SWA Course Outline
SWA Course Outline
SWA Course Outline
Day 1
Course Title: Design of Coastal Intakes and Brine Outfalls for Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO)
Desalination Plants
Sea water desalination with Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) is an increasingly popular option to
augment the water supply for many expanding coastal cities. Significant advancements have
occurred in the last few decades in membrane technology, process control and brine
management, and together they have led to a considerable reduction in the water production
cost. At the same time, the production capacity of SWRO plants is also expanding rapidly to
achieve the economy of scale, and the intake and brine flow rates have increased significantly.
The design of coastal intakes needs to take into account the environmental and maintenance
considerations, while the design of brine outfalls needs to ensure a good mixing of the brine
discharge with the ambient water throughout the flow range. For both, a good knowledge of
the environmental hydraulics involved is essential.
Instructor: Professor Adrian Law, Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental
Engineering; Director, Environmental Process Modelling Centre (EPMC), Nanyang
Environment and Water Resources Institute (NEWRI), Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore
A/P Adrian Law Wing Keung received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. He
was a practicing engineer in the USA for more than 7 years, before joining the academic faculty
of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU),
Singapore. His current research focuses on the expert knowledge of environmental hydraulics
to improve the design of membrane and desalination systems. He was recognized with the
Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Price as well as the Wesley Horner Award by the American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and two Outstanding Technical Paper Awards by the Bechtel
Corporation, USA. Currently, he is the Executive Committee Member of the International
Association of Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) Asian Pacific Division,
Past-Chair of the Joint IAHR-IWA Committee on Marine Outfall Systems, as well as in the
Editorial Board of related journals in this area. In Singapore, he is also the Director of the
Environmental Process Modelling Centre (EPMC) in the Nanyang Environment and Water
Research Institute (NEWRI), as well as an active research member in the Singapore Membrane
Technology Centre.
Course Title: Strategies to Control Organic and Biological Fouling Of Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Membranes and Use of High Permeable Membranes in Seawater RO
This course will provide students with a working knowledge of the causes of organic
and microbial fouling of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes used in wastewater
reclamation and seawater desalination (SWRO). The role of lectin-like substances in
RO feed water in initiating organic and microbial membrane fouling will be described.
Case studies on the control of organic and microbial membrane fouling at
a wastewater reclamation plant and sea water desalination plant will be discussed.
The use of high permeable RO membranes in SWRO to lower energy costs will be
evaluated and the use of hybrid design to control organic and microbial membrane
fouling will be discussed.
Instructor: Professor Harvey Winters, Professor Emeritus, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA
Professor Harvey Winters is Professor Emeritus at Fairleigh Dickinson University,
Teaneck, New Jersey, USA in the School of Natural Sciences.
Professor Winters received his PhD degree (1970) from Columbia University, New
York in Chemical Biology and did Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Columbia University
(1970-72) on micro-fouling of marine surfaces supported by the Office of Navy
Professor Winters began his research interests into Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination
in 1976 and eventually became Director of Desalination Technology Transfer Center at
Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1980. His research has focused on microbial fouling of
RO membranes in seawater applications. His research has been supported by the
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Navy Research (ONR), U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation (USBR) and Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) in
Muscat, Oman. He has over 60 research publications and holds one patent in RO
Professor Winters is a reviewer for Journal of Membrane Science and IDA Journal of
Desalination and Water Reuse. He has been Director of the International Desalination
Association (IDA) and has been awarded two prestigious awards from IDA for most
outstanding research papers at the 1995 and 2005 IDA World Congresses on
Desalination and Water Reuse.
2 Page
15:45 – 17:30 V. Assays for Measurement of Foulants in Raw Wastewater & Raw Seawater
A. VBNC bacteria
B. LC-OCD analyses of organics
C. Alcian blue measurement for TEP and TEP precursors
D. Coupling ammonium sulfate precipitation, LC-OCD/Alcian Blue and red cell
agglutination for quantifying Lectin-like substances
Course Title: Operation and Maintenance of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants
This training program provides practical understanding of key desalination plant
treatment processes and focuses on plant process and equipment operation,
maintenance, monitoring, troubleshooting and optimization.
Instructor: Nikolay Voutchkov, PE, BCEE, Water Globe Consultants, LLC, USA
Nikolay Voutchkov has more than 25 years of experience in the field of desalination
and water reuse as an independent technical advisor to public utilities implementing
large desalination projects in Australia, USA, and the Middle East; and to private
companies and investors involved in the development of advanced membrane
technologies. He has extensive expertise with all phases of project delivery, from
conceptual scoping, pilot testing and feasibility analysis to front-end and detailed
project design; permitting; contractor procurement; project construction and
operations oversight/asset management. For over 11 years, he served as a Chief
Technology Officer and Corporate Technical Director for Poseidon Resources, a
private company involved in the development of the largest seawater desalination
projects in the USA.
Mr. Voutchkov has published over 30 technical articles and co-authored 10 books on
membrane water treatment and desalination, including technology and design
guidelines for the American Water Works Association and the Australian Water
Association. In recognition research and engineering efforts in the field of seawater
desalination, he has received a number of prestigious awards from the WateReuse
Research Association, the International Desalination Association, the International
Water Association and the American Academy of Environmental Engineers.
Course Outline:
6 Page