Bearing Capacity Factors of Ring Footings by Using The Method of Characteristics
Bearing Capacity Factors of Ring Footings by Using The Method of Characteristics
Bearing Capacity Factors of Ring Footings by Using The Method of Characteristics
DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0233-9
Abstract Ring footings can be more effective and Keywords Bearing capacity Ring footing Method
economical than circular footings. In spite of similar- of characteristics The principle of superposition
ities between circular and ring footings, their behav-
iors are different in some respects such as bearing
pressure distribution under the footing and settlement. 1 Introduction
But no exclusive theoretical prediction of ultimate
bearing capacity has been reported for ring footings. In As compared with circular footings, the ring footing
the present study, stress characteristics method is can be economically adopted for footing of structures
employed for coding the bearing capacity of ring such as silos, storage tanks, chimneys, and cooling
footing with horizontal ground surface. In the calcu- towers. The theoretical prediction of ultimate bearing
lations, friction at the contact between the soil and capacity of ring footings is a requirement to design
foundation is considered. In this research, the soil such structures. Bearing capacity of foundations
obeys the Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion and that is depends on the shape of the footing, soil parameters
cohesive–frictional-weighted with applied surcharge and loading conditions. Nc, Nq and Nc are bearing
pressure. The bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq and Nc capacity factors which are dimensionless, and are only
for ring footings were calculated by a written code dependent on angle of shear resistance (u). In the
based on the method of characteristics. Bearing literature, bearing capacity factors are calculated in
capacity was determined for different conditions of different conditions and are compared with previous
soil and different ratio of radii in comparison with the studies if possible. Studies on ring footings are rare
principle of superposition results. The findings show and a small number studies has been performed to
that the principle of superposition is effective for compute the bearing capacity of ring footings.
determining the bearing capacity of a ring footing. In previous studies, there are no exact methods to
compute the bearing capacity of ring footings. Kumar
and Ghosh (2005) estimate the value of bearing
H. Gholami (&) capacity factor Nc by employing the method of
Soil Mechanic and Foundation Engineering, Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran characteristics for both smooth and rough ring footing
e-mail: [email protected] bases. Zhao and Wang (2008) employ the finite
difference method to compute the Nc for low friction
E. S. Hosseininia soils for smooth and perfectly rough footing bases.
Department of Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of
Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran In the present study, the bearing capacity factors
e-mail: [email protected] Nc, Nq and Nc for ring footings are determined by a
Geotech Geol Eng
written code based on the method of characteristics. according to the frictional–cohesive Coulomb rela-
These factors are calculated for two types of soil/foot- tionship as Eq. (1). (cint ) stands for the interface
ing interfaces; smooth and rough. Comprehensive cohesion of the footing base (Eq. 2):
series of bearing capacity factors are presented for
s ¼ cint þ rz tan d ð1Þ
different ratio of internal radius to external radius of
the ring footings and a wide range of internal friction tan d
angle. Also bearing capacity is calculated with simul- cint ¼ c ð2Þ
tan /
taneous effects of unit weight (c), surcharge (q), and
the soil cohesion (c) and the results are compared with As a result, the stress points (rz, srz) just beneath the
the superposition method. footing base should satisfy both the interface and soil
failure criteria. If the friction angle (d) between soil
and base is fully mobilized, the angle between the
2 Problem Definition direction of the major principal stress and the normal
to the footing is computed as:
This study problem is shown in Fig. 1, where a rigid
1 sin d
ring footing with internal and external radii ri and ro w ¼ d þ sin1 ð3Þ
2 sin /
respectively, is illustrated. The footing rests on a
frictional–cohesive medium including a horizontal The smooth footing condition is an ideal case. In
ground surface. In the present study, different radii reality, footings are usually constructed by pouring
ratios (n = ri/ro) are examined. The footing supports concrete directly on a firm surface of soil or lean
vertical and central load. concrete, and the footing-soil interface is rough
The uniform normal surcharge pressure is loaded enough to restrain the tendency for slip. The lowest
on the ground surface besides the footing and there is value of the interface friction angle occurs for a
not any shear stress. Along the footing base, (d) is the parabolic concave variation (Eq. 4). In the present
angle of interface friction. The value of the angle (d) study, it is supposed that the interface friction angle (d)
depends on the roughness of the footing-soil. For a varies along the centerline to edge of footing with a
smooth base (d) is zero but footings are usually rough parabolic concave form as a function of soil friction
in reality. Shear stress (s) for a rough footing is angle (/):
Geotech Geol Eng
2 orr osrz rr rh
r þ þ ¼0
d¼ / ð ri \r\ro Þ ð4Þ or oz r
ro ð5Þ
osrz orz srz
þ þ ¼c
or oz r
3 Methodology
In the present study, it is assumed that the soil obeys
The method of characteristics transforms a set of the Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion as a frictional–
hyperbolic differential equations into a system of cohesive material. The inclination angle (w) is
ordinary differential equations. These equations are between the major principal surface and the vertical
then solved by the finite difference method. This direction. The three stress components (rz, rr, srz) can
method is used to determine the stresses in the soil mass be expressed as follows:
by plastic behavior. Under loading, soil beneath the rr þ rz
foundation reaches limit yield and plastic flow occurs s¼ ð6Þ
in the soil mass. In most problems of soil mechanics,
soil plastic behavior is defined by Mohr–Coulomb rr ¼s ð1 þ sin / cos 2wÞ þ c cos / cos 2w
yield criterion. Differential equation system called the rz ¼ s ð1 sin / cos 2wÞ c cos / cos 2w ð7Þ
plastic equilibrium equation is established by combin-
srz ¼ sin 2w ðc cos / þ s sin /Þ
ing this criteria with equilibrium equations. If these
equations are solved by considering the boundary In axisymmetric problems, the hoop stress (rh) is
conditions, the stress to the soil mass will be calculated. generally supposed to be either the major or minor
The pioneering method of characteristics is principal stress in the axial plane (Haar and von
employed by Kötter (1903) for plane rotation. Prandtl Karman 1909). This assumption has also been
(1921) offers analytical solution for the foundation of accepted by Cox et al. (1961) and Lau (1988).
the weightless soil. Reissner (1924) adopts the method Accordingly, (rh) is considered equal to the smallest
of Prandtl (1921) for measuring the bearing capacity of principal stress:
soil in different situations. The issue becomes compli-
rh ¼ r3 \r1
cated by extending this method to weighted soil. The ð8Þ
main solutions are proposed by Sokolovski (1965). rh ¼ sð1 sin /Þ
Solving the problem of ring footings takes place in By considering Eqs. (5), (6), (7) and (8), hyperbolic
an axial symmetric condition. According to Fig. 2, the partial differential equations are formed. During the
stress components (rz, rr, rh, srz) of an element in problem solving, two groups of characteristic lines are
cylindrical coordinates system (r–h–z) are considered. obtained (Davis and Selvadurai 2002):
The equations of equilibrium under axisymmetric
conditions can be written in the following form: dr
¼ tanðw lÞ ð9Þ
where l = p/4 - u/2 and the upper and lower signs
correspond to characteristic lines. Along each of these
two lines, the equilibrium is satisfied for stress
components. By substituting Eq. (7) in the set of
partial differential equations, two ordinary differential
equations are expressed:
cos /dr ðsin / 1Þdz
cos /dr ðc cos / þ s sin /Þ 2dw þ
þ ð cos /dz sin /drÞc ¼ 0
The general scheme of the characteristic lines under
the footing zone (drawn by authors’s code) is shown in
Fig. 2 Stress components in the cylindrical coordinates system
Geotech Geol Eng
Fig. 3. This scheme consists of three zones: The active Due to non-linear behavior of ground material,
zone (under the footing), the passive zone (vicinity of using traditional superposition methods of calculating
the footing) and the fan zone (Booker and Davis 1977). bearing capacity causes error. The main cause of
The program code is written based on the Eqs. (9) superposition error is decomposition of the total
and (10). Values of pressure are calculated along the bearing capacity into components. Based on the
base of the ring footing. Pressure distribution under the method of characteristics, the error introduced by
foundation is not uniform. The average pressure is superposition method is investigated. Solving several
obtained by the following Eq. (11). In this equation, problems showed that bearing capacity calculated by
there is pressure on the foundation (rz), foundation superposition method is conservative (Bolton and Lau
radius (r), inner radius (ri), outer radius (ro). By the 1993; Davis and Booker 1971).
following equations, the mean vertical bearing capac- In the present study, each of the bearing capacity
ity (qu) of the ring foundation is calculated. factors has been determined in conditions where two
ro terms of the Eq. (12) must become zero and only one
Qu ¼ 2 p r rz of them has to remain in the calculation. In order to
ð11Þ determine the factor Nc, the problem is solved for
Qu weighted cohesionless soil (c = 0) without any
qu ¼ 2
p ro ri2 surcharge on the ground surface. At present, Eq. (13)
is used for calculating the factor Nc, Noting that to
Soil is considered as cohesive–frictional-weighted avoid floating error, surcharge (q) must be considered
with applied surcharge pressure. Bearing capacity (qu) near the zero. In order to compute the factor Nq, the
of a ring footing is expressed by the classical bearing soil is supposed to be weightless and cohesionless.
capacity equation. The ultimate bearing capacity of Instead; there is a uniform surcharge over the ground
the soil under a shallow footing is expressed by the surface. To continue, by using Eq. (14) the Nq is
Terzaghi’s classical Eq. (12). calculated. Factor Nc can be assessed by taking the
qu ¼ cNc þ qNq þ cðro ri ÞNc ð12Þ cohesive weightless soil and without any surcharge on
the ground surface. The Eq. (15) is used to obtain the
The first term in this equation relates to the shear Nc.
strength component represented by parameter (c), the
second term is attributed to the surcharge pressure Nc ¼ ð13Þ
(q) and the third term is associated with the weight of cðro ri Þ
the soil below foundation level. The superposition of qu
components of bearing capacity is theoretically incor- Nq ¼ ð14Þ
rect for a plastic material but the resulting error is
considered to be on the safe side. Bearing capacity qu
Nc ¼ ð15Þ
factors of ring footing are obtained for different ratios c
of inner radius to the outer radius.
Passive Zone
Active Zone
Fan Zone
Geotech Geol Eng
5 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.01
10 0.21 0.18 0.13 0.08 0.03 0.27 0.24 0.19 0.12 0.05
15 0.53 0.47 0.33 0.21 0.07 0.76 0.69 0.54 0.36 0.14
20 1.27 1.10 0.78 0.47 0.16 1.96 1.79 1.41 0.97 0.39
25 2.97 2.60 1.80 1.07 0.36 4.99 4.56 3.63 2.55 1.05
30 7.11 6.06 4.13 2.44 0.80 12.76 11.68 9.38 6.69 2.81
35 18.11 15.27 10.27 6.15 2.05 36.86 34.15 28.35 21.01 9.19
40 49.87 41.97 28.77 16.00 5.13 113.01 105.16 88.74 66.99 29.76
45 159.90 129.00 84.00 45.00 14.95 450.49 430.10 380.66 304.86 142.48
50 615.39 508.45 319.66 170.18 48.77 2008.99 1824.40 1725.60 1145.0 708.70
5 1.65 1.64 1.63 1.61 1.58 1.69 1.68 1.66 1.64 1.62
10 2.76 2.73 2.67 2.60 2.52 2.95 2.92 2.85 2.78 2.69
15 4.72 4.64 4.47 4.30 4.08 5.20 5.11 4.93 4.74 4.50
20 8.31 8.11 7.71 7.28 6.74 9.60 9.37 8.91 8.41 7.79
25 15.23 14.77 13.83 12.80 11.51 18.31 17.76 16.62 15.39 13.84
30 29.45 28.32 25.99 23.56 20.47 37.40 35.96 33.00 29.93 26.00
35 61.12 58.57 52.69 46.44 38.64 81.78 78.37 70.50 62.14 51.69
40 139.17 132.35 116.81 99.31 79.10 180.92 172.06 151.85 129.10 102.84
45 359.13 337.89 289.23 242.61 180.85 498.47 468.99 401.45 336.74 251.02
50 1098.80 1021.10 867.20 698.30 480.70 1516.30 1409.20 1196.80 963.63 663.31
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5 7.44 7.35 7.15 6.92 6.65 7.85 7.77 7.56 7.33 7.05
10 9.99 9.84 9.48 9.11 8.64 11.05 10.87 10.50 10.10 9.60
15 13.87 13.58 12.96 12.33 11.50 15.68 15.35 14.66 13.96 13.05
20 20.07 19.84 18.71 17.47 15.81 23.64 23.02 21.73 20.38 18.67
25 30.49 29.56 27.53 25.32 22.55 37.14 35.96 33.53 30.87 27.54
30 49.28 47.92 45.44 40.85 33.77 63.09 60.60 55.47 50.13 43.33
35 85.86 82.27 73.87 64.94 53.78 115.44 110.56 99.32 87.37 72.45
40 164.81 156.65 138.12 117.25 93.15 214.58 204.00 179.91 152.78 121.45
45 358.21 337.16 288.46 241.80 179.99 497.87 468.36 400.77 336.01 250.22
50 922.44 856.76 727.51 585.61 399.85 1272.60 1182.60 1004.30 808.47 556.24
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0.2 Footing
Active Zone
Passive Zone
0.6 Fan Zone
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1
Fig. 5 The scheme of the characteristics lines generated under the footing zone, Nq or Nc (n = 0.5, figure is from authors’s code)
Table 4 Comparison of Nc values for circular footing with smooth and rough base
/ Nc
Smooth Rough
Present Bolton Cassidy and Kumar and Zhao and Present Bolton Cassidy and Kumar and Zhao and
study and Lau Houlsby Ghosh Wang study and Lau Houlsby Ghosh Wang
(1993) (2002) (2005) (2008) (1993) (2002) (2005) (2008)
Geotech Geol Eng
Fig. 6 Comparison of
smooth Nc values from this
study with the previous
50 o
40 o
30 o
20 o
10 o
ri ro
50 o
N 40 o
30 o
20 o
10 o
ri ro
Fig. 7 Comparison of rough Nc values from this study with the previous studies
completely equal to values from the written code in the Terzaghi (1943) proposes Eq. (12) to calculate the
present study. bearing capacity of foundations by considering the
principle of superposition. Note that principle of
Nc ¼ ðNq 1Þcot/ ð18Þ
superposition is a conservative method to obtain
bearing capacity. In order to verify the accuracy of
7 Principle of Superposition the written code to calculate the bearing capacity, a
comparison between the Superposition method (by
By considering the frictional–cohesive-weighted soil, using the bearing capacity factors) and the direct
bearing capacity is calculated by the written code. results of written code, for ri = 0 (circular footing) is
Two problems are defined for each of smooth and shown in Table 8. The average differences of bearing
rough bases of ring footings. The parameters for these capacity in these methods are 10%. In the present
problems are shown in Table 7. study, by superposing the calculated bearing capacity
Geotech Geol Eng
Table 5 Comparison of Nq values for circular footing with bearing capacity factors). So by using the calculated
smooth and rough base bearing capacity factors in superposition method, the
/ (°) Present study Bolton and Lau bearing capacity of ring footings can be calculated as a
conservative method.
Smooth Rough Smooth and rough
1 3.5 100 19 35 10
2 10 0 18 30 10
Geotech Geol Eng
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