Redone BBPT
Redone BBPT
Redone BBPT
Content Standard Addressed: ELACC2W6: With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital
tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Students working together helps UDL students better understand and
practice the language. Students are also given the opportunity to overcome physical disabilities with using
tools on the computer and all students are given the chance to practice social skills within the groups and
with adults.
Engagement: For students to complete this assignment there are individual and group aspects that require all
students to participate.
Representation: Students groups will be randomly assigned because it is for the beginning of the school year,
and therefore should have the classroom split equally. If the classroom is not split equally the teacher can
reassign groups.
Action and Expression:
Individuals and groups will be able to show their work through worksheets, mind maps, class discussion,
group discussion, and papers.
Spring 2018_SJB
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)
convert the mind map into a paper. The paper can also be written in many different ways, students may write
the paper with paper and pencil, typed on a word or google doc, or spoken and created via podcast.
The teacher will then look at the mind-maps and the papers to grade the students based on grammar,
creativity, and how well they answered the two questions and completion. Students will then be asked to get
into groups and compare their mind-maps and papers. After about fifteen minutes the class will have a
discussion about their dream classroom and what they think would be best for the class this year and will be
asked to make sure to think about everyone and what they could do that would work best for all students.
Students will then be asked to use any resources they can think of to find new and creative ideas for the
classroom. Students may visit other classrooms, talk to other teachers and staff, look online, and ask other
students, family, and parents what their perfect classroom would be like. The students would have about an
hour to do this and would need to work in groups and make sure that the teacher knows where they are and
stay on school grounds. (This part would be homework and done during free time) The next day the class will
then work together to create the rules, schedule (as much as they can) and arranging the classroom. The
teacher will be a major part of these decisions but should be more of a facilitator than in charge. The classes
mind-map and an actual picture of the class will be posted on the classroom blog. The teacher should agree,
disagree, or ask questions to help students learn and to provide feedback on what would and would not work.
The teacher should also grade the papers and mind-maps clearly to help give students feedback on their
writing skills. This would likely take more than one day and several large chunks of time but would be worth it
so that the classroom is more fitting to the students.
Reflective Practice: Students would learn to better organize their thoughts and ideas, and l better understand
why there are rules in the classroom. Overall, this project will increase learning in the classroom and help
students practice grammar. Students could also learn about how other countries run their schools. This would
also help students better understand their education and opportunities it may give them. It would also be
great to bring specialist on learning into the classroom to extend this lesson to a higher LOTI level. Some of
these specialist could be psychologist or teachers from different types of schools.
Spring 2018_SJB