Homework 4 Problems
Homework 4 Problems
Homework 4 Problems
Homework 4 Problems
October 21, 2015 Timothy Johnson
S → 0S11 | 011 |
2. Show that every regular language L is also context free. Hint: use a proof by induction on
the number of operators in a regular expression for L.
Base case: we will start with single characters, with no operations. To recognize a single
character a, we can just have a CFG with a single transition: S → a.
Inductive step: Now suppose that for any regular expression with fewer than k operators
we can construct a CFG that produces the same language. Then take a language L be
represented by the regular expression R, such that R has k operators.
We have three possible operations.
• Union: If R = R1 + R2 , then assume that R1 is produced by a CFG with start symbol
S1 , and that R2 is produced by a CFG with start symbol S2 . We create a new start
state S with the production rule S → S1 | S2 . If the first production we use is S → S1 ,
then we will produce exactly the strings matched by R1 , by our inductive hypothesis. If
the first production we use is S → S2 , then we will produce exactly the strings matched
by R2 .
• Concatenation: If R = R1 R2 , then we create a new CFG with start state S and the
production rule S → S1 S2 . By our inductive hypothesis, S1 produces exactly the strings
matched by R1 , and S2 produces exactly the strings matched by R2 . So S will produce
exactly the strings in R1 R2 .
• Kleene star: If R = R1∗ , then we create a new CFG with start state S → S1 S1 |. Then
we can prove by induction (details omitted) that a string with any number of copies of
strings matched by R1 can be generated.
Therefore, since every regular expression has an equivalent CFG, every regular language is
context free.
3. Exercise 5.1.2 on page 182 of Hopcroft et al.
The following grammar generates the language of the regular expression 0∗ 1(0 + 1)∗ .
S → A1B
A → 0A |
B → 0B | 1B |
(b) 1001
Leftmost Rightmost
S → A1B S → A1B
→ 1B → A10B
→ 10B → A100B
→ 100B → A1001B
→ 1001B → A1001
→ 1001 → 1001
(c) 00011
Leftmost Rightmost
S → A1B S → A1B
→ 0A1B → A11B
→ 00A1B → A11
→ 000A1B → 0A11
→ 0001B → 00A11
→ 00011B → 000A11
→ 00011 → 00011
A 1 B
0 A 0 B
0 A 1 B
(b) 1001
A 1 B
0 B
0 B
1 B
(c) 00011
S ]
A 1 B
0 A 1 B
0 A
0 A
5. Let L be the language of all strings w of 0’s and 1’s such that w has an equal number of 0’s
and 1’s (in any order). Give a PDA for L. Include comments in your answer describing your
PDA in English as well as using a transition function.
In state q0 we have seen at least as many 0’s as 1’s. We keep a number of X’s on our stack
that is equal to the number of 0’s minus the number of 1’s. For each 0 we push a new X, and
for each 1 we pop a Y.
In state q1 we have seen at least as many 1’s as 0’s. We keep a number of Y’s on our stack
that is equal to the number of 1’s minus the number of 0’s. For each 1 we push a new Y, and
for each 0 we pop a Y.
At any point when our stack is empty, we can choose to transition to the final state q2 . If we
have finished processing our string, we accept, because we must have seen an equal number
of 0’s and 1’s. But if there is still more input, that branch of our computation will crash, and
we will continue moving between q0 and q1 .