CBCS Scheme: Fluid Power Systems (Model QP)
CBCS Scheme: Fluid Power Systems (Model QP)
CBCS Scheme: Fluid Power Systems (Model QP)
CBCS Scheme
Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December2018/January2019
b Explain briefly the Meterin and Meter out circuits with neat sketches.(08 Marks)
7 a Sketch and explain the mechanism of end position cushioning. (06Marks)
b State the advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic systems.(04Marks)
c Explain the different types of seals with a neat sketch.(06 Marks)
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8 a Explain with a neat sketch the construction and operation of a typical quick exhaust valve to
increase the actuation speed of a cylinder in a pneumatic system. (08 Marks)
b Explain the working of suspended seat type valve with a neat sketch.(08 Marks)
9 a Explain direct actuation of cylinder and indirect actuation of pneumatic cylinder with neat
sketches. (08 Marks)
b Explain a typical pneumatic circuit based on AND logic function using a two-pressure valve.
(08 Marks)
10 a Explain the cascading control action for a two cylinder sequencing circuit.(08marks)
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