Romanian Criminal Code
Romanian Criminal Code
Romanian Criminal Code
Art. 2. - The law specifies what actions constitute crimes, provides the
penalties applied to criminals and the measures which can be taken in case such
actions are committed.
Section I
The initiation of a criminal suit for the crimes described in the previous
paragraph must be preliminarily authorized by the general prosecutor.
Art. 6. - Criminal law also applies to other crimes than mentioned in art. 5,
paragraph 1, namely to crimes committed outside Romania by a foreign citizen
or by a person without citizenship and who is not residing in Romania, if:
Section II
Criminal law enforcement in time
Art. 10. - Criminal law applies in case of crimes committed at the time this
law is in force.
Art. 11. - Criminal law does not apply to actions which, at the moment of
their perpetration, were not provided as crimes by the law.
Art. 12. - Criminal law does not apply to actions committed under the
former law if they are not mentioned any longer by the latest law. In this case,
the execution of penalties, security and educational measures provided by the
former law, as well as all penal consequences of court decisions on these
actions, cease once the new law enacted.
Art. 13. - In case between the perpetration of the crime until the judgment
in last trial of the cause one or more criminal laws occurred, the most favorable
law will be applied.
Art. 14. - In case between the final conviction and complete execution of
fine or conviction penalty another law was issued, which provides a less serious
penalty, the applied sanction will be restricted to the special maximum penalty
provided by the new law if that sanction exceeds this maximum.
If between final life sentence and its execution a new law was issued
which provides imprisonment for the same action, life conviction penalty will be
replaced with the maximum imprisonment provided for the respective crime.
If the new law provides only fine instead of imprisonment, the applied
penalty will be replaced with the fine, without exceeding the special maximum
provided by the new law. On the basis of the executed part of the imprisonment
penalty, fine penalty can be partially or totally dropped.
or replaced penalty will be considered in accordance with the preceding
Art. 16. - Temporary criminal law applies to crimes committed during the
enforcement of the law even if the action was not investigated or brought into
court at that time.
Art. 17. - Any action, which constitutes social threat, which is willingly
perpetrated and which is provided in the criminal law, constitutes a crime.
Art. 18. - An action which constitutes social threat in criminal legal terms
is any action or non-action through which one of the values mentioned in article 1
are damaged and for whose sanction a penalty needs to be applied.
Art. 181. - Any action provided by criminal law does not constitute a crime
unless its minimum damage to one of the values protected by the law and its
concrete substance, obviously insignificant, represent the degree of social threat
pertaining to a crime.
Art. 19. - Guiltiness occurs when the action, which constitutes social
threat, is committed deliberately or by negligence.
b) does not predict the result of the action, although the person should have or
could have predicted.
Attempt exists also in the case in which completion of the crime was not
possible due to the insufficiency or failure of the means used, or due to the fact
that the action was perpetrated without the presence of the object as expected
by the perpetrator.
Art. 21.- Attempt is subject to penalty only when the law specifically
provides it.
Art. 22. - Any perpetrator who withdrew from the action or who prevented
the occurrence of the result before the detection of the crime.
Art. 23. - Participants are those persons who share the perpetration of an
action provided by the criminal law, as authors, instigators or accomplice.
Art. 24. - The author is the person who directly perpetrate the action
provided by the criminal law.
Art. 25. - The instigator is the person who deliberately determines another
person to commit an action provided by the criminal law.
Art. 29. - Actions of instigation which are not followed by the execution of
the crime, as well as instigation actions followed by the author's withdrawal or
prevention of the result's occurrence are subject to a penalty between the special
minimum of the penalty pertaining to the instigated crime and the general
minimum. In case the penalty provided by the law constitutes life detention, a 2
to 10 year imprisonment penalty will be applied.
The actions described in the paragraph above are not subject to penalty if
the penalty provided by the law for the instigated crime is 2 years or less, except
for the case in which the actions committed by the author until withdrawal
constitute another crime provided by the criminal law.
Art. 30. - The participant is not subject to penalty if during execution but
before crime revealing, prevents the completion of the crime. If actions
committed until prevention constitute another crime provided by the criminal law,
the participant is subject to penalty pertaining to this crime.
e) when several imprisonment penalties and several fine penalties were
established, imprisonment penalty will be applied, in accordance with provisions
of (b), at which the fine can be added, in accordance with the provision of (c).
Art. 35. - If for one of the concurrent crimes a complementary penalty was
established, this penalty will be applied together with the imprisonment penalty.
When the convict executed totally or partially the penalty provided by the
former sentence, the already executed part shall be deducted from the penalty
applied for the concurrent crimes.
b) when after the execution of an imprisonment penalty longer than 6
months, after total pardon or pardon of the rest of the penalty, or after fulfillment
of the prescription term on the execution of this penalty, the convicted person
deliberately commits another crime for which the law provides imprisonment
penalty longer one year;
Art. 38. - In establishing the state of relapse into crime, the judicial
convictions related to the following, will not be taken into consideration:
a) crimes perpetrated by the criminal while being a minor;
b) amnestied crimes;
c) actions which are no longer considered crimes by the criminal law.
Also, the rehabilitated convictions for which the rehabilitation term was
fulfilled, will not be considered.
If the previous penalty was partially executed, the merge will take place
between the rest of the sentence and the penalty applied for the crime
committed afterwards.
If a crime is perpetrated after escape, the previous penalty will refer to the
penalty which is being executed and the penalty applied for escape.
not sufficient, in case of imprisonment, an increase up to 10 years can be added,
and in case of fine penalty, an increase up to at most two thirds out of the special
maximum can be applied.
If, after the final decision and before the penalty was executed or
considered as executed, the convicted is found in state of relapse into crime, the
court will apply the provisions specified in paragraph 1 in case of relapse into
crime provided by article 37(a) and provisions in paragraph 4 in case of relapse
into crime provided by article 37(b).
The provisions of the previous paragraph will also apply when life
sentence was commuted or replaced with imprisonment penalty.
Art. 40. - When after the final decision the convicted commits a new
crime, before starting execution the penalty, during its execution or in state of
escape, and the provisions of the law regarding relapse into crime are violated,
the penalty will be applied according to the rules for crime concurrence.
Art. 42. - The continued crime is subject to the penalty provided by the
law for the committed crime, at which an increase as provided by article 34 can
be added.
Art. 44. - The action provided by the criminal law, which is committed
under legitimate self-defense does not constitute a crime.
Art. 45. - The action provided by the criminal law which was committed
under state of emergency does not constitute a crime.
A person under state of emergency is any person who commits the action
in order to save from an imminent danger which could not be prevented in other
ways, the life, physical integrity or health of his own, some other person or a
valuable asset belonging to him or to another person as well as the public
A person is not under state of emergency if at the moment when the crime
was committed, the person realized that by his action there might occur much
more serious consequences than those resulting from a situation in which the
danger was not prevented.
Art. 46. - An action provided by the criminal law does not constitute a
crime if committed because of a physical constraint which the person could not
Art. 47. - The action provided by the criminal law whose result is the
consequence of a situation that could not be predicted, does not constitute a
Art. 48. - The action provided by the criminal law whose perpetrator,
because of mental alienation or because of other factors, when the action was
committed, could not consider his own actions or non-actions, or could not
control them, does not constitute a crime.
Art. 49. - The action provided by the criminal law whose perpetrator , due
to circumstances independent of this perpetrator’s will, was under complete state
of drunkenness produced by alcohol or other substance, does not constitute a
Art. 50. - An action provided by the criminal law and committed by a minor
who at the date when the crime was committed did not fulfill the legal terms for
penal liability, does not constitute a crime.
Art. 51. - An action provided by the criminal law does not constitute a
crime when the perpetrator, at the moment when the action took place, was not
aware of the existence of a state, situation or circumstance on which the criminal
character of the action depended.
The circumstance which the perpetrator was not aware of at the moment
of the crime perpetration does not constitute an aggravating circumstance.
Section I
Life Sentence
Art. 54. - Life sentence is executed within prisons specifically desigend for
this purpose or within special sections of other prisons.
Art. 55. - Life sentence does not apply to that person who, at the date of
conviction sentence decision was 60 years old. In this case, life sentence is
replaced with 25 year imprisonment and the interdiction of certain rights over the
maximum period of the penalty.
The convicted over 60 years old for men and over 55 years old for women
can be conditionally released after15 effective execution of confinement, if the
other requirements provided in paragraph 1 are fulfilled.
Section II
After 60 years for men and 55 years for women, the convicts do not have
the obligation to work during the penalty's execution period; they are allowed to
work if they demand that.
Art. 58. - The convict is paid for the work performed, with exception for
housing work which is necessary in the detention place. The law regarding
penalties' execution establishes the cases in which also this work is paid.
Norms, work time and payment for the convicts' work are those
established by the law.
A part of the remuneration is held by the convict, and the other part goes
to the administration of the detention place. These parts, as well as their
management are established by the law regarding pemnalties' execution.
Art. 59. - After the execution of at least two thirds of the penalty in the
case of imprisonment over 10 years at most or at least three quarters in the
case of imprtisonment over more than 10 years, the convict who is diligent,
disciplined and shows clear evidence of self-improvement, considering also
his/her criminal antecedents, can be conditionally released before the entire
execution of the penalty.
The penalty segments provided in paragraph 1 are calculated by
considering the segment of the penalty which, in accordance with the law, cn be
considered executed on the basis of the work performed. In such a case,
however, the conditioned release cannot be provided before the effective
execution of at least half of the penalty when this penalty does not exceed 10
years and of at least two thirds when the penalty exceeds 10 years.
Art. 59 (1) - The convicted for one or more second degree crimes cn be
conditionally released before the execution of the entire penalty only after the
convict executed at least half of the penalty in the case of imprisonment over 10
years at most or at least two thirds of the penalty in the case of imprisonment
over more than 10 years, if the other terms provided in article 59 paragraph 1 are
If the penalty under execution results from the concurrence of first degree
and second degree crimes, the provisions provided in article 59 will be applied.
The provisions in article 59 paragraphs 3 and 4 are accordingly applied.
Art. 60. - The convict who, because of the poor health or other causes,
has never been used for work or is no longer used for work, can be conditionally
released after the execution of the penalty segments provided in article 59, or,
depending to the case, in article 59(1), if the convict shows clear evidence of
discipline and self-improvement.
When the convict executes more imprisonment penalties, which do not
merge, the penalty fragments are calculated acording to the penalties' total.
In all cases, the part of the penalty considered, in accordance with the
law, executed on the basis of the performed work, is considered in the
calculation of the penalty fragment.
If the convicted soldier executed half of the penalty and showed clear
evidence of self-improvement, the rest of the penalty is reduced by one third,
and if the convicted soldier stood out in a special way, the penalty can be
reduced to more than one third, even to the entire rest of the penalty.
If during the execution the convicted soldier becomes unable to fulfil the
military service, he is conditionally released.
If during the execution of the penalty, the convicted soldier commits a new
crime, the court estasblishing the sentence for this crime will apply, according to
the case, the provisions in article 39 paragraph 1 and 2 or in article 40. The
penalty established in this way is executed in a detention place.
If, before the initiation of the execution of the penalty within a military
prison, the convict was appointed a reservist, the penalty is executed in a
detention place.
Section III
The Fine
Art. 63. - Fine penalty consists in the amount of money that the criminal
must pay.
Whenever the law provides that a crime is sanctioned only by a fine,
without specifying the limits, the special minimum of this fine is 150.000 lei, and
its maximum is 10.000.000 lei.
When the law specifies the fine penalty without providing the limits, in
alternation with imprisonment penalty over one year at most, the special
minimum of the fine is 250.000 lei and the maximum fine is 15.000.000. lei and
when the law provides the fine penalty in alternation with imprisonment penalty
longer than one year, the special minimum is 350.000 lei and the special
maximum is 30.000.000 lei.
The fine is established taking into account the provisions of article 72, but
without placing the criminal in the situation of impossibility to accomplish the
duties regarding support, raise education and professional training for the
persons towards the criminal has these legal obligations.
Art. 63 (1) - If the convict avoids in bad faith the execution of the fine, the
court can replace this penalty with imprisonment penalty within the limits
provided for the perpetrated crime, considering the part of the fine that was paid.
Section I
Complementary penalties
Art. 66. - The execution of the interdiction of certain rights starts after the
execution of the imprisonment penalty, after total or partial pardon, or after the
prescription of the penalty execution.
Military degradation is obligatorily applied to soldier and reservist
convicted, if the main penalty was established for more than 10 years or for life
Military degradation can apply to military and reservist convicts for first
degree crimes, if the main penalty was established for at least 5 years and up to
10 years.
Section II
Accessory penalties
Art. 71. - The accessory penalty consists in the interdiction of all rights
provided in art. 64.
Conviction to life sentence or imprisonment entails the interdiction of all
rights provided in the preceding paragraph starting with the moment in which the
decision was determined final and until the termination of the penalty execution,
until total or partial pardon or until the prescription term of penalty execution.
Section I
General provisions
When the law provides alternative penalties for the perpetrated crime, the
provisions of the preceding paragraph are considered both regarding the choice
of one of the alternative penalties, and the quantum of this penalty.
Section II
c) perpetration of the crime by an adult, if this crime was committed together with
a juvenile;
d) perpetration of the crime with mean purpose;
e) perpetration of the crime under deliberate state of drunkenness in order to
commit the crime;
f) perpetration of the crime by a person who took advantage by the situation
resulted after a calamity.
The court can retain as aggravating circumstances other situations,too,
which give the action a serious character.
In case of crimes against the state security, crimes against peace and
humankind, crimes of murder, first degree crimes resulting in a person’s death,
or crimes which had very serious consequences, if there are any extenuating
circumstances, the improisonment penalty can be reduced to at most one third of
the special minimum.
Art. 77. - When the law provides life sentence for the perpetrated crime, if
there are extenuating circumstances, the imprisonment penalty between 10 and
25 years will apply.
exceed one third of this maximum, and an increase up to at most half of the
special maximum can be added to fine penalty.
Section III
Art. 81. - The court can request conditioned ssupension of the penalty’s
execution over a certain period if the following conditions are complied with:
a) the applied penalty is at most 3 year imprisonment or fine;
b) the criminal has not been convicted to more than 6 month imprisonment,
except for when the conviction makes the object of the cases provided in
article 38;
c) the purpose of the penalty can be reached without its execution.
In case of a conviction for a crime which resulted into damages, the court
can order conditioned suspension of the penalty’s execution only if the damages
were fully repaired or they were secured by an insurance company up to the
passing of the court decision.
If the penalty whose execution was suspended is a fine, the test term is
one year.
The test term is calculated starting with the date when the conditioned
suspension of the penalty’s execution was announced as final.
Art. 83. - If the convicted perpetrated a new crime during the test term, for
which a final conviction was pronounced even after the expiration of the test
term, the instance cancels the conditioned suspension and orders the entire
execution of the penalty which does not merge with the penalty applied for the
new crime.
The recalling of the penalty’s suspension, however, does not take place if
the prior crime was discovered after the expiration of the test term.
In establishing the penalty for the perpetrated crime after the final decision
of suspension the increase provided by the law for second offence does not
apply any more.
Art. 84. - If until the expiration of the test term the convicted has not
fulfilled the civil duites established by the conviction sentence, the court may
order the recalling of the suspension of the penalty’s execution, with exception
for the case in which the convicted proves that there were no possibility to fulfil
those duties.
Art. 85. - If the convicted is found to have perpetrated a crime before the
pronunciation of the decision which requested the suspension of the penalty’ s
execution or until this decision stayed final, and for this crime the imprisonment
penalty applied even after the expiration of the test term, the conditioned
suspension of the penalty’s execution is cancelled and, depending on the case,
the provisions regarding the concurrence of crimes or second offence are
The recalling of the suspension of the penalty’s execution does not take
place if the crime which could have yielded recalling was found after the
expiration of the test term.
Art. 86. - If the convicted has not perpetrated a new crime within the test
term and the recalling of the suspension of the penbalty’s execution was not
pronounced in accordance with articles 83 and 84, the convicted is lawfully
Art. 86 (1). - The court may request the suspension of the penalty’s
execution under observation, if the following requirements are complied with:
a) the applied penalty is at most 4 year imprisonment;
b) the criminal has not been previoulsy convicted to imprisonment more than one
year, except for the cases in which the conviction makes the object of one of
the cases provided in article 38;
c) considering the convicted, his/her behaviour after the perpetration of the
crime, the pronunciation of the sentence may constitute a warning and, even
without the execution of the penalty, the convicted will never perpetrate a
imprisonment penalty more than 12 years, as well as in the case of serious
physical injure crimes, rape and torture.
Art. 86 (2). - The test term in the case of suspension of the pebalty’;s
execution under observation is made up of the applied imprisonment penalty, to
which an interval between 2 and 5 years adds, according to the court’s decision.
The provisions in article 82 paragraph 3 apply accordingly.
Art. 86 (3). - During the test term, the convicted must comp[ly with the
following observation rules:
a) to come, at the fixed dates, to the judhe appointed with the observation or to
other bodies estaglisahed by the court;
b) to announce, in advance, any residence change and any travel which exceeds
8 days, as well as the date of coming back;
c) to notify and justify the change of the place of work;
d) to communicate information which could enable the observation of the means
of existence.
The dates provided in paragraph 1 (b) and (c) are notified to the persons
or bodies established in ( a).
The court may order the convicted the compliance with one or more of the
following requirements:
a) to perform an activity or to attend a training or academic course;
b) to not change the address or residence or not eceed the established territorial
limits but under the terms fixed by the court;
c) to not attend certain established places;
d) to not contact certain persons;
e) to not drive any vehicles or certain vehicles;
f) to comply with the observation rules, treatment or assistance, especially in the
case of dezintoxication.
If the convicted does not comply with the observation rules established by
the law or with the duties established by the court, the court may recall the
suspension of the penalty’s execution by ordering the execution of the entire
penalty or by increasing the test term with at most 3 years.
Art. 86(6). - If the convicted did not perpetrated a new crime during the
test term and the recalling of the suspension of the penalty’s execution in
accordance with article 86(4) was not pronounced, the convicted is lawfully
Section III(2)
Art. 86(7). - If the court, considering the gravity of the crime, the
circumstances under which the crime was perpetrated, the general and
professional behaviour of the perpetrator and the possibilities of this
perpetrator’s reeducation, decides whether there are sufficient reasons for the
aim of the penalty to be reached without privation of freedom and it can request
the execution of the penalty in the centre where the convicted performs the
activity or in another centre, but in all cases, with the centre’s wriiten agreement
and under the compliance with the following requirements:
a) the applied penalty consists in at most 5 year imprisonment;
b) the respective person was not previoulsy convicted to an imprisonment
penalty longer than 1 year, except for the case in which the conviction makes
the object of one of the cases provided in article 38.
The execution of the penalty at the place of work can be ordered also in
the case of concurrence of crimes if the applied penalty for the concurrence of
crimes is at most 3 year imprisonment and if the other requirements provided in
the preceding paragraph are complied with.
The execution of the penalty at the place of work cannot be ordered in the
case of first degree crimes for which the law provides imprisonment penalty
longer than 12 years, as well as in the case of serious physical injure crime, rape
and torture.
The provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 apply also in the case where the
convicted does not perform an activity at the date of the penalty’s application.
Art. 86(8). - During the execution of the penalty, the convicted must fulfill
all the duties at the place of work and to comply with the following restrictions of
rights provided by the law:
a) out of the total income legally resulted from the performed work, with
exception for the bonuses granted for the activity performed in dangerous or
injuring places, an amount of 15 - 40% established by the law will be retained,
according to the income and to the duties of the convicted to support other
persons, which will go to the state bidget. In the case of a juvenile convicted,
the restrictions reduce to half;
b) social insurance rights are established within the legal percentages applied to
the net income the convicted is entitled to, after the retention of the
percentage mentioned at (a);
c) the period of the penalty’s execution is not considered years of work;
d) the convicted cannot ask for the change of the place of work, but with the
decision of the court;
e) the convicted cannot be promoted;
f) the convicted cannot fill top positions, and depending on the perpetrated
crime, he cannot fill positions which imply the exercise of state suthority,
training and educational activities or administrative activities.
Art. 86(9). - If after the court decision which requested the execution of
the penalty at the place of work remained final the convicted commits another
crime, before the initation of the execution or during the execution of the penalty,
the court recalls the execution of the penalty at the place of work. The penalty
applies according to the provision in article 39 paragraphs 1 and 2 or, depending
on the case, in article 40.
If the new crime is a second degree crime, the court may request for this
crime too the execution of its penalty at the place of work. In this case, recalling
does not take place any more and the penalty applies according to the rules
regarding the concurrence of crimes.
If the convicted avoids the activity within the centre and does not fulfil the
duties accordingly or does not comply with the observation rules or with the
obligations established by court decision, the court may recall the execution of
the penalty at the place of work and request the execution of the penalty in a
detention place.
When the convicted cannot work because of total loss of labor capacity,
the court recalls the execution of the penalty at the place of work and,
considering the circumstances which determined the labor incapacity and the
provisions in article 72, requests the conditioned suspension of the penalty’s
execution even if the requirements provided in articles 81 or 86(1) are not
Art. 86(10). - If the convicted had perpetrated a crime before the final
decision and this fact is found before the penalty was executed at the place of
work or considered executed, the court cancels the execution of the penalty at
the place of work if the requirements provided in article 86(7) are not fulfilled.
Art. 86(11). - If the convict has executed at least two thirds of the penalty,
has showed clear improvement evidence, has had a good behaviour and has
been disciplined and diligent, the court may demand the termination of the
penalty’s execution a the place of work, upon the request made by the board of
the centre where the convict performs his activity or by the convict himself.
Section IV
The day when the penalty’s execution starts and the day when it stops are
included in the curation of the execution.
The periods, during the penalty’s execution, when the convict is in the
hospital are included also in the execution duration, except for the case in which
the convict intended to get ill and this situation is found during the penalty’s
Art. 88. - The duration of restraint and preventive arrest is subtracted from
the duration of the pronounced imprisonment penalty. The subtraction is done
also when the convict was kept under observation or judged, at the same time or
separately, for several concurrent crimes, even if he was not subject to
investigation any more, the criminal investigation ceased or the convict was
discharged or the penal trial ceased for the the action which determined the
restraint pr the preventive arrest.
The subtraction of the restraint and of the preventive arrest is done also in
case of fine penalty, through totally or partially dropping the execution of the fine.
Art. 89. - For the crimes perpetrated under the terms provided in articles
4, 5 and 6, the part of the penalty, as well as the restraint and the preventive
arrest executed abroad are subtracted from the duration of the penalty applied
for the same crime by the Romanian court.
Art. 90. - The court may order the replacement of the criminal
responsibility with the responsibility which yields a snaction with an administrative
character, if the following requirements are achieved:
a) the penalty provided by the law for the perpetrated crime is
imprisonment of maximum one year or fine, or the crimes provided in
articles 208, 213, 215 paragraph 1, article 215(1) paragraph 1, article
217 paragraph 1, article 219 paragraph 1 were perpetrated, if the value
of the damage does not exceed 100.000 lei or the crime provided in
article 249, if the value of the damage does not exceed 500.000 lei;
c) the damage caused by the crime was entirely repaired until the
pronunciation of the decision;
e) there are sufficient data that the perpetrator can be recovered without
being applied a penalty.
Art. 91. - When the court requests the replacement of the criminal
responsibility, it applies one of the following sanctions with administrative
a) reproof;
b) reproof with warning;
c) fine between 100.000 and 1.000.000 lei.
Art. 95.- Abrogated.
Art. 99. - Any juvenile who is under 14 years old is not subject to penal
Art. 100. - The juvenile who is subject to penal responsibility may be applied a
disciplinary measure or a penalty. In establishing the sanction, the degree of
social threat of the crime, the physical estate, the moral and intellectual
development, the behavior of the juvenile and the conditions under which he was
raised and any other elements characterizing the juveniles, will be taken into
The penalty applies only if the disciplinary measure is considered insufficient for
the improvement of the juvenile.
Art. 101. - The disciplinary measures which can apply to a juvenile are as
a) reproof;
b) freedom under observation;
c) confinement to a disciplinary center;
d) confinement to a medico-disciplinary institute.
Art. 102. - The disciplinary measure of reproof consists in the juvenile’s lecture,
in showing him the social threat of the perpetrated crime, in advising him to
behave in such a way that he can prove improvement and in warning him at the
same time that in case of a new crime a more severe measure or a penalty will
Art. 103.- The disciplinary measure of freedom under observation consists in
leaving the juvenile one year of freedom, under special observation. The
observation can be appointed, depending on the case, to the juvenile’s parents,
to the foster parents or to the tutor. If they cannot ensure satisfactory
observation, the court may request temporary appointment to a reliable person,
preferably to a close relative, upon this relative’s request, or to an institution
legally appointed for juveniles’ observation.
The court emphasizes to the appointed with the juveniles’ observation the
responsibility to closely observe the juvenile for the purpose of his improvement.
Also, the appointed person or institution must immediately notify the court
whether the juvenile does not obey the observation or has a bad behavior or
committed a new action provided in the criminal law.
The court may order the juvenile to comply with one or more of the following
The court warns the juvenile against the consequences of his behavior.
After taking the measure of freedom under observation, the court notifies the
school where the juvenile studies or, depending on the case, the institution
where he works or the institution where the juvenile performs the activity
established by the court.
If within the term provided in paragraph 1 the juvenile eludes from the
observation or if he has a bad behavior, or commits an action provided by the
criminal law, the court cancels the freedom under observation and sends the
juvenile to a disciplinary center. If the action provided in the criminal law
constitutes a crime, the court takes the measure of confinement and applies a
The term of one year provided in paragraph 1 starts since the execution date of
the freedom under observation.
Art. 104. - The disciplinary measure of confinement into a disciplinary center is
taken for the juvenile’s re-education. The juvenile is provided with study
opportunities and with professional training in accordance with his aptitudes.
The measure of confinement into such a canter applies in case the other
disciplinary measures do not suffice.
Art. 106. - The measures provided in articles 104 and 105 are taken for a non-
limited time, but they cannot apply after the age of 18. The measure provided in
article 105 must be suspended once the cause which required this measure
does not exist any more. The court, requesting the suspension of the measure
provided in article 105, may confine the juvenile into a disciplinary center, if the
When the juvenile becomes an adult, the court may request the extension of the
confinement for two more years at most, if this is necessary in order to reach the
objective of the confinement.
Art. 107. - If after at least one year since the confinement into a disciplinary
center the juvenile showed clear evidence of improvement, diligence in study
and professional training, the court can approve the release of the juvenile
before being 18 years old.
Art. 108. - If during the release granted in accordance with the preceding article
the juvenile has had a bad behavior, the court can order the recalling of the
Art. 109.- The penalties which can apply to the juvenile are imprisonment or the
fine provided by the law for the perpetrated crime. The restrictions of the
penalties reduce to half. After reduction, the minimum penalty will not exceed 5
When the law provides life sentence for the perpetrated crime, the juvenile gets
imprisonment between 5 and 20 years.
Art. 110(1). - At the same time with the conditional suspension of the
imprisonment penalty’s execution applied to the juvenile in consistence with the
requirements provided in article 110, the court may request, for the period of the
test term, and until the age of 18, the observation appointed to a person or an
institution established in article 103; also, the court can establish for the juvenile
one or more obligations among those provided in art. 103 paragraph 3 and after
the age of 18, the court order the juvenile to comply with the observation rules or
obligations as provided in article 86(3).
Art. 111. - Security measures have as objective the removal of a danger state
and the avoidance of perpetration of the actions provided in the criminal law.
Security measures are taken against persons who committed actions provided in
the criminal law.
When the person for whom such a measure was taken does not attend the
treatment regularly, he can be sent to medical hospitalization.
Obligation to medical treatment can be a provisory measure also during the
criminal investigation or during the trial.
Art. 114. - When the perpetrator is mentally ill or is a drug addict and is under a
state which constitutes a threat for the society, he can be sent to hospitalization
at a medical specialized institute until recovery.
Such a measure can be a provisory one and it can be taken also during the
criminal investigation or during the trial.
Art. 115.- When the perpetrator committed the action due to the incapacity, lack
of education or other causes which make him inappropriate for the filling of a
position, or for the exercise of a certain profession, qualification or other
occupation, he can be subject to the measure of interdiction of filling that position
or of exercising that profession, qualification or occupation.
This measure can be cancelled upon request, after at least one year, if it is
found that the causes which requested this measure ceased to exist. A new
request cannot be done but after at least one year since the denial of the
previous request.
Art. 116. - When the convict to imprisonment penalty for at least one year has
been convicted for other crimes before, if the court finds that the presence of this
convict in the town where the crime was perpetrated constitutes a serious danger
against the society, the convict can be subject to interdiction of being that town
or in other towns specifically mentioned by the court’s conviction decision.
For a conviction longer than 5 years, the requirement that the perpetrator should
not have previously convicted for other crimes is not mandatory.
This measure can be taken for a period of 5 years and it can be extended if the
social threat still exists. The extension cannot exceed the period of the initial
The security measure can be cancelled upon request or directly, after at least
one year, but only if the causes which imposed that ceased to exist. A new
request is not possible but after at least one year since the denial of the previous
Art. 117. – Any foreign citizen who perpetrated a crime can be forbidden to
remain in the country.
The persons mentioned in this article will not be expelled if there are serious
reasons to believe that they can be tortured in the State where they are to be
a) the objects resulted from the action provided in the criminal law;
b) the objects that were the instruments or that were intended to be the
instruments for the perpetration of a crime, if they belong to the criminal;
c) the objects which were granted for the perpetration of a crime or for the
rewarding of the criminal;
d) the objects obtained in a clear way for the perpetration of the crime, if they
are not restituted to the injured person and to the extent to which they serve
to the injured person’s compensation;
e) the objects possessed in non-compliance with the legal provisions.
Art. 119. - Amnesty cancels the criminal responsibility for the perpetrated crime.
If it occurs after the conviction, this amnesty cancels also the execution of the
pronounced penalty, as well as the other consequences of the conviction. The
fine collected after the amnesty is not restituted.
Amnesty does not affect the security measures, the disciplinary measures and
the rights of the injured person.
Art. 120. - Pardon totally or partially cancels the execution of the penalty or
commutes this penalty to another one which is milder.
The pardon has effects also on the penalties with conditional suspension. In this
case, the portion in the test term which represents the length of the penalty
pronounced by the court is appropriately reduced. If conditional suspension is
revoked or cancelled, only the portion of the penalty which is not pardoned will
be executed.
Pardon does not affect the complementary penalties, except for the case in
which the court decides something else by the pardon act.
Art. 122. - Limitation terms of criminal responsibility are as follows:
a) 15 years, when the law provides life sentence or imprisonment penalty longer
than 15 years for the perpetrated crime;
b) 10 years, when the law provides imprisonment penalty longer than 10 years,
but no more than 15 years for the perpetrated crime;
c) 8 years, when the law provides imprisonment penalty longer than 5 years, but
no more than 10 years for the perpetrated crime;
d) 5 years, when the law provides imprisonment more than one year, but no
more than 5 years imprisonment for the perpetrated crime;
e) 3 years, when the law provides imprisonment penalty no longer than one year
or fine penalty for the perpetrated crime.
The terms mentioned in the present article are calculated since the date of the
perpetration of the crime. In case of continuous crimes, the term flows since the
date of termination of the action or non-action, and in case of continued crimes,
since the date of the last action or non-action’s perpetration.
Art. 123. - The term of limitation provided in article 122 is interrupted by the
achievement of any action which, in accordance with the law, must be
communicated to the defendant during the criminal trial.
The interruption of the limitation affects all the participants in the crime, even if
the interruption refers just to some of them.
Art. 124. - Limitation removes criminal in article 122 is exceeded with one half
Limitation does not remove the execution of the main penalties pronounced for
the crimes against peace and humankind.
Art. 126. - The limitation terms of the penalty’s execution are the following:
a) 20 years, when the penalty to be executed consists in life sentence or
imprisonment longer than 15 years;
b) 5 years, plus the penalty to be executed, but no more than 15 years, for the
other imprisonment penalties;
c) 3 years, if the penalty consists in a fine.
The terms provided in paragraph 1 are calculated since the conviction decision
remained final, and the terms provided in paragraph 2 since the conviction
decision remained final or, depending on the case, since, according to the law,
the ordinance by which the sanction was applied can be put into execution.
Art. 127. - The course of the limitation term provided in article 126 is interrupted
by the cessation of the penalty’s execution or by the perpetration of a new crime.
Embezzlement from the execution, after the beginning of the penalty’s execution
yields to a new initiation term to start since the date of embezzlement.
Art. 128. - The course of the limitation term provided in article 126 is suspended
for the cases and under the requirements established in the Criminal Procedure
The limitation continues with the day when the suspension cause ceased to
Art. 131. - In case of crimes for which the initiation of the criminal action is
conditioned by the filling of a prior complaint from the injured person, the lack of
this complaint removes the criminal responsibility.
If the injured is a person who lacks exercise capacity or has a limited exercise
capacity, the criminal trial is initiated by the court.
Art. 132.- Reconciliation of the parties in cases provided by the law removes the
criminal responsibility and terminates the civil action too.
Rehabilitation does not result into the obligation of reintegration the criminal in
the position where he was before conviction or the obligation of rejoining the
criminal to the permanent army forces or of restituting the lost military degree.
Also, the rehabilitation does not affect the security measures, with exception of
the one provided in art. 112 (d).
Art. 134. Rehabilitation lawfully takes place in the case of fine or imprisonment
penalty no longer than one year, if during 3 years the convict did not perpetrate
any other crime.
Art. 135. - The convict can be rehabilitated by the court, upon request:
a) in case of imprisonment penalty between one year and five years, after a 4
year term, to which half of the pronounced penalty is added;
The general prosecutor may request, in special cases, the diminution of the
terms provided in this article.
Art. 136. - The terms provided in articles 134 and 135 are calculated starting with
the date when the main penalty’s execution finished or when this execution was
For the convicts to fine penalty the term starts with the moment the fine was paid
or its execution ceased in other way.
In case of total or partial pardon, the term starts with the date of the pardon act.
Art. 137. The court rehabilitation request is admitted if the convict meets the
following requirements:
a) has not been convicted again during the interval provided in article 135;
b) has an assured existence through work or other honest means, as well as the
case when the convict has the age for retirement or for incapacity to work;
d) has entirely paid the court expenses and civil compensation he was subject
to, with exception for the case the injured party dropped the compensations,
or when the court finds that the convict has regularly achieved the obligations
regarding the civil provisions in the conviction decision.
When the court finds that the requirement in (d) is not accomplished, but this is
not because of the convict’s bad will, the court can request rehabilitation.
Art. 138. - In case of denial of rehabilitation request, a new request can be made
only after a term of 3 months, in case of conviction to imprisonment longer than
10 years, after a term of 2 years in case of conviction to imprisonment longer
than 5 years and after a term of one year in the other cases; these terms are
calculated starting with the date of the request’s denial.
The requirements mentioned in article 137 must be accomplished also for the
interval prior to the new request.
When the denial of the request is based on the lack of forms, it can be renewed
in accordance with the provisions in the Criminal Procedure Code.
Art. 139. - Judicial rehabilitation will be cancelled if found that after its granting,
the rehabilitated suffered a new conviction, which if had been known, the result
would have been the denial of the rehabilitation request.
Art. 140. - Whenever the criminal law uses a term or a phrase among the ones
mentioned in the present title, their meaning is the one provided in the following
articles, except for the case when the criminal law states otherwise.
Art. 141. - “Criminal law” means any provision with a criminal character included
in laws or decrees.
Art. 142. - “Territory” as in the “Romania’s territory” and the “country’s territory”
means the stretch of land and the waters between the frontiers, the underground
and the air space, as well as the territorial sea with the ground, the underground
and the air space belonging to this.
Art. 143. - “Crime perpetrated on the country’s territory” means any crime
committed on the territory mentioned in article 142 or on a Romanian ship or
Art. 146. - “Very serious consequences” means a material damage bigger than
50 000 000 lei or a very serious disorder in the activity performed by a public
authority or by any other entities mentioned in article 145 or by another legal or
natural person.
Art. 147. - “Public clerk” means any person who temporarily or permanently
exerts a duty of any nature, under any title, paid or not paid, in the service of one
of the entities mentioned in art. 145.
Art. 149. - “Close relatives” are the ancestors and progeny, the sisters and
brothers, their children, as well as the persons who become relatives through
adoption, in accordance with the law.
The provision in the criminal law regarding close relatives, under the restrictions
provided by the preceding paragraph, apply in case of full adoption, to the
adopted person, to this person’s progeny and according to the natural relatives,
and in case of limited adoption, this provision applies to the adopted and his
progeny and according to the adopter’s relatives.
Art. 150. - “State secrets” are documents and data which obviously denote that
character, as well as those declared or qualified as secret by the Government’s
Art. 151. - “Weapons” are the instruments, elements or devices declared as such
by legal provisions.
Any other objects which could be used as weapons and which have been used
for attack are included in this class.
Art. 152. - An action is considered to have been committed “in public” when it
was committed as follows:
b) in any other place accessible to the public, if there are two or more persons;
c) in a place which is not accessible to the public, with the intention for the
action to be heard or seen and if this result produced in the presence of two
or more persons;
e) by any means realized by the perpetrator that could reach the public.
Art. 153. - “War time” means the time interval since the date of declaration of
mobilization or since the beginning of war operations and until the date of the
army’s peace declaration.
Art. 154. - The calculation of the time considers the day as 24 hours and the
week as seven days. The month and the year are considered terminated with
one day before the date corresponding to the date they started.
Art. 156. - The action of the Romanian citizen or of a person without citizenship
but with residence on the Romanian state’s territory, who, during the war period:
c) obtains people, valuable objects and materials of any kind for the enemies;
d) deserts the colors or performs other actions which can facilitate the enemy’s
activity or weaken the power of fight of the Romanian army or of the ally
person without citizenship but with residence on the Romanian state’s territory, is
punished with life sentence or imprisonment between 15 and 25 years and
interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 158. - The actions mentioned in article 155 and in article 156, perpetrated by
a foreign citizen or by a person with no citizenship without residence on the
Romanian state’s territory, are punished with life sentence or imprisonment
between 15 and 25 years and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 159. - The actions mentioned in article 157, perpetrated by a foreign citizen
or by a person with no citizenship without residence on the Romanian state’s
territory, are punished with life sentence or imprisonment between 15 and 25
years and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 160. - An attempt on a person’s life, physical and health integrity who
performs an important state activity or other important public activity, committed
under circumstances which make the action endanger the state’s security, is
punished with life sentence or with imprisonment between 15 and 25 years and
interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 162. - An armed action meant to weaken the state’s power is punished with
life detention or with imprisonment between 15 and 25 years and interdiction of
certain rights.
Any other violent actions committed by several persons together, meant to have
the same consequences, are punished with imprisonment between 5 and 20
years and interdiction of certain rights.
installations, machines, communication channels, means of transportation,
means of telecommunications, buildings, industrial and agricultural products, or
of other assets, if the action can bring in any way damage to the state’s security,
are punished with life detention or imprisonment between 15 and 20 years and
interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 165. - The action of using a unit among those refereed to in article 145, or
of preventing its normal activity, if the action has such a character to undermine
the national economy, is punished with imprisonment between 5 and 20 years
and interdiction of certain rights.
detention or imprisonment between 15 and 25 years and interdiction of certain
The penalty for conspiracy cannot be longer than the sanction provided by
the law for the most serious crime, which pertain to such association or group’s
scope of activity.
No penalty applies to a person who before the initiation of the criminal
investigation for the non-denounced crime, notifies the competent authorities on
that crime or who, even after the criminal investigation started or after the
criminals were discovered, facilitated the criminals’ arrest.
Art. 171. – The crimes against the life, physical integrity, health, freedom
or dignity of a representative belonging to a foreign state, are subject to the
penalty provided by the law for the perpetrated crime, whose maximum is
increased with 2 years.
The criminal action is initiated upon the request made by the foreign
Art. 172. – Any participant in the crimes mentioned in the present title is
not subject to penalty if he denounces in due time the perpetration of the crime,
so that its termination can be avoided, or he himself prevents the termination of
the crime and then denounces it.
Any participant who, after the criminal investigation started or after the
criminals were discovered, facilitates their arrest, is subject to a penalty whose
limits reduce to half.
Art. 173. – Any attempt to the crimes mentioned in the present article is
subject to penalty.
Concealing and facilitating the crimes in the present title are subject to
imprisonment between 3 and 10 years.
Section I
The attempt is subject to penalty.
Section II
Art. 180. – Injures or any other violent actions which cause physical pain
are subject to imprisonment between one month and 3 months or with fine.
Injures or violent actions which caused medical care for recovery up to 20 days
are punished with imprisonment between 3 months and 2 years or with fine.
The criminal action is initiated upon the prior complaint of the injured
Art. 181. – Any action which resulted into injures against the health or
physical integrity which need up to 60 days of medical care for recovery is
punished with imprisonment between 6 months and 5 years.
The criminal action is initiated upon the prior complaint of the injured
Art. 182. – Any action which resulted into injures against the health and
physical integrity which need more than 60 days of medical care for recovery, or
which produced one of the following consequences: loss of a feeling or organ,
cease of functioning of these, a permanent physical or mental infirmity,
mutilation, abortion, or endanger of the person’s life, is punished with
imprisonment between 2 and 7 years.
Art. 183. – If one of the action mentioned in articles 180 – 182 took place
a s a result of the victim’s death, the penalty consists in imprisonment between 5
and 15 years.
Art. 184. – The action mentioned in article 180 paragraph 2 which caused
an injure which needs more than 10 days of medical care for recovery, as well as
the action mentioned in article 181, both second- degree crimes, are punished
with imprisonment between one month and three months or with a fine.
exercise of a profession, or in the accomplishment of other activity, the penalty
consists in imprisonment between 3 months and 2 years or a fine.
Section III
b) in the case mentioned in paragraph 1©, when pregnancy interruption
was a must due to therapeutical reasons, according to the legal
c) in the case provided in paragraph 2, when the pregnant woman could
not express her will, and pregnancy interruption was imposed by
therapeutical reasons, according to the legal provisions.
If for the person’s release the criminal requests, in any way, that the state,
a legal person, an intergovernmental international organization or a group of
persons should commit or should not commit a certain action, the penalty
consists in imprisonment between 5 and 15 years.
If the action resulted in the victim’s death or suicide, the penalty consists
in imprisonment between 15 and 25 years.
Art. 190. – Causing or maintaining of a person under the state of slavery,
as well as the slave traffic, are punished with imprisonment between 3 and 10
years and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 191. – The action of forcing a person in other cases than those
mentioned by legal provisions, into performance of work against this person’s will
or into an obligatory work, is punished with imprisonment between 6 months and
3 years.
The criminal action is initiated upon the prior complaint made by the
injured person.
The same penalty applies to the theft, destruction or detainment of mail,
as well as the disclosure of mail content, even if this was sent open or was open
by mistake, or the disclosure of an intercepted conversation or telephone
communication, even in the case the perpetrator was aware of this action by
mistake or by accident.
The criminal action is initiated upon the prior request of the injured person.
Art. 196. – The disclosure, with no right, of certain data by the person to
whom this data was handled, or who knew this data due to the profession or
position, if the action can bring prejudice to a person, is punished with
imprisonment between 3 months and 2 years or with a fine.
The criminal action is intuited upon the prior complaint made by the
injured person.
The action mentioned in paragraphs 1, 2 (b) and (c) and in paragraph 3
thesis I are not subject to penalty if before the decision remained final the victim
married the author of the crime. In case of participation, in other circumstances
than mentioned in paragraph 2 (a), the marriage between the victim and the
author produces the same effects towards the participants.
Art. 198. – A sexual intercourse with a female who is under 14 years old
is punished with imprisonment between one year and 5 years.
The same penalty applies to the sexual intercourse with a female between
14 – 18 years old, if a tutor or curator perpetrates the action, or by a surveyor,
doctor, and teacher, taking advantage of his position.
The provisions in article 197 last paragraph apply also in the case of
actions provided in paragraphs 1 – 3.
Sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex under the incapacity of
defence or of expressing his wish or performed by constraint is punished with
imprisonment between 3 and 10 years and interdiction of certain rights.
the penalty consists in imprisonment between 15 and 25 years and interdiction of
certain rights.
Any unnatural acts related to sexual life, other than those provided in
article 200 constitute sexual perversion.
Art. 204. – The attempt to crimes mentioned in articles 197 – 198 and 200
– 203 is subject to penalty.
The same penalty applies to the case when a person is granted a defect,
disease or mutilation which, even if real, should not be revealed.
The criminal action is initiated upon the prior request made by the injured
Art. 206. – Stating or imputing in public, by any means, an action
regarding a person, which, if real, would expose that person to a criminal,
administrative or disciplinary sanction or to public disgrace, is punished with
imprisonment between 3 months and 3 years or with a fine.
The criminal action is initiated upon the prior request made by the injured
Art. 208.- Taking a movable that belongs to somebody else, without his consent,
in order to illegally appropriate it, is punished by 1-12 years jail.
Any energy with economic value, as well as the writings are also considered
The deed is considered theft even if the good belongs wholly or partially to the
perpetrator, but at the moment of committing the crime it was in the lawful
possession of another person.
g) at night;
h) during a calamity;
I) by burglary, climbing or by illegal use of a real or false key,
The theft that caused very serious consequences is punished by 10-20 jail and
interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 211. - The theft committed by using violence or threats, or by making the
victim unconscious or unable to defend, as well as the theft followed by such
means in order to keep the good stolen or to remove the traces of the crime, or
in order for the perpetrator to facilitate his escape, is punished by 3-18 years jail.
Robbery that had very serious consequences or resulted in death of the victim is
punished by 15-25 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 212. - Robbery through violent acts committed with personal purposes by
the crew or the passengers of a ship against the persons or goods on the
respective ship or against another ship, if the ships are at free sea or in a place
that is not under the jurisdiction of any state, is punished by 3-18 years jail.
If the piracy had one of the consequences shown in art. 182, the punishment is
5-20 years jail.
The piracy that had very serious consequences or resulted in death of the victim
is punished by 15-25 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
The provisions of the previous paragraphs are also enforced accordingly when
the piracy crime has been committed on a spaceship or between a ship and a
Art. 213. - Appropriation of another’s person movable, held under any title, illegal
use or refusal to return it is punished by 3 months-4 years jail or fine.
If the good is private property, except for the case when it is wholly or partially
state property, the criminal action is initiated after the prior complaint of the
victim. The reconciliation between the parties removes the criminal responsibility.
Art. 214. - Causing damage to a person, with bad intentions, on the occasion of
administrating or keeping her goods, by the person who administrates or keeps
the goods or is supposed to do so, is punished by 6 months-5 years jail.
If the good is private property, except for the case when it is wholly or partially
state property, the criminal action for the deed mentioned in paragraph 1 is
initiated after the prior complaint of the victim.
Art. 215.- Misleading a person by presenting a false fact as true or a true fact as
false, in order to gain, for oneself or for somebody else, an unjust material
advantage, or causing damage, is punished by 6 months-12 years jail.
Issue of a cheque over a credit institution or a person, being aware that, in order
to make use of it, the necessary provision or cover do not exist, as well as total
or partial withdrawal, after issue, of the provision, or interdiction for the drawee to
pay before the presentation deadline, with the purpose shown in paragraph 1, if
damage has been caused to the holder of the cheque, is sanctioned by the
punishment shown in paragraph 2.
The misleading that had very serious consequences is punished by 10-20 years
jail and interdiction of certain rights.
If the defalcation had very serious circumstances, the punishment is 10-20 years
jail and interdiction of some rights.
Art. 216. - Failure to hand within 10 days a found good to the authorities or to the
person who has lost it, or using it as one’s own, is punished by 1-3 months jail or
The same punishment is enforced for the illegal appropriation of a movable that
belongs to somebody else, and has come, by error, in the possession of the
The provisions stipulated in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are enforced even if the good
belongs to the perpetrator.
If the good is private property, except for the case when it is wholly or partially
state state property, the criminal action for the deed stipulated in paragraph 1 is
initiated after the prior complaint of the victim. The reconciliation of the parties
removes the criminal responsibility.
Art. 218. - If the deeds stipulated in art. 217 had very serious consequences, the
punishment is 10-20 years jail and interdiction of certain rights, and if they
resulted in a disaster, the punishment is jail for life or 15-25 jail and interdiction of
some rights.
When the disaster or the very serious consequences are the result of leaving the
post or committing any other deed by the driver(s) of public means of transport or
by the direct security staff, the punishment is 5-15 years jail.
If the real estate belongs to a private person, except when it belongs wholly or
partially to the state, the criminal action is initiated after the prior complaint of the
victim. The reconciliation of the parties removes the criminal responsibility.
Art. 221. - Receiving, acquiring or transformation of a good or facilitation of its
use, being aware that the good resulted from committing a deed stipulated by
the criminal law, if its purpose was to gain, for oneself or for somebody else, a
material advantage, are punished by 3 months-7 years jail; the sanction enforced
cannot exceed the punishment stipulated by the law for the crime from which the
hidden good resulted.
Art. 222.- Tentative of crimes stipulated in art. 208 - 212, 215, 215(1), 217 and
218 is punished.
Art. 236. - Any manifestation by which one expresses contempt for the emblems
of Romania are punished by 6 months-3 years jail.
The manifestation expressing contempt for the emblems or signs used by the
authorities is punished by 6 months-3 years jail.
Art. 238. - Harm done to honor or threat in public against one of the persons
mentioned in art. 160, in relation to her activity and meant to harm the authority,
is punished by 6 months-5 years jail.
Hitting or any other acts of violence, as well as corporal harm against one of the
persons and under the conditions shown in paragraph 1, are punished by 3-10
years jail; if serious corporal harm was caused, the punishment is 5-15 years jail
and interdiction of certain rights.
Hitting or any acts of violence, as well as corporal harm done against the person
specified in paragraph 1, during service or for acts done during service, are
punished by 6 months-7 years jail; if serious corporal harm was caused, the
punishment is 3- 12 years jail.
Art. 239(1). - For the crimes stipulated in art. 180-182, 189 and 193 committed
against the spouse, children or parents of the persons specified in art. 238 or in
art. 239 paragraph 3, with the purpose of intimidation or revenge for acts or
deeds committed during service, the maximum punishment is increased by one
Art. 241. – Illegal wearing of decorations, uniforms or distinctive signs of a state
body, is punished by 1-3 months jail or fine.
If the deed stipulated in the previous paragraph is committed during war, the
punishment is 1-5 years jail.
Art. 242. - Taking away or destroying a file, register or any other writing kept or
held by a state body or institution or by another state institution among those
referred to in art. 145 is punished by 3 months-5 years jail.
If the deed has been committed by the custodian, the punishment is 3 months-2
years jail or fine.
Art. 244. - Taking away a good that is legally distrained is punished by 1 month-1
year jail or fine.
If the deed has been committed by the custodian, the punishment is 3 months-2
years jail or fine.
Art. 246. The deed of the public employee who, during service, fails to or
wrongly accomplishes an act, thus harming the legal interests of a person, is
punished by 6 months-3 years jail.
Art. 248. - The deed of the public employee who, during service and being fully
aware of it, fails to or wrongly accomplishes an act, thus harming the activity of a
state body or institution, or of another institution among those referred to in art.
145, or causes damage to its patrimony, is punished by 6 months-5 years jail.
Art. 248(1). - If the deeds mentioned in art. 246, 247 and 248 had very serious
consequences, they are punished by 5-15 years jail and interdiction of certain
Art. 250. - The use of insults against a person by a public employee during
service is punished by 3 months-3 years jail or fine.
Art. 252. - Negligence that leads to destruction, alteration, loss or take away of a
document that represents state secret and negligence that leads to another
person finding out such a secret, if harmful to the state interests, are punished by
3 months-3 years jail.
Art. 253 - abrogated.
Art. 254. - The deed of the employee who, directly or indirectly, claims or
receives money or other advantages that are not due to him or does not reject
them in order to accomplish, not to accomplish or delay the accomplishment of
an act related to his service duties or in order to act against these duties, is
punished by 3-12 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
The money, values or any other goods that were the object of bribe are
confiscated, and if they cannot be found, the convict is obliged to pay their
equivalent in money.
Art. 255. Promising, offering or giving money or other advantages, in the ways
and with the purposes shown in art. 254 are punished by 6 months-5 years jail.
The deed mentioned in the previous paragraph is not considered crime when the
briber has been constrained by any means by the one who took the bribe.
The briber is not punished if he informs the authorities of his deed before the
investigation body is announced of the crime.
The provisions of art. 254 paragraph 3 are enforced accordingly, even if the offer
has not been accepted.
The money, values or any other goods are returned to the person who gave
them in the cases described in paragraphs 2 and 3.
The money, values or any other goods received are confiscated, and if they
cannot be found, the convict is obliged to pay for their equivalent in money.
Art. 258. - The provisions of art. 246-250 regarding the public employees are
also enforced on the other employees, in this case the maximum punishment
being reduced by one third.
If the one who committed the deed states before the person against whom the
denunciation or the complaint have been made, or against whom the evidence
has been presented, that the denunciation, complaint or evidence are false, the
punishment is reduced according to art. 76.
Art. 260. - The deed of a witness who, in a criminal, civil, disciplinary or any
other cause where witnesses are heard, makes false statements or does not say
everything he knows about the essential circumstances on which he is
questioned, is punished by 1-5 years jail.
The deed mentioned in the previous paragraph is not punished if, in the criminal
causes before the defendant is arrested, and in all cases before a decision is
passed or another settlement is made as a result of the false testimony, the
witness withdraws his testimony.
If the testimony withdrawal takes place in criminal causes after the arrest of the
defendant, and in all causes after a decision is passed or another settlement is
made as a result of the false testimony, the instance will reduce the punishment
according to art. 76.
The provisions of paragraphs 1-3 are enforced accordingly on the expert and the
Art. 261. - The attempt to constraint or corrupt a person into making false
statements in a criminal, civil, disciplinary or any other cause where witnesses
are heard, is punished by 3 months-2 years jail or fine.
The provisions of the previous paragraph are also enforced when the deed is
committed against an expert or an interpreter.
Art. 261(1). - Prevention of a witness, expert, interpreter or defender from taking
part in a criminal, civil, disciplinary or any other cause, done by violence, threat
or by any other means of constraint against them, their spouses or close
relatives, is punished by 6 months-7 years jail.
Art. 262. - Failure to denounce immediately one of the crimes specified in art.
174, 175, 176, 211, 212, 215(1), 217 paragraphs 2-4, art. 218 paragraph 1 and
art. 276 paragraph 3 is punished by 3 months-3 years jail.
Art. 263. - The deed of the public employee who, finding out about the
perpetration of a crime related to his service, fails to announce immediately the
prosecutor or the criminal investigation body according to the criminal procedure
law, is punished by 3 months-5 years jail.
Art. 264.- The help given to a perpetrator without a prior understanding or during
the perpetration of the crime, in order to impede or stop the criminal
investigation, the trial or the execution of the punishment, or in order to ensure
the use or product of the crime for the perpetrator, is punished by 3 months-7
years jail.
Art. 265. - The failure to inform the judicial bodies on circumstances that, if
known, would lead to declaring unguilty a person unjustly sent to court or
convicted, or to setting free a person unjustly kept under preventive arrest is
punished by 3 months-1 year jail or fine.
The deed specified in the previous paragraph is not punished if, by informing, the
person who has this obligation would prejudice herself, her spouse or a close
The same punishment is enforced for the use of promises, threats or violence
against a witness, expert or interpreter.
If the deed mentioned in paragraph 1 had one of the consequences shown in art.
181 or 182, the punishment is 3-10 years.
The torture that resulted in death of the victim is punished by jail for life or for 15-
25 years.
The deeds stipulated in paragraph 1 are not considered torture if the pain or
sufferance result exclusively from legal sanctions and are inherent to these
sanctions or caused by them.
Art. 268. - Initiation of criminal investigation, order of arrest, sending to court or
convicting a person, being aware that she is not guilty, are punished by 2-7 years
Art. 269.- Escape from legal hold or detention is punished by 6 months-2 years
Art. 270.- Facilitation by any means of escape is punished by 1-5 years jail, and
if the deed has been committed by a person whose duty was to guard the one
who escaped, the punishment is 2-7 years jail.
Facilitation of escape out of negligence by a person whose duty was to guard the
one who escaped, is punished by 3 months-2 years jail.
Art. 271. - Fighting against the execution of a judicial decision, by threatening the
execution body, is punished by 6 months-3 years jail, and if the deed has been
committed by violence acts, the punishment is 1-7 years jail.
Failure to comply with the judicial decisions, by non-execution of the assurance
measures specified in art. 112 (c) and (d) is punished by 1-3 months jail or fine.
Art. 275.- Leaving their posts, in any way and under any form, by the employees
who directly ensure the security of the circulation of the railway means of
transport, if this could have endangered the security of the circulation of the
means of transport, is punished by 2-7 years jail.
The same punishment is enforced when the employees who directly ensure the
security of the circulation of the railway means of transport exert their service
attributions while being drunk.
Art. 276. - Destruction, degradation or making inefficient the railway or the
railway installations, or placing obstacles on the railway, if this could have
endangered the security of the railway means of transport, is punished by 3-12
years jail.
The same punishment is enforced for false signals or any acts misleading the
railway staff during service, if these deeds could have led to a railway accident or
The railway catastrophe consists in running off the rails, turning upside down or
falling of a railway means of transport, or in occurrence of something similar, as
well as in collision of two railway means of transport, or of a railway means of
transport with another vehicle, if very serious consequences occurred, such as
death or harm of corporal integrity of some persons, or destruction or
degradation of the railway means of transport, of railway installations or goods
given for transportation.
Art. 278.- Criminal action for deeds stipulated in art. 273 paragraph 1, art. 274
paragraph 1 and art. 275 paragraphs 1 and 2 is initiated only after the competent
railway bodies have been informed.
Art. 279(1)
Illegal receiving, possession, use, giving, modification, estrangement,
dispersation, exposure, transport or return of nuclear materials or other
radioactive materials, as well as any other operations related to their circulation
are punished by 3-10 years jail and interdiction of some rights.
If the deeds stipulated in paragraph 1 caused public danger, led to one of the
consequences shown in art. 181 or 182, or caused material damage, the
punishment is 4-12 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
If the deeds stipulated in paragraph 3 caused public danger or led to one of the
consequences shown in art. 181 and 182, the punishment is 5-20 years jail and
interdiction of certain rights.
If the deeds stipulated in paragraph 1 led to extremely serious consequences,
the punishment is 10-20 years jail and interdiction of certain rights; if they
resulted in death of one or more persons, the punishment is jail for life or 15-25
years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Taking away explosives is punished by 5-15 years jail and interdiction of certain
When the deeds stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2 involve a quantity larger that 1
kilo explosive equivalent or when the quantity of explosive is accompanied by
initiation materials, the punishment is 5-20 years jail and interdiction of certain
The deeds stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2, if they caused public danger or led
to one of the consequences shown in art. 181 and 182, are punished by 5-20
years jail and interdiction of certain rights. The same punishment is enforced for
the deed stipulated in paragraph 1, if it caused material damage.
The attempt is punished.
Art. 280(1). - Estrangement, hiding or any other deed that leads to loss of a good
from the national cultural patrimony or from the national archives fund, good that,
according to the law, is part of that patrimony or fund, is punished by 2-7 years
If the loss of the good from the above mentioned patrimony or fund was
committed by committing a deed that is itself a crime, the punishment is the one
stipulated by the law for the crime committed, whose maximum is increased by 3
The deed stipulated in paragraph 1 is not punished, and for the deeds stipulated
in paragraph 2 the punishment is not increased, if before the decision is
declared final, the perpetrator removes the consequences of the crime, returning
the good to the patrimony or fund involved.
Art. 281.- Illegal exertion of a profession or of any other activity for which an
authorization is required under the law, or their exertion in conditions other than
the legal ones, if the special law stipulates that such deeds are punished
according to the criminal law, is punished by 1 month-1 year jail or fine.
Art. 282.- Forgery of metal or paper coins/notes, public credit titles, cheques, any
payment titles, issued by the banking institution or by any other competent credit
institutions, or forgery of any titles or similar values, is punished by 3-12 years jail
and interdiction of certain rights.
The same punishment is enforced for circulating, in any way, the forged values
mentioned in the previous paragraph, or for their possession in order to circulate
If the deeds stipulated in the previous paragraphs might have caused serious
damage to the financial system, the punishment is 5-15 years jail and interdiction
of certain rights; if serious damage has been caused to the financial system, the
punishment is 10-20 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 283. -Forgery of stamps, mail envelopes, mail cards, travel tickets,
international response notes or circulation of these forged values is punished by
6 months-5 years jail.
Art. 284.- The provisions in this chapter are also enforced in case the crime
involves coins or stamps belonging to other states, or other foreign values
Art. 287.- The use of forged instruments mentioned in art. 286 is punished by 3
months-3 years jail.
Illegal use of a seal or a stamp with the emblem of the country is punished by 3
months-2 years jail or fine.
The tickets or any other printed matter that can have legal consequences are
assimilated to the writings.
Art. 290- Forgery of a writing under private signature in one of the ways
described in art. 288, if the perpetrator uses the forged writing or gives it to
another person to use it, with legal consequences, is punished by 3 months-2
years jail or fine.
Art. 291.- The use of an official writing or of a writing under private signature,
with legal consequences, is punished by 3 months-3 years jail when the writing is
official, and by 3 months-2 years jail when the writing is under private signature.
Art. 292 - Inappropriate stating of the truth made to a state body or institution or
to another institution among those referred to in art. 145, with legal
consequences for oneself or for another, when, according to the law or to
circumstances, the statement serves to achieve that consequence, is punished
by 3 months-2 years jail or fine.
in art. 145, with legal consequences for oneself or for another, is punished by 3
months-3 years jail.
The same punishment is enforced for giving for illegal use a writing serving for
proving the civil state or for identification.
Art. 294 - Illegal use of the emblem or name “Red Cross” or of an emblem or
name assimilated to it, as well as the use of any sign or name imitating such an
emblem or name, if the deed has caused material damage, are punished by 1
month-1 year jail or fine.
If the deed is committed during the war, the punishment is 1-5 years jail.
c) Abrogated.
d) Abrogated.
Art. 300 .- Circulation of counterfeits or products resulted from illegal use of the
object of an invention is punished by 3 months-3 years jail.
Art. 301. - Manufacturing or circulating products that bear false origin names or
specifications, as well as application on the circulated products of false
specification regarding the patent, or use of commercial names or names of
trade or industrial organizations, in order to mislead the beneficiaries, are
punished by 1 month-2 years jail or fine.
If the deed stipulated in paragraph one had very serious consequences, the
punishment is 5-15 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 302(2) - Performing any import operations of waste or residues of any kind,
or other products that are dangerous for the population’s health and for the
environment, as well as their introduction, in any way, on the territory of the
country, without complying with the legal provisions, are punished by 2-7 years
If the deeds stipulated in the previous paragraph have endangered the health or
corporal integrity of a large number of persons, led to one of the consequences
shown in art. 182 or caused an important material damage, the punishment is 3-
10 years jail and interdiction of certain rights, and if they resulted in death of one
or more persons or caused serious damage to the national economy, the
punishment is 7-20 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 303. - If a person who is already married gets married again, the punishment
is 1-5 years jail.
The unmarried person that gets married to a person whom he/she knows is
already married is punished by 6 months-3 years jail.
The deeds stipulated in the present article are not sanctioned if the first or
second marriage is declared null for another reason than bigamy.
Art. 304. - The married person who has sexual relationships outside marriage is
punished by 1-6 months jail or fine.
The criminal action is initiated at the prior complaint of the innocent spouse.
The innocent spouse may ask, at any time, the termination of the criminal
investigation or the criminal trial, and, after the decision is declared final, the
termination of the punishment execution.
The criminal investigation or trial also cease in case the spouse that filed the
complaint dies, as well as in case the marriage of the guilty spouse is annulled.
The criminal investigation cannot be initiated if the deed has been committed
with the encouragement of the spouse, or if the conjugal life had been
interrupted and the spouses lived separately.
Art. 305. - Perpetration by the person legally supposed to take care of someone
of one of the following deeds against the latter:
c) ill will failure to pay, for two months, the maintenance allowance settled by the
is punished, in the cases stipulated at (a) and (b), by 3 months-2 years jail or
fine, and in the case stipulated at (c), by 6 months-3 years jail.
If the parties could not achieve reconciliation, but during the trial the defendant
accomplishes his duties, the instance, in case he finds him guilty, passes a
conviction with conditional suspension of punishment execution, even is the
conditions stipulated in art. 81 are not met.
Revocation of the conditional suspense does not occur unless, during the probe
term, the convict commits again the crime of family abandonment.
Art. 307. - Holding by a parent of his minor child, without the consent of the other
parent or of the person to whom the minor was given according to the law, is
punished by 1-3 months jail or fine.
The same punishment is enforced for the deed of the person to whom the minor
was given for upbringing and education, who repeatedly impedes any of the
parents to have a personal relationship with the minor, under the conditions
settled by the parties or by the competent body.
Art. 308. - Non-compliance with the measures regarding the prevention or fight
against the catching diseases, if it led to the dissemination of such a disease, is
punished by 1 month-2 years jail or fine.
Art. 309. - Transmission of venereal diseases by sexual contact, by homosexual
relations or by perverse sexual acts, by a person who is aware of suffering from
such a disease, is punished by 1-5 years jail.
The instance will decide upon the measure of obligatory medical treatment.
Art. 309(1). - Elusion from the execution of the measure of obligatory medical
treatment, in the case of venereal contamination crime, is punished by 3 months-
1 year jail or fine.
Art. 310. - Non-compliance with the measures regarding the prevention or fight
against the catching diseases in animals, plants or harmful insects, if it led to the
dissemination of such a disease or of the insects, or to other serious
consequences, is punished by 1 month-1 year jail or fine.
Art. 313. - Preparation of foods or drinks that are falsified, altered, forbidden,
harmful for health, displaying such foods or drinks for sale, being aware that they
are falsified, altered or forbidden, are punished by 1-8 years jail.
Giving for public consummation meat or meat products coming from animals that
have not been exposed to veterinary control, is punished by 2-8 years jail if it led
to illness of a person, and by 5-15 years jail if it led to death of a person.
Art. 314. - Leaving, driving away or not helping, in any way, a child or a person
unable to take care of herself, by those under whose guard or care they are
placed, an exposing such persons’ lives, health or corporal integrity to imminent
danger, is punished by 3 months-3 years jail.
The person who, after having committed the crime, benevolently re-starts
accomplishing his/her duties.
Art. 315- Failure to give the necessary help or to inform the authorities, by the
person who has found another person whose life, health or corporal integrity is in
danger and who is unable to save herself, is punished by 1 month-1 year jail or
Art. 316. - Failure to inform the authorities by the person who finds an
abandoned or lost person in need of help because her life, health or corporal
integrity are in danger, is punished by 1-6 months jail or fine.
Art. 318. - Impeding or disturbing the free exertion of a religious cult organized
and functioning under the law, is punished by 1-6 months jail or fine.
Art. 320.- Repeated disturbance of the use of their apartment by its inhabitants,
or impeding them to use the apartment in the normal way, is punished by 3
months-2 years jail or fine.
Art. 321. - The deed of the person who publicly performs acts or gestures, uses
words or expressions or has any other manifestations that are against the morals
or lead to public scandal, is punished by 3 months-2 years jail or fine.
If the deed stipulated in paragraph 1 seriously disturbs the public calm, the
punishment is 6 month-5 years jail.
If during the fight a serious harm to one person’s corporal integrity or health has
occurred, the one who is responsible for it is punished for his crime, and the
maximum punishment is reduced by one year. The other participants in the fight
are punished by the punishment stipulated in paragraph 1.
In the case stipulated in paragraph 2, if the participant who committed the deeds
mentioned in that paragraph is not known, all the participants are punished by 6
months-5 years jail, when corporal integrity or health have been damaged. In
case of death, the punishment is 3-15 years jail.
The person caught in the fight against her will or tried to separate the others, to
fight back when attacked or to defend another is not punished.
The persons stipulated in art. 1, who inform the authorities on the association
before it is discovered and the crime related to the purpose of the association
occurs, are not punished.
Art. 324. - Encouraging the public orally, in writing or in any other way not to
comply with the law or to commit deeds that are considered crimes, is punished
by 3 months-3 years jail, not exceeding the punishment stipulated by the law for
the crime encouraged.
Art. 326. - The deed of the person who, being able to work, repeatedly appeals
to public charity, asking for material help, is punished by 1 month-3 years jail.
Art. 327. - The deed of the person who does not have a stable home, nor any
living means, and who, although able to work, does not have a regular
occupation or profession, or does not work in order to earn a living, is punished
by 1 month-3 years jail.
Art. 328. - The deed of the person who earns a living by sexual relations with
different persons is punished by 3 months-3 years jail.
Money, values or any other goods that served or were destined to serve, directly
or indirectly, to the perpetration of the crime stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2,
and those acquired by its perpetration are confiscated, and if they are not found,
the convict is obliged to cover their equivalent in money.
Section I
Crimes against the military order and discipline
Art. 331.- Unjustified absence from the unit or service, exceeding 24 hours but
not longer than 3 days, of the military, at service or concentrated, up to the rank
or sergeant (sergeant included), is punished by 3 months-1 year jail.
During wartime, unjustified absence of any military from the unit or service,
exceeding 4 hours but not longer than 24 hours, is punished by 1-5 years jail.
Art. 332. - Unjustified absence from the unit or service, exceeding 3 days, of any
military, is punished by 1-7 years jail.
During wartime, unjustified absence of any military from the unit or service,
exceeding 24 hours, is punished by 3-12 years jail.
The same punishment is enforced for leaving the command or any other post by
any military.
Violation of the order by the sentinel on duty guarding the weapons, ammunition
or explosives deposits, at the frontier or in other places of military or state
interest, or if the deed might have had serious consequences, is punished by 1-5
years jail.
The deeds above, if committed during wartime, are punished by 3-12 years jail.
Art. 334. - Refusal to execute an order connected with service duties, by military
or sub-officer, by a hired military, by two or more militaries together or in front of
the gathered troop, or if the deed has serious consequences, the punishment is
1-5 years jail.
During wartime, the punishment for the deed stipulated in paragraph 1 is 2-7
years jail, and for the deed stipulated in paragraph 2, 3-12 years jail.
Art. 335. - Hitting one’s superior by the inferior or one’s boss by the subordinate
is punished by 3 months-2 years jail.
In case the person is hit while exerting his/her service attributions, the
punishment is 1-5 years jail.
If the deeds above are committed during wartime, the maximum punishments
are increased by 2 years.
Art. 336. - Hitting one’s inferior or subordinate by the superior or by the boss is
punished by 1 month-1 year jail.
The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 are not enforced during wartime, if the
deeds were dictated by a military necessity.
Art. 337. - The criminal action for the crimes mentioned in the present section is
initiated only when announced by the commander.
Section II
Crimes on the battlefield
Art. 338. - Submission to the enemy by the commander of the military forces that
he commands, leaving to the enemy, destruction or rendering inefficient the
means of fighting or other means necessary to wage the war, by the
commander, when this was not determined by the circumstances of the fight, are
punished by jail for life or by 15-25 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 339. Leaving the battlefield or refusal to act, committed during wartime, or
submission during captivity, or perpetration of other such deeds meant to serve
the enemy’s cause, is punished by jail for life or 15-25 years jail and interdiction
of certain rights.
Section III
Crimes specific for the air force and military marine
Art. 340. - Flying with a spaceship belonging to the Romanian state air force,
without prior authorization, as well as non-compliance with the flight regulations,
if it endangers the security of the flight or of the spaceship are punished by 3
months-2 years jail.
If the deed stipulated in the previous paragraph had serious consequences, the
punishment is 1-5 years jail, and if it caused a disaster, the punishment is 5-15
years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
The same deed committed during wartime is punished by jail for life or by 15-25
years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
In case the command was left during the battle, by the commander of a ship or a
group of military ships, the punishment is jail for life or 15-25 years jail and
interdiction of certain rights.
Art 343. - The deed committed by the commander of a military ship or of a group
of military ships who, unless stopped by an order or impeded by his special
mission, does not take the necessary measures to attack, to fight against his
enemy, to help a ship belonging to the Romanian state or to an allied state, that
is followed by the enemy or engaged in a fight, or who fails to take the measures
necessary to destroy a convoy of the enemy, or does not follow the war or trade
ships of the enemy, is punished by jail for life or 15-25 years jail and interdiction
of certain rights.
Art. 344.- Lowering the flag during the battle, in order to serve the enemy cause,
by the commander of a military ship or of a group of military ships, as well as by
any other person on board, is punished by jail for life or by 15-25 years jail and
interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 345. - The deed of the commander of a military ship or of any other person
on board, which caused, by negligence, a collision or drove the ship on land, if it
lead to a serious damage of the ship or to other serious consequences, is
punished by 6 months-3 years jail.
In case the deed stipulated in the previous paragraph was committed
intentionally, the punishment is 5-20 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
During wartime, the deed stipulated in paragraph 2 is punished by jail for life or
15-25 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
Art. 346. - The attempt of the crimes stipulated in art. 340, 341, 342, 344 and
345 paragraphs 2 and 3 is punished.
Art. 347. - The provisions of art. 341-346 are enforced accordingly for military
Art. 348. - The deed of the person who hurts his own corporal integrity or health,
simulates a disease or a disability, uses false writings or any other means with
the purpose of elusion from military service, is punished by 6 months-5 years jail,
and during wartime, by 3-10 years jail.
The criminal action is initiated only when the commander announces the deed.
Art. 350. - Robbing the dead or wounded on the battlefield of the objects that
they possess is punished by 3-10 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
The same punishment is enforced for the deed mentioned in the previous
paragraph, when, even if not committed on the battlefield, it is the consequence
of a war situation.
Art. 351- Illegal use, during wartime and in connection with the military
operations, of the emblem or name of “Red Cross” or of those assimilated to it, is
punished by 3-7 years jail.
Art. 352. - Unjustified refusal to provide the army forces with the goods legally
requisited, failure to accomplish such duties or failure to declare, at the census,
the requisited goods, is punished by 3 months-2 years jail.
Art. 353. - Elusion from recruitment during peace is punished by 1-3 months jail
or fine. Elusion from recruitment during wartime is punished by 1-5 years jail.
Art. 354. - Failure to appear for incorporation or concentration within 3 days from
notification, and if the deadline settled for appearance is longer, failure to appear
before this deadline of the person summoned by the military authority, is
punished by 1-5 years jail.
Art. 355. - The criminal action for the crimes stipulated in the present chapter is
initiated only when the commander announces them.
is punished by jail for life or 15-25 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
If the deed is committed during war, the punishment is jail for life.
Art. 358. - Inhuman treatment of wounded or sick, of the members of the civil
sanitary staff, of the Red Cross or the organizations assimilated to it, of the
shipwrecked, the war prisoners and, generally, of any person whose power is
inferior to that of his enemy, or subjecting them to medical or scientific
experiments that are not justified by a medical cure in their interest, are punished
by 5-20 years jail and interdiction of certain rights.
The same punishment is enforced for the perpetration against the persons
mentioned in the previous paragraphs of one of the following deeds:
b) taking prisoners;
c) deportation;
If the deeds stipulated in the present article are committed during wartime, the
punishment is jail for life.
if all these bear the appropriate distinctive signs, is punished by 5-20 years jail
and interdiction of certain rights.
The same punishment is enforced for appropriation, in any way, unless justified
by a military necessity and committed on a big scale, of the means or materials
destined to help or care of the wounded or sick under the power of the enemy.
The same punishment is enforced for robbing or appropriation in any way of one
of the cultural values listed in the present chapter, on the territories under military
Art. 361 - The attempt to the crimes mentioned in the present title is punished.
Hiding or favoring the crimes mentioned in this title are punished by 3-10 years
Hiding or favoring by the spouse or a close relative of the crimes mentioned in
art. 357 and 358 paragraph 3 and 4 are punished. The limits of the punishment
stipulated in paragraph one are reduced by half, and, for the other crimes, they
are not punished.
Art. 362.- The provisions of the general part of this code are also enforced for
the deeds criminally sanctioned by special laws, if the law does not stipulate
Art. 363. .- The present code is valid from the 1-st of January 1969.