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School of Chemical Engineering SEMESTER I, 2018/2019

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SEMESTER I, 2018/2019




2. TING SING KIONG (133689)





2.1) Flow through a concentric pipe
2.2) Combination of flow and diffusion of
aqueous chemical solution at certain
3.0 RESULT 21-27
3.1) Flow through a concentric pipe
3.2) Combination of flow and diffusion of
aqueous chemical solution at certain


Transport phenomena is defined by any of the phenomena that involved movement of mass,
momentum and energy through a medium, solid or fluid, through virtue for nonuniform
conditions existing within the medium. Variations of concentration in a medium lead to relative
motion of the various chemical species present, and this mass transport is referred to as
diffusion. Variations of velocity within a fluid result in the transport of momentum that refers
to as viscous flow. And for the energy transport, the variations in temperature is the main factor
and the process usually called as heat conduction. [1]
The first type of transport phenomena is momentum transport. It deals with the transport of
momentum which is responsible for flow in fluids. A few assumptions had been made and
being discussed as follows.
1. Newton’s Law of viscosity
For Newtonian fluid, it said that Force/Area is proportional to velocity/distance. [2]

∝Y where = μ Y where, µ is represented viscosity

The velocity gradient leads to the development of shear stress. Thus, the most basic
form is as
τxy = +μ  Shear force
τxy = −μ  Momentum flux

2. Laminar and turbulent flow

In laminar flow, the fluid layer does not inter-mix and flow separately. This is the flow
encountered when a tap is just opened and water is allowed to flow very slowly. As the
flow increases, it becomes much more irregular and different fluid layers start mixing
with each other leading to turbulent flow. [2]

Momentum also can be transported by the bulk flow of the fluid and the process is called as
convective transport. These three vectors (ρvx 𝐯, ρvy 𝐯 and ρvz 𝐯) describe the momentum flux
across the three areas perpendicular to the respective axes. The collection of nine scalar
components can be represented as
ρ𝐯𝐯 = (∑i δi ρvi ) 𝐯 = (∑i δi ρvi )(∑i δi vi )
= ∑i ∑j δi δj ρvi vj

The combined momentum flux is the sum of the molecular momentum flux and the convective
momentum flux:
ɸ = π + ρvv = pδ + τ + ρvv [3]

Other transport phenomena is mass transport that involved the Fick’s law of diffusion, which
describe the movement of a chemical species from a region of high concentration to a region
of low concentration (concentration gradient).[3]
JAB = molar flux A in direction z direction due molecular diffusion
DAB= Diffusivity coefficient of molecule A in B
CA = Concentration of component A
Z= Distance in the direction of diffusion

In Comsol, the Navier-Stokes Equation (equation in Comsol form is shown as below) is

involved to solve the laminar flow problem. This equation consists four important term which
are inertial force, pressure force, viscous force and external applied to the fluid. Navier-stokes
equation always solved together with the continuity equation. [4]

Navier- ρ(𝑢∗ ∇)u = ∇(−pI + u{∇u + (∇u)𝑇 + 𝐹

equation Inertial Force Pressure Force Viscous Force External Force

ρ∇∗ 𝑢 = 0
When fluid is incompressible
Besides, combined flux equation is involved to solve mass transfer equation. Combined flux
equation consists of two parts which are diffusion flux and convective flux. Based on combined
flux equation, molar flux is mainly affected by third properties which are diffusion coefficient,
concentration of source point and velocity of fluid. [5]
Diffusion flux
∂cA ∗
NAz = −DAB + cA v
∂z Convective flux
NAZ = molar flux A in direction z direction due molecular diffusion (mol/m .s)
DAB= Diffusivity coefficient of molecule A in B (m2/s)
CA = Concentration of component A (mol/m3)
Z= Distance in the direction of diffusion (m)
V*= average velocity (m2/s)

2.1 Flow through a Concentric Pipe
Step 1: Open a new file in the comsol software. Next, for the ‘Space Dimension’, ‘2D
axisymmetric’ is selected and the ‘next’ button is pressed.

2 Next button

Step 2: Next, under ‘Add Physics’ select the ‘Fluid Flow’, then choose ‘Laminar Flow (spf)’
which under ‘Single-Phase Flow’, then press ‘next’ button.

4 Next button

Step 3: For the study type, we should select the ‘Preset Studies’ and choose the ‘Stationary’.
Then press ‘flag’ button which represent finish.

2 3 Flag button

Step 4: After that, setting section will appear and ‘Geometry’ can be set. Length unit should
be changed to cm and the angular unit remained degree. The rectangle block is drawn.



Step 5: After that, click ‘Geometry’, ‘Rectangle 1’ will appeared and click on it, then the size
can be adjusted. Choose the solid type for the ‘Object Type’. The width of the rectangle is
0.635cm and height of the rectangle is 6.35cm. For the position part, choose ‘corner’ for the
base and put 0 for ‘r’ and ‘z’ values. After that click the ‘build selected’ button.

1 Build selected
3 button

Step 6: Laminar flow properties is specified. Under ‘Physical model’ is set to be

‘Compressible flow (Ma<0.3)’.

Step 7: Click ‘Wall 1’ to adjust the boundary condition. The ‘Boundary Conditions’ of the
wall is set as ‘No slip’ conditions.

Step 8: Select the ‘Fluid Properties’ which is under the ‘Laminar Flow’ section. The fluid
properties such as density and viscosity can be adjusted either by material or user defined.
Choose the ‘User defined’ for our project. Set the density at 1.2 kg/m3 and the viscosity at
0.0000182 Pa-s.


Step 9: Next choose the bottom of the rectangle as inlet boundary and the top of the rectangle
as outlet boundary. The way to do it is ‘right click’ the ‘Laminar Flow’ and choose ‘Inlet’
and ‘Outlet’.



Step 10: For ‘Inlet’ click bottom of the rectangle, then click ‘Plus’ to confirm the selection of
boundary and we can see ‘2’ is occurred in ‘Boundary Selection’. Choose the ‘Laminar flow’
as ‘Boundary Condition’. The ‘average velocity’ is set as 1 m/s and ‘entrance length’ is set
as 1m.

2 Plus button 3
4 -same method as

5 1

Step 11: Same method goes to outlet. For ‘Outlet’ click top of the rectangle, then click ‘Plus’
to confirm the selection of boundary and we can see ‘3’ is occurred in ‘Boundary Selection’.
Under the outlet section, choose ‘pressure, no viscous stress’ as the boundary condition.


Step 12: Next click the ‘mesh’ and change the ‘mesh setting’. ‘Coarse’ is chosen as our
element size. Then click ‘build all’.

Build all button

Step 13: Last step, click ‘Study 1’ and ‘compute’ button will occur, then click that ‘compute’
button. Then result is occurred.

compute button

2.2 Combination of Flow and Diffusion of Aqueous Chemical Solution at Certain
Step 1: open comsol software. Next, ‘2D’ is selected for space dimension and the ‘next’ button
is pressed.

2 Next button

Step 2: Next, under ‘Add Physics’ select the ‘Fluid Flow’, then choose ‘Laminar Flow (spf)’
which under ‘Single-Phase Flow’ and press the ‘add’ button. Following step, select the
‘Transport of Diluted Fluid’ under the ‘Chemical Species Transport’ and add it into the
‘Selected Physics’. Have to make sure that ‘Selected Physics’ consists of ‘Laminar Flow
(spf)’ and ‘Chemical Species Transport’. Then press ‘Next’.

Next button

flow added


Add button
Make sure
have both

Step 3: Choose the ‘Stationary’ study and then press the ‘Flag’ button which represent finish.

2 Flag button

Step 4: After that, setting section will appear and ‘Geometry’ can be adjusted. Length unit
remain in metre while the angular unit remain as degree. The rectangle block is drawn.



Step 5: After that, click ‘Geometry’, then click the ‘Rectangle 1’ that appeared, then the size
can be adjusted. ‘Solid’ is chosen for the object type. The width of the rectangle is 1 m and the
height is 0.05m. In the ‘Position’ part, choose ‘corner’ for the base and put 0 for both ‘x’ and
‘y’ value. Rotation angle remained as 0. After that click the ‘Build Selected’.

1 Build selected
3 button

Step 6: The circle is drawn. click ‘Geometry’, click the ‘Circle 1’ that appeared, Then the size
can be adjusted. For ‘Object Type’ section, choose ‘Solid’. The radius of circle is 0.005 m and
the sector angle is 360. In ‘Position’ part, choose ‘Corner’ for the base and ‘x’ and ‘y’ choose
0.002 and 0.0025 respectively. After that click the ‘Build Selected’.

Build selected
3 button

Circle 1

Step 7: Go to the ‘Material Browser’. Use the ‘search’ function to search the wanted element.
In this case, water is chosen. Water will appear under the ‘Liquid and Gases’ section. Then
click the ‘Liquid’ and water can be selected. And click the ‘Plus’.

Plus button

Step 8: Laminar flow properties is specified. Under ‘Physical model’ is set to be

‘Incompressible flow’.

Step 9: Click ‘Wall 1’ to adjust the boundary condition. The ‘Boundary Conditions’ of the
wall is set as ‘No slip’ conditions.

Step 10: Select the ‘Fluid Properties 1’ which is under the ‘Laminar Flow Section’. The
‘Fluid Properties’ remain as ‘from material’.

Step 11: Next choose the left side of the rectangle as inlet boundary and the right side of the
rectangle as outlet boundary. The way to do it is ‘right click’ the ‘Laminar Flow’ and choose
‘Inlet’ and ‘Outlet’. Same method goes to outlet.



Step 12: For ‘Inlet’ click left side of the rectangle, then click ‘Plus’ to confirm the selection
of boundary and we can see ‘1’ is occurred in ‘Boundary Selection’. Choose the ‘Pressure,
no viscous stress’ as ‘Boundary Condition’. The pressure is set as 0.01 Pa.

Plus button 1 Inlet

Step 13: Same method goes to outlet. For ‘Outlet’ click right side of the rectangle, then click
‘Plus’ to confirm the selection of boundary and we can see ‘4’ is occurred in ‘Boundary
Selection’. Choose the ‘Pressure, no viscous stress’ as ‘Boundary Condition’. The pressure
is set as 0.01 Pa.


Step 14: Next for ‘Transport of Diluted Species’, first go to ‘Convection and Diffusion’.
‘Velocity Field’ is chosen. Set to be water as ‘Bulk Material’. Set ‘Diffusion Coefficient’ in
‘User Defined’ mode, 1×10-9(m^2/s), in isotropic.

1 3


Step 15: Next, choose the left side of the rectangle as inflow boundary and right side of the
rectangle as outflow boundary. The method is similar with how we set the boundary for laminar
flow. Right click the ‘Transport Diluted Species’ and choose ‘Inflow’ and ‘Outflow’.

Inflow 1

2 Similar with how we set the boundary Outflow 1

for laminar flow

Step 16: For ‘Inflow’ click left side of the rectangle, then click ‘Plus’ to confirm the selection
of boundary and we can see ‘1’ is occurred in ‘Boundary Selection’. For ‘Inflow 1’, the
concentration is set at zero.

3 Inlet

Plus button

Step 17: Same method goes to outflow. For ‘Outflow’ click right side of the rectangle, then
click ‘Plus’ to confirm the selection of boundary and we can see ‘4’ is occurred in ‘Boundary

3 Outlet
Plus button

Same method as

Step 18: To study concentration, ‘right click’ the ‘Transport Diluted Species’ and choose

Step 19: Set the circle 5,6,7,8 as the boundary. To done this step, we have to click on each
quarter side of the circle and click ‘Plus’. Tick the ‘box’ to set the ‘Concentration of species
C’ as 1mol/dm 3 .

Each quarter side of the circle

Plus button 2

Step 20: Next click the ‘Mesh’ and change the ‘Mesh Setting’. ‘Normal’ is chosen as
‘Element size’. Then click the ‘build all’ button.

Build all button

Step 21: Last step, click ‘Study’ and compute icon will occur, then click the compute button
and the result will be shown.

3.1 Flow through a concentric pipe
3.1.1 General Trend for Velocity Profile

Figure 1: Velocity Profile when average velocity is 1 m/s

Since this example is using 2D axisymmetric dimension. Hence when x-axis is 0, it represents
centre of the pipe. From the figure above, it showed that the maximum velocity is 2.0121 m/s.
Different colour that show in figure represents the difference in velocity according to the
position of a pipe. From the view from right to left, the colour of the rectangle turns from dark
red to dark blue. This colour changes mean that fluid flow with high velocity in the centre of
pipe reduced gradually and become slowest when reached the surface of wall. This is because
the wall’s shear stress plays an important role at region near to wall. Shear stress similar to
friction, it will slow down the velocity of the fluid. Hence, when fluid flow slowest when near
to wall. Besides, boundary condition that chosen is no slip. This boundary condition assumed
that when a fluid in contact with the solid boundary, the adjacent layer of the fluid in contact
with the solid surface has the same value of velocity as the solid surface. Hence, the relative
velocity is zero at pipe wall which is fluid-solid interface. However, the effect of shear
stress is reduced when far away from the wall. Hence the maximum velocity of fluid occurred
at the centre of the pipe.

3.1.2 General Trend for Presurre Profile

Figure 2: Pressure Profile when average velocity is 1 m/s

Variation of colour that shown in figure above represent the different pressure region of the
pipeline. It showed that the pressure decreases along the flow of fluid. This is because the
pressure must decrease in the direction of flow due to the effect of viscous. [6]

3.1.3 Effect of Flow Rate toward Velocity Flow Rate
Table 1: Summarization Results from Figure at Appendix Part A
Flow rate (m3/s) 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01
Maximum velocity (m/s) 15.834 31.666 158.23 316.23
Minimum velocity (m/s) 0 0 0 0

The figures at appendix Part A and table above show the results of velocity when flow rate
changed from when flow rate changed from 0.0005m3/s to0.01 m3/s. In fully developed laminar
flow in a pipe is parabolic with a maximum velocity at the centreline of the pipe and minimum
(zero) at the surface of pipe wall. The 4 figures at Appendix Part A show the surface of pipe
wall will always dark blue colour which represent zero velocity while the centreline always
dark red which represent maximum velocity. Hence this condition fulfilled the fully developed
laminar flow. [6] On the other hand, figures and table above shows that when flow rate increase
from 0.0005 m3/s to 0.01 m3/s, velocity increase from 15.834 m/s to 316.23 m/s.
Q = AV
Q represent volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
A represent area (m2)
V represent velocity (m/s)

Equation above show that the when volumetric flow rate increase, velocity increase. Since the
fluid is incompressible, high flow rate forces the greater portion of fluid flow into the pipe,
hence velocity will increase. In simulation, the pipe size remained constant when flow rate
changes, hence, velocity increase due to flow rate is reasonable and logic.

3.2 Combination of flow and diffusion of aqueous chemical solution at certain
3.2.1 General Trend for Velocity

Figure 3: Velocity Profile when Pressure is 0.05 Pa and Concentration of Species is 1 mol/m3
Since this example is using 2D dimension. Hence when y-axis is 0.025, it represents centre of
the pipe. From the figure above, it showed that the maximum velocity is 2.7991 ×10-3 m/s.
Different colour that show in figure represents the difference in velocity according to the
position of a pipe. From the view from centre to both bottom and top of the rectangle, the colour
of the rectangle turns from dark red to dark blue. This colour changes mean that fluid flow with
high velocity in the centre of pipe reduced gradually and become slowest when reached the
surface of wall. Reason is same with the example one that discussed before. The wall’s shear
stress plays an important role at region near to wall. Shear stress similar to friction, it will slow
down the velocity of the fluid. Hence, when fluid flow slowest when near to wall. Besides,
boundary condition that chosen is no slip. This boundary condition assumed that when a fluid
in contact with the solid boundary, the adjacent layer of the fluid in contact with the solid
surface has the same value of velocity as the solid surface. [3][6] Hence, the relative velocity is
zero at pipe wall which is fluid-solid interface. However, the effect of shear stress is reduced
when far away from the wall. Hence the maximum velocity of fluid occurred at the centreline
of the pipe.

3.2.2 General Trend for Presurre Profile

Figure 4: Pressure Profile when Pressure is 0.05 Pa and Concentration of Species is 1 mol/m3

Variation of colour that shown in figure above represent the different pressure region of the
pipeline. It showed that the pressure decreases along the flow of fluid. This is because the
pressure must decrease in the direction of flow due to the effect of viscous. [6]

3.2.3 General Trend for Concentration Profile

Figure 3: Concentration Profile

Concentration is decrease gradually from point source to outlet of the pipe and the region that
near to wall, the concentration is zero. Since the diffusion coefficient is smaller, 1×10-9(m^2/s)
compare characteristic length (1m) and velocity (2.7991 ×10-3 m/s), hence, based on Peclet
number which represented ratio of the contributions to mass transport by convection to those
by diffusion. It showed that, the convective flux plays more important compare to diffusion
flux. Hence mass transfer of the aqueous chemical solution is based on the flow of fluid not
diffusion. Hence, when near to wall, the concentration near to zero. [5]
𝑁 𝑐𝑣 ∗ 𝐿𝑣 ∗
Pe = 𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣 = 𝐷∇𝑐 = , Diffusion coefficient is much smaller, hence, Pe>>1
𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 𝐷

3.2.4 Effect of Concentration of Point Source towards Velocity, Pressure and Concentration
Table 2: Summarization Results from Figure at Appendix Part B and Molar Flux Calculation
Inlet Concentration (mol/m3) 1 1.5 2
Iteration 11 10 11
Maximum Concentration (mol/m3) 1.0073 1.5082 2.0108
Minimum Concentration (mol/m3) -0.0662 -0.0967 -0.1291
Cyan region concentration (mol/m3) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Outlet Molar Flux (mol/m2.s) 5.5980 ×10-4 8.3970 ×10-4 1.1196 ×10-3
*Example calculation:
(2.7991×10−3 )
Outlet Molar Flux Outlet Molar Flux = × 0.4 = 5.5980 × 10−4 , average

velocity equal to half of maximum velocity in laminar flow.

The iteration needed to solve this simulation is almost same. The variable that change in this
section is concentration of the point source while pipe length and fluid flow condition such as
inlet pressure (0.01Pa). Therefore, it is showed that from figure at appendix Part B, the velocity
profile of the fluid and pressure profile remain unchanged when inlet concentration change.
Based on Combined flux equation, molar flux is mainly affected by third properties which are
diffusion coefficient, concentration of source point and velocity of fluid.
NAx = −DAB + cA v ∗
However, in section 3.2.3, it mentioned that the convective flux plays more important compare
to diffusion flux due to Peclet number is greater than 1. Therefore, in this case, the molar flux
considers concentration of source point and velocity of fluid. Hence, equation can be reduced
to following form.
NAx = 𝑐𝐴 v ∗
The figure at Appendix Part B and table above show the concentration is increase when
concentration at the outlet region of the pipe is increase from 0.4 mol/m3 to 0.8 mol/dm3 since
the concentration of the source point increase. Hence the molar flux is increase as well. This is
because of the equation, it is clearly showed that the molar flux is directly proportional to
concentration of the source point. Hence when concentration of species increases, the molar
flux increase.

3.2.5 Effect Inlet Pressure Change towards Velocity, Pressure and Concentration profile.
Table 2: Summarization Results from Figure at Appendix Part C And Molar Flux Calculation
Inlet Pressure (Pa) 0.01 0.05 0.1
Iterations 11 10 11
Maximum Velocity (m/s) 2.7991 ×10-3 0.0105 0.0172
Minimum Velocity (m/s) 0 0 0
Maximum Pressure (Pa) 9.8972 ×10-3 0.0494 0.0987
Minimum Pressure (Pa) 9.5177 ×10-5 4.1080 ×10-4 8.407 ×10-4
Pressure Drop (Pa) 9.8020 ×10-3 0.0490 0.0979
Cyan region concentration (mol/m3) 0.4 0.4 0.4
Outlet Molar Flux (mol/m2.s) 5.5980 ×10-4 2.100 ×10-3 3.440 ×10-3

The iteration needed to solve this simulation is almost same. Based on the figure at Appendix
Part C, the surface of pipe wall will always dark blue colour which represent zero velocity
while the centreline always dark red which represent maximum velocity. This condition
fulfilled the fully developed laminar flow. On the other hand, the concentration profile didn’t
have any changes since the concentration of source point remained unchanged. Table above
showed that when the inlet pressure increase, the maximum velocity increase, the pressure drop
also increase. This is because the average velocity is directly proportional to the pressure drop.
The equation below shows the relation between the pressure drop and average velocity.
8μLVavg 32μLVavg
∆P = P1 − P2 = = − Eq 2.2
R2 D2
Where ∆P = pressure drop (Pa) μ = viscosity (m2/s)
P1 =inlet pressure (Pa) R = Radius (m)
P2 =outlet pressure (Pa) Vavg=average velocity (m/s)
Hence it shows that the inlet pressure increase will increase the pressure drop, hence the
velocity of the fluid flow increases as well. On the other hand, the molar flux is increase as
well. This is because of the equation, it is clearly showed that the molar flux is directly
proportional to velocity of the fluid. Hence when inlet pressure increases, the molar flux

Through normal lecturer or class, student hard to visualise the behaviour of fluid flow and mass
transfer. Hence, Comsol Multiphysics software is useful to visualise the behaviour of fluid flow
and mass transfer. Two different cases are simulated by the software which are fluid flow
through a concentric pipe and combination of flow and diffusion of aqueous chemical solution
at certain concentration. Based on both cases, the velocity is maximum at the centreline of pipe
and decreased gradually to zero when moving towards the wall of the pipe. This is due to the
no slip boundary that set during simulation and the effect of shear stress. On the other hand,
the pressure profile shows pressure decreases along the flow of fluid due to effect of viscous.
From first case, it is showed that the flow rate is directly proportional to velocity. Hence the
flow rate increase when velocity increase. From second case, concentration is decrease
gradually from point source to outlet of the pipe and the region that near to wall, the
concentration is zero. This is because the peclet number is greater hence mass transfer depend
on direction of fluid flow instead of diffusion. Molar flux is affected by concentration of the
source point and velocity of fluid when diffusion flux is neglectable. When concentration
increase, the molar flux increase. On the other hand, the molar flux increase when velocity
increase that caused by the increase in inlet pressure. In short, Comsol Multiphysics software
simulation can reinforces student’s understanding about the theory of the fluid flow and mass

1) Encyclopedia Britannica, (1998). Transport Phenomenon. [online] Available at:
https://www.britannica.com/science/transport-phenomenon [Accessed: 13 Dec 2018]
2) NPTEL, (2014). Introduction to Momentum Transport. [online] Available at
3) R.B. Bird , W.E. Stewart , and E.N. Lightfoot , (2007). Transport Phenomena, 2nd ed. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 11-36. p. 156-158. p. 512-522
4) Comsol.com. (2018). What Are the Navier-Stokes Equations?. [online] Available at:
https://www.comsol.com/multiphysics/navier-stokes-equations [Accessed 13 Dec. 2018].
5) Comsol.jp. (2018). Convection-Diffusion Equation. [online] Available at:
https://www.comsol.jp/multiphysics/convection-diffusion-equation [Accessed 13 Dec. 2018].
6) Hoai Nguyen and Thang Hoang (2017) Numerical Simulation of Laminar Flow Through a Pipe
using COMSOL Multiphysics, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 8( 6),

Part A

When flow rate is 0.0005 m3/s

When flow rate is 0.001 m3/s

When flow rate is 0.005 m3/s

When flow rate is 0.01 m3/s

Part B

Velocity profile when concentration of point source is 1.5 mol/m3

Concentration profile when concentration of point source is 1.5 mol/m3

Velocity profile when concentration of point source is 2.0 mol/m3

Concentration profile when concentration of point source is 2.0 mol/m3

Part C

Velocity, Pressure and concentration profile when pressure =0.05 Pa

Velocity, Pressure and concentration profile when pressure =0.1 Pa

When concentration =1 mol/m3

When concentration =1.5 mol/m3

When concentration =1.5 mol/m3

When pressure =0.05 Pa

When pressure =0.1 Pa


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