Nebulizer Proquest
Nebulizer Proquest
Nebulizer Proquest
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2011;29:25-33
exacerbation especially in young children.1,6-7 We, therefore, conducted a study to determine the
There are, however, some limitations for the use efficacy of the pMDI with Volumatic® spacer and
of nebulization, e.g. its inconvenience, slow the Easyhaler®(DPI) compared to nebulization for
implementation, high cost and uncontrolled delivering salbutamol for the treatment of mild to
particle sizes.8 The pressurized metered-dose moderate acute asthma exacerbations in Thai
inhaler (pMDI) which is small, portable and can children.
be used very quickly, has advantages when
compared with nebulization.9-10 Rapid-acting β2
Study Design
agonist delivered via MDI is, therefore,
A multicenter, randomized, controlled study—
recommended as the most cost effective treatment
involving 7 centers in various parts of Thailand—
for mild to moderate exacerbations in a
was conducted to compare the efficacy and safety
community setting.1
of salbutamol administered via (a) pMDI
Dry powder inhalers (DPI)—another type of
connected to a Volumatic® spacer, (b) an
aerosol delivery device—have been reported as an
Easyhaler®, and (c) a nebulizer for the treatment
alternative for acute asthma. DPIs are easier to use
of mild to moderate acute asthma exacerbations in
than MDIs because they are breath-actuated and
children. The patients were assessed for: (a) the
do not contain propellants; however, currently
first hour for their response to treatment (b)
they are not recommended as the standard
adverse events and (c) asthma re-visits during the
treatment.1 The reluctance to use these effort-
3-day treatment period.
dependent, breath-actuated devices in an acute
setting may be due, in part, to the belief that either Study population
inspiratory flow is sufficiently compromised Included in this study were asthmatic children
during an acute exacerbation, or children may not between 5 and 18 years of age who came with
be able to perform the inspiratory manoeuver acute exacerbation to the outpatient department
correctly. These limitations, it is assumed, will (OPD) or the emergency room (ER) between
limit the amount of medication being effectively October, 2004 and December 2006. All of the
delivered into the small airway. cases were mild to moderate in severity during the
Easyhaler®, a novel multiple dose powder acute episode (i.e., < 7 on the modified Wood’s
inhaler, has been developed to be handled asthma score).14 Informed consent was obtained
identically to the pMDI.11 Koskela et al. have from patient’s parent or guardian prior to
shown that a reasonably low inspiratory flow rate enrollment.
through Easyhaler® produces an equivalent The criteria for exclusion were the presence of
improvement in lung function as a correctly used other conditions, such as: heart, liver, kidney and
pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI) with a chronic pulmonary diseases, brittle asthma, and
spacer.12 The study had a limited number of severe exacerbation requiring intensive care or
patients and the study group was made up of mechanical ventilation. We also excluded patients
children over 7 years of age and adults. who (a) were allergic to salbutamol or had some
Neither pMDI nor DPI is widely accepted for other contraindication to its use, (b) had repeated
use for acute asthma exacerbation in the exacerbation of asthma within 7 days after entry
emergency room in Thailand. A study on the into the study, or (c) were not able to use the DPI.
efficiency of the 3 delivery devices in the Study medications
treatment of acute asthma exacerbation was The experimental groups comprised patients
published but it had a small number of patients 13. who received 6 puffs of salbutamol (600 µg)
Comparison of MDI and DPI with nebulization
Table 2. Demographics and baseline characteristics of the study groups and asthma severity before
MDI with Volumatic® Easyhaler® Nebulizer
N = 68 N = 71 N = 77
Sex, male, n (%) 37 (54.4) 49 (69.0) 53 (68.8)
Age (years), mean + SD 9.36 + 2.68 9.25 + 2.58 9.02 + 2.57
Weight (kg), mean + SD 31.32 + 11.39 32.79 + 11.87 29.96 + 11.51
Height (cm), mean + SD 133.05 + 15.23 133.53 + 15.29 131.13 + 15.78
Duration of asthma from 1st diagnosed (month)
Mean + SD 55.85 + 38.43 61.42 + 39.00 59.79 + 40.92
Current treatment, n/N* (%)
No ICS 44/67 ( 65.7) 43/71 ( 60.6) 52/76 ( 68.4)
ICS 12/67 ( 17.9) 9/71 ( 12.7) 15/76 ( 19.7)
ICS + other controllers 11/67 ( 16.4) 19/71 ( 26.8) 9/76 ( 11.8)
Severity of asthma, n/N* (%)
Intermittent 40/68 ( 58.8) 40/71 ( 56.3) 47/76 ( 61.8)
Mild persistent 13/68 ( 19.1) 12/71 ( 16.9) 14/76 ( 18.4)
Moderate persistent 14/68 ( 20.6) 19/71 ( 26.8) 14/76 ( 18.4)
Severe persistent 1/68 ( 1.5) 0 1/76 ( 1.3)
Exacerbation within 12 months, n/N* (%) 55/66 ( 83.3) 56/68 ( 81.2) 62/74 ( 83.8)
No. of exacerbation/year
Median (P25 - P75) 2.5 (1.0 - 5.5) 2.0 (1.0 – 5.0) 3 (2.0 - 5.1)
Hospitalization during 12 months, n/N* (%) 12/66 ( 18.2) 13/70 ( 18.6) 12/75 ( 16.0)
Short-acting beta2-agonist used, n/N* (%) 37/62 ( 59.7) 40/68 ( 58.8) 39/70 ( 55.7)
Modified Wood's Clinical Score
Mean + SD 3.91 + 1.22 3.40 + 1.36 3.57 + 1.14
* Some missing data
with Volumatic spacer (Volumatic, Glaxo after enrollment (c) systemic corticosteroid use
administered either via the pMDI (Ventolin and (d) adverse events in terms of palpitation,
Evohaler 100 µg/dose, GlaxoSmithKline, U.K.) tremor, headache and hypertension. Hypertension
Wellcome, U.K.), 2 puffs repeated 3 times or via was defined as an average systolic blood pressure
the DPI (Buventol Easyhaler 100 µg/dose, and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 95th percentile
Orion Corporation, Finland), 1 puff repeated 6 for sex, age and height on three or more occasions
times, and the control group who received 0.15 using the Blood Pressure Table from the National
mg/kg of salbutamol (0.5% Ventolin Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Respiratory Solution, GlaxoSmithKline, U.K.), (NHANES).15
maximum to 5 mg, added to normal saline
solution to 3 mL, nebulized via oxygen flow 6-8
The patients who came to the outpatient
LPM or compressed air.
department (OPD) or the emergency room (ER)
Outcome Measurements and met the eligible criteria were randomized into
The primary outcome was the clinical response 3 groups to receive the study medications
to inhaled salbutamol, assessed by the modified according to the approved protocol. Data
Wood’s asthma score (Table 1).14 The number including the modified Wood’s asthma score,
and percentage of successfully treated patients demographic characteristics, asthma history, vital
after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd doses of salbutamol signs (viz., pulse rate, respiratory rate and blood
administration, in 20-minute intervals, defined as pressure) and oxygen saturation were recorded at
those with a clinical score reduction ≥ 50% from baseline. Each patient was given an initial dose of
baseline, or clinical scores ≤ 3. salbutamol which was repeated at 20-minute
The secondary outcomes were: (a) intervals until the study endpoint was achieved, to
hospitalization (b) asthma re-visit within 3 days a maximum of 3 treatments.
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2011;29:25-33
MDI with Volumatic® Easyhaler® Nebulizer P-value
N = 68 N = 71 N = 77
No. of successfully treated patients, n (%)
1st dose 32 (47.1) 36 (50.7) 46 (59.7) 0.688
2 dose 14 (20.6) 10 (14.1) 12 (15.6)
3rd dose 3 (4.4) 5 (7.0) 3 (3.9)
No. of failure 19 (27.9) 20 (28.2) 16 (20.8)
(95% CI) (23.2 – 32.7) (23.5 – 32.9) (17.1 – 24.5)
SpO2, (%), mean + SD
Time : 0 min. 96.4 + 1.9 96.5 + 2.1 95.9 + 2.6 0.201
Time : 20 min 96.9 + 1.8 96.9 + 1.9 97.0 + 1.8 0.938
Time : 40 min 96.7 + 1.9 96.6 + 1.5 97.0 + 1.5 0.556
Time : 60 min 96.8 + 1.8 97.0 + 1.4 96.7 + 1.4 0.587
RR (breaths / min.), mean SD
Time : 0 min. 29.9 + 8.1 28.7 + 7.2 30.2 + 9.0 0.509
Time : 20 min 26.3 + 6.2 24.9 + 5.4 27.0 + 7.8 0.141
Time : 40 min 26.4 + 5.8 24.6 + 5.5 27.8 + 8.5 0.091
Time : 60 min 25.7 + 5.9 24.7 + 5.4 26.6 + 7.5 0.328
PR (/ min.), mean SD
Time : 0 min 110.0 + 19.6 102.8 + 18.6 106.9 + 20.9 0.104
Time : 20 min 114.4 + 22.6 107.3 + 17.0 113.9 + 22.9 0.083
Time : 40 min 118.3 + 20.9a 108.0 + 16.6 120.4 + 25.5a 0.017*
Time : 60 min 115.5 + 20.1a 107.5 + 18.0 117.4 + 21.8a 0.042*
Hospitalization, n (%) 1 (1.5) 1 (1.4) 2 (2.6) 0.832
Systemic corticosteroids used after treatment, n (%) 53 (77.9) 46 (64.8) 55 (71.4) 0.230
Re-visit within 3 days, n (%) 8 (11.8) 7 (9.9) 3 (3.9) 0.197
Significant different from Easyhaler®
Each patient was sequentially assessed by the of <0.05 was considerd to be the level of
same investigator for (a) the response of the significance. The power calculation was based on
studied medication (i.e., the modified Wood’s the assumption that the upper limit of difference
asthma score), (b) oxygen saturation, and (c) vital across the groups was not greater than 15% and
signs at 20, 40 and 60 minutes after each that the success rate in nebulized salbutamol
treatment. Adverse events in terms of palpitation, group was expected to be between 80% and 90%.
tremor, headache and hypertension were recorded. To achieve 80% or 90% of the success rate, 112
After 60 min of treatment, the patients were and 63 participants per group, respectively, were
considered hospitalized if the clinical score was ≥ required.16 According to the limitation of funding,
5 or was considered to be indicated by the this study recruited at least 63 participants per arm
attending pediatricians. The patients with a good to determine the clinical equivalent of the three
response were discharged and treated according to inhalation methods with the success rate in the
orders of the same doctors. The patients were nebulizer group of 90%.
followed up and re-assessed for 3 days by visits or Descriptive statistics were used to present the
telephone. endpoint outcome measurements. Normality of
distribution and homogeneity of variance were
Statistical analysis
determined using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
This study was designed with 80% power with
and Levene’s F-test for continuous variables.
a null hypothesis that there was no difference
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and multiple
between treatment with pMDI with Volumatic
comparisons by Bonferroni adjustment were used
spacer, DPI (Easyhaler) and nebulized
to detect the differences in the mean values
salbutamol with respect to the percentage of
between the groups. The Chi-square test or
successfully-treated patients after salbutamol
administration as primary outcome. A p-value
Comparison of MDI and DPI with nebulization
40 36
35 32 2nd and 3rd dose of salbutamol. (Table 3, Figure 1)
30 MDI
25 Easyhaler
Although the success rate of the study groups in
19 20
16 Nebulizer this study showed only 72% - 80%, the test of
15 12
non-inferiority demonstrated statistical
3 3
5 significance (p < 0.001), based on the difference
1st dose 2nd dose 3rd dose Failure
of upper limit of success rates between pMDI
Figure 1. Number of successfully treated patients with Volumatic®, Easyhaler® and nebulizer not
with study medications greater than 10 % or 15%.
The mean oxygen saturations from baseline
Fisher’s exact test were used for categorical (time 0) among groups were slightly increased in
variables. For all analyses a 2-sided probability all 3 groups after the first dose. (Table 4, Figure
value below 0.05 was considered to indicate 2) The mean respiratory rates were decreased in
statistical significance. all groups after the 1st dose (Table 4, Figure 3),
The study was conducted in accordance with although the mean pulse rates for all 3 groups
good clinical practice (GCP), and was approved were increased after the 1st dose, and the treatment
by each institution’s ethics committee. All of the caused significantly less tachycardia when
patients and their parents received oral and written administered via the Easyhaler®. (Table 4, Figure
information about the study, and gave written 4)
informed consent prior to participation. Only 4 children (1 in the pMDI group, 1 in the
Easyhaler group, and 2 in the nebulizer group)
were hospitalized after rescue medication. The
During the study period, 216 children from 7
median duration of asthma symptoms was only 1-
centers who met the eligible criteria were enrolled
2 days. Systemic corticosteroids, mostly oral
with the consent of the parents. Salbutamol was
prednisolone, were administered after the 3rd dose
administered either via pMDI with a Volumatic
of salbutamol in 77.9%, 64.8% and 71.4% in the
spacer, an Easyhaler , or a nebulizer in 68, 71
MDI, the Easyhaler, and the nebulizer group,
and 77 children, respectively. The between-group
respectively. Eighteen children re-visited the
demographic characteristics, clinical conditions,
emergency room within 3 days due to persistence
severity of illness, and current treatments were
of asthmatic symptoms. Most of the study
comparable. (Table 2)
Table 4. Mean change of oxygen saturation, respiratory rates and pulse rates from baseline for the three
MDI with Volumatic® Easyhaler® Nebulizer
SpO2 (%)
Time : 0 to 20 min. 0.47 1.67 0.45 1.39 0.82 1.74 0.511
Time : 0 to 40 min. 0.45 1.80 0.45 1.81 0.90 1.69 0.426
Time : 0 to 60 min. 0.68 2.07 0.82 2.01 0.75 1.94 0.960
RR (breaths / min.)
Time : 0 to 20 min. -2.11 5.35 -4.00 4.55 -3.02 3.64 0.203
Time : 0 to 40 min. -3.35 5.23 -4.60 4.60 -4.41 4.70 0.486
Time : 0 to 60 min. -4.84 5.73 -5.42 4.71 -5.64 538 0.793
PR (beats / min.)
Time : 0 to 20 min. 5.34 12.87 1.29 12.63 5.70 13.80 0.266
Time : 0 to 40 min. 6.47 14.14 1.68 10.96 9.28 15.02 a 0.047*
Time : 0 to 60 min. 4.32 13.06 0.61 13.64 7.45 14.43 0.093
Statistical significance different between Easyhaler® and Nebulizer
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2011;29:25-33
SpO2 (%)
0.5 MDI
0 min 20 min 40 min 60 min
Figure 2 Mean change of oxygen saturation among the three groups one hour after treatment
endpoint measurements were not statistically This study has demonstrated the comparable
different between the three groups. (Table 3) efficacy of salbutamol administered via (a) pMDI
The mean blood pressures were not with Volumatic® spacer, (b) DPI (Easyhaler®),
significantly different between the three groups and (c) nebulizer, for the treatment of mild to
after treatment; however, hypertension at 60 min moderate exacerbations of acute asthma in
after treatment was found in 18.8% of children in children. The incidence of adverse effects
the nebulizer group, which was higher than in the (including tremor, palpitation) were acceptable
pMDI and DPI groups, 4.3% and 12.5% and not different between the three groups, except
respectively. Only seven children complained of that tachycardia at 40 and 60 min were found
tremor and palpitation after treatment. None of significantly more often in the nebulizer groups as
the children complained of headache after compared to DPI group. Our findings are in
treatment. None of the adverse events were agreement with previous reports that indicated
statistically different between the three groups. pMDI was as effective as a nebulizer17 or DPI18.
(Table 5)
RR change breath/min
-3 Easyhaler
Figure 3. Mean change of respiratory rate for the three groups one hour after treatment
Comparison of MDI and DPI with nebulization
0 min 20 min 40 min 60 min
Figure 4. Mean change of pulse rate for the three groups one hour after treatment
Although most of the previous studies were confidence in parents (and physicians) because it
conducted to compare the efficacy between only 2 generates a visible mist for several minutes,
different devices, i.e., pMDI versus nebulizer or ensuring that the patient is getting medication.
pMDI versus DPI, the current study was Indeed, the efficacy of pMDI depends on the
conducted to compare three delivery devices. proper inhalation technique and the amount of
The increasing types and numbers of inhaler drug delivered to the lungs: it takes between 4 and
devices make choosing the most appropriate 10 puffs of a pMDI to equal a single nebulizer
device, especially for children, challenging. The treatment.24-26
degree of lung penetration for different devices A metered-dose inhaler is the most difficult
should be taken into account when considering device to use effectively, especially in children,
their efficacy in the treatment of acute asthma and teaching them how to use pMDI correctly
exacerbation. Many studies performed in children may be a real obstacle in a busy ER. DPIs are
have demonstrated the comparable efficacy of breath-attenuated, easier to teach and no spacer is
rapid-acting β2 agonist delivered via pMDI and a required. Adequate inspiratory flow is the
nebulizer19-22; pMDI and DPI.18 A recent meta- limiting factor which makes physicians reluctant
analysis regarding the aerosol delivery device for to use this delivery device in acute asthma
acute asthma exacerbation concluded that rapid- patients. Our study showed that Easyhaler®, a
acting β2 agonist delivered by pMDI with spacer multidose DPI, produces improvement in the
showed it to be at least equivalent to a nebulizer clinical score which is not different from either a
in both children and adults.10 Moreover, a pMDI or nebulizer. Our results—as with a
systematic review in young children showed that previous study18—confirm that DPI may be an
pMDI is more efficacious than a nebulizer for alternative device for the first-line treatment of
decreasing the hospital admission rate from the acute asthma exacerbation in children. This study
emergency department and improving the randomly enrolled 9 and 4 children aged below 6
symptom score.17 It was also noted that small years old into the pMDI with Volumatic® spacer,
children usually cry when a face-mask is put on and DPI (Easyhaler®) groups, respectively. We
resulting in lower lung penetration.23 did not have any problem in teaching these
Although many studies have provided children to use either device (pMDI or DPI).
evidence supporting the numerous advantages of The equivalent dose of salbutamol delivered
pMDI with spacer—and the GINA guideline also via pMDI-spacer or DPI to nebulizer has yet to
recommends this delivery device for the treatment be agreed upon. There is a high variation in the
of acute exacerbation1—nebulization is still the ratio of salbutamol given via nebulizer to pMDI-
preferable route of β2 agonist administration in the spacer reported in the literature, 1:1 to 1:12.5.13, 27
ER of many hospitals. One of the explanations The current study compared 600 µg of salbutamol
given is that nebulization needs less cooperation via pMDI with Volumatic® spacer and DPI via
of the pediatric patient and it seems to foster Easyhaler ® to the dose of 0.15 mg/ kg via
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2011;29:25-33
no significant difference of FEV1 between groups medications after β2 agonist inhalation, which is
of children who received salbutamol delivered at probably the reason for the low-rates of
different MDI doses (200, 600 and 1000 µg) as hospitalization.
compared to 0.15 mg/kg via nebulizers.20,28 Our The current study did not standardize the
findings support the previous reports that clinical score assessment among the raters to
salbutamol given via pMDI and DPI, at a dose of ensure the reliability of outcomes; neither did we
not more than 600 µg/dose is adequate to relieve conduct our study as a double-blind, which might
exacerbation symptoms. have caused some bias in the outcome
One center in this study found that the change assessments. Most of clinical score components;
of oxygen saturation was significantly increased however, were objective measures, such as
at 20 min from baseline in the nebulizer group, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation.
when compared to the other 2 groups.29 However; In conclusion, this study shows that salbutamol
our study showed that the SpO2 increased from administered via pMDI with Volumatic® spacer or
baseline in all 3 treatment groups with no DPI (Easyhaler®), as compared to administration
statistically significant difference. The oxygen by nebulization, provided effective relief of mild
saturation was not significantly increased in the to moderate severity acute asthma exacerbation in
nebulizer group because some centers used air children between 5 and 18 years of age.
compressors to generate aerosol instead of oxygen
flow. The respiratory rates were also decreased
The authors thank Harn Thai Pharma (2508)
from baseline after treatments in the same
Co., Ltd for providing all study medications and
coordination of investigators meeting; Ms.
Salbutamol delivered via Easyhaler® caused
Umaporn Udomsubpayakul, Statistician, Section
significantly less tachycardia at 40 and 60 min of
for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
dosing than the other 2 groups while the children
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital,
in the nebulizer group had higher incidence of
Mahidol University; Dr. Chulaporn
hypertension after 60 min of treatment. These
Limwattananon, Dr. Supon Limwattananon,
systemic findings might result from a greater
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen
salbutamol dose and more systemic absorption of
University for their assistance with data analyses;
the drug with the nebulizer, as indicated by many
Mr. Bryan Roderick Hamman and Mrs. Janice
previous studies.13,20,28 The incidence of other
Loewen-Hamman for assistance with the English-
adverse effects, including tremor and palpitation,
language presentation of the manuscript.
were acceptable and not different between the
three groups. References
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