Cat Facts
Cat Facts
Cat Facts
or more.
Twenty-five percent of cat owners use a blow drier on their cats after bathing.
It is important to include fat in your cat's diet because they're unable to make the nutrient in
their bodies on their own.
Cats are unable to detect sweetness in anything they taste.
Cats prefer their food at room temperature—not too hot, not too cold.
In one litter of kittens, there could be multiple "father" cats.
Most cats don't have eyelashes.
In North America, cats are a more popular pet than dogs. Nearly 73 million cats and 63 million
dogs are kept as household pets.
Around the world, cats take a break to nap —a catnap— 425 million times a day.
Cats' rough tongues enable them to clean efficiently and to lick clean an animal bone.
Black cats aren't an omen of ill fortune in all cultures. In the UK and Australia, spotting a black
cat is good luck.
Ragdoll cats live up to their name: they will literally go limp, with relaxed muscles, when lifted
by a human.
In multi-pet households, cats are able to get along especially well with dogs if they're
introduced when the cat is under 6 months old and the dog is under one year old.
The two outer layers of a cat's hair are called, respectively, the guard hair and the awn hair.
Cats are unable to detect sweetness in anything they taste.
Cats have 24 more bones than humans.
Cats greet one another by rubbing their noses together.
A fingerprint is to a human as a nose is to a cat.
Despite appearing like a wild cat, the Ocicat does not have an ounce of wild blood.
Ancient Egyptians first adored cats for their finesse in killing rodents—as far back as 4,000
years ago.
The world's most fertile cat, whose name was Dusty, gave birth to 420 kittens in her lifetime.
Want to call a hairball by its scientific name? Next time, say the word "bezoar."
Most cat litters contain four to six kittens.
Today, cats are living twice as long as they did just 50 years ago.
Some cats can survive falls from as high up as 65 feet or more.
Rather than nine months, cats' pregnancies last about nine weeks.
Cats have the cognitive ability to sense a human's feelings and overall mood.
In homes with more than one cat, it is best to have cats of the opposite sex. They tend to be
better housemates.
If your cat's eyes are closed, it's not necessarily because it's tired. A sign of closed eyes
means your cat is happy or pleased.
Unlike most other cats, the Turkish Van breed has a water-resistant coat and enjoys being in
Cats actually have dreams, just like us. They start dreaming when they reach a week old.
Call them wide-eyes: cats are the mammals with the largest eyes.
Each side of a cat's face has about 12 whiskers.
A cat's meow is usually not directed at another cat, but at a human. To communicate with
other cats, they will usually hiss, purr and spit.
Cats who eat too much tuna can become addicted, which can actually cause a Vitamin E
Landing on all fours is something typical to cats thanks to the help of their eyes and special
balance organs in their inner ear. These tools help them straighten themselves in the air and
land upright on the ground.
Genetically, cats' brains are more similar to that of a human than a dog's brain.
A healthy 10-pound cat only needs about ,220-350 calories a day, while a human needs
roughly 2,000.
A group of kittens is called a "kindle", and "clowder" is a term that refers to a group of adult
Cats sleep 16 hours of any given day.
Because of widespread cat smuggling in ancient Egypt, the exportation of cats was a crime
punishable by death.
Cats have over 100 sounds in their vocal repertoire, while dogs only have 10.
As temperatures rise, so do the number of cats. Cats are known to breed in warm weather,
which leads many animal advocates worried about the plight of cats under Global Warming.
If you killed a cat in the ages of Pharaoh, you could've been put to death.
A cat can reach up to five times its own height per jump.
Cats can pick up on your tone of voice, so sweet-talking to your cat has more of an impact
than you think.
Cats have a 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on each back paw.
Most kittens are born with blue eyes, which then turn color with age.
Collectively, kittens yawn about 200 million time per hour.
According to the Guinness World Records, the largest domestic cat litter totaled at 19 kittens,
four of them stillborn.
Cats have the skillset that makes them able to learn how to use a toilet.
The average cat needs about an ounce of water per pound of body weight daily, adding up to
about two quarts of water per week.
Cats use their whiskers to measure openings, indicate mood and general navigation.
A third of cats' time spent awake is usually spent cleaning themselves.
A cat's field of vision does not cover the area right under its nose.
Perhaps the oldest cat breed on record is the Egyptian Mau, which is also the Egyptian
language's word for cat.
Cats show affection and mark their territory by rubbing on people. Glands on their face, tail
and paws release a scent to make its mark.
A single, average-sized cat can go through 90 pounds of cat food each year.
Teeth of cats are sharper when they're kittens. After six months, they lose their needle-sharp
milk teeth.
A female cat is also known to be called a "queen" or a "molly."
When a household cat died in ancient Egypt, its owners showed their grief by shaving their
Caution during Christmas: poinsettias may be festive, but they’re poisonous to cats.
Cat's back claws aren't as sharp as the claws on their front paws
Eating grass rids a cats' system of any fur and helps with digestion.