This document provides information on various topics in ophthalmology:
1. It describes the innervations of the extraocular muscles and lists cranial nerves involved.
2. It discusses different types of glaucoma like acute angle closure glaucoma and lists features of retinitis pigmentosa.
3. It provides brief descriptions of different eye disorders, treatments, medications and complications. Examples include types of color blindness, causes of central scotoma, treatments for malignant glaucoma and more.
This document provides information on various topics in ophthalmology:
1. It describes the innervations of the extraocular muscles and lists cranial nerves involved.
2. It discusses different types of glaucoma like acute angle closure glaucoma and lists features of retinitis pigmentosa.
3. It provides brief descriptions of different eye disorders, treatments, medications and complications. Examples include types of color blindness, causes of central scotoma, treatments for malignant glaucoma and more.
This document provides information on various topics in ophthalmology:
1. It describes the innervations of the extraocular muscles and lists cranial nerves involved.
2. It discusses different types of glaucoma like acute angle closure glaucoma and lists features of retinitis pigmentosa.
3. It provides brief descriptions of different eye disorders, treatments, medications and complications. Examples include types of color blindness, causes of central scotoma, treatments for malignant glaucoma and more.
This document provides information on various topics in ophthalmology:
1. It describes the innervations of the extraocular muscles and lists cranial nerves involved.
2. It discusses different types of glaucoma like acute angle closure glaucoma and lists features of retinitis pigmentosa.
3. It provides brief descriptions of different eye disorders, treatments, medications and complications. Examples include types of color blindness, causes of central scotoma, treatments for malignant glaucoma and more.
Some of the key takeaways from the document include the innervations of the extraocular muscles, causes of central scotoma, and features of Retinitis Pigmentosa.
The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by the abducens nerve (CN VI), the superior oblique muscle is innervated by the trochlear nerve (CN IV), and the medial and inferior rectus, inferior oblique, and superior rectus muscles are innervated by the oculomotor nerve (CN III).
Common causes of central scotoma include multiple sclerosis, methyl alcohol poisoning, trauma, retinitis pigmentosa, hypertension, stroke, and nutritional deficiencies.
2. Junction between retina & cornea is - Ora serrata 3. Levators of upper eyelid r - levator palpibra sup/Mullers/Frontalis 4. Muscles to close the Eyelid - Orbicularis 5. Celiary muscles constrict - Lens 6. Keratometry is - measurement of curvature of cornea 7. Pachymetry is to measure - thickness of the cornea 8. Refractometer is to measure - Retractive index of lens 9. Refractive error associated i divergent squint - Myopia 10. Cotton wool spots r seen in - T2DM/HTN 11. MC orbital tumour in children - Rhabdomyosarcoma 12. MC Brain tumour in children - Gliomas 13. MC cancer in children - Leukemia (ALL) 14. MC distant metastasis seen in retinoblastoma is - Bone. 15. In Rt.Homonomous hemianopia the MC site of lesion would be - Lt.optic tract 16. Pt has difficulty in walking downstairs probable muscle paralysed - Sup.Obl. 17. Hypopyon is due to - Fungal infection 18. Nummular keratitis is most commonly caused due to - Herpes zoster virus 19. Vossius ring r seen in - Trauma 20. Most potant antibiotic for trachoma treatment is - Azithromycin 21. Entropion is due to - Trachoma/Congenital/scarring/ageing/spasm. 22. Topical steroids cause - Glaucoma 23. Steroids r contraindicated in - herpetic corneal ulcer/chronic simple glaucoma 24. Pt with acute glaucoma the prophylactic Rx for other eye is - peripheral iridectomy 25. Subacute uveitis i glaucoma which drug should not be given - Pilocarpine 26. In a pt predisposed to glaucoma ,drug contraindicated is - atropine 27. Coloured halos r seen in - accomodation/narrow angle gaucoma/phakogenic glaucoma & not seen in - steroid induced glaucoma 28. Large hemangioma of lid & cheek i glaucoma is seen in - sturge webers syndrome 29. Rx for malignant glaucoma - topical atropine / vitreous aspiration 30. Earliest change in glaucoma - Hazy cornea 31. Neovascular glaucoma is seen in - CRVO/diabetes 32. Coloured halos r found in - acute angle closure glaucoma/cataract/uveitis 33. Secondary glaucoma is seen in - IOL implantation/epidemic dropsy/CRVO 34. Medical treatment of Glaucoma is i - Pilocarpine 35. Rx for malignant glaucoma is - vitreous aspiration 36. Rx for subacute glaucoma - peripheral iridectomy 37. Pain in absolute glaucoma is best relieved by - retrobulbar injection of alcohol 38. Secondry glaucoma following corneal perforation is due to - anterior synechia formation 39. In acute congestive glaucoma,best prophylaxis for the other eye is - Laser iridectomy 40. Fincham's test is used to differentiate - acute congestive glaucoma & cataract 41. 100 day glaucoma is seen in - central vein oclusion (CRVO) 42. Complication of operation of malignant glaucoma - retinal detachment 43. TOC in angle closure glaucoma - pilocarpine 44. DOC in chronic simple glaucoma in a young myopic - Timolol 45. MC complication of iridocyclitis - 2ry glaucoma 46. TOC for the other eye in open angle glaucoma - laser trabeculoplasty 47. TOC for other eye in angle closure glaucoma - laser iridotomy 48. Pupils are mid dilated & fixed in - acute congestive glaucoma 49. Commonest complication of topical corticosteroids - Glaucoma 50. Shape of pupil in glaucoma is - vertically oval 51. Eximer laser is used in - Glaucoma & correcting refractory errors 52. DOC in angle closure glaucoma - pilocarpine 53. TOC for congenital glaucoma i corneal ulcer - Trabeculectomy 54. Pt i acute bronchial asthma after treatment of glaucoma ,drug may be - Timolol 55. In hypertensive pt i glaucoma which is not used - Beta blockers 56. Pain while sitting in cinema in eye is seen in - acute angle closure glaucoma 57. Acute painfull red eye is seen in - glaucoma/uveitis/herpetic keratitis & not in conjunctivitis 58. Argon laser trabeculoplasty is used in - primary open glaucoma 59. Haab's sclera is seen in - Infantile glaucoma 60. Most important complicationof anterior chamber lenses - Glaucoma 61. DOC as tropical beta blocker in - open angle glaucoma 62. Congenital glaucoma is present as - photophobia 63. 6months old i large cornea,photophobia diagnosis is - congenital glaucoma 64. Ocular emergencies - CRAO,angle closure glaucoma,retinal detachment 65. Normal intra occular tension is - 15 to 22 mm/hg 66. Eye in the new born - Hypermetropic 67. Tears are produced in newborn after - 3 weeks 68. Sclerosis of bony orbit is seen in - Meningioma 69. Chorioretinitis is caused by - congenital toxoplasmosis 70. Ideal site for intra ocular lens implantation - in the lens capsule 71. Lens capsule is thinnest at - posterior 72. Unilateral aphakia can be corrected by - spectacles/contact lens/intra ocular implants 73. Candle wax spots in the retina is seen in - Sarcoidosis 74. Sudden visual loss is due to - central retinal vein & artery occlusion/papillitis 75. Herbet's pits is seen in - Trachoma 76. Chalcosis - reaction due to copper of foreign body in the cornea 77. Spectacles are prescribed to patient with aphakia after - 6 weeks 78. Hypopyon is seen in - pneumococcal infection/fungal & gonococcal 79. What is tylosis - hypertrophy & dropping of eyelid 80. Bupthalmous-boys>girls,B/L eyes involved,autosomal recessive,Rx-trabeculectomy 81. Lens derives its nutrition from the - Aqueous 82. Dendritic ulcer is due to - Herpes simplex 83. Horner trantas spots are seen in- vernal conjunctivitis 84. Satellite nodules in the cornea are caused by - Fungus 85. Supra temporal lental subluxation is seen in - Marfan's 86. Toxic amblyopia is produced by - ethambutol 87. Optic foramen is located between - lesser wing & body sphenoid 88. Opthalmic nodosa is seen in - caterpillar hair in the eye 89. Mydriatic used in 6yr old child i squint - Atropine 90. Corneal reflex is lost in disease of opthalmic nerve 91. Trachoma can cause - trichiasis,entropion,blindness 92. Roth's spots in the fundus r seen n - bacterial endocarditis 93. Commonest causative organism of corneal ulcer - Staphylococci 94. Presence of kayser-fleischer ring is pathognomonic of - Wilson's disease 95. Kayser - fleischer ring has - copper deposits 96. Cylindrical lenses are used in - Astigmatism 97. Arcus senile is composed of - lipid deposits 98. Astigmatism is considered to be an - spherical abberation 99. Retinal detachment is seen in - DM,high myopia,Malignant melanoma 100.Earliest change noticed in hypertensive retinopathy - arteriolar spasm 101.Salmon patch of cornea is seen in - Interstitial keratitis 102.Image in Indirect opthalmoscope is - inverted-real-magnified 103.Eyepads r contraindicated in - purulent conjunctivitis 104.Enucleation is not indicated in - panopthalmitis 105.Amaurotic cat's eye reflex is seen in - Retinoblastoma 106.Commonest intra ocular tumour in children is - Retinoblastoma 107.Bitot's spots r seen in - Vit A defeciency 108.Length of the intra-orbital optic nerve is - 25mm 109.Bitemporal hemianopia indicates the lesion is at - Optic chiasma 110.Corneal ulceration is caused by injury to the - 5th cranial nerve 111.Anterior uveitis is seen in - RA,HLA B27,ankylosing spondylytis,Juvenile RA 112.Acute hemorhagic conjunctivitis is seen i - pneumococcus 113.Vossious ring is seen in - Anterior capsule 114.In webers syndrome there is - 3rd nerve palsy 115.Corneal nerves r visible in - leprosy & keratoconus 116.Corneal receives its nutrition from - corneal vassels/atmosphere/aqeous humour 117.Astigmatism is corrected by - cylindrical lens 118.Lacrimal duct opens at - inferior meatus 119.Commonest cause of vitreous hemorhage - Trauma 120.Size of the eyeball in myopia - bigger 121.Intra occular pressure increased with - succinyl choline 122.Feature of diabetic retinopathy - hard exudate 123.Earliest change in diabetic retinopathy - micro aneurysm 124.Commonest fungal lesion of eyelid is - candida 125.Retinoblastoma - autosomal dominant/treatment is enucleation/radiotherapy 126.Disease affects eye-juv.RA/wilsons dis./sjogren synd.leprosy 127.Presbyopia is - loss of elasticity of lens capsule/weakness of ciliary muscles/weakness of suspensary ligament 128.Elevation of disc margins seen in- papilloedema 129.Uncrossed diplopia is seen in - Esotropia 130.Retinitis pigmentosa - night blindness/constriction of visual fields 131.Timolol - cause bradycardia/cause asthma 132.Bitemporal hemianopia can be due to - meningioma of sella diaphragmatica 133.Vitreous opacities may be due to - post.uveitis/hyaloid asteroids/high myopia 134.Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis is caused by - staphylococcus/streptococcus 135.Drug causing Bulls eye macula - chloroquin 136.1ry deviation less than 2ry deviation seen in- paralytic squint 137.Painless sudden visual loss is seen in - retrobulbar neuritis/retinal detachment/CRAO 138.Keratoconus is best treated with - contact lens 139.Contact lens is best used in - high myopia 140.Feature of tobacco amblyopia -B/L involvment/norm.fundus/ganglion cell degeneration 141.Field defect in tobacco amblyopia is - centro cecal 142.Centrocecal scotoma is seen in- Papillitis 143.Iris bombe occurs in - ring synechia 144.Sympathetic opthalmia is due to injury to - iris & ciliary body 145.Examination of vitreous is best done by - slit lamp with contact lens 146.Thickness of cornea is measured by - Pachymeter 147.Keratometry is used in the measurement of - Curvature of cornea 148.IOL is contraindicated in - young diabetes/one eyed/over corneal dystrophy 149.Treatment of concomittant squint is - surgery/exercise/spectacles 150.MC tumour of lacrimal gland is - Beningn mixed tumour 151.Cornea attains the size of adult cornea by which year - 1 yr 152.Retinal artery angiogram,the dye injected thru d - peripheral veins 153.Blue scelra is seen in - Osteogenesis imperfecta 154.Rubeosis iridis is most commonly seen in - Diabetes mellitus 155.Ropy discharge from eye is seen in - springh cataract 156.Metabolically active layer of cornea is - Endothelium 157.Interstitial keratitis is seen in - TB/leprosy/syphilis 158.Organism penetrates normal cornea is - Gonococcus 159.Ring scotoma is seen in - retinitis pigmentosa 160.Riders cataract is seen in- zonular cataract 161.Early feature of diabetic retinopathy is - micro aneurysm 162.Retinal detachment is preceeded by - floats & flash,high myopia,trauma 163.Lens develops from - ectoderm 164.Anisometropia - Refractive error 165.Visual loss is maximum in - Papillitis 166.Latest technique in cataract surgery is using - laser 167.Distance used in direct distant opthalmoscope is - 25cm 168.Aqeous flare is best demonstrated by - narrow beam of slit beam 169.Rx for uveitis & intra ocular tension - Atropine 170.Commonest type of congenital cataract - Zonular cataract 171.Earliest symptom of sympathetic opthalmitis - photophobia 172.Depth of anterior chamber of eye - 2-3mm 173.Angiography is IOC in - central serous retinopathy 174.Radial keratotomy is indicated in - Myopia 175.Yoke muscle for right superior rectus is - Left inferior oblique 176.Earliest symptom in corneal ulcer is - pain 177.Vortex vein drains to - uveal tract 178.Rx for aphakia is - posterior chamber IOL 179.MC type of Lid carcinoma is - Basal cell carcinoma 180.Constantly changing refractive error is seen in - Diabetic cataract 181.Ptosis with lid lag is seen in - myogenic ptosis 182.DOC for acute irdocyclitis - Atropine 183.Shortest acting Mydriatic - Tropicamide 184.Accomodative squint is corrected by - spectacles/contact lens/ocular excercise 185.Periphery of retina is best visualised with - indirect opthalmoscope 186.Zonular cataract associated - IUGR/rickets/dental abnorms 187.Pseudo convergent squint is seen i - broad epicanthus 188.Action of right superior oblique muscle is - dextro depression 189.Dacryocystorhinostomy drainage is into - middle meatus 190.Pilocarpine is not used in young adults as it causes - cystic blebs of iris 191.Enlargement of blind spot is indicative of - papilledema 192.Earliest affected in papilledema is - color sense 193.Most severe papilledema is caused by - posterior cranial fossa tumour 194.Papilledema - hyperemia of optic disc/enlargement of blind spot/pupillary reflex normal 195.Angry sun appearance in fundoscopy is a feature of - papilledema 196.D-shaped pupil is seen in - iridodialysis 197.Sudden increase in blood sugar in diabetes cause - Myopia 198.Albinism - nystagmus/photophobia/refractory error 199.Visible retinal artery palsation seen in - Raised IOT 200.Painfull eye movement is a feature of Pallitis 201.Which part of orbicularis oculi is known as Horner's muscle - Muller's muscle 202.Fasiculer ulcer is present in moorens ulcer 203.Hirschberg test is used to detect - Squint 204.Resucitation time of human retina following ischaemia is - 1 to 2 hrs 205.Saccadic eye movements - may be vertical/torsional/may occur during sleep 206.Campimetry is used to measure - field charting 207.Esophoria is common in - hypermetropia 208.Lens has respiratory quotient of - 1 209.Physiological tone of ciliary muscle is about - one diopre 210.Normal PH of tears is - 7.5 211.Burow's operation is done for - epibulbar dermoids 212.Sling surgery should be avoided in case of ptosis i - poor bells phenonmenon 213.Wheelers operation is done for - entropion 214.Commonest indication of intraocular implant is - unilateral cataract 215.YAG laser is used in the Rx of - after cataract 216.MC occular complication in renal transplant - cataract 217.Cataract in newborn is Zonular 218.Diabetic cataract is due to accumulation of - sorbitol 219.Steroid cataract is posterior subcapsular 220.Cataract caused by intake of steroids - posterior subcapsular 221.Polychromatic lusture is seen in - posterior subcapsular cataract 222.Treatment for congenital cataract - needling & aspiration 223.After cataract is treated by - Nd-YAG laser 224.Second sight phenonmenon is seen in - Nuclear cataract 225.Recovery in cataract surgery is fastest i - phacoemulsification 226.Commonest cause of cataract - age related 227.Pediatric cataract is treated by - Discission 228.Polychromatic luster is seen in - complicated cataract 229.Most important factor in the prevention of endophthalmitis in cataract surgery - pre op preparation i povidone-iodine 230.Developmental cataract is seen in - rubella/galactossemia/mongolian idocy/cretinism 231.Snow flake cataract is seen in - Diabetes 232.Parenteral steroids cause - cataract 233.Rosette cataract seen due to - Trauma 234.Sunflower cataract is seen in - chalcosis 235.Follicles are not seen in - spring cataract 236.Vision is diminished in day light in which type of cataract - central 237.Cobblestone appearance of conjunctiva is seen i - springh cataract 238.Cataract is seen i - galactosemia,cong.rubella,toxoplasmosis 239.Intense itching is a feature of - springh cataract 240.Zonular cataract - B/L,stationary,autosomal dominant,hypocalcemia 241.Commonest type of cataract in children - Lamellar cataract 242.Commonest type of cataract in adult - cortical cataract 243.True diabetic cataract are - snowflake cataract 244.Cataract is associated with - myotonic dystrophy 245.Cataract is found in - hypoparathyroidism/IDDM/myotonic dystrophy 246.MCC of blindness in India - Cataract 247.Oil drop cataract is seen in - Galactosemia 248.Blaskowicz operation is done for - ptosis 249.Type of laser used for capsulotomy is- YAG 250.YAG laser wave is - colourless 251.Sago grain follicles r characteristic features of - Trachoma 252.Anomaloscope is used to detect - colour blindness 253.Short posterior ciliary arteries numbers in - 20 254.Average volume of the Orbits is - 30cc 255.Most serious danger to the vision is - fracture through the optic foramen 256.Orange skin cornea results due to - Mustard gas 257.Refractive index of cornea is about - 1.37 258.In uraemic amaurosis the pupils are - dilated but react to light 259.Blind spot of Marotte is - Optic disc 260.Landolt's broken ring test is used for - recording visual acquity 261.Berlin's edema results due to - trauma to eye 262.Lens dislocation occurs in - marfans syndrome/homocystinuria/trauma 263.Adenoviruse causes - diarhea/parotid enlargement/kerato conjunctivitis 264.Maximum refractory power is to the - anterior surface to the cornea. 265.Snellens chart is used to test - vision 266.Colour vision is by - cones 267.Night blindness is due to - Vit A defeciency/retinitis pigmentosa/high myopia 268.EDTA is used in treatment of band shaped keratopathy 269.MC adverse effect on eye due to OCP usage - optic neuritis 270.Vitreous hemorhage in young adult indicates - Eales disease 271.Laser therapy for retinal disease laser affects which layer of retina - pigment layer 272.Maximum refractive index is for - anterior surface of cornea 273.Distant direct opthalmoscopy is done at - 25cms 274.Rx of choice in amblyopis is - conventional occlusion 275.Photopthalmia is due to - UV rays 276.All visual reflexes are developed by - 1 year 277.Drooping of upper eyelid is called - Ptosis 278.Painful movement of eye is a feature of - retrobulbar neuritis 279.Vossiuous ring is seen in - lens concussion 280.Rx of choice in Aphakia is - IOL insertion 281.Most important cause of moderate visual loss in diabetic is - Maculopathy 282.Rx for photopthalmia is - patching & reassurance 283.DOC in CMV retinitis in AIDS pts is - Gancyclovir 284.Scintilating scotoma is seen in- Migraine 285.Panuveitis involves - Iris,ciliary body,choroid 286.Optic atrophy is caused by - Methyl alcohol 287.For transplantation cornea is preserved in - modified MK medium 288.Incidence of retained intraocular foreign bodies max i injuries due to-chisel&hammer 289.Vitreous hemorhage is seen in - SHT/T2DM/Eales disease/Trauma 290.Implantation of IOL is contraindicated in - corneal dystrophy 291.MC retinal change in AIDS - cotton wool spots 292.Common most type of colour blindness is - Deutanopes 293.Retinoscopy is used to visualise whole of - detecting errors of refraction 294.Rays of light from distant object are focussed in front of the retina in - Myopia 295.Photopthalmia is caused by - ultraviolet rays 296.Photopsia occurs in - choroiditis 297.Effective treatment in Trachoma - sulphanamides 298.Argon laser is used in - retinal detachment/retinal vein occlusion/eales disease 299.Photoretinitis is due to - Infrared rays 300.Magnification ofdirect opthalmoscope is - fifteen 301.Ptosis is due to involvment of - oculomotor.N 302.Total diopteric power of eye is - 58D 303.Ulcer serpens is caused by - pneumococcus 304.Paralysis of the 6th cranial nerve causes - uncrossed diplopia 305.TOC for photopthalmia - covering the eye 306.Black floaters in DM indicates - vitreous hemorhage 307.Moving floaters diagnosed by - Indirect opthalmoscope 308.Amslers grid is used in - Maculopathy 309.Berlin's edema is due to - Trauma 310.Binocular diplopia is seen n - Aphakia 311.TOC for high myopia is - contact lens 312.Aniseikonia is corrected with - contact lens 313.Cherry red spot is seen in - metachromatic leukodystrophy 314.Cherry red spot is due to - choroidal vascularity & pale retina 315.Enucleation - means removal of entire globe along with a portion of optic nerve 316.In mumps the most common lesion is - dacryoadenitis 317.Uveitis with raised IOT drug used is - 1% atropine 318.Pepper salt fundus is seen in - Rubella 319.Vossious ring is - circular pigment rim on the anterior capsule of the lens 320.Chloroquine in large doses causes - corneal deposits 321.Frills excission is done in - panopthalmitis 322.Uncrossed diplopia is seen in - esotropia 323.White pupillary reflex - retinoblastoma/retinal detachment/endopthalmitis 324.Near point of a 5 year old child is - 5 cms 325.Angle of anterior chamber is visualised by - gonioscopy 326.Not an error of refraction is - presbyopia 327.Ptosis i orbicularis oculi palsy is seen in - Myasthenia gravis 328.Distant direct opthalmoscopy is done from a distance of - 25cms 329.Recurrent corneal erosions seen in - corneal dystrophy 330.Lansoprost acts by - increased uveoscleral outflow 331.Most sensitive part of eye is - fovea centralis 332.Anterior uveitis is seen in - ankylosing spondylitis 333.Retinal change in dropsy is - soft exudate 334.squint causes - deviation,confusion,diplopia 335.Lattice degeneration is seen in - Myopia 336.Orange skin cornea is seen in - siderosis 337.Astigmatism,lens used to correct the defect is - Hard lens 338.Salmon patch is seen in - interstitial keratitis 339.Which laser is used for treatment of myopia - Excimer laser 340.Pt i painless sudden loss of vision,o/e cherry red spot in fundus i cardiac murmur,diagnosis is - CRAO 341.3month old infant was brought i profuse lacrimation,on pressure pus exudes from the puncta,best line of management - massaging of sac i antibiotics 342.Sudden unilateral loss of vision i ill-sustained reaction of pupil i slight head ache & pain in orbit on looking upward diagnosis is - Retrobulbar neuritis 343.Pt i recent malarial illness presents i acute red eye cause could be - viral keratitis 344.Blunt trauma to eye i immediate loss of vision,o/e anterior chamber of eye is deep cause could be - dislocation of lens 345.In retinoblastoma after enucleation which tissue needs critical evaluation for systemic metastasis - optic nerve 346.All visual reflexes are developed by - 1 year 347.Traumatic dislocation of lens is diagnosed by - slit lamp examination 348.For a newborn baby i squint surgery should be done at - 3-4 yrs 349.MC occular problem is - Refractive error 350.Immediate restoration of vision is by- Phacoemulcification 351.Weakest wall of Human orbit is - Medial wall 352.Soft contact lens wearer developed pain&itching of eye i reticular pattern on corneal epithelium cause could be - Acanthamoeba Rx - polyhexamethylene biguanide 353.Length of the eyeball is - 2.4cms 354.Pt i head injury presents 6 hrs after i mild proptosis & scleral hyperemia diagnosis - retro orbital hematoma 355.Ideal drug for hypertensive having uveitis - atropine 356.Pseudopapillitis is seen in - hypermetropia 357.IOL is mostly implanted in - posterior chamber 358.Differential diagnosis for cotton wool spots - AIDS / diabetic retinopathy 359.Amsler's grid is used to diagnose - Macular function 360.Diameter of the optic disc is - 1.5mm 361.Best diagnosis for BEST disease - EOG 362.MC sign of retinoblastoma - Leukokoria 363.Art's line is seen in - trachoma 364.Enucleation cannot be done in - Vitreous hemorhage 365.In fancon's disease,deposits in cornea are due to - cystine 366.Twilight vision is due to - Rods 367.Astigmatism is due to - irregularity of curvature of cornea 368.Unit of light remitted from a surface is - Lambart 369.Thinning of cornea occurs in - Keratoconus 370.Tear film is composed of - 3 layers 371.Which continues to grow in the lifetime - Lens 372.Retinal detachment is seen in - highmyopia/aphakia/chorodoitis & not in hypermetropia 373.Fundal picture in - myopia is - cystoid degeneration 374.Photopsia is characteristic of - Retinal detachment 375.Macular sparing is seen in affection of - Occipital lobe 376.Cornea melts without inflammation in which condition - keratomalacia 377.Safe stratergy has been developed for the control of - Trachoma 378.Commonest cause of low vision in India is - uncorrected refractive errors 379.In a pt i AIDS chorioretinitis is typically caused by - CMV 380.Dificulty in reading newspaper i rt.eye post gun shot injury to lt.eye likely to be - sympathetic opthalmia 381.Artificial eye is adviced after enucleation in how many days - 20 days 382.Optic nerve injury may result in - loss of vision/dilatation of pupil/loss of light reflex 383.Blow out # of orbit involve - floor & medial wall 384.Diabetic retinopathy is treated i - strict glycemic control/antihypertensives/antioxidants/panphotocoagulation 385.Snow ball opacity in vitreous is seen in - sarcoidosis & pars planitis 386.Retinal detachment is investigated i - indirect opthalmoscope/usg/gonioscope/triple mirror test 387.Substance used in IOL is - silicone & poly methyl metharcylate 388.Pt i orbital mass,anemia,hypergammaglobunemia,pt should be investigated to rule out - multiple myeloma 389.Accomodation is maximum at the age of - 5yrs 390.Keratoconus - degenerative condition of cornea/sev.astigmatism,soft contact lens useful 391.Chalazion trreatment - incision & curettage,intra lesion steroid 392.Corneal epithelium is - startified squamous non keratinized 393.Thickness of cornea is measured by - pachymeter 394.Most adjuvant therapy in fungal corneal ulcer - atropine eye ointment 395.Aylt's line is seen in - Trachoma 396.Sub conjunctival hemorhage occurs in - trauma/pertusis/passive venous congestion 397.Commonest cause of loss of vision in non proliferative diabetic retinopathy - macular edema 398.Avascular coat in eye is - cornea 399.Virus causing eye infection is - Adenovirus 400.Night blindness is seen in - high myopia/vit A def./retinitis pigmentosa & not in - tobacco amblyopia 401.Superficial retinal hemorhages r situated in - nerve fibre layer 402.Depth of anterior chamber of eye is - 2.5mm 403.Uveitis is seen in - leprosy/ankylosing spondylosis,reiters syndrome 404.Anisometropia means -high difference of refractive errors between the two eyes 405.1st symptom of optic nerve damage is -afferent pupillary defect 406.Retinal blood vessels r developed from - paraxial mesoderm 407.Lid separation of fetus in intrauterine life occurs at which month - 7 month 408.Indirect opthalmoscope will project - real image 409.Extra ocular muscle supplied by sympathetic nerve is - muller's muscle 410.Most prominent glial cell of retina is - muller cell 411.MC retrobulbar orbital mass in adults is - Cavernous hemangioma 412.Smooth muscle of the IRIS is developed from - Mesoderm 413.Crystalline lens derives its nutritions from - Aqeous & vitreous 414.Band shaped keratopathy is caused by - calcium 415.Soft contact lens is used in - high myopia 416.Adhesion of margins of two eyelids is called - ankyloblepheron 417.LASIK is used in - Myopia 418.Dellen is - localized thinning of peripheral cornea