Paper English For Agribusiness 1 "Glucose" Name: Angelita Katty Reeng 16021003
Paper English For Agribusiness 1 "Glucose" Name: Angelita Katty Reeng 16021003
Paper English For Agribusiness 1 "Glucose" Name: Angelita Katty Reeng 16021003
1. Hyperglycemia
• due to thyroid gland / goiter disease. At the enlargement of the thyroid gland / goiter there will be an
increase in blood glucose levels. Increases in blood glucose levels are due to hyper activity of the
hormone secreted by mumps (thyroxine)
• Hyperglycemia due to glandular abnormalities (pituitary, hypothalamus)
• Hyperglycemia due to deficiency, weakness of insulin hormone activity produced and released by
pancreas> This disorder is called Diabetes Mellitus.
2. Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia or decreased blood sugar levels is a condition where blood glucose levels are below
normal, which occurs because of an imbalance between the food eaten, physical activity and drugs used.
Hypoglycemia syndrome is characterized by clinical symptoms, among others: the sufferer feels dizzy,
weak, shaking, the vision becomes blurred and dark, cold sweats, increased heart rate and sometimes to
loss of consciousness (hypoglycemia shock).
1. Blood glucose at the time
Blood sugar checks are performed at all times throughout the day regardless of the last food eaten and the
person's body condition.
(Dep Kes RI, 2008)
2. Fasting blood glucose and 2 hours after meals
Fasting blood glucose examination is a glucose examination performed after the patient fasted for 8-10
hours, while glucose examination 2 hours after meals is a 2-hour examination is calculated after the
patient finished eating. (MOH, 2010)
1. To Know the definition of blood glucose
2. To know how the process of blood glucose metabolism
3. To find out how blood glucose absorbs
4. To know what is glycolysis
5. To find out any disease associated with blood glucose
6. To know the various kinds of blood glucose examination.
7. To know how the method of blood glucose examination.
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(Ignatavicius & Walkman, 2006; Robbin, et al., 2007).
(Murray, Granner, and Rodwell, 2006)
(Dep Kes RI, 2008)
(MOH, 2010)
a. Chemical or Reduction Method
Principle: Condensation process with acromatic amine and glacial acetic acid in hot atmosphere, thus
forming green compound which is then measured photometrically. Some of the disadvantages are that this
chemical method requires a long check step with heating, so the possibility of a bigger error. In addition,
the reagents on the ortho-toluidin method are corrosive.
b. Enzymatic Method
1. Glucose Oxidase Method (GOD-PAP)
Principle: glucose oxidase enzyme catalyzes the glucose oxidation reaction into gluconalactone and
hydrogen peroxide.
The glucose oxidase enzyme used in the first reaction causes
the first specific reaction properties for glucose, especially B-D glucose, whereas
the second reaction is not specific, because oxidized substances can cause
lower examination results. Uric acid, ascorbic acid, bilirubin and glutathione
inhibit the reaction because these substances will compete with chromogen
reacts with hydrogen peroxide so that the examination results will be more
low. The advantage of the glucose oxidase method is that it is cheap
reagents and adequate results.
2. Hexokinase Method
Principle: Hexokinase will catalyze the glucose phosphorylation reaction with
ATP forms 6-phosphate glucose and ADP. The second enzyme is glucose 6-phosphate
dehydrogenase will catalyze the oxidation of 6-phosphate glucose with nikolinamide
adnine dinueleotide phosphate (NAPP +)
c. Dry Reagents (Gluco DR)
Is an invitro blood glucose screening tool, can be used
to measure blood glucose levels quantitatively, and for screening
examination of blood glucose levels. The sample can be used capillary fresh blood
or venous blood, can not use a sample of plasma or serum
Principle: The test strips use glucose oxidase and enzymes based on
biosensor technology specific for glucose measurement, strip tests have
the part that can draw intact blood from the location of blood drops
into the reaction zone. Glucose oxidase in the reaction zone will then
oxidize glucose in the blood. The intensity of the electron current is measured by the tool
and is read as a glucose concentration in the blood sample.
A. Glucose is a carbohydrate that is not hydrolyzed or decomposed into a simpler saccharide.
Glukosa is also a form of carbohydrates circulating in the body and inside the cell is a source of
energy. Glucose is present in fruits and honey bees as well as in human blood. Glucose
(C6H12O6, molecular weight 180.18) is a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms. Glucose
is an aldehyde (containing the -CHO group). Five carbons and one oxygen form a ring called the
"piranosa ring", the most stable form for aldose in six. In this ring, each carbon is bonded to the
hydroxyl and hydrogen side groups except the fifth atom, which is attached to the sixth carbon
atom outside the ring, forming a CH 2 O group. The structure of this ring is in equilibrium with a
more reactive form, which is 0.0026% proportion at pH 7.
B. Glucose Inspection Process
The process of glucose examination includes:
- Pre analytic
- Analytic
- Post analytics
1. Pre analytics
Pre analytic is anything that concerns the collection, preparation, storage, and delivery of
specimens. General patient preparation is:
a) Patients are encouraged to fast for 8-12 hours.
b) Drugs consumed by patients
- For examination of blood samples, patients should not take medication 4-24 hours.
- For urine specimens, patients should not take medicine 48-72 hours.
- For unstoppable treatment specially marked by laboratory workers.
c) Avoid physical activity.
d) Noting the effect of posture, it is recommended to sit calmly 10 to 15 minutes later the
specimen is taken.
1.) Blood Glucose Test
Preparation of blood glucose test patients are:
GDP (Fasting Blood Sugar)
- Patients fasted 8-12 hours before the test.
- All drugs are discontinued, if any medication should be given written on the test request form.
- Conducted 2 hours after the GDP test.
- Patients are encouraged to eat foods containing 100 grams of carbohydrates before the test.
GDS (Blood Sugar at a Time)
Blood glucose examination when done without preparation that aims to see blood sugar levels
instantly without fasting and without consideration of time after eating.
Preparation of blood glucose test sample are:
- Sampling should be done in the morning.
- Sample frequent or controlled DM test: plasma venous, serum / capillary blood. Sample
diagnostic test: plasma vein.
- Stable plasma samples less than 1 hour. If more than 1 hour will result in decreased glucose
- stable serum samples less than 2 hours.
2.) Urine Glucose Test
Preparation of the patient for urine glucose examination is the same as the patient's preparation
for blood glucose examination of GDP and GD2PP.
The sample preparation for urine glucose testing is as follows:
- Urine sample 1 times fed 1.5-3 hours after meals or urine at any time.
- Urine is then put into a clean sample container without preservatives.
2. Analytic
Analytical is anything that concerns the workings of blood glucose examination including glucose
test method, inspection principle, tools and materials and how it works.
1.) Blood Glucose Test.
Blood glucose tests include:
a. GDP (Fasting Blood Sugar)
b. GD2PP (Blood Sugar 2 Post Prandial)
c. GDS (Blood Sugar at a Time)
Blood Glucose test method
"GOD" -PAP: Photometric Enzymatic Test
Determination of glucose after enzymatic oxidation by glucose oxidation. The calorimetric
indicator is quinoneimine produced from 4-aminoantipyrine and phenol by hydrogen peroxide
under the catalytic treatment of peroxidation.
2.) Urine Glucose Test
Urine Glucose Test Method :
Chemical method: Using benedict reagent (qualitative) or reduction
- Principle
The urine sample is added benedict reagent which produces a color change.
- Tools and materials
- Test tube
- Drop pipette
- Tube rack
- Heater
Material :
- Urine (sample)
- Benedict Reagents
Ways of working
- Incorporated 5 ml of benedict reagent into the test tube.
- Shed as much as 5-8 drops of urine into the test tube containing the benedict reagent.
- Inserted the tube into boiling water for 5 minutes.
- Appointed tube, then shuffled and read the result of its reduction.
3. Post-Analytic
Post analytical is the final activity of the process of analysis of a sample. Post analytical activities
include reading of results.
1.) Blood Glucose Test
Glucose Inspection Reference Value
Reference Tests
GDS <180 mg / dL
GDP 70-110 mg / dL
GD2PP <140 mg / dL
2.) Urine Glucose Test
The result of the reduction test should be called semi-quantitative. The reading of the results of
this urine glucose test is as follows:
Negative (-): The solution remains clear blue or slightly greenish and slightly turbid.
Positive (+) or 1+: yellowish green and turbid (corresponding to 0.5-1% glucose)
(+) (+) or 2+: cloudy yellow (1-1.5% glucose)
(+) (+) (+) or 3+: orange or mud color mud (2-3.5% glucose)
(+) (+) (+) (+) or 4+: turbid red (more than 3.5% glucose)
Interpretation of glucose examination results include:
Normal sugar (70-110 mg / dL)
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia, 40-50 mg / dL)
High blood sugar (hyperglycemia,> 130 mg / dL)
So the conclusion is :
1. Glucose is a carbohydrate that is not hydrolyzed or decomposed into another simpler saccharide.
Glucose is also a form of carbohydrates that circulate in the body and in the cell is a source of energy.
Glucose is present in fruits and honey bees as well as in human blood.
2. Glucose examination includes:
- Blood glucose, such as examination of GDS, GD2PP and GDP.
- urine glucose.
3. Clinical review of glucose is if the excess sugar in the body will cause diabetes mellitus and if the sugar
levels in the body is less than normal then it can cause hypoglycemia.