Analysis of Coppers Market and Price Focus On The Last Decades Change and Its Future Trend PDF
Analysis of Coppers Market and Price Focus On The Last Decades Change and Its Future Trend PDF
Analysis of Coppers Market and Price Focus On The Last Decades Change and Its Future Trend PDF
Abstract: it is important to analyse the major players within a copper supply chain, as well as current market dynamics, relevant international
guidelines, major impacts affecting the sustainability of the whole system and policy drivers affecting its price on the global market. Focusis on
understanding major and provisional factors affecting copper price on themarket,long-term copper prices are determined by the fundamentals of supply
and demand. Short term however, are driven by financial market and other variables. Through analysis of the major factors and present market
dynamics, global copper consumption increased since 1970, regardless of the economic slump in 2007-2009, growth is likely to continuechiefly driven
by increasing demand in China and India. Since 2004 the price of copper on the global market increased drastically, its consumption was mainly
concentrated in developed industrial countries. The economic situation of developed countries has a greater impact on copper prices, addition of Asian
nation‘s increased urbanization and industrialization. Forecasts remain progressive asAsia advance with urbanization and industrializationplans.
Anticipated to account for a major growth in global copper in the next 20 years, will present a large task to double copper supply output. Urbanization
and industrialization will continue to surge copper demand, projected to overcome global copper production, high demandbut lesser supply on the
market.The decline of copper supply would cause a mountingdeficit in turn increase demand by 2025. Asia‘s level of economic activity and urbanization
is far from complete, it will be a chief source of copper demand in the decades to come.
Keywords: CAGR, capital investment, Copper, grade, industrialization, market, resource nationalism, urbanization.
2.5 Stockpiles
Stockpiles help to offset some of those pressures on copper
prices, may be used with more regularity. Copper stockpiles
reached their lowest levels in six years in 2010, which led to
higher prices that year. As long as demand continues to
outpace production then copper prices will likely continue to
remain high. The use ofexisting copper stockpiles is however a
short-term solution to pricing pressures.
over when and how the issue will be resolved. Usually, copper price in January is the lowest, and it will reach
its peak in August,the copper price will be fluctuating year in
3.4.4 Suspension of Chilean key mining projects year out.
However uncertainty prevailed following the suspension of
several key copper projects, most of which are expected to 4.4 Substitutes’ price
contribute to an increased copper capacity in 2012-2025.The In telecommunication industry, copper is an important raw
revised and delayed copper projects include the expansion of material but the promotion and application of fibre-optic
Phase III Collahuasi, HypogeneQuebrada Blanca, Relincho, technology has challenged the status of copper.Copper price
Inca de Oro, Santo Domingo and Phase II Andina. The impact is determined by the combination of several factors,we cannot
of these delays is expected to result in a reduced copper affect copper price. But we can change our way of thinking
production of 8.1Mt rather than the 8.4Mt originally projected such as recycling scrap copper. This will not only get rid of the
by 2020.Conferring to a report by ComisiónChilena Del Cobre changeable copper prices but also can protect the
(COCHILCO), the delays experienced by the various projects environment.
were due to:
4.5 Temporary factors
External factors; There have been temporary factors that have restrained
Effort in ensuring power supplies below current costs, investments in new capacity and delayed new projects,
Chile‘s power generation capacity currently is at 17,000 namely
megawatts.Estimated that the country will need at least Shortage of skilled labour and equipment
30,000 megawatts of power by 2020 to keep up with the Higher wage demand and strikes
increased demand primarily from mining projects. Environmental groups
Improving the environmental impact assessment and Higher prices for energy and materials
obtaining permits to build infrastructure required for the
project. Higher prices for energy, materials and wages are expected to
contribute to higher costs in future, augmented by increasing
Internal factors; costs of new developments in more difficult regions. These will
High costs considered for investment and/or operation, be partly offset by development of new technologies.
which would force companies to redefine their respective
projects.Some of the projects, such as Pascua-Lama, 4.6 Aging mines, lower grades in new projects
have forced miners to re-evaluate their respective Older existing mines, the base of copper supply have
projects. increasing costs with production rates stagnating or even
declining because of lower grade. Half of the world‘s copper
4 DISCUSSION reserves are more than 50 years old and four of the seven
China and India have an urban population of 50% and 30% largest copper producers are over 70 years old. Declining
respectively. Both countries have massive construction copper grades means a much larger relative scale of required
projects designed to bring urban population levels closer to mining and milling operations, growing proportion of mining
70% which prevails in most industrialised countries. Further projects are in remote areas of developing economies where
urbanization and industrialization of China and to a lesser there‘s little to no existing infrastructure (Fig. 6). As grade
extent India, will continue to increase copper intensity, drops the amount of rock that must be moved and processed
projected to overcome annual global copper production in a per ton of produced copper rises dramatically, while using
few years‘ time,in that there will be more demand but less more energy that costs several times more than it used to.
supply of the commodity on the market. This leads to delay of certain copper projects i.e. Chilean key
mining projects.
4.1 International Economic Situation
Copper consumption is mainly concentrated in the developed
industrial countries. The economic state of these countries
such as USA, Japan, Western Europe and other countries has
a greater effect on copper prices. Generally, if the economy
situation is good, the demand for copper will increase, then the
copper price will rise and vice versa.
supply low while demand grows. Improvement of environmental peak in 2015 to about 21.0 million Mt and begin to drop due to
impact assessments and obtaining permits to build depleting ore bodies and lower grades. The rate of depletion is
infrastructure required for new projects is a major concern, much greater than the rate of discovery of new copper
which face serious opposition from environmental groups, who deposits, the decline of output copper supply would cause a
by far been wildly successful in suspending several key projects growing shortfall. In turndemand in 2025 is expected to rise to
in Chile. about 28.3million Mt.
The industrialization of China and India is changing the
economic world order, anticipated to account for more than
half of the growth in global copper over the next
decades.China accounting for almost half of the growth and
representing the bulk of the increase, is clearly the new force
in commodity demand and presents a large task to the metals
industry to increase output over the next two decades.
Fig.7.Projected Regional Copper Demand
Gradually we will see falling average grades being mined,
mines becoming deeper, more remote and come with
6.3 Capital Investments increased political and nationalization risk. Extraction of metals
Energy supply and environmental concerns, combined with from the mined ore will become more complex and expensive,
increasing efficiencies and decreasing system costs for even more considering the effects of increased energy costs,
renewable energy technologies, will continue to fuel renewable cost of technology innovation to power mining will be very
energy growth over the long term. Renewable energy plants high. Chinathe major market and consumer accounts for about
require more amount (Kgs) of copper per megawatt (MW) of 35% of the world's copper andprojected to rise to 50% by 2020
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