Rights Conferred: Sec. 149. Assignment and Transfer of Application and Registration.
Rights Conferred: Sec. 149. Assignment and Transfer of Application and Registration.
Rights Conferred: Sec. 149. Assignment and Transfer of Application and Registration.
Registration of the mark shall not confer on the SEC. 150. LICENSE CONTRACTS. -
registered owner the right to preclude third parties
from using bona fide their names, addresses, 150.1. Any license contract concerning the
pseudonyms, a geographical name, or exact registration of a mark, or an application therefor,
indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, shall provide for effective control by the licensor of
destination, value, place of origin, or time of the quality of the goods or services of the licensee in
production or of supply, of their goods or services: connection with which the mark is used. If the license
Provided, That such use is confined to the purposes contract does not provide for such quality control, or
of mere identification or information and cannot if such quality control is not effectively carried out,
mislead the public as to the source of the goods or the license contract shall not be valid.
services. (n)
150.2. A license contract shall be submitted to the
Office which shall keep its contents confidential but
shall record it and publish a reference thereto. A
license contract shall have no effect against third
parties until such recording is effected. The
Regulations shall fix the procedure for the recording
of the license contract. (n)
SEC. 231. REVERSE RECIPROCITY OF FOREIGN LAWS. – 87.8. Those that prohibit the licensee to export the
licensed product unless justified for the protection of
Any condition, restriction, limitation, diminution,
the legitimate interest of the licensor such as exports
requirement, penalty or any similar burden imposed
to countries where exclusive licenses to manufacture
by the law of a foreign country on a Philippine
and/or distribute the licensed product(s) have
national seeking protection of intellectual property
already been granted;
rights in that country, shall reciprocally be
enforceable upon nationals of said country, within 87.9. Those which restrict the use of the technology
Philippine jurisdiction. (n) supplied after the expiration of the technology
transfer arrangement, except in cases of early
termination of the technology transfer arrangement
4.2. THE TERM "TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ARRANGE- due to reason(s) attributable to the licensee;
MENTS" refers to contracts or agreements involving
87.10. Those which require payments for patents and
the transfer of systematic knowledge for the
other industrial property rights after their expiration,
manufacture of a product, the application of a
termination arrangement;
process, or rendering of a service including
management contracts; and the transfer, 87.11. Those which require that the technology
assignment or licensing of all forms of intellectual recipient shall not contest the validity of any of the
property rights, including licensing of computer patents of the technology supplier;
software except computer software developed for
87.12. Those which restrict the research and
mass market.
development activities of the licensee designed to
absorb and adapt the transferred technology to
local conditions or to initiate research and
development programs in connection with new
Except in cases under Section 91, the following products, processes or equipment;
provisions shall be deemed prima facie to have an
87.13. Those which prevent the licensee from
adverse on competition and trade:
adapting the imported technology to local
87.1. Those which impose upon the licensee the conditions, or introducing innovation to it, as long as
obligation to acquire from a specific source capital it does not impair the quality standards prescribed
goods, intermediate products, raw materials, and by the licensor;
other technologies, or of permanently employing
87.14. Those which exempt the licensor for liability for
personnel indicated by the licensor;
non-fulfillment of his responsibilities under the
87.2. Those pursuant to which the licensor reserves technology transfer arrangement and/or liability
the right to fix the sale or resale prices of the products arising from third party suits brought about by the use
manufactured on the basis of the license; of the licensed product or the licensed technology;
87.3. Those that contain restrictions regarding the
volume and structure of production; 87.15. Other clauses with equivalent effects. (Sec. 33-
C[2], R. A. 165a)
87.4 Those that prohibit the use of competitive
technologies in a non-exclusive technology transfer