Ibs Juni Pur
Ibs Juni Pur
Ibs Juni Pur
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a chronic disease in almost in every community across the planet with no cure. Patients suffering from this
ailment live a very disturbed and painful quality of life. Weight loss, and other prominent derogatory health conditions prevail swiftly that carry
a social and financial burden on the family. Conventional allopathy has no solution but the symptomatic transitory relief. Interestingly, many
physicians cater the remedial cocktail to IBS Patients focusing on the central and peripheral nervous system to calm down its gastro-intestinal
excitatory response. Therefore, to decrease the frequency and inconvenience of the symptomatology. It is very logical lead to start tracing the
involvement of the nervous system right from the effected tissues involved in this ailment and track the possible neo-pathogenesis of the IBS.
Indeed it’s the branch of vagus nerve that distribute the supply of Neuro network to the gastro-intestinal tract linking the end tissues with the
controlling neurons. The pathophysiology of the controlling neurons is never taken into an account for a possible involvement in the systems
malfunctioning. Long behold, as we tracked this novel phenomenon and found a new revelation. The controlling neurons nuclei overwhelmed
with the Neuro-invasive viral genomic proliferation in turn, incapacitating the neuronal homeostasis. Therefore, instigation of the gastro-
intestinal tract malfunctioning comes into play causing Irritable Bowel Syndrome; IBS.
Dr. Alex Malkin, Dr. Alex McPhearson and Dr. Marco Plomp used
Conventionally, the understanding of any given human
the AFM and revealed the real time “Nano-Pathological” series
ailment aligns with system to organ to tissues, membranes
of events that Dr. Wagoner reported in his last publication [2]. I
and cells. We call it “Cyto-Pathology”, we engage in a variety of
was fortunate to have this opportunity to evaluate their findings
diagnostic tools to evidence such Cyto-pathology to confirm
clinically and integrate into the clinical practice to best diagnose
our diagnoses and tailor a medical or surgical plan according
and help alleviate the symptoms and neopathogenesis, that help
to the given established protocols. Atomic Force Microscopy
prevail the homeostasis of cells, tissues, organs, system that
(AFM) has brought a new paradigm in the view to best clear
promote the quality of life [3].
our understanding of the emerging patho-physiology of a
given symptomatic pathology. No more we can logically treat a Cyto-pathology is no longer an absolute reliable tool to
disease based on the symptomatic realm of outdated guidelines, finalize the proper diagnoses. Currently, so called treatments
adhering to “Etiology Unknown”. are merely a symptomatic pacification to borrow time for the
resident immune system to recongregate/ revitalize against the
Today, majority of the ailments have only symptomatic
pathogens in question. The Nucleo-pathology of the controlling
relief/treatment. There is an urgency to take a deeper look at
neurons indeed is the paradigm shift, the grass root. Instigator
the source of ailments and try to define the possible etiology
of the basic symptomatology that results into the disruption of
for a better, comprehensive and a permanent relief to the ailing
the normal homeostasis [4]. However, pacifying the symptoms
humanity. Nucleus of a given cell being the controlling entity for
is not the final treatment of the chronic ailment. On the contrary
that cell’s homeostasis, its timely development and its functions.
it is the opportunity given to the pathophysiology to continue to
So is true of the controlling Neurons of the Brain.
grow into a bigger challenge, eventually becoming an incurable
In 2004, Late Dr. Edward Wagoner and his team at the disease [3]. To date, this phenomenon has been a hidden secret
University of California at Irvine did not fathom the idea that of nature. Now that is opened, it is unraveling the possible
they were about to change a paradigm of etiology [1]. His team etiologies of the unknown nature of the conventional diseases.
The “Sheikh’s Syndrome”, is rightfully a very well-established usually instigated their IBS symptoms after the 15th day into the
guideline to see any disease’s root cause etiology and possible treatment. They were all found pleasantly surprised with no
treatment to eradicate the ailment [3]. more appearance of the IBS symptoms.
How to cite this article: Shahid Sheikh. Breakthrough Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the Light of Nucleopathy. Adv Res Gastroentero Hepatol.
002 2018; 10(2): 555783. DOI: 10.19080/ARGH.2018.10.555783.