Final PP
Final PP
Final PP
This is the group and first task for Professional Practice (GLS 682) subject. Our group consists
of three member which is Nur Aini binti Mani, Miza Syazwina binti Rabdunieh and Wasti binti
Mohtar, all of us are from class Ap 220 7A. This task are given to us by the first week of lectures
and this task need to be completed after three weeks. This task required us to conduct an
interview session on Licensed survey company and other private sector company and we had
chosen Meridian Survey Consultant and for licensed survey company while we have chosen
S&H company for private sector company.
2.0 AIM
The purpose of this task is to identify qualification, opportunities and the differences between
candidates from different universities on this course.
Meridian Survey Consultant is a licensed survey firm established on 1995 by Tuan Haji Ab
Ghafar bin Agus and his another two partner which is Mr Low Siong Khim and Tuan Haji
Hassan bin Jusoh. They have two branches over Peninsular Malaysia that have different operated
work. The main branches in Kuala Lumpur are operated on data processing work while another
one branch in Kuantan are most operated to field survey work. This firm are particular with
Cadastral and GIS work.
During our visit, we have a chance to interview their director which is Tuan Haji Ab Ghafar bin
Agus and below is his background :
LS_NO : 0168
ADDRESS : 5th floor, lot 03 TH Selborn Tower , 153 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Federal Territory
of Kuala Lumpur.
HP NO : 03-22028588
Q1. In general, what are the qualification do you require for a candidates in your company ?
For our company, we are require candidates that had Certificate holder, diploma holder or degree
Q2. What are the estimated cumulative grade point average of candidates that your prepared ?
3.50 and above also have industrial training experience, Preferably practical with the private
sector rather than JUPEM because their only monitored the process of work. Whereas private
sector deals with people, they also have hydro, gis and photogrammetry which mean it suitable
for industrial training in our course.
Q3. What do you expect from those you chosen by looking at their cgpa ?
Q4. What is the most important part that you always look at a candidates resume ?
Like I said before, the most important part we are looking at candidates resume is their
Experience, Industrial training, and credit point.
Q5. Other than cgpa, what are the most important requirement for you to hire candidates ?
Requirement that we need when to hire an employee is based on CGPA and Industrial training.
Most important, candidates must know the job requirement.
Q1. What kind of skills that you need from a candidates for your company ?
Depends on Industrial training by looking of what scope the candidates have during their
industrial training.
Q2. As a survey company, do you need candidates that have skills other than survey ? and why ?
So far, there is no recruitment not related to the survey, except for the admin and technical.
Q3. Will you take a risk to employ someone who has no skills in survey but willing to learn ?
No. Candidates must have a basic, sometimes there are candidates who are undergraduate but
still incompetent, so why should I take a risk for someone who has no skills at all and I need to
train them more.
Q1. What are the biggest difference between candidated from UTM and UiTM ?
Honestly I never compare this two university because to me the most important is you had an
experience and I trust that this two university would produce a great fresh graduates.
Q3. What is the question that you always ask during an interview session ?
I prefer male, because I sent them most in rural area which might seems uncomfortable for
female surveyor to work on, besides their workman is all male.
Q5. What make you thing that are fresh graduate candidates can be a good employee if you
From my experienced it depends on their attitude, it is not from me. Sometimes their work with
stepping stone because they waiting for continue their further study. Consequently, their did not
finish their job and let it hanging.
Q1. As a licensed surveyor, what is your advise to those who whish to attend an interview or will
Just one thing, either the candidates from engineering discipline or survey you must know the
requirement of the job.
Q2. In your opinion, do you think that there is a lot of job opportunity on this field these day ?
Q3. Which university graduates you prefer the more to work with you ?
Honestly, this are not my first choice. I was offered land survey after finish highschool at UTM
and I have to like it.
Q5. Did you experienced to meet employer that lacks of skills in this field ? how you overcome
it ?
A. Qualification
Question : In general, what are the qualification do you require for a candidates in your
Question : What are the estimated cumulative grade point average of candidates that your
Answer : 3.50 and above but if someone that have working experiences is allowed to
have opportunity to work at here.
Question : What do you expect from those you chosen by looking at their cgpa?
Answer : I expect person that we’re chosen by looking at their CGPA will be able to
work and learn something new.
Question : What is the most important part that you always look at a candidates resume?
Answer : First of all, I want that person who want to work here at least had graduated in
Quantity Surveying and their cgpa. If they have a working experiences, it’s a
bonus for them.
Question : Other than cgpa, what are the most important requirement for you to hire
Answer : They need to know the scope and all of the flow involved from starting
until the ending of the workflow. I also lookimg at their effort and their
willingness to learn the basic sofware here. Software such as cost exe, quantity,
costing and mostly microsoft.
B. Skills
Question : What kind of skills that you need from a candidates for your company?
Answer : I want employee that have a good communication skill. Nowadays, all the
proposal of the project, tender, contract, agreement and a lot of business are
hundred percent in english. So, a good communication in english are really
helpful for a person to win some project or tender. We need a proper
documentation work to successfully perform.
Question : Will you take a risk to employ someone who has no skills in survey but willing
to learn?
Answer : No. For S&H Quantity Surveyors company, we does not provided any training
for new employees. For them, they need to do some research and learn by asking
others. This is because they not ever learn when too dependent on others. When
there is a work or task, the employee need to do and when they doesn’t know they
will ask to senior workers or others.
C. Employer Preferences/Specification
Question : What are the biggest difference between candidated from UTM, UiTM and
Answer : I never compared UiTM, UTM and Polytechnic as long they had a basic
experience about their scope of work.
Question : What is the question that you always ask during an interview session?
Answer : I prefer both, because this not like they licensed surveyor company. A quantity
surveyor is more to manage all the costs relating to building and civil engineering
project, and to advice the client on what they can afford to build.
Question : What make you think that are fresh graduate candidates can be a good
employee if you choose them to be a part of your company?
Answer : Their attitude towards work and how they do their work is important.
D. Opinion
Question : As a major in Quantity surveyor, what is your advised to those who wish to
attend an interview or working on this field?
Answer : First of all, I want to employee a person who want to work here at least had a
Quantity Surveying background. They need to know the scope of work of
quantity surveying and all of the flow involved from starting until the ending of
the workflow.
Question : Have you ever received any high in demand or tender projects or tenders?
Answer : Yes. We received many tender and project at various price. Sometimes it will
cost million ringgit and usually we take three percent from the cost of the tenders.
Question : Which university graduates you prefer the more to work with you?
Answer : Here, we have worker graduated from UTM, Polytechnic and UiTM. We don’t
really care where are you graduated from as long as you graduated in quantity
Answer : I like because I can meet and communicate with any people from different
background and can share some information and current issues about this field.
Question : Did you experienced to meet employer that lacks of skills in this field? How
you overcome it?
Answer : So far I’ve never meet them. For those that had a lack of skills, our company
did not provide any training. For me, employee that had lack of skill need to do
some research and learn by itself by asking the other.
As a conclusion, this task taught us as a student about the real life of how to face an real
interview. This task also help us on how to communicate with a potential employer, gain an
experience by conducting interviews with LS and non LS company. We found that this task
useful for students who will graduate soon. Communication skill is important especially to
student so they will learn on how to make an appointment. Self confident is also important on
how to propose the company they want to interview, on how they talk with the company so that
company found out this interview is interesting.
Besides, this usefull experience can help student to improve their self to be better in the
future. This task also taught us to be more patience when a company cancelled or reschedule the
appointment due to problem or work in their company. Lastly, the information that we have
gained from both companies have given us a resolute perspective; that we need to improve the
graduate’s quality in the future in order to meet the needs of the industry.