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Release Notes

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Release Notes

Deswik.Suite 2018.4



Copyright over this document and any accompanying models or data is reserved by Deswik Mining Consultants
(Australia) Pty Ltd ("Deswik".) This document is only to be used by the Client under the terms outlined herein. It
may not be distributed to third parties, reproduced or circulated in the public domain, or edited or amended in
any way, unless expressly agreed to by Deswik. Products and registered logos referred to in this document are
trademarks of their respective owners and these trademarks are hereby acknowledged.


This document is subject to Deswik's Standard Terms and Conditions which detail the confidentiality obligations
of both Deswik and the Client. The Client should treat this document and any accompanying documents, models
or data as confidential at all times.


This document may not be used or relied upon for any other reason than the intended purpose outlined herein.
Deswik will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by such use or reliance.



Deswik.Agg 4
2018.4.592 4
Deswik.Blend 5
2018.4.513 5
2018.4.592 5
Deswik.CAD 6
2018.4.513 15
2018.4.592 17
Deswik.Enviro 23
2018.4.592 23
Deswik.IS 24
2018.4.513 24
2018.4.592 24
Deswik.LHS 26
2018.4.513 27
2018.4.592 27
Deswik.OPDB 28
Deswik.OPSTS 30
2018.4.513 30
2018.4.592 30
Deswik.Sched 31
2018.4.513 33
2018.4.592 34
Deswik.SO 35
2018.4.592 35
Deswik.UGDB 36
2018.4.513 38
2018.4.592 38
Deswik.vCAD 39
2018.4.592 39
Deswik.vSched 40
2018.4.592 40



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
AGG- SUPPORT- Aggregation | Export Report & Solids - module forms cannot be selected from
614 34727 windows task bar



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
BLEND- blend form
2607 slow

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
BLEND- Resolved issue that led to a false Infeasible result with flow option for plant
2603 options. Blend can now correctly give results in these situations.



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New Commands and Features

l Draw menu:
o Draw | Polylines | At Intersection Of Two Planes: Draw a polyline marker along the intersection
of two planes.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.
l File menu:
o File | Import | MineSight | By Folder: Import all MineSight files in a selected folder (including files
in any subfolders) to the selected layer in the active file.
l FORMULA BUILDER: 1 new function.
o DISTANCETOSOURCE: Returns the distance (measured along connected design polylines) of each
section in a mine from a specified source.
l Modify menu:
o Modify | Register | To Contours: Register selected polylines to existing contour polylines.
l Tools menu:
o Tools | Survey | Offset To Design: Previously, text was always aligned perpendicular to the input
polyline in plan view. If you rotated your view, text would rotate as well. Now you can choose to align
text to view. In addition, you can rotate text at a specified angle relative to the input polyline.

o Tools | Underground | Build Tunnel Point Cloud Outline: Draw an outline polyline on a specified

plane around a tunnel point cloud.
o Tools | Underground | Clean Up Tunnel Point Cloud: Selectively filter and delete points from a
tunnel point cloud. Optionally generate a tunnel solid from the resulting 'cleaned' point cloud.


Enhancements and Modifications

l Draw menu:
o Draw | Solids | Slices : Previously, you could only specify a single start elevation when slicing in plan
view (or a single easting or northing value when slicing parallel to either of those planes). Now you
select an attribute to specify the elevation/easting/northing value for each solid being sliced. This gives
you the ability to slice multiple solids at the same time, with the first slice at a different location for

o Draw | Unfolded Section: Use the new Use legend feature to automatically apply an existing legend
to output slice polylines.

l Edit menu:
o Edit | Select: Previously, to cycle through coincident entities, you simply had to left-click the same
location on those entities. Each click would select the 'next' entity. Due to conflicts with this action and
other commands, you now need to left-click in the same location rapidly. See Cycle through coincident
entities for an animated demonstration.

 This change has been made in previous versions of Deswik.Suite (back to 2017.2).
l File menu:
o File | Export | Survey Markup Data:
n Previously when using the Text export settings, the name of the field being exported was
automatically used as the column header in the output TXT file. Use the new Label field to enter a
custom name as the column header.


n The default format for the text file export is now CSV, because this is a more common output file
type. However, you can change the file extension to any file format.

o File | Import | Data Source: When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use the
new Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to
communicate with the server before returning a timeout error.

o File | Import | MineSight: This command has been renamed to File | Import | MineSight | Files .

o File | Import | XYZ Data: This command now supports the import of GeoTIFF terrain heightmap
files (*.tif and *.tiff).
l Format menu:
o Format | Block Model Display : You can now use a global constant {in curly brackets} to represent
the block model file name and location.


 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.
l Modify menu:
o Modify | Attributes | Set From Polygon Grid:
n Plane: Use the new Plane column to use the selected plane to define the look direction when
applying attributes.

o Modify | Explode:
n Block model shells: You can now explode BLOCKMODELSHELL entity types into polyface and
3DFACE entities.
n Text: Previously, this command would explode text strings created from *.shx font types such
that each letter resulted in multiple LINE entities. Now, the command explodes SHX text strings
into individual polylines, one for each letter in the string.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.


Prior to 2018.3


o Modify | Polylines | Offset: Select the new Delete input polylines check box to delete the input
polylines and keep only the output. Clear the check box to keep the input polylines.
o Modify | Solids | Split | By Plane: Previously, you could only specify a single start elevation when
splitting in plan view (or a single easting or northing value when splitting parallel to either of those
planes). Now you select an attribute to specify the elevation/easting/northing value for each solid
being split. This gives you the ability to split multiple solids at the same time, with the first split at a
different location for each.

o Modify | Transformation | Rules | Edit: Use the new NZMG to NZGD1949 rule to transform

NZMG coordinates to their NZGD1949 equivalents.
l PROCESS MAPS window:
o Document settings command:
n Deswik.IS settings: Previously, selecting this check box would only overwrite the existing
Deswik.IS Project Options settings in the current file with the settings stored on the process map
node. Now if you select this checkbox, you will also overwrite the Activity Type settings.

 If you want to overwrite other Deswik.IS-related settings, use the prefix "_dw_OPIS_" to isolate
them in the Other settings prefixes grid.
n Tunnel sections: You can now overwrite all existing tunnel sections in the current project by the
tunnel sections stored on the process map node.


o Module Menu Command: It is now possible to run more of the commands from the Deswik.ISBATCH
UPDATES dialog box from a node in a process map.

(See commands that were added

n Update project tasks tab:
l Interrogate
l Create derived tasks
l Update existing derived tasks from parents
l Update start and finish dates from Deswik.Sched
l Export task graphics to Deswik.Sched
n Tools tab:
l Delete graphics without a matching schedule task
l Delete schedule tasks without matching graphics
l Update Deswik.Sched field values from database, CSV or Excel
l Update adjacent tasks
l Regenerate task centroids and derived task information in scheduler
l Reconnect graphics to Deswik.Sched tasks
l Advanced task graphics linkage diagnostics
l Synchronize filters between Deswik.CAD and Deswik.Sched
n Import and export tools tab:
l Merge projects
l PROPERTIES window:
o We have exposed the Extrusion Dip and Extrusion Azimuth variable properties for INSERT entities.
Use them to change the orientation of an insert without having to use the Rotate commands.
l Tools menu:
o Tools| Drillholes | Desurvey : When importing data from an SQLServer or Oracle database, use
the new Timeout field to specify the number of seconds that Deswik.CAD should try to attempt to


communicate with the server before returning a timeout error.

o Tools| Drillholes | Warning :

 These features have also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.
n We have added the following (automatically generated) attributes to the list of possible drillhole
attributes that you can export to the drillhole warning Excel report.
l *Collar Point
l *Initial Azimuth (first segment)
l *Initial Dip Degrees (first segment)
l Hole Length

n In addition, if you select the Generate solid piercing points check box on the Display and
reporting options tab, the Excel report will now include the first piercing coordinate of the


drillhole/solid intersection in parentheses following the Solid ID in the Excel report.

o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Convert From Other: This command now supports

rotated Micromine block models in the extended format.
o Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Convert From Other: This command now
supports rotated Micromine block models in the extended format.
o Tools | Pit | Pit Design:
n Keep inner polygons: Previously, if there was an area inside the pit that you wanted to exclude
from your pit design (such as a waste pillar or a cavity), you needed to manually add it in after the
design was completed. Use this new feature to automatically build a pillar inside your pit design
(or a hole inside your dump design).
n Use rule from last ramp segment: Previously, the pit design tool would automatically use the
'active' ramp rule, and apply it to all new ramps. This could be frustrating if you were using
different ramp rules in different areas of your design. Now, if you select the new Use rule from
last ramp segment check box, Deswik.CAD will use the rule that was used to create the
previous ramp in that chain.
o Tools | Strip | Strip Block Layout:
n Use the new Generate offset blocks feature to output a set of blocks that follow the same
block lines, but are offset to the inside of the primary blocks.

 Use this tool to help create mid-burden strip blocks below overburden strip blocks.

n Different strip width: Use this new feature to make the width of the first strip a different width
then the other strips.


 Use this feature when the design of the first strip needs to be wider for a boxcut. Typically, this
occurs when there is a mid-burden strip below, and an offset to the highwall is required as a
o Tools | Survey | Create Laser Line: Previously, the Azimuth of the laser line was always measured
relative to North in the Model Space. Select the new Azimuth relative to setup points check box to
measure the Azimuth of the laser line relative to the azimuth defined by the two setup points.

o Tools | Survey | Export To Instrument:
n Previously when using the Text export settings, the name of the field being exported was
automatically used as the column header in the output TXT file. Use the new Label field to enter a
custom name as the column header.
n The default format for the text file export is now CSV, because this is a more common output file
type. However, you can change the file extension to any file format.
o Tools | Underground | Auto Development Designer: New command.
n Copy To Layer: Copy polylines from the Design layer to a selected layer in the active file.
Optional; apply a filter to the Design layer to limit the polylines that are copied.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.
l View menu:
o View | Coordinate Grid | Settings: Use the new 3D grid check box to generate a 3D grid, instead of
a 2D grid.


Bug Fixes, Reporting, and Output Changes

l CAD-30415 : As of 2018.3, a new color picker was added to provide a wider range of colors. In this process,
the numeric Index field was removed, making it difficult to color match existing colors when only the index
value was known. The numeric Index field has been added back in 2018.4.

 This feature has also been added back to the previous version of Deswik.Suite as of 2018.3. 568.


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- Insert | Block - Duplicate block names were not previously supported. Now, vdml
27980 will supersede vdcl blocks.
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - Added the ability to run more IS
28515 commands from the Batch Updates form.
CAD- SUPPORT- CAD | Mouse pointer hotspot wrong with urls
28721 30257


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- Tools | Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database /Modify Drillhole Display -
28828 added a fix to ensure that only one of the 'Show As Bar' or 'Show As Pipe' options
could be checked
CAD- SUPPORT- Insert | Image From File - Added support for JPEGs with more then 2G pixels with
30385 32909 GTX1050 graphics card
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Surfaces | Map Images - Fixed display of mapped surfaces with color
30452 33040 index 6, in layout view.
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Visual Styles | 2D and 3D Slicing Legends - the hatching properties on
30556 33176 polyfaces are now updated
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Page Printer Setup - fixed an issue where a viewport was off-centre every
30787 33420 time a drawing was opened
CAD- Tools | Underground | Build Tunnel Point Cloud Outlines - the option to register
30791 is now disabled if an elevation is specified
CAD- Edit | Filters | Dynamic Filter - fixed a bug where a dynamic filter did not work for
31189 an attribute with "<<XX>>" symbols
CAD- Format | Snap Mode | Use Once Mode - fixed a bug where this option was not
31268 working correctly.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - Polylines created using Modify | Polylines | Offset using a
31704 34948 pit design polyline as the source, no longer cause unwanted side effects if deleted
or modified while the pit design tool is active.
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Maps - resolved an issue where macros were
31764 deleted from process maps
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Blocks | Refresh Default - fixed an issue where blocks were not refreshing
31809 35032 from a network location
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Cut | By Surfaces - fixed a bug that resulted in an unhandled
31841 35175 exception form being displayed
CAD- File | Import | Attributes - resolved a bug where the command did not work for a
31843 recently created Deswik.Scheduler file
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - Cut Blocks, Benches and Surfaces now
31844 35178 supports importing surface stacking rules from the document to the process
map node
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Underground | Reconciliation - fixed a bug that resulted in an error when
31851 35185 the command was launched for a particular data set
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Move | Move - resolved a bug where, after copying a layout with a
31855 35203 custom boundary on viewports, the handle of the custom boundary was not
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Properties - resolved a bug where an exception dialog
31871 35255 was displayed when attempting to access properties
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Convert From Other - fixed an error that
31874 occurred during bmf conversion for certain fields


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - resolved an issue where process maps
31886 35135 remained disabled after closing the application and selecting cancel when
prompted with the node dialog open.
CAD- SUPPORT- Format | Block Model Display - resolved an issue where an exception dialog was
31887 35188 displayed when attempting to display a block model
CAD- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where an error occurred when attempting to add a plane
31896 35278 definition to a viewport.
CAD- Modify | Polylines | Break | At Grid - fixed the command for some unhandled
31949 cases
CAD- SUPPORT- Adjusted the size of dip control for relative coordinates to improve support for
31965 35336 Russian users.
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Window | Layer Control - resolved an issue where child layers of an
31968 35363 imported document were incorrectly treated as imported layers after the parent
layer's file name had been removed.
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Solids | Between Selected Surfaces - the tool now allows you to select the
31991 35366 polyline you want to relimit with first. It will remain selected after to pick the top
and bottom surface.
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Maps - resolved an issue where the drawing
31994 defaults did not work when creating layers
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Underground | Backfill Planning And Reconciliation - added a new option
32018 35403 to the dialog "Elevation Peak" which lets users target an elevation for the peak of
the fill solid.
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands | Block Model Filter -
32039 resolved an issue with the 'By polyface' option
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Underground | Auto Development Designer - fixed a bug where
32052 35456 processing stopped because no entities matched a filter
CAD- Modify | Polylines | To Polygons | By Picking - fixed a bug where the original
32056 polyline elevation was not maintained in some cases
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands | Pseudoflow - Exception in
32103 running multiple Revenue Factors with Solids (error associated with Solids

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
CAD- Tools | Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database - filters can now be created
15276 when loading holes
CAD- SUPPORT- Format | Display Styles | Edit - removed both the enter and cancel buttons from
28452 29970 the dialog


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Process Shells - Fixed an issue
30056 where the correct contour was not generated around some ramps.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Drillholes | Desurvey - Added the ability to define the timeout when
30127 32181 connecting to SQL Server and Oracle databases
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Clipping | Apply Clipping Box - Drillhole data is now clipped
30204 32651
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - 'Color 2' background color is now
30332 preserved during saving
CAD- File | Import | Data source - SQL Server option now retrieves a list of stored
30523 procedures.
CAD- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Rule Editing now saves projection
31161 type settings if projection type is 'Project and Berm'
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projections Rules | Rule Editing - added support for
31335 34243 not registering a berm if you previously used a surface.
CAD- Modify | Explode - fixed a bug where a block model shell couldn't be converted to
31381 a polyface
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | External References - Fixed an issue where DCF and DUF
31387 34240 external references would not load layers correctly.
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Blocks | Refresh Default - Fixed a bug where blocks did not refresh from a
31809 35032 network location
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | Properties - fixed a bug with disappearing attributes
31876 35119
CAD- SUPPORT- Format | Block Model Display - Fix clipping of block model shells and improve
31894 35273 refresh speed
CAD- Resolved multiple issues affecting drillholes including issues related to annotation
31984 colors, drillholes not appearing until zooming / panning, deleted holes being
displayed, hole intersection markers not being redrawn when the working plane
moves and text for collars and toes being unreadable.
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Dock Windows | External References - fixed a bug where model space was
32042 35436 unresponsive after layers from an external file were made visible
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Drillholes | Modify Drillhole Display - The annotation delimiter line is now
32057 35460 subdivided to maintain arc chord length under a defined threshold.
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Export | Google Earth - added support for exporting points to
32069 35493 placemarkers
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Cut | Blocks And Benches - added validation to address a crash
32097 35475 that occurred when attempting to cut a solid into benches.
CAD- SUPPORT- CAD | Attributes | Filter and Delete - fixed a bug where hidden rows were deleted
32105 35550
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands | Pseudoflow - Variations is
32117 now functioning correctly again


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - Added the ability to put in
32118 global constant tags in file in and file out controls in Datamine commands (and
the new geo model commands) as long as the type is "defined"
CAD- Format | Block Model Display - Added ability to include global constant tags in
32119 model name
CAD- SUPPORT- View | Layout - Fix for symbols disappearing when switching between layouts
32121 35554
CAD- File | Open - fixed a bug where imported Deswik.CAD layers had the incorrect
32126 icon.
CAD- SUPPORT- DCF files will not be written to disk if any layer cannot be saved correctly, and a
32128 35601 message will notify users when opening a file if the DCF file appears to have
missing data.
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands | Pseudoflow - Fixed a bug
32147 where, on a rotated block model, incorrect angles were applied when using
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Legends | Apply to Layers - Fixed a bug where the layout icon was
32153 35655 incorrectly displayed instead of the legend icon
CAD- SUPPORT- Drawing Defaults - Resolved an issue where the 'ByLayer' PenColor setting was
32154 35652 not saved
CAD- Draw | Tunnels | By Rule and Draw | Tunnels By Selection - added support for
32161 drillholes and blastholes
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Drillholes | Modify Drillhole Display - Added a workaround to support
32172 35702 tilled rendering when exporting to PDF
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Pit | Pit Design - fixed an issue where the pit design dialog was not
32173 35701 correctly releasing all references when closed, leading to strange behaviour when
editing items on the pit design layer after the dialog was closed.
CAD- SUPPORT- Fixed issue Tools | Drillholes | Import From acQuire - Error when importing
32174 35648
CAD- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where turning off 'Draw Boundary' made it impossible to select
32175 35704 polyline
CAD- Fixed a bug where drillholes disappeared when a command was run while the
32178 drillholes were redrawing.
CAD- Fixed a bug where renaming a drillhole layer caused drillholes to disappear
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Solids | Boolean Bulk - Fixed a bug where 'Delete Existing' didn't work
32203 35762 through a process map on occasion
CAD- Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Process Shells - Fixed a bug that
32204 occurred when using angle value of 0 for projection.
CAD- Draw | Annotation | Polylines - updated the command to handle (invalid) zero-
32205 vertex polylines


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Block Model Properties - resolved an issue that
32223 35800 occurred when creating a standard grade tonnage curve with Surpac 'calculated'
CAD- Modify | Polygons | Build With Holes | Automatically - grouping attribute names
32224 are now case-insensitive
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - Fixed a bug where
32258 Deswik.DO polygons were not interrogating properly
CAD- File | Open - Fixed issue where CAD sometimes stops working after opening a file
32259 with a saved clipbox
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Surfaces | Map Images - Improve handling of missing surface map
32266 35810 image files
CAD- Modify | Solids | Boolean Operations | Cut Rest - added the ability to select a
32267 solid while in Boolean operation
CAD- Tools | Query | Interactive Accumulation - Fixed a bug where two point polylines
32277 were created
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine Commands - resolved a precision issue
32286 35910 when comparing block model prototypes
CAD- Resolved an issue where drillholes were jumping around when panning or
32292 zooming
CAD- SUPPORT- Interactive Filter - Fixed a bug where changing the selection did not result in the
32303 35969 associated figures being shown.
CAD- Draw | Ramp | Between Contours - Added logic to deal with the case where no
32313 ramp could be created between two contours
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine Commands - added the ability to preserve
32314 'multi-run' for the option 'parse by fields'
CAD- Fixed issues where (a) the drillhole collars and toes were not displayed after holes
32336 were reloaded and (b) using the interactive filter on drillholes and filtering by the
*BHID attribute resulted in holes disappearing.
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Transformation Rules | Edit - fixed an issue with AGD66 to GDA94
32343 35265 conversion
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Select | All - fixed an error related to selecting a block model annotation
32357 36042
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Unfolded Section - improved the approach used to save and restore the
32368 36004 polyline used to govern slicing
CAD- Tools | Geological Models | Deswik Geo Model | Extract Surfaces and Solids -
32370 fixed an error that occurred for a supplied data set
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Attributes | Using Formula - added support for inserts to some of the
32381 36091 intersection functions
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Filters | Interactive Filter - Fixed issue with filtered figures and zoom
32383 36075
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Micromine - improved support for .PIT files
32388 36123


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- Tools | Interrogate | Batch Interrogation - fixed a bug where default density was
32394 not applied when using a global constant as a grid directory
CAD- Drillhole annotation - fixed a bug where a large amount of drillhole text was
32398 displayed over the top of itself
CAD- Fixed a bug where drillhole annotation text was hidden behind transparent
32399 solids
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Underground | Auto Development Designer - fixed an issue where cone
32407 36124 search resulted in no connections
CAD- View | Rotate | Orbit - fixed a bug where the rotation circle disappears after the
32421 mouse stops moving
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Ramp Tools | Decline - fixed a bug where the selected section highlight
32426 36188 did not appear
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Open - resolved an issue where opening a .dxf, editing it and saving it would
32427 36185 overwrite the original file without warning
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Polylines | Fillet | Internal - fixed a bug where the command was not
32440 36211 redrawing
CAD- Cannot Import Specific Vulcan Files
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit Vertex - added support for copying and pasting azimuths
32463 36303
CAD- View | Dock Windows | Process Map - fixed a bug where running Edit | Global
32471 Constants would prevent further functions from running
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Convert From Other - fixed an exception
32473 36322 that occurred when attempting to convert a specific Vulcan block model
CAD- SUPPORT- Dependency Creation | Manually Link - Fixed zoom and pan issues involving
32480 35878 manual dependency link polylines
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Images | Crop - improved feedback to users to indicate that cropping
32482 36313 ECW images is not currently supported
CAD- SUPPORT- Edit | Undo - resolved an issue where the command did not work with Modify |
32484 36350 Polylines | Extend | Interactively
CAD- SUPPORT- Draw | Solids | Extrude from Polyline - fixed an issue with projecting down using
32509 36386 a dip
CAD- Fixed a bug where polygons went "missing" when running Polygon Bulk Boolean
CAD- Import | Project Settings - fixed a bug where parameter tables were duplicated
32514 regardless of .dset file
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Open - fixed an issue that occurred due to the polyline selection color from
32537 36467 Tools | Options being saved in an invalid format
CAD- SUPPORT- File | Import | Minesight - resolved a bug where a .msr failed to import
32544 36484


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
CAD- Tools | Query Surface Cut and Fill Volumes - resolved an issue where results did
32549 not report decimals
CAD- SUPPORT- Modify | Attributes | Set Relative To Solid - fixed an error that occurred when
32552 36498 attempting to restore settings for this command
CAD- Draw | Ramp | Decline - fixed a bug that resulted in an error dialog when
32567 attempting to pick start location
CAD- Tools | Remove All Presentation Coloring - added an option to remove the 'Cap
32617 Clipped Solid' color
CAD- SUPPORT- Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands - fixed a bug where Block
32624 36419 Model Polygon Generation did not generate polygons
CAD- Draw | Annotation | Point Manually - added options to the dialog to support X
32637 and Y coordinates



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and Modifications

l Reshape Landform module:

o Input model layers | Maximum disturbance extents polygon: If you are using a polygon to limit
the area to reshape, select this new check box to be able to push material into areas which are outside
the Reshape extents polygon, but inside a second limiting polygon (that is, the Maximum
disturbance extents polygon).
o Angles and dependencies | Apply increased slope precision: Select this check box to apply
extra slope dependencies to the target slope.

 The Reshape Landform tool uses a regular grid draped over the initial terrain, and then uses a
regular grid draped over the initial terrain, and then measures from one cell to the 8 surrounding
cells to achieve target slopes (where possible). Using this method, however, it has been noted that
the slope of the surface faces between the cells in the direction of steepest descent (that is, the
plunge) could not always be honored, especially in steep, initial terrain and on 'sharp corners' of
initial terrain. This feature resolves 99% of these case, but increases memory and processing times.
We recommend that you only use this option to achieve a precise, final result after completing your
setup, when your model is fully up and running well.

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
ENV- Tools | Deswik.Enviro | Landform Engineering | Reshape Landform - smoothing
139 the result when using Max Disturbance Polygon no longer results in an
undesirable surface



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New Commands and Features

l Settings | Project Options | Fields Tab: Use the new Tunnel Xsec Perimeter field type to record the
perimeter length of the cross section used to create the task and store the value in the specified production
field in your Deswik.Sched project.

Enhancements and Modifications

l Create Activities | Create Stopes: Use the new Fix all and Fix selected buttons on the CREATE STOPE
SOLIDS dialog box to get Deswik.IS to try and fix invalid solids. Using these buttons is the same as using the
Modify | Solids | Close command, using progressively more options until the solid is considered valid.
l Scheduling | Dependency Creation | Automatic Dependencies Tab | Dependency Rule
Methods | Vertical Overlap Dependency Rule Method: Use the new Group activities by field to
select attributes to group the tasks by so that dependencies are only created between tasks with matching
l Settings | Project Options | Data Tab: Use the new Backup schedule file each time the project is
saved check box to automatically get Deswik.IS save a backup copy of the schedule file to the Backup
subfolder in the project folder whenever you save the project.
l Settings | Project Options | Derived Tasks Tab: Use the new Warn if points overlap check box
choose to display or hide warnings about missing fields in the block models or potential overlaps in the
derived tasks centroids.


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
IS-2933 SUPPORT-32328 merging projects DUF format
IS-3016 SUPPORT-35340 Layout issue with Create Stopes form in Russian
IS-3020 SUPPORT-35266 IS | Tools | Reporting | Build period progress surfaces - calendar label



Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
IS- Loading an old IS project produces error when loaded in a different language
IS- IS Reporting tools - Cut tunnels and outlines by date allows any scheduler
3024 Custom Field to be assigned to the output graphics as an Attribute
IS- SUPPORT- A number of Layers to Animate for the Derived Tasks being automatically added
3026 35904
IS- SUPPORT- Advance Length in Create Ore Drives saves incorrectly (regional setting)
3031 36081
IS- SUPPORT- Dependancy Creation tool - Create Single Dependencies Tool Causes Interactive
3038 36465 Filter Bug
IS- GSInterface - crashing when trying to open update form



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and Modifications

l Dump Scheduling | Edit Truck Config File: Use the new Velocities option on the Cycle time
calculation tab to use gradient-based velocities for haulage and cycle time calculations. Add rows to the
grid to define loaded and unloaded velocities for specific gradients.



Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
LHS- SUPPORT- Updated LHS Cycle Time calculations to correctly account for ​haul segments
2034 31902 where truck decelerations could sometimes use the wrong segment gradient for
some calculations. ​Note: This issue did not impact the final cycle time value, it
only impacted the fuel usage values and detailed reporting values of segment
elevation and gradient.
LHS- Ensure all time units in LHS cycle time Quick calculations results are in minutes

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
LHS- LHS | Reporting | Merge Attributes to Detailed Report to remember selection
LHS- SUPPORT- UG LHS - hauled to orepass prior to release / finish date of orepass destination
2095 34026
LHS- SUPPORT- Edit Scenario | Fleet Assignment | truck number limits not working
2112 35787
LHS- Updated LHS processing warning for unattached slots to include checks for
2120 forced haul road Ids via HAULIDS attribute



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and Modifications

l Apply hole colors and annotations using legends:

o Color Legends: Previously, the color of holes, hole markers, grid lines and annotations could only be
managed by configuring each of these separately. If you change hole and marker coloring before plot-
ting, and then make changes to the hole, any color changes are lost, as the hole is regenerated in stand-
ard colors. Now, you can apply an attribute to the HOLES layer, and use a legend to modify the color of
the holes, markers, grid lines and annotations. The attributes from the HOLES layer are synchronized
with the ANNOTATIONS , MARKERS , and GRID LINES layers. When you remove the legend from these lay-
ers, all coloring returns to configured settings.

 In the following example, we created and applied an attribute to the HOLES layer, and then created a
legend using the attribute. When we applied the legend to the layers, all of these elements are colored
according to the legend. In this case, we used an attribute of 'Hole Type', and three types of holes as
shown in their respective colors.

 As long as you have Deswik.OPDB open, any additional attributes you add to the HOLES layer are
automatically copied to the ANNOTATIONS , MARKERS , and GRID LINES layers.

 This feature has also been added to the previous version of Deswik.Suite.
l Change to Text Export Settings for text file exports:
o Drill Pattern Manager | Tools | Export hole information to various format files: A new field
has been added to the Fields to export grid in the Text Export Settings dialog box. In the new


Label field, you can now enter a name for the column header to appear in the output file. If left blank,
the name of the selected field is used as the column header.
o The default format for the text file export is now .csv, as this is a more common output file type. You
can change the file extension to any file format.



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
OPSTS- Automated Exception - Deswik.CAD - closed OPSTS schedule
375 file
OPSTS- Delay Date reverts to Today plus 2 months
OPSTS- Automated Exception - Deswik.CAD - closed schedule in

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
OPSTS- CAD Crash when attempting to open OPSTS
387 file



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New Commands and Features

l View | Sidebar: Use the new SIDEBAR dock window to display details about the settings that are currently
applied, such as time scales and Task Grid, Gantt Chart, and Reporting Grid configurations. When you have
selected tasks, the dock window also displays detailed information about the selected tasks, such as


assigned resources, predecessor and successor tasks, and formulae used to calculate a task.


Enhancements and Modifications

l Leveling | Resource Paths: Previously, when the RESOURCE PATHS dialog box was open, you could not
interact with other parts of the software. Now, not only can you interact with other parts of the software,
but any changes you make will automatically update the information the RESOURCE PATHS dialog box
displays. For example, you could:
o Change the name of a filter, and that name change would update for any resource path that referred
to the filter.
o Add a new resource, and that resource would automatically be included in the list of resources in the
RESOURCE PATHS dialog box.
o Update the resource path information using Deswik.IS or Deswik.OPSTS, to automatically update the
related information.
o Make changes using the commands on the Short Term ribbon, such as Add To Resource Path or
Resource Paths By Date, to automatically update the related information.
l View | Layouts | Task View tab: Use the new Collapse to field to select an existing group to collapse to
when you apply the layer. If you have not created any groups in your schedule, <No Collapse Field> will be
the only option.


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
SCHED- SUPPORT- Month does not change when Editing Dates
14451 25374


Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
SCHED- SUPPORT- Introduced support for diacritical marks in headers and footers when printing
14969 27809 schedules.
SCHED- SUPPORT- Decimal numbers without leading zeroes produce errors in formulas
15299 30085
SCHED- SUPPORT- Sched | Time to predecessor shows correctly with negative lag
15435 30743
SCHED- SUPPORT- Histogram feature is just a bar chart
15840 32728
SCHED- SUPPORT- PARSEPOSITION formula works correctly
15904 33093
SCHED- SUPPORT- Fixed an issue where derived task filters would not be saved on closing the form
16106 34392 when using the IS inside the scheduler
SCHED- Filter auto generation not working for general fields.
SCHED- Report now exported in a Timely Manner

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
SCHED- SUPPORT- Typing in a custom font size in the print preview window results in an
15821 32577 exception.
SCHED- SUPPORT- FORMULA | SUMOFGROUPROLLING - sorting Custom Fields alphabetically
16085 34140
SCHED- Resource Path Field still populated (not cleared) after Resource Path has
16272 been deleted
SCHED- ALAP tasks are behaving like ASAP
SCHED- SUPPORT- Sidebar additional task info - Manual row sort doesn't maintain selection
16291 35711



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Enhancements and Modifications

l Output Tab: You can now write the various fields generated as part of the Detailed report as attributes
to output stope solids.

l Progress Tab:Click the new Copy progress messages to clipboard button to copy the contents of this tab
to the clipboard.

 Paste it into an editing program to be able to search for specific text, and analyze error messages (if

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
SO-772 SO - Fixed some issues with the clipping



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

New Commands and Features

l Modify drillhole display properties:

o Show Editor | Views and plots | Hole display : Previously, it was not possible to modify drillhole
properties to represent specific aspects of the hole. Now, you can modify the color, pen width, line type
name and scale, and line weight for defined sections of all 2D drillholes. You can also configure
property colors in a legend and apply the legend to quickly modify section colors.

 By default, the Entire drillhole is listed in the grid, and can be configured with a specific color, pen
width, line type name and scale, and line weight. To configure specific segments of drillholes, select
the Advanced settings check box to reveal the defined hole segments.

 In the following example, the Collar to charge collar, Pivot to collar, and Sub drill have been
modified in the dialog box to show each section of the hole in a different color. The Pivot to collar
line type name has been changed to dashes and dots.


Enhancements and Modifications

l Display collar and toe distance when manually charging holes:

o 5. Edit Drillholes | Charge Holes | Manual | Display options: Previously, when adding or
modifying charges on a selected hole using the 'Select on screen' Adjustment type, there was no
indication of the distance from the collar or the toe while placing the charge in the Model Space. Now,
you can choose to dynamically show the distance from your mouse pointer to the collar, or to the toe,
or to both. The following options are now available for selection:
n Display critical radius circle: Select this check box to show a red circle around the mouse
pointer representing the critical radius you entered in the Critical radius field. Clear this check box
to hide the circle while placing charges.
n Display distance to the collar point: Select this check box to show the distance to the collar
point, as you move your mouse to place the charge. Clear this check box to hide this annotation
while placing charges.
n Display distance to the toe point: Select this check box to show the distance to the toe point,
as you move your mouse to place the charge. Clear this check box to hide this annotation while
placing charges.

 In our example, we have selected to show the distance to the collar point. As we move the mouse
pointer, the distance is updated dynamically on screen.

l Export survey data to Datamine string format:

o 6. Process Rings Configuration | Export Survey Data: Previously, you would need to export data
in *.dxf format, and then go into the survey export layers and export the rings and holes as *.dm
(Datamine) strings, to provide attributes to surveyors. Now, you can export polyline data as Datamine
strings, using the Export Survey Data command.
n Export DM string file: Select this check box to export polyline data to *.dm format.
n DM string file: Browse for a location for the output file.



Issue Customer Description

Key Ticket
UGDB- Resolved an issue where zooming or panning left a ghost circle
UGDB- Resolved an automatic hole creation error
UGDB- SUPPORT- UGDB | Ring Definitions | Rename - resolved a bug that resulted in the error
3018 32592 message 'cannot sort as all items have dependencies'
UGDB- SUPPORT- Resolved an issue where deleting/renaming a ring results in a view changed
3026 32799
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed the issue where annotations didn't get copied when copying configuration
3047 31352 in UGDB
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed an issue where turning on and off the drawbell option resulted in the hole
3084 34207 length being shortened
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where the Perpendicular Distance button didn't honor the direction
3120 35008 set
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed a bug where adding a table in plot configuration resulted in a crash.
3133 35245
UGDB- SUPPORT- Fixed an issue where UGDB did not export IREDES winze in mine plan
3138 35387 coordinates.

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
UGDB- Resolved an issue where the import annotation button did not work
UGDB- Leads Setup form - fixed a bug where the cancel button did not cancel changes
UGDB- Resolved the issue that manual ring placement does not preview, azimuth
3028 selection pivot is wrong
UGDB- Deswik.UGDB - resolved an issue where it was not possible to start a charge plan
3061 with a delay of 10,000ms or more
UGDB- SUPPORT- Process Ring Config | All Delays - fixed a bug where delay values were registering
3122 35077 correctly
UGDB- Fixed the issue that UGDB exports navigation holes incorrectly



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
VCAD- Resolved a bug that resulted in the error message 'Could not load file or
207 assembly Deswik.GeoModel...' when attempting to load a file.
VCAD- Speed up of dvf file loading under certain circumstances



 If you have previously installed a beta version, you should uninstall it before installing the released version. If
you have side-by-side installs of different versions, you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.

Issue Customer Description
Key Ticket
VSCHED- Incorrect start and finish dates on all tasks in Schedule
125 Viewer


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