Walker Mechanism
Walker Mechanism
Walker Mechanism
Mechanical engineering is not more involved The last property, the appearance of agency,
in robotics since mechatronics and robotics found a is important when people are considering whether to
vast application in implementing the concept of call a machine a robot, or just a machine.
running a robot model using servo motors and drives,
since it needs more amount of energy to run the robot A. Motor
model. The two six legged walker is linked by using Motor is an electric device which is used to
link mechanism and by coupling two kinematic walker convert electric energy into rotational motion. The
with separate motor for each walker. By using main parts of the motor are rotor, stator, starting coil,
separate motor we can run each walker in desired running coil, and output shaft.
position like front and back, thereby we can able to
control the walker to turn left and right motion. B. Chaindrive
Chain drive is a way of transmitting mechanical
Keywords — kinematic, robot, link, mechanism. power from one place to another. The power is
conveyed by a roller chain, known as the drive chain,
I. INTRODUCTION passing over a sprocket gear, with the teeth of the gear
Ever since the very creation of the word meshing with the holes in the links of the chain. The
Robot, people think that robots should look and act gear is turned, and this pulls the chain putting
like humans. But until recently, this has only been a mechanical force.
fantasy. Making a true robot that can actually walk
like a human, or remotely look like a human, has been C. Sprocket
trapped in the realm of science fiction movies and Sprocket is a profiled wheel with teeth that
books. meshes with a chain. It is intended material. It is
Though the recent amazing humanoid robotic distinguished from a gear in the sprockets are never
development efforts have been conducted by large meshed together directly. The drive sprocket and may
corporations and research universities with multi- be positioned at the front or back of the vehicle.
million dollar budgets, humanoid robots can actually Sprockets are never meshed together directly, and
be built at home by the average person. from a pulley by not usually having a flange at each
While there is no single correct definition of side. Transmit rotary motion between two shafts
"robot" a typical robot will have several or possibly all where gears are unsuitable or to impart linear motion
of the following properties. to a track.
1) It is artificially created. D. Mild Steel
2) It can sense its environment, and manipulate or Mild steel is very popular metal and one of the
interact with things in it. cheapest types of steel available. It’s found in almost
3) It has some ability to make choices based on the every metal product. This type of steel contains less
environment, often using automatic control or a than 2 percent of carbon, which makes magnetize well.
pre-programmed sequence. Since it’s relatively inexpensive, mild steel is useful
4) It is programmable. for most projects requiring huge amounts of steel.
5) It moves with one or more axes of rotation or Mild steel does not have great structural strength,
translation. making it unsuitable for building girders or structural
6) It makes dexterous coordinated movements. beams.
7) It moves without direct human intervention. E. Thread Rod
8) It appears to have intent or agency. A thread rod, also known as a stud, is a
relatively long rod that is threaded on both ends; he
thread may extend along the complete length of the
rod. They are designed to be used in tension. Threaded
rod in bar stock form is often called all-thread.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW They followed Televox with a number of other simple
robots, including one called Rastus, made in the crude
Gabriel Martin Nelson (2002), in his report image of a black man. In, they created a humanoid
titled Learning about Control of Legged Locomotion robot known as Elektro for exhibition purposes,
using a Hexapod Robot with Compliant Pneumatic including the 2003 and 2004 World's Fairs. In 2005,
actuators; he describes efforts to get a biologically- Japan's first robot, Gakutensoku, was designed and
inspired hexapod robot, Robot III, to walk. Robot III is constructed by biologist Makoto Nishimura.
a pneumatically actuated robot that is a scaled-up
model of the Blaberus discoidalis (cockroach). It uses A. Objectives
three-way solenoid valves, driven with Pulse- Width- 1) In the earlier kinematic walker there is only
Modulation, and off-the-shelf pneumatic cylinders to front and back motion.
actuate its 24 degrees of freedom. Single-turn 2) Thus it cannot be moved or turned to left and
potentiometers and strain gage load cells provide joint right motion and also can’t be rotated.
angle and three axis foot force sensing respectively. 3) Hence it is a big drawback that it is not able
to do left and right movements.
The Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka 4) So it is not able to apply at all areas due to
(2002 - 2007), known as "Japan's Edison" or lack of motion.
"Karakuri Giemon", created an array of extremely 5) The main objective of this project is to make
complex mechanical toys, some of which served tea, kinematic walker to move left and right
fired arrows drawn from a quiver, and even painted a motion.
Japanese kanji character. In 2010 Nikola Tesla 6) As combining two walkers by LINK
publicly demonstrated a radio-controlled torpedo. MECHANISM the kinematic walker can be
Based on patents for "teleautomation", Tesla hoped to moved left and right.
develop it into a weapon system for the US Navy. 7) As if the kinematic walker is turned left and
right it can be used in all areas like fire
Patil Sammed Arinjay and Khotin (2004) fighting robot and moving pick and place
developed Bio-Mimic Hexapod and explained robots.
Dynamic Modeling and Control in Operational Space
of a Hexapod Robot and comments the real times III.DESIGN CALCULATION
application of hexapod robot for control. Based on an Dimensions of the Bars
operational trajectory planner, a computed torque (lxbxt)=300mm x 25mm x 5mm
control for the leg of hexapod robot is presented. This Dimensions of Main leg
approach takes into account the real time force (lxbxt) =180mm x 25mm x 5mm
distribution on the robot legs and the dynamic model Dimensions of supporting legs
of the hexapod. First, Kinematic and dynamic (lxbxt) =45mm x 20mm x 5mm
modeling are presented. Then, a methodology for the Dimensions of centre rod
optimal force distribution is given. The force (l x d) =300mm x
distribution problem is formulated in terms of a 10mm Welding joint plate
nonlinear programming problem under equality and in (l x b) =70mm x 40mm
equality on straits. The friction on strains is Length of the chain (l) =900mm
transformed from nonlinear inequalities into a
combination of linear equalities and linear
inequalities. Simulations are given in order to show
the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This centre rod was designed to screw and
bolt to join the nuts and bolts along with the main legs
and supporting legs with 300mm length with 10mm
The components for fabrication is got and machined to
the desired measurements for the fabrication
purpose.Sheet metal was cut for the l
and supporting leg dimensions and made as four Then the gear is fixed with a motor
bars with legs. mounted on the walker. The motor is jointed to the
walker by welding it in body of walker. Then the
supply is given to motor for running the fabrication.
Now the fabrication is done as designed in pro E
The mechanisms with specified dimensions
was designed and fabricated for testing the running
and working model of robot was done.