Ultra Low Power Design
Ultra Low Power Design
Ultra Low Power Design
G.Bharathi Subhashini
Department of ECE, MREC (Autonomous), Hyderabad, India (Associate Professor).
Leakage power plays a vital role in current CMOS technologies. As feature size shrinks leakage power also
increasing. Power dissipation becomes as important consideration as performance and area for chip design in
present days VLSI industry. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) forecasts that sub
threshold leakage power dissipation may dominate the dynamic power dissipation. There are two types of power
dissipations in CMOS technologies those are static power dissipation and Dynamic power Dissipation. This
paper mainly concentrates on static power dissipation, in that mainly on leakage power. This paper reviews
various low leakage power design techniques to achieve low power dissipation.
Keywords: Leakage power, power Dissipation, low power, CMOS technologies.
Area, Speed, Cost and Power dissipation are the major concerns when designing a VLSI system. Now
a day’s power dissipation became major concern for VLSI Engineers. Static power is defined as the
power consumed by the device when it is in inactive mode and dynamic power is the power consumed
when the device is in operation. CMOS circuits are designed theoretically to not consume any power
in quiescent mode. In reality, all FETs leak current between the source and drain (if there is a voltage
potential across the source & drain) even if the gate voltage is in the off position. This current is
called sub threshold current and used to be insignificant. However, as devices have become smaller
and smaller and operating voltages have not scaled down with technology scaling (due to problems
scaling the threshold voltage), this sub threshold voltage is becoming an increasingly important
component of the total power of a chip. This becomes especially true in devices that have millions of
these simultaneously leaky circuits, even if the device is not doing anything. As static power
consumption has increased, it has become more important to consider techniques. The dynamic power
is the power associated with switching. In any CMOS circuits, the output of the circuit is connected to
a wire that is usually connected to the input of other circuits. This wire and inputs to other circuits can
be modeled as capacitive loads to the circuit. When the circuit has to switch from a high voltage to a
low voltage (or vice versa) then this capacitance has to be charged or discharged. This takes a certain
amount of energy and if you repeat this billion of times every second, it becomes a continuous or AC
power. In recent years, dynamic power was the only concern, as the technology feature size shrinks,
static power, which was negligible before, becomes an issue as important as dynamic power.
The main contributor to static power consumption of a CMOS circuit is subthreshold leakage and
Gate –oxide leakage. Subthreshold leakage is source to drain current when gate voltage is smaller
In this technique there is loss in the present state logic even though the power dissipation is lower,
hence this technique is also termed as state destructive technique. In order to retain state a state
retention transistor is connected in parallel to the sleepy transistors in the circuit of low leak sleepy
inverter this technique is called State Retention Low Leak Inverter.
B. State Retention Low Leak Inverter
The sleep transistor technique though provides excellent low leakage power operation; it produces
degraded output voltage levels during active mode of operation. The inverter output will not be at
good logic levels. The main disadvantage of this technique is that during sleep (standby) mode of
operation, the last output state is not retained. To resolve this issue, a state retention transistor is
connected in parallel to the sleepy transistors shown in Figure-3. The state retention Inverter has four
modes of operation.
i) Active Mode:
The sleep transistors M3, M4, M5 and M6 are ON by making slp=0 and slpb = 1.The circuit has good
ground and VDD potentials and provides output voltage levels satisfactorily.
ii) Deep Sleep Mode:
The sleep transistors M3, M4, M5 and M6 are off by making slp=1 and slpb = 0. Due to this very high
resistance path is formed between VDD and ground due the connection to ground and VDD is broken
and the leakage current is thus lowered significantly.
iii) State Retention with Good Logic 1:
By keeping sleep signals slp=0 and slpb = 0, the connection to ground is at VG and full VDD is
provided. low leakage current is obtained . The state retention takes place.
International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology V4 ● I3 ● March 2016 13
G.Bharathi Subhashini “Ultra Low Power VLSI Design: A Review”
D. ZIGZAG Technique
The Zigzag technique uses one sleep transistor in each logic stage either in the pull-up or pull-down
network according a particular input pattern. Input vector can achieve the lowest possible leakage
The zigzag technique reduces the wake-up overhead by choosing a particular circuit state and then
turning off the pull-down network for each gate whose output is high while conversely turning off the
pull-up network for each gate whose output is low. The zigzag technique can prevent floating by
applying, prior to going to sleep, the particular input pattern chosen prior to chip fabrication,.
E. Stack Technique
This is another kind of technique for leakage power reduction called the stack Technique, in this
technique existing transistor is broken in to into two half size transistors. Fig-6 shows its structure.
When the two transistors are turned off together, reverse bias induces between the two transistors, so
that sub threshold leakage current is reduced. However, due to size of the transistor is divided it
increase delay and this drawback limits the usefulness of this technique.
G. Sleepy Stack
This technique is combination of sleep transistor approach during active mode with stack approach
during sleep mode shown in Figure-8. Sleepy stack technique divides existing transistors in to two
transistors each with half W/L of original transistor. Then sleep transistors are added in parallel to one
of the transistors in each set of two stacked transistors. The divided transistors reduce leakage power
using stack effect while retaining state. The added sleep transistors operate in similar to the sleep
transistors used in sleep technique in which sleep transistors are turned on during active mode and
turned off during sleep mode
Zig- Zag sleepy keeper is shown in Figure-9. Zig-zag keeper incorporates the traditional zigzag
approach and sleepy keeper approach which use the sleep transistor plus two additional transistors
driven by already calculated output –which retain the state of the circuit during the sleep mode while
maintaining the state or state retention. Therefore, zigzag with keeper technique can achieve ultra-low
leakage power consumption while saving state.
In basic CMOS logic no direct path occur from power rail to ground because it is a inverter as Vdd is
connected to PMOS transistor and NMOS transistor is connected to GND and if the VIN = 0, then
VOUT =1 means PMOS transistor is turned on and NMOS transistor is turned off similarly if the VIN
=1, then VOUT= 0 means PMOS transistor is turned off and NMOS transistor is turned on. However,
it has to maintain a value 1 in sleep mode. A variation of the sleep approach, i.e the zigzag approach
reduces wake up caused by sleep transistor. Sleep transistor is added in basic CMOS approach
according to given logic value. It may be logic 0 or 1 value at the input of basic CMOS approach. If
the input =0 then output =1. In this case PMOS transistor (PUN) is turned on and NMOS transistor
(PDN) is turned off, so the (slpb) sleep NMOS transistor always add in turnoff side means connect
between PDN(pull-down network) and ground of the first chain inverter but maintaining a value 1 in
sleep mode, additional PMOS transistor is added to parallel with (slpb) sleep NMOS transistor..For
the second chain inverter if the input = 1 then output = 0. In this case PMOS transistor (PUN) is
turned off and NMOS transistor (PDN) is turned on so the sleep(slp) PMOS transistor always added in
turn off side means connect between VDD and PUN but maintaining a value 0 in sleep mode,
additional NMOS transistor is added to parallel with (slp) sleep PMOS transistor. During the active
mode (slp=0 and slpb=1), the sleep transistors are turned on so it is reducing delay and during the
sleep mode (slp=1 and slpb=0), the sleep transistor are turned off so it is saved state.
It has become a challenge for the designers to maintain the power consumption in the tolerable limits
without affecting other parameters like area and delay due to the shrinking in the technology feature
size. In this paper, review of some of the low power design techniques is presented. Each of the
discussed technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is choice of the designers to select
the one that best suits to their requirement and design criteria.
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