Insurance 44-71 No Cases

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General rule: The insured has the right to change the

INSURANCE beneficiary designated in the policy.

A person procuring insurance on his own life may EXC: Designation is irrevocable when:
name anyone he chooses as beneficiary, even if he
is a stranger and has no insurable interest on the life  express waiver of the right in the policy
of the insured.  beneficiary not changed during the lifetime
of the insured
 EXC: person who cannot receive donation
under Art 739 of the NCC cannot be
designated as beneficiary.
Extent of interest of an irrevocable beneficiary:
o Between persons guilty of adultery
and concubinage at the time of  has a vested interest in the policy
donation  cannot be deprived thereof by the insured
o Between persons fould guilty of the by putting an end to the policy
same criminal offense, in o non-payment of premiums by the
consideration thereof insured:
o To a public officer or his wide,  the beneficiary may continue
descendants or ascendants, by paying the premiums
reason of his office  entitled to automatic
 EXC: property insurance, where the law extended term or paid-up
requires that the beneficiary have insurable insurance options
interest in the property insured.  insurer may not add other beneficiaries
o EXC: consent of irrevocable
Adulterous children, however, are not barred from  Insured cannot obtain a policy loan or case
being named beneficiaries of life insurances. Both surrender value on the policy
the NCC and Family Code recognize successional o EXC: consent
rights of illegitimate children.


A wife who left her husband to be with another man
is no longer entitled to social security benefits upon
the death of the husband, as she was no longer Who may give consent to change beneficiary who
dependent on him for support. is a minor?

General rule: Person may lawfully take out a policy  Minor was designated
of insurance on his own life and make the benefit  Interest of minor does not exceed 500k
payable to whoever he pleases, with insurable
interest or none. Order of consent:

EXC: Designation in bad faith, or attended with fraud  Judicial guardian

or intent to enter into a wagering contract (void).  Father
 Mother
 Grandparents
 Eldest brother or sister at least 18 years of age
In life insurance policy, in case (1) no beneficiary was
 Any relative who has actual custody of the
designated or (2) the designation is invalid: the
insurance proceeds accrue to the estate of the
insured. Last three may act as guardian of the minor; no
need for court order or judicial appointment, as long
as they are not disqualified or incapacitated.
Endowment insurance: contract to pay a sum to the What happens if the beneficiary is the principal,
insured if he lives a certain length of time, or if he dies accomplice or accessory in willfully bringing about
before that time, to some other person indicated as the death of the insured?
His interest as a beneficiary will be forfeited; the
same will pass to other beneficiaries; EXC: others also
What is the extent of the interest of a beneficiary in
an endowment policy? Absence of other beneficiaries: express provisions of
the policy. If silent, proceeds shall be paid to the
 Contingent – benefits accrue only upon the
estate of the insured.
death of the assured before the end of time
designated in the policy
 If the insured survives the endowment period,
“Willfully” – must be willful, intentional and felonious
the benefits are payable to him or his
assignee, notwithstanding the designation of
a beneficiary
Sec 89: the insurer is not liable for loss caused by a
willful act or connivance of the insured.
To whom must the proceeds of a life insurance be Sec 12: the insurer is liable to (1) other beneficiaries;
given if beneficiary predeceases the insured? (2) in accordance with the policy; and (3) to the
estate of the insured.
Provisions of the policy for the substitution of a
contingent beneficiary; it depends whether or not X insured the life of Y with X as beneficiary and
the beneficiary has a vested interest in the thereafter willfully killed Y.
Which provision is applicable?
 Irrevocable beneficiary (with vested interest)
o Legal representatives of such Sec 12. Sec 12 is a new provision; making the insurer
beneficiary entitled to the proceeds liable in the new provision shows clear intention
as assets of his estate against exempting the insurer.
 EXC: stipulation that the
Sec 89 is a general provision (insurance in general),
proceeds be payable to be-
and Sec 12 is a special provision (specifically life
neficiary only “if living” – pro-
insurance): the latter should prevail of the former.
ceeds pass to the estate of
the insured
 Revocable (no vested right)
What is an insurable interest in property?
o Estate or legal representatives derive
no interest from him  Every:
o Right of the proceeds passes to the o Interest in the property, real or
estate of the insured personal
o Relation thereto
o Liability in respect thereof
May revocation of a beneficiary be done in the last  Of such nature that a contemplated peril
will and testament of the insured? might directly damnify the insured

No. It must be done during the lifetime of the

insured,; failure to do so, deemed irrevocable


Test of insurable interest in property: Distinctions in insurable interests:

 Whether the insured has such a right, title or

interest Property insurance Life insurance
 That he will be benefited by its:
o Preservation; and
o Continued existence Based on pecuniary May be pecuniary or
 Or suffer direct pecuniary loss from its: interest not (e.g. consanguinity
o Destruction; or or affinity)
o Injury by the peril insured against.
Interest need only exist
Interest must exist at at the time the
Interest in property is not limited to ownership; it the time the policy insurance takes effect.
includes liability which the insured incurs in relation took effect AND at the EXC: life insurance
thereto, or any danger of pecuniary damage from time of the loss taken by creditor –
the loss of property by reason of the assumed liability. debt must also exist at
the time of the loss

What consists insurable interest in property? No limit on the amount

Limited to the actual of insurable interest.
 An existing interest value of the damage EXC: based on
 Inchoate interest founded on an existing that may be suffered creditor-debtor
interest relationship
 Expectancy, coupled with an existing interest
from which it arises
Contract of indemnity Not a contract of
What is an inchoate interest?

Interest in real estate which is not a present interest,

but which may ripen into a vested estate if not
barred, extinguished or divested. Measure of indemnity in property insurance:

Must be founded on existing interest to be insurable. The extent to which the insured might be damnified
by loss or injury thereof. Property insurance, as a rule,
is a contract of indemnity.
When may expectancy be insured?

 Coupled with an existing interest Who may enforce an insurance contract on

 Founded on an actual right to the thing property?
 Founded on any valid contract for it
No contract or policy of insurance on property shall
be enforceable except for the benefit of some
person having an insurable interest in the property
A carrier or depositary has an insurable interest in the
property in his custody, to the extent of his liability but
not to exceed such value. This is because he may In other words, the beneficiary must have an
suffer pecuniary loss from its destruction or damage. insurable interest in the property insured in order to
enforce the same.
Designation of a person without insurable interest in “Change of interest”
the property as beneficiary renders such designation
 absolute transfer of the insured’s entire
void, but the insured may still recover as only the
interest in the property insured
designation is void, not the entire policy.
 to another person not previously not
interested or insured

CHA v CA Does not include:

 mortgage
 lease
Difference between beneficiaries: in life insurance,
 execution sale (EXC: expiration of the period
no need to have insurable interest in the life insured.
of redemption)
In property insurance, must have insurable interest in
 foreclosure (EXC: expiration of the equity or
the property insured.
right of redemption)
 partial sale (still has insurable interest as to the
extent retained)
Insurable interest in property insurance must exist at
time of effectivity so as to prevent speculative
insurances which are against public policy.
General rule: The policy subsists to the extent of the
It must exist as the time of the loss because property interest retained by the insured.
insurance is a contract of indemnity (where he does
not have insurable interest at the time of the loss, he
does not suffer any damage for which should be General rule: Transfer of interest in the thing insured
indemnified) without transfer of policy suspends the insurance.


What is the effect of transfer of the property insured  when there is prohibition against alienation or
unaccompanied by transfer of interest in the policy? change in interest without consent of the
insurer (policy not suspended, but avoided)
Such change suspends the insurance until the
 in case of life, accident and health insurance
interest in the thing and the interest in the insurance
 change of interest occurring after injury
are vested in the same person.
which results in the loss
 in cases of multiple things separately insured
under one policy, change in interest on one
If loss occurs during the suspension, insurer is not does not avoid interest as to the others
liable.  change of interest by will or succession
 transfer of interest between or among
Reason: insurance is a personal contract; insurer may
partners, joint owners or owners in common,
be willing to insure the property while owned by the
who are jointly insured
insured, and he may not be willing to insure the same
 when the policy so states (that it will inure to
if owned by another person.
the benefit of whomever may become the
owner of the interest insured)
General rule: transfer of interest in the property What is gaming or wagering?
insured does not carry with it the transfer of interest
Gaming or wagering policy is one which the persons
in policy.
for whose benefit it was issued has no pecuniary
EXC: interest in the subject matter insured.

 express stipulation in the policy to that effect It is prohibited because it creates a desire for the
(e.g. the insurance is in the account of the event insured against to happen and strong
“owners”, for whom it may concern or where temptations to bring about the event insured
the loss is payable to bearer) against.
 change in interest by will or succession
 transfer of interest between or among
partners, joint owners or co-owners, jointly Objection to absence of insurable interest of the
insured person procuring insurance cannot be waived, and
doing so does not validate the policy as it is illegal
and against public policy.
General rule: Transfer of property insured in violation
of provision against alienation of property without
consent of the insurer would avoid the policy.

Result: Subsequent reacquisition of the property will

not revive the policy.

EXC: alienation is merely temporary, as when the

purchaser or grantee at the same time and as a part
of the same transaction reconveys the property to
the insured.

Why is insurance not suspended in case of transfer of

interest in life, accident and health insurance?

Such contracts of insurance are not contracts of

indemnity, and the insurable interest need exist only
at the time of effectivity of the policy.

Why is insurance not suspended when the transfer

occurs after the loss?

By that time, the right of the insured under the policy

becomes fixed, unaffected by subsequent

Void stipulations in a contract of insurance:

 payment of loss whether the person insured

has insurable interest or not in the subject
matter of the insurance
 policy shall be received as proof of such
 policy executed by way of gaming or

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