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The Philippine Normal University

Outcomes-Based Teacher Education

Curriculum (OBTEC) Model

Philippine Normal University


Significant Outcomes of the PNU Experience

• Outcomes Based
Teacher Education
Curriculum (OBTEC)

• Collaborative
Approach for
Designing a Teacher
Education Curriculum
Why did PNU embark
on the development of
an Outcomes- Based
Teacher Education
Curriculum ( OBTEC) ?

PNU as the National Center for Teacher

Education ( RA 9647)

“ to take the lead in educational reforms in

teacher education through a more
responsive, relevant, innovative and
empowering teacher education curriculum”

• Discipline
• K-12
• Internationally
The Outcomes Based Teacher Education
Curriculum ( OBTEC)

General Education outcomes

include: (CHED Memo No. 20
s 2013)
• Intellectual competencies Professional Education
such as critical, analytical develops in the students
and creative thinking and an orientation to the
multiple forms of teaching profession and
expression education as a field of
• Civic capacities demanded discipline to enable them
of membership in the to become reflective
community, country and teachers ( NCBTS based)
the world

Specialization Outcomes - The breadth and depth of

understanding necessary to teach the discipline across levels
with strong mastery of the content.
This includes disciplinal content, theories, methods of inquiry,
and applied knowledge of the discipline.
The New Teacher Education Curriculum
Model : Bachelor’s Degree + Certificate
Certificate in teaching
Senior High School/
Bachelor in a
Particular Content/
Discipline or Certificate in Teaching Junior
Specialization High School /Secondary
( 7-10)
e.g. Bachelor in
English Education
Certificate in Teaching
( 4-6)

Content Specialization Certificate in teaching the basic

education levels
Bachelor in __________ ( content specialization) Education
with certificate in elementary, junior secondary or senior
secondary teaching.

• A three year intensive content specialization plus one year

training/certification program for pedagogy in the various
levels: Elementary (4-6) Junior ( 7-10) and Senior High
School (11-12)
• Develops prospective teachers who are steeped and
grounded in content knowledge of a discipline and
pedagogical knowledge to teach in any of the levels in
basic education.
• The program allows students to be certified to teach their
area of specialization in the level of their choice (i.e.
elementary, junior, and senior high school ).
Content Areas Number Certificate in Certificate in Certificate in
of Units Teaching Teaching Junior Teaching Senior
Elementary High School High School

General Education Courses 36 units Common to All

Professional Education 36 units Common to all


Field Study Courses 12 units

Specialization Courses Common to All levels

Content Knowledge 81 units

Pedagogical 12 units Specific to Specific to junior Specific to Senior

Content Knowledge elementary high school high school
( PCK)
12 units Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Discipline

Total Number of Units 189 units

Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (BECED)

This is a three-year ( 3 years) degree program designed to

meet the needs of professional teachers for K-3 primary level

• A pathway for education of young children (from birth

through age 8 or 3rd grade) that blends theory of
childhood development with a hands-on application.
• Equip prospective teachers with knowledge, dispositions
and skills necessary to manage high-quality early childhood
education programs in public and private schools.
• Develop teachers’ understanding of the physical, cognitive,
social, and emotional needs of children and help them
carry out relevant instructional programs for the
development of young children.
Bachelor in Early Childhood Education ( BECED)
( Three-Year Degree program)

Content Areas Number of

General Education 36 units

Professional Education Courses 48 units

Required / Specialization Courses 66 units

- Core /Foundation Courses 15 units

- Content Knowledge 24 units
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Electives 21 units
6 units
Total 150 units
The Outcomes Based Teacher
Education Curriculum Initiative: The
Collaborative Process
The Collaborative Process
• Review of Curriculum
Planning and • Development of
Designing Framework

• Establishing Outcomes Outcomes

• Translate Learning Outcomes to
Objectives, Performance Indicators and
Development • Identify and Design Learning Content
• Determine Approaches and strategies
• Plan for delivery process: Curricular
and co-curricular
• Development of Course syllabi
and Instructional Materials
• Ensure Constructive Alignment
Implementation • Develop Evaluation Systems
• Plan for Continuous Quality
Improvement (CQI)
Comparative Analysis • UNESCO Teacher Education Standards
of International Teacher • Bologna Accord
Education Curriculum • Teacher Education Standards of High Performing
Standards Universities

Comparative Analysis • National Competency Based Teacher Standards (

of National Teacher NCBTS)
Education Curriculum • CHED CMO 30s.2004/ CHED CMO 52s2007
Standards • PNU TEC 2005

Content Analysis
of the Basic Education • Proposed K to 12 Basic Ed. Curriculum by DepEd
Curriculum of the • Basic Education Curriculum of Countries in the ASEAN
Philippines and other Region
Comparative Analysis
of Curricular Offerings of • Articulation of Gen Ed. Courses of PNU and different
Teacher Education universities
Curriculum in different • Comparison of Professional Education course offerings
local and international
of PNU and other countries
K to12 Resonsive
Consultative Conference
with 3NS schools on the NTEC

Finalization of the Proposed New

PNU-Teacher Education Curriculum Framework

Stakeholders' Conference on the Proposed New

PNU-Teacher Education Curriculum

Presentation and critiquing of the Overall Framework

and the framework of Gen Ed, Prof Ed and Specialization courses

Preparation of the Framework for the Proposed Teacher

Education Curriculum Model by College and Departments

Curriculum Review: Faculty Workshops by College and Department

to review pertinent documents for the New Teacher Education Curriculum Model

Development of the Teacher Education Curriculum

Institution’s Vision, Mission & Goals

Social Environmental
Standards & Demands

Institutional Outcome
(Competencies Ideal Graduate)

Program Outcomes
(Curriculum Map)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment & Learning Environment:

Course Content &
Evaluation Design

Teaching-learning Systems
PNU Vision : Internationally
recognized and nationally
responsive Teacher Education

PNU Mission : Nurturing

Innovative Teachers and
Educational Leaders

Philosophy of Education: Education for personal

renewal and social transformation
The Philippine Normal University Institutional

PNU is committed to producing:

Innovative Teachers who are:

• Excellent in their discipline and at par with the best graduates of
Teacher Education in the world
• Responsive and deeply rooted in one’s heritage, sensitive to cultural
diversity and appreciative of different value systems
• Empowered and committed to social transformation
Education Leaders who are competent with knowledge, skills, attitudes, values
and ethics to lead and manage high quality education programs
Research Scholars who are proficient in ground breaking cross-disciplinary
The Outcomes Based Teacher Education Curriculum/
Program is committed to producing teachers who are:

• Discipline grounded,
professionally competent
and innovative practitioner
• Reflective Specialist
• Humane, Ethical and moral
• Transformative Educator
• Critical, creative and
responsible educational
technology expert.
OBTEC Program Specialization Outcomes
Theories in the Discipline. Demonstrate competence in
foundational/ disciplinal knowledge in the area of specialization

Disciplinal Content. Exhibits depth in understanding and grasp of

the body of knowledge in the discipline

Method of Inquiry . Applies appropriate method of inquiry in the

discipline or area of specialization

Pedagogical Content Knowledge Exhibits proficiency and mastery of

the pedagogical content knowledge of the discipline

Applied Knowledge . Demonstrate how knowledge in the discipline

can be relevant to contemporary life.
Knowledge Base for Teacher Education

• Content Knowledge ( CK)

• Pedagogical Knowledge
• Pedagogical Content
Knowledge ( PCK)
• Technological pedagogical
Knowledge ( TPCK)

Source: 그렇다면 '신지식인'은 구체적으로 어떤 인간을 ..

Outcomes Based Co-
Curricular Program
Learning Outcomes Assessment
• Development of
Institutional Learning Outcomes
Outcomes Plan (LOAP)
• Development of Program Objectives
Strategies for
Institutional learning Program Outcomes
Outcomes Assessment General Ed. Specialization. Pofessional
Outcomes Outcomes Ed. Outcomes
• Development of
Program Learning Program Program Program
Outcomes Assessment Specialization Specialization Specialization
Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes
• Development of CLO CLO
Specialization Learning CLO CLO
Outcomes Assessment CLO CLO
• Development of Course CLO CLO CLO
Learning Assessment CLO CLO CLO
OBTEC as work in Progress
• Continuing Quality
• Calibrating and refining to
respond to new developments
in the field
• Exploring innovative
approaches to teaching-
1. K-12 Curriculum Design:- Spiral Progression,
Integration, Contextualization and 21st
Century Skills
2. The new CHED General Education Curriculum
3. The D-NCBTS – perspective as framework for
Professional Education courses
4. The integration of the Pedagogical Content
Knowledge ( PCK) and Technological
Pedagogical Knowledge (TPCK)
Insights and Lessons Learnt

• Designing a Teacher Education Curriculum

requires a well defined teacher knowledge
• Curriculum Mapping and Constructive
alignment proved to be significant
processes in the development of a relevant
Teacher Education Curriculum.
Insights and Lessons Learnt
• The curriculum must ensure the strong connectivity of
curricular efforts between and among faculty, colleges
and institutes centered around a shared Institutional

The more collaborative and participative the process of

curriculum development, the more relevant and responsive
the curriculum will be.
• Collaborative processes allow for discovery of certain
gaps in the way curriculum is planned, developed,
implemented and managed within and across the
different levels ( state, national and at the college
/faculty level).
Insights and Lessons Learnt
• The workshops, discussions and negotiations between faculty
teaching the course and those from other disciplines, in their
attempt to align their programs provided deeper
understanding of how they can translate the outcomes to
actual teaching-learning processes to eventually achieve the
overall goals.

• As faculty worked together collaboratively they also learned

together and consequently made them more grounded in
curriculum development processes.

• Deeper understanding of the curriculum processes

contributed to greater responsibility and accountability for
the achievement of the over goals of the program
The medium is the message

PNU, the National Center for Teacher Education
….molding the mind, strengthening the body and touching the heart
of every innovative teacher

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