November 2010 COMMERCE
November 2010 COMMERCE
November 2010 COMMERCE
WRECK continued from page 2... Distrust led to layoffs and salary freezes in 2008
most effective medium for every message, Trust is at the foundation of every good and 2009. The 2010 Ethics and Workplace
whether it’s a meeting, conference call, or an team and a crucial part of creating a reputa- Survey conducted by Deloitte LLP, a financial
e-mail. tion as a preferred place to work. Without consulting firm, found that respondents
It’s also important to remember that trust, the structure of a team can crumble fast. who planned to seek new job opportunities
communication goes both ways. So take Distrust often starts from something small – cited loss of trust, lack of transparency in
the time to really listen to your team. Ask a misunderstanding or a forgotten promise. communication, and unethical behavior by
for feedback and be receptive to employee But once distrust sets in, it can be a long road employers as reasons for leaving.
input. Be careful to make sure you’re not to back to a trusting environment. In order To establish trust in your workplace,
misunderstanding their interaction with you. to function effectively, your team must work act with integrity at all times because your
And recognize that occasionally you may be in an environment of trust. Employers rely actions will almost always speak louder
called upon to mediate between staff mem- on their staff everyday, so businesses need than words. When you act with integrity and
bers when miscommunication occurs. employees they can trust to operate suc- honor, you strengthen employee loyalty and
Different generations in the workplace cessfully. And, in return employees need to dependability. In order to earn trust, you also
can further complicate communication. They be able to trust the leadership they follow. have to give it. Let your staff know that you
all have different communications prefer- No one wants to work in an environment of depend on them, that you trust them. The
ences. So you may need to tailor your efforts suspicion, and employees won’t stay long at more trust you give, the more you’re likely to
to suit the specific needs of each generation. a company that lacks trust. get back.
Asking – and permitting – follow-up ques- The Fix In every interaction, be open, but, more
tions is a great way to ensure everyone’s on Trust took a hard hit in many importantly, be honest. Leaving out vital
the same page. organizations when the economic downturn See WRECK on page 7…
November 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 6 |
WRECK continued from page 6... Disrespect Let your employees know that inappropriate
Great teams are built on mutual respect. behaviors will not be tolerated at work.
information in your interactions can
But, respect can be an unintended victim Be the example you want your team to
lead to speculation. Lack of honesty and
of today’s fast-paced environment where follow by being respectful in your speech
openness forces employees to rely on
stress, tensions, and workloads are high. and in your actions. Like trust, the more
hearsay and gossip which often leads to
Disrespect often starts small. Common respect you give to others, the more likely
misunderstanding and undermines trust.
courtesy and civility sometimes disappear they are to give respect in return.
Rumors spread and secrets that can threaten
for the sake of approaching deadlines and Stress is often one of the biggest catalysts
the development of trust are whispered
the need to perform. Disrespect can create an for disrespect and rudeness in the workplace.
about at the water cooler and on coffee
atmosphere of criticism and condescension. Employees who are stressed out are more
breaks. If not stopped, they can spread like
When disrespect invades a workplace, it can likely to engage in confrontation with other
a virus, destroying year’s worth of great
also lead to expensive legal and HR issues co-workers. So, find ways to reduce stress
like bullying and harassment, and employee in your workplace. Try adding play into
Communicating honestly can sometimes
engagement suffers. Employees lose time and your team’s day. Finding ways to make
be a challenge, but it will pay off big time
motivation by worrying about incidents that work more fun will help reduce stress and
when employees know they can trust you.
occurred, resulting in lost productivity. improve employee morale and engagement.
When you are in a position that you can’t
The Fix Building a great team is important to the
share information, validate your team’s
Businesses can’t afford for disrespectful success of your company. So don’t let
concerns by letting them know you hear and
behavior to go unchecked in the workplace. miscommunication, distrust, and disrespect
understand their apprehension. Remember
If disrespectful behavior is occurring between wreck what you’ve worked hard to build. ■
that trust isn’t automatic. It has to be earned.
co-workers or managers on your team, Reprinted with permission from EXPRESS
So go to work every day with the resolve to
address the issues immediately. Don’t wait for EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONALS.
earn the loyalty and trust of your team.
things to get out of hand before you step in.
We Focus On Business
Chamber Member Spotlight:
Queen of the Valley Medical Center
Queen of the Valley Medical Center
brings the community together
The Queen of the Valley has been despite all our current medical advances. At
providing healthcare to Napans for over the Wellness Center, we believe the only way
50 years and in the past 10 a significant to become a healthier community is to move
change has occurred at the campus on from the current health system that focuses on selflessly to care for our patients…and for
Trancas Avenue. The Queen of the Valley treating diseases, toward one that promotes earning this remarkable award.”
has evolved from a traditional hospital to healthier lifestyles and wiser personal choices. The Medical Center at the core of the
a state-of-the-art medical center providing We also believe more can be done to help Queen’s services is a 191-bed, acute-care
the best in not only catastrophic and chronic those living with chronic diseases or disabili- facility founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph
care, but also in preventive well-being ties. At the Wellness Center, we are devoted to of Orange. Rated by U.S. News and World
services to the community. The organization that cause.” This integrated approach provides Report as one of America’s Best Hospitals,
has maximized their campus property with our community with a rich resource that the Queen is the largest health care facility
the addition of a Wellness Center amongst empowers us to create a healthier future for and one of the largest employers in Napa
the other new buildings at Trancas and Villa ourselves and our loved ones. In addition to County. Among the services provided are: a
Lane. The Wellness Center provides a full patients under the care of a medical plan the Regional Heart Center, a Regional Orthope-
range of rehabilitation and chronic disease fitness area of the Wellness Center is available dic Center, a Cancer Center approved with
management, prevention, health improve- to all community members for a monthly fee. commendations by the American College of
ment, medical and general fitness programs, Dignity, service, excellence and justice, Surgeons, a Women’s Center, maternity and
as well as stress management training and these are the driving tenets of the entire Queen infant care, inpatient and outpatient minimal-
nutrition counseling. of the Valley Medical Center. Living to these ly invasive surgery, occupational health, and
The Wellness Center’s mission is “to principles is the secret behind their achieve- a full-service emergency department.
continually improve the health and quality ment, announced this August, of being named More information about Queen of the
of life of the people in the communities we a “2009 Overall Best Performer” by Avatar Valley Medical Center can be found at www.
serve.” This is demonstrated by the over- International, a nationally recognized leader . To learn more about Wellness
whelming investment that the Queen has in continuous assessment and quality im- Center programs and the many personal and
made in developing and enhancing their provement in patient care services for over 25 family membership options, please contact
services. In their own words: “Our commu- years. Queen of the Valley President and CEO the Membership Director at 707-251-1395,
nity, like many others throughout the nation, Dennis Sisto attributes the repeat award to his e-mail [email protected], or visit
faces an epidemic of preventable diseases. entire organization from the physicians to the Queen of the Valley Wellness Center, 3421
The prevalence of diseases such as diabetes, volunteers. “I commend our entire team at the Villa Lane, on the campus of Queen of the
obesity and asthma is increasing rapidly, Queen for working together so effectively and Valley Medical Center. ■
November 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 7 |
Upcoming Events... maximize your networking!
November 5 November 18 November 17
First Friday MIXPO Wake Up Your
Business Development Business Wednesday:
After-Hours Mixer “Navigating the Workforce
with a Mini-Expo Preventing Sexual
Compadres Rio Grill Harrassment”
For more information call
505 Lincoln Ave, Napa Westin Verasa Napa Napa Chamber Board Room
707.226.7455 or visit our
11:30 am - 1:00 pm 1314 McKinstry St,
website and register 1556 First St., Napa
for events online at Napa 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Register at
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. RSVP: 707.253.3210