic Reactions', vol. VIII, by Adams et or “Varsol' (petroleum hydrocarbon fraction); this layer al.). Because of the strong basic nature of these cat is separated and rejected. The lower aqueous layer is alysts, the desired condensation product is always found then immediately acidified with sufficient acetic acid to in an alkaline mixture in the form of a sodium salt. reduce the pH level to a value between 6.5 and 7.0. In order to recover the acetylacetone, it is necessary This liberates most of the acetylacetone in a medium to neutralize the salt and isolate the liberated acetyl from which it can be recovered uncontaminated by acetic acid. A large portion of the acetylacetone thus liberated acetone from accompanying by-products, unreacted re separates as a liquid layer which floats on top of the actants, and any vehicles or diluents which may have aqueous layer and is separated therefrom. The rest of been used, the neutralization being accomplished by adding to the mixture an excess of acid or at least an 40 theous liberated acetylacetone remains dissolved in the aque layer and is separated therefrom by liquid-liquid amount of acid equivalent to the amount of alkali ini extraction with water immiscible solvent for acetylace tially added to catalyze the reaction. Without any ex tone, for example ethyl acetate or isopropyl acetate. A ceptions this has always had deleterious effects on prod second uct purity, and the resulting acetylacetone is contaminated ing theaddition of acetic acid to the aqueous layer, lower pH by 0.3 to 0.7 unit of pH below the former with acid. The present invention involves a system of fractional level, of but in no case below 6.0, liberates a small amount acetylacetone which remains in solution in the aqueous acidification of a mixture containing the sodium salt of layer and can be recovered therefrom by liquid-liquid acetylacetone and the separation of the acetylacetone im extraction as above. This small amount of acetylacetone mediately after each acidification stage. Most of the 50 is also substantially free of acetic acid, but is usually so acetylacetone prepared by this method is substantially free from acid contamination. In fact, with acetic acid small that its recovery is uneconomic. Hence, a second addition of acetic acid to the aqueous layer which lowers as acidifier, the concentration of acetic acid in the ace the tylacetone is so low that it cannot be measured by infra the pH to 5.7+0.1, is usually preferred to liberate all remainder of the acetylacetone from its salt. This red spectrometry, i. e., it is much less than 0.6% of the acetylacetone, contaminated with acetic acid, can be re acetylacetone. The purity of this product compares covered by liquid-liquid extraction as above. This ace quite favourably with that of acetylacetone purified by tylacetone converting it to its copper salt and regenerating it with for additioncontaining acetic acid can then be recycled to a subsequent batch of sodium salt of a non-volatile acid, for example HSO4. It is also far acetylacetone, whereby the acetic acid neutralizes sodium superior to commercial acetylacetone prepared from 60 salt and the recycled acetylacetone is recovered with the ketene and acetone via isopropenyl acetate (2-acetoxy acid-free product of this subsequent batch. propene); this product usually contains between 3-5% The following table gives the percentages of acetyl acetic acid and 5-7% total impurities. According to this invention, a reaction mixture con ous acetone liberated from sodium salt by acetic acid at vari taining a sodium salt of acetylacetone, prepared in ac 65 pH values: cordance with any of the known reactions which are catalyzed by basic acylation reagents, is acidified with Percent Acetylacetone organic acid in successive stages to progressively decreas Liberated ing pH values to liberate acetylacetone from its salt, and the liberated acetylacetone is recovered from the acidified reaction mixture after each of the successive acidification stages. 2,884,811 3. 4. The percentages of acetylacetone liberated from the batch of sodium salt of acetylacetone, hence the acetyl sodium salt by acetic acid at the foregoing pH values acetone could be completely recovered in a continuous are not necessarily the percentages that will be liberated series of batches. by other acids at the same pH values. The percentage It is understood that the present invention is not limited liberated will depend primarily on the agid used at any by the modifications and example herein disclosed and specific pH, hence the specific pH value used for any. that any adaptation or modification apparent to a skilled acidification stage is chosen in accordance with, the acid. chemist is intended to come wifhin the scope and spirit used and the proportion of the acetylacetone that it is of the invention. desired to liberate in that stage. What is claimed is: The following example illustrates the invention: 10 1. A process for the preparation of acetylacetone from Catalyst was prepared by heating finely divided sodium, a reaction mixture containing the sodium salt of acetyl (particle size 1 to 20 microns, average 10 microns), acetone comprising (a) acidifying the reaction mixture xylene, and 0.25% aluminum octoate, to 110-120° C. with organic acid to decreasing pH values in successive in a flask fitted with a high speed stirrer and gradually. stages to liberate only a part of the acetylacetone from raising the speed of the stirrer to 15,000 R. P. M. To its salt in each stage prior to the last stage and (b) a nitrogen-flushed flask charged with 601 grams methyl recovering the liberated acetylacetone from the acidified acetate, 115.0 grams, redistilled acetone, 5.0 grams of reaction mixture after each of the successive acidification sodium salt of acetylacetone and 775 cc. of xylene at Stages. 18.5 C, was added with stirring 45.6 grams of sodium 20 2. A process, as claimed in claim 1 in which the pH dispersed in 305 cc. xylene. The reaction mixture was values in successive stages are 6.7-0.1 and 5.7-h:0.1. kept at 17-20 C. by cooling until evolution of hydrogen 3. A process as claimed in claim 2 in which the organic ceased and then refluxed for a period of 30 minutes at acid is acetic acid. 74 C. The crude product was cooled and shaken with 4. A process for the preparation of acetylacetone sub 900 cc. of water, then the aqueous layer was quickly 25 stantially free from contamination by acetic acid com separated and treated with 84.9 grams glacial acetic acid prising acidifying an aqueous solution containing sodium which reduced the pH to 6.7-0.1. Some of the liberated salt of acetylacetone with sufficient acetic acid to reduce acetylacetone floated to the top, and was separated. The the pH value of the mixture to, between 6.5 to 7.0, sep aqueous layer was then extracted with three 150 cc. por arating and recovering acetylacetone which appears as tions of ethyl acetate; the ethyl acetate was distilled off 30 a separate phase, extracting and recovering the additional at atmospheric pressure and the acetylacetone residue liberated acetylacetone from the acidified aqueous solu was distilled under vacuum. The pH of the water layer. tion with a water immiscible solvent for acetylacetone, was further reduced to 5.6 by adding 15.0 grams acetic repeating the addition of acetic acid to reduce the pH acid; the water layer was then extracted with ethyl of the aqueous, solution to a value not higher than 5.8, acetate, and acetylacetone recovered from the extract as 35 and extracting the aqueous solution with solvent to re before. The weight of acetylacetone liberated and re cover-a; final proportion of acetylacetone. covered by the first acidification step was 131.6 grams, 5. A process as claimed in claim 4 including the fur after deducting the equivalent of the 5.0 grams of sodium ther step of recycling the final portion of acetylacetone salt of acetylacetone, included in the original charge. The to a subsequent solution of sodium salt of acetylacetone proportion of acetic acid in this acetylacetone was too 40 for recovery. small to be detected by infra-red spectrometry, hence was References Cited in the file of this patent less than 0.6%. The weight of acetylacetone liberated and recovered by the second acidification step was 6.4 UNITED STATES PATENTS grams. This material could not be recovered in such 2,158,071 Hansley -------------- May 16, 1939 purity as the previous fraction, being contaminated with FOREIGN PATENTS an undesirable proportion of acetic acid. However it could be utilized in the neutralization of a subsequent 995,499 France ---------------- Aug. 22, 1951