Profile Masjid Dan Surau Kompleks Palong
Profile Masjid Dan Surau Kompleks Palong
Profile Masjid Dan Surau Kompleks Palong
(Curriculum Vitae)
PERSONAL IDENTITY_________________________________________________________________
ID Card/Passport No. : T837453
Age : 41 Years
Nationality : Indonesian
Gender : Male
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND________________________________________________________
2009-2015 International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak. Ph. D
Programme in Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Departmen (Obtained)
1998-2000 Ibnu Sina Institute of Technology and Islamic Studies (INTIS), Bandar
Seri Gombak, Diploma of Syari’ah Islamiyyah (Obtained)
Address: Yayasan Pendidikan Al-Farabi Batam. Ruko Rexvin Village Blok A 1 No. 51-52 Botania, Batam Center, Kota Batam,
Pulau Batam. E-Mail: [email protected], Contact No. : +6281268433486/+62852112262530.
ACHIEVEMENT AND AWARD__________________________________________________________
Trainer Certificate of Qualified Scout Movement for Basic Training/KMD of Scout Movement of
Indonesia, East Java, year obtained in 1995.
Trainer Certificate of Qualified Scout Movement Advanced Training/KML of Scout Movement of
Indonesia, South Sumatera year obtained 1997.
Certificate Awards of Indonesian Students Council/PPII of al-Azhar University Cairo, year obtained
Certificate Awards of Malaysian Students Council/PMRAM of al-Azhar University Cairo, year
obtained 2002 .
Certificate of the International Zakat Executive Development Program, pioneered by the Zakat, Hajj
and Endowments Agency (JAWHAR) at Islamic Training Institute (ILIM) Bangi Selangor, year
obtained 2008 .
Certificate of the National Seminar on Zakat Productive and Incomes in Malaysia at Putra World
Trade Center (PWTC) Kuala Lumpur, year obtained 2009 .
Certificate of the National Seminar for Empowering of Bayt al-Mal at Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque
Hall, Kuala Lumpur, year obtained 2009 .
Certificate of the JAWHAR Intellectual Discourse (JID) on Zakat of Wealth pioneered by the Zakat,
Hajj and Endowment Agency in Putra Jaya, year obtained 2010.
Certificate of English Placement Test (EPT) pioneered by the Centre for Languages and Pre-
University Academic Development (CELPAD) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), year
obtained 2008.
Certificate of the Institute of al-Muhasibin Malaysia (IMAM) as Lecturer in Fiqh al-Mu’amalat (Islamic
Commercial Law), year obtained 2011 and 2012.
WORKING EXPERIENCE______________________________________________________________
September 1996-August 1997 Junior Teacher at Islamic Boarding School/Pondok Pesantren
Babussalam Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
October 1997-June 1999 Senior Teacher at Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Assalam, Palembang,
September 2016-Present Lecturer at Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies of Sa’id Bin Zayd
Pulau Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
October 2012-August 2015 Member of Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) of Kepulauan Riau for the
Shari’ah Economic Department
November 2011-Present Director and Founder of Yayasan Pendidikan al-Farabi Pulau Batam,
Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
August 2009-2015 Imam dan Shari’ah Consultant of Idaman Pharma Sdn. Bhd.
January 2004-2015 Private Teacher of the Holy Qur’an, Arabic and several Islamic
Revealed Knowledges in many houses and offices in Surrounding
Klang values.
HUMAN SKILL_________________________________________________________________________
Able to converse, teaching and write in Arabic, English and Malaysian
Professor Dr. Mohammed Amanullah (Bangladesh), Main Supervisor of Ph.D Dissertation from
Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (IRKH), IIUM. The chapter of the Dissertation:
“BMT’s Products and Services in Riau Archipelago: A Critical Appraisal from Shari’ah Perspective”
Professor Dr. Norma Mohd. Sa’ad (Malaysian), Co-Supervisor of Ph.D Dissertation from Faculty of
Economics and Management Sciences (KENMAS), IIUM. The chapter of the Dissertation: “BMT’s
Products and Services in Riau Archipelago: A Critical Appraisal from Shari’ah Perspective”
Professor Dr. Datin Siti Zalikhah Mohd. Nor (Malaysian), Supervisor of Thesis Master UKM. The
chapter of the Thesis: “Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 Year 1999 Regarding
Administration of Obligatory Alms (Zakah) : Implementation in Batam Island”
المؤهالت العلمية :
غٓبدح الدنرٕرح ف ٙانفمّ ٔأصٕنّ (لطى انًعايالد انًبنٛخ ) ثكهٛخ يعبرف انٕحٔ ٙانعهٕو اإلَطبَٛخ جبيعخ االضاليٛخ
يبنٛس٘ ()2015
عبنً ٙة ا
ال ح
غٓبدح و اجطزٛر فٗ انػرٚعخ يٍ كهٛخ انػرٚعخ اإلضاليٛخ ةجبيعخ يبنٛسٚب انٕطُٛخ عبو 2007
غٓبدح دثهٕو فٗ انػرٚعخ اإلضاليٛخ يٍ يعٓذ انعبن ٙاثٍ ضُٛب نهذراضبد اإلضاليٛخ ٔانزكُٕنٕجٛب يبنٛسٚب عبو 2000
غٓبدح ثكبنٕرٕٚش (نٛطبَص) فٗ انػرٚعخ اإلضاليٛخ يٍ جبيعخ األزْر ثبنمبِ رح عبو 2002
غٓبدح انثبَٕٚخ ٔ انعبنٛخ ثكهٛخ انًعهً ٍٛاإلضاليٛخ يعٓذ ال عصر٘ دار انطالو كَٕزٕر فَٕٕرٔكٕ ثجبٖٔ انػرلٛخ
ئَذَٔٛطٛب عبو 1995
والشهادات العلمية :
ظْبدح اليذرة نزأِ ٘ل انكػفٛخ األضبض ٙحركخ انكػفٛخ ئَذَٔٛطٛب ،ثجبٖٔ انػرلٛخ عبو 1995
ظْبدح اليذرة نزأِ ٘ل انكػفٛخ انًزمذو حركخ انكػفٛخ ئَذَٔٛطٛب ،ةجُٕة ضٕيطرح عبو 1997
غٓبدح يٍ ارحبد انطالة اإلَذَٔٛط ٍٛٛةجبيعخ األزْر ثبنمبْرح عبو 2002
غٓبدح و ٌ يجهص انطالة انًبنٛس ٍٛٚةجبيعخ األزْر ةانمبْرح عبو 2002
غٓبدح عٍ يإرًر غإٌٔ انًطهً ٍٛةجُٕة غرق آضٛب انز ٙعمذرٓب انحسة انطٛبضَٓ ٙضخ انعهًبء ئَذَٔٛطٛب عبو
غٓبدح يإرًر ال دٔن ٙنمزكبح انز ٙعمذرٓب ٔزارح غإٌٔ انسكبح ٔانحج ٔاألٔلبف (جْٕر) ف ٙيعٓذ انزذرٚت
االضالي )ILIM) ٙضالَجٕر عبو 2008
غٓبدح لَذٔح ٔطُٛخ حٕل زكبح عرٔض انزجبرح ٔانضرٚجخ ف ٙيركس ثٕررا نهزجبرح انعبنًٛخ ) (PWTCكٕاال نًجٕر
عبو 2008
غٓبد لَذٔح ٔطُٛخ حٕل رًك ٍٛثٛذ اليبل ةٔالٚخ كٕاالنًجٕر ثصبنخ انًطجذ انجبيع عبو 2009
غٓبدح َذٔح ٔطُٛخ عٍ انزًٕٚم اإلضالئ ٙانًبل انًخزهظ عمذرٓب ٔزارح غإٌٔ انسكبح ٔانحج ٔاألٔلبف ثٕررا جبٚب
عبو 2010
غٓبدح ئخزجبر يٓبرح انهغخ اإلَجهٛسٚخ يٍ يركسانػإٌٔ انهغٕٚخ اإلعذادٚخ ثجبيعخ اإلضاليٛخ انعبنًٛخ يبنٛسٚب عبو
فك انًعبيالد انًبنٛخ ,لعبو ٔ 2011
غٓبدح يٍ يعٓذ آليحبضج ٍٛاإلضالي ٙةيبنٛسٚب )ٔ (IMAMيحبضر نّ ف ٙال ِ
عبو 2012
Address: Yayasan Pendidikan Al-Farabi Batam. Ruko Rexvin Village Blok A 1 No. 51-52 Botania, Batam Center, Kota Batam,
Pulau Batam. E-Mail: [email protected], Contact No. : +6281268433486/+62852112262530.