The Oxidation Methanol With Air Over Iron, Molybdenum, and Iron-Molybdenum Oxides

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By the use of allylmagnesium bromide the P-bromo ether synthesis of
olefins has been extended to the preparation of 1,4-diolefins. 1,4-Penta-
diene, 1,4-hexadiene and 1,4-heptadiene and the corresponding a-allyl-P-
bromoalkyl ethers have been described.
The rule that unsaturated compounds with a double bond in the alpha
position boil lower than the corresponding saturated hydrocarbons has been
confirmed. It has been further shown that in any given family the con-
tinuous chain diolefins form a definite series with gradually increasing
boiling points depending upon the relative position of the double bonds.
The 1,2,4,5-tetrabromoparaffins corresponding to the diolefins described
have been prepared and found to show evidences of isomerism analogous to
other polybromo aliphatic derivatives.



D 10, 1931 P U B L I S H EAPRIL
D 6, 1931

The oxidation of methanol with air over various metal and oxide catalysts
a t 300 to 700’ results in the formation of varying amounts of formaldehyde,
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Sabatier and more recently Lowder-
milk and Day have given a review of the literature on this oxidation to
which little need be added a t this time.’
In 1926 a catalyst containing equal amounts of iron and molybdenum
was found to be very efficient for the oxidation of methanol to formalde-
hyde.2 The investigation described in this paper was initiated in order
to correlate the characteristics of the iron-molybdenum catalyst with those
of the catalyst containing only iron or molybdenum, with the hope of
throwing some light upon the mechanism of the oxidation.
Catalysts. Molybdenum Oxide.-Five grams of ammonium molybdate and 4.5 g.
of malic acid were dissolved in water and made ammoniacal with ammonium hydroxide.
Sabatier-Reid, “Catalysis in Organic Chemistry,” Van Nostrand Company, New
York, 1922, pp. 90--97; Lowdermilk and Day, THIS JOURNAL, 52, 3535 (1930).
Homer Adkins and Virgil E. Meharg, in an application for a U. S. Patent (1927)
assigned to the Bakelite Corporation. The authors of the present paper are indebted
to Mr. Meharg and the Bakelite Corporation for the design of the very efficient washing
tower and for the design and construction of the catalyst chamber, which were used in
this investigation. The senior author is also grateful to Mr. Meharg for many pleasant
associations and very valuable and willing cooperation while the former was temporarily
employed by the Bakelite Corporation during the summer of 1926.

To this solution was added 60 cc. of three-sixteenths inch steel ball bearings, previously
pitted with dilute hydrochloric acid and washed with distilled water until free of all acid.
The solution was slowly evaporated almost to dryness with stirring. The steel balls,
covered with the paste, were then poured onto a watch glass in layers of one thickness.
The catalyst balls were further dried by placing in an oven a t 60" for several hours.
Iron Oxide.-Three grams of iron reduced by hydrogen was added to a water
solution of 6 g. of malic acid. The iron was almost completely dissolved by gently
boiling the solution for three or four hours and the undissolved iron removed by decanta-
tion. The solution of ferrous malate was made ammoniacal by the addition of ammo-
nium hydroxide. Sixty cubic centimeters of pitted steel ball bearings was added and the
preparation of catalyst continued as described above
Iron-Molybdenum Oxide.-One and one-fourth grams of iron reduced by hydrogen
was added to a water solution of 4.5 g. of malic acid. The iron was almost completely
dissolved by gently boiling the solution for three or four hours and the undissolved iron
removed by decantation. To this solution of ferrous malate was added with stirring a
water solution of 3 g. of ammonium molybdate The combined solution was made
ammoniacal by the addition of ammonium hydroxide, steel balls were added and the
catalyst prepared as described above.
The catalysts thus prepared were placed in the aluminum reaction tube and de-
composed in a slowly moving current of air for an hour or more a t 360-375". They
were then ready for use.
The apparatus used in the experimental work is shown in Fig. 1. The air, which
was supplied by a compressed air line A, was dried by passing it through a bottle B of



Fig. 1.-.4pparatus for the oxidation of methanol.

concentrated sulfuric acid. The rate of flow of air was varied by means of a constant
pressure valve. The flow of air was determined by means of a calibrated flowmeter C.
The air was passed through a bottle D, containing the dried methanol. The vaporiza-
tion of the alcohol was regulated by controlling the temperature of the vaporizer. The
alcohol-air mixture was passed through a U-shaped aluminum catalyst tube. The U-

tube was made of a flattened piece of aluminum tubing 75 cm. in length and 50 X 6 mm.
(1. D.) in cross section. It was filled in the bottom and inlet side with glass rod and
balls. A 15-cm. depth of catalyst was placed in the outlet side. The catalyst tube was
immersed in an electrically heated bath (E) of sodium and potassium nitrates. The
temperature of the bath was controlled by means of a Leeds and Northrup potentiome-
ter controller. The products of the reaction were passed through a water-cooled coil
condenser and then through a bubbling tower G 60 cm. in length, down which water
was passed a t the rate of about 100 ml. per hour from the reservoir H. All the formalde-
hyde and methanol in the gases were collected in the wash tower and flowed back
through the condenser into bottle F. I is an exit tube for gaseous products leading to an
Orsat apparatus.
Examination of Products.-The water-insoluble gaseous products were analyzed
in an Orsat apparatus. The carbon dioxide was determined by absorption in potassium
hydroxide solutions. The remaining oxygen was removed by yellow stick phosphorus.
The carbon monoxide was removed by bubbling through an acid solution of cuprous
chloride. The water-soluble products collected in bottle F were analyzed for formalde-
hyde by the method of Haywood and Smith.8 The unreacted methanol was determined
by oxidation with chromic acid.'
The percentage efficiency as used in this paper refers to the percentage of oxygen
used in the conversion of methanol t o formaldehyde and was calculated from gas analysis
data in the following manner

% Eficiency =
% oxygen used - (1.5 X %
' carbon dioxide + % CO)
% oxygen used
The percentage efficiency so calculated agrees quite closely with the percentage effi-
ciency calculated from the weight of formaldehyde obtained, the amount of methanol
passed over the catalyst and the weight of methanol which was found unchanged in the
The Formation of Methylal.-Under certain conditions of operation formaldehyde
reacts with methanol in the catalyst chamber with the formation of the methyl acetal
of formaldehyde. The compound is only partially condensed with the other liquid
products and some escapes with the gaseous products of the reaction. This acetal is
not at all readily hydrolyzed. The method of Lowdermilk and Day6 for the deter-
mination of unchanged methanol may give quite inaccurate results because methylal
would appear with methanol in their procedure for analysis. The presence of methylal
among the reaction products may be suspected if there is a 0.5 to 2% reduction in the
volume of the effluent gas when bubbled through sulfuric acid, or if there is a discrepancy
between the efficiency as calculated from the gas analysis and from the formaldehyde
and methanol in the distillate. Methylal was formed in considerable quantities in one
series of experiments, apparently due to the accumulation of alumina on the walls of
the catalyst chamber. No further difficulty was experienced after the chamber had
been thoroughly cleaned with a sodium hydroxide solution and with hydrochloric acid.
Methylal was also formed when rather completely oxidized aluminum turnings were
used as a support for the catalysts.
General Procedure.-The catalyst was put in place and decomposed and methanol
and air passed over it continually (except for the removal of samples) for several days or
weeks. Two or three times during each twenty-four hours the passage of the reactants
was stopped and the amount of methanol which had been passed over the catalyst de-

a Haywood and Smith, T m s JOURNAL, 27, 1185 (1905).

4 Blank and Finkenbeiner, Ber., 39, 1327 (1906).
6 Lowdermilk and Day, Tms JOURNAL, 52,3537 (1830).
termined by weighing the methanol left in the vaporizer. The condensate was taken
out of the receiver and made up for analysis. Gas analyses were made from time to
time on the effluent gases. The temperature of the catalyst and amount and ratio of
air and methanol were changed as desired. After a given variation in the conditions
of reaction had been studied, the conditions were again made standard, i. e., 93 liters of
air and 9 g. of methanol per hour a t 373' and assurance was obtained that the catalyst
had not been permanently modified. In this way a given sample of catalyst could be
used for several weeks for the study of a variety of experimental conditions. Duplicate
preparations of catalyst were used in the testing of all important points. The catalyst
can be readily and precisely duplicated. Preparations made and tested independently by
the two authors gave results which agreed almost as well as the data for the three typical
experiments given below: 1-24. Iron-molybdenum oxide, 373", 93 liters of air,
8.9,9.38, 8.97 g. of methanol per hr., % converted to formaldehyde as actually obtained,
91.5, 91.8, 90.3%; % ' recovered methanol, 5.03, 6.47, 5.6 g. Gas analysis: % CO?,
0.1,0.1,0.1; OJooxygen,18.0,18.0,17.5; OJoC0,0.1,0.1,0.2; %efficiencybasedongas
analysis, 93,93, 91.

Statement of Experimental Results

Space is not available for the tabulation of the complete data of the more
than a hundred experiments upon the oxidation of methanol over oxide
catalysts which have been carried on in the course of this investigation.
It must suffice to give the following abstract of these data.
The characteristics of a molybdenum oxide catalyst as concluded from
a study of its behavior toward oxidation of methanol with air to formalde-
hyde were found to be as follows.
1. The catalyst was highly efiicient as evidenced by the fact that all
of the methanol which was oxidized was converted into formaldehyde with
no formation of the oxides of carbon.
2. The activity of the catalyst decreased during the first twenty-four
hours of use, after which a steady state was reached in which its activity
was approximately constant for several days. For example, a molyb-
denum oxide catalyst was capable of causing the oxidation of 6.8 g. of
methanol (57.8% yield) to formaldehyde per hour during its first five
hours of use; 5.17 g. of methanol (48.6%) to formaldehyde per hour for
three and one-half hours after being used for five hours; and 4.73 g. of
methanol (45.9%) to formaldehyde per hour the next three and one-half
hours as compared to a 35.5% yield under comparable conditions after the
steady state was reached.
3. The amount of methanol oxidized to formaldehyde per hour was a
linear function of the rate of passage of the methanol over the catalyst.
When 2.26, 5.28, 12.95, 18.4 and 20.0 g. of methanol per hour was passed
over the catalyst with 50 or 93 liters of air, 1.58, 2.25, 3.72, 4.93 and
5.36 g. of the methanol, respectively, was converted into formaldehyde.
However, the amount of methanol oxidized to formaldehyde per hour
did not increase (over the range investigated) with increase in the rate
of passage of the air over the catalyst. When 6.17 g. of methanol and

136 liters of air were passed over the catalyst in an hour, 2.31 g. of the
methanol was converted into formaldehyde, as compared to the conversion
of 2.41 g. of methanol when 6.67 g. of methanol in 50 liters of'air were
passed over the catalyst.
4. The percentage conversion of methanol to formaldehyde rose
with decrease in the rate of passage of the methanol over the catalyst.
When 20.0, 10.2, 6.67 and 2.57 g. of methanol were passed over the catalyst
with 50 liters of air, the yields were 26.9,33.3, 36.2 and 54.2%, respectively.
5 . The conversions of methanol to formaldehyde a t 373, 390 and 400"
were approximately the same. However, a t 361' lower conversions were
obtained. When approximately 9.5 g. of methanol in 93 liters of air was
passed over the catalyst a t 361, 373, 390 and 400') yields of 23.8, 31.5,
32.1 and 32.4%, respectively, were obtained when the catalyst had
reached its "steady state."
The characteristics of an iron oxide catalyst, as concluded from a study
of its behavior when methanol mixed with air was passed over it, were
found to be as follows.
1. The catalyst was very active, the methanol being oxidized almost
wholly to carbon dioxide. When the amount of methanol passed over
the catalyst was varied from 11.2 to 33 g. per hour (373') 93 liters of air
per hour), there were only traces of formaldehyde and this only with a
catalyst that had been in operation for several days and with more meth-
anol passing over the catalyst than could be oxidized to carbon dioxide
by the available oxygen.
2. The activity of the catalyst became less as the temperature of the
reaction was lowered and increased as the temperature was raised. At 310°,
with 20 g. of methanol and 93 liters of air, 9.4% of the methanol passed
over the catalyst was converted to formaldehyde; 81.0% remained un-
reacted, the remaining 9.6% having been converted into carbon dioxide.
At 340' approximately 18% of the methanol was converted into formalde-
hyde, with about 68% remaining unreacted; the remaining 14% was
converted into carbon dioxide. At 400 or 443', no formaldehyde was
formed, 4.92% of the methanol remained unreacted, the remainder having
been lost as oxides of carbon.
3. An iron oxide catalyst that has been used a t a low temperature
(340') when raised to 373' was less active toward oxidizing methanol
and produced more formaldehyde than it formerly did a t 373'. It gradu-
ally recovered its original activity, giving results identical within experi-
mental error with those obtained previously a t 373'. Previous to the
lowering of the temperature, the results obtained a t 373' showed the
formation of 1.3% of formaldehyde with very little methanol (5.1%)
remaining unreacted. After raising the temperature again to 373'
the results obtained for the first two experiments showed conversions

of methanol to formaldehyde of 4.67 and 4.16%, respectively; the amounts

of methanol remaining unreacted were 21.9 and 7.88%, respectively.
The characteristics of an iron-molybdenum oxide catalyst, as concluded
from a study of its behavior when methanol was oxidized with air on the
surface of the catalyst, were as follows.
1. The activity and efficiency of the catalyst increased during the
first few hours of use, after which a steady state was reached in which its
activity was constant for weeks. During the first twelve hours of use,
the average conversion of methanol to formaldehyde was 82.0%. During
the next five hours, the average conversion was 88.5%, and for the next
six and one-half hours, the average conversion was 90.8%. The air flow
was kept a t 93 liters per hour, while the passage of methanol varied from
8.8 to 10.1 g. per hour in these experiments.
2. More carbon monoxide than dioxide was produced from methanol
over molybdenum-iron oxide catalysts.
3. The iron-molybdenum oxide catalyst was relatively inactive
toward formaldehyde. A 5-cm. depth of catalyst produced the same yield
of formaldehyde as did a 15-cm. depth of catalyst using 93 liters of air per
hour carrying approximately 10 g. of methanol per hour. The efficiency
for the 5-cm. depth of catalyst was 92.3% and for the 16-cm. depth 85.6%.
The above conclusion may also be drawn from the results obtained by
passing alcohol and air in the same ratio but a t different rates over a
15-cm. depth of catalyst. Considering air flows of 93 and 136 liters per
hour, the efficiencies were found to be 90.7 and 93.8010, respectively.
However, with an air flow of 50 liters per hour, the yield (80.8%) as
well as the efficiency (66.5%) decreased considerably. The “space-
time-velocities” in passing 136 and 50 liters of air over a 15-cm. depth of
catalyst were the same as for the passage of 93 liters of air over 10.3 and
27.9-cm. depths of catalyst, respectively.
4. Increasing the rate of passage of methanol increased the grams of
methanol oxidized to formaldehyde, but there was also a decrease in
efficiency if the methanol passage became too high. With 93 liters of
air carrying 9.38 g. and 15.0 g. of methanol per hour, the weight of meth-
anol converted to formaldehyde was 8.61 and 12.8 g., respectively. The
efficiencies were 90.7 ‘and 85.5%, respectively.
5 . The maximum activity was obtained when equimolecular propor-
tions of iron and molybdenum were present in the oxide mixture. A high
percentage of iron oxide in the catalyst showed more of the carbon di-
oxide forming properties of an iron oxide catalyst, while a high percentage
of molybdenum oxide in the catalyst showed properties intermediate
between those of an iron-molybdenum oxide catalyst and a molybdenum
oxide catalyst, that is to say, the efficiency was higher and the conversion
of methanol to formaldehyde was lower than for the mixed oxide catalyst.

6. Lower conversion of methanol to formaldehyde was obtained

a t 353 than a t 373 and a t 400'. The efficiency was less a t 400 than a t
373 and 353'. With 93 liters of air and approximately 9 g. of methanol
passing over the catalyst per hour, the conversions of methanol to form-
aldehyde at 353, a t 373 and a t 400' were 85.2, 91.8 and 91.9%, re-
spectively, and the efficiencies were 90.0, 90.7 and 85.3%, respectively.
Discussion of Results
The catalyst surface of these oxide catalysts was constantly under-
going change as measured by the amount of oxidation of methanol or by
the ratio of products. For example, in the case of molybdenum oxide
a new catalyst rapidly decreased in activity for several hours until a steady
state was reached for the particular temperature, rate and ratio of meth-
anol and air involved. The new iron and iron-molybdenum catalysts
showed a change in the ratio of products during several hours before a
steady state was reached. When the experimental conditions were
changed the catalysts rather slowly shifted in activity until a new steady
state was reached. The former steady state could be slowly regained
if the experimental conditions which produced it were reproduced. The
constant change and renewal of the active surface was also indicated by
the fact that the catalysts are active for weeks and months of continuous
use. It is extremely unlikely that any surface would remain active for
any such lengths of time unless it was being continually renewed. Thus
the relationship between an effective catalyst and the reactants must not
only be such that the former brings'about the reaction of the latter, but
the reactants must maintain the state of the catalyst which is favorable
to the desired reaction.
A desirable catalyst for the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde would
therefore be one that required only a low concentration of methanol
in the effluent gas stream in order to maintain it in the optimum state of
reduction; in other words, a desirable catalyst would be one which would
stay reduced without an excess of methanol. It should not be active
toward formaldehyde, that is, it should desorb it rapidly. Molybdenum
oxide is an efficient but undesirable catalyst because too much methanol
is required to keep it reduced to the active state. Iron oxide is an un-
desirable catalyst because it goes into such a high state of oxidation that
any formaldehyde formed is not desorbed, but is oxidized to carbon di-
oxide. The mixture of iron and molybdenum oxide apparently requires
no considerable excess of methanol to maintain it in the desired state of
oxidation and has a low activity toward formaldehyde. The mixture
of oxides differs from either of the pure oxides not only in these facts but
in that the mixture produces the monoxide rather than the dioxide of

Langmuirain his classical paper on the oxidation over platinum of carbon

monoxide by oxygen, pointed out that there are three possible mechanisms
for such an oxidation: (1) the oxygen may be absorbed by the platinum
and then be struck by a molecule of carbon monoxide: (2) the carbon
monoxide may be absorbed by the platinum and then be struck by a
molecule of oxygen; (3) the two reactants may be adsorbed on adjacent
active points on the catalyst surface sufficiently close together so that the
reaction may ensue.
Oxidation of methanol on the basis of cases (1) and (3) involves suc-
cessive addition and removal of oxygen from the catalyst, the difference
between the two cases being as to whether the mefhanol reacts from the
vapor state or from the adsorbed state. The adsorbed oxygen postulated
in both cases might be adsorbed on the catalyst or might be held as a so-
called definite oxide. For the purpose of the discussion that follows,
it is immaterial which is the case.
If either case (1) or (2) holds for the oxidation of methanol over molyb-
denum oxide, then it should be possible by using a proper ratio of reactants
either to consume almost all of the oxygen or convert almost all of the
methanol to formaldehyde. The experimental results very definitely
show that this is not true, as the percentage conversion of methanol to
formaldehyde cannot be raised very high no matter how much the excess
of oxygen or how long the time of contact, i. e., how slowly the reactants
are passed over the catalyst. The amount of methanol oxidized per hour
is a linear function of the amount of methanol passed over the catalyst
for a 10-fold increase in rate of passage. No more than 10% of the total
available amount of oxygen could be consumed no matter how large the
excess of methanol. It is probable, therefore, that the two reactants
must both be adsorbed on adjacent active points on the surface of the
catalyst before reaction may ensue.
The characteristics of molybdenum oxide, iron oxide and a mixed
iron-molybdenum oxide catalyst as displayed in the catalysis of the oxi-
dation of methanol with air have been described. In brief it may be said
that molybdenum oxide was 100% efficient for the oxidation of methanol
to formaldehyde, since this is the only reaction which occurred. However,
only about 38% of the methanol could be converted to formaldehyde.
Iron oxide was a very active catalyst but it induced the formation of carbon
dioxide almost exclusively. A catalyst containing equal atomic amounts
of iron and molybdenum converted over 90% of the methanol passed
over it into formaldehyde, the other product being carbon monoxide.
It is thus by far the best catalyst, so far described, for the oxidation
e Langmuir, Truns. Faraday Soc., 17,3,653 (1922).

of methanol. The catalyst was quite stable and may be used continually
for months.
At least in the case of molybdenum oxide there is evidence that the
reaction between methanol and oxygen takes place when both reactants
are on the surface of the catalyst.
Evidence has been presented which indicates that the catalyst surface
of these oxide catalysts is continually renewed during use; therefore
the relationship between an effective catalyst and the reactants must
not only be such that the former brings about the reaction of the latter,
but the reactants must maintain the catalyst in the state of oxidation
which is favorable to the desired reaction.



RECEIVEDJ A N U A R Y 10, 1931 APRIL6, 1931

It is well known that the reaction of alkyl halides and magnesium results
in the formation of Grignard reagents and of hydrocarbons, as indicated
in equations I and 11.
RX + Mg = RMgX (1)
2RX + Mg = Rz +
MgXz (11)
There has been in progress for some time in this Laboratory a study of the
factors which determine the ratio of these two competitive reactions.
During the course of this investigation some observations have been made
in regard to the effect of copper upon the ratio of the reaction products
which are of such practical importance that it seems desirable to publish
them in advance of a more comprehensive paper, especially in view of the
results of Gilman, Peterson] Schultz and Heck,' who reported that mag-
nesium in certain copper-magnesium alloys reacted more rapidly with
alkyl halides than did pure magnesium. Upon the basis of these findings
it seemed that the use of the alloy might be advantageous in the prepara-
tion of Grignard reagents and this practice has been followed by a number
of investigators.
The determination of the effect of various experimental conditions upon
the ratio of the Grignard and Wurtz reactions was made in the following
manner. The apparatus used was essentially of the type and size de-
scribed and used by Gilman and Meyers for the preparation of ethyl-
1 Gilman, Peterson and Schulze, Rec. tras. chim., 47, 22 (1928); Gilman and Heck,
Bull. SOC. chim., 45,250 (1929).

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