In The Court of Civil Judge, Junior Division, Seloo.: Reg. Civil Suit No. - /2012
In The Court of Civil Judge, Junior Division, Seloo.: Reg. Civil Suit No. - /2012
In The Court of Civil Judge, Junior Division, Seloo.: Reg. Civil Suit No. - /2012
1. Vikram s/o Dhyneshwar Ingole
Aged about 29 Years, Occ. Education
1) That the Plaintiffs and the Defendant are resident of places shown
in cause title of the suit. The Plaintiffs and Defendant are the
2) That, the defendant filed suit for partition and separate possession
in the year 2002, Vide old Civil Suit No. 206/2002, thereafter the
said suit transferred to the Seloo Court and new filing number was
allotted to it and it was 33/2008 and the said suit was decreed by
2009 and ordered to get 1/5 share specified in the schedule of the
case vide no. R.T.S. 64/09, Before the Tahasildar, Seloo for
filed Appeal against the order of the Civil Judge Junior Division,
01-2010 and therefore the time may be granted to avail the remedy
property of field survey no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of
reply was called by the Tahasildar, Seloo, nor such kind of any
stating that the out of the other field survey numbers the present
survey no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of 1.73 HR of field
survey no. 158 and her name would be muted as per the order
was quashed and directed to take fresh inquiry and as per the
order of Hon’ble CIvil Court, Seloo and also with respect to the
challenged the said order before the Add. Collector, Wardha U/s
dated 26-03-2012.
Schedule of suit property, out of that after partition 1/5 share was
given to the present defendant. But the Tahasldar passed the order
no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of 1.73 HR of field survey no.
158, but neither such prayer nor such kind of order was not
RCS No. 33/2008. This clearly had shown her maladies intention
to grab the prime and cream property out of the full property.
10) It is further specifically submitted that, the present defendant
very prior to the any order of the Tahasildar or Collector. Also the
field survey no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of 1.73 HR of
field survey no. 158 and her name muted as per the order dated
such application the Tahasildar act as per the application and not
given chance to present plaintiff and allotted the prime and cream
no. 156 and the 1.04 HR out of filed survey no. 158 by way of
the all plaintiffs would suffer heavy loss which is irreparable and
i.e. after order of the C.J.J.D, Seloo then Order of Tahasildar i.e. on
15) That, the plaintiff basis his suit on no documents but relies in
support of his claim as per the list and seek permission to file such
D) to grant any other relief which the Court deems fit and proper may
also be awarded to the plaintiff
DATED : 11-4-2012.
Counsel for the Plaintiff.
WARDHA. __________________
Dt. 11-4-2011.
I know and identified the deponent. He
has put his signature before me.
1. Vikram s/o Dhyneshwar Ingole
Aged about 29 Years, Occ. Education
shown in cause title of the suit. The Plaintiffs and Defendant are
possession in the year 2002, Vide old Civil Suit No. 206/2002,
thereafter the said suit transferred to the Seloo Court and new
filing number was allotted to it and it was 33/2008 and the said
4) It is also submitted that, the present defendant filed case vide no.
the said case the present plaintiff move an application dated 24-
12-2009 and stated that the present plaintiff filed Appeal against
property of field survey no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of
defendant stating that the out of the other field survey numbers
property of field survey no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of
1.73 HR of field survey no. 158 and her name would be muted as
was given to the present defendant. But the Tahasldar passed the
survey no. 157 i.e. 0.45 HR and 1.04 HR out of 1.73 HR of field
survey no. 158, but neither such prayer nor such kind of order
Property along with RCS No. 33/2008. This clearly had shown
her maladies intention to grab the prime and cream property out
survey no. 156 and the 1.04 HR out of filed survey no. 158 by
Dated : 11.04.2012 PLAINTIFF
I know and identify the above named deponent in
whose instruction. I have drafted the present suit
she has signed before me after understanding the
contents vernacularly and admitting them to be
Advocate, Wardha.