001-40881 AN2025 Analog Sine Wave Generation With PSoC R 1 Demonstration With CTCSS

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC® 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Author: Jeff Dahlin

Associated Project: Yes
Associated Part Family: CY8C23x33, CY8C24x23A, CY8C24x94
CY8C27x43, CY8C28xxx, CY8C29x66
Software: PSoC Designer 5.4
Related Application Notes: None
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AN2025 demonstrates how to generate a sine wave using two methods, lookup table and filtering, with PSoC® 1. The
document also shows how to implement a Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) carrier generator in
PSoC 1. There are three projects associated with this document. The first two show how to generate a sine wave
using the lookup table and filtering methods, and the third project demonstrates CTCSS implementation.

Introduction Figure 1. Global Resources Parameter Window

AN2025 discusses two methods to generate sine waves in

PSoC 1: DAC and filtering. In the DAC method, a counter
is used to generate periodic interrupts. In the interrupt
service routine (ISR), the DAC is updated from a lookup
table (LUT), which has the values of a sine wave sampled
at equal intervals. The periodic updating of the DAC with
sine wave values causes the output of the DAC to be a
sine wave.
Another method is by filtering a square wave to get a sine
wave. A square wave with frequency equal to the desired
sine wave frequency is generated using timers. This
square wave is then passed through a band pass filter
(BPF) to eliminate the higher-order harmonics. Only the
fundamental frequency, which is the desired sine wave, is
Figure 2. DAC8 Block Diagram
The application note then discusses how to implement a
Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) by
using the DAC method. This particular example uses a
256-byte sine wave lookup table in ROM and a 6-bit
Voltage Output Digital to Analog Convertor (DAC6) User
Module (UM).

Sine Wave Generation using DAC

The DAC8 User Module translates digital codes into
output voltages. The input digital codes can be
represented as numbers in 2’s complement form, ranging
from −127 to +127 or, alternatively, in offset-binary form,
as numbers ranging from 0 to 254. Several output voltage
ranges are possible, depending on the value selected for a
system-level parameter called RefMux. See the Global
Resources parameter window of PSoC Designer (see In the example project associated with this application note,
Figure 1). RefMux sets the Vref of DAC, as shown in RefMux is set to (VDD/2) (VDD/2). Say VDD = 5 V.
Figure 2.

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Then Vref = 2.5 V and the output will swing from 0 V (2.5 V Figure 3. Output Waveform
to 2.5 V) to 5 V (2.5 V to +2.5 V). The input data format is
set to offset binary (0 to 254). 6 300

Output Voltage(Volts)
Table 1. DAC Input/Output Table 5 250

DAC Input
4 200
SNo DAC Input Output Voltage(volts) 3 150
2 100
1 0x00 (0) 0V
1 50
2 0x7F (127) 2.5V 0 0
3 0xFE (254) 5V 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61
For a sampled system, the sample rate required to Sample No.
produce the desired output frequency is given by the
following formula:
Calculate the maximum output frequency achievable using
the 8-bit DAC as follows:
Let us consider an example to generate a 60-Hz sine
wave using 64 samples. For an output frequency of 60 Hz
and 64 samples, the desired sample rate is 3.84 ksps.
Maximum Sample rate for an 8-bit DAC = 125 Kbps
Using the formula, the desired output frequency may be
generated by varying the sample rate or the number of Maximum No. of samples = 256
samples. Note that reducing the number of samples Maximum Output Frequency achievable = 488 Hz
increases the error in the output sine wave.
A 64-point LUT is created, which resembles a sine wave. Firmware
The formula to create the samples of the LUT is:
After reset, all hardware settings from the device
configuration are loaded into the device, and main.c is
executed. The following operations are performed in
Where, main.c:
= Sample number (0 to 63)  Counter16 is started.
= Full scale count for the DAC wrt
Vref(2.5V), which is 127 for DAC8  Counter16 interrupt is enabled.

= Value at which DAC produces a zero cross  DAC8 is started at high power.
voltage of sine wave(2.5 V), which is 127 for DAC8
Using the formula given earlier, the following LUT is
 Global interrupts are enabled. Any interrupt in the
code will be serviced only if the global interrupt is
created and stored as a ROM array in main.c.
const char SineTable64[] = {
127, 139, 152, 164, 176, 187, 198, 208,  The pointer to the LUT is initialized to 0.
217, 225, 233, 239, 244, 249, 252, 253,
254, 253, 252, 249, 244, 239, 233, 225,  An infinite loop is entered. After that, all the
217, 208, 198, 187, 176, 164, 152, 139, operations take place inside the Counter’s ISR.
127, 115, 102, 90, 78, 67, 56, 46,
37, 29, 21, 15, 10, 5, 2, 1, Reading from the LUT and writing to the DAC8 take place
0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 21, 29, inside the Counter’s ISR. The function Counter_ISR in
37, 46, 56, 67, 78, 90, 102, 115 main.c performs the operations. This function is declared
}; /* 64 samples store in ROM */ as an interrupt handler by using the following code.
#pragma interrupt_handler Counter_ISR;

The #pragma interrupt_handler is use to

make a “C” function as an ISR function.

The ISR will be:

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

void Counter_ISR(void)
void Counter_ISR(void)
 The value from the LUT that corresponds to the
pointer is read
/* Update the DAC with the value in
 The DAC is updated with this value
* lookup table pointed the variable
* Pointer */  The Pointer is incremented

DAC8_1_WriteBlind(SineTable64[Pointer]);  If Pointer = 64, Pointer is reset to 0, so that the next

cycle starts from the first sample in the LUT.
/* Increment pointer */
Pointer++; Figure 4. DAC Update Routine
/* If the Pointer is incremented by
* 2, the effective number of samples
* will be 32 and the output frequency
* will be doubled.If Pointer is (Time base) (DAC data register is
updated here)

* incremented by 4,number of samples

* will be 16 and the output frequency
* will be quadrupled. */ 127

/* Reset Pointer if greater than or (LUT)

equal to 64 */
if (Pointer >= 64) Pointer = 0; Figure 5. Scope Capture of Output Observed on P0[3]
To execute the function on interrupt, a jump to this
function must be done inside the ISR. This is done by
placing the following code inside the _Counter16_1_ISR
inside the Counter16_1INT.asm file.

;@PSoC_UserCode_BODY@ (Do not change

;this line.)
; Insert your custom code below this
; banner
; NOTE: interrupt service routines
; must preserve the values of the A
; X CPU registers.
ljmp _Counter_ISR Design Considerations
; Insert your custom code above this  The same 64-point LUT can be used for smaller
tables, such as ones with 32 samples, 16 samples,
; banner and 8 samples. For 32 samples, inside the ISR,
;--------------------------------------- increment the Pointer by 2 instead of 1. For 16
;@PSoC_UserCode_END@ (Do not change this samples, increment the Pointer by 4.
 The higher the number of samples, the smoother the
reti output wave and the less the harmonics. But as the
desired output frequency becomes higher, the sample
When the counter interrupt occurs, the boot.asm redirects rate also increases. When the time taken to execute
the interrupt to the _Counter16_1_ISR. From there, the the Counter’s ISR exceeds the sample time, the CPU
control is transferred to the interrupt handler in main.c. load becomes 100%. At this point, the number of
The following operations take place inside the ISR: samples must be reduced to further increase the
output frequency.

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Figure 6. UM for Generating Centre Frequency and

 To smooth the output signal when samples per cycle
Clocking Signal
decreases, add an RC Filter with corner frequency (fc)
above the fundamental frequency and below the PWM to generate square wave
sampling frequency.
Example: Fundamental Frequency = 60 Hz, Sampling
Freq = 120 Hz. Consider a corner frequency = 80 Hz
Then, we can design an RC low pass filter (LPF) with R=
2 kΩ and C = 1 uf.

PWM to generate clocking signal for analog section

Sine Wave Generation Using Filter
This method involves filtering techniques to obtain a sine
wave from a square wave. This method uses the hardware Figure 7. PGA and BPF to Obtain Sine Wave from Square
resources of PSoC 1, leaving the CPU free to implement Wave
other functions. It is easier to generate a square wave of
the required frequency using the PWM UM in PSoC 1.
According to Fourier analysis, this square wave consists of
the fundamental frequency (sine wave) and its odd
harmonics of diminishing amplitudes.

The amplitude of the nth harmonic is (1/n) times the

amplitude of the fundamental frequency. This square wave
is then passed through a BPF, whose cutoff frequencies
are selected such that only the fundamental frequency is
passed un-attenuated and the odd harmonics are
attenuated significantly. The output of the BPF is the
fundamental frequency, which is the required sine wave.

Let us see how this is implemented in PSoC 1. The project
consists of the following UMs:
 Center_Frequency: A 16-bit PWM UM used to
generate the required square wave. In this case,
it is set to generate a 5-kHz sine wave.
Configuring the BPF UM
 BPF4_1 : A four-pole BFP (BPF4 UM) is used to
The BPF4 User Module implements a four-pole BPF. The
achieve the necessary filtering.
center frequency and Q (ratio of center frequency to
bandwidth) are functions of the clock frequency and the
 PGA_1: A PGA UM is used for amplifying or ratios of the capacitor values chosen. You can set or
attenuating the input signal to BPF4_1. adjust the center frequency by controlling the sample rate
clock. Any of the classical all-pole filter configurations
 Column_Clock: A 16-bit PWM UM is used to (Butterworth, Gaussian, Bessel, and Chebyshev) can be
generate the column clock required for the implemented. The filter output can drive the analog output
BPF4_1 UM (per BPF4_1 UM wizard). bus.

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Figure 8. BPF4 Configuration Wizard Figure 9. 5-kHz Square Wave and the Filtered Sine Wave


Clock divider Frequency
settings response

Figure 8 shows the BPF4 configuration wizard. Based on 1) Implementation is purely in hardware. The CPU
the design requirements, you can set filter parameters can be used to implement any other functionality.
such as centre frequency, bandwidth, sampling frequency, 2) Obtain higher-frequency sine waves that cannot
gain of the filter, and filter type. be obtained by the DAC method because of the
limitation of the maximum DAC update rate and
CPU overhead.
The clock divider setting shows the clock parameters that
must be set for the analog column to obtain the expected
frequency response. The frequency response plots show Disadvantages
the nominal frequency response and the expected
frequency response.
1) Because of the discrete values of the
capacitance, you may have to use a trial-and-
Because of the discrete nature of the capacitance, there is error method to achieve the right expected filter
a difference between the nominal frequency response and response.
the expected frequency response. The filter parameter
setting should be set such that the expected frequency
response matches the design requirements. In the current Continuous Tone Coded Squelch
example project, which is designed to obtain a 5-kHz sine System (CTCSS)
wave, the filter parameter settings satisfy this condition.
The slight gain provided by the filter is compensated by Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) or
using same amount of attenuation in the PGA. similar mechanisms are used in most handheld radios to
allow multiple users to share one carrier frequency. The
After all of the UMs are configured, the firmware simply goal of CTCSS is to allow the receiving radio to suppress
consists of starting all the UMs. Connect P0[1] to P0[7] (or squelch) signals that are not intended for its user. If a
externally, and a 5-kHz sine wave is obtained on P0[5], as pair of radios is set to the same CTCSS tone, then the
shown in Figure 9. Change the output frequency by audio transmitted by one radio is received on the other
changing frequency of center frequency PWM. Also, radio’s speaker.
change the center frequency in the BPF UM wizard. CTCSS works by mixing a single tone with the transmitted
voice audio at all times. A radio receiving a signal checks
if the CTCSS tone selected for that radio is present. If the
tone is present, the receiving radio outputs the voice
audio. If the tone is not present, any signal received is not
sent to the speaker. This allows multiple radios to coexist
on the same carrier frequency in the same area without
users having to listen to everyone.

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

CTCSS Carrier Frequencies In the example project, the Timer8 is set to approximately
10 kHz. The frequency of the output waveform is
CTCSS uses 38 frequencies between 67.0 Hz and 250.3 determined by the step size of the index through the LUT.
Hz as the selection tones. Table 2 lists the frequency For example, for a 10-kHz update rate and a step size of
associated with each of the tones. Some radios use ‘1’, the resulting sine wave has a frequency of about 39 Hz
additional “nonstandard” frequencies for CTCSS (10,000/256). If a step size of ‘2’ is used, the resulting sine
functionality. This application uses only the standard wave has a frequency of twice that, at about 78 Hz. The
CTCSS frequencies. Excel file used to generate the LUT is provided along with
Table 2. Standard CTCSS Frequencies this application note. It contains the options for the clock
frequency and the number of steps in LUT, and generates
Tone Frequency Tone Frequency the LUT based on them.

1 67.0 Hz 20 131.8 Hz The 256-byte LUT is stored in ROM and is accessed using
the MCU’s INDEX instruction. The INDEX instruction
2 71.9 Hz 21 136.5 Hz uses a base address, which is hardcoded as the operand
3 74.4 Hz 22 141.3 Hz in the instruction and an index, which is the value in the
Accumulator at the start of the command. When the
4 77.0 Hz 23 146.2 Hz INDEX instruction is executed, the table entry pointed to
5 79.7 Hz 24 151.4 Hz by the sum of the base address and the index is loaded
into the Accumulator.
6 82.5 Hz 25 156.7 Hz
The 8-bit index for the LUT comes from the upper byte of
7 85.4 Hz 26 162.2 Hz a 16-bit index (iCTCSSFreqIndex in the project). The
8 88.5 Hz 27 167.9 Hz upper byte can be considered as the integer portion of the
index and the lower byte as the fractional portion of the
9 91.5 Hz 28 173.8 Hz index. To step through the LUT, a 16-bit index increment
10 94.8 Hz 29 179.9 Hz (iCTCSSFreqInc in the project), also having an integer
portion and a fractional portion, is added to the 16-bit
11 97.4 Hz 30 186.2 Hz accumulated index. This allows the use of fractional
12 100.0 Hz 31 192.8 Hz increments, which creates a more accurate frequency than
is possible with an integer increment.
13 103.5 Hz 32 203.5 Hz
In the example described earlier, where a step size of ‘2’
14 107.2 Hz 33 210.7 Hz resulted in an output frequency of 78 Hz, the index
15 110.9 Hz 34 218.1 Hz increment is 0x0200. To get an output frequency of 67 Hz
(CTCSS tone 1), a step size of 1.72 is needed. The index
16 114.8 Hz 35 225.7 Hz increment in this case is 0x01b3.
17 118.8 Hz 36 233.6 Hz
Frequency Selection
18 123.0 Hz 37 241.8 Hz
In this project, a function is provided that sets the index
19 127.3 Hz 38 250.3 Hz increment value for the desired frequency. This function,
SetCTCSSFreq(), is passed a 1-byte argument that is
Frequency Generation – Implementation the CTCSS tone number. The tone number is manipulated
(subtract 1 and multiply by 2) to convert it into an index for
In the project accompanying this application note, the
a 38-entry, 16-bit LUT, which contains index increment
CTCSS frequencies are generated by transferring data
from a 256-entry, 8-bit LUT into a DAC6 UM at a fixed
rate. The DAC is updated at a constant rate in an ISR that
is controlled by an 8-bit timer (Timer8 UM). The frequency Phase Coherence
of the CTCSS tone is adjusted by varying the step size A side effect of the way in which the output frequency is
through the LUT. changed (the accumulated index variable is not cleared) is
that the sine wave exhibits no discontinuity when the
The 256-byte LUT contains data that represents one cycle frequency changes. Although this is not critical for CTCSS
of a sine wave. This data is stored in sign and magnitude generation, it may be required in other waveform
format. Sign and magnitude is the native format of the applications.
DAC data register. Writing to the DAC is more efficient in
this format.

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Hardware Configuration Sine_Timer, a Timer8 configured to divide the output of

DAC_Timer by 78, generates an output frequency of
Figure 10 shows the placement of the three user modules 10.088 kHz.
used in this project. CTCSS_DAC, a DAC6, outputs the Port0[3] (pin 3 on a 28-pin package) is set to
analog signal that is the sine wave. CTCSS_DAC is AnalogOutBuf0 with a drive mode of High Z to enable the
configured to use a SignAndMagnitude data format. The analog signal to be output.
output to the analog column bus is enabled and Buf0 is
enabled to output the analog signal to Port0[3]. The frequency accuracy requirement for CTCSS is usually
better than the ±2.5% accuracy of the internal main
Figure 10. CTCSS User Module Placement oscillator (IMO) in the PSoC microcontroller; therefore an
external crystal oscillator is required. The Port1[0] and
Port1[1] pins are set to High Z and a 32.678 kHz crystal is
connected to the part as specified in the Cypress
application note AN2027, Using the PSoC Microcontroller
External Crystal Oscillator.
Note To check the working of the project without an
external oscillator, the PLL_Mode in global parameters
must be set to “Disable” and the 32K_Select must be set
to “Internal”. If a crystal is added, but the selection for the
32K_Select is external, the ECO circuit continues to
oscillate. The frequency of this oscillation is far from
32 kHz. With these settings, the project outputs at an
unexpected frequency.

ISR Overhead
If the PSoC microprocessor also has other tasks, the
amount of CPU overhead used by the ISR while
generating the CTCSS output is important. Three factors
influence the ISR overhead: the DAC6 analog column
clock speed, CPU clock speed, and Sine_Timer clock rate.
The Sine_Timer ISR involves a write stall when updating
the CTCSS_DAC. A write stall pauses the CPU until the
start of the rising edge of the Phi1 clock in the analog
column. This is done to prevent glitches on the DAC
output. (See the Analog Synchronization Interface section
in the Analog Interface chapter of the Technical Reference
Manual (TRM) for more details on write stall.) The worst-
case stall period for the DAC_Timer period used in this
project is 5.1 sec. Apart from the write stall, the ISR takes
an additional 93 CPU clock cycles to execute.
With a DAC update rate of 10.088 kHz, the worst-case
ISR overhead is 15%. Table 3 shows the ISR overhead for
different CPU clock rates, assuming an analog column
clock of 197 kHz and a DAC update rate of 10.088 kHz.

Table 3. CTCSS ISR Overhead

CPU_Clock ISR Overhead

DAC_Timer, a Timer8 configured to divide the 48M clock 24 MHz 15%
by 61, is used to generate the column clock for the DAC6.
This results in a DAC update rate of 197 kHz. A high DAC 12 MHz 24%
update rate is required for this application. The DAC 6 MHz 44%
update frequency appears in the spectrum of the output.
The higher the DAC update rate, the more effectively it is 3 MHz 82%
removed with a simple R-C LPF. This project cannot be run below 3 MHz

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

If different timing is used for this application, the resulting harmonics of the output frequency is the major contributor
ISR overhead differs from those listed in Table 3. to distortion. In this case something more than a simple R-
C low pass filter is needed to clean up the waveform. A
Low Pass Filter User Module can be used.
Frequency Limitation
In some designs, due to limited resources, the source for
Multiple clocks are required to implement this technique. the DAC’s analog column clock must be shared with
The maximum frequency obtainable from this another function. For this, a slower clock must be used.
implementation thus depends on the clocks and on the This affects the ISR overhead; it increases the maximum
user module interdependencies. Consider this block stall time, which in turn increases the waveform distortion
diagram. by moving the DAC clock frequency closer to the output
frequency. Ideally, a frequency close to the DAC6
Figure 11. Block Diagram to Highlight the Clocks Required maximum update rate is used.

ISR Timer
ISR instructions
Output In this project, a 6-bit DAC is selected over an 8-bit DAC.
(including LUT) Sample
The 8-bit DAC results in more precise steps, but it uses
more analog SoC blocks. Experiments show that the
The ISR timer triggers the ISR, in which the value from the number of steps per waveform has a much greater impact
LUT is loaded into the DAC. The slowest of these three on the accuracy of the output waveform than the DAC
blocks will determine the maximum frequency of the resolution does.
output. The ISR timer cannot be faster than the maximum
update rate of the DAC. The maximum update rate of the
DAC is 750 kHz. Performance
Thus, the output of the timer is limited to the same value After configuring the timers as described in the previous
as the DAC update rate, The ISR overhead for the highest sections and using an external crystal, the data was
frequency of the DAC is the sum of CPU cycles for DAC collected to determine the frequency accuracy and the
stall and 93 CPU clock cycles for the rest of the ISR, as waveform distortion of the output.
explained in the section earlier. The CPU cycles for the
DAC write stall, for an update rate of 750 kHz and CPU The output frequencies were measured for all 48 CTCSS
clock speed of 24 MHz is 32 cycles. tones using a Fluke 87 Digital Multimeter. The results of
these measurements are shown in Table 4. The range of
Thus, the total delay due is 24 MHz/(93+32) = 192 kHz. the frequency error is +0.10% to 0.13%.
The ISR instruction implementation is the slowest of the
three blocks. Therefore, the maximum frequency possible The waveform distortions for selected CTCSS tones (1, 7,
for one output sample is 192 kHz. At least four samples 13, 19, 26, 32, and 38) are calculated based on
are required to create a sine wave. measurements taken with a Hewlett-Packard 3585A
spectrum analyzer. The measurements are taken directly
Therefore, the absolute maximum frequency possible for a from the output of the PSoC microcontroller with no
sine wave output with this implementation is 48 kHz. Also reconstruction filter. The results are graphed in the
note that the accuracy is higher at lower output Waveform Distortion table below. The maximum distortion,
frequencies with higher steps into the LUT, as explained in 3.8%, occurred at the highest output frequency, as
the Trade-offs and Performance sections. expected.
Additional testing was run using a DAC update rate
Trade-offs (Sine_Timer) of 6.5 kHz. The maximum distortion
increased to 6.3%.
Trade-offs that must be made when designing a waveform
ISR overhead versus DAC update rate is one trade-off that
must be considered. More steps in a wavelength results in
a lower harmonic distortion of the waveform. Fewer steps
in a wavelength reduce the ISR overhead, leaving more of
the CPU available for other tasks.
Waveform distortion versus output-filter complexity is
another part of the same trade-off. If the DAC update rate
is much higher than the frequency of the output waveform,
the major contributor to distortion is at the DAC update
frequency. In this case a simple R-C low pass filter on the
output (often called a reconstruction filter) can acceptably
reduce the waveform distortion. If the DAC update rate is
too close to the frequency of the output waveform, the

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Figure 12. Waveform Distortion

% Distortion vs. Frequency






50 100 150 200 250 300

Table 4. Frequency Accuracy

Tone # Frequency Measured Error Tone # Frequency Measured Error

1 67.0 67.09 -0.13% 20 131.8 131.83 -0.02%

2 71.9 71.83 0.10% 21 136.5 136.47 0.02%
3 74.4 74.45 -0.07% 22 141.3 141.20 0.07%
4 77.0 77.08 -0.10% 23 146.2 146.16 0.03%
5 79.7 79.71 -0.01% 24 151.4 151.37 0.02%
6 82.5 82.45 0.06% 25 156.7 156.79 -0.06%
7 85.4 85.39 0.01% 26 162.2 162.15 0.03%
8 88.5 88.50 0.00% 27 167.9 167.87 0.02%
9 91.5 91.54 -0.04% 28 173.8 173.83 -0.02%
10 94.8 94.81 -0.01% 29 179.9 179.81 0.05%
11 97.4 97.38 0.02% 30 186.2 186.18 0.01%
12 100.0 100.01 -0.01% 31 192.8 192.72 0.04%
13 103.5 103.51 -0.01% 32 203.5 203.40 0.05%
14 107.2 107.22 -0.02% 33 210.7 210.70 0.00%
15 110.9 110.93 -0.03% 34 218.1 218.10 0.00%
16 114.8 114.78 0.02% 35 225.7 225.60 0.04%
17 118.8 118.83 -0.03% 36 233.6 233.50 0.04%
18 123.0 123.12 -0.10% 37 241.8 242.10 -0.12%
19 127.3 127.22 0.06% 38 250.3 250.30 0.00%

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Figure 13 and Figure 14 show the waveforms for Tone 1 and Tone 38, respectively. They are captured with a Tektronix TDS
3034 Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Notice that the individual DAC increments are more apparent at the higher frequency. This
is because there are fewer steps per cycle at higher frequencies. The result is greater waveform distortion.

Figure 13. Tone 1 (67.0-Hz) Waveform Figure 14. Tone 38 (250.3-Hz) Waveform

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

Document History
Document Title: AN2025 – Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC® 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)
Document Number: 001-40881

Revision ECN Orig. of Submission Description of Change

Change Date

** 1536344 JVY See ECN New application note

*A 2793434 YARA 10/27/09 Updated part number from CY8C25xxx to CY8C27xxx. Updated accompanying
projects from PSoC Designer version 2.1 to 5.0. Updated document text where
*B 3188204 YARA 03/04/2011 Added ‘Frequency limitation’ section and a figure to show the maximum frequency
*C 3825120 DESH 11/29/2012 Modified Abstract and Introduction.
Added sections Sine Wave Generation using DAC, Firmware, and Some Design
Considerations. Sine Wave Generation using filter.
*D 4102333 TEJU 08/22/2013 Modified the Section Sine Wave generation using DAC.
Added more information about DAC8 and 3 new figures and a table.
Associated projects have been updated to PD5.4
*E 5702260 AESATMP8 04/19/2017 Updated logo and Copyright.

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Analog – Sine Wave Generation with PSoC 1 (Demonstration with CTCSS)

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