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2 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


JASHN - E - PUNJAB (Culture Rejuvenation Centre), AMRITSAR

Introduction A/2563/2013 HARKUNWAR SINGH

Punjab,the land of the five rivers,has one of the oldest and richest cultures of the
world. The Punjabi culture boasts rich cultural heritage in different fields like Philosophy
,poetry,spirituality,education ,artistry, music etc.People,Culture and Festivals of Punjab
collectively form an enlightening social verve.While the people of Punjab are known for Site selection and Reading of the site
their strong determination ,the culture of the state presents a multi-hued heritage of ancient
civilizations.However in Today’s date, the culture of the state is falling apart among its The site is a brown field land constituting
youth. Problems like drug abuse and migration from the state to different parts of the world an abandoned bus workshop.It lies at
for better prospects of life is decaying the cultural roots of the state. the centre of the city and is next to the
untreated land of Gobindgarh Fort on the left.
Thesis Proposition The connectivity to the site is strong and
creating a community celebration ground in this
This thesis proposes an Architectural intervention in city of Amritsar to influence the part of the city would add to the quality of life of
thinking of people and infuse a sense of pride in the public.The idea behind this project is the residents.
to hit the psychological nerve of the people and make them spiritually aware about the rich
culture they belong to and rejuvenate the socio-cultural essence of the city and the state.

Research Outcome(s) Inferences – Case Studies Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

1.The live festivals of Punjab throughout the Virasat-e-Khalsa The monumentality yet 1. The Gobindgarh 1. Major road between 1. At urban level the 1. Managing heavy
year have been used as the basis to establish simplicity of the structure represents the fort and Durgiana the Mela ground and site lies between two traffic during the
the functioning of the complex and the type sikh ideology and represents the people for Mandir (300 M) the site hampers the recreational parks of time of festivals
of spaces that would be used in the complex. which the project was intended. proximity pedestrian connectivity the city (Gobindgargh would be an issue.
Also a detailed study is done on how sensitive Use of materials and putting aesthetics 2. Adjoining between the two sites Park and Gol Bagh) As
public interventions like these within the city over functions is debatable. Community City during the time of the compared to the highly
Festival Ground festivals. dense packed city.
effect the city and its socio cultural fabric. Louvre, Abu Dhabi The bold architectur-
acts as a magnet 2. Proximity to the old
al statement is important is such type of
for people during city (300 m )and Golden
festivals activating Temple (1200 m)

Coordinator : Ar. Aruna Ramani Grover 3

Concepts and Strategies 2 Design Development
• To organise the arena as the central The basic idea of the design is to develop an inviting public space for pedestrians majorly.
space and organise functions around The development of the form is derived keeping in mind the contextual fort and mandir and also
the open space. making a statement to glorify the community
• To organise built around the arena in
volumes of steps creating terraces to
have direct visual connectivity with the
arena performances.
• Segregation of pedestrians and
vehicular traffic for approach to the site
through levels
• To create a local aura of a typical
Punjab village to display the living
culture of the region.
• Use of bright and pop colours like
safron, blue in the elevation celerating
the culture.
• Use of Light Wells to ensure light and
ventilation beneath the amptheatre

3 4

Programmatic Content
1. The Equestrian Sports Ground and
2. Museum
3. Library
4. Market
5. Skill Development Centre
6. Sarai

Guides- Ar. Sambudha sen

Ar. Manish Gulati

JASHN - E - PUNJAB (Culture Rejuvenation Centre), AMRITSAR

4 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018 DEPT. OF ARCHITECTURE

3D view 1

3D view 2

Site plan

3D view 3

3D view 4
Site Section

Coordinator : Ar. Aruna Ramani Grover 5

Physical model 1:500 Physical model 1:500

Physical model 1:200 Physical model 1:200

Guides- Ar. Sambudha sen

Ar. Manish Gulati

JASHN - E - PUNJAB (Culture Rejuvenation Centre), AMRITSAR

6 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018 DEPT. OF ARCHITECTURE


जशन - ए - पंजाब (संस्किंृत कायाकल्प केंद्र), अमृतसर

परिचय A/2563/2013 HARKUNWAR SINGH
पंजाब, पांच नदियों की भूमि, दुनिया की सबसे पुरानी और सबसे अमीर संस्कृतियों में से एक है। पंजाबी संस्कृति में
दर्शनशास्त्र, कविता, आध्यात्मिकता, शिक्षा, कलाकृति, संगीत इत्यादि जैसे विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक
विरासत है। पंजाब के लोग, संस्कृति और त्योहार सामूहिक रूप से एक प्रबुद्ध सामाजिक वचन बनाते हैं। पंजाब के लोग
अपने दृढ़ संकल्प के लिए जाने जाते हैं, राज्य की संस्कृति प्राचीन सभ्यताओं की एक बहु-विरासत विरासत प्रस्तुत करती साइट चयन और साइट के पठन
है। हालांकि आज की तारीख में, राज्य की संस्कृति अपने युवाओं के बीच अलग हो रही है। जीवन की बेहतर संभावनाओं यह साइट एक भूरे रंग की भूमि भूमि है जो एक त्याग वाली
के लिए दुनिया के विभिन्न हिस्सों में नशीली दवाओं के दुरुपयोग और प्रवासन जैसी समस्याएं राज्य की सांस्कृतिक जड़ों बस कार्यशाला का गठन करती है। यह शहर के केंद्र में स्थित
को क्षीण कर रही हैं। है और बाईं ओर गोबिंदगढ़ किले की अनुपचारित भूमि के बगल
में है।
थीसिस तैयारी साइट की कनेक्टिविटी मजबूत है और शहर के इस हिस्से
यह थीसिस लोगों की सोच को प्रभावित करने और जनता में गर्व की भावना को प्रभावित करने के लिए अमृतसर शहर में एक सामुदायिक उत्सव का मैदान बनाने से निवासियों के
में एक वास्तुशिल्प हस्तक्षेप का प्रस्ताव रखती है। इस परियोजना के पीछे विचार लोगों के मनोवैज्ञानिक तंत्रिका जीवन की गुणवत्ता में वृद्धि होगी।
को मारना और उन्हें समृद्ध संस्कृति के बारे में आध्यात्मिक रूप से जागरूक करना है। शहर और राज्य के सामाजिक-
सांस्कृतिक सार से संबंधित हैं और फिर से जीवंत हैं।

अनुसंधान परिणाम सम्मेलन - केस स्टडीज ताकत कमजोरी अवसर खतरा

1. गोबिंदगढ़ किला और दुर्गियाना 1. शहरी स्तर पर यह साइट शहर के
1. पूरे साल पंजाब के लाइव त्यौहारों को परिसर में विरासत-ए-खालसा संरचना की सादगी अभी तक सादगी मंदिर (300 मीटर) निकटता 1. मेला ग्राउंड और साइट के बीच दो मनोरंजक पार्कों (गोबिंदगढ़ पार्क 1. त्योहारों के दौरान
उपयोग किए जाने वाले रिक्त स्थान और रिक्त स्थान सिख विचारधारा का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है और उन लोगों 2. सामुदायिक शहर महोत्सव ग्राउंड प्रमुख सड़क त्यौहारों के दौरान और गोल बाग) के बीच स्थित है, जो कि भारी यातायात का
के प्रकार को स्थापित करने के आधार के रूप में उपयोग का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है जिनके लिए परियोजना का में शामिल होने से साइट सक्रिय करने दोनों साइटों के बीच पैदल यात्री अत्यधिक घने पैक वाले शहर की तुलना प्रबंधन करना एक
वाले त्यौहारों के दौरान लोगों के लिए कनेक्टिविटी को प्रभावित करती है। में है। मुद्दा होगा।
किया गया है। इरादा था।
एक चुंबक के रूप में कार्य करता है 2. पुराने शहर (300 मीटर) और स्वर्ण
इसके अलावा एक विस्तृत अध्ययन किया जाता है कि सामग्रियों का उपयोग और कार्यों पर सौंदर्यशास्त्र मंदिर (1200 मीटर) के निकटता
शहर के भीतर इस तरह के संवेदनशील सार्वजनिक डालने पर बहस योग्य है।
हस्तक्षेप शहर और उसके सामाजिक सांस्कृतिक कपड़े लौवर, अबू धाबी बोल्ड आर्किटेक्चरल स्टेटमेंट
को कैसे प्रभावित करते हैं। महत्वपूर्ण है इस तरह के परिसरों।

Coordinator : Ar. Aruna Ramani Grover 7

• अवधारणाओं और रणनीतियां अभिकल्प विकास
• क्षेत्र को केंद्रीय अंतरिक्ष के रूप में व्यवस्थित डिजाइन का मूल विचार पैदल चलने वालों के लिए एक आमंत्रित सार्वजनिक स्थान विकसित करना है।
करने और खुली जगह के आसपास कार्यों को फॉर्म का विकास प्रासंगिक किले और मंदिर में ध्यान केंद्रित करने और समुदाय की महिमा करने के लिए एक बयान देने के लिए
व्यवस्थित करने के लिए। लिया गया है
• क्षेत्र के प्रदर्शन के साथ प्रत्यक्ष दृश्य
कनेक्टिविटी रखने के लिए टेरेस बनाने के चरणों के
वॉल्यूम में क्षेत्र के चारों ओर निर्मित व्यवस्थित
करने के लिए।
• स्तर के माध्यम से साइट के दृष्टिकोण के लिए पैदल
चलने वालों और वाहन यातायात का पृथक्करण
• इस क्षेत्र की जीवित संस्कृति को प्रदर्शित करने
के लिए एक विशिष्ट पंजाब गांव का स्थानीय आभा
बनाने के लिए।
• संस्कृति को तेज करने वाली ऊंचाई में नीले रंग के रूप
में उज्ज्वल और पॉप रंगों का उपयोग करें।
• एम्प्टीटर बैठने के नीचे प्रकाश और वेंटिलेशन
सुनिश्चित करने के लिए लाइट वेल्स का उपयोग

प्रोग्रामेटिक सामग्री
1. घुड़सवारी खेल मैदान और एम्फीथिएटर
2. संग्रहालय
3. लाइब्रेरी
4. बाजार
5. कौशल विकास केंद्र
6. सराई

Guides- Ar. Sambudha sen

Ar. Manish Gulati

JASHN - E - PUNJAB (Culture Rejuvenation Centre), AMRITSAR

8 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018 DEPT. OF ARCHITECTURE

10 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

The research and studio work embodied in this thesis titled Jashn-e- Punjab has been
carried out by the undersigned as a part of the year 5 (2017-2018) semester 10 design studio
of the Undergraduate program in the Department of Architecture,School of Planning and
Architecture,New Delhi,India under the supervision of thesis guides Ar. Sambudha Sen and Ar.
Manish Gulati and studio coordinator Prof. Aruna Ramani Grover.
The undersigned hereby declares that this is her original work and has not been plagiarized
in part or full form from any source and that this work has not been submitted for any degree
in this or any other university.

_______________________(Candidate’s Signature)
Harkunwar Singh Kanwal (Candidate’s Name)

____A/2563/2013 ______(Candidate’s Roll.No.)

____SECTION A________(Candidate’s Name)

12 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

We certify that the thesis titled Jashn-e- Punjab by Harkunwar Singh Kanwal roll no
A/2563/2-13 was guided by us in January-May 2018 and placed in front of the Jury by
the candidate on 24-25th May 2017. On completion of the report in all respects including
the last chapter by the candidate and based on the declaration by the Candidate
mentioned above.

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Ar. Sambudha Sen Ar. Manish Gulati Prof. Aruna Ramani Grover

14 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
I would like to express my foremost gratitude to
my guides, Mr. Manish Gulati and Mr. Sambuddha
Sen, for their consistent guidance and support
and for channelizing my thoughts in the right di-
I am thankful to our studio director Prof. Aruna
Ramani Grover for her supervision throughout the

I am grateful to Handa Uncle and Handa Aunty for

their love and help throughout the semester.

Insight and Critique by my seniors and friends

(Shabeeb Bilgrami, Anam Khan, Vipanchi Handa
and Varun Teja) offered a fresh perspective and
for that i am grateful.
I am also grateful to my juniors (Utkarsh Verma,
Venkatesh Senguttuvan, Nandita Kumar, Abhinav
Sujit, Yatharth Gupta, Srishti Jauhri, Ananya Bajpai,
Nikita Pamarthi, Ayushi Saxena, Ashwini Gupta) for
their rigorous efforts, sincerity and patience in
helping me with my work.

My deepest gratitude goes to my family for their

bolstering support and warmth.

16 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
1.1 Research Question ____________________________________6 5.1 Technology Systems ________________________69-82
1.2 Proposition ______________________________________7-8
1.3 Selected Site and Design Project_________________________9

2.1 Areas of Research ___________________________________12-23 6.1 SWAT Analysis _________________________________84
2.2 Case Studies and Case Examples_______________________24-47 6.2 Design Determinants ___________________________85

3.1 Project Scope________________________________________50 7.1 Learning - concept (Public Space)____________88-90
3.2 Area Program_________________________________________51-55
3.3 Relationship Diagrams _________________________________56-57

CHAPTER 4 8.1 Design
4.1 City,Precinct study____________________________________59 Developments_________________________________91-96
4.2 Site Information______________________________________60-63
4.3 Photographs of Site and Surroundings___________________64-67

9.1 Concept and Analysis______________________98-104
9.2 Plans____________________________________105-115
9.2 Elevations+Sections_________________________116-118
9.2 Physical Model ____________________________119-121
9.5 Jury Comments______________________122

Fig 1 Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh Fig 35 Image of Virasat e khalsa
Fig 2 Newspaper Clipping Fig 36 Louvre,Abu Dhabi
Fig 3 Region of Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh Fig 37 Louvre,Abu Dhabi
Fig 4 Region of Punjab before Maharaja Ranjit Singh Fig 38 Conne ctions
Fig 5 The land of the 5 rivers Fig 39 Top view
Fig 7 Festival Celebration Fig 40 Old context
Fig 8 Festival Celebration 2 Fig 41 Concept
Fig 9 Festival Celebration 3 Fig 42 Area ZOning
Fig 10 Festival Celebration 4 Fig 43 Plan
Fig 11 Festival Celebration 4 Fig 44 Section
Fig 12 Festival Celebration 5 Fig 45 DOME
Fig 13 At golden Temple Fig 46 DOME
Fig 14 Cuisines in Old City Fig 47 Fangshang Tangshang
Fig 15 Newspaper Clipper Langoor Fest Fig 48 Fangshang Tangshang
Fig 16 Newspaper Clipper Langoor Fest Fig 49 Fangshang Tangshang PLANS
Fig 17 Langoor Fest Fig 50 Fangshang Tangshang SECTIONS
Fig 18 Virasat-e-Khalsa Fig 51 Fangshang Tangshang render
Fig 19 Fangshang Tangshang Fig 52 Fangshang Tangshang Step up
Fig 20 Louvre,Abu Dhabi Fig 53 Fangshang Tangshang landscape
Fig 21 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre Fig 55 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre
Fig 22 Khalsa Memorial Fig 56 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre
Fig 23 Aerial View of Complex Fig 57 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre PLAN
Fig 24 Road connectivity Fig 58 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre SECTION
Fig 25 Sikh Fort Qila Mubarak Fig 59 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre 3d
Fig 26 Virasat-e-khalsa Sketch Fig 60 Zoning and Relationship
Fig 27 Virasat-e-khalsa Sketch 2 Fig 61 Plan and Context
Fig 28 Petal Building Fig 62 Open and Public Greens
Fig 29 Permanent Exhibition Fig 63 Connectivity
Fig 30 Plan of Complex Fig 64 Road View 1
Fig 31 Areas Fig 65 Road View 2
Fig 32 Image of Virasat e khalsa Fig 66 Road View 3
Fig 33 Section through Petal Building Fig 67 Dusserhra Ground
Fig 34 Image of Virasat e khalsa

2 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 68 Road View 4
Fig 69 Road View 5
Fig 70 Contours
Fig 71 Site Plan
Fig 72 Gobindgargh Fort AHU - Air Handling Unit
Fig 73 Railway Station ECS - Equivalent Car Space
Fig 74 Gobindgargh Fort 2 FCU - Fan Coil Unit
Fig 75 Dussehra Ground when not in Use KM - Kilometer
Fig 76 Dye Cell M - Meter
Fig 77 Green Wall Tech SQM - Square Meter
Fig 78 Green Roof Tech
Fig 79 PV PANEL arrangement
Fig 80 Rain water
Fig 81 Composter
Fig 82 STP Cycle
Fig 83 Structural Systems
Fig 84 Conceptual Section
Fig 85 Conceptual Section
Fig 86 Zoning Directives
Fig 87 VIEW
Fig 88 connections
Fig 89 Porousity
Fig 90 Function and relations
Fig 91 Angle of Seating
Fig 92 Visual connectivity
Fig 93 Light Wells
Fig 94 Concept Massing 1 ,Model scale 1:1000
Fig 95 Concept Massing 2, Model Scale 1:500
Fig 96 Concept Massing 3, Model Scale 1:500
Fig 97 Concept Massing 4, Model Scale 1:1000
Fig 98 Concept Massing 5, Model Scale 1:500
Fig 99 Concept Massing 5.1, Model Scale 1:500

4 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

6 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Research Question |Proposition

Punjab, the Land of 5 rivers, has its culture originating from the 5
rivers (Sutlej, Ravi, Beas, Jhelum, Chenab) with agriculture as the
major contributor to its GDP (approx. 50).

Sikhism originated in Punjab and resulted in the formation of

the Sikh Confederacy after the fall of the Mughal Empire. The
confederacy was united into the Sikh Empire by Maharaja Ranjit

The entire Punjab region was annexed by the British East India
Company from the Sikh Empire in 1849. In 1947, the Punjab Province
of British India was divided along religious lines into West Punjab
and East Punjab.The Indian Punjab was divided on the basis of
language in 1966.

However in Today’s date, the culture of the state is falling apart

among its youth. Problems like Drug abuse and migration from the
state to different parts of the world for better prospects of life is
decaying the cultural roots of the state.

The idea behind this architectural intervention in the city of

Amritsar is to hit the psychological nerve of the people and make
them spiritually aware about the rich culture they belong to and
rejuvenate the socio-cultural essence of the city and the state.

Fig 1 Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh Source : sikhcoin.blogspot.in

8 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


Can architecture influence the thinking of the people and create an

atmosphere where people exchange ideas and values?

Can architecture help in rejuvenating the customs and culture of a

region by making the youth aware of its vibrant lifestyle and heri-


The thesis aims to create a Punjabi Cultural Centre in Amritsar, Punjab.


Can architecture influence the thinking of people? Being in the centre of the city, the area has the potential to become
Can a public place create an atmosphere where people exchange into a landmark cultural hub. It needs to reach its full potential as a
ideas and culture? public space that can create a safe, active and entertaining hub. The
site needs to help enhance the area and its surroundings in terms of an
However in Today’s date, the culture of the state is falling apart active pedestrian friendly zone.
among the youth of Punjab. Problems like Drug abuse and migration
from the state to different parts of the world for better prospects The Social Issue
of life is decaying the cultural roots of the state.
Amritsar being an important tourist magnet has a huge number of inter-
The idea behind this architectural intervention in the city of national tourists visiting the city all year round. Most of the tourists are
Amritsar is to hit the psychological nerve of the people and make either foreigners; or NRIs coming back to reflect upon their culture and
them spiritually aware about the rich culture they belong to and understand their ancestral values.
rejuvenate the socio-cultural essence of the city and the state.
However in the past one decade there has been a lot of drug abuse in the
Keeping in mind the site requirements and issues, an urban city of Amritsar and the state of Punjab. According to the statistics and
scale intervention and urban planning is proposed to numbers, about 7 out of 10 people belonging to the age group of 18 to
facilitate the town and revive the dying culture of Punjab. 35 are drug addicts. In total 75% of Punjab’s youth is addicted to drugs.
This has degraded Amritsar’s demography and respect within the country
Also, such complexes would add to the already booming tourism and the world.
of the city.This thesis not only caters to the town of Amritsar but Youngsters of Amritsar are grown up with the mentality of settling abroad.
to the whole country as it has the potential of showcasing Indian Their upbringing shapes them in the way, they neglect the values and
cultural, craft and sports on a global level. The idea is to exhibit culture of the country and aim to having a better life abroad. The state’s
the rural India with all its colours and vigour to the rest of the unsettling nature and rapid changes has given all the more reasons for
world. The nation should invest in the settlements that showcase this deterioration.
the true India instead of face-lifting the metropolitan cities. Hence, a loss of connect with the culture has given rise to this scenario.

10 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


The selected site is a redundant bus workshop which is a prime land in

the heart of the city. The site lies on the major route between the New and
Old City.
The proposed design project is a Punjab Cultural Centre. It will serve as a
place to celebrate the living culture of punjab amongst its local residents
as well as visitors.

1.4 NEED

In today’s date, the culture of the state is falling apart among the youth
of Punjab. Problems like Drug abuse and migration from the state to
different parts of the world for better prospects of life is decaying the
cultural roots of the state.

The idea behind this architectural intervention in the city of Amritsar is
to hit the psychological nerve of the people and make them spiritual-
ly aware about the rich culture they belong to and rejuvenate the so-
cio-cultural essence of the city and the state.

At the urban level the goal is to create a permeable urban space that is Fig 2 Newspaper Clipping Source : The Tribune
versatile and democratic in nature.

12 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Areas of Research | Case Studies

Understanding the Culture of Punjab

A brief history of Punjab and the timeline Is Punjab all about Sikhism? People around the nation and the world
don’t even know the difference between a Punjabi and a Sikh.
Historically known as Saptasindhu, or the land of seven rivers,
the name Punjab was given by later Islamic conquerers. Ancient Punjabi
Punjab was the primary geographical extent of the Indus Valley Punjabi (Punjabi people) is an ethnic group which originated from the
Civilization, which was notable for advanced technologies and Punjab region. These people are Indo-Aryan of North Indian origin
amneties that the people of the region had used. constituting parts of Rajasthan, Kashmir, Indian and Pakistani Punjab. The
Punjabi identity was primarily linguistic and cultural with the Punjabi
Ancient Punjab was historically a Hindu region, divided into vari- language being their first spoken language.
ous Janapadas; and was known for its high activity of scholarship,
technology, and arts. Intermittent wars between various small and Collectively, Punjabis are primarily inhabitants of Punjab. No doubt they
large Janapadas was characteristic of this time, until the Mauryans are broken into tribes and castes, and many of these are not exclusive-
had conquered much of the region. ly inhabitants of Punjab. There are about more than 120 million Punjabis
around the world. As an ethnic group, they are among the worlds’ largest
After the arrival of Islamic invaders that had managed to rule and second largest ethnic group after Bengali in South Asia.
throughout a long period of the country’s history; much of the
Western Punjab had became a center of Islamic culture in South Sikh
Asia. “Sikh” means someone is a follower of Sikhism. “Sikhism” is a religion
which originated in the 15th century in Punjab whereas Punjabi lan-
An interlude of Sikh rule under the Mahraja Ranjit Singh and his guage is as old as 4000 years.
Sikh Empire had saw a brief resurfacement of Sikh and Hindu
culture, until the British had annexed the region into their larger Summary
British Empire. Almost every Sikh is a Punjabi while every Punjabi is not a Sikh.
Punjabi is an ethnic group originated from Punjab as an Indo-Aryan of
After the British had left, the region was partitioned into a Hindu North India while Sikhs are a religious group which follows the religion
and Sikh majority area that would go to the secular state of India, of Sikhism.
and a Muslim majority area that would go to the Islamic state of The Punjabi identity is primarily linguistic and cultural with the Punja-
Pakistan. bi language while identity of Sikh is with his 5 Ks namely KESH, KARA,
KIRPAN, KECHERA, and KANGA along with the linguistic and cultural
Punjabi language.

14 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 3 Region of Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1839 AD )
Source: sikhcoin.blogspot.in

Fig 4 Region of Punjab before Maharaja Ranjit Singh (18th century

AD )
Source: sikhcoin.blogspot.in

Understanding the Culture of Punjab

The Significance of 5 rivers forming the roots of the ideas, customs Punjab is one of the most fertile regions on Earth. The region is ideal
and social behaviour of the society (agriculture). The five rivers are for growing wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruits and vegetables. Indian
the Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jehlum (also spelled Jhelum). Punjab is called the “Granary of India” or India’s bread-basket.

Geographical area- 5033 hectares.
Forest area- 295 hectares.
Land not available for cultivation- 528 hectares.
Total cropped area- 7875 hectares.
Area under cultivation-  83%
Cropping intensity- 189%

The Punjab is an agricultural region. Punjabis, whether in India

or in Pakistan, share the agrarian (farming) social structure based
on caste that is found throughout southern Asia.


Punjabi villages are compact settlements, with houses clustered

around a mosque, temple, or gurdwara (Sikh temple). The
houses on the outside edge of the village are built to look like
a walled settlement with few openings. The main entrance to a
village is through an arched gateway called a darwaza (door or
gate), which is also a meeting place for the village. Houses are
built close together, often sharing walls. Rooms are built around
a central courtyard where animals are tethered and farming
Fig 5 The land of the 5 rivers Source : The Tribune implements are stored. Most villages are made up of people in
the variety of roles needed in a farming economy—landowners,
cultivators, artisans, and service castes.

16 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

The Langoor Festival of Amritsar and the Mela
Ground (Dusshera Ground)

Fig 15 Newspaper Clipper Langoor Fest Fig 16 Newspaper Clipper Langoor Fest

This is a huge festival in Amritsar and people from different states

come and participate. The mela ground is totally occupied with tem-
porary structures that have shops for tailors, dress retailers, food,
crafts etc.

During these nine days, the “langur” remains barefoot, sleeps on floor
and come to worship at the temple twice a day. They arrive at the
temple dancing to the beats of “dhols” (drums) all the way from their

Fig 17 Langoor Fest


Most of the Sikh festivals are events to commensurate the birth and Sikhs practice worshipping an omnipresent divine power.
teachings of 10gurus of Sikhs and their teachings. The birthdays of They rather venerate their Gurus, various milestones achieved by the
all Gurus especially the first and last Sikh Guru is celebrated on a gurus and their teachings. Some of the Hindu festivals like Diwali are
grand level. The other festivals that hold significant importance in also celebrated by the Sikhs but with a completely different reason and
Sikh festival calendar are Baisakhi, Hola philosophy.
Mohalla and Diwali.


HOLI. festival of colours and

5 chhabil, food, HOLA MOHALLA.


fire crackers and
lightening. kirtan


10 gatka and kirtan. Visitors
from all over the world.



BAISAKHI: harvest season.

food items and mela. JANMASHTMI some day in
13 LOHRI: Music fest
kushtis. khalsa panth. August
music fest

18 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Holla Mohalla is a Sikh festival celebrated in the month of Phalguna , a day after Holi. An annual festival held at Anandpur Sahib in Punjab, Hola
Mohalla was started by the tenth Sikh Guru, Gobind Singh, as a gathering of Sikhs for military exercises and mock battles on the day following
the festival of Holi. It reminds the people of valour and defence preparedness, concepts dear to the Tenth Guru who was at that time battling
the Mughal empire. On this three-day festival mock battles are held followed by music and poetry competitions. The Nihang Singhs (mem-
bers of the Sikh army that was founded by Guru Govind Singh) carry on the martial tradition with mock battles and displays of swordsmanship
and horse riding. They perform daring feats, such as Gatka (mock encounters), tent pegging, bareback horse-riding and standing erect on
two speeding horses.


14 MAGHI : Sangrand.
15 40 sikhs story at
17 AHOI vart for kids
TEEJ: Rainy season.
festival of music and
18 dance for newly wed RAMLILA days
22 DIWALI 10 days later

2nd last week of
26 NAVRATRE chhote

yellow food, yellow
turbans and yellow
30 KITES. Month for NAVRATRE
sexual desires for
pashu, panchi,

Fig 6 Festival Calender Source: Author


The Holla Mohalla is an impressive traditional display of bravery

and valor. The ultimate display of machismo—Holla Mohalla, an an-
nual Sikh festival held a day after Holi, has the drama, the sweat
and the incredible colours that Indian festivals are known for. With
impressive displays of weaponry, archery and wrestling

Source : Pixel Chrome

Fig 7 Festival Celebration

The Nihangs also demonstrate thrilling horse riding shows where

the riders gallop bareback, performing tricks like riding astride two
Fig 8 Festival Celebration 2 Source : Pixel Chrome

20 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

One of the main attractions at the festival is the Nihangs—a pres-
tigious armed sect of the Sikhs who wear a striking blend of blue
and orange, with thick twisted moustaches and overwhelmingly
large and embellished turbans.

Source : Pixel Chrome

Fig 9 Festival Celebration 3

Holla Mohalla is held at Anandpur Sahib in Punjab and also at other

parts of the state, and it is estimated that over 100,000 Sikh devo-
tees attend the festival.

Fig 10 Festival Celebration 4 Source : Pixel Chrome

Gatka is a Martial Art Form practiced and played in Punjab. It is
display of how the community as warriors used to fight the enemy
during early times .

Source : Pixel Chrome

Fig 11 Festival Celebration 4

Fig 12 Festival Celebration 5 Source : Pixel Chrome

22 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

A Nihang Sikh.

Source : Pixel Chrome

Fig 13 At golden Temple

There’s also music, poetry and prayers, singing and chanting. An

important part of the festival is the langar (community food) that is
served to pilgrims irrespective of their religion or caste.

Fig 14 Cuisines in Old City Source : Pixel Chrome

The hippodrome was an ancient Grecian stadium for horse racing and chariot racing. The name is derived from the Greek words hippos and
dromos; “course”). The term is used in the modern French language and some others, with the meaning of “horse racecourse”. Hence, some
present-day horse racing tracks also include the word hippodrome in their names, such as the Hippodrome de Vincennes and the Central
Moscow Hippodrome.
Circus Maximas

The Circus Maximus (Latin for greatest or largest circus; Italian:

Circo Massimo) is an ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium
and mass entertainment venue located in Rome, Italy. Situated
in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine Hills, it was the
first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire.
It could accommodate over 150,000 spectators.In its fully
developed form, it became the model for circuses throughout
the Roman Empire. The site is now a public park.

SIZE 610 X 190 M


The Colosseum could hold, it is estimated, between 50,000

and 80,000 spectators,having an average audience of
some 65,000;it was used for gladiatorial contests and public
spectacles such as mock sea battles (for only a short time as
the hypogeum was soon filled in with mechanisms to support
the other activities), animal hunts, executions, re-enactments
of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology.

SIZE 40 X 70 M

24 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


As William (Holly) Whyte said, “It’s hard to design a space that will not children’s reading room in a new library is located so that it
attract people. What is remarkable is how often this has been accom- is next to a children’s playground in a park and a food kiosk
plished.”(1999) The seven principles for public space design defined in is added, more activity will occur than if these facilities were
the book ‘How to turn a place around’ were – Create a place not a de- located separately.
sign - physical elements must be introduced that would make people Form supports Function - The input from the communi-
welcome and comfortable, such as seating and new landscaping, and ty and potential partners, the understanding of how oth-
also through “management” changes in the pedestrian circulation pattern er spaces function, the experimentation, and overcoming
and by developing more effective relationships between the surrounding the obstacles and naysayers provides the concept for the
retail and the activities going on in the public spaces. The goal is to cre- space. Although design is important, these other elements
ate a place that has both a strong sense of community and a comfortable tell you what “form” you need to accomplish the future vi-
image, as well as a setting and activities and uses. sion for the space.

Have a Vision - essential to a vision for any public space is an idea of what Design is never finished - By nature good public spaces
kinds of activities might be happening in the space, a view that the space that respond to the needs, the opinions and the ongoing
should be comfortable and have a good image, and that it should be an changes of the community require attention. Amenities wear
important place where people want to be. out, needs change and other things happen in an urban en-
It should instill a sense of pride in the people who live and work in the vironment. Being open to the need for change and hav-
surrounding area. Start with the simple - The complexity of public spaces ing the management flexibility to enact that change is what
is such that you cannot expect to do everything right initially. The best builds great public spaces and great cities and towns.
spaces experiment with short term improvements that can be tested and Observe - One can all learn a great deal from others’ suc-
refined over many years! Elements such as seating, outdoor cafe, pub- cesses and failures. By looking at how people are using (or
lic art, striping of crosswalks and pedestrian havens, community gardens not using) public spaces and finding out what they like and
and murals are examples of improvements that can be accomplished in don’t like about them, it is possible to assess what makes
a short time. them work or not work. Through these observations, it will
be clear what kinds of
PUBLIC SPACES activities are missing and what might be incorporated.

Triangulate - “Triangulation is the process by which some xternal stim-

ulus provides a linkage between people and prompts strangers to talk
to other strangers as if they knew each other” (Holly Whyte). In a public
space, the choice and arrangement of different elements in relation to
each other can put the triangulation process in motion. For example if a

The following case studies have
been selected -

1. Virasat-e-Khalsa

SECONDARY STUDY Fig 18 Virasat-e-Khalsa Fig 19 Fangshang Tangshang

1. Yunyang Civil Activities Centre

2. Fangshang Tangshang Nation-
al geopark museum, China
3. Louvre Abu Dhabi

The case studies were chosen
to understand these broad Fig 20 Louvre,Abu Dhabi Fig 21 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre
subcategories - Study Scope Virasat e Yunyang Fangshang Louvre Abu
1. Planning and Zoning Khalsa Civil Activi- Tangshang Dhabi
2. Programmatic Mixes and Areas ties Centre National
3. Spatial responses geopark
4. Functioning museum, China
Planning and Zoning
Programmatic Mix &

Spatial Response

26 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 22Khalsa Memorial Source: Archdaily

Fig 23 Aerial View of Complex, Source- Archdaily

Fig 24 Road connectivity , Source- Google

28 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 27 Virasat-e-khalsa Sketch 2

Fig 25

Fig 28

Fig 26 Virasat-e-khalsa Sketch

Fig 29

Fig 32 Image of Virasat e khalsa

Fig 30 Plan of Complex Fig 31 Areas

30 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Fig 33

Fig 34 Image of Virasat e khalsa

Fig 35 Image of Virasat e khalsa

32 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 36 Louvre,Abu Dhabi

Fig 37 Louvre,Abu Dhabi
34 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Fig 38 Connections

Fig 39 Top view
36 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Fig 40 Old context Fig 41 Concept

Fig 42 Area ZOning

38 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 43 Plan

Fig 43 Plan

Fig 44 Section
40 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Fig 45 DOME

Fig 46 DOME

42 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fangshang Tangshang National geopark museum, China
Project Details can take their own expedition to
the museum, weaving through the
feature gardens and along the
INTRODUCTION climbing pathways that are em-
bedded with carvings depicting
HASSELL designed the museum’s gateway pla- the evolution of prehistoric life.
za and surrounding parkland connections for
the Nanjing Tangshan Construction Investment The feature gardens are inspired
and Development Company, following an inter- by the environmental character-
national landscape design competition. istics of each period of the Pa-
leozoic era. From the rocky, mi-
The geopark’s generous new public realm will crobial soil crust of the Cambrian
unify the museum (by architect Studio Odile landscape, through to the Siluri-
Decq) with the various attractions spread an wetlands and Carboniferous
across its 15-hectares of open space to cre- swamp forest, the selection and
ate an enlightening new tourist destination. detailing of counterpart plants
“The design needed to cater for the tourist and elements gives the ‘pre- Fig 47 Fangshang Tangshang source: Archdaily
park’s commercial objectives, while respect- historic’ gardens an essence of
ing the site’s international significance,” said that time and place. The parkland
Andrew Wilkinson, HASSELL Principal in China. design regenerates native veg-
“Our response celebrates the plaza’s gateway etation and creates micro-eco-
status, the museum’s architectural form, and the systems that will foster the local
geopark’s many extraordinary features – offer- habitat. A cleansing, bio-reten-
ing visitors an exploratory journey through the tion waterway will treat site run-off
site that reveals its history and formation along to support the health of natural
the way,” he said. environment and the sustainable
operation of the park.
The overall look of the plaza echoes the site’s
contour lines, which shift like geological ac-
tivity. It optimises the existing topography to
establish clear and seamless patterns of move-
ment between all functions, integrating with the Fig 48Fangshang Tangshang source: Archdaily
surrounding transport infrastructure and re-
gional parkland. The arrival plaza and memory
tower provide a gathering point, marking the
start of each journey. From this space, visitors

Fig 49 Fangshang Tangshang PLANS source: Archdaily
Fig 50 Fangshang Tangshang SECTIONS source: Archdaily

44 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 52 Fangshang Tangshang Step up source: Archdaily

Fig 53 Fangshang Tangshang landscape source: Archdaily

optimised the site’s existing topography to establish seamless
patterns of movement and access between the public and
private functions within, as well as integrating the park’s design
with the surrounding transport infrastructure. Together with
a range of environmentally conscious inclusions; such as the
creation of micro-ecosystems to foster specific plant growth
and a cleansing waterway to treat site run-off, these initiatives will
support the sustainable development and future operation of the
Fig 51 Fangshang Tangshang render source: Archdaily park.

Yunyang Civil Activities Centre

Project Details

The design consists of a building complex, an open
plaza and a bridge. A three by three grid system inte-
grates nine courtyards as a whole. It slopes down to
fill the gap between the mountain and the River, both
in terms of the horizontal span and the vertical height
difference on both sides of the site.

This five-storey complex contains a theatre with 1,200

seats, and a planning exhibition centre, a museum, a
library, a cultural palace and a youth activities centre.
A path which through from the mountain to the river-
side penetrates the building .This passage functions
as a guiding path to provide the access to a vari-
ety of activities within the building. The stepped roof Fig 55 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre source: Archdaily
creates a space that allows public accessing and
provides a view platform echoing to the River Dam.
It’s a building with traditional style to show collective
memory of the city.

Fig 56 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre source: Archdaily

46 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Fig 58 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre SECTION
source: Archdaily

Fig 57 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre PLAN source: Archdaily

Fig 59 Yunyang Civil Activities Centre 3d source: Arch-

48 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018



• The monumentality yet simplicity of the structure
1. Pedestrian movement is simple and main represents the Sikh ideology and represent the The architect’s vision of putting aesthetic
The complex in the true sense is developed out from people for which the project was intended. over function is debatable for example, using
the site. Using the built fabric and the landscape an sunshade on the bridge on the opposite side
architectural masterpiece is presented. 2. YUNYANG CIVIL ACTIVITIES CENTRE- of the sun, thereby making the bridge hard to
• An incredible use of water body as a landscape The stepped roof creates a space that allows cross in summers, on account of clear visibility
feature to create a microclimate. public accessing and provides a view platform of the museum. Similarly, open courts and oat
echoing to the River Dam. are not used to that extent due to the location
2. YUNYANG CIVIL ACTIVITIES CENTRE- and choice of material finish.
-Strong axes taken into planning, this ensures that all 3. FANGSHANG TANGSHANG NATIONAL
side are given equal importance. GEOPARK MUSEUM - 2. YUNYANG CIVIL ACTIVITIES CENTRE-
The overall look of the plaza echoes the site’s Very interesting volumes and feeling of en-
3. FANGSHANG TANGSHANG NATIONAL GEOPARK contour lines, which shift like geological activity. closure created as the built slopes down to fill
MUSEUM - It optimises the existing topography to establish the gap between the mountain and the River,
-optimised the site’s existing topography to clear and seamless patterns of movement between both in terms of the horizontal span and the
establish seamless patterns of movement and all functions, integrating with the surrounding vertical height difference on both sides of the
access between the public and private functions transport infrastructure and regional parkland. site.
4. LOUVRE ABU DHABI - 1. The dome creates a very interest volume 3. FANGSHANG TANGSHANG NATIONAL
1. High permeability ensured in planning. 2. There is a new and old represented through GEOPARK MUSEUM -
2. Axes from main Roads lead pedestrians into central the built volumes. On one hand at human scale The parkland design regenerates native
open space. it follows the urban volume of old cities but the vegetation and creates micro-ecosystems
• The simplicity of the project and process of dome represents the new. that will foster the local habitat. A cleansing,
responding to the context and land is what makes the bio-retention waterway will treat site run-off to
museum stand apart. support the health of natural environment and
• The free circulation movement throughout the the sustainable operation of the park.
complex creates a fl exible
museum environment. 4. LOUVRE ABU DHABI -
• Passive design techniques take advantage
of the natural shape of the
buildings and the proper use of the materials
selected to improve outdoor

50 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Program Analysis

Programmatic Functions

The Equestrian Sports Ground serving as a riding arena to perform Programmatic Content
mock battles and showcase Gatka (Sikh Martial Art), practice archery,
falconery as regional sports.

The Amphitheatre having a platform to showcase performances of local

dance, music, theatre and a space for congregation

The Museum and Multi Purpose Hall will be the gallery space to show-
case the culture of Punjab through means of Multi Media and provide an
opportunity to the local artists to showcase their work.

The Library will have a collection pertaining to the Literature of Punjab

,its rich culture and History. This will be a space wherein visitors as well as
localites will be able to gain knowledge.

The Market accomodates food Stalls and restaurants to taste the exqui-
site cousine of the state and temporary stalls area to have specific food
stalls during the time of the festival. Also, space to showcase and sell
the crafts, art, dance, theatre, literature, music, food items etc of Punjab
and generate revenue to sustain the centre.

The Skill Development Centre with Workshops will provide an opportu-

nity for the tourists, visitors and even the marginal workers to experience
and learn the way agriculture is carried out in the state along with other
courses related to grains and livelihood.

The Sarai with Mobile Trailer Park Accomodation is basically a low

budget accomodation for the tourists depicting the traditional ways of
temporary stay on the lines of army camps and community stay. The sarai
will also have open space for temporary accomodation to facilitate mela
ground during the time of Langoor Festival, Hola Mohalla etc.

52 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Area Program

Area Program

54 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Area Program

Area Program

56 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Area Program

Area Program Analysis
At the city level (Urban Scale): Amritsar is the second metropolitan The total area under recreational use in the city comes out to be 1.5%
city of Punjab. The area of Amritsar under Municipal Corporation (124.9 ha) of the developed area and 0.88% of the developed MC area.
is 14,237 hectares, and population was 10,16,079 (census 2011). There is a decrease in the area under recreational use from 21% of total
According to Master Plan of Amritsar (2011-2031) the population land use in 2001 to 0.74% in 2010. The area under this use is much lesser
for MC Amritsar in 2017 was 14,67,960.The area under parks and than the prescribed norm of 20-25%, reflecting the city badly lacks in the
open spaces in Amritsar is decreasing with passing decades. provision of recreational spaces which requires attention.

Coordinator : Ar. Aruna Ramani

Source : Author

Division of Public Functions

according to the area required
by each function

58 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Zoning Diagram

i Grover

Fig 60 Zoning and Relationship source: Author

60 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Site Analysis

Why This Site?

At the city level (Urban Scale): Amritsar is the second metropolitan city The total area under recreational use in the city comes out to be
of Punjab. The area of Amritsar under Municipal Corporation is 14,237 1.5% (124.9 ha) of the developed area and 0.88% of the developed
hectares, and population was 10,16,079 (census 2011). According to Master MC area. There is a decrease in the area under recreational use from
Plan of Amritsar (2011-2031) the population for MC Amritsar in 2017 was 21% of total land use in 2001 to 0.74% in 2010. The area under this
14,67,960.The area under parks and open spaces in Amritsar is decreasing use is much lesser than the prescribed norm of 20-25%, reflecting
with passing decades. the city badly lacks in the provision of recreational spaces which
requires attention.

1. 4

Old city
Source : Google Earth

The site lies next 4 major

public buildings -
1. Gobindgarh Fort
2. Amritsar Railway Station
3. Dusshera Ground
4. Durgiana Mandir

Fig 61 Plan and Context Source : Google Earth,Author

62 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


Requirement of Recreational Spaces: The site lies at the centre of The proposal of a green belt in the centre of the city : The site proposed
the city and is next to the untreated land of Gobindgarh Fort on for the thesis design is 4 ha piece of land with a built up of 30,000 sq. m.
the left. The land belonging to the Gobindgarh fort is proposed Hence, there would be a lot of open space which can be given out to the
to be converted into a recreational park by the government. Also city and converting the site into a recreational park with the built proposal
the city level park- GOL BAGH lies to the right of the site which is would add on to the open space, thus giving back the recreational space
4/2/2018 Amritsar - Google Maps
also a huge open space. The city is already in shortage of open to the city.
recreational spaces.


1. 3.

Source : Google Earth

The site lies next 4 major public

buildings -
1. Railway Ground
2. Proposed Gobindgargh
Recreational Park
Wally ©DreamWorks Distribution Limited. All rights reserved. Imagery ©2018 DigitalGlobe, Map data ©2018 Google 200 m
Fig 62 Open and Public Greens Source : Google Earth,Author 3. Dusshera Ground
4. Gol Bagh


1. Strong connectivity to Old and New city . It lies at the junction of the two
2. Close proximity to national Highway NH1
3. As the Old City has High density , hence there is majority of Pedestrian
traffic hence, the site is easily accessible by pedestrians and other NVMT

to Lahore
GT Road
vehicular axis

pedestrian axis
pedestrian axis

Hathi Gate

Lohgarh Gate

Fig 63 Connectivity Source : Google Earth,Author

Source : Google Earth

64 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Edge Conditions

Fig 64 Road View 1 Source : Author Fig 67 Dussehra Ground Source : Author

Fig 65 Road View 2 Source : Author Fig 68 Road View 4 Source : Author

Fig 66 Road View 3 Source : Author Fig 69 Road View 5 Source : Author

Contour Mapping

The site majorly a flat land with a marginal level drop of 1.5 m across 200
m length of the site .

However the site slopes up gradually to 7 m at the plateau of the fort and
slopes down to -7m at the railway station.

Fig 70 Contours Source : Google Earth,Author

66 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

SITE PLAN (12.2 acres)

Fig 71 Site Plan Source : Author


Fig 72 Gobindgargh Fort Source : Author Fig 73 Railway Station Source : Author

Fig 74 Gobindgargh Fort 2 Source : Author Fig 75 Dussehra Ground when not in Use Source : Author

68 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Technology Systems

1. Vertical landscaping and roof gardens 1. PV PANELS
Employed to cut down on direct solar heat ingress into the building photovoltaic panels can also be used for shading of roof top and
structure. most importantly energy generation for the building.
REASON OF SELECTION - area program and vision requirements.
provide cooling and reduce solar gain 2. Green Roofs
APPLICATION- Not used as West facade treatment. Different plants for to improve the thermal performance of a roofing system through
different wall application. shading, insulation, evapo transpiration and thermal mass.
1. Modular block green roof— designed in modular units which in-
terlock and
each module contains drainage systems and plants.
2. Semi-intensive systems ​are in between the above depths (10-
making it suitable for growing a variety of grasses and wildflowers.

Fig 77 Green Wall Tech

Fig 78 Green Roof Tech

70 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

PV Panels
Area calculation Panel Arrangement
Available roof area for solar panels –9300 m2
Loss area = 5% of available open space, so that area can Size of each panel – 1m x 2m
be calculated for installing solar panel = Available open Two panels are mounted one above the other.
space - Loose area So the
Effctie area of installatin = 9300 – 465 Length of the panels together becomes 4 m
= 8835 m2 Since the shadow of the panel would reduce
efficiency of the panel behind it, a gap of 1.3 m
Tilt angle calculation needs
to left (as the solar panels are mounted at an
Latitude of Amritsar – 31.634 degrees N angles
Optimum angles = 0.76 × ф + 3.1 (1) of 43 degrees)
Where ф - Latitude of Amritsar So 24% space of a panel is wasted
Optimum angle = 0.76*31.63 + 3.1 Therefore the total effective space is 7000 –
= 27.1388 24% of
8835 =6715 m2
Shadow Angle Calculation Area for each set is 4m2 and the panels can be
To avoid excessive shadowing, the arrays have to be in a row without any space between them
Spaced apart by a distance, d in relation to the module Therefore number of solar panels – 3357 pan-
width – els
d/a = cos β + sin β/tan ε (2) Each panel generates – 230 w
and, ε = 90º – δ – ф (3)
Where, ε = shadowing angle, and δ = eclipti angle = Total electricity generated – 772225 w = 772.2
23.5º [4]. KW
From eq. (1), (2) and (3), ε = 41.8 in 1 year = 772.2 X 4.5 X 300= 1042503 KWH
Fig 79 PV PANEL arrangement Source :

On August 21, Amritsar received 54.4mm rains, the
highest in 2015.
The average annual rainfall in Amritsar is 714 mm,
three fourths of which falls in July, August and Sep-
Usable rain water from the Roof

Roof catchment area = 10988 m2

Volume of rainfall = 10988 x 0.744
= 8175.072 m3
= 8175072 liters

For efficiency the roof should have ties laid on it .

The run of Coefficient for tiles = 0.8 – 0.9
The coefficient for evaporation, spillage, fist flush
wastage is considered as efficient rain water quan-
tity that can be harvested is
= 0.9 x 0.8 x 8175072 Fig 80 Rain Water Source : googleimages
= 5886051.84 liters
Total Rain water that can be used = 5886051.84 li-

Calculating the size of the pipes

For Delhi,
Average rate of rainfall (mm per hour) is 90mm/hr.
Therefore the size of our PVC pipes will be 125mm.
Since the roof area is 10988 m2
The no of down sprouts will be 10988/80 = 137
Diameter of pipe will be 125 mm
72 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Water calculation

No. of users at peak time on site = 5000

For public spaces/assembly area water required per person=15L/day
therefore total requirement= 75000 LPD
Total water consumption = 75000 LPD for built
=0.5 X 75000 = 37500 LPD
Grand Total
112500 = 112.5 KLD
Fresh water demand = 112.5 - 57.37 = 55.13 KLD

Total water consumption= 462150 lpd for built


The EcoRich Elite II Composter falls in the ADVANTAGES

category of “in-vessel” composting. Us-
ing an accelerated composting process a Waste volume reduction of 75-90%,
volume reduction of 90% and thereby 10% within 24 hours
of compost generation is achieved in 24 Decomposed waste is nutrient rich
hours. compost – Needs to be removed only
twice a month
Our composter is an “intelligent” system Fully automated operation
that acts on the direction of the sensors VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) reduces
placed inside the machine and thereby electrical consumption by 15%
achieving the following – No manual in- Fig 81 Composter Source : googleimages
tervention thus saving on labour costs and
Automated execution thus saving power WASTE TREATMENT
and maintenance costs. Sewage treatment plant
Advantages -
The machine composts waste using an 80% of the waste water can be reused
energy-efficient and automated control Low running cost and maintenance
process. The system employs high tem- Discrete and low installation costs
perature micro-organisms to decompose Minimal visual impact
food waste and organic matter. This is ac- Reliable
complished without the need of repeated Robust operation and stand-by facility
additions of micro-organisms or other ad- The unique design of the flow balanc-
ditives to the composting champer eve. ing in the primary tank means it can Fig 82 STP Cycle Source : googleimages
cope with variable flows and loads water flowing into Sewer
Normal mixed food waste should take no making it ideal for caravan sites and assuming 0.8 flows into it
longer than 24 hours to virtually disappear. other seasonal venues =0.8X 515978.55
The end products is nutrient rich organic Easy access = 412782.84 (412.7 KLD)
compost which can be used gardening or- Safe, clean, accessible air diffuser total amount reaching STP
ganic faming purpose. system with large access lids for easy =75 % of 412782.84= 309587.13 (309 KLD)
maintenance water available for re-use
Tank 25 years life = 85 % of 309587.13 = 263149.0605

74 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

TYPE OF COOLING SYSTEMS TO BE air conditioned area- 15 W/sqft
USED :- non ac/ventilated - 8 W/sqft
Water cooled Packed Units – lighting + power= 5W/sqft
The water cooled packaged units will lighting = 2W/sqft
be of 50 T each. FCU – A Fan Coil Unit
(FCU) is a simple device consisting of a Total power requirement in non residential =
heating and/or cooling heat exchanger 186420 = 186.420 KWH
or ‘coil’ and fan. It is part of an HVAC Total energy requirements of 1 year = 186.420 X
system found in residential, 365 X 14 = 952606.2 KWH
commercial, and industrial buildings. Total power requirement in residential = 102310
Will be used in – offices. = 102.310 KWH
Total energy requirements of 1 year = 102.310 X
AHU – An air handler, or air handling unit 365 X 24 hours
(often abbreviated to AHU), is a device = 896235.6 KWH
used to regulate and circulate air as part Total requirement over an year = 1848841.8
of a heating, ventilating, and air condi- KWH
tioning (HVAC) system.
Will be used in –
AHU in false ceiling – shops, Café, Exhi-
bition halls
Larger AHU with AHU rooms –Market,(the
vent will be provided)

Cooling Towers –
The cooling towers will be placed in on
the roof of the exhibition halls. They will
be placed on each of the roofs sepa-
rately. The chilling pipes will be insulated.

76 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
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84 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Site Inferences and SWAT Analysis

SWOT analysis


1. The site lies in the center of 1. Major road between the Mela 1. At urban level the site lies be- 1. Managing heavy traffic
the city giving it accesibility to ground and the site hampers the tween two recreational parks of during the time of festi-
all the pedestrians and vehicles. pedestrian connectivity be- the city (Gobindgargh Park and vals would be an issue.
tween the two sites during the Gol Bagh) As compared to the
2. The site lies next to the NH1 time of the festivals. highly dense packed city.
connecting it to neighbouring
districts,tourists etc. Thus the site can act as a con-
nectivity public hub between
the two parks.
3. The Gobindgarh fort and
Durgiana Mandir (300 M) is in 2. Proximity to the old city (300
proximity to the site hence, one m )and Golden Temple (1200
can get good views from the m) will add to more pedestrians
site. into the site

4. Adjoining Community City 3. Old Buses dumped at site

Festival Ground will bring more can be re-used for accomoda-
life to the proposed program on tion or other suitable purposes.
the site during the time of the easily accesible to tourists.

5. Proximity to the Railway Sta-

tion (400 mt) makes the site
easily accesible to tourists.

86 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Relationship between open and built.

Fig 84 Conceptual Section Source : Author

Most of the functions in day to

day life in Punjab are performed
in Open, Semi-open veran-
das. Hence the relation ship
between built. open and semi
open would be very important
depending upon the functions.

Shops at the Public Concourse

enhance retail as well as cre-
ates a linkage between the 2
open grounds and the sarai.

Also Library and Museums at

upper floors would provide pri-
vacy to these functions from the
activity on the lower levels.
Fig 85 Conceptual Section Source : Author

Basic Zoning Diagram

Determinants for Zoning

Direct Connectivity between

Dussehra ground and sports

Maximum frontage and accesibilty

to the market to enhance retail

Semi public functions like Li-

brary,Museum and Auditorium are
connected to the Public realm.

Functions like Sarai and Skill devel-

opment center are kept private but
linked directly to the public area.

Fig 86 Zoning Directives Source : Author

88 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Design Concept

CONCEPT- Connection + Orientation



The Horse Riding and

playing arena is given
a v shape and oriented
towards the fort such
that the stands get
view of the fort while
the performances
are happening in the


Fig 87 VIEW Source : Author The neighbouring

community ground i.e.
Dussehra Ground is
also given importance
as the pedestrian
movement into the Fig 89 Porousity Source : Author
site is through this 3. BAZAAR EDGES
edge. Hence to further The bazaars are used as functions to direct the people into
strenghten their is a the central arena .The Bazaars spread out at the concourse
porous connectivity level to drive in more public into the market and arena
between the two space

Fig 88 connections Source : Author

90 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


The central arena is core to the concept. To

hgihlight its importance all views and movement
direct towards it.

Zoning wise all the other fucntions are organ-

ised around the arena space which have direct
view or spill out into the terraces towards the
arena, giving all its life in the enclosed space.

Fig 90 Function and relations Source : Author


The amphitheatre seats all look towards

not just what is happening inside the are-
na but also at the Gobindgargh fort in the

Fig 91 Angle of Seating Source : Author

The design aims to ensure
that there is strong visu-
al connections between all
floors to create a feeling of
a community. This will also in-
crease the interaction.

Fig 92 Visual connectivity Source : Author

Light wells and punture are
used in the seating space
to provide proper light and
ventilation to the functions
under these stands.

Fig 93 Light Wells Source : Author

92 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Design Development

Design Development 1
Taking the concepts derived from the research as shown in chapter
6, many variations of massing were tried. Some of them were a direct
derivation of functions being positioned according to the program
analysis done in chapter 4. Some are as follows-

Fig 94 Concept Massing 1 ,Model scale 1:1000

POSITIVES NEGATIVES • The main central arena concept

• Thr proportions of the arena and • Orientation has no bases • WAY FORWARD-
volume enclosed are right • No enclosure of bazaar • To organize arena towards the views
• Terraces create a lively atmosphere • Response to community ground not seen to the fort or Mandir
within the building • No connection between two built masses

94 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

Design Development 2

Fig 95 Concept Massing 2, Model Scale 1:500


• Functional Zoning is • The proportions of the arena are not

working correct
• Bazaar edges have been • The massing is has no language or
enclosed response to the context

Design Development 3

Fig 96 Concept Massing 3, Model Scale 1:500

• better orientation of open
space. • more importance is given to
• linear arena organising stands towards
• bazaar is organized linearly the fort than the actual
along the arena facing in- functioning of the complex
side • edge conditions on the site
are not resolved
96 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018
Design Development 4

Fig 97 Concept Massing 4, Model Scale 1:1000


• pedestrian approach to the site is resolved • jaggered edges inside the built doesnt compliment the seating
• mobile trailer parks give an assence of typical punjabi household pattern of the arena
• the connectivity between the two wings is enhanced through un- • there is no sense of vehicular entry to the drop and vehicular cir-
deground connections culation is not resolved with in the site
• location of horse stables occupies the majot location in the built

Design Development 5

Fig 98 Concept Massing 5, Model Scale 1:500 Fig 99 Concept Massing 5.1, Model Scale 1:500


• better articulation of volume. Clean lines and the section • the edges of the site still remain unresolved
allows for more visual connection throughout all floors • the bazzar has become a more formal space with more organised shops
• distribution of zoning • resolution of levels is not complete
• residential gets proper ventilation because of open courts • residential is not getting proper light
at upper level
• vehicular entrya and drop off is resolved

98 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


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Q. What function does the form of your building serve? Why is it like

Ans. The form was created for the following reasons-

1. To create grandeur in the building
2. To create a feeling of waving flags around the arena
3. To frame view to the fort
4. To shade 60 % of the amphitheater seating and residential terraces.

124 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018


1. Know Your State - Punjab by Anil Mittal

2. https://www.pixelchrome.com/page/1?per_

3. https://ac.els-cdn.com


5. Project for Public Spaces (2009) Eleven Princi-

ples for Creating Great Community Places - How to
Turn a Place Around
[online] - htt://www.pps.org/reference/11steps/
on - 1st April 2017)

6. Gladiator (MOVIE) 2001

7. Ben Hur 1950 (MOVIE)

126 Jashn-e- Punjab |Architectural Thesis 2018

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