Report On Proof of Akra Bazzi's Master Theorem.

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Report on proof of generalized Master

theorem and its variations

Mayank Singh
August 30, 2010

B.Tech, 3rd year student

Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Rajasthan,India


Akra and Bazzi had given a generalization of the Master Method that pro-
vides a very simple formula for solving most divide-and-conquer problems.Tom
Leighton has proved Akra Bazzi’s formula and also extended it to some more
variations.In this report,I will discuss what i had learned from the proof and
what are modifications possible along limitations of Akra Bazzi’s formula.

Advantages of Akra Bazzi’s formula over regular Master Theorem:-

• Recurrence can contain any number of terms having there a0i s and b0i s may
be different or same whereas in regular Master theorem it has only one
value of ai and bi . Thus it is more generalised form of Master Theorem.
• The Master Theorem given in Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest is true for
f(n) that are polynomially bounded. But it is not true for all polynomially
bounded functions. For example: when f (n) is smaller than nlogb a but not
polynomially smaller. Similarly, when f (n) is larger than nlogb a but not
polynomially larger. But such cases do not exist for Akra-Bazzi s Master

Limitations of Akra Bazzi’s formula :-

• The boundation for ai ’s and bi ’s is i=1 ai bpi = 1 which is very important.
Without this we cannot proof the generalized Master Theorem.
• Similarly the function g(x) should satisfies the polynomial growth condi-
tion. If not, then proof of its cannot be given.

Some important concepts in proof :-

• Polynomial Growth Condition :-

If there exist positive constants c1 ,c2 such that for all x ≥ 1, for all 1 ≤
i ≤ k, and for all u ∈ [bi x, x],

c1 g(x) ≤ g(u) ≤ c2 g(x)

If |g 0 (x)| is upper bounded by a polynomial in x, then g(x) satisfies the

polynomial growth condition.
• If g(x) is a non negative function that satisfies the polynomial-growth
condition,then there are positive constants such that for all x ≥ 1, for all
1≤i≤k ,
Z x
c3 g(x) ≤ xp p+1
≤ c4 g(x)
bi x u

Note on variation of akra and bazzi’s result:-

With the akra bazzi formula we can calculate simple recursions but if recursions
are inequalities then we need to add a function h(x) with each b(x). Now the
function will look like somewhat this:

θ(1) for 1 ≤ x ≤ x0 ;
T (x) = Pk
i=1 i T (b i x + hi (x)) + g(x) for x > x0 ;

We can choose h0i s such that |hi | < 1 ,representing ceiling functions such as

hi (x) = dbi xe − bi x

also we choose large h0i s, such as hi = − x
thus the variations covers a more larger recursive functions than Akra Bazzi’s

References :-
• Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leierson, and Ronald L. Rivest. Intro-
duction to Algorithms.The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1990.
• Notes on Better Master Theorems for Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences.Tom
Leighton , 1996.

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