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All content following this page was uploaded by De-Cheng Feng on 10 December 2018.
Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed
Concrete Structures of the Ministry of Summary
Education, Southeast University, Nanjing
210096, China In this paper, the progressive collapse performance analysis of precast reinforced concrete (RC)
Laboratory of Industrialized Structural and
structures is performed. A numerical simulation framework for precast RC structures is develo-
Bridge Engineering of Jiangsu Province,
Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China ped based on the OpenSEES software, where the fiber frame element is used for beam and column
type members and Joint2D element is used for the beam-to-column connections. The conjugated
Gang Wu, Southeast University, 2 Sipailou, material models are then introduced, and a Min-Max failure criterion is imposed on the origi-
Nanjing 210096, China. Email: nal models to reflect the steel fracture and concrete crushing when the structure undergoing
[email protected]
progressive collapse. In addition, to overcome the computational difficulties arisen from pro-
gressive collapse behavior, two enhanced nonlinear solutions ,i.e., the consistent quasi-Newton
algorithm and the explicit KR-α algorithm, are employed respectively for static and dynamic ana-
lysis. A 10-storey prototype precast RC structures is designed to verify the developed numerical
framework, and the progressive collapse resisting mechanism of the structures is investigated
through both static pushdown analysis and dynamic column-removal analysis. Finally, influences
of some typical parameters in precast RC structures on their progressive collapse performance
are studied.
Progressive collapse, precast, reinforce concrete structures, numerical simulation, nonlinear
analysis solution, pushdown analysis, column removal
Precast reinforced concrete (RC) structures are widely used in practical structural engineering due to its various advantages, e.g., high efficiency,
product quality, low environmental pollution, etc. Especially, in some developing countries like China, the government has attached great impor-
tance to promote precast RC structural systems in recent years, since there exists a large demand of industrial and civilian buildings in their rapid
process of urbanization. Therefore, it is of significant value to study the actual performance of the precast RC structures subjected to external
loadings for better understanding the failure mechanism and developing appropriate design methods.
In the past three to four decades, most studies on precast RC structures were focused on their seismic performance. The conventional way is
to conduct cyclic loading tests 1,2 of the precast beam-to-column connections and/or develop high fidelity finite element models 3,4 to assess the
seismic performance (e.g., failure mode, cyclic behavior, energy dissipation, etc.) of the corresponding precast structures. Nevertheless, as a new
concern, progressive collapse performance of structures has attracted more and more attentions 5,6,7 , since the unexpected accidental events, e.g.,
malicious attacks, gas explosion, vehicle impact, human error, etc., were frequently happened around the world in recent years, and caused great
loss of human lives and public properties. Although the probability of these extreme events is relatively small, the consequences are unbearable.
The most common and effective way to assess the progressive collapse potential of structures is the alternate load path (ALP) method, which is
defined by several national design codes and/or guidelines, such like DoD 2013 8 and GSA 2013 9 . The fundamental idea is to remove one column
of the structure to see whether or not the left structure can bridge over the missing column. Although removing one column can not represent the
real initial damage scenario, and even the location of the removed column is prescribed, it is still the most direct way to assess the progressive col-
lapse risk of a structure 10 . Therefore, experimental studies were first performed based on the idea of ALP method to investigate the progressive
collapse behavior of structures. Sasani and Kropelnicki 11 conducted 3/8 scale model tests of beam-column sub-assemblages under column remo-
val, and studied the corresponding load re-distribution mechanism. Yi et al. 12 tested a three-story four-bay RC frame subjected to middle column
removal, and developed a simplified model to predict its catenary action resistance. Su et al. 13 tested twelve RC frame beams against progressive
collapse and studied the axial restraining effects on beam loading capacity. The progressive collapse behavior of RC structures under removal of
exterior column and corner column was also investigated by Yap and Li 14 and Qian and Li 15 , respectively. Yu and Tan 16 performed two one-half
scale sub-assemblages under middle column removal to study the influence of seismic detailing. Ren et al. 17 , Lu et al. 18 and Qian et al. 19 studied the
progressive collapse behavior of RC floor system under middle column removal scenario and edge column removal scenario, respectively. Although
these experimental studies give realistic results of RC structures against progressive collapse, they may be costly and time consuming. Furthermore,
due to the limitation of the experimental facilities, space, manpower, etc., the influence of some typical parameters on the progressive collapse
behavior of structures cannot be fully investigated.
On the other hand, numerical modeling is an alternative approach to study the progressive collapse performance of structures. Generally, two
families of models have been developed. The first one is the three-dimensional (3D) solid element based finite element models 20,21,22,23 , which
can obtain the detailed responses of structures, e.g., concrete cracking and crushing, reinforcement yielding and fracture, etc. Nevertheless, the
computational cost is really large and several numerical difficulties (e.g., convergence problems for implicit methods and stability problems for
explicit methods) will arise. The other one is the macro-level element based models 24,25,26 , which usually uses fiber beam elements to simulate
the beam and column type structural members and uses macro component-based elements 16 to simulated the beam-to-column connections. This
approach is much more efficient compared with the first one, and some specific local responses of the structures can also be captured, thus it is
treated as a trade-off between numerical accuracy and computational efficiency. Consequently, the macro-level element based models are more
preferred in progressive collapse analysis of RC structures.
However, no matter experimental studies or numerical studies, few of them aimed at precast RC structures, although they were widely used
around the world. It seems that only Kand and Tan’s group has systematically tested progressive collapse behaviors of precast RC beam-column
sub-assemblages 10,27,28 , and several typical factors were studied, e.g., beam-to-column connection types, discontinuous reinforcement, application
of new material in cast-in-situ region, etc. Nevertheless, no numerical models for progressive collapse of precast RC structures has been developed
yet. In fact, the main difference between the monolithic RC structures and precast RC structures lies on the connection region. Based on previous
experimental tests, the shear behavior and bond-slip effect at the beam-to-column connections will particularly significant in precast structures
since the post-cast concrete quality can hardly be guaranteed 10 , thus it should be carefully considered in numerical models. Although the current
macro component-based elements are capable of reflecting these effects, the calibration of the model parameters is extremely complex. Meanwhile,
as an extreme behavior, progressive collapse of structures usually involves material failure, geometric nonlinearities, etc. Thus the numerical per-
formance of the progressive collapse analysis is a big challenge. Both implicit and explicit methods can be adopted to conduct progressive collapse
analysis, however, convergence issue for implicit method and stability issue for explicit method remain a big concern. To overcome these problems,
several enhanced nonlinear analysis solutions are developed, e.g., Krylov Newton algorithm 29 and quasi-Newton algorithm for implicit analysis,
unconditionally stable KR-α algorithm 26,30 for explicit analysis. They can be directly used for analysis of precast RC structures since the modeling
of this kind of structures is usually more complicated than that of monolithic RC structures.
Based on the above-mentioned background, this paper aims at developing a numerical framework for progressive collapse analysis of precast RC
structures, and then investigating the progressive collapse resisting mechanism of precast RC structures. The modeling strategy including element
models, material models and failure criteria is first presented. Then two enhanced nonlinear analysis solutions are introduced to overcome the
numerical difficulties arisen in static and dynamic progressive collapse analysis, respectively. A 10-storey prototype precast RC frames is designed,
and used to investigate the progressive collapse mechanism through both static pushdown analysis and dynamic column removal analysis. Finally,
systematic parametric studies are conducted to see the influences of some critical parameters in precast RC structures on its progressive collapse
As mentioned before, the modeling strategy for precast RC structures is first presented. The strategy is based on OpenSEES software and the
adopted element models, material models and the failure criteria are introduced in detail herein.
where L is the member length, fy and db are the yielding strength and diameter of the longitudinal bars, respectively. With the plastic hinge length
integration method, objective responses with respect to number of integration points can be achieved.
Shear spring
Joint panel
Rigid Interface spring
Integration point
Fiber section
where σ ± is the tensile or compressive stress; ± is the tensile or compressive strain; e± and p± are the elastic and plastic components of the
strain, respectively; Ec is the initial elastic modulus; d± is the tensile or compressive damage variable; subscript ” ± ” represents tensile part or
compressive part, respectively.
The damage variables can be obtained through an experimental damage function 46,47 , i.e.,
ρ± n±
1 − ±
for x± ≤ 1
± n −1+(x± )
d = (3)
1 − ± ± for x± > 1
α (x −1) +x±
in which
e± fc± 1
x± = , ρ± =
, n± = (4)
c Ec ±
c 1 − ρ±
where fc± and ±
c are the tensile or compressive peak strength and corresponding strain, respectively; α is the tensile or compressive descending
where ξp and ηp are the plastic coefficients, and usually assumed to be 0.6 and 0.1 in analysis, respectively. Note that the tensile plastic strain is
neglected since it is relatively small and has little influence on the overall behavior of concrete structures.
The typical cyclic behaviors are also depicted in Fig. 2 . The curve starts in compression from O-A while the compressive damage increases, and
then linearly unloads to the plastic strain point B. In the unloading path A-B, the compressive damage remains unchanged. Then the curve enters
into the tension part, and monotonically develops along path B-C, in which the tensile damage develops. At point C, it unloads to point B firstly, then
reverses into compression and reloads along B-A. Afterwards, another similar reversal regime is imposed. Obviously, in the above loading scheme,
both damage and residual deformation are observed, and the resulting strength softening and stiffness degradation are also obtained.
Ec B
C Tension
In addition, two more modifications are made on the original model to consider the concrete-steel interactions, i.e., tension stiffening effect for
tensile property 48 and stirrup-confinement effect for compressive property 49 , as shown in Fig. 3 . For the first one, the decay rate of the tensile
descending branch will slow down due to contributions of longitudinal bars, while for the second one, the compressive strength and ductility of will
Confined concrete
fc fcc
With tension stiffening
fc c
Peak strength (unconfined)
corresponding strain (unconfined)
c c cc
get improved. In this paper, the model by Stevens et al. 48 is used to identify the tensile parameters for concrete fibers and the Mander model 49,50 is
used to calculate the corresponding parameters for confined concrete fibers.
2.2.2 Steel
The Menegotto-Pinto (MP) model 51 is used for reinforcement steel fibers, which is available in OpenSEES as the Steel02 material. The monotonic
skeleton is given by
Es s for s ≤ y
σs = (6)
f + E ( − ) for s > y
y h s y
where σs and s are the stress and strain of the steel, respectively; fy and y are the yielding stress and strain of the steel, respectively; Es is the
elastic modulus; Eh = bEs is the hardening modulus and b is the hardening ratio.
1 1
, 0
2 2
, r
To account for the tension stiffening effect, the skeleton of the stress-strain curve of steel should also be modified. The properties of reinfor-
cement embedded in concrete is different from that of bare reinforcement, since the former actually corresponds to the average stress and strain
over a certain length which contains several cracks, rather than a local point. Based on the experimental studies conducted by Belarbi and Hsu 52 ,
the yield strength fyavg and the harden ratio bavg of the embedded reinforcement can be given by
Skeleton curve
Cyclic paths
2.2.4 Bond-slip
The force-deformation behavior of the beam-column interface springs is determined through a quasi-fiber section model approach, as shown in
Fig. 6 . The stress-strain model of the reinforcement fibers is replaced with the stress-slip model, thus the bond-slip effect can be represented. The
generated force-deformation curve is then simplified to a tri-linear model (i.e., Hysteretic material in OpenSEES) and assigned to the springs. The
stress-slip model can be obtained through either experimental results or analytical derivations. In this paper, the analytical model developed by the
author 53 considering different anchorage types and anchorage lengths for precast RC structures is adopted.
The slip s is derived based a stepped bond stress filed assumption, as shown in Fig. 7 , where the hooked bar an be simplified as a straight bar
with an equivalent straight length. The bond stresses in the elastic and plastic regions of the reinforcement are assumed as constant, thus the total
Fiber analysis result
Concrete fiber
(using stress-strain)
Steel fiber
(using stress-slip)
Unit length fiber section analysis
uby fs s
ube fy y
embedded length
slip can be expressed by the following equation according to equilibrium condition 53,54,55
Z Ld
s= (x) dx (10)
where (x) is the strain field of the reinforcement; Ld is the developed bond length.
The detailed expression depends on the relation of the bar embedded length Lembd and bond developed length Ld . The embedded length Lembd
for continuous and lap-spliced bars are the straight length, while the embedded length for hooked bars is approximated as Lembd = Lbembd + 5db , in
which Lbembd is the length of the straight part and db is the bar diameter. Consequently, the slip is
• If Lembd > Ld
s Ledb fs db
s ≤ y Ledb =
2 4ube
(fs −fy )db
y Ledb
y +s
Lydb s > y Ledb =
fy db
, Lydb =
2 2 4ube 4uby
p p
where s is the bar strain at the loaded end; fy and y are the yield stress and strain of the bar; ube = 1.0 fc− and uby = 0.5 fc− are the
bond stresses for the elastic and plastic parts, respectively; Ledb and Lydb are the elastic part and plastic part of the developed bond lengths,
where end is the strain at the bond stress end, and can be determined through similar triangle method.
where s0 is the free-end slip which can be calculated according to the model by Alsiwat and Saatcioglu 56 .
min max
Max value
and MJ-L-0.88/0.59R, respectively, where "MJ" denotes middle joint; "B" and "L" denote bent or lap-splice connecting bar types; the first and second
numbers denote the top and bottom longitudinal reinforcement ratios; "R" and "S" denote rough or smooth surfaces of the precast specimens. More
details about the geometrical dimensions, material properties and the boundary conditions can be found in Kang and Tan 10 .
The simulated responses of the specimens by the proposed numerical modeling approach, i.e., the vertical displacement of the middle column
versus the vertical applied load and the horizonal reaction forces of the beams versus the vertical applied load, are demonstrated in Fig. 9 . Obvi-
ously, the numerical and experimental results match each other very well for nearly all the specimens. It can be found from the applied load-vertical
displacement curves that the initial stiffness, flexural beam action, and the effects of compressive arch action (CAA) and catenary action all can be
well reflected by the numerical model. Furthermore, the bar fracture failure at the middle column joint and end column stubs can also be reprodu-
ced. In general, the comparison of numerical and experimental results indicates that the proposed numerical modeling approach can reproduce the
realistic responses of precast beam-to-column sub-assemblages, and therefore can be used as an effective tool in a progressive collapse analysis of
precast RC structures.
60 100
Test data
50 Simulation
20 Beam action
10 Test data
0 -300
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Middle joint displacement (mm) Middle joint displacement (mm)
100 400
Horizontal reaction force (kN)
Applied load (kN)
40 0
Catenary action
CAA -100
20 Beam action Test data Test data
Simulation Simulation
0 -300
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Middle joint displacement (mm) Middle joint displacement (mm)
FIGURE 9 To be continued
The progressive collapse performance of precast RC structure can be analyzed through either static method or dynamic method. However, both
the method will meet the numerical difficulties since the progressive collapse behavior involves several extreme behaviors, e.g., material failure and
strong geometric nonlinearity. Therefore, to improve the numerical performance, two enhanced algorithms are respectively introduced for static
and dynamic progressive collapse analysis.
60 200
Test data
50 Simulation
30 0
CAA Catenary action -100
Beam action
10 Test data
0 -200
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Middle joint displacement (mm) Middle joint displacement (mm)
80 300
40 0
CAA Catenary action
Beam action
Test data -200 Test data
Simulation Simulation
0 -300
0 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Middle joint displacement (mm) Middle joint displacement (mm)
f = P (ũ) (16)
where P and f denote the internal and external force vectors of the system, respectively; ũ denotes the nodal displacement vector. To solve the
above equation, the following iterative scheme is adopted
K 1sec K sec
2 3
K sec
f n +1
sec restart
o un un1 +1 un2+1 un3+1 un4+1 un5+1 ...... u
where M and C are the mass and damping matrices, respectively; U (t), U̇ (t) and Ü (t) are the displacement, velocity, acceleration vectors,
respectively; R (t) and F (t) are the resisting force and applied force vectors, respectively; t is the time.
According to the explicit KR-α algorithm, the displacement and velocity updating, and the discretization of the equations of motion are expressed
respectively by
Ẋi+1 = Ẋi + α1 ∆tẌi , Xi+1 = Xi + ∆tẊi + α2 ∆t2 Ẍi (22)
where Xi , Ẋi and Ẍi are the displacement, velocity, acceleration vectors of the i − th step, respectively; α1 and α2 are the integration parameter
matrices; ∆t is the size of the time step; Xi+1 , Ẋi+1−αf , Ri+1−αf and Fi+1−αf are the equivalent acceleration, velocity, restoring force and applied
Ẋi+1−αf = 1 − αf Ẋi+1 + αf Ẋi , Ri+1−αf = 1 − αf Ri+1 + αf Ri , Fi+1−αf = 1 − αf Fi+1 + αf Fi
in which I is the unit matrix; α3 is the integration parameter matrix; αf is the scalar integration parameter; Ri (Ri+1 ) and Fi (Fi+1 ) are the i − th
(i + 1 − th) restoring force and applied force vectors, respectively. The integration parameter matrices above can be determined by setting the
eigenvalues of the amplification matrix of the KR-α method equaling that of the generalized-α method, i.e.,
α1 = M + γ∆tC + β∆t2 K (26)
α2 = + γ α1 (27)
α3 = M + γ∆tC + β∆t2 K αm M + αf γ∆tC + αf β∆t2 K (28)
where K is the initial stiffness matrix; parameters γ , β , αm and αf are the functions of the user defined high-frequency spectral radius ρ∞ , and the
expressions are given by
1 1
γ= − αm + αf , β = (1 − αm + αf ) (29)
2 4
2ρ∞ − 1 ρ∞
αm = , αf = (30)
ρ∞ + 1 ρ∞ + 1
As can be seen from Eqs. (26)-(29), KR-α algorithm only has one user-defined parameter, i.e., high-frequency spectral radius ρ∞ , whose value
varies from 0-1. ρ∞ = 1 means no numerical energy dissipation is introduced, and the numerical energy dissipation increases with the grow of
ρ∞ , until ρ∞ = 0 where the maximum numerical energy dissipation occurs. The accurate value for ρ∞ depends on the problem and the size
of the time step. Higher value of ρ∞ (smaller numerical energy dissipation) will cause spurious high-frequency oscillations of the internal force
responses, which can be removed by either reducing the time step or introducing appropriate numerical energy dissipation, i.e., decreasing the
value of ρ∞ 61 .. However, reducing the size of the time step will lose the computational efficiency of the KR-α method. Consequently, a convergence
study is commonly used, the user selects some response parameter of interest and studies how the response converges with reduced values of ρ∞
starting with ρ∞ = 1, thus the appropriate value of ρ∞ can be determined when a converged response is achieved. More details can be seen in
Kolay and Ricles 30,61 , and see Appendix ?? for the commands used in OpenSEES.
characteristic site period Tg is 0.40 s. Dead load (DL) for roof is set as 7.0 kN/m2 while it is 5.0 kN/m2 for floor. Live loads (LL) for roof and floor are
both set as 2.0 kN/m2 . The configuration of the structures, geometric size of the sections, and the reinforcing details are shown in Fig. 11 , where
the diameters of the reinforcement bars outside the brackets are for 1-4 storeys while those in the brackets are for 5-10 storeys. The material
properties are given in Table 1
Two widely adopted progressive analysis procedures are used in this paper to assess the performance of the prototype structures, namely, the
static pushdown analysis and the dynamic column removal analysis, which are also recommended in several national codes 8,9 . Actually, the two
methods have no relationship between each other, but have its own characteristics. The static pushdown analysis is easy to perform, but it assesses
the progressive collapse potential of the structures at the macro level. On the other hand, the dynamic column removal analysis is relatively compli-
cate, and can obtain the detailed internal force re-distribution during the progressive collapse process. Consequently, the first method can be used
to evaluate the general progressive collapse risk, while the second method can be used to study the progressive collapse resistance mechanism.
precast column
grout sleeve
cast-in-situ region
precast beam
Beam-to-column connection
380 120
4D25(20) 4D20(18)
600 250
A B C D E F Columns Beams
Concrete Steel
Ec (MPa) fc+ (MPa) +
c α+ fc− (MPa) −
c α− Es (MPa) fs (MPa) b
1-4 32500 2.6 0.0001 1.0 26.7 0.002 2.5 200000 400 0.01
5-10 30000 2.0 0.0001 1.0 20.1 0.002 2.5 200000 400 0.01
2.4 1.2
Bar fracture occurs
2.0 1.0
First peak Bar fracture occurs
1.6 0.8
Load factor α
Load factor α
First peak
1.2 0.6
Removal of double columns of the frame are also analyzed. Fig. 12 (b) gives the pushdown curves for cases of removal of columns A & B and
removal of columns C & D. Similarly, the curves also have three stages, however, the progressive collapse resisting capacities of removing double
columns is much lower than that of removing single column, the maximum load factor is only half of that for removing single column. This is because
the span of the damaged bay for removing double columns is much larger than that for removing single column, thus the structure will become much
more unstable under gravity load. In addition, the corresponding progressive collapse behaviors for these two double columns removal scenarios
are very different. The load factors corresponding to the first peaks for removing A & B and C & D are 0.47 and 0.74, respectively, while the maximum
load factors are 0.71 and 1.08, respectively. The damaged bays are actually cantilevers when removing columns A & B, while the damaged bays are
restrained by the left structure at both directions when removing columns C & D. Consequently, the curve for removing C & D has higher initial and
hardening stiffnesses since the damaged bays have a stronger boundary constraint. Meanwhile, the maximum collapse capacity of the frame under
removal of columns C & D is also larger than that under removal of columns A & B, since the remaining structure can provided more alternate paths
to resist the gravity load.
0 0 50
Displacement (mm)
Axial force (kN)
−80 −2500 −100
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Node vertical displacement (b) Column axial forces (c) Beam AB axial force
0 1000 200
Displacement (mm)
−1000 100
Axial force (kN)
−2000 0
−3000 −100
−4000 −4000 −200
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Node vertical displacement (b) Column axial forces (c) Beam axial forces
To further study the performance of the numerical modeling approach in progressive collapse analysis of precast RC structures, parametric studies
are performed to investigate the influences of a variety of typical factors. It is worth noting at this juncture that many basic design parameters, inclu-
ding reinforcement ratio, beam depth, concrete strength, slab effect, boundary condition, etc., have been widely studied before. The present study
therefore mainly focuses on the numerical framework developed for precast structures. It should be also noted that we only perform removing of
exterior columns since the progressive collapse risk is relatively higher.
2.5 1.0
Bar fracture occurs Bar fracture occurs
First peak
Load factor α
Load factor α
1.5 0.6
1.0 0.4
The dynamic responses of removing column A and columns A & B are also given in Figs. 16 -17 . Close to the conclusions drawn in pushdown
analysis, for either removing single column or double columns, the results of modeling with and without joint shear are nearly coincided with each
other, while the results of modeling with and without interface bond-slip vary very much. For removing single column A, the frame will remain stable
finally, but the nodal displacement time history and internal forces are much more stiffer. The responses will eventually damp out, but the rate of
damping is more fast if bond-slip is neglected. For removing double columns A & B, the frame finally collapsed. If neglecting bond-slip, the nodal
vertical displacement of the removed column B develops slower at first but then develops faster than the other models. This is because the bar
fracture will occur earlier if the fixed-end rotation is not considered, thus in this stage the displacement develops quickly. It is also depicted in the
internal forces time history. For model without bond-slip, the axial forces of beams and columns are at first larger but then drops smaller than the
other models, e.g., axial force of column C drops due to bar fracture at 0.8s for model with bond-slip effect while that drops at 0.6s for model without
bond-slip effect.
0 −1000 50
Bond−slip and shear Bond−slip and shear Bond−slip and shear
Without bond−slip Without bond−slip Without bond−slip
Displacement (mm)
−2000 −50
0 −1000 400
Bond−slip and shear Bond−slip and shear
Without bond−slip Without bond−slip
Displacement (mm)
2.4 1.2
2.0 1.0
Krylov Newton diverges here
1.6 0.8
Load factor α
Load factor α
Full Newton diverges here
1.2 0.6
Full Newton diverges here
0.8 0.4
Consistent quasi-Newton Consistent quasi-Newton
0.4 Krylov Newton 0.2 Krylov Newton
Full Newton Full Newton
Full Newton
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 400 800 1200 1600
Vertical displacement (mm) Vertical displacement (mm)
(a) Removal of column A (b) Removal of columns A & B
0 50
KR−α explicit KR−α explicit
Newmark implicit Newmark implicit
Displacement (mm)
Axial force (kN)
−80 −100
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Node vertical displacement (b) Beam AB axial force
0 200
KR−α explicit
Diverge point Newmark implicit
Displacement (mm)
−1000 100
(c) Deformed shape by Newmark implicit at 0.7s (d) Deformed shape by KR-α explicit at 1.5s
FIGURE 20 Influence of dynamic solution algorithms on dynamic responses: removal of columns A & B
Moment (kN⋅m)
Mean value
Mean value+1SD
50 Mean value−1SD
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
Curvature (mm )
In this paper, a numerical framework for progressive collapse analysis of precast RC structures is developed, and a 10-storey precast RC frame is
designed and used to verify the framework and conduct parametric studies. Based on the numerical investigation, the following conclusions can be
2.4 1.0
Load factor α
Load factor α
with mean value bond-slip spring with mean value bond-slip spring
with mean value+1SD bond-slip spring 0.2
0.4 with mean value+1SD bond-slip spring
with mean value−1SD bond-slip spring with mean value−1SD bond-slip spring
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 400 800 1200 1600
Vertical displacement (mm) Vertical displacement (mm)
(a) Removal of column A (b) Removal of columns A & B
0 50
with mean bond−slip spring with mean bond−slip spring
with mean+1SD bond−slip spring with mean+1SD bond−slip spring
Displacement (mm)
−100 −100
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Node vertical displacement (b) Beam BC axial force
0 400
with mean bond−slip spring
with mean+1SD bond−slip spring
Displacement (mm)
−2000 0
FIGURE 23 Influence of dynamic solution algorithms on dynamic responses: removal of columns A & B
• The developed numerical framework for progressive collapse analysis of precast RC structures involves three levels, i.e., material models,
element models and nonlinear solution algorithms. It can reflect the typical properties of precsat structures, i.e., the modeling of the post-
cast joint region, and can improve the numerical performance in both static and dynamic analysis procedures. The numerical example verifies
that the framework is very effective in both static pushdown analysis and dynamic column-removal analysis.
• Consideration of shear of the joint panel has little influence on the overall collapse behavior since the joint panel is restrained by the con-
nected beams and columns, thus the shear deformation is not significant. However, bond-slip at the beam-column interface affects the
progressive collapse behavior greatly. Neglecting bond-slip effect will overestimate the responses of the structure and cause earlier fracture
of the reinforcement bars.
• For static pushdown analysis, the adopted consistent quasi-Newton method can capture the collapse stage (descending stage), which can not
be captured by full Newton-Raphson method or Krylov-Newton method. For dynamic column-removal analysis, the adopted explicit KR-α
method is superior to implicit Newmark method in both efficiency and convergence issue.
• The variation of the joint region properties has an influence on the collapse performance of the total frame. A 15% variation on the moment-
rotation relation of the interface spring may lead to up to 20% variation on the nodal displacement response. However, the variation of the
axial forces is much smaller.
Financial supports from the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. BK20170680), the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant Nos. 51708106, 51778130), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University, and the National Key Research and
Development Program of China (No. 2016YFC0701400) are greatly appreciated.
The explicit KR-α algorithm is used in OpenSEE through the following command lines as:
Meanwhile, the lumped mass MUST be used and the following commands are required in company with the KR-α algorithm:
- algorithm Linear
- system FullGeneral
- analysis Transient
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